Together we build a strong community Ensemble, bâtissons une communauté solide - Alzheimer Groupe
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FALL/WINTER 2018 Enhancing the lives of everyone touched by Alzheimer’s and other dementias Together we build a strong community Ensemble, bâtissons une communauté solide Circles of Care CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER: Cercles de soutien Caregiver Support Groups at AGI page 26 PRENDRE SOIN UN DE L’AUTRE : Nos groupes d’appui pour proches aidants page 26 THE POWER OF MUSIC page 37
AGI’s ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Are you caring for a loved one with dementia? Do you know anyone touched by Alzheimer’s who needs support? You are not alone. They are not alone. WE ARE HERE TO HELP. Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias affect all of us. Together, we can build a strong community! AGI’s Annual Campaign provides financial stability to the vital programs and services we offer to everyone touched by Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Donate Today! 514.485.7233 or donate online at AGI’s 2018 Annual Campaign begins October 15! Donations must be received by December 31st to be eligible for the 2018 tax receipt. We thank you for your generous support.
A Message from AGI President Paula Levinson, AGI President T his has been another outstanding WWW.AGITEAM.ORG year for the AGI team as we continue 5555 Westminster Avenue, Suite 304, Montréal, Qc H4W 2J2 our development and expansion in T 514.485.7233 F 514.485.7946 E all areas. We are moving forward with broadening our “circle of caring” with the FALL/WINTER 2018 ongoing addition of new support groups and educational opportunities for all of our AGI family. ALZHEIMER GROUPE (A.G.I.) INC. offers therapeutic programs to individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease A major achievement this year is our upcoming expansion to the West Island thanks to the efforts of and other dementias. Additionally, AGI provides Linda and Teri in obtaining financial support from government support services to families and professional caregivers, and other sources. They have also been hard at work scouting focusing on best practices in dementia care, while out a suitable location. This extended reach is possible due to sensitizing the community at large through education the support of the West Island community who have eagerly and awareness.. been awaiting our services. We should be up and running this fall. EXECUTIVE / EXÉCUTIF Another area where we have grown is in the scope of our activity President / Présidente groups, support and educational services. Our counsellors and Paula Levinson the Education Committee have been hard at work throughout Vice Presidents / Secretaries / Treasurer / Trésorière the year updating the content of these sessions in order to Vice-présidents Secrétaires Eileen Walfish bring the most recent knowledge to all members of the AGI Wilfred Kravitz Lynne Brodrick Cochrane Richard Walsh Linda Rosenbloom community. Board of Directors / Conseil d’administration In order to achieve all of this, we depend on the support and Andrea Elias Marlene Levenson Debra Schwartz contribution of the entire staff at AGI and that of the many Mona Golfman Lucy McInnes Mark Shalhoub dedicated volunteers who help with planning and fundraising Iris Hersh Felice Oberfeld Bill Silverman Romi Swidler Howard Astri Prugger Kenny Tajfel for the many activities AGI sponsors throughout the year. None Shirley Konigsberg Sheryl Rosen Adler Earl Veinish of this would be possible without your valuable contribution of Jessica Lapointe Alan Rimer time and energy. A big thank you to all of you. I look forward Past Presidents / Anciennes présidentes to seeing each and every one of you at the many activities we Carole Arbess Elaine Kotler Marilyn Rosenbloom z”l have taking place during this upcoming year. Phyllis Benjamin Esther Landsman Beverly Salomon Miriam Friedman Risa Libman Scherzer This year we have just bid a fond farewell to Harriet, our dedicated office manager. She has been with AGI for 25 Honorary Board of Directors / Conseil d’administration honoraire devoted years. Everyone will miss her very much and we hope Bernice Brownstein Mirna Hofbauer Sheila Pearl Libby Ditkofsky z”l Judy Kaback Evelyn Shrier she will stay in touch with us, visiting from time to time. As we Malka Ettinger Mimi Kerman Gertie Wexelman look to the future, we are happy to welcome Katia to the AGI Rosalie Faigan Nan Lassner