Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the 21st Century
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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the 21st Century Pascal André1, Jan Novy2, Laurent A. Decosterd2, Thierry Buclin1 and Laura E. Rothuizen1 1 Division of Clinical Pharmacology and 2 Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology, Service of Biomedicine, CHUV, Lausanne 3 Service of Neurology, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, CHUV, Lausanne Summary Vaproat, Carbamazepin) seit langer Zeit breit aner- kannt ist, ist die Indikation bezüglich neue Antiepilepti- Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is only useful ka bisher nicht klar bewiesen, dies auch in Hinsicht auf if certain criteria are fulfilled and its limitations are ihre pharmakokinetischen Charakteristika. Nichts desto known. Ideal candidate drugs are those with significant trotz könnte die Serumkonzentrationsbestimmung inter-individual pharmacokinetic (PK) variability, low in- theoretisch der Mehrheit der neuen Antiepileptika di- tra-individual PK variability and a good correlation be- enen, zumindest in spezifischen klinischen Lagen. Hier tween blood level and clinical response or side effects. werden die Ansätze vorgestellt, welche für ein Monitor- Although the clinical contribution of TDM for some old- ing der Antiepileptika vorgeschlagen werden. Weitere er antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is well established (pheny- mögliche Entwicklungen sind Speichelanalysen, die toin, valproic acid, carbamazepine, phenobarbital), its Individualisation der therapeutischen Referenzen, die relevance for the newer AEDs is hardly documented, in Verfügbarkeit von Automaten in der Nähe der Patient- part because their PK characteristics make them ques- en, als auch randomisierte kontrollierte Studien, um die tionable TDM candidates. Nevertheless, a majority of neuesten Substanzen besser zu erfassen. them could theoretically benefit from monitoring un- der specific situations. We summarize here the strate- Schlüsselwörter: Therapeutisches Monitoring, Antiepi- gies proposed regarding TDM for currently available leptika, therapeutisches Management, Pharmakokine- AEDs. Future developments include AEDs measure- tik ment in saliva, sharper tailoring of TDM (individual therapeutic intervals), availability of point of care TDM tools, and randomized controlled TDM trials for the „Monitoring thérapeutique“ des médicaments newer AEDs. antiépileptiques au 21ème siècle Epileptologie 2015; 32: 78 – 84 Le suivi pharmacologique ou « monitoring thé- rapeutique des médicaments » est utile si certains Key words: TDM, AEDs, therapeutic management, phar- critères sont remplis et ses limites connues. Les médi- macokinetics caments candidats idéaux présentent une variabilité pharmacocinétique interindividuelle significative, une faible variabilité intraindividuelle, et une bonne corré- Therapeutisches Monitoring der Antiepileptika lation entre les concentrations sanguines et la réponse im 21. Jahrhundert clinique ou les effets secondaires. Bien que la contribu- tion clinique du monitoring pour certains anciens antié- Die Serumspiegelbestimmung von Medikamenten pileptiques soit établie (phénytoïne, acide valproïque, ist nur sinnvoll, wenn bestimmte Kriterien und Gren- carbamazépine, phénobarbital), sa pertinence pour les zen bekannt sind. Ideale Kandidaten sollten eine sig- médicaments plus récents est clairement moins bien nifikante inter-individuelle, aber eine bescheidene documentée, entre autres parce que leurs caractéris- intra-individuelle Variabilität und eine gute Korrelation tiques cinétiques ne les désignent pas comme de bons zwischen Spiegeln und biologischer Antwort auf- candidats. Néanmoins, une majorité d’entre eux pour- weisen. Obwohl die Serumspiegelbestimmung für raient théoriquement bénéficier d’un suivi des concen- ältere Antiepileptika (Phenytoin, Phenobarbital, trations dans certaines situations spécifiques. Nous ré- 78 Epileptologie 2015; 32 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the... | P. André, J. Novy, L. A. Decosterd, T. Buclin, L. E. Rothuizen
sumons ici les stratégies proposées concernant le suivi performance analytic technologies now gives potential thérapeutique individuel des antiépileptiques actuels. access to quantification of a large number of drugs. Yet Parmi les évolutions souhaitables figurent le dosage not all are good candidates for TDM. Drugs of choice des médicaments dans la salive, une individualisation to allow for reliable monitoring are those that display des concentrations cibles (intervalles thérapeutiques large inter-individual and low intra-individual pharma- individuels), la disponibilité d’outils de monitoring sur cokinetic (PK) variability, and good correlation between le lieu de soin, et des essais cliniques contrôlés pour le blood concentrations and the clinical response or side monitoring des antiépileptiques les plus récents. effects [1]. In defining TDM strategies, three situations can be Mots clés : Monitoring thérapeutique, antiépileptiques, distinguished. There can be either an indication for sys- gestion thérapeutique, pharmacocinétique tematic TDM on a regular basis, or a need for