SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists

SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
SCA NEWS                                                  Winter 2015

       Congratulations Winners 2015 National Open Juried
                                  SCA Online Exhibition!!!
                                                             First Prize: Anne Launcelott SCA
                                                             “Face at Window, Havana/Cuba”
                                                             Photography 20” x 30”

                                                             Third Prize: Patrick D. Cox
                                                             “Keen Eyed Prairie Men”
                                                             Egg Tempera 23 ½” x 31 ½”

Second Prize: Denise Lanterman
“The Quiet”
Acrylic 30” x 40”                                                                                    1
SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Continuation…. Winners 2015 National Online
Juried Exhibition….

 Honorable Mention: Rene Thibault SCA
 “Above Mt. Assiniboine, Three Views”
 Acrylic on canvas 36” x 74”

  In This Issue
     Award Winners of SCA
      Online Juried Show

     President’s Report

     Members’ News

     Associates’ News

     NEXT

     Contacts

                                        Honorable Mention: Ali A. Aryan
                                        “Rush Hours #2”

SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Continuation…. Winners 2015 National Online
Juried Exhibition….

                                                         Honorable Mention: Jeannette Labelle SCA
                                                         “Red Marks”
                                                         Acrylic 12 ½” x 17”

                               Report on Exhibitions

 The New Year promises to be a great year for SCA exhibitions! We are off to a su-
 per start by hosting our 2015 National Open Juried ONLINE Exhibition. We
 were overwhelmed by the response that this exhibition solicited and are proud
 to be the art organization in Canada that showcases artists’ work from all across
 the country and welcomes artists from other parts of the world to share the
 stage. The imagination, creativity and quality so evident in the art work present-
 ed is truly inspirational. 165 artists submitted their best work to be juried for
 inclusion in this exhibition. By the time you read this, the results will be in and
 we will proudly be presenting this show on our website for the world to see. We
 thank our jurors Peter Deacon RCA and Beverly Tosh RCA as well as our own
 member Doris Charest SCA for their hard work in jurying a big show like this
 one. Congratulations to the deserving prize winners!

 On the heels of this exhibition, I have meanwhile put out the Call to Artists for
 our 47th Open National Juried Exhibition, this year being hosted by Gainsbor-
 ough Galleries in downtown Calgary. Submission forms can be downloaded from
 our website.

 Our Elected Members Show will be called later in the summer. We have chosen
 the Flato Markham Theatre in Markham, Ontario to be the venue for this exhibi-
 tion in late fall October 26 to November 23, 2015.

 Your SCA exhibition team is working hard to give you many opportunities to
 showcase your work as part of this organization. We always welcome input,
 feedback and suggestions!

 Karin Richter SCA
 Director of Exhibitions                                                                            3
SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
President’s Report:

I just came in from shovelling a heavy blanket of snow from my driveway – a winter activity I en-
joy almost as much as cross-country skiing. As I write this report, there are not yet signs of
spring in Southwestern Ontario. By the time this newsletter is translated and published on our
website, the Tundra Swans will be resting here on there way to the arctic as they do every
March. I am always called to paint by the changing seasons.
Today, this inspiration is giving me pause to reflect with gratitude on how the SCA supports art
and artists in Canada. As artists, it is in our nature to create. Making art is as natural and nec-
essary as breathing.
The SCA is a “national, non-profit artists’ organization born to foster and celebrate the visual
arts in Canada.” There are many benefits of our Elected membership: recognition of talent;
presence on a fabulous website; promotion through newsletters; Facebook and Twitter; Mem-
bers’ Exhibitions, the opportunity to apply for Open Shows; opportunity to gather to discuss art;
learn from guest speakers; and so much more. Art is also a central component to the lives of
our Associate Members. They receive all the information sent to the membership, are able to
attend our functions, serve on our board and apply for Open Juried shows. Our mentorship
program was designed to assist Associates who wish to apply for Elected Membership. Our
Board, Chairs and Regional Representatives are all volunteers. I will take liberties with John F.
Kennedy’s 1961 inauguration address to say: ask not what your SCA can do for you, ask what
you can do for your SCA.
This is my sixth and final year on the SCA Board and as chair of the Nomination Committee our
role to present a full slate of directors for election at our AGM on May 30 th. At this time our
board needs two more directors: a director of Membership and a director of Webmaster. Ideally
most directors would be the chairs of a standing committee of volunteers; for example, Exhibi-
tion, Membership, Social Media, Honours and Awards, Newsletter. Many hands make light
So I invite you to consider volunteering and in doing so have the opportunity to enjoy the fellow-
ship of working with passionate artists and art lovers committed to our fabulous organization. I
would also like to take this moment to thank all our current volunteers and all the volunteers
that brought us to this moment. It is largely through your dedication that the SCA is so im-
portant in Canada. And merci beaucoup to Raymond Quenneville, SCA, who will be translating
this newsletter into French.