family. Advisors / Conseillers Bernard Arbess, CA Dorothy Bloch, MSW Louise A. Legault Rubin Becker, MD Henri Elbaz Fiona Macfarlane Howard Bergman, MD Serge Gauthier, MD, FRCPC Joyce Rappaport, Ph.D. Message de la présidente d’AGI L PERSONNEL AGI STAFF ’équipe AGI a connu une autre année extraordinaire à Linda Israel mesure que nous poursuivons notre développement et Executive Director / Directrice générale notre expansion à tous les niveaux. Nous avançons en Meghan Williams élargissant notre « cercle de soins » avec l’ajout de nouveaux Director, Support Services / Directrice, Services de soutien groupes de soutien et d’occasions d’éducation pour toute la Lynn Abelson Karin Derouaux Peggy Obaroghedo Secretary / Secrétaire Counsellor / Conseillère Activity Program famille AGI. Marivic Aplaon Coordinator, Fruchter Facilitator / Aminatrice Counsellor / Conseillère Respite-on-WheelsTM Une réalisation majeure cette année est notre expansion dans Carmen Oprea Paola Bresba Susan K. Hutt Art Therapist / l’Ouest-de-l’Île grâce aux efforts de Linda et Teri pour obtenir Art Therapist / Communications Art thérapeute du financement du gouvernement et d’autres sources. Elles Art thérapeute Omega Julien Shaindl Shaffer Program Coordinator/ Recreation Therapist / Activity Program sont à la recherche d’un endroit approprié. Ce prolongement Coordinatrice de Récréologue Facilitator / Animatrice de nos services est possible grâce à l’appui de la communauté programme Katia Kuzmenko Jill Surridge de l’Ouest-de-l’Île qui attend impatiemment notre venue, qui Teri Cota Office Coordinator Bookkeeper / Assistant to the Executive Coordinatrice de bureau Commis comptable devrait se concrétiser à l’automne. Director / Adjointe à la direction générale Une autre source d’expansion est l’étendue de nos groupes d’activité et de soutien ainsi que de nos services éducatifs. Nos AGI WEST ISLAND / L’OUEST DE L’ÎLE Stephanie Geller Jaimie Byrne conseillers et le comité d’éducation ont travaillé fort au cours Counsellor / Conseillère Counsellor / Conseillère Suite à la page suivante Graphic Design: Susan Gold ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 3
Message de la directrice générale Linda Israel, AGI Directrice générale C royez-vous que nous soyons- de connaître Harriet et de la compter parmi mes amis les nous destinés à remplir un plus chers - voilà un autre avantage de faire partie d’AGI ! objectif particulier dans la vie ? Maude Robitaille retourne aux études pour faire une Je sais bien que la réponse à cette maîtrise en travail social. Au fil de ses trois courtes années intéressante question est de nature parmi nous, son souci incomparable pour le bien-être des personnelle et indémontrable, mais ne autres, sa passion, sa chaleur et son dévouement tant donne-t-elle pas matière à réflexion ? envers les gens que dans son travail ont fait que nous nous Albert Schweitzer aurait dit que y sommes attachées. Nous sommes persuadées qu’elle « L’objectif d’une vie humaine est de servir et d’avoir réussira dans tous ses projets et ne lui souhaitons que de la volonté de faire preuve de compassion et d’aider son bonnes choses tout au long de sa vie. prochain ». Mes presque dix ans au sein d’AGI font de moi « Raison d’être » – on trouve à cette expression des synonymes une ferme croyante, car je vois au quotidien le dévouement, comme aspiration, but, direction, intention – chaque la compassion et la chaleur dont nos familles, nos amis et personne qui fait partie d’AGI, qu’elle soit professionnelle notre personnel font preuve envers toute personne qui ou bénévole, incarne ces mots. Quelle chance pour nous de passe nos portes ou qui nous rejoint au téléphone. compter plus de 100 bénévoles œuvrant à diverses tâches Aspects intégraux et importants des services prodigués aux pour cet organisme spécial et unique ! personnes atteintes de démence, notre programmation, Je reviens à ma question initiale quant à la raison d’être – Je nos ateliers, nos conférences et nos activités nous donnent n’ai toujours pas la réponse, mais combien l’objectif atteint une raison d’être. Le talent et l’empathie de tous ceux qui à travers notre engagement envers AGI est authentique, offrent de tels services sont extraordinaires et j’ai le privilège réconfortant et crucial ! d’en être témoin chaque jour. De nouveaux programmes « Les dirigeants doivent établir un but commun et établir novateurs sont conçus avec soin – notre Groupe social un climat de confiance dans une organisation. » Nous de démence précoce, nos Aidants