initial ad- justment up to finding the right dose, or solely an indi- cation for “on-need” control when confronted with clin- Monitoring terapeutico dei medicamenti antiepi- ical issues such as treatment resistance, side effects, or lettici nel 21. secolo drug interactions. In the case of AEDs, systematic TDM is not usually advised, while the two later strategies are Il controllo farmacologico o “monitoraggio terapeuti- more widely used in epilepsy management. Initial ad- co dei medicamenti” è utile unicamente se criteri ben de- justment measures are mostly requested in acute situ- terminati e i relativi limiti sono conosciuti. I medicamen- ations (emergency settings and after a loading dose), ti candidati ideali si distinguono per una significativa va- whereas TDM use in chronic follow-up of patients with riabilità farmacocinetica interindivuale, una limitata va- epilepsy is mostly resorted to on an “on-need” basis. A riabilità intraindividuale, e una correlazione ragionevole drug level should only be requested if the result is ex- tra le concentrazioni sanguigne e la risposta clinica o gli pected to contribute to the patient’s management in effetti secondari. Se la contribuzione clinica del monito- answering a specific question, such as “is my patient raggio terapeutico per la maggiorparte dei medicamenti having seizures despite circulating drug exposure with- “classici” (fenitoina, valproato, carbamazepina, fenobar- in the generally acknowledged therapeutic interval? If bital) è chiaramente riconosciuta da tempo, il ruolo rela- not, how to modify the dosing regimen? Or should the tivo alle sostanze più recenti è molto meno documenta- patient be prescribed another drug?”, “will this meas- to, anche a causa delle loro caratteristiche cinetiche. Ciò ure help answer doubts about compliance?”, “will it nonostante, la maggioranza dei nuovi antiepilettici po- help to support or refute clinically suspected toxicity?”. trebbe teoricamente beneficiare d’un monitoraggio del- le concentrazioni, soprattuto in situazioni particolari. Si riassumono in questo contributo le strategie proposte in What are the potential pitfalls in drug level inter- questo senso, e tra le evoluzioni all’orizzonte si menzio- pretation? neranno il dosaggio salivario, un’individualizzazione del- le concentrazioni ottimali, e lo sviluppo di macchine di Some of these specific questions raised by the phy- misura portatili che permettano un utilizzo in prossimità sician hoping for a contribution of the drug level in the del paziente. Infine, è importante sottolineare il bisogno therapeutic decision may be poorly answered, or the di studi prospettici in questo ambito. level erroneously interpreted, if potential limitations are not considered. Concentration-effect data and in- Parole chiave: Monitoring terapeutico, antiepilettici, tra-individual variability are often lacking in the early gestione terapeutica, farmacocinetica post-marketing years of a drug, leaving the question of the value of TDM unanswered. Exploratory TDM can be deemed of interest in some “on-need” situations, When can drug levels be useful to measure? but the reference concentration interval must be con- sidered as tentative, as opposed to a validated thera- The concept of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) peutic interval based on available concentration-effect in blood, and potentially in other biological matrices, (PK-PD) data for a given indication. A blood level may is led by the assumption that the pharmacodynamic not help predict future levels with or without dosage effects of some drugs correlate better with circulating modification if the intra-individual variability is signifi- concentrations than with administered doses. TDM en- cant. The time or mode of blood sampling may lead to compasses both drug quantification in a sample and biases. For a blood concentration to be representative pharmacological interpretation for dosage adjustment. of exposure at a given dose regimen, it must be sam- Measurement requests for antiepileptic drugs pled ideally just prior to the next dose (trough level), or (AEDs) and interpretation of the results are usually at least after the distribution phase. There also must be made by the prescribing physician. His challenges are enough time given to reach the steady state, so that no both to decide appropriately on sampling, and to ad- further accumulation (or decrease resulting from auto- just drug dosage in consequence. Development of high induction or following a dosage reduction) is expected. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the... | P. André, J. Novy, L. A. Decosterd, T. Buclin, L. E. Rothuizen Epileptologie 2015; 32 79
Depending on the drug, steady state may be reached ness for AEDs could be identified [23-24], which failed only after several days to weeks following treatment to show a significant benefit of TDM over therapeutic initiation, dosage modification, or introduction/inter- decisions without drug monitoring, based on seizure ruption of an interacting drug. Co-medications should control at 12 months. But this study had several limi- be known when interpreting a drug level, as well as the tations (small number of patients, inclusion restricted stage of a possible ongoing pregnancy. Other aspects to patients naïve from previous AED therapy with in- also of importance, but usually of less concern in out- dication to initiate monotherapy). The lack of robust patient practice, are accurate dose calculation (intrave- randomized controlled studies for classical AEDs TDM is nous administrations), physico-chemical compatibility mainly explained by historical problems, and does not with nutrients or drugs given through the same line, jeopardize our appreciation that TDM remains useful sampling route (risk for dilution or contamination), and for initial dose-finding in phenytoin and phenobarbital the possible need to correct a total concentration level therapy, especially in ICU or -emergency settings, while for dysproteinaemia. it should be used on a more “on-need” basis in answer to a clinical question (poor control, suspected adverse effect) in valproic acid or carbamazepine use. Classical antiepileptic agents: the “good old TDM” AEDs are historically represented in TDM for a fair Should TDM be generalized to the more recent number of reasons, notably the complexity and het- generation of antiepileptic drugs? erogeneity of epilepsy, the lack of biological markers or specific clinical signs aside from frequency of seizures Few sources address third generation AEDs TDM to assess treatment efficacy or toxicity, and the com- and its relevance. Only one group has estimated TDM plex pharmacokinetics of early drugs [2]. usefulness for these drugs, which they considered to Yet AEDs aren’t a homogenous therapeutic class. range between “possibly useful”, “remains to evaluate” Table 1 [3-20] displays those currently available in Swit- or “not useful”, based on very limited data (French Soci- zerland, according to generation of marketing, with ety of Pharmacology and Therapeutic (FSPT)). their mean PK characteristics, peculiarities, suggested Some of the third generation AEDs show significant sampling timeline, reference interval and our estimate interindividual PK variability, in part due to metabolic of the level of evidence for TDM usefulness. interactions or polymorphisms as they are hepatic cy- TDM of first and second generation AEDs will not tochrome or glucuronidase substrates (Table 1). These be discussed in detail. Those of interest for TDM remain drugs appear of theoretical interest for TDM: lamo- phenytoin, valproic acid, carbamazepine and pheno- trigine, lacosamide, zonisamide, felbamate, and pos- barbital, as they are yet prescribed and their reference sibly perampanel and retigabine. However, aside from interval is defined (narrow interval in particular for felbamate [25] and lamotrigine [26-27], a clear correla- phenytoin). Their high inter-individual variability can tion between blood level and clinical response or side be explained by a hepatic metabolism mediated by effects has not yet been demonstrated for these drugs. cytochromes P450, subject to genetic polymorphism To our best knowledge, TDM of perampanel and reti- (non-functional CYP 2C8/9 or 2C19 allelic variants with gabine were never explored to this date. consequently high blood levels at conventional dosag- Other third generation drugs are hypothesized to es), and to a significant potential for drug interactions show low inter-individual variability, or more easily pre- (CYP 2C8/9, 2C19, 3A4, 2E1). Enzyme auto-induction dictable variability, as they are almost exclusively elimi- can also contribute to this variability (carbamazepine, nated unchanged through the kidney in proportion to phenobarbital, phenytoin), as well as saturable me- renal function (gabapentin, pregabalin and levetirace- tabolism (phenytoin, valproic acid). Furthermore, if tam) or metabolized by cytochrome- or glucuronidase- highly protein bound drugs with low hepatic extrac- independent pathways (Table 1). Although expected of tion (mostly phenytoin and valproic acid) are given to limited interest for TDM, some may show unexpected a patient presenting hypoproteinaemia, a low total higher interindividual PK variability, and “on-need” drug concentration may falsely encourage the clinician monitoring may be of use in specific situations such as to increase the dose, while the free (biologically active) in children or during pregnancy [28-29]. This explains drug concentration is in fact already in the target range. some discrepancies between available pharmacological Quantification of free phenytoin or free valproic acid characteristics and estimated usefulness of TDM: in fact concentrations may therefore prove useful, on a case to levetiracetam, topiramate, oxcarbazepine, rufinamide case basis, when a significant discrepancy between the and perhaps gabapentin [30] could yet be explored as total and free serum concentrations is suspected [21- TDM candidates (current literature only reports a dose- 22]. Eventually, metabolites of AEDs can contribute to effect relationship for rufinamide). Low interindividual toxic effects, such as is the case of neurotoxicity caused PK variability has been described for topiramate, but a by epoxy-10-11 carbamazepine. correlation between blood level and clinical response/ Only one randomized controlled trial on TDM useful- side effects has been suggested, TDM being therefore 80 Epileptologie 2015; 32 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the... | P. André, J. Novy, L. A. Decosterd, T. Buclin, L. E. Rothuizen
Table 1: Main pharmacokinetics parameters, metabolism and therapeutic drug monitoring recommandations for antiepileptic drugs Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the... | P. André, J. Novy, L. A. Decosterd, T. Buclin, L. E. Rothuizen Epileptologie 2015; 32 81
Table 2: Antiepileptic drugs for which therapeutic drug monitoring could be contemplated in saliva C: Correlation between blood and saliva levels (r2 > 0.8) S. Blood and saliva levels are similar (concordance > 0.8) considered “possibly useful” in this case. Do practical tools exist to help with TDM of AEDs? Our estimation of TDM usefulness is based on the above considerations as well as the FSPT publications. Various computer applications are already available We would practically recommend “on-need” TDM for on the market to help guide in treatment adaptation, any of the third generation AEDs for which TDM is con- however they are not intuitive to use and expensive. sidered “possibly useful” in Table 1. Of note, an isolated There is a real need for a practical bedside tool to help measurement of any drug can inform about compli- ascertain reliable sampling (when and how to sam- ance (if the concentration is undetectable, especially ple?) and level interpretation (how to modify the treat- in case of seizure recurrence) or about frank toxicity ment?). Such software is being developed and should (markedly high concentration). be available within the next couple of years. Do pregnant women require extra considerations Future developments when monitoring AED treatment? The concept of TDM is an approach to personalized Data and indication to further tailor drug moni- medicine. But one step ahead, individualized therapeu- toring in certain populations are growing, such as in tic intervals for AED may be defined, thus refining the pregnancy. As evidence for a low teratogenic potential concept of pharmaco-sensitive or -resistant epilepsy of some new AEDs becomes available [31], pharma- [4]. Pharmacodynamic variability within a same type cokinetic observations suggest a need for close meas- of epilepsy supports the rationale for an individual tar- urement and adjustment (dose increase) in advanced geted interval [34]. A patient-specific, relatively narrow pregnancy for several of these agents as a consequence concentration interval could be determined based on of increased renal elimination, accelerated metabolism two blood samplings performed during satisfactory and body fluid increase. This is notably the case for la- control of seizures, at some distance to take the vari- motrigine, for which TDM in pregnancy is part of prac- ability into consideration. Such clinically guided targets tice parameters according to the American Academy of might be of particular interest for third generation Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society [32]. Phe- AEDs, or in the context of polytherapy, where thera- nytoin, and to a lesser extent carbamazepine, as well as peutic intervals are poorly defined. For example, lower levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine, are likely to require a target levels have been suggested for the combination dose increase in pregnancy [33]. Scarce data on topira- of valproic acid and lamotrigine or carbamazepine [35], mate suggest that its clearance is also increased in as a pharmacodynamic interaction has been suggested. pregnancy, but this drug should be given only in man- Drug dosing in saliva is another development di- datory situations, as its teratogenic potential has been rection of AEDs TDM [36]. As it can be performed by a insufficiently studied (with conflicting results). non-medically trained person and is less invasive and better accepted. The salivary concentration of some AEDs (Table 2) was shown to be proportional (“corre- lated”) to the plasma level in about one third of avail- able AEDs (e.g. phenytoin, carbamazepine), and in a 82 Epileptologie 2015; 32 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the... | P. André, J. Novy, L. A. Decosterd, T. Buclin, L. E. Rothuizen
few cases the blood to saliva ratio nears 1, (e.g. etho- Pharmacologique de la Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Théra- suximide, oxcarbazepine, topiramate and possibly peutique. Therapeutic drug monitoring of felbamate. Therapie 2010; 65: levetiracetam). Similarity between salivary and plasma 35-38 or serum free levels was documented also for pheny- 12. Bouquié R, Dailly E, Bentué-Ferrer D. Le groupe Suivi Thérapeutique Phar- toin. macologique de la Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeu- tique. Therapeutic drug monitoring of oxcarbazepine. Therapie 2010; 65: 61-65 Conclusion 13. Bentué-Ferrer D, Tribut O, Verdier MC. Le groupe Suivi Thérapeutique Pharmacologique de la Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thé- TDM of AEDs is a tricky exercise, requiring back- rapeutique. Therapeutic drug monitoring of rufinamide. Therapie 2012; ground knowledge on criteria for requesting a meas- 67: 161-165 ure, standardized sampling times and procedures, and 14. 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