La page est créée Jonathan Carlier



             D RO N E P O RT
                 P RO J E C T

Foreword                                                         Avant-propos

                                                                                                                               Learning from Venice
“The LafargeHolcim Awards
 has not only brought                                                                                                          Emmanuelle Borne
 awareness, but has also
 raised the standard for how
 we deal with sustainability.”                                                                                                 A little more than a year ago, architecture
                                                                                                                               websites were overrun with a variety of
                                                                                                                                                                                   Beijing airport. If completed as planned, this
                                                                                                                                                                                   compressed earth brick vault will only be the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LafargeHolcim Research Centre near Lyon,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          not to mention a Spanish mason highly skilled
 Alejandro Aravena, Partner Architect at Elemental, Chile.                                                                     viewpoints on an unusual structure called           visible part of a project that will contribute to      in building vaulted structures; and they have
 Member of the Board of the LafargeHolcim Foundation                                                                           “Droneport”. Designed by Foster + Partners,         opening up remote regions of Africa. It will help      all demonstrated rare commitment that is
 since 2013. Pritzker Prize laureate 2016.
                                                                                                                               the elegantly curved brick vault project            transport medical and emergency supplies               worthy of praise.
                                                                                                                               seemed modest in relation to the British            to the African communities. The Droneport              Venice is only one step out of many in a
                                                                                                                               architect’s     ambitious        infrastructure     stemmed from a discussion between Norman               research and development process that will
                                                                                                                               developments. Attractive images showed              Foster and Jonathan Ledgard, founder of the            continue beyond the Biennale. The founders of
                                                                                                                               the beginnings of a humanitarian project,           Redline and Blueline projects. His goal is to          and contributors to the Droneport will continue
                                                                                                                               which feasibility was questionable at the           use the now almost exclusively army drones             to work to perfect a structure that could be
                                                                                                                               time. Less than a year later, a full scale          for the development of future networks,                built without the need for complex training. Not
                                                                                                                               prototype on the Arsenal docks was among            where droneports will serve as terminals.              mere charity, the Droneport advocates the self-

 5th International LafargeHolcim Awards
                                                                                                                               the most attractive exhibits of the 15th Venice     There have been many contributors to this              sufficiency of the people it is intended for. At first
                                                                                   Renowned technical universities host
                                                                                                                               Architecture Biennale.                              project, such as the Block Research Group              glance a modest structure made of compressed
                                                                                   the independent juries in five regions
 for sustainable construction projects.                                            of the world. The juries evaluate entries
                                                                                                                               The Droneport is the first milestone in a network
                                                                                                                               at least as ambitious as the monumental
                                                                                                                                                                                   (ETH in Zurich), Ochsendorf DeJong & Block
                                                                                                                                                                                   engineers (MIT and Cambridge) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          earth bricks, this skilled geometrical vault holds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the promise of a brighter future.
 Prize money totals USD 2 million.                                                 against the “target issues” for sustain-
                                                                                   able construction. The competition has
                                                                                   categories for projects at an advanced
                                                                                   stage of design, and also for visionary
                                                                                   ideas of young professionals and                                                                docks de l’Arsenal, un prototype échelle 1             d’études Ochsendorf DeJong & Block (MIT
                                                                                                                                                                                   faisait partie des curiosités de la 15e Biennale       et Cambridge), le centre de recherche
                                                                                                                               La leçon
                                                                                                                                                                                   d’architecture de Venise.                              LafargeHolcim près de Lyon, sans oublier
                                                                                                                                                                                   Le Droneport est le premier jalon d’un                 un maçon espagnol rompu à la construction
                                                                                   The LafargeHolcim Awards is an initia-
                                                                                   tive of the LafargeHolcim Foundation
                                                                                                                               de Venise                                           réseau dont l’ambition vaut bien l’immense
                                                                                                                                                                                   aéroport de Pékin. Car cette voûte composée
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          de structure en voûtes... Les acteurs ayant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          contribué à ce projet sont nombreux et tous
                                                                                                                                                                                   essentiellement de briques en terre crue n’est         ont fait preuve d’un engagement rare qui
                                                                                   for Sustainable Construction and is
                                                                                                                                                                                   que la partie visible d’un projet qui, s’il est bien   mérite d’être souligné.
                                                                                   supported by LafargeHolcim – helping                                                            mené à terme, participera au désenclavement            Venise n’est qu’une étape parmi d’autres
                                                                                   the world to build better.                  Il y a un peu plus d’un an, les sites Internet      de régions reculées du continent africain              dans une démarche de recherche et
                                                                                                                               d’architecture étaient envahis par les              en permettant notamment l’acheminement                 développement qui se poursuivra au-delà de
                                                                                                                               perspectives d’une originale structure              de médicaments et biens de première                    la Biennale. Les initiateurs et contributeurs
                                                                                                                               prénommée « Droneport ». Signé Foster               nécessité aux populations concernées. Le               du Droneport continuent de travailler
                                                                                                                               + Partners, le projet composé de voûtes             Droneport est né d’échanges entre Norman               pour mettre au point une structure qui
                                                                                                                               en briques à l’élégante courbure semblait           Foster et Jonathan Ledgard, initiateur des             pourra être érigée sans recours à une
                                                                                                                               bien modeste au regard des infrastructures          projets Redline et Blueline, dont l’objectif           laborieuse formation. Loin de toute
                                                                                                                               d’envergure de l’architecte britannique. Les        est de détourner l’usage quasi exclusivement           charité, le Droneport mise sur l’autonomie
                                                                                                                               séduisantes images étaient alors présentées         militaire des drones pour le développement             des populations auxquelles il s’adresse. À
                                                                                                                               comme les prémices d’un projet humanitaire          de futurs réseaux où les droneports joueront           première vue composée de modestes pavés en
                                                                                                                               dont on pouvait à l’époque interroger la            le rôle de terminaux. Le laboratoire Block             terre crue, cette voûte à la géométrie savante

                                                                                                                               faisabilité. Moins d’un an plus tard, sur les       Research Group (ETH de Zurich), le bureau              abrite la promesse d’un avenir meilleur.

