Professeur directeur de recherche Barbara CAEMMERER - ESSCA

Professeur directeur de recherche
                         Barbara CAEMMERER

Département de rattachement: Marketing et          Email:
Nationalité: Allemagne

  - International marketing communications
  - Marketing
  - Marketing et gestion des services
  - Gestion des systèmes de franchise
  - Développement des PME

  - Principles of marketing
  - Marketing et gestion des services
  - Stratégie de marketing et de gestion
  - Communications Marketing
  - Méthodologie de recherche
  - Marketing research

Diplôme le plus élevé :
  2014         Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Sciences de Gestion, Marketing,
               Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1, France

  2007          PGDip in Research Methods / PGCert in Advanced Academic Studies,
                University of Strathclyde, Royaume Uni
  2006          Doctorat (PhD), Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Royaume Uni
  2002          BA Honours in Marketing and Psychology, University of Strathclyde,
                Royaume Uni

Vie académique
  Depuis 2011 Professeur de Marketing, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2010 - 2011 Professeur associé, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2006 - 2010 Professeur Assistante de Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Royaume

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Vie professionnelle
  2005 - 2006 Consultant – Development and Regeneration Services, Glasgow City
              Council, Royaume Uni
  2002 - 2005 Researcher – Customer Relations in Economic Development, Scottish
              Enterprise, Royaume Uni
  2000 - 2000 Strategic Planning in Marketing Communications, BBDO, Mexique
  1999 - 1999 Public Relations in the Music Industry, BMG, Allemagne
  1995 - 1998 Account  Management          and  Strategic   Planning     in   Marketing
              Communications, DDB          Needham,    Allemagne
  1994 - 1995 Public Relations Agency, AGM, Allemagne

Activités éditoriales
  Comité éditorial d'une publication académique / professionnelle
  2020 - 2020 Editeur invité, numéro spécial 'Customers and Innovation', Journal of
              Customer Behavior
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, Journal of Small Business Management
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, International Small Business Journal
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad hoc, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector
  Depuis 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, Journal of Customer Behavior
Service à la discipline
  Comité scientifique d'une conférence académique
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Belgique
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Etats-Unis
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, American Marketing Association (AMA), Etats-Unis
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur ad-hoc, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy
              (ANZMAC), Australie
  Membre d'une Association savante
  Depuis 2009 Member, American Marketing Association (AMA), Etats-Unis d'Amérique
  Depuis 2009 Member, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
  Depuis 2009 Member, European Marketing Academy (EMAC)

Articles à comité de lecture
  CAEMMERER, B., J. GOERNE, J. P. MULKI, "Consequences of managerial indecisiveness"
  à paraître International Journal of Bank Marketing
  BOULAY, J., B.CAEMMERER, H.EVANSCHITSKY, K.DUNIACH, "Multi-unit franchising from
  franchisor and franchisee perspectives: Antecedents, outcomes and the optimal mini-
  chain size", Journal of Business Research, Mai 2020, vol. 113, pp. 49-58

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LESAGE, X., B.CAEMMERER, "Notre incubateur est aussi une porte d’entrée vers un
  écosystème riche", Entreprendre & Innover, Septembre 2018, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 10-17
  LYNN, T., L.MUZELLEC, B.CAEMMERER, D.TURLEY, "Social network sites : early
  adopters' personality and influence", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2017,
  vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 42-51
  Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Relational Contracting and Opportunism in Hybrid
  Governance”", Journal of Small Business Management, Janvier 2016, vol. 54, no. 1, pp.
  Uniformity, Local Responsiveness, and System-Wide Adaptation in Multi-Unit
  Franchising", Journal of Small Business Management, Octobre 2016, vol. 54, no. 4, pp.
  CAEMMERER, B., M.HARKER, N.HYNES, "Management Education by the French Grandes
  Ecoles - Past, Present and an Uncertain Future", Academy of Management Learning and
  Education, Septembre 2016, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 549-568
  PRIETO, M., B.CAEMMERER, G.BALTAS, "Using a Hedonic Price Model to Test Prospect
  Theory Assertions: The Asymmetrical and Nonlinear Effect of Reliability on Used Car
  Prices", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Janvier 2015, vol. 22, pp. 206-212
  STAN, V., B.CAEMMERER, "The Development And Management Of Organisational
  Partner Satisfaction", Journal of Applied Business Research, Janvier 2015, vol. 31, no. 1,
  pp. 47-60
  HYNES, N., B.CAEMMERER, E.MARTIN, E.MASTERS, "Use, Abuse or Contribute! : A
  Framework for Classifying How Companies Engage With Country Image", International
  Marketing Review, 2014, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 79-97
  CAEMMERER, B., R.MOGOS-DESCOTES, "Achieving Relational Objectives through
  Sponsorship", Journal of Applied Business Research, Novembre 2014, vol. 30, no. 6, pp.
  MULKY, J., B.CAEMMERER, G.HEGGDE, "Leadership Style, Employee Work Effort and Job
  Performance: The Influence of National Culture", Journal of Personal Selling and Sales
  Management, Septembre 2014, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 3-22
  CAEMMERER, B., A.DEWAR, "A Comparison of Private and Public Sector Performance",
  Journal of Applied Business Research, 2013, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1451-1458
  PRIETO, M., B.CAEMMERER, "An Exploration of Factors Influencing Car Purchasing
  Decisions", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2013, vol. 41,
  no. 10, pp. 738-764
  STAN, V., B.CAEMMERER, R.CATTAN-JALLET, "Customer Loyalty Development: The Role
  of Switching Costs", Journal of Applied Business Research, Septembre 2013, vol. 29, no.
  5, pp. 1541-1554
  KUHNLE, J., B.CAEMMERER, J.MULKI, "The Two Minds of the Buyer: The Difference in
  Expectations and Perceptions towards Sales Personnel in Turbulent Market Contexts",
  Journal of Customer Behavior, 2012, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 167-179
  CARO, A., J.MAZZON, B.CAEMMERER, M.WESSLING, "Inovativade, Envolvimento,
  Attitude e Experiencia na Adoçao da Compra On-line", RAE, 2012, vol. 51, no. 6, pp.

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CAEMMERER, B., R.MOGOS-DESCOTES, "The Effectiveness of Sponsorship in Legitimacy
  Formation – The Moderating Role of Pre-Existing Consumer Attitudes", Advances in
  Consumer Research, 2011
  HENLEY, N., S.RAFFIN, B.CAEMMERER, "The Application of Marketing Principles to a
  Social Marketing Campaign", Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 2011, vol. 29, no. 7,
  pp. 697-706
  CAEMMERER, B., A.WILSON, "An Exploration of the Service Orientation Discrepancy
  Phenomenon in a Public Sector Context", Service Industries Journal, 2011, vol. 31, no.
  5, pp. 355-370
  CAEMMERER, B., A.WILSON, "Customer Feedback Mechanisms and Organisational
  Learning in Service Operations", International Journal of Operations and Production
  Management, 2010, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 288-311
  CAEMMERER, B., "The Planning and Implementation of Integrated Marketing
  Communications", Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 2009, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 524-
  CAEMMERER, B., M.BANERJEE, "Understanding Service Relationship Management in the
  Private and the Public Sector", Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2009, vol. 8, no. 1, pp.
  EVANSCHITZKY, H., G.IYER, B.CAEMMERER, "Dimensions of Satisfaction in Retail
  Settings: A Research Note", Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2008, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.

Chapitres d’ouvrage
  CAEMMERER, B., "Renault: How a Sausage, a Sushi Roll, a Crispbread and a Baguette
  Have Affected Car Sales in Europe" dans Marketing: An Introduction, European Edition.,
  Armstrong, Kotler, Harker and Brennan Eds, Pearson, 2009

Rapports de recherche/consulting
  BOULAY, J., B.CAEMMERER, K.DUNIACH, H.EVANTCHIVSKY , "Le recours à l’option multi-
  unités dans le développement d’un réseau de franchise : modèles décisionnels et
  avantages compétitifs", Rapport de recherche à la fédération française de la franchise,
  148 p., 2011

Présentations dans des conférences avec actes
  CAEMMERER, B., X.LESAGE, "Exploring the entrepreneurial process through an
  ecosystem lens" dans 4th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference and PhD
  Symposium, 2019, Audencia, Nantes, France
  CAEMMERER, B., X.LESAGE, "Entrepreneurial Process and Ecosystem Development"
  dans Workshop Repenser l’Accompagnement Entrepreneurial, 2019, Laval, Canada
  STEGEMANN, N., B. CAEMMERER, O. SADIK-ROZSNYAI, "Academic confidence in
  blended learning" dans ANZMAC 2019 Conference, 2019, Wellington, Nouvelle Zélande
  CAEMMERER, B., X.LESAGE, "L'orientation de marché et l'orientation entrepreneuriale :
  Contribution d'un incubateur" dans Workshop de Recherche sur l'Accompagnement
  entrepreneurial, 2018, Belgique
  Satisfaction, Citizen Trust and Participation" dans Academy of marketing Science World
  Marketing Congress, 2016, Paris, France