Josy Britton, SCA

SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Rapport de la présidente :

Je viens tout juste de rentrer après avoir pelleté toute cette neige pesante de mon entrée, une
activité hivernale que j’apprécie presque autant que le ski de fond. Au moment où j’écris ces
lignes il n’y a encore aucun signe précurseur du printemps dans le sud-ouest de l’Ontario. Pour-
tant, d’ici à ce que le journal soit traduit et qu’il soit publié sur notre site Internet, les cygnes sif-
fleurs se seront arrêtés ici comme ils le font chaque année, une pause avant leur long voyage
vers l’arctique. Je reçois toujours l’appel de la peinture aux changements de saisons.
Aujourd’hui, je prends une pause pour exprimer toute la gratitude que j’ai envers la SAC qui
supporte l’art et les artistes à travers le Canada. En tant qu’artistes, c’est dans notre nature de
créer. S’exprimer par son art est pour nous tout aussi naturel et nécessaire que de respirer.
La SAC est une organisation nationale sans but lucratif mise sur pied pour encourager et célé-
brer l’art visuel au Canada. Il y a plusieurs avantages à en faire partie à titre de membre élu : la
reconnaissance du talent, la présence sur un site Internet de qualité, la promotion à travers le
journal de la SAC, Facebook et Twitter, les expositions des membres élus, la participation aux
expositions ouvertes à tous, la possibilité de se regrouper et de discuter de l’art en général, d’ap-
prendre des conférenciers invités, etc. L’art est aussi au centre des activités de nos membres
associés. Ces derniers reçoivent toute l’information distribuée aux membres, participent active-
ment aux diverses fonctions de l’organisation et de son conseil d’administration et sont invités à
appliquer pour participer aux expositions-concours ouvertes à tous. Notre programme de mento-
rat est fait pour aider les membres associés qui le désirent, à devenir un jour membres élus. Les
membres de notre conseil d’administration ainsi que nos représentants régionaux sont tous des
bénévoles. Permettez-moi de reprendre les paroles de John F. Kennedy lors de son inaugura-
tion en 1961 et de dire : Ne me demandez pas ce que la SAC peut faire pour vous mais deman-
dez-vous plutôt ce que vous pouvez faire pour votre SAC.
C’est ma sixième et dernière année sur le conseil d’administration et comme responsable du co-
mité des nominations. Nous devons présenter des propositions pour tous les postes de direc-
teurs en vue des prochaines élections lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle qui se tiendra le 30
mai. Pour le moment, notre conseil a besoin de deux nouveaux directeurs : un directeur du
«membership» et un directeur Webmestre. Idéalement, chaque directeur sera en charge d’un
comité composé de bénévoles (exemples : expositions, «membership», médias sociaux, prix et
mentions, journal). Plus il y a de mains à la pâte moins le travail de chacun est imposant.
Je vous invite donc à considérer votre participation comme bénévole et ce faisant à apprécier la
camaraderie et la passion des merveilleux artistes et amateurs d’art qui se dévouent pour notre
grande et belle association. Je profite également de ce moment pour remercier les bénévoles
d’hier et d’aujourd’hui qui nous ont fait cheminer jusqu’ici. C’est en grande partie grâce à votre
dévouement que la SAC est devenue si importante au Canada. Finalement, je remercie Ray-
mond Queneville, SAC, qui a traduit mes mots vers le français.

Josy Britton, SAC

SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Members’ News                                         Keith Campbell SCA, was one of 6 finalists in the
                                                      prestigious Premier's Award for Excellence in the
Ron Hazell SCA, CSPWC of Halifax, Nova Sco-           Arts for 2014.
tia has written a book titled “The Artist’s Guide
to Painting Water in Watercolor”.                     He has received a Life Time Achievement
                                                      Award from CBACH (Coordinating Body Arts
It is being published by North Light Art Books,       Culture Heritage) on Sept 27th which brings the
Cincinnati, Ohio. The book is liberally illustrated   number of Awards received to total of 56.
with step-by-step demonstrations of painting vari-
ous water conditions from calm to rough water to      Together with the Life Time Achievement Award;
open ocean, as well as painting fog, rain, ice and    Keith also received a Stainless Steel Leaf with his
snow.                                                 name & the year 1977 on the award to recognize
                                                      when he moved to North Bay, Ontario. This Leaf is
Although the launch date is Aril 3, 2015, the book    part of a spectacular architectural masterpiece
can now be pre-ordered                                called "The Leaves of Inspiration Pergola"
on and at an in-        which is located on Civic Plaza at the entrance to
troductory price. Just go to Ron’s website at         the Waterfront Park as well as the Discovery Muse-                                    um in North Bay, Ontario.

The book will also be available                       Keith has a new book published by Ronald P. Frye
on in the near future.         & Company on showing his social/political clay
                                                      works. The book is titled "KEITH CAMPBELL"
                                                      and written by Gallery owner/curator/
                                                      lecturer Jonathon Bancroft-Snell. Jonathon's
                                                      Gallery in London, Ontario which is the Best Ce-
                                                      ramic Art Gallery in Canada. This is his second
                                                      book which is part of "FRYE CANADIAN CE-
                                                      RAMICIST COLLECTION".

SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Members’ News continued…

Angela Hennessey SCA, is delighted to have re-
ceived an Honourable Mention in the Pine Ridge
Arts Council's Juried Show in October, 2014, for
her monoprint, titled: 'Monolith'."

"She also was awarded, for the second year in a row,
Best Print, for her monotype 'Ovoid', at the Juried
Show at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, in
November 2014."

                                                                    Marvyne Jenoff “Blue View”

                                                        Eye on Sound by Gerald St. Maur SCA, has been
                                                        published by Strathcona Limited Editions. A collec-
                                                        tion of collages, the book explores the relationship
                                                        between the visual image and the musical im-
                                                        age. Contact Inkling Press for details.

         Angela Hennessey “ Ovoid” Monotype

Marvyne Jenoff SCA, work will be shown in the
Connecting Canadian Artists Group Show at the Ar-
ta Gallery, The Distillery District, 14 Distillery
Lane, Toronto, from April 2 to
10. Opening reception, Tuesday, April 2, 6:00 to 8:00
PM. Recently, three of Marvyne’s collages were ex-
hibited at the Arts & Letters Club of Toronto:
“Mirroring” was part of the Figurative Works Group
Show in January. “Ice” and “Ghost Flowers, Fence”
were part of the LAMPSweek Best Work Group
Show in February. The collages, on paper, are made
of pieces cut or torn from watermedia samples and
photographs made by Marvyne. Some include mylar
or drawing on tracing paper. See her new website at
                                                                 Gerald St. Maur “ Eye on Sound”                                                                              7
SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Members’ News continued…

Sue Ericsson SCA, is pleased to have
'Handkerchief Dress' included in DRAWING 2015
at John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto until Fri Mar 6.
Gallery Hrs: M-F 10-6.
Yorkminster Park Gallery, Toronto will mount a one
-artist show by Ericsson in Oct 2016.

                                                                           Charles Choi “ Unity in a Mess”

                                                              Charles Choi SCA, "Unity in a Mess" won "Best
                                                              Painting " in Uxbridge Annual Juried Show held
                                                              last October 2014.

  Sue Ericsson “ Handkerchief Dress”

Doreen Renner SCA, "Moonscape" won an Hon-
ourable Mention in the Florida Suncoast Watercol-
our Society's Juried Exhibition in Sarasota, Flori-
da. She also had two paintings juried in to the Art
Center Sarasota "Fresh" Juried Exhibition and the
Artists' Guild of Anna Maria Island Juried Exhibi-
tion in Florida.

                                 Doreen Renner “ Moonscape”

SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Members’ News continued…
                                                    Mary Anne Ludlam SCA, has a show "Toronto,
Margaret Roseman, SCA, TWS, CSPWC would Past & Present" opening at Roberts Gallery, 641
like to extend an invitation to attend her Studio   Yonge Street, Toronto ON on March 28, 2015.
Show and Sale of watercolour and acrylic paintings.
Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3, 2015.

11 Deanbank Drive, Thornhill, Ontario 10 am – 6

Ming You Xu SCA, was featured in Canada’s pres-
tigious Arabella art magazine with a well written
article featuring many of his oil paintings. One of
the paintings in his Mongolian series garnered ex-
ceptional attention and popularity, which was fea-
tured on the cover page of Arabella’s autumn 2014
issue in addition to a feature in the online art mag-
azine: Caprice. The painting, Embroidery Girl cap-
tures the delicate handiwork of a young Mongolian
girl in the process of sewing detailed embroideries
to her costume belt. The overall painting gives off a
very warm and cheerful atmosphere that makes
you smile just by gazing at it.

  Ming You Xu “ Embroidery Girl”

SCA NEWS - Society of Canadian Artists
Members’ News continued…                                  Virginia Dupuis, SCA currently has a show called
                                                          “Ripe with Colour” at the AOE Gallery, Ottawa.
The Fondation Louis J. Robichaud honored SCA              Show runs from February 11- March 18 and public
artist Gisèle Léger-Drapeau as a standout lead-           is invited.
er in arts and awarded her with its Medal of Excel-
lence Saturday evening Oct.18, 2014.                      Oil paintings look at berries “ripe with colour” of
                                                          various hues as the berries move through their
                                                          growth cycle. Virginia Dupuis gratefully acknowl-
                                                          edges the financial support from The Ontario Arts
                                                          Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.
                                                          AOE Gallery, an initiative of AOE Arts Council,
                                                          Shenkman Arts Centre, 2nd Floor 245 Centrum
                                                          Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario.

   Gisèle Léger-Drapeau

Ann Sutherland Gruchy SCA, joins Marie
Paquette in a fabulous complicity........of BRUSH &
CLAY! For their tenth year, Ann, working in wa-                           Virginia Dupuis “ Blueberries”
tercolour, acrylic and oil will be exhibiting with pot-
ter and brush artist Marie Paquette at 1584 Sobeau
Crt., Kars,ON from 10 - 5 both days. Marie hand
builds and often wood fires her textured clay ob-
jects. She will also be showing her latest brush-

Both artists highlight texture and organic forms;
they enjoy displaying their latest works together, in
a common setting. The weekend is in support of the
Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind.;

         Ann Gruchy “ Lark Harbour”

Associate’s News ...

Vera Bobson had two paintings accepted into the                 Nancy Stella Galianos is pleased to invite you to
Royal Watercolour Society Contemporary Watercol-                her Opening Reception, Spring into Art, Thursday
our Competition. The RWS is the oldest watercolour              April 2nd from 5 to 7 p.m. The exhibition will take
society in the world. The exhibition takes place at             place at the Atrium of the Verses restaurant at Ho-
the Bankside Gallery in London, England from                    tel Nelligan in Old Montreal, 100, rue Saint-Paul
March 6th to March 18th 2015.                                   West, Montreal, Qc H2Y 1Z3. The exhibition will be
                                                                on from March 31st till May
Recently Vera participated at The Artist Project ,
                                                                Nancy Stella Galianos a le plaisir de vous inviter
which took place at the Better Living Centre, Exhi-
                                                                à son Vernisage, Printemps dans l’art, le jeudi 2
bition Place, Toronto, from February 19th to Febru-
                                                                avril 5-7 pm .L' exposition aura lieu à l'Atrium du
ary 22nd, 2015.
                                                                restaurant Verses de l'Hôtel Nelligan dans le Vieux
                                                                Montréal , 100 , rue Saint- Paul Ouest, Montréal ,
                                                                Qc H2Y 1Z3. L' exposition aura lieu à partir du 31
                                                                mars au 16 mai. Bienvenue à tous.