                                                             The world’s most significant competition in sustainable design.
Foreword                                                         Avant-propos

                                                                                                                               Learning from Venice
“The LafargeHolcim Awards
 has not only brought                                                                                                          Emmanuelle Borne
 awareness, but has also
 raised the standard for how
 we deal with sustainability.”                                                                                                 A little more than a year ago, architecture
                                                                                                                               websites were overrun with a variety of
                                                                                                                                                                                   Beijing airport. If completed as planned, this
                                                                                                                                                                                   compressed earth brick vault will only be the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LafargeHolcim Research Centre near Lyon,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          not to mention a Spanish mason highly skilled
 Alejandro Aravena, Partner Architect at Elemental, Chile.                                                                     viewpoints on an unusual structure called           visible part of a project that will contribute to      in building vaulted structures; and they have
 Member of the Board of the LafargeHolcim Foundation                                                                           “Droneport”. Designed by Foster + Partners,         opening up remote regions of Africa. It will help      all demonstrated rare commitment that is
 since 2013. Pritzker Prize laureate 2016.
                                                                                                                               the elegantly curved brick vault project            transport medical and emergency supplies               worthy of praise.
                                                                                                                               seemed modest in relation to the British            to the African communities. The Droneport              Venice is only one step out of many in a
                                                                                                                               architect’s     ambitious        infrastructure     stemmed from a discussion between Norman               research and development process that will
                                                                                                                               developments. Attractive images showed              Foster and Jonathan Ledgard, founder of the            continue beyond the Biennale. The founders of
                                                                                                                               the beginnings of a humanitarian project,           Redline and Blueline projects. His goal is to          and contributors to the Droneport will continue
                                                                                                                               which feasibility was questionable at the           use the now almost exclusively army drones             to work to perfect a structure that could be
                                                                                                                               time. Less than a year later, a full scale          for the development of future networks,                built without the need for complex training. Not
                                                                                                                               prototype on the Arsenal docks was among            where droneports will serve as terminals.              mere charity, the Droneport advocates the self-

 5th International LafargeHolcim Awards
                                                                                                                               the most attractive exhibits of the 15th Venice     There have been many contributors to this              sufficiency of the people it is intended for. At first
                                                                                   Renowned technical universities host
                                                                                                                               Architecture Biennale.                              project, such as the Block Research Group              glance a modest structure made of compressed
                                                                                   the independent juries in five regions
 for sustainable construction projects.                                            of the world. The juries evaluate entries
                                                                                                                               The Droneport is the first milestone in a network
                                                                                                                               at least as ambitious as the monumental
                                                                                                                                                                                   (ETH in Zurich), Ochsendorf DeJong & Block
                                                                                                                                                                                   engineers (MIT and Cambridge) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          earth bricks, this skilled geometrical vault holds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the promise of a brighter future.
 Prize money totals USD 2 million.                                                 against the “target issues” for sustain-
                                                                                   able construction. The competition has
                                                                                   categories for projects at an advanced
                                                                                   stage of design, and also for visionary
                                                                                   ideas of young professionals and                                                                docks de l’Arsenal, un prototype échelle 1             d’études Ochsendorf DeJong & Block (MIT
                                                                                                                                                                                   faisait partie des curiosités de la 15e Biennale       et Cambridge), le centre de recherche
                                                                                                                               La leçon
                                                                                                                                                                                   d’architecture de Venise.                              LafargeHolcim près de Lyon, sans oublier
                                                                                                                                                                                   Le Droneport est le premier jalon d’un                 un maçon espagnol rompu à la construction
                                                                                   The LafargeHolcim Awards is an initia-
                                                                                   tive of the LafargeHolcim Foundation
                                                                                                                               de Venise                                           réseau dont l’ambition vaut bien l’immense
                                                                                                                                                                                   aéroport de Pékin. Car cette voûte composée
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          de structure en voûtes... Les acteurs ayant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          contribué à ce projet sont nombreux et tous
                                                                                                                                                                                   essentiellement de briques en terre crue n’est         ont fait preuve d’un engagement rare qui
                                                                                   for Sustainable Construction and is
                                                                                                                                                                                   que la partie visible d’un projet qui, s’il est bien   mérite d’être souligné.
                                                                                   supported by LafargeHolcim – helping                                                            mené à terme, participera au désenclavement            Venise n’est qu’une étape parmi d’autres
                                                                                   the world to build better.                  Il y a un peu plus d’un an, les sites Internet      de régions reculées du continent africain              dans une démarche de recherche et
                                                                                                                               d’architecture étaient envahis par les              en permettant notamment l’acheminement                 développement qui se poursuivra au-delà de
                                                                                                                               perspectives d’une originale structure              de médicaments et biens de première                    la Biennale. Les initiateurs et contributeurs
                                                                                                                               prénommée « Droneport ». Signé Foster               nécessité aux populations concernées. Le               du Droneport continuent de travailler
                                                                                                                               + Partners, le projet composé de voûtes             Droneport est né d’échanges entre Norman               pour mettre au point une structure qui
                                                                                                                               en briques à l’élégante courbure semblait           Foster et Jonathan Ledgard, initiateur des             pourra être érigée sans recours à une
                                                                                                                               bien modeste au regard des infrastructures          projets Redline et Blueline, dont l’objectif           laborieuse formation. Loin de toute
                                                                                                                               d’envergure de l’architecte britannique. Les        est de détourner l’usage quasi exclusivement           charité, le Droneport mise sur l’autonomie
                                                                                                                               séduisantes images étaient alors présentées         militaire des drones pour le développement             des populations auxquelles il s’adresse. À
                                                                                                                               comme les prémices d’un projet humanitaire          de futurs réseaux où les droneports joueront           première vue composée de modestes pavés en
                                                                                                                               dont on pouvait à l’époque interroger la            le rôle de terminaux. Le laboratoire Block             terre crue, cette voûte à la géométrie savante

                                                                                                                               faisabilité. Moins d’un an plus tard, sur les       Research Group (ETH de Zurich), le bureau              abrite la promesse d’un avenir meilleur.

                                                             The world’s most significant competition in sustainable design.

                 The Droneport
                 in Venice – and beyond

                 Edwin Heathcote

                                   The red bricks of the Droneport seemed to         It is the physical realization of Marshall
                                   slot right in on the naval docks of Venice        McLuhan’s global village.
                                   Arsenale. The crumbling brick walls               This was a structure which slotted seamlessly
                                   surrounding the little structure, the rusting     into Alejandro Aravena’s Biennale. If
                                   cranes and cast iron bollards, the rotting        Aravena’s intention was to understand
                                   wooden posts and the boats gently rocking         how architects can marshall their skills to
                                   in the waters produce a picture of a transport    affect the wider world, bringing together
                                   infrastructure of the past, almost a museum       architecture and activism, the Droneport
                                   piece in the high-tech era of ethereal            was a quiet success. Its blend of nascent
                                   cyberspace. The elegant brick curves of the       urbanism, high-tech and low-tech, ease of
                                   vault seem to suggest a thread tying this one-    construction and an optimistic embodiment
                                   time trading infrastructure to a new future of    of a brighter future were perfectly suited to
                                   remote airborne transport, a transition from      the waters lapping around the Arsenale.
                                   seafaring to airfaring, the seas to the skies.    Like so many of the works Aravena
                                   It’s a powerful image and certainly not           s e l e c t e d , t h e D ro n e p o r t a d d re s s e s
                                   one that has happened by accident. The            the difficult issues of the global South
                                   Droneport caused a stir in Venice as it is        without sacrificing elegance for utility.
                                   exactly what any exhibition of architecture       Sitting on the docks, this is clearly a
                                   tends to lack – an actual, full-scale building,   beautiful thing – a structure which owes
                                   as opposed to a mock-up, a model or a             a little something to Gaudí, a little to
                                   fragment from which to extrapolate. This          Candela, to Cuba and to Catalonia. It
                                   was the real thing. But Venice was just the       is a thing which exists in a seemingly
                                   shop window. The Droneport, designed              very different world to the clean, white
                                   by Norman Foster, is a serious attempt to         l i n e s o f Fo s te r + Pa r t n e r s ’ a i r p o r t s
                                   harness the architect’s passion for planes        and management schools, one which
                                   and for the epic architecture of infrastructure   addresses a grittier reality yet one which
                                   and transport. It is also, though, an attempt     could arguably exert a far greater impact.
                                   to harness the rapid improvements in              Aravena’s purpose in the Biennale was
                                   technology for the benefit of the poorest, a      to use the exhibition to broaden not only
                                   leapfrogging of development allowing aid          the ambition of architecture but also its
                                   and supplies to reach remote communities          definition. And it is the idealism which
                                   without the massive infrastructure needed         makes this such a compelling project. This is                Norman Foster’s sketches     Dessins de Norman Foster présentant


