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Recent Books and Dissertations on French History Thomas J. Schaeper French Historical Studies, Volume 25, Number 4, Fall 2002, pp. 699-709 (Article) Published by Duke University Press For additional information about this article [ This content has been declared free to read by the pubisher during the COVID-19 pandemic. ]
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 127 of 143 Recent Books and Dissertations on French History Compiled by Thomas J. Schaeper GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Amalvi, Christian, Maurice Agulhon, Chantal Georgel, and Alice Gérard, eds. Mouve- ments religieux et culturels en France de 1800 à 1914. Paris: Sedes, 2001. 192p. €22.87. Archives d’Outre-Mer. Dépôt des papiers publics des colonies (DPPC): Notariat. Répertoire numérique. Paris: Documentation française, 2001. 809p. €60.98. Archives Nationales. Agence générale du clergé: Répertoire de la sous-série G8. Paris: Archives Nationales, 2001. 282p. €22. Bibliographie annuelle de l’histoire de France: Du cinquième siècle à 1958. Vol. 46: Année 2000. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2001. 1,054p. €102. Blondel, Paul. Blondel et fils. Paris: P. Blondel, 2001. 447p. €30. Carpenter, Kenneth E. The Dissemination of The Wealth of Nations in French and in France, 1776–1843. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 2002. $45.00. Courtieu, Jean, Anne-Marie Courtieu, and Ulysse Robert. Sources parisiennes relatives à l’histoire de la Franche-Comté. Besançon: Presses universitaires franc-comtoises, 2001. 499p. €32.01. Davies, Peter. The Extreme Right in France, 1789 to the Present: From De Maistre to Le Pen. New York: Routledge, 2002. 209p. $90.00 cloth; $25.95 paper. Davis, Lawrence H. ‘‘Georges Lefebvre: Historian and Public Intellectual.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Connecticut, 2001. 251p. Dickens, Ruth H. L. ‘‘Defining French Citizenship Policy in West Africa, 1895–1956.’’ Ph.D. diss., Emory University, 2001. 413p. Flynn, George Q. Conscription and Democracy: The Draft in France, Great Britain, and the United States. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 2002. 318p. $68.00. Gaudin-Naslin, Christine, and Eric Saunier. Franc-maçonnerie et histoire, un patrimoine ré- gional: Catalogue du fonds maçonnique de la Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen. Mont-Saint- Aignan: Publications de l’Université de Rouen, 2001. 68p. €14. Goldhammer, Jesse Randall. ‘‘Reclaiming the Ancient Crime: Sacrificial Violence and Political Foundation in French Thought, 1789–1939.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Cali- fornia at Berkeley, 2001. 282p. Gosnell, Jonathan. The Politics of Frenchness in Colonial Algeria, 1930–1954. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 2002. 300p. $75.00. Gunther, Scott Eric. ‘‘The Elastic Closet: Legal Censure and Auto-Censure of Homo- sexuality in France.’’ Ph.D. diss., New York University, 2001. 385p. Mouré, Kenneth, and Martin S. Alexander, eds. Crisis and Renewal in France, 1918–1962. New York: Berghahn, 2002. 312p. $75.00 cloth; $25.00 paper. Mulroney, Kenny Ann. ‘‘Team Research and Interdisciplinarity in French Social Sci- ence, 1925–1952.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 2001. Nortier, Michel, ed. Millénaire monastique du Mont-Saint-Michel. Vol. 4: Bibliographie géné- Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 rale et sources. Rev. ed. Paris: Lethielleux, 2001. 410p. €55. Pasteur, Claude. L’Elysée: Histoire secrète et indiscrète, des origines à nos jours. Rev. ed. Paris: Tallandier, 2002. 312p. €18.50.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 128 of 143 700 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES Prost, Antoine. Republican Identities in War and Peace: Representations of France in the Nine- teenth and Twentieth Centuries. Trans. Jay Winter and Helen McPhail. New York: Berg, 2002. 288p. $68.00 cloth; $22.50 paper. Quinlan, Sean. ‘‘Medicine and the Social Body in France: From the Individual Self to Social Therapy in Learned Medical Practice, 1750–1850.’’ Ph.D. diss., Indiana Uni- versity, 2001. Romani, Roberto. National Character and Public Spirit in Britain and France, 1750–1914. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. $65.00. Ruhlmann, Jean. Ni bourgeois ni prolétaires: La défense des classes moyennes en France au XXe siècle. Paris: Seuil, 2001. 352p. €24. Sauzet, Robert. Les Cévennes catholiques: Histoire d’une fidélité, XVIe–XXe siècles. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 280p. €24. Schweitz, Daniel. Histoire des identités de pays en Touraine (XVIe–XXe siècle): Aux origines de la France des pays. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 463p. €36.60. Simiz, Stefano. Confrèries urbaines et dévotion en Champagne (1450–1830). Villeneuve- d’Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2002. 384p. €23. Sullivan, Michael. ‘‘Cultural Medievalism: The Image of the Middle Ages in Modern French Thought, 1750–1870.’’ Ph.D. diss., Boston College, 2001. Tonnerre, Noël-Yves. Chroniquers et historiens de la Bretagne du Moyen Age au milieu du XXe siècle. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2001. 242p. €21. Winnie, Laurence H. Family Dynasty, Revolutionary Society: The Cochins of Paris, 1750–1922. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 2002. 264p. $69.95. Zack, Lizabeth. ‘‘The Formation of French and Algerian Political Identities.’’ Ph.D. diss., New School University, 2001. ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL Bordonove, Georges. Clovis: Roi des Francs saliens, 465–511. Paris: J’ai lu, 2002. €6.50. Carrier, Nicolas. La vie montagnarde en Faucigny à la fin du Moyen Age: Economie et société, fin XIIIe–début XVIe siècle. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 620p. €44.25. Chastang, Pierre. Lire, écrire, transcrire: Le travail des rédacteurs de cartulaires en Bas- Languedoc (Xie–XIIIe siècles). Paris: Editions du CTHS, 2002. 450p. €38. Fegley, Randall. The Golden Spurs of Kortrijk: How the Knights of France Fell to the Foot Soldiers of Flanders in 1302. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2002. 252p. $35.00. Gaposchkin, Marianne Cecilia. ‘‘The Politics of Sanctity: The Sanctification and Memo- rialization of Louis XI of France.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of California at Berkeley, 2001. 487p. Gobry, Ivan. Louis 1er. Paris: Pygmalion, 2002. 250p. €18.50. Guenée, Bernard. L’opinion publique à la fin du Moyen Age: D’après la chronique de Charles VI du religieux de Saint-Denis. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 288p. €21. Hancke, Gwendoline. Les belles hérétiques: Etre femme, noble et cathare. Castelnaud-le- Chapelle: L’Hydre, 2001. 122p. €15. Kemp, Julie. ‘‘Dynamics of Carolingian Government As Seen in the Fulds Sources.’’ Ph.D. diss., Emory University, 2000. 327p. Le Clech, Sylvie. Philippe IV le Bel et les derniers Capétiens: 1268–1328. Paris: Tallandier, 2002. 160p. €25.90. Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, ed. Autour de Montaillou, un village occitan: Histoire et religio- sité d’une communauté villageoise au Moyen Age. Castelnaud-le-Chapelle: L’Hydre, 2001. 372p. €22.70. Maurice, Jean, Daniel Couty, and Michèle Gueret-Laferté, eds. Images de la guerre de Cent Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Ans. Paris: PUF, 2002. 224p. €20. Méhu, Didier. Paix et communauté autour de l’abbaye de Cluny (Xe–XVe siècles). Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2001. 630p. €35.06.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 129 of 143 RECENT BOOKS AND DISSERTATIONS ON FRENCH HISTORY 701 Moneff, Serge. Les cathares d’Occitanie: Mythes et réalités. Belin-Beliet: Princi Néguer, 2001. 124p. €14.95. Paladilhe, Dominique. La bataille d’Azincourt, 25 octobre 1415. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 240p. €18. Parsoneault, Catherine Jean. ‘‘The Montpellier Codex: Royal Influence and Musical Taste in Late Thirteenth-Century Paris.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Texas at Austin, 2001. 366p. Pichot, Daniel. Le village éclaté: Habitat et société de l’Ouest au Moyen Age. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2002. 395p. €22. Rieder, Paula. ‘‘Between the Pure and the Polluted: The Churching of Women in Medieval Northern France, 1100–1500.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Illinois, 2001. Roquebert, Michel. L’épopée cathare. Vol 1: La croisade albigeoise. 1,500p. €30.20. Vol. 2: L’Inquisition. 1,200p. €28.50. Paris: Perrin, 2001. Thompson, Kathleen. Power and Border Lordship in Medieval France: The County of the Perche, 1000–1226. Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell, 2002. 256p. $75.00. Verdon, Laure. La terre et les hommes en Roussillon aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles: Structures seigneuriales, rente et société d’après les sources templières. Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence, Service des publications, 2001. 249p. €24.39. Viallet, Ludovic. Bourgeois, prêtres et cordeliers à Romans: Une société en équilibre, v. 1280– v. 1530. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, 2002. 700p. €55. 1500 TO 1774 Argenson, René-Louis de Voyer, marquis d’. Journal du règne de Louis XV. Vol. 1: 1697– 1738. Clermont-Ferrand: Paléo, 2002. 320p. €36. Aubert, Gauthier. Le président de Robien: Gentilhomme et savant dans la Bretagne des Lumières. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2001. 396p. €43. Ayats, Alain. Louis XIV et les Pyrénées catalanes de 1659 à 1681: Frontière politique et frontières militaires. Canet: Trabucaire, 2002. 880p. €35. Baker, Keith Michael, and Peter Hans Reill, eds. What’s Left of Enlightenment? A Post- modern Question. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2001. 216p. $45.00 cloth; $19.95 paper. Barbier, Edmond Jean François. Journal. Vol. 1: La grande friponnerie de Monsieur Law: 1718–1722. Clermont-Ferrand: Paléo, 2002. 221p. €29. Bates, David William. Enlightenment Aberrations: Error and Revolution in France. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2002. 288p. $39.95. Beaud-Ladoire, Paule. Mancini Mazarin, dernier duc de Nevers, 1716–1798: Une injustice de l’histoire. Paris: Christian, 2001. 243p. €18.29. Blanc, Olivier. L’amour à Paris: 1760–1789. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 280p. €20. Blanquie, Christophe. Une vie de frondeur, le chevalier de Thodias (1616–1672): Un gou- verneur de Fronsac et Coutras, premier jurat de Bordeaux. Coutras: GRAHC, 2001. 