aux fourneaux, notre avons beaucoup de chance d’avoir un leadership, laïque et Groupe de chant du dimanche sont tous des exemples professionnel, qui mène AGI à de plus hauts sommets de sa de résultats enthousiasmants. Pour AGI, la personne raison d’être, de dévouement, de service, de chaleur, et ce, diagnostiquée et le cercle de ses aidants naturels sont le avec soin et intelligence. Mes remerciements personnels à « client » ; c’est un aspect crucial de notre approche. notre comité exécutif et conseil d’administration sous la Beaucoup d’entre vous savent qu’il y a déjà plusieurs années direction compétente de notre présidente Paula Levinson que nous avons débuté nos démarches dans le but d’étendre ainsi qu’aux membres talentueux et dévoués de notre nos services à l’Ouest-de-l’Île. Ceci requiert un effort concerté équipe avec qui j’ai le plaisir de travailler au quotidien. Ils de la part du leadership, du personnel et des bailleurs de sont tous de précieux cadeaux dans ma vie et je leur suis fonds, mais nous nous sommes tous engagés à atteindre très reconnaissante ! un seul objectif : « y arriver ». Les besoins de services réels de la région nous ont bien préoccupé et nous sommes fiers, enchantés et, oui, un tout petit peu nerveux de nous savoir à l’aube de la mise en œuvre de nos plans. À la suite de l’approbation par L’APPUI d’une subvention pouvant financer Message de la présidente d’AGI une grande partie du projet, nous avançons ce dernier et de l’année pour mettre à jour le contenu de ces sessions envisageons d’ouvrir nos bureaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île vers afin de partager les plus récentes connaissances avec tous la fin octobre – gardez l’œil ouvert pour voir l’annonce de les membres de la communauté AGI. l’événement d’ouverture et préparez-vous à vous joindre Pour y parvenir, nous comptons sur l’appui et l’apport à nous. Nous sommes en quête de fonds pour défrayer le de tout le personnel d’AGI et des nombreux bénévoles coût de rénovations devant être apportées à l’emplacement dévoués qui aident à la planification et à la collecte de choisi, donc si vous désirez nous porter main forte, nous fonds des nombreuses activités qu’AGI commandite au accueillerons vos dons avec grand enthousiasme ! long de l’année. Rien de tout cela ne serait possible sans votre précieuse contribution en temps et en énergie. Un Notre petite famille AGI change – le changement fait partie gros merci à vous tous et c’est avec plaisir que je vous de la vie; néanmoins, il nous porte à réfléchir. Depuis 25 ans, croiserai lors des nombreuses activités qui auront lieu Harriet est le visage et la voix d’AGI et s’est mérité toute l’année prochaine. notre affection. Comme vous le savez, elle a récemment Cette année, nous ferons nos au revoir à Harriet, notre pris sa retraite afin de profiter plus tranquillement de la dévouée chef de bureau. Elle a consacré 25 années à AGI vie. Elle nous manquera énormément et nous ne sommes – elle nous manquera beaucoup à tous et nous espérons que plus riches d’avoir connu cette femme chaleureuse, qu’elle donnera de ses nouvelles et passera nous voir de drôle et intelligente qui sera toujours la bienvenue dans temps à autre. Avec l’avenir en tête, nous accueillons nos vies. Personnellement, je me sens plus que chanceuse maintenant Katia dans la famille AGI. 4 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
Message from Executive Director Linda Israel, AGI Executive Director A re we destined to fulfill a chosen location so if any among you wish to help we would particular purpose in life? I welcome your contributions with great enthusiasm. realize this interesting question Our happy AGI family is changing. Change is part of life is individual and impossible to prove; but nonetheless it gives us pause. Harriet has been the first however, it raises questions, don’t you face and voice of AGI for 25 years and has earned our great think? affection. As you know she has recently retired from her Albert Schweitzer is quoted as saying position as Office Manager to enjoy life at a more leisurely “The purpose of human life is to serve, pace. She will be missed enormously and we are all the and the will to show compassion and to help others”. richer for knowing the warm, funny, bright woman she is Being at AGI for almost 10 years makes me a believer in but we know she will remain a welcome fixture in our lives. this statement as I witness daily the devotion, compassion Personally, I feel beyond lucky to know Harriet and count her and