                                   for road, rail and conventional air transport.    an idea which could make a real difference.                  for the Droneport concept.   le concept du Droneport.

            04                                                                                                                                                                                                       05

                 The Droneport
                 in Venice – and beyond

                 Edwin Heathcote

                                   The red bricks of the Droneport seemed to         It is the physical realization of Marshall
                                   slot right in on the naval docks of Venice        McLuhan’s global village.
                                   Arsenale. The crumbling brick walls               This was a structure which slotted seamlessly
                                   surrounding the little structure, the rusting     into Alejandro Aravena’s Biennale. If
                                   cranes and cast iron bollards, the rotting        Aravena’s intention was to understand
                                   wooden posts and the boats gently rocking         how architects can marshall their skills to
                                   in the waters produce a picture of a transport    affect the wider world, bringing together
                                   infrastructure of the past, almost a museum       architecture and activism, the Droneport
                                   piece in the high-tech era of ethereal            was a quiet success. Its blend of nascent
                                   cyberspace. The elegant brick curves of the       urbanism, high-tech and low-tech, ease of
                                   vault seem to suggest a thread tying this one-    construction and an optimistic embodiment
                                   time trading infrastructure to a new future of    of a brighter future were perfectly suited to
                                   remote airborne transport, a transition from      the waters lapping around the Arsenale.
                                   seafaring to airfaring, the seas to the skies.    Like so many of the works Aravena
                                   It’s a powerful image and certainly not           s e l e c t e d , t h e D ro n e p o r t a d d re s s e s
                                   one that has happened by accident. The            the difficult issues of the global South
                                   Droneport caused a stir in Venice as it is        without sacrificing elegance for utility.
                                   exactly what any exhibition of architecture       Sitting on the docks, this is clearly a
                                   tends to lack – an actual, full-scale building,   beautiful thing – a structure which owes
                                   as opposed to a mock-up, a model or a             a little something to Gaudí, a little to
                                   fragment from which to extrapolate. This          Candela, to Cuba and to Catalonia. It
                                   was the real thing. But Venice was just the       is a thing which exists in a seemingly
                                   shop window. The Droneport, designed              very different world to the clean, white
                                   by Norman Foster, is a serious attempt to         l i n e s o f Fo s te r + Pa r t n e r s ’ a i r p o r t s
                                   harness the architect’s passion for planes        and management schools, one which
                                   and for the epic architecture of infrastructure   addresses a grittier reality yet one which
                                   and transport. It is also, though, an attempt     could arguably exert a far greater impact.
                                   to harness the rapid improvements in              Aravena’s purpose in the Biennale was
                                   technology for the benefit of the poorest, a      to use the exhibition to broaden not only
                                   leapfrogging of development allowing aid          the ambition of architecture but also its
                                   and supplies to reach remote communities          definition. And it is the idealism which
                                   without the massive infrastructure needed         makes this such a compelling project. This is                Norman Foster’s sketches     Dessins de Norman Foster présentant


                                   for road, rail and conventional air transport.    an idea which could make a real difference.                  for the Droneport concept.   le concept du Droneport.

            04                                                                                                                                                                                                       05

                 Le Droneport
                 à Venise… et ailleurs

                 Edwin Heathcote

                                   Lors de la 15e Biennale d’architecture de          qu’exigent la route, le rail et le transport
                                   Venise, les briques rouges du Droneport sont       aérien traditionnel. C’est la concrétisation du
                                   venues s’insérer à la perfection sur les docks     village planétaire de Marshall McLuhan.
                                   de l’Arsenal. Autour de la petite structure,       Par ailleurs, la structure s’est parfaitement
                                   les murs de briques chancelants, les grues         intégrée dans la Biennale d’Alejandro
                                   rouillées et les bornes d’amarrage en fonte,       Aravena. Si l’intention de ce dernier était de
                                   les vieux poteaux de bois et les navires           comprendre comment les architectes peuvent
                                   oscillant doucement au gré des vagues              mobiliser leurs savoir-faire pour accroître
                                   composent le tableau d’une infrastructure          leur impact sur le monde, réconciliant ainsi
                                   du passé – une pièce de musée à l’ère du           architecture et militantisme, le Droneport
                                   cyberespace high-tech dématérialisé. Les           constitue en ce sens une discrète victoire.
                                   courbes élégantes de la voûte du Droneport         Mêlant prémices d’un nouvel urbanisme,
                                   ont projeté l’infrastructure portuaire             high-tech et low-tech, construction accessible
                                   d’autrefois dans un nouvel avenir, celui du        et promesse d’un futur plus radieux, il
                                   transport aérien, opérant une transition           a parfaitement trouvé sa place dans le
                                   entre la voie maritime et la voie des airs,        clapotis des eaux de l’Arsenal. Comme de
                                   entre le ciel et la mer.                           nombreux projets sélectionnés par Aravena,
                                   C’est une vision puissante, et qui ne doit rien    le Droneport tente de résoudre les difficultés
                                   au hasard. Le Droneport a fait sensation à         auxquelles sont confrontés les pays du Sud
                                   Venise justement parce qu’il a donné à voir ce     sans sacrifier l’élégance à l’utilité. Posé sur les
                                   qui fait en général défaut dans une exposition     docks, c’est incontestablement un bel objet
                                   d’architecture : un bâtiment construit, à          – une structure en partie redevable à Gaudí,
                                   l’échelle réelle – par opposition à un fac-        en partie à Candela, à Cuba et à la Catalogne.
                                   similé, une maquette ou un fragment à partir       Il appartient à un monde en apparence
                                   desquels il faut extrapoler. Avec le Droneport,    très différent des contours immaculés qui
                                   on est dans le dur. Mais Venise n’aura été         caractérisent les aéroports ou les écoles
                                   qu’une vitrine. Signé Norman Foster, le            de management de Foster + Partners ; une
                                   Droneport allie la passion de l’architecte pour    structure incarnant une réalité plus dure,
                                   l’aviation à son goût de l’épopée architecturale   mais dont on peut penser qu’elle aura aussi
                                   des infrastructures et des transports. Il          des répercussions bien plus significatives.
                                   incarne aussi une volonté de s’appuyer sur         L’objectif d’Alejandro Aravena pour cette
                                   les progrès rapides de la technologie au           édition de la Biennale était à la fois d’étendre
                                   bénéfice des plus démunis, pour accélérer          les ambitions de l’architecture, tout en
                                   le développement d’un projet permettant            élargissant sa définition. C’est justement cet
                                   d’acheminer aide et matériel de première           idéal qui rend si convaincant le projet du            Norman Foster’s sketches presenting       Dessins de Norman Foster présentant
                                                                                                                                            the construction of a Droneport module,   la construction d’un module du Droneport,
                                   nécessité à des communautés reculées,              Droneport. On tient là une idée qui pourrait          the combination of multiple units         l’assemblage de plusieurs unités


                                   sans recourir aux infrastructures colossales       véritablement faire la différence.                    and the Venice prototype.                 et le montage du prototype de Venise.