280p. €22.11. Blet, Pierre. Les nonces du pape à la cour de Louis XIV. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 305p. €21.20. Bluche, François. Au plaisir de l’histoire: Libres écrits. Paris: Perrin, 2001. 305p. €20.50. Blum, Carol. Strength in Numbers: Population, Regulation, and Power in Eighteenth-Century France. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. 288p. $44.95. Bordaz, Odile. D’Artagnan: Biographie du capitaine-lieutenant de la compagnie des mousque- taires du roi. Perpignan: Balzac éditeur, 2001. €24.27. Bordonove, Georges. Henri IV le Grand. Paris: J’ai lu, 2002. €6.50. Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Bourquin, Laurent. Les nobles, la ville et le roi: L’autorité nobiliaire en Anjou pendant les guerres de religion (1560–1598). Paris: Belin, 2002. 314p. €19.70. Bradley, James E., and Dale K. Van Kley, eds. Religion and Politics in Enlightenment Europe.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 130 of 143 702 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001. 409p. $54.95 cloth; $24.95 paper. Brun, Josette. ‘‘Le veuvage en Nouvelle-France: Genre, dynamique familiale et straté- gies de survie dans deux villes coloniales du XVIIIe siècle, Québec et Louisbourg.’’ Ph.D. diss., Université de Montréal, 2001. Cohen, Paul. ‘‘Courtly French, Learned Latin, and Peasant Patois: The Making of a National Language in Early Modern France.’’ Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 2001. Constant, Jean-Marie. Les Français pendant les guerres de religion. Paris: Hachette Littéra- tures, 2002. 350p. €20. Cortequisse, Bruno. Madame Louis XIV. Paris: Perrin, 2002. €19. Cottret, Monique. Culture et politique dans la France des Lumières, 1715–1792. Paris: Armand Colin, 2002. 249p. €23. Couzinet, Marie-Dominique. Jean Bodin. Rome: Memini, 2001. 363p. €64. Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de. Journal d’un courtisan à la cour du Roi-Soleil. Vol. 1: 1684–1685. Clermont-Ferrand: Paléo, 2002. 250p. €30. Debriffe, Martial. Ninon de Lenclos, la belle insoumise. Paris: France-Empire, 2002. 256p. €18. Delsalle, Paul, ed. La Franche-Comté au temps de Charles Quint. Besançon: Presses universi- taires franc-comtoises, 2001. 344p. €22. Dessert, Daniel. Tourville. Paris: Fayard, 2002. 450p. €22. Duguay-Trouin, René. Mémoires d’un corsaire, 1689–1736. Clermont-Ferrand: Paléo, 2002. 167p. €23. Dulong, Claude. Marie Mancini. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 405p. €22.70. Favier, René, ed. Le Parlement de Dauphiné des origines à la Révolution. Saint-Martin- d’Hères, PUG, 2001. 262p. €45. Guba, James Edward. ‘‘Cardinal Jacques Davy du Perron: Conversion, Schism, and Poli- tics in Early Modern France.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 2001. Haru, Clare. Fabricating Women: The Seamstresses of Old Regime France, 1675–1791. Dur- ham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2001. 508p. $64.95 cloth; $21.95 paper. Iancu, Danièle. Juifs et néophytes en Provence: L’exemple d’Aix à travers le destin de Régine Abram de Draguignan (1469–1525). Paris: Peeters-France, 2001. 689p. €63.30. Jouanna, Arlette, Philippe Hamon, Dominique Biloghi, and Guy Le Thiec. La France de la Renaissance: Histoire et dictionnaire. Paris: Laffont, 2001. €30.30. Kappler, Emile. Bibliographie critique de l’oeuvre imprimé de Pierre Jurieu (1637–1713). Paris: H. Champion, 2002. 608p. €92. Kostroun, Daniella J. ‘‘Undermining Obedience in Absolutist France: The Case of the Port Royal Nuns, 1609–1709.’’ Ph.D. diss., Duke University, 2000. 421p. Larre, Jean-Pierre. Théophile de Bordeu, 1722–1776: Médecin béarnais. Biarritz: Atlantica, 2001. 320p. €46. LeGault, Lise. ‘‘The Contrite Heart: Women’s Devotions in France, 1650–1700.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Ottawa, 2001. Long, Kathleen P., ed. High Anxiety: Masculinity in Crisis in Early Modern France. Kirksville, Mo.: Truman State University Press, 2002. 336p. $44.95. Mentzer, Raymond A., and Andrew Spicer, eds. Society and Culture in the Huguenot World, 1559–1685. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. $60.00. Miskimin, Patricia Behre. One King, One Law, Three Faiths: Religion and the Rise of Absolut- ism in Seventeenth-Century Metz. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 2002. 180p. $62.95. Mortier, Roland, ed. Le XVIIIe siècle français au quotidien: Textes tirés des mémoires, des journaux et des correspondances de l’époque. Brussels: Complexe, 2002. 700p. €22.90. Muchembled, Robert. L’invention de la France moderne: Monarchie, cultures et société, 1500– Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 1660. Paris: Armand Colin, 2002. 271p. €23. Narbonne, Pierre. Journal de police. Vol. 1: 1701–1733. 315p. 36€. Vol. 2: 1734–1746. 340p. 36€. Clermont-Ferrand: Paléo, 2002.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 131 of 143 RECENT BOOKS AND DISSERTATIONS ON FRENCH HISTORY 703 Nicolas, Jean. La rébellion française: Mouvements populaires et conscience sociale, 1661–1789. Paris: Seuil, 2002. 576p. €28. Petitfils, Jean-Christian. Louis XIV. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 775p. €10.70. . Louise de La Vallière. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 389p. €22.50. Pitaud, Bernard. Le bienheureux Nicolas Roland et les Soeurs de l’Enfant-Jésus: L’école française à Reims au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Cerf, 2001. 