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After more than 130 years, we’ve learned a lot about managing college bookstores. And even more about the institutions we serve. Canada Office U.S. Office 381 Kent Street, Suite 327 1818 Swift Drive Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2A8 Oak Brook, IL 60523 613.230.6148 800.323.4506, ext. 7029
Editor Craig Kelman Art Production Tracy Toutant 19 25 Advertising Sales Linda Johnson Publications Mail Agreement #40065075 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Canadian Association of University Business Officers 320-350 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1R 1B1 email: info@caubo.ca Features VOLUME 15 • NUMBER 2 Published four times a year on behalf of the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) by Publié quatre fois par année pour Articles VOLUME 15 • NUMÉRO 2 l’Association canadienne du personnel administratif universitaire (ACPAU) par Third Floor - 2020 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0K4 Tel: 866-985-9780 Fax: 866-985-9799 www.kelman.ca info@kelman.ca 37 19 Going paperless 25 Students online instead of in line Canadian Association of University Business Officers at U of T Mississauga Association canadienne du personnel administratif universitaire 320 – 350 rue Albert Street 37 Welcome/Bienvenue Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B1 CAUBO Conference/ Tel./Tél.: (613) 563-3961 ext. 270 Fax/Téléc.: (613) 563-7739 Congrés de l’ACPAU info@caubo.ca/info@acpau.ca Charlottetown Executive Director/Directrice générale Carole Workman June 23-26, 2007 KNOWLEDGE • INNOVATION • TRANSFORMATION Editorial Board/Comité de rédaction Du 23 au 26 juin 2007 CONNAISSANCE • INNOVATION • TRANSFORMATION Chair/Président: Lawrence Durling, St. Thomas University Members/Membres: Pat Hibbitts, Simon Fraser University 6 Executive Director’s 15 Working for you Lucie Mercier-Gauthier, University of Ottawa Sharon Cochran, Departments Message • Message de la directrice générale • À votre service 28 Leadership University of Northern BC The views expressed in this publication are the responsibility Chroniques 9 People Moves • En mouvement 30 Procurement 32 Risk Management of the publisher and do not necessarily reflect the views of the officers or members of the Canadian Association 10 Meet our Volunteers of University Business Officers. • Rencontrez nos 34 Legally Speaking Les opinions exorimées dans cette publication sont la bénévoles responsabilité de l’éditeur et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles des dirigeants ou des membres de l’Association canadienne du personnel administratif universitaire. The CAUBO web site / Le site internet de l'ACPAU © 2006 Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher. www.caubo.ca www.acpau.ca © Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd., 2006. Tous droits réservés. Cette publication ne peut être reproduite, en tout ou en partie, par quelque moyen que ce soit, sans autorisation écrite préalable de l’éditeur.
Executive Director's Message Message de la directrice générale Impressive topics, speakers Sujets et conférenciers impression- Canadian Association and fun-filled activities nants, activités divertissantes – voilà of University Business Officers highlight our 2007 conference ce que réserve le congrès 2007 Association canadienne du personnel administratif universitaire A Cradle on the Wave is the theme for the Le thème du congrès ACPAU 2007 est Un berceau sur CAUBO 2007 Conference. Just as Prince les vagues. Tout comme l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard est le Board of Directors Conseil d'administration Edward Island is the ‘Cradle of « berceau de la Confédération », les uni- Sheila Brown Confederation,’ so are universi- versités sont des « berceaux » de connais- President/Présidente ties cradles of knowledge, inno- sance, d’innovation et de transformation University of Toronto vation and transformation on qui voguent sur les vagues d’une société (416) 978-2065 Fax/Téléc. 978-5572 sheila.brown@utoronto.ca the waves of a changing society. en perpétuel changement. Vous convien- You will likely agree, when you drez aisément, à la lecture du programme Nancy Walker review this year’s program, that de cette année, que la brochette de sujets et Past-President/Présidente sortante The University of Lethbridge the lineup of topics and speak- de conférenciers est vraiment impression- (403) 328-2207 Fax/Téléc. 329-2097 ers is truly impressive and well nante et concorde tout à fait avec le thème. nancy.walker@uleth.ca aligned with our theme. From Qu’il s’agisse du séminaire précongrès Gabrielle Morrison pre-conference seminars on sus- sur la durabilité de l’environnement, des Vice-President/Vice-président tainability, to plenary speakers conférenciers des plénières qui traiteront Saint Mary’s University (902) 420-5409 Fax/Téléc. 420-5566 on creative teams and urban Carole Workman des équipes créatives et de l’aménagement gabe.morrison@smu.ca development, to track sessions urbain, des séances portant sur l’analyse on benchmarking, succession planning and comparative, sur la planification de la relève ou sur André Racette Secretary-Treasurer/Secrétaire-trésorière research, participants will have the oppor- la recherche, les participants auront l’occasion de se Université de Montréal tunity to contemplate issues of global sig- pencher sur des dossiers qui ont une portée mondiale (514) 343-7153 Fax/Téléc. 343-2282 andre.racette@umontreal.ca nificance and of fundamental importance et revêtent une importance fondamentale pour les to universities and colleges. universités et les collèges. Carole Workman By their very nature, universities are De par leur nature, les universités sont sou- Executive Director/Directrice générale (613) 563-3961, ext. 268 often the first to identify and tackle the most vent les premières à cerner les enjeux sociaux, Fax/Téléc. 563-7739 difficult social, economic and environmental économiques et environnementaux les plus difficiles cworkman@caubo.ca/cworkman@acpau.ca challenges. As higher education adminis- et à s’y attaquer. À titre d’administrateurs du milieu de Gary Brewer trators, you are called upon to ensure that l’enseignement supérieur, vous êtes appelés à veiller York University the infrastructure, personnel, funding, and à ce que l’infrastructure, le personnel, le finance- (416) 736-5160 Fax/Téléc. 