            06                                                                                                                                                                                                                    07

                 Le Droneport
                 à Venise… et ailleurs

                 Edwin Heathcote

                                   Lors de la 15e Biennale d’architecture de          qu’exigent la route, le rail et le transport
                                   Venise, les briques rouges du Droneport sont       aérien traditionnel. C’est la concrétisation du
                                   venues s’insérer à la perfection sur les docks     village planétaire de Marshall McLuhan.
                                   de l’Arsenal. Autour de la petite structure,       Par ailleurs, la structure s’est parfaitement
                                   les murs de briques chancelants, les grues         intégrée dans la Biennale d’Alejandro
                                   rouillées et les bornes d’amarrage en fonte,       Aravena. Si l’intention de ce dernier était de
                                   les vieux poteaux de bois et les navires           comprendre comment les architectes peuvent
                                   oscillant doucement au gré des vagues              mobiliser leurs savoir-faire pour accroître
                                   composent le tableau d’une infrastructure          leur impact sur le monde, réconciliant ainsi
                                   du passé – une pièce de musée à l’ère du           architecture et militantisme, le Droneport
                                   cyberespace high-tech dématérialisé. Les           constitue en ce sens une discrète victoire.
                                   courbes élégantes de la voûte du Droneport         Mêlant prémices d’un nouvel urbanisme,
                                   ont projeté l’infrastructure portuaire             high-tech et low-tech, construction accessible
                                   d’autrefois dans un nouvel avenir, celui du        et promesse d’un futur plus radieux, il
                                   transport aérien, opérant une transition           a parfaitement trouvé sa place dans le
                                   entre la voie maritime et la voie des airs,        clapotis des eaux de l’Arsenal. Comme de
                                   entre le ciel et la mer.                           nombreux projets sélectionnés par Aravena,
                                   C’est une vision puissante, et qui ne doit rien    le Droneport tente de résoudre les difficultés
                                   au hasard. Le Droneport a fait sensation à         auxquelles sont confrontés les pays du Sud
                                   Venise justement parce qu’il a donné à voir ce     sans sacrifier l’élégance à l’utilité. Posé sur les
                                   qui fait en général défaut dans une exposition     docks, c’est incontestablement un bel objet
                                   d’architecture : un bâtiment construit, à          – une structure en partie redevable à Gaudí,
                                   l’échelle réelle – par opposition à un fac-        en partie à Candela, à Cuba et à la Catalogne.
                                   similé, une maquette ou un fragment à partir       Il appartient à un monde en apparence
                                   desquels il faut extrapoler. Avec le Droneport,    très différent des contours immaculés qui
                                   on est dans le dur. Mais Venise n’aura été         caractérisent les aéroports ou les écoles
                                   qu’une vitrine. Signé Norman Foster, le            de management de Foster + Partners ; une
                                   Droneport allie la passion de l’architecte pour    structure incarnant une réalité plus dure,
                                   l’aviation à son goût de l’épopée architecturale   mais dont on peut penser qu’elle aura aussi
                                   des infrastructures et des transports. Il          des répercussions bien plus significatives.
                                   incarne aussi une volonté de s’appuyer sur         L’objectif d’Alejandro Aravena pour cette
                                   les progrès rapides de la technologie au           édition de la Biennale était à la fois d’étendre
                                   bénéfice des plus démunis, pour accélérer          les ambitions de l’architecture, tout en
                                   le développement d’un projet permettant            élargissant sa définition. C’est justement cet
                                   d’acheminer aide et matériel de première           idéal qui rend si convaincant le projet du            Norman Foster’s sketches presenting       Dessins de Norman Foster présentant
                                                                                                                                            the construction of a Droneport module,   la construction d’un module du Droneport,
                                   nécessité à des communautés reculées,              Droneport. On tient là une idée qui pourrait          the combination of multiple units         l’assemblage de plusieurs unités


                                   sans recourir aux infrastructures colossales       véritablement faire la différence.                    and the Venice prototype.                 et le montage du prototype de Venise.

            06                                                                                                                                                                                                                    07
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                            The art of geometry
                                                                                      L’art de la géométrie

                                                                                      Meeting with / Rencontre avec
                                                                                      John Ochsendorf, ODB

                                                                                      “We’re working on a level of technology       48-51
                                                                                      that’s as light as possible”
                         The smallest airport in the world                  10 - 17
                                                                                      « Nous travaillons sur une technicité
                         Le plus petit aéroport du monde
                                                                                      la plus légère possible »

                                                                                      Interview with / Entretien avec
                                                                                      Ivan Serclérat, LafargeHolcim

                                                                                      “The geometry was a challenge in itself”      52-55
                                                                                      « La géométrie était un défi en soi »
                                                                                      Interview with / Entretien avec
                                                                                      Carlos Martín Jiménez, Master mason

                                                                                      Case studies
                                                                                      Études de cas
                         INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH                                   Diébédo Francis Kéré,                         56-57
                         DÉMARCHE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE                                  the art of local sourcing
                                                                                      Diébédo Francis Kéré, l’art du local
                                                                                      Christian Kerez’s experiments                 58-59
                         A genuine collaboration                            18–21     Les expérimentations de Christian Kerez
                         Une authentique collaboration                                Re-use according to Wang Shu                  60-61
                                                                                      Le réemploi selon Wang Shu
                         More with less                                     22-27

                         Faire plus avec moins
                         Meeting with / Rencontre avec
                         Norman Foster, Foster + Partners

                         Simple structure, multiple players                 28-29
                         Simple structure, intervenants multiples

                         Case studies
                         Études de cas
                         Atelier Bow-Wow’s relational approach              30-31
                         L’approche relationnelle d’Atelier Bow-Wow                   SOCIAL IMPACT & TRANSFERABILITY
                                                                                      IMPACT SOCIAL & TRANSMISSION
                         Rahul Mehrotra, informal culture                   32-33
                         Rahul Mehrotra, une culture informelle
                         Milinda Pathiraja’s powerful method                34-35
                         La méthode forte de Milinda Pathiraja                        From a brick to a network                     62-65
                                                                                      De la brique au réseau

