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Index Symbols B 1848 Revolution, 31 Backwardness, 66 1857 Indian Rebellion, 96 Baker, Keith, 11 Bellet, Roger, 25 Bentham, Jeremy, 147 Bien-Hoa, 111 Billault, Adolphe, 117, 125 A Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon, 20, 22 Académie française, 37 Bonapartism, 26, 27 ‘Accepted tyranny’, 22 Bonapartists, 20, 21 Admiral Charner, 112 Bugeaud, Marshal Thomas, 64 ‘Adresse’ to the emperor, 28 Bureaux Arabes, 64 Ainé, Challamel, 112 Algeria, 30 Amendments to the throne, 154 C American Civil War, 85, 138 Cambodia, 120 Cambodia River, 117 Annam, 110 Cambridge School, 5 Arab element, 89 Catholic Church, 175 Arab Kingdom, 66 Catholicism, 175 Arabophiles, 67 Catholic missionaries, 119, 128, 129 Arab policy, 77 Censorship, 21, 40 Arman, Lucien, 89, 120 Cerro de las Campanas, 146 Asian mystery, 114 ‘Chameleon’ regime, 27 Authoritarianism, 24 Chau-Doc, 112 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive 215 license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 M. de la Rosa, French Liberalism and Imperialism in the Age of Napoleon III, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies,
216 INDEX Chevalier, Michel, 39, 142 de Tocqueville, Alexis, 64 Christian settlers, 91 d’Havrincourt, Marquis, 36 Citizenship, 21, 69 Dinh-Tuoang, 111 Civilising mission, 45, 190 Doblado, Manuel, 140 Cochinchina, 30, 109 d’Orléans, Henri, 30 Cohn, Bernard, 64 d’Orléans, Louis Philippe, 31 Colonialism, 21, 43 Duval, Jules, 7, 40, 115 Comermin, L., 41 Dynastic legitimacy, 22 Commercial freedom, 85 Dynasty, 27 Commercial interests, 154 Commercial Treaty, 37, 189 Commission scientifique, littéraire et E artistique, 177 Economic efficiency, 121 Compagnie commerciale et maritime Emperor Maximilian, 146, 166 l’Union des Mers , 123 Empire, 21 Conquest of knowledge, 64 Empress Charlotte, 144 Constitution, 1852, 23 Empress Eugenie, 110, 142 Cooke, George W., 80 European imperial ambitions, 138 Cooper, Nicola, 112, 118 European missionaries, 129 Corps législatif, 22, 33 European powers, 110 European settlers, 66 Expansionism, 43 D Expansionist endeavours, 25 Darimon, Alfred, 6, 32, 33, 37 de Beauvergier, Baron, 148 de Casagnac, Granier, 75 F de Chasseloup-Laubat, Prosper, 111 Faith in progress, 26 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Faraway lands, 112 of the Citizen, 66 Favre, Jules, 6, 34, 37, 144, 162 de Genouilly, Rigault, 111 Fête impériale, 26 de Girardin, Émile, 32 France’s national day, 25 de Iturbide, Agustín, 139 France’s public finances, 171 de la Gorce, Pierre, 20 Franco-British competition, 114 de la Gravière, Jean Jurien, 140 Franco-Prussian War, 2 de Lhuys, Drouyn, 167 Freedom, 24, 36, 174 Delord, Taxile, 20 Free trade, 21 de Mazade, Charles, 155 French domination, 70 Dentu, Pierre, 112 French imperial ambitions, 186 de Ravinel, Baron, 85 French lake, 68 de Rhodes, Alexandre, 109 French National Assembly, 28 de Rothschild, James, 80 French political culture, 69 de Saligny, Dubois, 140 French Second Empire, 19
INDEX 217 G J Gallagher, John, 9 Jaume, Lucien, 41 General Allard, 74 Java, 126 General Cousin de Montauban, 112 Journal des Débats , 32 General Daumas, 81 Juárez, Benito, 139 General Juan Prim, 140 Jubinal, Achille, 151 Gia-Dinh, 111 July Monarchy, 31, 64 Girardin, Saint-Marc, 95 Globalisation, 29 Glory, 47 K Grandeur, 23, 28 King Charles X, 63, 90 Greatness, 48 Kingdom of Annam, 119 Group of Five, 31, 32, 35, 38 Guadeloupe, 44 Guéroult, Adolphe, 148 L Guizot, François, 46 Laboulaye, Édouard, 1, 7, 38, 80 La Presse, 32, 37 Larrabure, Raymond, 49, 125 H La Soledad, 140 Habermas, Jürgen, 8 Latin race, 142 Hall, Catherine, 30 Lavigerie, Charles Martial, 92 Ha-Tien, 112 Lavisse, Ernest, 20 Haussmann, Baron, 25 Le courrier du dimanche, 39 Havin, 32 Le Journal des Débats , 7, 40 Hazareesingh, Sudhir, 27, 48 Lemercier, Anatole, 170 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 119 Le Siècle, 32, 37 I ‘Les libertés nécessaires’ , 39 Imperial dignity, 23 Le Temps , 7, 32 Imperial imaginary, 188 Liberalism, 27 Imperial languages, 44 Liberals, 40 Imperial venture(s), 3, 151 Liberal thinking, 150 Indigenous policy, 71 Liberal Union, 37 Indigenous population, 66 Liberties, 24 Indochina, 129 Lochore, Reuel, 46 Industrialisation, 26 Locke, John, 10 Industrial production, 85, 123 Lower Cochinchina, 113 Inter-imperial competition, 20, 45 L’Univers , 129 Inter-imperial dynamics, 109 International law, 21, 147 Intervention in Mexico, 137 M Islam, 96 Marshal Pélissier, 67 Ismaÿl Urbain, 67 Martinique, 44
218 INDEX McMahon, Marshal, 92 Parry, Jon, 4 Mehta, Uday, 4, 10 Patriotism, 48, 163 Mexican conservatives, 175 Pax Europeana, 148 Mexican question, 154, 172 Peninsular War, 164 Mill, John Stuart, 10, 147 Personal status, 72 Monroe Doctrine, 138 Petit, Albert, 87 Monsignor Díaz, 111 Picard, Ernest, 6, 33, 40, 76, 137 Muslim Algerians, 91 Pichot, Ignace Charles, 124 Pitts, Jennifer, 10 Plichon, Charles Ignace, 129 N Political brand, 195 Napoleon I, 23 Political culture, 11, 25 Napoleonic Caesarism, 48 Political imaginary, 23, 64, 118 Napoleonic empire, 145 Political spheres, 192 Napoleon III, 19, 27 Politics of assimilation, 79 Napoleon III’s ‘black legend’, 20 Popular legitimacy, 191 Napoleon III’s regime, 21, 40 Poulo Condor, 111 Nation, 21 Press, 40 Nation’s will, 22 Prévost-Paradol, Lucien-Anatole, 7, Nationalism, 69 28, 39, 142 National sovereignty, 22 Principles of 1789, 194 Nationhood, 29 Programme démocratique libéral , 38 Naval imperialism, 111 Protectionism, 127 Nefftzer, Auguste, 7, 32 Public opinion, 24, 26, 36 ‘New’ imperialism, 21 Public sphere, 8, 109 New World, 168 Puebla, 142 Nineteenth-century, 23, 150 Non-intervention, principle of, 147 Notre Dame d’Afrique, 92 Q Notre patrie, 40 Qing’s China, 111 Quinet, Edgar, 145 O Ollivier, Émile, 6, 20, 32, 33, 49, 150 R Opera Garnier, 34 Radical thinking, 24 Orleanist opposition, 39 Raymond, Xavier, 115 Orsini affair, 34 Regeneration, 144, 165 Outer world, 63 Republican liberals, 20, 21, 120, 160 Overseas ventures, 171 Return of troops, 158 Reunion, 44 Revolution, 21 P Revue des Deux Mondes , 7, 40, 156 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867, 185 Robinson, Ronald, 9
INDEX 219 Role of France in the world, 190 Tiers Parti, 31 Romantic ideal of exploration, 114 Todd, David, 12 Rosanvallon, Pierre, 5, 12, 22 Tonkin, 110 Rose, Sonya O., 30 Tourane, 111 Rouher, Ernest, 137 Trade, 123 Trade routes, 125 Treaty of Hué, 111 S Treaty of London, 139, 151, 169 Saudi Arabia, 96 Treaty of Saigon, 111 Schneider, Eugène, 163 Tripartite expedition, 140 Scientific expeditions, 176 Tu-Duc, 111 Second Empire, 25, 29, 41, 42 Tulard, Jean, 20 Second Empire’s expansionism, 2 Second Opium War, 111 Second Republic in 1848, 71 U Séguin, Philippe, 20 United States of America, 138 Seignobos, Charles, 20 Universal male suffrage, 22 Sénatus-consulte, 66, 72 Simon, Jules, 22, 31 V Smith, William H., 20 Vacherot, Eugène, 41 Social recognition, 189 Vaillant, J., 177 Spanish army, 156 Veracruz, 140 Veuillot, Eugène, 129 Vinh-Long, 112 T Tableau de la Cochinchine, 116 Taillefer, 114 W Talabot, Paulin, 80 Warnier, Auguste, 79 The Americas, 143 Withdrawal of troops, 154 Therevada Buddhism, 110 The Times , 69 Thiers, Adolphe, 30, 39, 40, 143 Z Third Republic, 47, 66 Zeldin, Theodore, 20
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