736-5421 brewerg@yorku.ca policy framework are in place to demonstrate ment et le cadre des politiques soient en place afin your institution’s leadership in responding de témoigner du leadership dont votre établisse- Lawrence Durling to these challenges. The annual CAUBO ment fait preuve pour relever ces défis. Le congrès St. Thomas University (506) 452-0533 Fax/Téléc. 452-0546 conference is dedicated to providing you annuel de l’ACPAU a comme but premier de vous ldurling@stu.ca with the opportunity to gain insight into the donner l’occasion de mieux comprendre les nombreux many issues and challenges facing higher enjeux et défis auxquels l’enseignement supérieur est Louis Gendreau Université du Québec education, to consider leadership and man- confronté, d’étudier des exemples de leadership et (418) 657-4315 Fax/Téléc. 657-2132 agement responses, and to network with a d’interventions de la direction, ainsi que de réseauter louis_gendreau@uqss.uquebec.ca broad representation of higher education avec un vaste éventail d’administrateurs provenant Patricia Hibbitts administrators from across the country. d’un peu partout au pays. Simon Fraser University We encourage administrators from every Nous encourageons les administrateurs de tout (604) 291-3381 Fax/Téléc. 291-4009 pat_hibbitts@sfu.ca facet of the university or college (i.e., admin- secteur d’une université ou d’un collège (p. ex., admin- istration, student services, teaching and istration, services aux étudiants, enseignement et Bryan Mason learning, and research) to attend, as well as apprentissage, recherche) à participer au congrès, Dalhousie University (902) 494-3862 Fax/Télec. 494-2022 experienced, new or aspiring managers. No tant les directeurs chevronnés que les nouveaux arri- bryan.mason@dal.ca other conference will provide you with as vants et les aspirants directeurs. Aucun autre con- Michael W. McAdam broad an understanding of the environment grès ne vous donnera une perspective aussi large de University of Calgary in which we work. l’environnement dans lequel nous travaillons. (403) 220-7231 Fax/Téléc. 289-6800 Of course, the conference is not all work! Bien sûr, on ne fait pas que travailler au congrès! mcadam@ucalgary.ca The CAUBO conference is hosted in a differ- Le congrès ACPAU a lieu chaque année dans une Lucie Mercier-Gauthier ent venue every year to enable participants nouvelle ville afin de permettre aux participants de University of Ottawa to experience the richness of Canada’s diver- découvrir la richesse et la diversité de notre pays (613) 562-5740 Fax/Téléc. 562-5107 luciemg@uottawa.ca sity climate, industry and society. The pro- du point de vue du climat, des industries et de la gram includes numerous opportunities to société. Le programme prévoit de nombreuses occa- André Racette Université de Montréal experience local flavour and culture. Come sions d’apprécier les couleurs et la culture de la région. (514) 343-7153 Fax/Téléc. 343-2282 and enjoy PEI’s beautiful beaches, great golf, Venez à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, pays de magnifiques andre.racette@umontreal.ca and wonderful seafood… and, of course, plages de sable, de terrains de golf fascinants et, bien Morty Yalovsky Ann of Green Gables! sûr, d’Anne aux pignons verts! McGill University (514) 398-6037 Fax/Téléc. 398-5902 morty.yalovsky@mcgill.ca
People Moves En mouvement New CAUBO Corporate Member/ Retirements People Moves Nouveaux membre corporatifs de l’ACPAU Effective January 1, 2007, Eric Harbot- In future issues of University Manager we will be Investor Economics, Toronto ON – Earl tle, Vice-President, Administration and announcing changes in the administrative positions of CAUBO members. Bederman Finance retired from the University of Windsor. Good luck and enjoy your well Please send information regarding appointments, retirements, etc. to the CAUBO office. deserved retirement. New appointments/Nominations En mouvement Chantal Beauvais, Vice-Rectrice à l’admi- Effective December 31, 2006, Bryan Nous annoncerons dans les prochains numéros de nistration, Université Saint-Paul Gestion Universitaire les changements aux fonc- Mason, Vice-President, Administration tions administratives des membres de l’ACPAU. and Finance retired from Dalhousie Uni- Robert Bourgeois, Vice-Presi- Veuillez faire parvenir toute information sur versity. Good luck and enjoy your well les nominations, les retraites, etc. dent, Administration, of Lauren- deserved retirement. au bureau de l’ACPAU. tian University As Vice-President, Administra- tion, Mr. Bourgeois oversees all adminis- trative aspects of the university, including responsibility for four major portfolios: finances, human resources, physical plant and space planning, and computer ser- vices. Ken Burt, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, Dalhousie University Ken Burt, has been appointed Vice-President Finance and Administration at Dalhousie University as of January 1, 2007. Ken comes to Dalhousie from Okanagan University College (OUC) where he was Vice-President, Finance and Administration. Stephen Willetts, Vice- President, Administration and Finance, University of Wind- sor Stephen Willetts comes to the University of Windsor with a wealth of over 20 years senior management expe- rience. Stephen successfully made the move into the Canadian university sector as Vice-President Finance and Admin- istration at the University of Winnipeg, following several years working for the Province of Manitoba, including the pro- vincial Health Department. Stephen and his family emigrated to Canada in 1997 and prior to emigrating he had worked as a management consultant focusing on the health sector and had held several senior positions within the UK National Health Service. He holds an accounting designation. UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007