246p. €13. Poigeaud, Philippe. Le roman du président Jeannin: 1541–1623. Précy-sous-This: Editions de l’Armançon, 2001. 237p. €19.50. Poujol, Robert. L’abbé Du Chaila, 1648–1702: Du Siam aux Cévennes. 2d ed. Montpellier: Presses du Languedoc, 2002. 318p. €17.50. Rapley, Elizabeth. A Social History of the Cloister: Daily Life in the Teaching Monasteries of the Old Regime. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. 386p. U.S.$49.95. Richardt, Aimé. Massillon, 1663–1742. Paris: In fine, 2001. 267p. €17. Richelieu, Armand Jean Du Plessis, cardinal duc de. Mémoires. Vol. 3: L’irrésistible as- cension du duc de Luynes, 1619–1621. 209p. 29€. Vol. 4: Au Conseil du roy, 1622–1624. 201p. €21. Clermont-Ferrand: Paléo, 2002. Robbins, Louise E. Elephant Slaves and Pampered Parrots: Exotic Animals in Eighteenth- Century Paris. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. 352p. $48.00. Roche, Daniel. Almanach parisien: En faveur des étrangers et des personnes curieuses. Saint- Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, 2001. 176p. €18.30. Rothschild, Emma. Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet, and the Enlightenment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001. 368p. $45.00. Salles, Catherine. Louis XV, 1710–1774: Les ombres de la lumière. Paris: Tallandier, 2002. 160p. €25.90. Sgard, Jean. Crébillon fils, le libertin moraliste. Paris: Desjonquères, 2002. 350p. €22.10. Shepardson, Nikki. ‘‘‘Le zèle ardent’: The Rhetoric of Martyrdom and the French Prot- estant Community, 1520–1572.’’ Ph.D. diss., Rutgers University, 2001. Sirois, Michèle. ‘‘Le village assiégé: Comportements et environnement à Sennely-en- Sologne à la fin du XVIIe siècle.’’ Ph.D. diss., Université de Montréal, 2001. 347p. Sleeper-Smith, Susan. Indian Women and French Men: Rethinking Cultural Encounter in the Western Great Lakes. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2001. 256p. $45.00 cloth; $18.95 paper. Sobocinski, Carl Henry. ‘‘Some God, Little Glory, No Gold: The French on Madagascar in the Seventeenth Century.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Toledo, 2001. 236p. Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de. Mémoires. Vol. 2: La conversion d’Henry IV: 1590– 1594. Clermont-Ferrand: Paléo, 2002. 322p. €35. Tallon, Alain. Conscience nationale et sentiment religieux en France au XVIe siècle. Paris: PUF, 2002. 352p. €28. Thibau, Jacques, and Jean-Paul Desprat. Henri IV, les fruits de la tolérance. Paris: Galli- mard, 2001. €11.59. Tierchant, Hélène. Le duc d’Epernon: Le favori d’Henri III. Paris: Pygmalion, 2002. 299p. €21.50. Tuttle, Leslie. ‘‘‘Sacred and Politic Unions’: Natalism, Families, and the State in Old Regime France, 1666–1789.’’ Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 2001. Vray, Nicole. François de La Noue, bras de fer (1531–1591). La Crèche: Geste, 2001. 174p. €15. Watson, Richard A. Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of René Descartes. Boston: David R. Godine, 2002. 384p. $35.00. Whitlock, Stephanie Dee. ‘‘Between Crown and Commerce: Architecture and Urban- ism in Eighteenth-Century Bordeaux.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 2001. 471p. Williams, Roger L. Botanophilia in Eighteenth-Century France: The Spirit of the Enlightenment. Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. 204p. $67.00; €73. Zelicourt, Gaston de. Madame de Sévigné: Les mystères d’une passion. Paris: Editions de l’Officine, 2001. 152p. €12.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 132 of 143 704 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD AND NAPOLEON Alderson, Robert Jerry, Jr. ‘‘Michel-Ange-Bernard de Mangourit, Consul at Charleston, S.C., 1792–1794.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of South Carolina, 2000. 486p. Antraigues, Emmanuel Louis Alexandre de Launay, comte d’. Mes soliloques: Biographie rêvée du comte d’Antraigues. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 2001. 220p. €12.54. Baecque, Antoine de, ed. Pour ou contre la Révolution. Paris: Bayard, 2002. 1,060p. €29. Bates, David W. Enlightenment Aberrations: Error and Revolution in France. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2002. 288p. $39.95. Baudus, Florence de. Le sang du prince: Vie et mort du duc d’Enghien. Monaco: Rocher, 2002. 320p. €19. Besson, André. Malet: L’homme qui fit trembler Napoléon. Rev. ed. Paris: France-Empire, 2002. 312p. €18. Blanton, Harold Dean. ‘‘Napoleon’s Prefects and the Fall of the French Empire in 1813– 1814.’’ Ph.D. diss., Florida State University, 2000. 494p. Broglie, Gabriel de. Madame de Genlis. Rev. ed. Paris: Perin, 2001. 528p. €22.80. Candé-Montholon, François de. Le journal secret d’Albine de Montholon: Maîtresse de Naploéon à Sainte-Hélène. Paris: Albin Michel, 2002. 224p. €14.90. Cartron, Michel. Le roi inattendu: Louis XVIII en 1814. Paris: SICRE, 2001. 391p. €28.81. Cuccia, Phillip Ray. ‘‘The Key to the Quadrilateral: An Analysis of the Sieges of Mantua during the Napoleonic Wars.’’ Ph.D. diss., Florida State University, 2001. 324p. Delange, Yves. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: Biographie. Rev. ed. Arles: Actes Sud, 2002. 