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  Consequences of Multi-unit Franchising" dans AMA Winter Marketing Educators
  Conference, 2014, Orlando, USA
  LYNN, T., L.MUZELLEC, B.CAEMMERER, "Early Adopters of Twitter and Google+:
  Validation of a Theoretical Model of Early Adopter Personality and and Social Network
  Site Influence" dans International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2014,
  Ann Arbor (MI), United States of America
  PRIETO, M., B.CAEMMERER, G.BALTAS, "Using a Hedonic Price Model to Test Prospect
  Theory Assertions: The Asymmetrical and Nonlinear Effect of Reliability on Used Car
  Prices" dans Winter AMA, 2014, Orlando, USA
  BROCK, C., J.MEIK, B.CAEMMERER, H.EVANSCHITZKY, "Public Sector Complaint
  Management – A Missing Perspective in Service Research," dans Frontiers in Service
  Conference, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
  HYNES, N., B.CAEMMERER, E.MARTIN, "Exploit, Neglect, Develop, Live – A Typology of
  Country Image Use in Company Branding" dans AMS Cultural Perspectives in
  Marketing, 2012, Atlanta (GA), USA
  BROCK, C., J.MEIK, B.CAEMMERER, H.EVANSCHITZKY, "Encouraging Citizen Participation
  – Complaint Stimulation and Complaint Handling in the Public Sector" dans EMAC,
  2012, Lisbon, Portugal
  CAEMMERER, B., V.STAN, "Antecedents of Organisational Partner Satisfaction in a
  Public Sector Context" dans EMAC, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal
  PRIETO, M., B.CAEMMERER, "Testing for prospect theory in the second hand car
  market: a hedonic price analysis" dans 19th International Conference of the European
  Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), 2012, Vienna, Austria
  CAEMMERER, B., J.MULKI, "The Two Minds of the Buyer: The Difference in Expectations
  and Perceptions towards Sales Personnel in Turbulent Market Contexts" dans Industrial
  Marketing and Purchasing Group (IMP) Conference, 2011, Glasgow, Royaume Uni
  EVANSCHITZKY, H., B.CAEMMERER, C.BROCK, "A Multi-Level Study on Franchisee- and
  System-Level Antecedents of Opportunism and Satisfaction" dans WMC, 2011, Reims
  PRIETO, M., B.CAEMMERER, "Differing Online Pricing Strategies for Similar Products –
  The Effect of Sellers’ Personal Involvement" dans European Institute of Retailing and
  Service Studies Conference (EIRASS), 2011, San Diego, USA
  CAEMMERER, B., V.STAN, "The Development of Organizational Partner Orientation"
  dans AMS, 2011, Coral Gables, USA
  HYNES, N., B.CAEMMERER, E.MASTERS, "The Use of Sustainable Country Images in
  Organizational Branding" dans AMS, 2011, Coral Gables (FL), USA
  EVANSCHITZKY, H., B.CAEMMERER, "The Franchise Dilemma: Agent Motivations,
  Contracting, and Opportunism in Hybrid Governance" dans AMS, 2011, Coral Gables
  (FL), USA
  CAEMMERER, B., R.MOGOS-DESCOTES, "The effectiveness of Sponsorship in Legitimacy
  Formation - the moderating role of pre-existing consumer attitudes" dans Advances in
  Consumer Research (ACR), 2011, St Louis (MO), USA

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CAEMMERER, B., A.DEWAR, "A Comparison of Service Quality Expectations and
  Perceptions in the Public and the Private Sector" dans EMAC, 2010, Copenhagen,
  CAEMMERER, B., "Solution Orientation: Theoretical Frameworks, Practical Applications
  and Challenges" dans AMS, Special Session, 2010, Portland (OR), USA
  CAEMMERER, B., H.EVANSCHITZKY, "Roads to Customer Performance: Investing Wisely
  in the Service-Profit Chain" dans Winter AMA, 2010, New Orleans, USA
  CAEMMERER, B., M.MARCK, "The Impact of Isomorphic Pressures on the Development
  of Organisational Service Orientation in Public Services" dans ANZMAC, 2009,
  Melbourne, Australia
  CAEMMERER, B., E.CENTENO, M.MARCK, "The Development of Internal Trust in Service
  Branding – A Comparison of Large Organisations and SMEs" dans WMC, 2009, Oslo,
  CAEMMERER, B., A.WILSON, "Contribution of User Feedback             Mechanisms     to
  Organisational Learning" dans EMAC, 2009, Nantes, France
  CAEMMERER, B., M.BANERJEE, "Inter-Sectoral Isomorphism – The Assimilating Service
  Orientation of Public and Private Sector Organisations" dans EMAC, 2008, Brighton,
  United Kingdom
  CAEMMERER, B., A.WILSON, "An Evaluation of Customer Feedback Mechanisms in the
  Public Sector," dans BAM, 2007, Warwick, United Kingdom
  CAEMMERER, B., A.WILSON, "An Investigation into the Service Orientation Discrepancy
  Phenomenon in a Public Sector Setting" dans AM, 2007, Surrey, United Kingdom
  CAEMMERER, B., A.WILSON, "The Development of an Externally Driven Organisational
  Service Orientation in the Public Sector" dans EMAC, 2007, Reykjavik, Iceland
  WILSON, A., B.CAEMMERER, "Managing Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Effective
  Service Measurement" dans BAM, 2005, Oxford, United Kingdom

Participations à des conférences sans actes
  BOULAY, J., B.CAEMMERER, K.DUNIACH, H.EVANTCHVISKY, "La multi-franchise, une
  alternative stratégique de développement des réseaux" dans Les Entretiens de la
  Franchise, 22 novembre, MEDEF, 2011, Paris, France

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