warmth among family members, friends and our among my dearest friends – another perk of being at AGI! staff to everyone who comes through our doors or who Maude Robitaille has returned to Université de Montréal to communicate through electronic means. earn her Masters in Social Work. Maude, too, in her short Our long-running programs, lectures, conferences and 3 years with AGI has endeared herself to each and every activities provide purpose to our existence as an integral one of us with her unparalleled concern, passion, warmth and important aspect of dementia services. The talent and and dedication to individuals and work. We know she will empathy of all who deliver these services are extraordinary succeed in all her endeavours throughout life and we wish and I am privileged to witness this on a daily basis. We her nothing but the VERY BEST always. have introduced new, innovative programming not solely to ‘Purpose’ - the Thesaurus offers synonyms for the word as respond to needs but proactively as a manner of support. aspiration, aim, direction, intent – each person who is part Our Young Onset Social Group, Caregivers in the Kitchen, of AGI, whether professional or volunteer, embodies these. Sunday Singing Group are examples. AGI sees the diagnosed How fortunate we are to have over 100 volunteers in individual and the caregiver circle as the ‘client’ and this is a various capacities in this special and unique organization! critical aspect of our approach. Back to my initial question about ‘purpose’ – I still do not It has been several years since we began our quest to expand know the answer but what a genuine, heart-warming and to the West Island. This requires a concerted effort from crucial purpose we provide through our involvement at AGI! leadership, staff and funders but we have all been dedicated “Leaders must establish common purpose and build trust to the purpose of ‘making it happen’. The reality of the need within an organization.” We are so fortunate to have for services in this region has weighed heavily on all of us leadership, lay and professional, who, in bringing AGI to and we are proud, thrilled and, yes, a wee bit nervous about new heights of purpose, dedication, service and warmth, our plans which are so very close to realization. With a grant do so with careful thought and intelligence. My personal for a large part of the funding secured from L’APPUI, we are appreciation goes out to our Executive, Board of Directors forging ahead and believe our West Island office will open by under the capable leadership of our President, Paula mid November. Please watch for announcements and plan to Levinson and to our entire talented and dedicated staff be with us for the launch at that time. We are still seeking the with whom I am delighted to spend my days – they all funding for the renovations which need to be made to our represent special gifts in my life and I am most grateful! Support AGI by sending tribute cards for any occasion. Sympathy, Birthday, Anniversary, Births, Graduations, Marriages and Holidays! You can personalize your message! 514.485.7233 | ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 5
Enhancing the lives of everyone living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias Marva Whyte Alzheimer Awareness Conference Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Multiple Factors at Play in Late-Life Cognitive Decline Dr. Serge Gauthier C.M., C.Q, MD, FRCPC. Professor of Neurology & Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Medicine at McGill University Director of the Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Research Unit of the McGill Center for Studies in Aging, Douglas Hospital Recipient of the Order of Canada 2014 Stroke is More Treatable. Dementia is More Preventable. Dr. Antoine Hakim Emeritus Professor, uOttawa Brain and Mind Research Institute Neurologist, the Ottawa Hospital Recipient – 2017 Canada Gairdner Wightman Award Hotel Ruby Foo’s, 7655 Decarie Blvd., Montréal H4P 2H2 Light refreshments served at 6 pm | Conference begins at 6:30 pm sharp Admission $20 | PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED Conference in English | Question period in English and French 514.485.7233 | NAMUR Full Complement of AGI Services Now Offered on the West Island AGI’s services offered on the West Island will include: • Individual and family counselling • Support groups for family caregivers • Day programs for individuals with a diagnosis • Fruchter Respite-on-Wheels™ • Monthly open house • Caregiver training courses • Caregivers in the Kitchen • Linda Rosenbloom Family AGI Safety Net program SECOND LOCATION • Lindsay Lectures 514.485.7233 | 6 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