   Vera Bobson “ Fourteen Plus Three”

                                        Nancy Stella Galianos
                                        “Spring into Art”

Communications Report

The Holiday Party was a lot of fun! The Hall was
decorated beautifully, the dinner was delicious
and the new members’ presentation was excel-
lent!! Our President, Josy Britton made a
presentation of members’ work which she culled
                                                     Please update the webmaster
from the internet. This was great!

It is such an honour to be in The Great Hall at      and for
the Arts and Letters Club!! The very same place      any changes to email addresses and
where the Group of Seven met and exchanged           website information.
stories and camaraderie. We hope to get more of
                                                     Thank you!!
our members to attend our Holiday Party for
2015. It is such a great opportunity to meet the
membership and put a face to a name!

The Annual General meeting is Saturday, May
30, 2015 in the Great Hall.

Please save the date and plan to attend this year.
Our Holiday Party is scheduled on Friday, No-
vember 27, 2015. Hope to see you there!

Respectfully Submitted
Ann Harvey SCA
Communications Director


                                                       Join SHARON MACKINNON SCA on a 4 day ad-
                                                       venture expedition on spectacular Georgian Bay,
                                                       September 19 to 22. This is a lodge based art re-
                                                       treat at Snug Harbour with daily painting and
                                                       paddling out to the islands. Home cooked meals
                                                       welcome you after each session. Make quick water-
Shernya Vininsky is hosting a Mixed Media
                                                       colour sketches en plein air. Develop paintings us-
workshop given by Pat Dews in August 24-28,
                                                       ing multiple techniques in any media. For further
2015, in Montreal area, email for more info and to
                                                       info contact White Squall at 705 3425324 or Sha-
put your name on the list,
                                                       ron at

Andrew Benyei, SCA will be teaching a 6 week
figurative sculpture course, Thursday evenings         GRAND MANAN ISLAND ARTS 2015
from April 23 to May 28. Students will create
sculptures in clay using a live model. The course is   LANDSCAPE WITH MIXED MEDIA - paint,
suitable from beginners to advanced. For more in-      pastel, and more…
formation contact: or                                         Plein air painting workshop with instructor Jen-
                                                       nifer Hinrichs, SCA July 12 – 19, 2015

                                                       Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, has in-
Plein Air Workshop in Beautiful Nova Scotia
                                                   spired artists from Canada and abroad for more
James Middleton SCA PSC, will be teaching a 5- than a century. The genuine east coast fishing vil-
day plein air painting workshop on the beautiful   lages with weathered sheds and wharves, dramatic
South Shore of Nova Scotia. The workshop will of-
                                                   lighthouses and meadows of wild flowers provide a
fer a good balance between friendly interchange
and education. Days will include demonstrations, never-ending supply of subject matter. The focus of
personal instruction, exercises, encouragement and this workshop is to see landscape in a new way
positive critiques for personal growth.            through understanding composition, colour, and
Dates: July 20 – July 24, 2015
                                                   technique. Jennifer Hinrichs has been teaching
Class min./max. of 7/12 people (minimum al-
ready signed up).                                  drawing and painting at the Avenue Road Arts
                                                   School for twelve years, and she emphasizes indi-
Location: LaHave, Nova Scotia (we will be paint- vidual attention and positive reinforcement, creat-
ing in and around Lunenburg, LaHave, Mahone
                                                   ing a welcoming and encouraging group dynamic
Bay, Petite Rivierie)
Cost: $550 Cdn + tax each                          for all levels of experience. For more information,
                                                   and to reserve space contact:Linda L’Aventure      
workshops-in-nova-scotia To register by phone:
(902) 693-2093
Website:                                                                  13
The Arts & Letters Club of Toronto is sponsoring,
                  NEXT! An exhibition of Drawings and Paintings
                       Open to all artists living in Ontario.
                           October 23 - November 13, 2015.

                                  Best in Show $5,000.
                                  Second Place $2,500.
                                  Awards of Excellence

                       Ed Bartram, OSA,
                       John Ingram,
                          Iris Nowell,

Call for Entry online at
Deadline for entries August 4,2015

Opening Gala Friday, October 23,2015, hosting finalists, award winners and invited
guests. Public Openings begin Saturday, October 24,2015 and all weekends until show
ends November 13, 2015. From 11-4pm. including a number of “Artist at Work” Demon-
strations in the Great Hall.

More Information for Call for Entry and Exhibition will be found at Akimbo, http://, Slate, and The Arts And Letters Club web-

If you have any questions please contact SCA members, Lynn Bertrand, lynnbertrandfine-, Tony Batten, or Zora Buchanan, zbuchan-

Considering applying for Membership to the Soci-
ety of Canadian Artists?                                           A Word from the SCA Web!
Mentoring Help Is Available!                                       Elected Members - If you have not
                                                                   uploaded your artists’ statement
If you are in the process of applying for member-                  and one image (free) to the
ship to the SCA and need guidance in preparing                     SCA website we encourage you to
your submission, help is available.                                do so.

The Society is very lucky to have the guidance of                  For details, please contact:
two very gifted people with a lot of experience with               Ann Kruzelecky, SCA
the group.                                                         Chair, Webmaster

                                                                Social Media Report , 2015

                                                                The Social Media team is committed to
                                                                promote the SCA by providing support in
                                                                raising the profile of its members.
Andrew Sookrah is available to offer guidance in the form of
                                                                The Twitter account was created on Oct.
selection of work, refining your CV, how to crop or make col-
                                                                4th, 2013 and it has a link on the SCA’s
our changes to accurately represent your work, etc.             web page.

web: /                                 Currently, the Twitter account has 140
                                                                followers and is following 481 artists, art
PHOTOGRAPHY MENTORING                                           societies, art galleries and museums in
                                                                Canada, USA, India and UK.

                                                                The Facebook account was created in
                                                                2014, and it has 326 friends, artists and
                                                                museums from Canada, USA and Argen-
                                                                tina. The SCA's web page has a link to
                                                                the Facebook page as well.

                                                                For more information please contact:
                                                                Kelly Borgers-Director at Large
                                                                Ortansa Moraru-Social Media Director
Jack Gilbert is available with advice on photographing your
art, and hints on how to use programs such as photoshop to
best represent your art.

web: /


SCA Volunteers:                                  Alan Syliboy, Associate

Office of the President: (Director)              Kelly Borgers, SCA
Josy Britton, SCA                                                   519-885-4434
                                                 Mary Elizabeth Duggan, SCA
VP (Director)                          
Peter Gough, SCA
902-530-6671                                     Atlantic Representative
                                                 Andrea Pottyondy, SCA
Finance (Director)                     
Amanda Kalcic CGA, Associate                     902-860-3317
905-864-0191                                     Quebec Representative
                                                 Raymond Quenneville SAC
Secretary (Director)                             418-822-2136
Kelly Borgers, SCA                             Western Representative
519-885-4434                                     Deborah Czerecky, SCA
Exhibitions (Director)                           250-507-8907
Karin Richter, SCA

Honours and Awards (Director-at-Large)
Mary Elizabeth Duggan, SCA

Alan Syliboy, Associate (Director-at-Large)   Newsletter Deadline:
                                              The Next deadline for submissions
Membership (Director)
Kathy Hildebrandt, SCA                        to the SCA Newsletter will be June
                                              15, 2015. You can forward your
Communications (Director)
                                              news and events before this date,
Ann Harvey, SCA                               with subject line: SCA Newsletter
519-621-3602                                  Submission.
Social Media (Director)
Ortansa Moraru, SCA                           Thank you! This helps me a lot!
                                              Email by deadline to Marissa Sweet
Webmaster (Director)
Ann Kruzelecky, SCA                           SCA

Andrea Howson, Associate

Marissa Sweet, SCA

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