219p. €22.90. Flahaut, Jean. Charles-Louis Cadet de Gassicourt, 1769–1821: Bâtard royal, pharmacien de l’empereur. Paris: Librairie historique F. Teissedre, 2001. 490p. €42.69. Fraser, Antonia. Marie Antoinette: The Journey. New York: Doubleday, 2001. 512p. $35.00. Gérard, Alain, ed. Guerre de Vendée: La nouvelle histoire. La Roche-sur-Yon: Centre vendéen de recheches historiques, 2001. 470p. €21.34. Goëtz, Charlotte. Marat en famille: La saga des Mara(t). Brussels: Pôle Nord, 2001. 2 vols. 271p., 325p. €43 the set. Henry, Jean. Journal d’un voyage à Paris en 1814. Ed. Bénédicte Savoy. Paris: Le Prome- neur, 2001. €15.90. Jones, Colin, and Dror Wahrman, eds. The Age of Cultural Revolutions: Britain and France, 1750–1820. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. 315p. $18.95. La Tour du Pin, Lucy de. Mémoires. Paris: Mercure de France, 2002. 624p. €8.80. Le Fers-Dupac, Pénélope. Le mousquetaire de Napoléon: L’autre vie du maréchal Lannes, duc de Montebello. Portet-sur-Garonne: Empreinte, 2002. 461p. €25. Leggiere, Michael V. Napoleon in Berlin: The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2002. 384p. $39.95. Lemaire, Jean-François, Paul Fornès, Pascal Kintz, and Thierry Lentz. Autour de l’empoisonnement de Napoléon. Paris: Nouveau monde éditions/Fondation Napoléon, 2001. 131p. €19. Lentz, Thierry. Savary, séide de Napoléon. Paris: Fayard, 2001. 400p. €25. Marbot, Marcellin de. Mémoires du général baron de Marbot. 2 vols. Paris: Mercure de France, 2001. €19.30 the set. McPhee, Peter. The French Revolution, 1789–1799. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. 234p. $19.95. Nafziger, George F. Historical Dictionary of the Napoleonic Era. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow, 2002. $89.50. Pastore, Chaela Marie. ‘‘Merchant Voyages: Michel Marsaudon and the Exchange of Colonialism in Saint Domingue, 1788–1794.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of California at Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Berkeley, 2001. 248p. Pincemaille, Christophe, and Bernard Chevallier. L’impératrice Joséphine. Rev. ed. Paris: Payot, 2002. 507p. €11.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 133 of 143 RECENT BOOKS AND DISSERTATIONS ON FRENCH HISTORY 705 Pingué, Danièle. Les mouvements jacobins en Normandie orientale: Les sociétés politiques dans l’Eure et en Seine-Inférieure, 1790–1795. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 2001. 530p. €31. Robin, Florent. Les représentants en mission en Isère: Chronique d’une Terreur douce, 1793– 1795. Paris: ADHE, 2002. €22. Schneid, Frederick C. Napoleon’s Italian Campaign, 1805–1815. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2002. 248p. $64.95. Taillemite, Etienne. Louis XVI ou le navigateur immobile. Paris: Payot, 2002. 265p. €17.50. Théry, Bernard. Marin de la République et de l’Empire: Pierre Guieysse, 1766–1853. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 179p. €14.50. Tranié, Jean. Napoléon et son entourage. Paris: Pygmalion, 2001. 450p. €24.24. Urban, Mark. The Man Who Broke Napoleon’s Codes. New York: HarperCollins, 2002. 248p. $25.95. Vovelle, Michel. La Révolution contre l’Eglise: De la raison à l’Etre suprême. Rev. ed. Brussels: Complexe, 2002. 320p. €8.90. Warman, Caroline. Sade: From Materialism to Pornography. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2002. 175p. Wrigley, Richard. The Politics of Appearance: The Symbolism and Representation of Dress in Revolutionary France. New York: Berg, 2002. 256p. $68.00 cloth; $22.50 paper. 1815 TO 1870 Adamson, Kay. Political and Economic Thought and Practice in Nineteenth-Century France and the Colonization of Algeria. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen, 2002. $99.95. Bercé, Françoise, ed. La correspondance Mérimée-Viollet-Le-Duc. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 2001. 301p. €16. Bertier de Sauvigny, Guillaume de. Chateaubriand homme d’Etat. Saint-Malo: Cristel, 2001. 218p. €23.63. Broglie, Gabriel de. Guizot. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 500p. €24.30. Carmona, Michel. Haussmann: His Life and Times, and the Making of Modern Paris. Trans. Patrick Camiller. Chicago: I. R. Dee, 2002. 480p. $35.00. Cartron, Michel Bernard. Louis XIX, roi sans couronne. Paris: SICRE, 2001. 404p. €28.81. Clément, Jean-Paul, ed. Les cahiers de madame de Chateaubriand. Rev. ed. Paris: Perrin, 2001. 266p. €19.80. Decaux, Alain. Victor Hugo. Rev. ed. Paris: Perrin, 2001. €24.30. Decker, Michel de. Hugo, Victor pour ces dames. Paris: Belfond, 2002. 321p. €17.60. Dufresne, Claude. La comtesse de Castiglione. Paris: Pygmalion, 2002. 229p. €19.90. Gallo, Max. Victor Hugo. 2 vols. Paris: XO, 2001. 500p, 500p. €41.01 the set. Hovasse, Jean-Marc. Victor Hugo. Vol. 1: Avant l’exil, 1802–1851. Paris: Fayard, 2001. 1,500p. €44.50. Kracauer, Siegfried, Gwenda David, and Eric Mosbacher. Offenbach and the Paris of His Time. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2002. 424p $17.95. Krinsky, Alan D. ‘‘Let Them Eat Horsemeat: Science, Philanthropy, State, and the Search for Complete Nutrition in Nineteenth-Century France.’’ Ph.D. diss., Univer- sity of Wisconsin, 2001. 337p. Langendorf, Jean-Jacques. Faire la guerre: Antoine-Henri Jomini. Vol. 1: Chronique, situation et caractère. Geneva: Georg, 2002. 388p. €30. Lemoine, Florence A. ‘‘Assassination Attempts in Nineteenth-Century France.