Passing the Torch Passer le témoin Paula Levinson, President Paula Levinson, Présidente Rick Walsh and Willy Kravitz, Co-Vice-presidents Rick Walsh et Willy Kravitz, Co-vice-présidents O L n behalf of Alzheimer Groupe AGI’s Board of e conseil d’administration et l’exécutif d’Alzheimer Directors and Executive, we wish to announce that as Groupe AGI annonce la retraite en date du 31 décembre of December 31, 2018, Linda Israel, AGI’s Executive 2018 de Linda Israel, la directrice générale d’AGI. Director will be retiring. Au cours des dix dernières années, le dévouement de Linda Over the last 10 years, Linda’s commitment ensured the a assuré la poursuite de services de soutien essentiels aux continuation of vital support services for families touched familles touchées par la démence de la région montréalaise by dementia within the greater Montreal area. Grâce à une plus grande sensibilisation du public et à la Through improved public awareness and the establishment création de liens solides avec des professionnels des soins of meaningful relationships with healthcare professionals, de la santé, Linda a pu consolider la position d’AGI en tant Linda has been instrumental in solidifying AGI’s position qu’expert dans le domaine des soins et de l’éducation à la as an expert in the field of dementia care and education. démence. De plus, à l’aide d’un soutien financier additionnel Further, through increased provincial and federal des gouvernements provincial et fédéral, de même que de government financial support, Linda has guided AGI’s contributions de fondations familiales et de particuliers, recent expansion to the West Island, bringing to life a Linda a piloté la récente expansion d’AGI sur l’Ouest-de-l’Ile, longstanding dream of this organisation. réalisant un rêve de longue date de l’organisme. Her unwavering devotion has brought honour and Son dévouement sans faille a couvert notre organisme excellence to all that we do. We are forever grateful. d’honneur et d’excellence. Nous serons à jamais We thank Linda for her exemplary leadership and extend reconnaissants. our very best wishes for happiness in the future. Nous remercions Linda pour son leadership exemplaire et We are pleased to introduce Allison Cobrin as AGI’s lui souhaitons franc succès à l’avenir. incoming Executive Director. Allison brings with her more C’est avec plaisir que nous vous présentons Allison Cobrin, than 10 years’ experience in the non-profit world. We notre nouvelle directrice générale. Allison compte plus de look forward to working with Allison as she leads AGI in dix années d’expérience au sein d’OSBL. Nous travaillerons its continuing Mission: to meet the needs of a growing avec elle à accomplir la Mission d’AGI : Répondre aux besoins community of families living with dementia through d’une communauté de familles en expansion qui vivent avec la compassion, support and excellence. démence grâce à la compassion, au soutien et à l’excellence. Great News! Bonne nouvelle! We are thrilled to announce that our long-held plan to C’est avec un immense plaisir que nous pouvons expand to the West Island is about to become a reality! annoncer que notre projet d’expansion dans l’Ouest de AGI’s West Island address is 72A Brunswick Boulevard l’Ile deviendra bientôt réalité ! (between Boulevard des Sources and Tecumseh) with Notre nouvelle adresse est le 72A, boulevard the launch to be held shortly. We are in the process of Brunswick (entre le boulevard des Sources et Tecumseh). renovations and furnishing the space, after which we will L’inauguration est imminente : nous procédons à des be open 3 days per week for the first year. rénovations et meublons l’endroit, après quoi nous pourrons This has been a long process after a multi-year plan and ouvrir trois jours par semaine pendant la première année. we are so very appreciative to David Gandell, Danny Il s’agit d’un processus de longue haleine et nous sommes Levinson and Gerry Soiferman for their generosity of très reconnaissants envers David Gandell, Danny time, formidable expertise and beautiful spirit. Each of Levinson et Gerry Soiferman pour leur temps, leur these gentlemen assisted us throughout and we owe expertise et leur dynamisme. Chacun d’eux nous a aidé them enormous gratitude. sur ce parcours et nous leur devons une fière chandelle. