Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog

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Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog

                 English edition

best of
Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog
Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog
Collection Directors and authors: Dominique AUZIAS
Publishing manager: Tristan CUCHE
Authors: Louise BRAITI, Nathalie SANSELME,
                                                                          TO Montpellier!
Marc BASTIDE, Anne- Charlotte ERIAU,
Jean- Paul LABOURDETTE, Dominique AUZIAS and alter
Publishing director: Stéphan SZEREMETA
Publishing team (World): Caroline MICHELOT,
Morgane VESLIN, Pierre-Yves SOUCHET, Jimmy POSTOLLEC,
Publishing team (France): Elisabeth COL, Tony DE SOUSA,
                                                                 Today 8th city of France, Montpellier continues
Studio Manager: Sophie LECHERTIER                                its vertiginous development. Although younger
assisted by Romain AUDREN                                        than the neighbouring cities as far as History is
Layout: Julie BORDES, Sandrine MECKING,
Delphine PAGANO                                                  concerned, Montpellier is still considered the flagship
Pictures management: Anne DIOT                                   of the region thanks to its incredible dynamism.
Mapping management: Julien DOUCET                                The population is rather young, due to the high
WEB AND DIGITAL                                                  number of students living here. Animation, parties
Web Director: Louis GENEAU de LAMARLIERE                         and frank Southern good mood will help you build
Web management and Development:
Nicolas de GUENIN, Adeline CAUX, Kiril PAVELEK
                                                                 unforgettable memories. The city also underwent
Web Integrator: Mickael LATTES                                   important urban developments during the last years
Webdesigner: Caroline LAFFAITEUR                                 in terms of city plans and architecture, which are
Community Traffic Manager: Alice BARBIER,                        definetely oriented towards a thought out modernism.
Mariana BURLAMAQUI and Vincent PHAM
                                                                 The existence of the largest pedestrian centre
NATIONAL PUBLICITY                                               in France and urban requirements in terms of
Sales Manager: Guillaume VORBURGER
assisted by Manon GUERIN                                         sustainable development are a proof of this will.
Local publicity management: Michel GRANSEIGNE                    The result is a beautiful harmony between the ancient
Customer relations management: Vimla MEETOO                      buildings of the centre, many of which date back to
and Assa TRAORE
Heads of National Publicity:                                     the Middle Ages, and the most modern architectural
Caroline AUBRY, François BRIANCON-MARJOLLET,                     achievements, some signed by renowned architects.
                                                                 The dynamism is also cultural, and the number
INTERNATIONAL PUBLICITY                                          of festivals and events which take place here is
Development Managers: Jean-Marc FARAGUET                         simply impressive. But no panic! Petit Futé is there
and Guillaume LABOUREUR assisted by Claire BEDON
Heads of Publicity: Camille ESMIEU                               to guide you through the incredible number of
                                                                 activities and visits.
Sales promotion Director: Bénédicte MOULET                       Montpellier is also known for its good weather (the
assisterd by Aissatou DIOP and Sidonie COLLET                    sun shines more than 300 days per year) and its
Sales Manager: Jean-Pierre GHEZ assisté de Nelly BRION
Press and sponsor partnership management:
                                                                 closeness to the sea. There is everything you need
Jean- Mary MARCHAL                                               to have a nice holiday, you can visit the city and go
ADMINISTRATION                                                   for a swim on the same day. If you are interested
Chairman: Jean-Paul LABOURDETTE                                  in seeing wild and preserved nature you will enjoy
Human Resources Director: Dina BOURDEAU                          a getaway to the hinterland, either in the Camargue
assistée de Sandra MORAIS et Eva BAELEN
Administrative and financial Director:                           region, the Languedoc vineyards or the foothills of
Valérie DECOTTIGNIES                                             the Cevennes, where the landscape is enchanting.
Accounting: Jeannine DEMIRDJIAN,
Adrien PRIGENT and Faiza ALILI
Collection: Fabien BONNAN assisted by Sandra BRIJLALL
and Vinoth SAGUERRE
Information and Technology Manager: Adam M’RAH
Siwtchboard: Assa TRAORE

                                                                                                PRINTED IN FRANCE
2020-2021 n
Les Nouvelles Éditions de l’Université
18, rue des Volontaires - 75015 Paris.
& 01 53 69 70 00 - Fax 01 42 73 15 24
Internet :
SAS au capital de 1 000 000 E - RC PARIS B 309 769 966
Cover: La fontaine des Trois Graces sur la place de la Comedie
à Montpellier © Leonid Andronov -
14110 Condé-en-Normandie
Imprint: February 2020
Legal deposit : 17/03/2020
ISBN : 9782305023458

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Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog
„„                                                                      Cottages....................................................72
                                                                        Other Accommodation........................72
FESTIVALS EVENTS...................................... 10
  Fairs – Shows............................................10
                                                                       GOING OUT 
                                                                      Going Out...................................................74
  Cultural Events – Festivals...................12
                                                                        Bars – Cafés..............................................74
  Sport Events.............................................14
  Historic Shows – Sound & Light                                        Shows.........................................................89
Sightseeing............................................... 16          HAVING FUN –
  Tourist offices..........................................16
  Guided tours............................................16          SPORTS & LEISURE 
  Monuments & Buildings......................20                       Having Fun– Sports & Leisure................... 92
  Religious buildings................................22                 Stadiums – Sports Facilities................92
  Museums...................................................23          Team Sports.............................................93
  Urban sites................................................24         Individual Sports....................................93
  Parks & gardens......................................25               Water Sports............................................96
  Natural Sites.............................................26          Dance – Music – Artistic Activities...96
  Discovery sites.........................................27            Hobbies & Other Activities.................97
  Animal Parks – Aquariums..................28
                                                                      „„SHOPPING 
„„                                                                    Shopping................................................. 100
                                                                        Jewellery – Watches........................... 100
Eating....................................................... 30        Good Deals............................................ 101
  High Budget.............................................30
                                                                        Gifts.......................................................... 101
  Medium Budget......................................33
                                                                        Art galleries........................................... 102
  Small Budget...........................................45             Bookshops............................................. 104
  Regional Cuisine.....................................45               Fashion – Clothes................................ 106
  Specialities................................................47        Gourmet Products – Wines.............. 109
  World Cuisine..........................................50               Wines & Spirits................................... 124
  Fast Food & Delivery.............................57
  Gourmet trips..........................................59
                                                                       TRAVELLING 
                                                                      Travelling................................................ 132
„„                                                                      Travel Agencies.................................... 132
Accomodation.......................................... 64               Transport................................................ 134
  Hotels.........................................................64     Rental...................................................... 137
  Camping....................................................70         Travel Tips.............................................. 139
  Guesthouses............................................71           Index.......................................................140

  L direct
              directto theplage
                     à la  beach                   h smoking    area
                                                       espace fumeurs                           p garden
                                                                                                    jardin or
                                                                                                           ou park
  a barbar                                         i non-smoking
                                                       établissement non-fumeurs                q games
  b laundry
      blanchisserie                                j fitness
                                                       fitness                                  r washing    machine
                                                                                                    lave-linge         / laundry
                                                                                                                / laverie
  c airclimatisation
         conditioning                              k miniature   golf
                                                       golf miniature                             bicycle  rental
                                                                                                    location  de vélos
  d nightclub
      discothèque                                  l hard  of hearing
                                                       handicap         disability
                                                                  malentendant                  t grocery
                                                                                                    magasin store
  e cash   machined’argent
      distributeur                                 m visually
                                                       handicapimpaired   disability
                                                                  malvoyant                     u airport
  f drinking   water
      eau potable                                  n mental   handicap
                                                       handicap   mental                        v fishing
  g horse   riding
      équitation                                   o motor   disability
                                                       handicap   moteur                        w indoor
Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog
                                  the city
Arc de Triomphe in Montpellier.
Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog


Montpellier best of English edition - Numilog
Street Index
nAn                                     béCHamp (rue) ..............b3         CanourGue (place de la) f4
                                        belleval (rue de) ... b3/C3            CanourGue (rue de la) e4
abbé m. montels
                                        belmont (rue) ...............i1        Cantie (impasse) .... a6/b6
(rue de l’) ................ e2/G2
                                        berGer (rue) ................ H3       Carbonnerie
adam (place ed.) .......... G8
                                        blanC                                  (rue de la) ..................... H4
aiGrefeuille (rue d’)f4/G4
                                        (boulevard louis) ...... H2/i2         Cardinal de
                                        blottière (rue de la) ... d4           Cabrières (rue du) ..e1/e3
(rue de l’) ................. H4/H3
                                        boCaud (rue) .................i3       Carmes du palais
albisson (rue) ..............e5
                                        bonnard (rue) ........ C2/C1           (rue des) ....................... d5
alGer (rue) ............. H8/H9
                                        bonne nouvelle                         Carré du roi
alméras (rue d’) ..........C7
                                        (boulevard) .................i4/i3     (impasse du) ............ b4/b3
amanddier (rue de l’) ...e5
                                        bonnier d’alCo                         Carré du roi
anCien Courrier
                                        (rue)......................... G4/H4   (rue du).................... a3/b3
(rue de l’) ...................... G6
                                        bornier (rue)................b8        Castel-moton (rue)f4/G4
anterrieu (rue) ............a9
                                        boulet (allée paul) ........i4         Castellane (place) ..... G5
araGon (rue j.) ....... G6/G7
                                        bousCHet                               Castelnau (rue de) .f5/f6
arC de mourGues
                                        de bernard (rue).... a8/a9             Castillon (rue) ............f8
(rue de l’) ...................... G2
                                        boussairolles (rue) i6/J7              Castries
                                        bras de fer                            (place maréchal de) .......b5
(boulevard des) ........ a4/b4
                                        (rue du).................... G6/G5     CatHedrale
                                        brousse (rue paul) . d7/e7             (square de la).................e2
(place des) .....................a4
                                        broussonnet                            Cauzit (rue) ............ G6/H6
                                        (impasse)...................... H4     Cavalerie (rue de la) H1/i1
(rue de l’) ................. H7/H6
                                        broussonnet                            Cavallé Coll (plan) .... H2
arquebuse (rue de l’)i2/J3
                                        (rue auguste) ........... d1/e1        CHabaneau (place) ...... G4
arts (place des)........... H5
                                        brueys (rue) ........... d9/e9         CHamp-de-mars
assas (avenue d’) .. a3/b4
                                        brun (impasse) .............e6         (jardin du) ......................J4
astruC (rue) .................e4
                                        bruyas (impasse) ..........i7          CHanCel (avenue).........C1
auGustins (rue des) ......i5
                                                                               CHanzy (rue Général)b7/C7
austasie (allée m.) .. J3/J2            bruyas (passage) ..........i6
                                                                               CHapeau rouGe
aventurin (rue) ........... H3          bruyas (rue alfred) ..i7/J7
                                                                               (impasse du) ...................i2
aviler (place d’)........... d4         burGues (impasse) .......f2
                                                                               CHapeau rouGe
                                                                               (rue du)..................... H2/i2
nBn                                     nCn                                    CHapelle neuve
babotte (square de la) G8               Cabanel                                (place de la) .................. H3
balainvilliers (rue) .... G4            (rue alexandre) .........e6/e7         CHaptal (impasse)....... H4
balanCes (rue des) .e7/e6               Cabanes (plan) .............b6         CHaptal (rue) ...............C9
baqué paGès (rue)........a6             CaizerGues                             CHaranCy (rue) ............f2
barnabe (impasse) ...... H6             de pradine (rue)..... f8/G8            CHarrue (rue de la) ..... H6
barralerie (rue la) f4/G4               Calvaire (rue du) ......... H3         CHateau (place du) ...... d4
barrat (descente en) ....i3             CambaCérès (rue) ....... G4            CHauliaC (rue G. de) .... H3
bartHez (rue) .........d3/d4            Cambon (rue J.) ............f6         CHerCHe-midi (rue du) G5
baudin (rue)...............i6/i7        Campredon                              CHeval vert (rue du)e8/f9
baumes (rue) .......... a5/b5           (rue Général) ............ d8/e8       CHrestien (rue) ........... G3
bayle (rue du) ...............f5        Candolle (rue de) .. f3/G3             Claparède (rue G.) .......C7
beaux-arts (place des) .i1              Cannau (rue du)...... H4/H3            Clapies (rue).................C5
CLÉMENCEAU (avenue G.)F9
CLOS RENÉ (rue du). . . . . I8
                                        ÉCOLE de MÉDECINE
                                        (rue de l’). . . . . . . . . .D3/E3
                                                                                 GABRIEL (rue) . . . . . . . . F3
CŒUR (rue Jacques) H6/H5                ÉCOLE de PHARMACIE
                                                                                 GAGNE-PETIT (rue du) F6/G6
COLBERT                                 (rue de l’). . . . . . . . . . . . H3
                                                                                 GALAVIEILLE (rue) . . . . . E9
(rue Joachim) . . . . . . F2/F1         ÉCOLE MAGE
                                                                                 GAMBETTA (cours). . .B7/C7
COLLÈGE (rue du) . . . . . H4           (rue de l’). . . . . . . . . G2/G3
COLLÈGE DUVERGIER                       ÉCOLES CENTRALES                         (esplanade Charles de) . . I5
(rue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . H3/I3   (rue des) . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4
                                                                                 GAUTIER (rue A.) . . . . . . E2
COLLOT (rue) . . . . . . . . . H5       ECOLES LAÏQUES                           GERBE (impasse de la) . C9
COMEDIE (place de la) . . H6            (rue des) . . . . . . . . . H2/H3
                                                                                 GERHARDT (rue) . . . .B3/C2
COMÉDIE                                 ECOLES PIÈS                              GERMAIN (rue). . . . . H4/H3
(tunnel de la) . . . . . . . H7/I6      (rue des) . . . . . . . . . H3/H2
                                                                                 GILBERT (place A.) . . . . . . I9
COMTE (rue Auguste) A6/B5               EMBOUQUE D’OR (rue). . H5
                                                                                 GIRAL (place) . . . . . . . . . D5
CONFRERIE (rue de la) . . G3            EN GONDEAU (rue). . . . . G7             GIRARD (rue) . . . . . . . . . . I4
COPÉ-CAMBES (impasse)G7                 EN ROUAN (rue) . . . . G7/H7             GIRAUDIN (rue Louise) . . E9
COPÉ-CAMBES (rue) . . . G7              ENCLOS                                   GIRONE (rue de). . . . . . . H4
COQUILLE (rue) . . . . . . . E4         TISSIÉ-SARRUS . . . . . . . D6           GLAIZE (rue). . . . . . . . . . H4
CORRATERIE ST-GERMAIN                   EPEISSES (rue d’). . . . . . E5          GOUAN (rue) . . . . . . .C3/C4
(rue de la) . . . . . . . . . . . F3    ESTELLE (rue). . . . . . . . F8          GRAND ST-JEAN
CORUM (tunnel du) . . . . J3            ETUVES (rue des). . . G8/H7              (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . .F9/G9
COSTE FRÈGE (rue) . . E4/E3             EXPERT (rue) . . . . . . . . . G3        GRAND-RUE
COUSTOU (impasse) . . . G3                                                       JEAN MOULIN . . . . . G7/H6
(rue Adam de) . . . . . . . . B8
                                        „F„                                      GUINIER (rue H.). . . . . . . G9
                                                                                 GUIRAUD (rue) . . . . . . . . E9
                                        FABRE (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . I5
CROIX D’OR (rue de la) . H6
                                        FAFON (rue du Général) . G9
CYGNE (rue du) . . . . . . . H7
                                        FALOT (impasse) . . . . . . B6           „H„
                                        FAUBOURG de FIGUEROLLES                  HAGUENOT (rue) . . . . . . A7
„D„                                     (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . .A7/B7      HAUTE (rue) . . . . . . . . . . D4
DAHLIA (rue du) . . . . . . . B2        FAUBOURG de NÎMES                        HERBERIE (rue de l’) . . . G5
DARU (rue). . . . . . . . . . . B7      (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . . I2/J2     HÔTEL de VILLE
DÉLICIEUX (rue B.) . . . . . J1         FAUBOURG du COURREAU                     (rue de l’). . . . . . . . . . . . F4
DELPECH (rue) . . . . . . . . H4        (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . C6/D6       HUGO
DESMAZES (rue) . . . . . . B9           FAUBOURG ST-JAUMES                       (boulevard Victor). . . H8/H7
2 PONTS (rue des) . . . . . J9          (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . C1/D3       HUILE (rue de l’). . . . . . . E5
DEVIC (place rue). . . . . . J6         FERDINAND (rue) . . G2/H1
DIDEROT (rue) . . . . . G7/H8           FERRY (rue Jules) . . . I9/J8            „J„
DIGEON (rue S.) . . . . . . . E5        FIGUIER (rue du) . . . . . . G4          JAOUL (impasse) . . . . . . . I2
DOM VAISSETTE (rue) C9/D9               FIZES (rue). . . . . . . . .B3/C3        JAURÈS (place Jean) . . . H5
DONNAL (rue) . . . . . . . . C5         FLAUGERGUES (rue). . J8/J7               JEAN (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . B2
DORIA (rue) . . . . . . . .A4/B3        FOCH (rue). . . . . . . . .E4/E5         JÉRUSALEM (allée) . . . . J5
DRAPERIE ST-FIRMIN                      FONTAINE (rue de la) G7/G8               JEU de L’ARC (rue du) . . J6
(impasse). . . . . . . . . . . . G5     FONTANON (rue) . . . .F3/G3              JEU de PAUME
DUCHÉ (plan) . . . . . . . . . G5       FOUQUET (rue). . . . . .F3/G3            (boulevard du) . . . . . .D7/F8
DUMAS (rue Général M.) C7               FOUR des FLAMMES                         JOFFRE (rue) . . . . . . . H8/I8
DURAND (rue du J.) . . . . A3           (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . .E7/G6      JONQUET (impasse). G3/H3
DURAND (rue) . . . . . G9/H9            FOUR ST-ÉLOI (rue du). . G3              JOUBERT (rue) . . . . . . . . G6
                                        FOURNARIÉ (rue) . . . . . . G4
„E„                                     FRANCE (rue Anatole)F9/G8                „L„
ÉCOLE de DROIT                          FRANQUE (rue Fr.) . . . . . D5           LAISSAC (place A.). . . . . G8
(rue de l’). . . . . . . . . .B6/C5     FRIPERIE (rue) . . . . . . . . F6        LALLEMAND (rue) . . . F3/F2
LAPEYRONIE (rue) . . .F8/G8             MULTIPLANTS                            PLAN D’AGDE
LATREILLE (rue J.) . . . . . G7         (impasse des) . . . . . . F6/F7        (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . G6/G7
LATTRE de TASSIGNY                      MULTIPLANTS                            PLAN de L’OLIVIER
(allée Jean de). . . . . . J5/J4        (rue des) . . . . . . . . . . E6/F6    (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . . . . H3
LEBOUX (impasse) . . . . . F2           MUSÉE (impasse du) . . . . I4          PLAN du PARC (rue). . . . G8
LEDRU-ROLLIN                                                                   PLANCHON (square). . . . . I8
(boulevard) . . . . . . . D5/D6
                                        „N„                                    PLANTADE (rue) . . . . C6/D6
                                        NARCISSA (plan) . . . . . . B3         POITEVINE (rue) . . . . .D5/E5
LIONNET (impasse) . . . . F2            NOTRE-DAME (place). . . H4             PORTALIÈRE DES MASQUES
LISBONNE (rue E.) . . . . . E5                                                 (rue de la) . . . . . . . . .A2/A1
LODÈVE (avenue de) . . . A6                                                    POSTE
LOGE (rue de la) . . . G5/H6            „O„                                    (rue de l’Ancienne). . . . . G8
LONJON (passage). . . H6/I6             OBILION (rue d’). . . . . H7/I8        PRADEL (rue) . . . . . . . . . F3
LOYS (rue) . . . . . . . . H7/H8        OBSERVATOIRE                           PRÉFECTURE (rue de la). G4
                                        (boulevard de l’). . . . . . . G8      PREMIER 1ER
                                        OLIVIER (rue A.) . . . . . I8/J8       (place Albert) . . . . . . . . . F1
„M„                                     OM (plan de l’). . . . . . . . F3      PRIX (rue du) . . . . . . . J3/J2
MAGNOL (rue) . . . . . .B3/C2
                                                                               PROUDHON (rue) . . . . . . . I1
MAGUELONE (rue) . . . . I7/I8
MAILLAC (impasse) . . . . G3            „P„                                    PROVIDENCE (rue de la). D9
                                        PAGÉZY (rue) . . . . . . . H9/I8       PUITS des ESQUILLES
MARCEAU (rue) . . . . D8/D7                                                    (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4
MARCHÉ AUX FLEURS                       PALADILHE (rue) . . . .A4/B4
                                        PALAIS (plan du) . . . . . . E4        PUITS du PALAIS
(place du) . . . . . . . . . . . G4                                            (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . . . . D4
MARÉCHAUSSÉE                            PALAIS des GUILHEM
                                        (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . . E4/F4   PUITS du TEMPLE
(rue de la) . . . . . . . . . . I7/I8                                          (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . . F6/F7
MARESCHAL (rue) . . . J8/J7             PALISSADE (rue de la) . . B7
MARGUERITE (rue) . . .B2/B1             PALLADIUM (quai du). . . J6
MARTEL                                  PARAN (impasse) . . . . . . E6         „Q–R„
(rue du jardin) . . . . . .B8/B7        PARLIER (rue). . . . . . . . . G9      IV (boulevard Henri) . .D3/E1
MARTIN (rue P.) . . . . .B3/C2          PASTEUR (boulevard) F1/G2              RAFFINERIE
MARTYRS de LA                           PASTOUREL (plan) . . . . . G6          (rue de la) . . . . . . . . .B8/B7
RÉSISTANCE (place des) G5               PELLETERIE (rue) . . . .D4/E4          RAMBAUD (rue) . . . . .B9/C8
MASSANE (rue) . . . . . . . H7          PELLICIER (rue G.) . . .A6/A7          RANC (rue). . . . . . . . . . . F3
MASSILLON (rue) . . . . . . G4          PÈRE BONNET (rue du) . A8              RANCHIN (rue) . . . . . . . . F5
MAUREILHAN                              PÈRE RÉGIS (rue du) . . . A2           RATTE (impasse de). . . . G4
(rue Général) . . . . . . . . . C7      PERIER (impasse). . . . . . G5         RATTE (rue de). . . . . .F4/G4
MAURIN (rue Général) . . C7             PETIT PARIS (rue du) . . . G8          RAYMOND (allée J.) . .B4/C3
MERCI (rue de la). . . C6/D5            PETIT SCEL (rue du). . . . F5          REBUFFY (rue) . . . . . .F5/G5
MERLE BLANC (I. du) F5/G5               PETIT ST-JEAN                          REFUGE (rue du) . . . G3/H3
MICHEL (rue A.) . . . . . . . E8        (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . .F7/G7    REINE
MICHELET (rue) . . . . . . . J6         PETITE CORRATERIE                      (rue du jardin de la) . .C3/C2
MILHAU (allée J.) . . . . . . J6        (impasse). . . . . . . . . . H2/I2     RENE (rue du Général) . D7
MISTRAL (avenue Fr.) J6/J5              PETITE LOGE                            RENÉ (rue H.). . . . . . . . . J9
MONNAIE (rue de la) . . . H5            (rue de la) . . . . . . . . . . . H5   RENOUVIER
MONTCALM (rue). . . C6/D5               PÉTRARQUE (place) . . . . H5           (boulevard) . . . . . . . .A8/B9
MONTFERRIER                             PHILIPPY (rue) . . . . . . . . F5      RÉPUBLIQUE
(impasse). . . . . . . . . . . . H5     PILA ST-GÉLLY                          (rue de la) . . . . . . . . . H8/I9
MONTGOLFIER (rue). . F5/F4              (rue du) . . . . . . . . . . . H3/I3   REY (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . . E6
MONTPELLIERET (rue) . . . I4            PINS (rue des) . . . . . .B9/C9        RHIN ET DANUBE
MOSAÏQUE (cour de la) . . I4            PISTOLET (rue). . . . . . . . F4       (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . . .F8/G8
MOULIN À L’HUILE                        PITOT (rue) . . . . . . . .B4/C4       RICARD (rue H.) . . . . .B5/B4
(impasse du) . . . . . . . . . F7       PLACENTIN (rue) . . . . . . D4         RICHELIEU (rue) . . . . H8/H7
(rue ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3
                                          ST-PIERRE (place) . . . . . E3
                                          ST-PIERRE (rue) . . . . . F3/F4
                                                                                 UNIVERSITÉ (plan de l’) . G3
ROCHELLE (rue de la) D5/E6                ST-RAVY (place). . . . . . . G6
RONDELET (rue). . . . . . . F9            ST-RAVY (rue) . . . . . . . . G6       (rue de l’). . . . . . . . . G4/G2
ROSSET (rue). . . . . . H5/H4             ST-SAUVEUR                             URBAIN V (rue). . . . . G3/G4
ROUCHER (rue) . . . . . E6/E7             (impasse). . . . . . . . . G8/G9
ROUCHER (rue) . . . . .F7/G7              ST-SÉPULCRE (rue) . . E6/E5
ROUSSEAU (rue J. J.) D3/E4                STE-ANNE (rue) . . . . . F5/F6         „V–Z„
                                          STE-CROIX (rue). . . . . . . F4        VALEDEAU (rue) . . . . . . . H5
„S„                                       STE-MARTHE (P.) . . . .F8/G8
                                          STE-URSULE (rue) . . . . . H2
                                                                                 VALFÈRE (rue de la) . .D5/E6
                                                                                 VALLAT (rue) . . . . . . . . . G6
SAGE (rue D.). . . . . . . I1/J1
                                          SUBSTANTION (rue de). . J1             VANNEAU (rue). . . . . . . I7/I6
(place et square rue) . . . A7                                                   VARLIN (rue E.) . . . . . . . B3
SALLE L’EVÊQUE (rue) . I4/I3              „T„                                    VASSAL (impasse) . . . . . F6
                                                                                 VERDANSON (quai du) H1/I2
SARRAIL (boulevard) . . I6/I4             TANDON (impasse). . . . . G8
SAUNERIE (rue                                                                    VERDUN (impasse de) I8/J8
du faubourg de la) . . .F9/G8             (impasse des) . . . . . G1/H1          VERDUN (rue de) . . . . I8/J8
SAUVAGE (plan du). . . . . G5             TANNEURS (quai des) F1/G1              VERNIÈRE (rue M.) . . . . . . I2
SAUZÈDE (rue de la) . . . C1              TEINTURERIE                            VERRERIE (rue de la) G3/H3
SEMALEN (impasse) . . . . I2              (allée de la) . . . . . . . .B2/C2     VERRERIE BASSE
SÉRANE (rue). . . . . . . . . J8          TEISSIERS (rue des). .F6/G6            (rue de la) . . . . . . . . . . . H3
SERRE (rue Cl.) . . . . H3/H2             TEMPLE (impasse du) . . . I8           VESTIAIRE (rue du). . . . . F4
SŒURS NOIRES                              TERRAL (rue) . . . . . . .D6/E5        VICTOIRE de LA MARNE
(rue des) . . . . . . . . . .F6/G6        THOMAS (rue). . . . . . F4/F3          (rue de la) . . . . . . . . . . . H8
SOLDATS (rue des) . C7/D7                 TOIRAS (rue) . . . . . . . . . C8      VIEILLE (rue de la) . . G6/H6
ST-BARTHÉLÉMY (rue) . . E9                TOUR D’ EN CANET                       VIEILLE AIGUILLERIE
ST-CLAUDE (rue) . . . D8/D9               (impasse). . . . . . . . . . . . H4    (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . H4/I3
ST-CÔME (impasse) . . . . G6              TOUR STE-EULALIE                       VIEILLE INTENDANCE
ST-CÔME (place) . . . . . . G7            (rue de la) . . . . . . . . . . . C5   (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . . .F4/G4
ST-CÔME (rue). . . . . . . . G7           TREILLET (impasse) . .B2/B3            VIEN (rue) . . . . . . . . . . . E6
ST-DENIS (place) . . . . . . F9           TRENTE DEUX 32E                        VILALLETON
ST-ESPRIT (allée du) . . . J3             (rue de la) . . . . . . . . C8/D8      (boulevard Prof. L.) . D5/D4
ST-ESPRIT (impasse) . . . J2              TRÉSORIERS de FRANCE                   VILLEFRANCHE
ST-FIRMIN (rue) . . . . . . . F5          (rue des) . . . . . . . . . H6/H5      (rue de) . . . . . . . . . . H1/H2
ST-GILLES (rue) . . . . . . . J6          TRÉSORIERS                             VINCENT
ST-GUILHEM (rue) . . .D6/E6               de LA BOURSE (rue). G5/G6              (rue Général) . . . . . . .A7/B6
ST-LOUIS (rue). . . . . .A5/A6            TRÉVIERS (rue B. de) B9/C8             VOLTAIRE (rue) . . . . . . . . G6
ST-PAUL (rue) . . . . . . . . G6          3 PASSAGES (les). . . . . . G5         ZOLA (rue Emile) . . . .B6/B5

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„„  FÊTE DES VIGNES                                             to find one of the agricultural wonders that make the
Esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle                                     wines of Occitania! Filled with sugar and gilded by the
& 04 67 60 60 60                                                sun, the winegrowers select their grape varieties and                                       always strive to live from their passion for wine while
Last weekend in November. Price: E3 for 3 tastings, a raffle    drawing quality wine production from the land. During
ticket and a purchase coupon. Food service.                     these 2 days, you will benefit from conferences, blind
Every year, the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle fills up with       tastings, wine bar, musical entertainment.
wine lovers during the last weekend of November, the            And on Sundays, the festival continues in the cellars and
last month of the harvest. Montpellier celebrates the vine      estates of the Montpellier area with tastings. Over the
and wine with passion, on Fridays and Saturdays, and            last few years, the events have brought together more
welcomes a wine-growing village where you are sure              than 125,000 people at each party!

                                         Fairs – Shows
„„ LA COMÉDIE DU LIVRE                                          End of November to end of December. Every day. Nocturnes
& 04 34 88 76 68 –                        on Friday and Saturday until 10: 30pm. Food service.                                 The esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle lives according
May. Free admission.                                            to the rhythm of the seasons. If summer is symbo-
In Montpellier, music, extreme sports and literature are        lized by the organization of the Estivales, the month
celebrated every year during numerous festive events. La        of December has the Hivernales. Organized from
Comédie du Livre is undoubtedly one of the most pleasant        November 28 to December 28, they revolve around
events on the calendar. During this event, created in           a beautiful Christmas market and some animations.
1986 by the association Cœur de Livres, the city becomes        Amidst the fir trees and festive illuminations, about
the centre of literary and cultural meetings. The event takes   a hundred local merchants and craftsmen offer local
place over three days and is structured around debates,         products and specialities. Delicacies, oysters and
workshops, exhibitions and readings. It is the perfect          mulled wine can be enjoyed without restraint in the
opportunity to meet authors, discover literary genres and       middle of the decoration stalls, toys and craft jewellery.
get new information. Each year, the animation focuses           And if this is not enough to warm up the atmos-
on one country. In 2019, it was Switzerland.                    phere, an ice rink, workshops and parades are also
Esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle
                                                                „„  MILLÉSIME BIO
                                                                Route de la Foire
Every Friday evening from July 12 to Friday August 30.
                                                                Parc des Expositions de Montpellier
Two tastings + glass: 5 E. Catering.
It is due to events like this that Montpellier is now
                                                                January. Reserved for professionals in the wine buying
renowned for being a festive, sunny and young city
                                                                and restaurant trades.
all over the country. The Estivales, which is a seasonal
                                                                It’s the world’s leading organic wine fair! This event,
event, entertains the city during the summer season.
                                                                which began in 1993, was initiated by a handful of
Indeed, every Friday evening, the Charles de Gaulle
                                                                winegrowers from the Association Interprofessionnelle
esplanade becomes a large night market that attracts
                                                                des Vins Biologiques du Languedoc-Roussillon who had
all the curious and gourmets. During this event, the
                                                                no other ambition than to make their products and the
place hosts dozens of exhibitors, craftsmen, booksellers
                                                                characteristics of the new vintage known to buyers.
and producers. They all sell their products in a very
                                                                Today, nearly 1,000 producers from the four corners of the
festive atmosphere punctuated by numerous musical
                                                                world, with 16 countries represented, meet every year in
                                                                the south of France. One small drawback, however: only
„„LES HIVERNALES                                                professionals can take advantage of the largest organic
Esplanade Charles de Gaulle                                     wine cellar in Europe and it is necessary to reserve your                                     place several months in advance.

                          Cultural Events – Festivals
     „„  BATTLE OF THE YEAR – BOTY                                   The well-named Architectures Vives festival is dedicated
     Zénith Sud – 2733 avenue Albert Einstein                        to showcasing the architects of today and tomorrow.
     & 04 67 60 35 65                                                The event surprises and challenges the curious on a                                              stroll through the historic city center. It must be said that
     At the end of May. Online ticketing.                            the festival has chosen the best setting to exhibit these
     This event is dedicated to hip-hop culture and, more            original works: the courtyards of Montpellier’s private
     specifically, breakdance. Organized by the association          mansions. These architectural treasures, stemming from
     Attitude, this event gathers shows and urban culture,           the rich history of the city, are experiencing a second
     a combination that attracts thousands of spectators.            youth with the arrival of the unusual and contemporary
     During the event, the best crews in France compete              projects of the artists. An opportunity to take a fresh look.
     against each other with choreographies in order to be
     qualified. One by one the dancers compete by presenting         „„  FESTIVAL CINEMED
     figures and try to rank their number 1 team. In the end,        78, avenue du Pirée & 04 99 13 73 73
     the winning team wins the Battle Of The Year France    –
     award, and qualifies for the international competition.         In October. Rates and online registration.
                                                                     Created in 1979 at the instigation of the Jean-Vigo film
     „„  FAMILY PIKNIK                                               club team, this Mediterranean Film Festival has grown
     Bois de Grammont                                                over the years to become one of the most important events                                    in the country dedicated to the 7th Art. Organised in fall,                                  the event takes place at the Corum, the Centre Rabelais
     From late July to early August. Opening of the doors at         and the Diagonal and Utopia cinemas. During this festival,
     8am, beginning of the music at 9am. Closed at midnight.         more than 200 films are programmed for retrospectives,
     It is against a backdrop of electronic and underground          previews and competitions. The latter concern feature
     music that this festival treats its listeners. Every summer,    and short films, documentaries and animated films.
     Grammont Wood becomes the backdrop for this dynamic,            Animations and meetings with renowned guests (actors,
     festive and colourful event. The place turns into a life-size   directors...) are also organised as part of the event.
     dance floor during the day. Children and adults will
     find themselves there and let off steam in rhythm for a         „„  FESTIVAL DES FANFARES
     moment of pure sharing and conviviality. In total, Family       Place des Beaux Arts & 04 67 13 60 00
     Piknik presents about fifteen artists from Deep, House,
     Progressive and Techno, on two stages. For the occasion,
     the rendezvous wears its most beautiful colors and also         Mid June.
     offers a lot of activities for the youngest (entertainment,     Every summer, the districts of Boutonnet and Beaux-Arts
     picnic, water games ...). Good mood guaranteed!                 are animated to the rhythm of the brass, percussion and
                                                                     other instruments that parade through their streets. During
     „„ FESTIVAL ARABESQUES                                          a lively and festive weekend, the team of L’Arc-En-Ciel des
     475, avenue du Comté de Nice                                    Faubourgs organizes a series of activities around music.
     & 04 99 77 00 17                                                In 2019, for the 24th edition, the festival took place as                                       follows: brass bands from 8pm to midnight on Friday,                                   garage sales on Saturday morning and celebrations in the
     September. Online ticketing service.                            afternoon and evening. The latter saw 19 brass bands ignite
     Since 2006, Montpellier has been the host of the most           the two stages of the event for 2h30 of concert. Finally,
     important festival in Europe dedicated to the Arts of           between 7pm and 1am, the districts were transformed
     the Arab world: Arabesques. Founded by the association          into a real dance floor with the Fanfares festival.
     Uni’Sons, it aims to promote Arab artists and encourage
     intercultural dialogue. The event takes place over several      „„  FESTIVAL INTER-RELIGIEUX
     days and in differents places of the city: Domaine d’O,         DE MUSIQUE SACRÉE
     Montpellier Airport, Hôtel Mercure Comédie Centre, Théâtre      & 04 67 64 14 10
     Jean Vilar, Diagonal Capitole... The performances are varied
     and entertaining, ranging from dance to calligraphy, theatre    In March.
     and cinema. This uncommon event allows to apprehend             The year 2019 marked the 20th anniversary of this
     and contemplate the productions of this pluralist culture.      festival devoted to sacred music. During this event,
                                                                     several communities are represented through inspired
     „„  FESTIVAL ARCHITECTURES VIVES                                performances. Its aim is to promote intercultural and
     4, rue des Trésoriers de la Bourse                              inter-religious dialogue, while offering atheist spectators
     Bureaux du Festival Architectures Vives                         the opportunity to discover vibrant works. The event
     & 04 67 92 51 17                                                consists of concerts, a conference and shows in different                           places of spirituality in Montpellier. Some of the activities
     At the beginning of June. Free access.                          also take place in other towns of the department.
FESTIVALS EVENTS                    13

„„  FESTIVAL MÉTROPOLISME                                         will be able to admire these cinematographic works
& 04 67 04 08 10                                                  in a majestic setting. A pure moment of conviviality
From the end of September to mid-October. 17 days of              and sharing.
festival. Exhibitions. Concerts. Children’s area. Online          „„  MONTPELLIER DANSE
program.                                                          Agora – Cité internationale de la danse
This festival was the great novelty of last fall! Produced        18, rue Sainte-Ursule & 08 00 60 07 40
by the Illusion&Macadam collective and the Halle        
Tropisme, the event takes over from the former Tropisme           In June and July. Online ticketing service. Free and paying
festival and is organized within the future Cité Créative.        shows (from E15).
The aim of this autumn event is to address the issues             A meeting place for the world’s greatest choreographers
related to the city of tomorrow through artists and               and dancers, Montpellier Danse celebrates the beauty
those who build it. Through a series of exhibitions,              of movement and the richness of the environment.
concerts and workshops adapted to all ages (even                  During almost ten days of festivities, 300 international

                                                                                                                                   Discovering the city
toddlers), Metropolisme evokes the major challenges               companies will be set up in different areas of the city and
of today and tomorrow like climate, technology and                its surroundings for a multitude of performances. Thus,
migration. Nearly 20 days of discovery, learning and              the Agora, the Corum, the Vignette theatre and many
celebration, not to be missed!                                    others become the settings of intoxicating and rare shows.
                                                                  In addition to the choreographed gatherings, each year
„„  FESTIVAL RADIO FRANCE OCCITANIE                               the public has the opportunity to meet for documentaries
& 04 67 61 66 81                                                  on the dance history, open-air dance classes or aperitifs                                                 and debates on the shows.
In July.                                                          „„ LES NUITS D’Ô
Created in 1985, this music festival consists of about a          Domaine d’Ô
hundred concerts distilled in various places of the city          178, rue de la Carrièrasse
and its gardens. Under a benevolent sun, festival-goers           & 08 00 20 01 65
come to admire the mostly free and always festive musical
shows. Operas, symphonic concerts, chamber music,                 6 nights at the end of August. Ticket office open at the
recitals, jazz, debates, there is something for everyone.         beginning of July. Food service.
Every year it is a success and more than 100,000 spectators       This has been the traditionnal rendezvous of the cultural
attend these musical events. As part of this festival, Radio      Montpellier at the end of summer, for music and cinema
France launched Tohu Bohu, an electronic music festival.          lovers for already 15 years. Every year, the Domaine
                                                                  d’Ô offers several evenings combining open-air film
„„ LES INTERNATIONALES DE LA GUITARE                              screenings, DJ’s and concerts by national and sometimes
& 04 67 66 36 55                                                  even international artists. Les Nuits d’Ô are organized                                                    over six days and the evenings are organized around                                               several themes: Nuit Fifty’s, Nuit d’Oc, Nuit Chicago,
From mid-September to mid-October. Tickets online, at             Nuit Armoricaine, Nuit Afrobeat and Nuit Arc-en-Ciel.
the festival office and at the Tourist Office.                    The event is so popular that it’s best to book early. A great
Organized since 1996, this festival dedicated to music            way to celebrate the end of summer and enjoy the last
animates the Occitan region and the city of Montpellier           few evenings of the beautiful days.
every year. During three weeks, more than fifty concerts
and nearly 200 artists take place all over the city. All styles   „„  PRINTEMPS DES COMÉDIENS
are represented with varied and inspired posters. While           Domaine d’O
some stars are expected, the event is also friendly towards       178, rue de la Carriérrasse
young up-and-coming talent. And last but not least, Les           & 04 67 63 66 67
Internationales de la Guitare also include conferences, 
screenings and various shows.                           
                                                                  June. Ticketing service online, by phone or at the Domaine
„„  LA MÉTROPOLE FAIT SON CINÉMA                                  d’O. Program and rates online.
& 08 00 20 01 65                                                  Domaine d’O is the setting of this summer event dedicated
From August 1 to 31. 1 French version film per evening            to live performance. Within its 23 hectares park, its
and per commune. 31 participating municipalities. Free            open-air amphitheatre and theatre, a host of artists
of charge. Online program.                                        entertain nearly 45,000 spectators every year. Since its
This annual event devoted to the 7th art is structured as         creation in 1987, this festival has grown in popularity
follows: during the 31 days of the month, 31 communes             and is now one of the most important theatrical events
broadcast films in the open air. In Montpellier, the event        in France after the Festival d’Avignon. The performances
is to be discovered at the Domaine d’O, an exceptional            present a variety of performing arts: music, dance,
place between nature and renowned heritage. Thus, at              theatre, plastic arts, circus... Both modern and classic, the
9: 30pm on the dot, the city and its surroundings become          shows are surprising and daring. A perfect opportunity
the venue for screenings of French and international films        to revisit the beauty and diversity of cultural expression
for the general public. Under cover of night, spectators          in all its forms.
                                                                                                                                                              IN MONTPELLIER

                              Pierre Soulages, Peinture 162 x 114 cm 27 février 1979
                                                                                1979, Musée Fabre de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Collection privée.
                              © photographie Frédéric Jaulmes. - Reproduction interdite sans autorisation. Direction de la communication.
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