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of California at Berkeley, 2001. Moore, Lara J. ‘‘Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Ar- chives and Libraries in France, 1820–1870.’’ Ph.D. diss., Stanford University, 2001. Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Renau, Jean-Pierre. Louis Joseph Aimé Thomé de Gamond, 1807–1876: Pionnier du tunnel sous la Manche. Ingénieur français, héros et victime d’une magnifique idée fixe. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 238p. €19.80.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 134 of 143 706 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES Renou, Krishna. Victor Hugo en voyage. Paris: Payot, 2002. 348p. €16.95. Sutton, Greg. ‘‘The French by Themselves: Anthropology and the Study of the French, 1829–1880.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of California at Irvine, 2001. Tabaki-Iona, Fridériki. Chants de liberté en 1848. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 274p. €21.35. Traugott, Mark. Armies of the Poor: Determinants of Working-Class Participation in the Parisian Insurrection of June 1848. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 2002. 300p. $29.95. Tunley, David. Salons, Singers, and Songs: A Background to Romantic French Song, 1830–70. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2002. $79.95. Zimmermann, Daniel. Alexandre Dumas: Biographie. Rev. ed. Paris: Phébus, 2002. 848p. €26. THIRD REPUBLIC Ayral-Clause, Odile. Camille Claudel: A Life. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2002. 279p. $29.95. Bellec, François. La France des gens de mer: 1900–1950. Paris: Chêne, 2001. 284p. €45.50. Bernard, Gilles, ed. Bleu horizon: Témoignages de combattants de la guerre 1914–1918. Portet-sur-Garonne: Empreinte, 2002. 198p. €48. Blond, Georges. The Marne: The Battle That Saved Paris and Changed the Course of the First World War. New York: Prion, 2002. $16.95. Bonini, Emmanuel. Joséphine Baker: Cent images pour une légende. Périgueux: la Lauze, 2001. 250p. €30. Camiscioli, Elisa. ‘‘Reproducing the French Race: Immigration, Reproduction, and Na- tional Identity in France, 1900–1939.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 2001. Christophe, Paul, ed. Les carnets du cardinal Baudrillart: 1er janvier 1922–12 avril 1925. Paris: Cerf, 2001. 1,082p. €60. Claveau, Cylvie. ‘‘L’Autre dans les Cahiers des Droits de l’Homme, 1920–1940: Une sélection universaliste de l’altérité à la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen en France.’’ Ph.D. diss., McGill University, 2001. Del Testa, David Willson. ‘‘Paint the Trains Red: Labor, Nationalism, and the Railroads in French Colonial Indochina, 1898–1945.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of California at Davis, 2001. 403p. Doherty, Edward Joseph. ‘‘Rethinking French Democracy: Charles Renouvier and the Politics of Legality, 1869–1880.’’ Ph.D. diss., City University of New York, 2001. 337p. Dorsch, Michael Scott. ‘‘Strong Women, Fallen Men: French Commemorative Sculp- ture Following the Franco-Prussian War, 1870–1880.’’ Ph.D. diss., New York Univer- sity, 2001. 511p. Douglas, Allen. War, Memory, and the Politics of Humor: The Canard Enchaîné and World War I. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. 385p. $55.00. Epelbaum, Didier. Les enfants de papier: Les juifs de Pologne immigrés en France jusqu’en 1940. Paris: Grasset, 2002. 360p. €20. Faron, Olivier. Les enfants du deuil: Orphelins et pupilles de la nation de la Première Guerre mondale (1914–1941). Paris: La Découverte, 2001. 352p. €25. Ferguson, Eliza Earle. ‘‘Vengeance! Gender and Intimate Violence in Fin-de-Siècle Paris.’’ Ph.D. diss., Duke University, 2000. 516p. Fette, Julie. ‘‘Xenophobia and Exclusion in the Professions in Interwar France.’’ Ph.D. diss., New York University, 2001. 464p. Fisher-Blanchet, Inez, and Oruno Denis Lara. Capitaine de vaisseau Mortenol: Croisières et campagnes de guerre, 1882–1915. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 42p. €38.15. Genest, Isabelle. ‘‘Intellectuels et décadence durant la Belle Epoque: Les cas d’Octave Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Mirbeau et Paul Adam.’’ Ph.D. diss., New York University, 2000. 499p. Grandhomme, Jean-Noël. La première guerre mondiale en France. Rennes: Ouest-France, 2002. 128p. €15.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 135 of 143 RECENT BOOKS AND DISSERTATIONS ON FRENCH HISTORY 707 Gray, Christopher J. Colonial Rule and Crisis in Equatorial Africa: Southern Gabon, c. 1880– 1940. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 2002. 405p. $65.00. Guchet, Yves. Georges Valois: L’Action française, le Faisceau, la République syndicale. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 328p. €24.40. Guillemin, Henri. L’avènement de M. Thiers. Suivi de Réflexions sur la Commune. Bats: Utovie, 2001. 311p. €26. Hertz, Robert. Un ethnologue dans les tranchées, août 1914–avril 1915: Lettres de Robert Hertz à sa femme. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2002. 265p. €29. Horn, Martin. Britain, France, and the Financing of the First World War. Montreal: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 2002. 254p. U.S.$75.00. Jankowski, Paul. Stavisky: A Confidence Man in the Republic of Virtue. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2002. 384p. $35.00. Jevons, Brian. ‘‘La politique de la guerre: French Civil-Military Relations, 4 August 1914–12 January 1915.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of New Brunswick, 2001. Kalman, Samuel. ‘‘ ‘Vers un ordre nouveau’: Nation and State in the Doctrines of the Faisceau and the Croix de Feu/Parti social français, 1919–1945.’’ Ph.D. diss., McMaster University, 2001. Lejeune, Paule. La Commune de Paris au jour le jour (18 mars–28 mai 1871). Paris: L’Harmattan, 2002. 114p. €10.70. Maghraoui, Driss Sidi. ‘‘Moroccan Colonial Troops: History, Memory, and the Culture of French Colonialism.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of California at Santa Cruz, 2000. 269p. Mayeur, Jean-Marie, ed. Les parlementaires de la Seine sous la Troisième République. Vol. 1: Etudes. 278p. €23. Vol. 4: Dictionnaire biographique. 639p. €45. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2002. Michel, Louise, and Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray. La Commune. 2 vols. Paris: La Décou- verte, 2001. 2 vols. €24.39 the set. Miquel, Pierre. 14–18: Le gâchis des généraux. Paris: Plon, 2001. 246p. €19. Nolan, Michael Edward. ‘‘The Inverted Mirror: Mythologizing the Enemy in France and Germany, 1898–1914.’’ Ph.D. diss., Brandeis University, 2001. 265p. Norris, Katharine H. ‘‘Reinventing Childhood in Fin-de-Siècle France: Child Psychol- ogy, Universal Education, and the Cultural Anxieties of Modernity.’’ Ph.D. diss., Uni- versity of California at Berkeley, 2001. Ousby, Ian. The Road to Verdun: France, Nationalism, and the First World War. New York: Jonathan Cape, 2002. 400p. $30.00. Peters, Erica. ‘‘Negotiating Power through Everyday Practices in French Vietnam, 1880–1924.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 2001. Phélippeau, Eric. L’invention de l’homme politique moderne: Mackau, l’Orne, et la République. Paris: Belin, 2002. 352p. €22. Robertson, Charles L. An American Poet in Paris: Pauline Avery Crawford and the Herald Tribune. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2001. 294p. $34.95. Sarnoff, Daniella. ‘‘In the Cervix of the Nation: Women in French Fascism, 1919–1939.’’ Ph.D. diss., Boston College, 2001. 211p. Schultheiss, Katrin. Bodies and Souls: Politics and the Professionalization of Nursing in France, 1880–1922. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001. 256p. $52.50. Shaya, Gregory K. ‘‘Mayhem for Moderns: The Culture of Sensationalism in France, c. 1900.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 2001. Story, William Shane. ‘‘Constructing French Alsace: A State, Region, and Nation in Europe, 1918–1925.’’ Ph.D. diss., Rice University, 2001. 260p. Surkis, Judith. ‘‘Secularization and Sexuality in Third Republic France: 1870–1920.’’ Ph.D. diss., Cornell University, 2001. 440p. Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Talbert, Joseph A. ‘‘The French Experience of Pandemic Influenza during the Great War.’’ Ph.D. diss., Ohio State University, 2001. Whalen, Philip. ‘‘The Life and Works of Gaston Roupnel, 1871–1946.’’ Ph.D. diss., Uni- versity of California at Santa Cruz, 2000.
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 136 of 143 708 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES Winock, Michel. La Belle Epoque: La France de 1900 à 1914. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 308p. €21.20. 1940 TO THE PRESENT Aboucaya, Jacques. Albert Paraz le rebelle. Lausanne: Age d’homme, 2002. 160p. Albrecht, Mireille. Vivre au lieu d’exister: Révélations sur l’arrestation de Berty Albrecht. Monaco: Rocher, 2001. 420p. €21. Alessandri, Pantaleon. Indépendantiste corse: Mémoires d’un franc-tireur. Paris: Calmann- Lévy, 2002. 300p. €16. Alexis-Monet, Laurette. Les miradors de Vichy. Rev. ed. Paris: Editions de Paris, 2001. 234p. €18.50. Alméras, Philippe. Journal noir de l’Algérie indépendante. Paris: Dualpha, 2001. 232p. €22. Auda, Grégory. Les belles années du milieu, 1940–1944. Paris: Michalon, 2002. 280p. €21. Aussaresses, Paul. Par devoir, services spéciaux, 1942–1954. Monaco: Rocher, 2001. €19. Barril, Paul. Les archives secrètes de Mitterrand. Paris: Albin Michel, 2001. 288p. €18.29. Bourdrel, Philippe. L’épuration sauvage, 1944–1945. Rev. ed. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 569p. €24. Chafer, Tony. The End of Empire in French West Africa: France’s Successful Decolonization? New York: Berg, 2002. 256p. $68.00 cloth; $22.50 paper. Clinton, Alan. Jean Moulin, 1899–1943: The French Resistance and the Republic. New York: Palgrave, 2002. 273p. $72.00. Crémieux-Brilhac, Jean-Louis. La France libre: De l’appel du 18 juin à la Libération. Paris: Gallimard, 2001. €10.06. Drake, David. Intellectuals and Politics in Post-War France. New York: Palgrave, 2002. 288p. $68.00. Eberwein, Wilhelm, Jochen Tholen, and Joachim Schuster. The Europeanisation of Indus- trial Relations: National and European Processes in Germany, UK, Italy and France. New York: Ashgate, 2002. $69.95. Endy, Christopher. ‘‘U.S. Tourism in France: An International History, 1944–1971.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001. Fishman, Sarah. The Battle for Children: World War II, Youth Crime, and Juvenile Justice in Twentieth-Century France. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002. 320p. $49.95. Froment, Pascale. René Bousquet. Paris: Fayard, 2001. 500p. €30. Gildea, Robert. Marianne in Chains. London: Macmillan, 2002. 424p. Giolitto, Pierre. Histoire de la Milice. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 574p. €9. Goudard, Louis, and Dominique Missika. Petit Louis, témoin contre Paul Touvier: Entretiens. Paris: Hachette Littératures, 2002. 176p. €17. Jennings, Eric T. Vichy in the Tropics: Pétain’s National Revolution in Madagascar, Guade- loupe, and Indochina, 1940–44. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2001. 401p. $55.00. Joy, Morny, Kathleen O’Grady, and Judith L. Poxon, eds. French Feminists on Religion: A Reader. New York: Routledge, 2001. 320p. $75.00. Junyk, Ihor. ‘‘Faces of Janus: The Revival of Classicism in Modernist Paris.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 2001. Kastoryano, Riva. Negotiating Identities: States and Immigrants in France and Germany. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2002. 248p. $24.95. Lallaqui, Mehdi, and Dominique Schnapper. Les étrangers dans la Résistance. Paris: Edi- tions de l’Atelier, 2002. 128p. €18. Liaigre, Franck. Etrange ascension d’un maire de Nantes: André Morice. Paris: Editions de Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 l’Atelier, 2002. 176p. €19.50. . 22 octobre 1941, l’affaire des 50 otages. La Crèche: Geste, 2001. €7.30. Madelin, Philippe. Jacques Chirac: Une biographie. Paris: Flammarion, 2002. 847p. €23. Mahan, Erin Rose. ‘‘The Burdens and Dilemmas of the Atlantic Alliance: John F. Ken-
6697 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 25:4 / sheet 137 of 143 RECENT BOOKS AND DISSERTATIONS ON FRENCH HISTORY 709 nedy, Charles de Gaulle, and Western Europe, 1961–1963.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 2001. Messenger, David. ‘‘France, the Allies, and Franco’s Spain, 1943–1948.’’ Ph.D. diss., Uni- versity of Toronto, 2001. Meunier, Jacob. ‘‘The Politics of High Speed Rail in France, 1944–1983.’’ Ph.D. diss., Brandeis University, 2001. Muracciole, Jean-François. Histoire de la Résistance en France. 3d ed. Paris: PUF, 2001. 128p. €6.5. Nordling, Raoul. Sauver Paris: Mémoires du consul de Suède, 1905–1944. Brussels: Com- plexe, 2002. 168p. €16.77. Peiser, Gustave. Une jeunesse de cristal: Souvenirs de ces temps-là, 1939–1945. Geneva: Georg, 2002. 184p. €20. Peyrefitte, Alain. C’était de Gaulle. Paris: Gallimard, 2002. 960p. €29.95. Pourcher, Yves. Pierre Laval vu par sa fille. Paris: Le cherche-midi, 2002. 568p. €22. Quellien, Jean. Opinions et comportements politiques dans le Calvados sous l’occupation alle- mande (1940–1944). Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2002. 511p. €30.50. Rajsfus, Maurice. Paris, 1942: Les journées d’un survivant. Paris: Noésis, 2002. 175p. €17. . La rafle du Vél d’Hiv. Paris: PUF, 2002. 128p. €6.50. Roederer, Christilla. ‘‘Popular Struggle and the Making of Europe’s Common Agri- cultural Policy: Farm Protest in France, 1983–1993.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of South Carolina, 2000. 378p. Ross, Kristin. May ’68 and Its Afterlives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. $27.50. Rousso, Henry, and Ralph Schoolcraft. The Haunting Past: History, Memory, and Justice in Contemporary France. Trans. Ora Avni. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002. 136p. $29.95. Ruscio, Alain, ed. La guerre française d’Indochine (1945–1954): Les sources de la connaissance. Bibliographie, filmographie, documents divers. Paris: Les Indes savantes, 2002. 1,174p. €69. Stovall, Tyler. France since the Second World War. New York: Longman, 2001. 144p. $13.00. Stratford, Linda H. ‘‘Artists into Frenchmen: Art and National Definition in France, 1945–1960.’’ Ph.D. diss., State University of New York, Stony Brook, 2001. Tauriac, Michel. Les trente jours qui ont fait de Gaulle, 18 mai–18 juin 1940: Le récit de son fils, l’amiral Philippe de Gaulle, et des témoins de l’époque. Paris: Economica, 2001. 143p. €13. Taussat, Robert. Jean Moulin: La constance et l’honneur de la République. Rodez: Fil d’Ariane éditeur, 2001. 349p. €18.29. Thomas, Pierre-Alban. Les désarrois d’un officier en Algérie. Paris: Seuil, 2002. 276p. €19.50. Togman, Jeffrey M. The Ramparts of Nations: Institutions and Immigration Policies in France and the United States. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2002. 176p. $49.00. Van Deventer, Ann Elizabeth. ‘‘Redefining the Farm, Redefining the Self: Enduring Struggles in the Historical Transformation of Agriculture in Burgundy, France.’’ Ph.D. diss., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001. 234p. Veillon, Dominique. Fashion under the Occupation. Trans. Miriam Kochan. New York: Berg, 2002. 224p. $68.00 cloth; $22.50 paper. Vergez, Bénédicte. Le docteur Ménétrel: Eminence grise et confident du maréchal Pétain. Paris: Perrin, 2002. 408p. €22.70. Verschave, François-Xavier. Noir Chirac: La biographie non autorisée. Paris: Editions des Arènes, 2002. 300p. €20. Vidal-Naquet, Pierre. Le trait empoisonné: Réflexions sur l’affaire Jean Moulin. Paris: La Tseng 2002.8.22 07:36 Découverte, 2002. 164p. €16. Virgili, Fabrice. Shorn Women: Gender and Punishment in Liberation France. Trans. John Flower. New York: Berg, 2002. 384p. $68.00 cloth; $25.00 paper.
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