Meet our Volunteers M M ary Ann Mork first became involved ary Ann Mork s’est d’abord intéressée à with CAUBO when she attended the l’ACPAU lorsqu’elle a assisté au séminaire Internal Auditor Pre-Conference Ses- précongrès sur la vérification interne qui a sion held in Quebec in 2001. The following eu lieu à Québec en 2001. L’année suivante, le tout year, the newly-formed CAUBO Internal Audit nouveau Comité de vérification interne de l’ACPAU Committee was looking for regional represen- cherchait des représentants régionaux. « Mon vice- tation. “My Vice-President, Mike McAdam, recteur, Mike McAdam, m’a encouragée à devenir la encouraged me to become the western regional représentante régionale de l’Ouest afin de soutenir representative in order to support CAUBO and l’ACPAU et d’en apprendre davantage au sujet de learn more about the culture of universities,” recalls Mary Ann, Director of Audit Services Mary Ann la culture des universités », se rappelle Mary Ann, directrice des services de vérification de l’Université at the University of Manitoba. “Also, because I was involved with the Winnipeg Chapter of Mork du Manitoba. « Aussi, parce que j’étais active auprès de la section de Winnipeg de l’Institut des véri- the Institute of Internal Auditors, I could bring ficateurs internes, je pouvais apporter au Comité my knowledge of emerging issues in internal ma connaissance des enjeux nouveaux touchant la auditing to the committee.” vérification interne. » At the University of Manitoba, Mary Ann “I brought À l’Université du Manitoba, Mary Ann dirige leads and directs an audit team that provides une équipe de vérification qui donne au conseil the Board of Governors and university admin- audit expertise d’administration et à l’administration universitaire istration with objective assurance that con- rather than une assurance objective en ce qui concerne les con- trols are adequate and are functioning as they trôles, du fait qu’ils sont adéquats et qu’ils remplis- should. Before coming to the university, she administration sent leur fonction. Avant son arrivée à l’Université, was an Audit Principal with the Office of the expertise to elle a été directrice principale responsable de la véri- Auditor General of Manitoba for more than fication au Bureau du vérificateur général du Mani- 15 years. “I brought audit expertise rather the position, toba pendant plus de 15 ans. « À mon nouveau poste, than university administration expertise to and I have j’ai apporté mon expertise en vérification plutôt que the position,” notes Mary Ann. “And I have dans le domaine de l’administration universitaire », been learning been learning about university administration fait observer Mary Ann. « Et depuis ce temps, j’en — which I find fascinating — ever since.” about university apprends sans cesse au sujet de l’administration In June 2005, when the CAUBO Internal administration universitaire, domaine que je trouve fascinant. » Audit Standing Committee needed a new En juin 2005, lorsque le Comité permanent de chair, Mary Ann was invited to assume the ever since.” vérification interne de l’ACPAU cherchait un nou- role. In this capacity, she has led the committee veau président, c’est Mary Ann qui a été invitée à in the development of a Strategic Plan outlin- jouer ce rôle. À ce titre, elle a dirigé le Comité tout au ing five short-term and three long-term goals. long de l’élaboration d’un plan stratégique décrivant “I am very lucky to have other great volunteers cinq objectifs à court terme et trois objectifs à long on my committee including Mark Britt, Gracy terme. « Je suis très chanceuse de pouvoir compter Pardillo, Ted Doane and Margaret Sterns,” sur d’autres formidables bénévoles qui sont mem- says Mary Ann. “I also appreciate the ongoing « À mon nouveau bres de mon comité, notamment Mark Britt, Gracy support from University of Manitoba senior poste, j’ai apporté Pardillo, Ted Doane et Margaret Sterns », affirme administration, which allows me to continue Mary Ann. « J’apprécie également l’appui continu in this volunteer position.” Each year, the mon expertise que je reçois de la haute direction de l’Université committee works together to prepare CAUBO en vérification du Manitoba, qui me permet de continuer d’occuper pre-conference and conference sessions and to ce poste de bénévole. » Chaque année, le Comité build a strategic alliance with the Association plutôt que dans travaille collectivement à préparer les séances du of College and University Auditors (ACUA), le domaine de séminaire précongrès et du congrès de l’ACPAU while raising awareness of emerging issues proprement dit ainsi qu’à tisser une alliance straté- that affect our institutions. l’administration gique avec l’Association of College and University In past volunteer work, Mary Ann has universitaire, Et Auditors (ACUA), tout en faisant connaître les préoc- served as Chair and Past Chair of the Winnipeg cupations qui touchent nos établissements. Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors depuis ce temps, Parmi ses activités de bénévolat passées, Mary and as a member of the Education Commit- j’en apprends sans Ann a agi comme présidente et présidente sor- tee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants tante de la section de Winnipeg de l’Institut des cesse au sujet de of Manitoba. She has also taught audit and vérificateurs internes et membre du Comité de la control for five years in Extended Education l’administration formation de l’Institute of Chartered Accountants at the University of Manitoba. universitaire. » of Manitoba. Elle a également enseigné pendant cinq ans dans le domaine de la vérification et du contrôle à l’Université du Manitoba, du côté de la formation continue. 10 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007
Recontrez nos bénévoles A À t the University of Toronto (U of T), Pierre l’Université de Toronto, Pierre Piché passé Piché spends his spare time increasing ses temps libres à accroître ses connais- his knowledge both of his specific area sances tant dans son domaine de travail and of the university sector as a whole. At the que dans le domaine universitaire de manière provincial level, he volunteers as a member générale. Au provincial, il est membre bénévole of the Financial Reporting Committee of the du Comité sur les rapports financiers du Conseil Council of Finance Officers – Universities of des chefs des finances rattaché au Conseil des Ontario. universités de l’Ontario. Since 2003, Pierre has also been pursuing Depuis 2003, Pierre poursuit une maîtrise en a Masters of Education in Higher Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Educa- Pierre éducation avec spécialisation en pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur auprès de l’Institut tion. “It has really helped me round out my knowledge of higher education,” says U of T’s Piché d’études pédagogiques de l’Ontario. « Cela m’a vraiment aidé à enrichir mes connaissances sur Controller and Director of Financial Services. l’enseignement supérieur », explique le contrôleur “It has opened my eyes to more of the issues et directeur des services