                                                                                      The replicable Droneport                      66-69
                                                                                      Un modèle reproductible

                                                                                      Construction sequence                         70-75
                                                                                      Manuel de construction

                                                                                      Case studies
                                                                                      Études de cas
                                                                                      MOS Architect’s Babel Tower                   76-77
                         INNOVATIONS & MATERIALS                                      La Tour de Babel de MOS Architects
                         INNOVATIONS & MATÉRIAUX
                                                                                      Nlé, here and there                           78-79
                                                                                      Nlé, ici et là
                                                                                      Alejandro Aravena’s “success stories”         80-83
                         Ancestral geometry for a visionary structure       36-39     Les « success stories » d’Alejandro Aravena
                         Géométrie ancestrale pour structure du futur

                         A robust construction                              40-43

                                                                                                                                                 table of contents
table of contents

                         Une structure robuste
                         Meeting with / Rencontre avec                                Community infrastructure                      84-87
                         Philippe Block, Block Research Group, ETH Zurich             Une infrastructure pour la collectivité

                    08                                                                                                                      09
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                            The art of geometry
                                                                                      L’art de la géométrie

                                                                                      Meeting with / Rencontre avec
                                                                                      John Ochsendorf, ODB

                                                                                      “We’re working on a level of technology       48-51
                                                                                      that’s as light as possible”
                         The smallest airport in the world                  10 - 17
                                                                                      « Nous travaillons sur une technicité
                         Le plus petit aéroport du monde
                                                                                      la plus légère possible »

                                                                                      Interview with / Entretien avec
                                                                                      Ivan Serclérat, LafargeHolcim

                                                                                      “The geometry was a challenge in itself”      52-55
                                                                                      « La géométrie était un défi en soi »
                                                                                      Interview with / Entretien avec
                                                                                      Carlos Martín Jiménez, Master mason

                                                                                      Case studies
                                                                                      Études de cas
                         INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH                                   Diébédo Francis Kéré,                         56-57
                         DÉMARCHE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE                                  the art of local sourcing
                                                                                      Diébédo Francis Kéré, l’art du local
                                                                                      Christian Kerez’s experiments                 58-59
                         A genuine collaboration                            18–21     Les expérimentations de Christian Kerez
                         Une authentique collaboration                                Re-use according to Wang Shu                  60-61
                                                                                      Le réemploi selon Wang Shu
                         More with less                                     22-27

                         Faire plus avec moins
                         Meeting with / Rencontre avec
                         Norman Foster, Foster + Partners

                         Simple structure, multiple players                 28-29
                         Simple structure, intervenants multiples

                         Case studies
                         Études de cas
                         Atelier Bow-Wow’s relational approach              30-31
                         L’approche relationnelle d’Atelier Bow-Wow                   SOCIAL IMPACT & TRANSFERABILITY
                                                                                      IMPACT SOCIAL & TRANSMISSION
                         Rahul Mehrotra, informal culture                   32-33
                         Rahul Mehrotra, une culture informelle
                         Milinda Pathiraja’s powerful method                34-35
                         La méthode forte de Milinda Pathiraja                        From a brick to a network                     62-65
                                                                                      De la brique au réseau

                                                                                      The replicable Droneport                      66-69
                                                                                      Un modèle reproductible

                                                                                      Construction sequence                         70-75
                                                                                      Manuel de construction

                                                                                      Case studies
                                                                                      Études de cas
                                                                                      MOS Architect’s Babel Tower                   76-77
                         INNOVATIONS & MATERIALS                                      La Tour de Babel de MOS Architects
                         INNOVATIONS & MATÉRIAUX
                                                                                      Nlé, here and there                           78-79
                                                                                      Nlé, ici et là
                                                                                      Alejandro Aravena’s “success stories”         80-83
                         Ancestral geometry for a visionary structure       36-39     Les « success stories » d’Alejandro Aravena
                         Géométrie ancestrale pour structure du futur

                         A robust construction                              40-43

                                                                                                                                                 table of contents
table of contents

                         Une structure robuste
                         Meeting with / Rencontre avec                                Community infrastructure                      84-87
                         Philippe Block, Block Research Group, ETH Zurich             Une infrastructure pour la collectivité

                    08                                                                                                                      09
The smallest airport
                                                                           Perspective illustrant les différents usages   3D showing the various functions of
                                                                           du Droneport. L’infrastructure vise en effet    the Droneport. The infrasctructure
                                                                           à abriter des usages civiques, comme ici une          can be used for civic means,

                in the world
                                                                                        clinique ou un bureau de poste.     as a clinic or even a post office.

                A modular building system capable of being constructed
                by communities. This was the Droneport ’s first aim
                when Norman Foster and Jonathan Ledgard decided
                to work on Ledgard’s idea for a network of drone routes.
                A project planned for very local conditions benefiting
                from a real globalization of expertise and engineering.

                Edwin Heathcote

                The Droneport project was sparked by a chance
                meeting between Jonathan Ledgard, a journalist
                and writer as well as a teacher at EPFL in Lausanne,
                and Norman Foster. “Like so many good stories”,
                Foster says, “it started with an individual.” The two
                Englishmen are neighbours in Switzerland and
                began to talk about Ledgard’s ambitious plans for
                a network of drone routes in Africa.
                Ledgard outlined these plans in a paper entitled
                “Better Use of the Lower Sky in a Sharing
                Economy”. He wrote, “my goal is to help set up
                the world’s first commercial cargo drone route in
                Africa… It will be about 80 kilometers long and will
                connect several towns and villages. The first cargo
                drones will carry small payloads – probably units of
                blood to keep alive children who would otherwise
                perish. But they will quickly evolve into larger and
                heavier craft until they can lift 20 kilos or more
                over distances of several hundred kilometers.
                The purpose of the first route will be to show the
                value of cargo drones in Africa and beyond – and
                to raise money to build other routes. To me, this
                first route is a spectral version of the Liverpool and


                Manchester railway.”

           10                                                                                                                                                    11
The smallest airport
                                                                           Perspective illustrant les différents usages   3D showing the various functions of
                                                                           du Droneport. L’infrastructure vise en effet    the Droneport. The infrasctructure
                                                                           à abriter des usages civiques, comme ici une          can be used for civic means,

                in the world
                                                                                        clinique ou un bureau de poste.     as a clinic or even a post office.

                A modular building system capable of being constructed
                by communities. This was the Droneport ’s first aim
                when Norman Foster and Jonathan Ledgard decided
                to work on Ledgard’s idea for a network of drone routes.
                A project planned for very local conditions benefiting
                from a real globalization of expertise and engineering.