financiers de l’Université that affect universities. It also helps me deal de Toronto. « Cela m’a ouvert les yeux sur un with the academic community, as I have a better plus grand nombre d’enjeux qui touchent les understanding of where they come from.” universités. Cela m’a aussi aidé à interagir avec Pierre has not always worked in a university les gens de la communauté universitaire, parce setting. He first became involved with the U of T que je comprends mieux leur milieu. » in the 1990s when he was an external audit man- Pierre n’a pas toujours travaillé dans une uni- ager with Ernst & Young. A secondment in 1995 “Besides being versité. Il a eu ses premiers liens avec l’Université allowed him to assume the role of accounting de Toronto dans les années 1990, quand il était manager at the institution. He was eventually a great personal vérificateur externe chez Ernst & Young. Une promoted to Assistant Controller and Associate experience, it is a entente de détachement, en 1995, lui a permis Director, then to his current position. d’agir comme directeur de la comptabilité dans Today, as Controller and Director of Finan- wonderful way to la même université. Plus tard, il a été promu cial Services, his main responsibilities include affect change.” contrôleur adjoint et directeur associé, puis est preparing financial reports; providing financial parvenu à son poste actuel. advice and training to the university commu- Aujourd’hui, en sa qualité de contrôleur et nity; negotiating short- and long-term capital directeur des services financiers, ses principales financing; and developing policies and proce- responsabilités englobent la préparation des rap- dures for the effective financial management ports financiers, l’offre de conseils et de formation of the university. Among his most interesting sur les finances à la communauté universitaire, work, he sites the first bond issued by any la négociation du financement à court et à long Canadian university, a project he worked on terme des immobilisations, ainsi que l’élaboration with Chief Financial Officer, Sheila Brown. de politiques et de procédures relatives à la ges- Since 1999, Pierre has also been a volunteer tion efficace des finances de l’Université. Parmi with CAUBO. As a member of the Financial « En plus d’être ses réalisations les plus intéressantes, il cite la Reporting Committee, he has taken on a number première émission d’obligations d’une université of leadership roles in organizing several of une formidable canadienne, projet auquel il a travaillé avec la chef the financial sessions held during the annual expérience des finances, Sheila Brown. conference. He was also a member of the task Depuis 1999, Pierre est également bénévole personnelle, auprès de l’ACPAU. Membre du Comité sur les force reviewing CAUBO’s financial reporting and helped organize CAUBO’s first webinar on c’est un excellent rapports financiers, il a joué un rôle de leader dans financial instruments and hedges. l’organisation de plusieurs séances sur les finances moyen de Says Pierre: “I would like to encourage the dans le cadre du congrès annuel. Il a également été university community to stay in the loop and contribuer à membre du groupe de travail spécial responsable volunteer with CAUBO. Besides being a great faire changer les de la révision des rapports financiers de l’ACPAU personal experience, it is a wonderful way to et a aidé à l’organisation du premier webinaire affect change.” choses. » de l’ACPAU sur les instruments financiers et la comptabilité de couverture. Pierre témoigne : « J’aimerais encourager les gens de la communauté universitaire à rester au fait de ce qui se passe dans leur domaine et à faire du bénévolat auprès de l’ACPAU. En plus d’être une formidable expérience personnelle, c’est un excellent moyen de contribuer à faire changer les choses. » UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007 11
Working for you – À votre service Human Resources Committee Re-development of the The National Human Resources Committee, chaired by Louise Investment and Treasury Survey Pagé-Valin, met in Ottawa in January 2007. The committee explored The Investment and Treasury Committee launched its new survey a number of areas of national interest. At the highest level is the instrument. It is expected that a new and expanded report will be need for a repository of information and access to important links available in time for the 2007 Conference. Feedback from members and research on human resources management in higher education. who use the instrument would be much appreciated. The surveys are As well, the committee considered the challenges they face in the to be completed and returned no later than March 31, 2007. recruitment of certain professional staff and the need for sharing information such as salary scales and job descriptions. This is Remaniement de l’enquête increasingly important given the demographics and the tightening sur les fonds de placement et of markets for certain professional staff and trades. The need for de l’enquête sur les caisses de retraite benchmarking human resources operations, and university-wide Le Comité de trésorerie et de placement a lancé son nouvel outil issues such as employee wellness or satisfaction was also explored. d’enquête. Nous nous attendons à ce que de nouveaux rapports plus Since the data is unlikely to be widely available, any benchmarking poussés soient prêts à temps pour le congrès 2007. Tout commentaire exercise would need to be gradual in order to allow universities de la part des membres qui utilisent cet outil serait grandement to build the information bases required to respond. Each of the apprécié. Les questionnaires de l’enquête doivent être remplis et issues will be considered over the next few months and at the retournés au plus tard le 31 mars 2007. pre-conference. Comité des ressources humaines National Facilities Management Committee The National Facilities Management Committee met in Ottawa in Le Comité national des ressources humaines, présidé par Louise early February. The committee had the opportunity to review the Pagé-Valin, s’est réuni à Ottawa en janvier 2007. Le comité a Core Facilities Data Survey results before finalization by APPA. Despite exploré un certain nombre de sujets d’intérêt national. En tête de the fact that the APPA survey was moved up by three months to liste, on trouve la nécessité de disposer d’un entrepôt de données et September, 35 Canadian universities completed the survey this year. d’accéder à d’importants liens et recherches portant sur la gestion The committee spent time reviewing the data elements which are des ressources humaines dans le secteur de l’enseignement supéri- particularly problematic for Canadian universities. In addition to eur. De même, le Comité s’est penché sur les difficultés entourant le sending out clarifications well ahead of the next survey, the committee recrutement pour certains postes de professionnels et le besoin de is exploring the possibility of offering a Canadian version of the APPA mettre en commun de l’information comme les échelles salariales web-based seminar. A session on the results of the 2006 survey, data et les descriptions de postes. Cette préoccupation est particulière- clarification and data uses is scheduled for the Facilities Management ment importante compte tenu des tendances démographiques pre-conference seminar on June 22 in PEI. et du resserrement des marchés sur lesquels on recrute certains The methodology for identifying and costing deferred mainte- professionnels et ouvriers spécialisés. Le besoin de procéder à nance and replacement values remains a major challenge for universi- une analyse comparative des activités des ressources humaines et ties. That notwithstanding, a 2006 Deferred Maintenance Report will be des difficultés qui touchent un établissement dans son ensemble, prepared and published in the next few months. Regional or provincial comme le bien-être ou la satisfaction des employés, a également differences in methodology will be highlighted in the report. été exploré. Étant donné qu’il est peu probable que les données soient largement accessibles, tout exercice de comparaison devra se faire graduellement afin de permettre aux universités de créer Comité national de gestion des installations les bases de données nécessaires à une telle démarche. Chacun des Le Comité national de gestion des installations s’est réuni à Ottawa au sujets présentés sera étudié au cours des prochains mois ainsi qu’à début de février. Le Comité a eu l’occasion de revoir les résultats de l’occasion du séminaire précongrès. l’enquête sur les données de base relatives aux installations (Core Facili- UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007 15
ties Data Survey) avant qu’ils ne soient finalisés par l’APPA. Malgré le employees of member institutions have access to the Tax Guide fait que l’enquête de l’APPA ait été devancée de trois mois, 35 univer- at www.caubo.knotia.ca. Discussions are underway with Ernst & sités canadiennes y ont répondu cette année. Le Comité s’est attardé Young (E&Y) and Tracy McHardy at the University of Saskatch- à étudier les éléments de données qui posent plus de difficultés aux ewan to develop a basic University GST Guide, which will comple- universités canadiennes. En plus d’envoyer des explications sur le ment E&Y’s GST guide on the CAUBO-KNOTIA web site. questionnaire de l’enquête longtemps à l’avance, le Comité explore la possibilité d’offrir une version canadienne du webinaire de l’APPA. Comité sur les taxes et impôts Au cours du séminaire précongrès sur la gestion des installations, Le Comité sur les taxes et impôts a tenu une réunion en février. qui aura lieu le 22 juin à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, on présentera les Le chapitre sur le statut des employés a été publié sur le site Web résultats de l’enquête 2006, on donnera des précisions sur les don- de l’ACPAU-KNOTIA en décembre et le chapitre sur les questions nées ainsi que l’usage qu’on peut en faire. liées aux étudiants y sera versé à la fin de mars. Le reste du Guide La méthodologie utilisée pour déterminer et chiffrer l’entretien de l’impôt sur le revenu sera terminé d’ici le congrès de juin. Les différé ainsi que les valeurs de remplacement continuent de poser premiers chapitres ont reçu un accueil extraordinaire auprès des de réels défis aux universités. Néanmoins, un rapport 2006 sur membres et d’autres intervenants. Tous les employés des établisse- l’entretien différé sera préparé et publié au cours des prochains mois. ments membres ont accès au Guide et au site www.acpau.knotia. Les différences régionales ou provinciales liées à la méthodologie ca. Des discussions sont en cours entre Ernst & Young (E&Y) et seront mises en lumière dans ce rapport. Tracy McHardy, de l’Université de la Saskatchewan, en vue de la rédaction d’un guide de base sur la TPS pour les universités, National Procurement Committee qui complèterait le guide de la TPS d’E&Y et serait versé sur le The National Procurement Committee met in Ottawa in mid- site Web de l’ACPAU-KNOTIA. February. Its highest priority remains issues relative to imports and exports. The Chair of the Task Force on Customs reported on Financial Reporting Committee progress to date and the need for resources to pursue the devel- Financial Reporting Committee members Pierre Piché and Carter opment of a Customs Guide for universities. The Guide could be Scott were instrumental in bringing to CAUBO members the developed along similar parameters to those used for the CAUBO highly successful webcast presentation on applying the new CICA Tax Guide, which is considered highly successful. The plan will be rules relative to financial instruments, in partnership with Valerie developed further and discussed with the CAUBO Board. Gillis, KPMG. More than 200 people from 58 universities and 18 In the meantime, Livingston has allowed CAUBO to modify community colleges listened to the presentation. The webinar was and circulate its template for the development of compliance man- a resounding success according to satisfaction surveys completed uals. A workshop on developing a university compliance manual by the participants. for imports and exports will be given at the National Procurement Committee’s pre-conference session on June 22 in PEI. Comité sur les rapports financiers Pierre Piché et Carter Scott, tous deux membres du Comité sur les Comité national des approvisionnements rapports financiers, ont joué un rôle important dans l’organisation Le comité national des approvisionnements s’est réuni à Ottawa de la présentation Web à l’intention des membres de l’ACPAU à la mi-février. Sa priorité demeure la question des importations sur l’application des nouvelles règles de l’ICCA relatives aux et des exportations. Le groupe de travail spécial sur les douanes instruments financiers, en partenariat avec Valerie Gillis, de a présenté un compte rendu de l’avancement de ses travaux et KPMG. Plus de 200 personnes de 58 universités et 18 collèges indiqué qu’il faudrait trouver des ressources pour continuer la communautaires ont écouté cette présentation. Selon les sond- préparation d’un guide de réglementation douanière à l’intention ages de satisfaction remplis par les participants, le webinaire a des universités. Ce guide pourrait être rédigé selon des paramètres connu un vif succès. semblables à ceux qui ont servi à la préparation du Guide de l’impôt sur le revenu de l’ACPAU, qui est très apprécié. Le plan d’un tel guide Pandemic Planning Workshop sera élaboré davantage et fera l’objet de discussions avec le conseil CAUBO is hosting a pandemic planning workshop in Toronto d’administration de l’ACPAU. on March 22 and 23, 2007. Pandemic planning is a priority at all Entre-temps, Livingston a permis à l’ACPAU de modifier et de levels in many universities. Universities have expressed a desire distribuer son modèle de base servant à la rédaction de manuels de to benchmark their plans against those of other universities as a respect de la réglementation. Un atelier sur la préparation d’un guide means of identifying potential gaps. A very broad multi-functional de réglementation douanière à l’intention des universités ciblant les representation from universities is expected at the workshop. importations et les exportations sera donné par le comité national des approvisionnements dans le cadre de son séminaire précongrès, le 22 juin, à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Atelier sur la planification en cas de pandémie Taxes Committee L’ACPAU organise un atelier sur la planification en cas de pandé- mie, qui aura lieu à Toronto les 22 et 23 mars 2007. La planification The Taxes Committee met in February. The chapter on employee en cas de pandémie figure parmi les priorités de plusieurs secteurs status was published on the CAUBO-KNOTIA web site in Decem- au sein de nombreuses universités. Les universités ont exprimé le ber and the chapter on student-related issues will be published souhait de comparer leur plan à celui d’autres universités dans le at the end of March. The balance of the Income Tax Guide will be but de déceler d’éventuelles lacunes. Nous attendons à cet atelier completed in time for the June Conference. The initial chapters des représentants issus de multiples secteurs des universités. have received tremendous response from members and others. All 16 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007
Highlights of University Manager reader survey The following are the highlights of utilizing the top two excellence indicators. 4. Sustainable development 94% the University Manager reader survey 7) Combining the responses of somewhat 5. Information technology 94% conducted through a sample group interested, interested and very interested, 6. Management of research 93% mailing as well as with delegates at the the interest rankings for University 7. Ancillary services 93% 2006 CAUBO national conference. Manager’s regular content are as follows: 8. Developing human resources 92% 1) Almost 80% of those responding 1. Leadership column 96% 9. Treasury 82% indicate that they either keep 2. Risk Management column 93% 10. Internal audit 80% University Manager for future reference 3. Human Resources column 92% 11. Procurement 78% or share it with others in their office or 4. Legal column 89% 9) Here are some of the respondents’ department. 5. News from National Office 88% general comments relative to future 2) While 25% of respondents indicated 6. Quality and Productivity Awards 86% University Manager content: that both a print and electronic version 7. People Moves 85% 1. Since this is a very diverse group, I of University Manager are useful to 8. Investment Survey results 84% suggest theming issues by topic area them, 70% indicated that they prefer 9. Executive Director’s Message 84% and adding depth to the content. the printed version of the magazine. 10. Highlights of Universities and Colleges 2. A greater focus on departments/ 3) 88% of respondents indicated that they Financial Information Report 79% faculties within universities read 50% or more of every issue. 11. Meet our Volunteers 77% would help broaden and enhance 4) 83% of respondents view University 12. Publication Reviews 77% CAUBO’s membership base. Manager as an important source of 13. Procurement column 70% 3. Risk management – pandemic professional information. 8) Combining the responses of somewhat planning, disaster planning, internal 5) In evaluating University Manager’s interested, interested and very interested, audit relative to risk assessment. content, 89% of respondents rated the the interest rankings for future University 4. More articles for administrators ‘readability’ as just right, while 93% Manager content considerations are as within faculties/schools. rated the ‘length of articles’ as just right. follows: 5. Budgeting tools. 6) Every element of University Manager’s 1. Financial management 97% 6. Legislation differences across pro- graphic presentation, from covers and 2. Business partnerships 96% vincial boards, i.e., insurance, photos to typestyles and design, received 3. Administrators in faculties and Workers’ Compensation Board, etc. between 75% and 85% approval ratings research institutes 95% 7. Business continuity plans. Votre YOUR point TAKE de vue As a valued reader of University En votre qualité de lecteur de la revue Manager magazine, we invite you to Gestion universitaire, nous vous invitons à participate in its content by sharing contribuer à son contenu en partageant vos your ideas, experiences, comments idées, vos expériences, vos commentaires and opinions with your peers. et vos opinions avec vos pairs. • What challenges are you facing in • Quelles difficultés observez-vous dans votre milieu de travail? your workplace? • Quelle est votre opinion sur la direction que prend • What is your opinion of the direction Canada’s higher l’enseignement supérieur au Canada? education is taking? • Quels sont, d’après vous, les plus grands défis que doivent • What do you think are the biggest challenges facing affronter les universités et les collèges? universities and colleges? • Avez-vous des commentaires au sujet du contenu de ce • Do you have any comments or feedback regarding numéro de Gestion universitaire? content in this issue of University Manager? Veuillez envoyer vos commentaires à VOTRE POINT DE VUE Please email your comments along with your name, title a/s cworkman@acpau.ca; prière d’indiquer votre nom, votre and institution to YOUR TAKE c/o cworkman@caubo.ca titre et votre établissement. cworkman@caubo.ca cworkman@acpau.ca UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007 17