                Edwin Heathcote

                The Droneport project was sparked by a chance
                meeting between Jonathan Ledgard, a journalist
                and writer as well as a teacher at EPFL in Lausanne,
                and Norman Foster. “Like so many good stories”,
                Foster says, “it started with an individual.” The two
                Englishmen are neighbours in Switzerland and
                began to talk about Ledgard’s ambitious plans for
                a network of drone routes in Africa.
                Ledgard outlined these plans in a paper entitled
                “Better Use of the Lower Sky in a Sharing
                Economy”. He wrote, “my goal is to help set up
                the world’s first commercial cargo drone route in
                Africa… It will be about 80 kilometers long and will
                connect several towns and villages. The first cargo
                drones will carry small payloads – probably units of
                blood to keep alive children who would otherwise
                perish. But they will quickly evolve into larger and
                heavier craft until they can lift 20 kilos or more
                over distances of several hundred kilometers.
                The purpose of the first route will be to show the
                value of cargo drones in Africa and beyond – and
                to raise money to build other routes. To me, this
                first route is a spectral version of the Liverpool and


                Manchester railway.”

           10                                                                                                                                                    11
3D showing the structural concept        Perspective illustrant le principe
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the Droneport, a vault, that          structurel du Droneport composé
                                                                                                                                                                                                       will ultimately be built with            d’une voûte qui sera in fine
                                                                                                                                                                                                       almost no centering.                     construite quasiment sans cintrage.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (BRG) under Philippe Block and Tom                instruction tool for the villagers who will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Van Mele at the ETH in Zurich alongside           build the structures’ successors in the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Block’s structural engineering practice,          “If it can be built by students”, says Foster,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ODB. Block’s specialism was exactly the           “you realize it can be recreated across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            kind of brick vault structure used for the        emerging economies and being a self-build.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Droneport design, a system for which they         The minimum products are transported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (with) the maximum engagement of local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The tile vault structure is inexpensive to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Droneport became
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              realize, requiring relatively little formwork
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a case of a project                              and, if well designed, needs to accommodate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             planned for local                                only low stresses. The ability to build using
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             conditions benefiting                            local materials massively reduces its carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             from a globalization of                          footprint and there are no needs to import
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             expertise and engineering.                       expensive or unsustainable materials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              – concrete, plastics or steel. The Block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Research Group stresses that it “developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              a masonry shell that not only addresses the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            had developed their own design software.          structural and construction requirements for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Responsibility for construction, however,         a safe building in Rwanda, but also supports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            went back to Madrid and to MIT across             the architectural concept defined by Lord
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the Atlantic in Cambridge (although the           Foster. The structure is designed in a such a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            original Cambridge University in the UK also      way that it is stressed uniformly by its own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            maintained a role in the research). A team of     weight and has sufficient double curvature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            builders was assembled and led by master          to be stable in compression under all other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            mason Carlos Martín Jiménez in Madrid.            loading conditions. In addition, because of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Industry was represented by LafargeHolcim         the geometry of the openings, concatenated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (whose LafargeHolcim Foundation for               modules create a continuous and smoothly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sustainable Construction also sponsored           undulating surface.” Or, in the more succinct
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the entire construction of the structure) and     words of Hannes Hofmann from BRG, “there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            through their Research Centre (near Lyon)         should always be a direct relationship
                This notion of an ethereal railway proved         which serves communities with smaller items       cheaper, and more accurately than ever              at all? Could they not, he asked, be housed         whose contribution focused on the adaptation      between the forces and the form.”
                irresistible to Foster (who was born in           – medical and emergency supplies which            before. But it is not inevitable that these craft   in simple shipping containers? “We quickly          of an existing product – the DuraBric (a
                Manchester) whose long engagement with            would then be augmented with the planned          or their landing sites will be engineered to        realized”, he says, “that they needed a hub,        product targeted as low-cost construction in
                flight has become almost legendary. Ledgard       subsequent Blueline intended to transport         be tough and cheap enough to serve poorer           a place where they can be built and where           the developing world) and tailoring it to the
                relates how he went to Foster and said            larger payloads including spare parts of          communities who can make most use of them.”         the technology can be advanced and, as              specific requirements of the Droneport.               The Venice Biennale
                “Norman, you’ve built the biggest airport in      machinery, e-commerce and so on.                  “We had conversations in the office and with        that technology advances, the building can          “Making a tile at least as good as a brick!”          was used as a workshop,
                the world (Beijing International), now come       Intriguingly there are parallels here with        others”, Foster says, “and out of those came        evolve and advance at the same time.”               is how Edward Schwarz, who runs the                   a proof of concept,
                and build the smallest.”                          another ambitious plan to have recently           the idea of a modular building system that          “The question”, says Foster, “is how to translate   LafargeHolcim Foundation, describes it.               a laboratory and a field
                The project was tailored to the specific          emerged from Foster + Partners’ office – the      would be capable of being constructed by            that early design concept into reality. My          If there might be a concern it is that, of all        manual.
                conditions of the African continent. Only one     studies conducted in association with the         communities.” Narinder Sagoo, of Foster +           Foundation was able to harness the energy,          these extensive collaborations, there were no
                third of Africans live within two kilometers of   European Space Agency for a permanent Moon        Partners, suggested that the first question was     the enthusiasm, the idealism of university          African institutions involved. It might seem
                an all-season road and Africa has no trans-       base to be built using 3-D printed components     whether the drones needed any buildings             students and their professors.”                     that if this project is to be truly embedded
                continental railways or motorways, few            and lunar soil. The idea of a remote base built                                                       The Droneport became a curious case of a            in the consciousness of a continent, the          It’s a neat analogy for the project as a whole.
                tunnels and not enough bridges to ensure the      as far as possible using local materials (where                                                       project planned for very local conditions           institutions and professionals of African         The economic forces which drive the world
                easy movement of goods and supplies. Yet          transport of materials is an issue) seems to                                                          benefiting from a real globalization of             countries ought to be (and surely will become)    economy, communication, information,
                Africa’s population is expected to double to      have informed much of the thinking around the         Only one third of                               expertise and engineering. Foster may               more intimately involved with the project.        pharmaceuticals and e-commerce – but also
                2.2 billion by 2050. To catch up and build this   Droneport.                                            Africans live within                            be based in Switzerland with his office in          Ultimately the Venice Biennale itself was         community, education, trade and, of course,
                infrastructure would be almost impossible.        Ledgard himself writes: “It is inevitable on          two kilometers of                               London but his Foundation is in Madrid.             used as a workshop, a proof of concept,           food, are the same forces which are shaping
                The Redline, the first of the planned drone       a crowded planet, with limited resources,                                                             Ledgard’s Redline project is based at EPFL          a laboratory and a field manual. The              the idea behind this unusual project. And its
                                                                                                                        an all-season road.
                networks, is seen as the beginning of one         that we will make more intensive use of our                                                           and structural design and analysis were             construction of the full-scale vault was filmed   shape is elegant, intriguing and one which


                possible solution. This would be the route        sky using flying robots to move goods faster,                                                         given over to the Block Research Group              and that film of the process will become an       suggests a fascinating future.

           12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13
3D showing the structural concept        Perspective illustrant le principe
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the Droneport, a vault, that          structurel du Droneport composé
                                                                                                                                                                                                       will ultimately be built with            d’une voûte qui sera in fine
                                                                                                                                                                                                       almost no centering.                     construite quasiment sans cintrage.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (BRG) under Philippe Block and Tom                instruction tool for the villagers who will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Van Mele at the ETH in Zurich alongside           build the structures’ successors in the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Block’s structural engineering practice,          “If it can be built by students”, says Foster,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ODB. Block’s specialism was exactly the           “you realize it can be recreated across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            kind of brick vault structure used for the        emerging economies and being a self-build.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Droneport design, a system for which they         The minimum products are transported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (with) the maximum engagement of local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The tile vault structure is inexpensive to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Droneport became
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              realize, requiring relatively little formwork
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a case of a project                              and, if well designed, needs to accommodate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             planned for local                                only low stresses. The ability to build using
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             conditions benefiting                            local materials massively reduces its carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             from a globalization of                          footprint and there are no needs to import
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             expertise and engineering.                       expensive or unsustainable materials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              – concrete, plastics or steel. The Block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Research Group stresses that it “developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              a masonry shell that not only addresses the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            had developed their own design software.          structural and construction requirements for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Responsibility for construction, however,         a safe building in Rwanda, but also supports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            went back to Madrid and to MIT across             the architectural concept defined by Lord
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the Atlantic in Cambridge (although the           Foster. The structure is designed in a such a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            original Cambridge University in the UK also      way that it is stressed uniformly by its own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            maintained a role in the research). A team of     weight and has sufficient double curvature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            builders was assembled and led by master          to be stable in compression under all other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            mason Carlos Martín Jiménez in Madrid.            loading conditions. In addition, because of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Industry was represented by LafargeHolcim         the geometry of the openings, concatenated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (whose LafargeHolcim Foundation for               modules create a continuous and smoothly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sustainable Construction also sponsored           undulating surface.” Or, in the more succinct
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the entire construction of the structure) and     words of Hannes Hofmann from BRG, “there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            through their Research Centre (near Lyon)         should always be a direct relationship
                This notion of an ethereal railway proved         which serves communities with smaller items       cheaper, and more accurately than ever              at all? Could they not, he asked, be housed         whose contribution focused on the adaptation      between the forces and the form.”
                irresistible to Foster (who was born in           – medical and emergency supplies which            before. But it is not inevitable that these craft   in simple shipping containers? “We quickly          of an existing product – the DuraBric (a
                Manchester) whose long engagement with            would then be augmented with the planned          or their landing sites will be engineered to        realized”, he says, “that they needed a hub,        product targeted as low-cost construction in
                flight has become almost legendary. Ledgard       subsequent Blueline intended to transport         be tough and cheap enough to serve poorer           a place where they can be built and where           the developing world) and tailoring it to the
                relates how he went to Foster and said            larger payloads including spare parts of          communities who can make most use of them.”         the technology can be advanced and, as              specific requirements of the Droneport.               The Venice Biennale
                “Norman, you’ve built the biggest airport in      machinery, e-commerce and so on.                  “We had conversations in the office and with        that technology advances, the building can          “Making a tile at least as good as a brick!”          was used as a workshop,
                the world (Beijing International), now come       Intriguingly there are parallels here with        others”, Foster says, “and out of those came        evolve and advance at the same time.”               is how Edward Schwarz, who runs the                   a proof of concept,
                and build the smallest.”                          another ambitious plan to have recently           the idea of a modular building system that          “The question”, says Foster, “is how to translate   LafargeHolcim Foundation, describes it.               a laboratory and a field
                The project was tailored to the specific          emerged from Foster + Partners’ office – the      would be capable of being constructed by            that early design concept into reality. My          If there might be a concern it is that, of all        manual.
                conditions of the African continent. Only one     studies conducted in association with the         communities.” Narinder Sagoo, of Foster +           Foundation was able to harness the energy,          these extensive collaborations, there were no
                third of Africans live within two kilometers of   European Space Agency for a permanent Moon        Partners, suggested that the first question was     the enthusiasm, the idealism of university          African institutions involved. It might seem
                an all-season road and Africa has no trans-       base to be built using 3-D printed components     whether the drones needed any buildings             students and their professors.”                     that if this project is to be truly embedded
                continental railways or motorways, few            and lunar soil. The idea of a remote base built                                                       The Droneport became a curious case of a            in the consciousness of a continent, the          It’s a neat analogy for the project as a whole.
                tunnels and not enough bridges to ensure the      as far as possible using local materials (where                                                       project planned for very local conditions           institutions and professionals of African         The economic forces which drive the world
                easy movement of goods and supplies. Yet          transport of materials is an issue) seems to                                                          benefiting from a real globalization of             countries ought to be (and surely will become)    economy, communication, information,
                Africa’s population is expected to double to      have informed much of the thinking around the         Only one third of                               expertise and engineering. Foster may               more intimately involved with the project.        pharmaceuticals and e-commerce – but also
                2.2 billion by 2050. To catch up and build this   Droneport.                                            Africans live within                            be based in Switzerland with his office in          Ultimately the Venice Biennale itself was         community, education, trade and, of course,
                infrastructure would be almost impossible.        Ledgard himself writes: “It is inevitable on          two kilometers of                               London but his Foundation is in Madrid.             used as a workshop, a proof of concept,           food, are the same forces which are shaping
                The Redline, the first of the planned drone       a crowded planet, with limited resources,                                                             Ledgard’s Redline project is based at EPFL          a laboratory and a field manual. The              the idea behind this unusual project. And its
                                                                                                                        an all-season road.
                networks, is seen as the beginning of one         that we will make more intensive use of our                                                           and structural design and analysis were             construction of the full-scale vault was filmed   shape is elegant, intriguing and one which


                possible solution. This would be the route        sky using flying robots to move goods faster,                                                         given over to the Block Research Group              and that film of the process will become an       suggests a fascinating future.

           12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13
Le plus petit
                                                                                                  aéroport du monde

                                                                                                  Un système de construction modulaire susceptible d’être
                                                                                                  bâti par ses usagers. Tel était l’objectif premier du Droneport
                                                                                                  lorsque Norman Foster et Jonathan Ledgard ont décidé
                                                                                                  de travailler ensemble sur le concept imaginé par ce dernier
                                                                                                  pour un réseau de drones en Afrique. Un projet pensé pour
                                                                                                  un contexte très spécifique, mais mené par des spécialistes
                                                                                                  répartis dans le monde entier.

                                                                                                  Edwin Heathcote

                                                                                                  À l’origine du projet du Droneport, il y a la           gros et plus robustes, jusqu’à pouvoir transporter     un acheminement efficace des marchandises
                                                                                                  rencontre fortuite entre Norman Foster et               des charges de 20 kilos ou davantage, sur quelques     et des équipements. Pour autant, sa population
                                                                                                  Jonathan Ledgard, journaliste, écrivain,                centaines de kilomètres. Le but de cette première      devrait doubler et atteindre 2,2 milliards d’ici
                                                                                                  mais aussi enseignant à l’EPFL de Lausanne.             ligne sera de démontrer l’intérêt des drones–cargos    à 2050. Il serait illusoire de vouloir procéder
                                                                                                  « Comme beaucoup de belles histoires, raconte           en Afrique et au–delà, et de lever des fonds pour      à un rattrapage des infrastructures requises.
                                                                                                  Foster, celle–ci commence par la volonté                l’installation de lignes supplémentaires. Pour moi,    La Redline – le premier réseau potentiel de
                                                                                                  d’un individu. » Les deux Anglais, qui sont             cette première ligne est un équivalent aérien de la    drones – apparaît comme un début de solution.
                                                                                                  voisins en Suisse, ont commencé par                     ligne ferroviaire entre Liverpool et Manchester. »
                                                                                                  discuter de l’ambition de Ledgard pour le               Lui–même natif de Manchester, Foster s’est
                                                                                                  développement d’un réseau de drones en                  montré particulièrement réceptif à cette
                                                                                                  Afrique.                                                notion de « chemin de fer aérien », lui dont la             Un tiers seulement des
                                                                                                  Ledgard a esquissé cette ambition dans un               passion pour les airs est légendaire. Ledgard               Africains vivent à moins de
                                                                                                  article intitulé « Pour un meilleur usage de la         raconte comment il est allé trouver Foster :                deux kilomètres d’une route
                                                                                                  basse altitude dans une économie collaborative ». Il    « Norman, tu as construit le plus grand aéroport            praticable toute l’année.
                                                                                                  écrit : « Mon objectif est de contribuer à la mise en   au monde (à Pékin). Maintenant, viens construire
                                                                                                  place en Afrique de la première ligne commerciale       le plus petit. »
                                                                                                  de drones–cargos au monde… D’une longueur               Le projet est spécifiquement adapté aux enjeux
                                                                                                  totale d’environ 80 kilomètres, elle permettra          du continent africain. Un tiers seulement des          Elle permettrait d’acheminer localement des
                                                                                                  de relier plusieurs villes et villages. Les premiers    Africains vivent à moins de deux kilomètres            cargaisons de petite taille – matériel médical et
                                                                                                  drones–porteurs achemineront de petites charges         d’une route praticable toute l’année, et l’Afrique     approvisionnement d’urgence – avant la mise
                                                                                                  – vraisemblablement des poches de sang destinées        est dépourvue d’un réseau autoroutier ou d’un          en place de la Blueline, qui serait adaptée à
                3Ds of the Droneport’s brick vault   Perspectives des voûtes en briques formant
                modules, inspired by traditional     le concept de Droneport, empruntées
                                                                                                  à des enfants dont la vie est en danger. Mais les       chemin de fer « transcontinental ». Elle n’a que peu   des charges plus lourdes (pièces détachées de


                Catalan vaults.                      au modèle des voûtes dites « catalanes ».    engins vont rapidement évoluer pour devenir plus        de tunnels et pas assez de ponts pour permettre        rechange, articles de e–commerce, etc.).

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Le plus petit
                                                                                                  aéroport du monde

                                                                                                  Un système de construction modulaire susceptible d’être
                                                                                                  bâti par ses usagers. Tel était l’objectif premier du Droneport
                                                                                                  lorsque Norman Foster et Jonathan Ledgard ont décidé
                                                                                                  de travailler ensemble sur le concept imaginé par ce dernier
                                                                                                  pour un réseau de drones en Afrique. Un projet pensé pour
                                                                                                  un contexte très spécifique, mais mené par des spécialistes
                                                                                                  répartis dans le monde entier.

                                                                                                  Edwin Heathcote

                                                                                                  À l’origine du projet du Droneport, il y a la           gros et plus robustes, jusqu’à pouvoir transporter     un acheminement efficace des marchandises
                                                                                                  rencontre fortuite entre Norman Foster et               des charges de 20 kilos ou davantage, sur quelques     et des équipements. Pour autant, sa population
                                                                                                  Jonathan Ledgard, journaliste, écrivain,                centaines de kilomètres. Le but de cette première      devrait doubler et atteindre 2,2 milliards d’ici
                                                                                                  mais aussi enseignant à l’EPFL de Lausanne.             ligne sera de démontrer l’intérêt des drones–cargos    à 2050. Il serait illusoire de vouloir procéder
                                                                                                  « Comme beaucoup de belles histoires, raconte           en Afrique et au–delà, et de lever des fonds pour      à un rattrapage des infrastructures requises.
                                                                                                  Foster, celle–ci commence par la volonté                l’installation de lignes supplémentaires. Pour moi,    La Redline – le premier réseau potentiel de
                                                                                                  d’un individu. » Les deux Anglais, qui sont             cette première ligne est un équivalent aérien de la    drones – apparaît comme un début de solution.
                                                                                                  voisins en Suisse, ont commencé par                     ligne ferroviaire entre Liverpool et Manchester. »
                                                                                                  discuter de l’ambition de Ledgard pour le               Lui–même natif de Manchester, Foster s’est
                                                                                                  développement d’un réseau de drones en                  montré particulièrement réceptif à cette
                                                                                                  Afrique.                                                notion de « chemin de fer aérien », lui dont la             Un tiers seulement des
                                                                                                  Ledgard a esquissé cette ambition dans un               passion pour les airs est légendaire. Ledgard               Africains vivent à moins de
                                                                                                  article intitulé « Pour un meilleur usage de la         raconte comment il est allé trouver Foster :                deux kilomètres d’une route
                                                                                                  basse altitude dans une économie collaborative ». Il    « Norman, tu as construit le plus grand aéroport            praticable toute l’année.
                                                                                                  écrit : « Mon objectif est de contribuer à la mise en   au monde (à Pékin). Maintenant, viens construire
                                                                                                  place en Afrique de la première ligne commerciale       le plus petit. »
                                                                                                  de drones–cargos au monde… D’une longueur               Le projet est spécifiquement adapté aux enjeux
                                                                                                  totale d’environ 80 kilomètres, elle permettra          du continent africain. Un tiers seulement des          Elle permettrait d’acheminer localement des
                                                                                                  de relier plusieurs villes et villages. Les premiers    Africains vivent à moins de deux kilomètres            cargaisons de petite taille – matériel médical et
                                                                                                  drones–porteurs achemineront de petites charges         d’une route praticable toute l’année, et l’Afrique     approvisionnement d’urgence – avant la mise
                                                                                                  – vraisemblablement des poches de sang destinées        est dépourvue d’un réseau autoroutier ou d’un          en place de la Blueline, qui serait adaptée à
                3Ds of the Droneport’s brick vault   Perspectives des voûtes en briques formant
                modules, inspired by traditional     le concept de Droneport, empruntées
                                                                                                  à des enfants dont la vie est en danger. Mais les       chemin de fer « transcontinental ». Elle n’a que peu   des charges plus lourdes (pièces détachées de


                Catalan vaults.                      au modèle des voûtes dites « catalanes ».    engins vont rapidement évoluer pour devenir plus        de tunnels et pas assez de ponts pour permettre        rechange, articles de e–commerce, etc.).

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