Going ith the advent of computers in the workplace, the future looked bright for the paperless office. Instead, the use of paper increased drastically, costs rose, workloads increased and the need for storage space seemed to grow without end. At the Uni- versity of British Columbia (UBC) supply management department, the data file system alone weighed 7,000 pounds. Even worse, the storage system occupied 2,000 square feet of prime office real estate. Thus, by finding a way to eliminate paper, UBC supply management hoped to decrease staff density and reclaim valuable space. They were not alone. At Ryerson University’s financial services divi- sion, a severe space crunch was also at the source of renewed interest in finding imag- ing solutions to a growing paper storage problem. Meanwhile, at l’Université de Montreal (U de M), the escalating cost of printing and distributing reports from the human resources, finance and registrar departments was also prompting the search for a paperless solution. The fact that the university also implemented a large project to digitize documents in student files at the Office of the Registrar further attests to the U de M’s confidence in this technological solution. While reducing paper and reclaiming storage space was at the heart of their efforts, all univer- sities interviewed for this article indi- cated they also wanted the change in process to streamline business pro- cesses, improve customer service and increase productivity. In this regard, none was more adamant than the University of Toronto (U of T) Missis- sauga which perceived its project as criti- cal to improving services for students and the environment for its employees UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007 19
in the Office of the Registrar (OR). At the mentation took less than four months. Pro- Oracle, a staff member sees the image, same time, the OR at U of T Mississauga duced in PDF format, the 50 reports were which is then automatically attached to saw the move to electronic documents as initially stored on a client server accessible the transaction record. The images pro- consistent with the campus Grow Smart, via a client application (Fat Client Win- ceed electronically through the regular Grow Green philosophy by creating an envi- dows), but are now accessible through a workflows more quickly and efficiently ronmentally-aware and principled office web portal (Client Web) which is easier than did their paper counterparts via the where paper use is minimal. to deploy. Once stored, the reports can be manual process. The system also provides Over the course of five months, per- queried enabling a decentralized consulta- imaged journal backup documentation as manent and casual staff in the OR used tion. Meanwhile, in finance, PIREL enabled electronic attachments to journal transac- a RICOH scanner to enter thousands of the replacement of micro-fiche storage with tions. And because of its fax capabilities, pieces of paper representing current and electronic imaging, again making for easier purchasing and receivables can automati- past students into an eCabinet software consultation of documents. cally send electronically-stored purchas- “While reducing paper and reclaiming storage space was at the heart of their efforts, all universities interviewed indicated they also wanted the change in process to streamline business processes, improve customer service and increase productivity.” solution that integrated with their new Stu- The results have also been very posi- ing and invoicing documents and their dent Activity Tracking System (SATS). Staff tive for Ryerson’s financial services divi- attachments to suppliers. now scan to eCabinet daily and there is no sion, which spent a year in 2004 scanning At UBC, on the other hand, the imag- paper storage system in the office. “In 2003, documents and getting their system up ing solution was developed specifically we predicted that, if we had remained and running. The goal was as much about for supply management. The university paper intensive, we would now require automating workflow as about electroni- adopted a Laserfiche electronic records 20 filing cabinets occupying 1.5 nasm [net cally storing financial documents, purchase solution in order to eliminate its on-site assignable square metres] each, or 30 nasm orders, contracts, invoices and journals. By storage of documents associated with pro- by 2006-07,” says Diane Crocker, Registrar using an Oracle-based document manage- curement services and to gradually elimi- and Director of Enrolment Management. ment system with fax and e-mail capa- nate its need for off-site storage. While “We have created three workstations of 10 bilities, it was possible to automate busi- reclaiming space was important, improv- nasms each with this space that is occupied ness processes with imaging, computer ing customer service and increasing pro- by our IT programmers.” to computer workflows, and electronic ductivity were the main objectives of the But, even more important to the OR approvals. The new system eliminates the four-month project. was the ability for staff members to call up need for keeping original paper docu- UBC supply management used IKON and view any document on the computer ments and creating copies. At the same technology to scan existing and incoming at their work station rather than walking time, it provides secure and easy access to documents into Laserfiche as tif images. over to a filing cabinet and sifting through original documentation images that are A classification scheme was designed to files. The electronic document manage- linked to transactional data. “Formerly, sort five types of documents: request for ment system allows for storing, sorting and users could only see the input screen,” says proposals, request for bids, request for ten- managing all student-related documents, Peter Gee, Assistant Director of Financial ders, request for quotations, and request for while SATS manages and processes all Services at Ryerson. “We could not see information. A standardized coversheet was requests and generates statistical reports. what the invoice sent to the vendor actu- then created for attaching to each document The ability to view an electronic docu- ally looked like. Now, a rendered version type. Buyers summarize their work on this ment on individual computers was a huge of an accounts receivable invoice or pur- one-page document so that Laserfiche can process improvement at the U de M as chase order is available for viewing.” capture it. A recent upgrade has now made well. Today, recipients no longer have to The imaging and document manage- it possible for any Microsoft document to be wait on the circulation of a paper report to ment system is very tightly integrated sent straight to Laserfiche. At the touch of reach them. Besides eliminating the delay into the university’s financial ERP system a button, staff can associate the document in report availability, the U de M ended and Oracle E-Business Suite (accounts with a previously-scanned contract. Supply the loss of documents, increased access to payable, internet expenses, accounts management also scans all purchase orders reports and redeployed staff members who receivable, general ledger and purchas- complete with back-up documentation. were involved in document distribution ing). In accounts payable, staff now The system captures five different fields (printing, photocopying, mailing, etc.). work with electronic images of invoices, — including PO number, department and U de M turned to Pirel’s PIREL EFS expense statements and other payment requester — that make searching, sorting Server for an electronic document storage documents which are scanned into the and summarizing much easier. and management solution. Initial imple- system. When entering a transaction into Along with fulfilling the established 20 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007
goals of the project, implementation of Trouvé, Adjointe à la directrice the system, followed by ongoing access to Laserfiche has resulted in some value- Division expertise comptable et formation. technical support via telephone. added benefits. Error-free electronic label- “For example, researchers can have access The U de M also faced challenges ling has reduced misfiling. Overall time to their reports without being regular users specific to implementing its particular savings due to easier access have resulted of the finance system. Finance reports are system. While reports from the registrar in some redeployment of staff. At the same now decentralized among the administra- and human resources are generally only time, photocopying and paper distribution tive units, as well as being centralized at circulated within those departments, it costs have decreased. Security has also the Department of Finance.” was important to expand access to reports been enhanced, since the system allows Of course, while there are many ben- generated by finance. But, the initial ver- users to more easily control access both efits to the new document imaging and sion of Pirel adopted by the university to documents and to annotations made in management systems at each of the uni- was difficult to deploy on individual user specific areas of the document. versities, implementation inevitably comes workstations because it was based on a Increased security of the data itself and with certain challenges. A common chal- client-server system. The switch to a web- of access to data was cited as an additional lenge identified by all four institutions based service resolved this issue. benefit by all four universities. “These sys- was change management and training. At One issue which the U de M was able tems are backed up as part of the regular UBC, for instance, purchasing staff was to avoid was the need for its system to back-up and disaster recovery routine,” initially reluctant to transition to electronic adhere to any Canadian standards of elec- says Gee at Ryerson. “But, the greatest files. In fact, the shift from printing and tronic reports management. This was not benefit has been improved access to infor- photocopying can be a significant cultural a concern because the reports are internal mation. We are able to track the exact status change for everyone. At the U of T Mis- in nature and are only circulated to users of every outstanding item entered into sissauga, Crocker points out that it was within the university. As such, they are not the system.” Productivity gains at Ryer- important to have staff buy-in, not only even required to meet the standards of the son have been estimated over $200,000 inside the OR, but also within the academic university’s own archival system. per year, with a return on investment of departments. The U de M recommends a At the U of T Mississauga, the OR no approximately 2.5 years. Gee points to gradual deployment so that users have the longer keeps any paper records. Docu- other value-added benefits of automa- time to engage in training and to buy into ments are either generated and managed tion, such as being able electronically or scanned to monitor the level of and returned to stu- outstanding work and dents. “All Canadian processing documents standards for document and approvals from storage and management anywhere in the world were considered when thanks to the web- we selected eCabinet,” enabled system. says Crocker. “Our UT Expanding access archival division indi- was certainly some- cated that eCabinet was thing that the U de M in compliance.” How- found to be a value- ever, it is important to added benefit of its note that the documents s y s t e m . Wi t h t h e managed by eCabinet introduction of the are not considered per- latest version, PIREL manent records. At the IV, access could be U of T, the Repository extended to more than of Student Information 1,200 people in charge (ROSI) stores the offi- of accounts, most of cial student record. whom are research- The disposition ers and professors of records related to who could view electronic imaging has their account state- become a significant ments online (more issue for many uni- than 5,800 active versities which have accounts). “The adopted electronic system allows imaging and man- access to a larger agement of docu- clientele, since ments in their learning a new business pro- technology is cesses. “With not neces- regard to our sary,” notes desire to keep Danielle the images Savard- and destroy UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Spring 2007 21
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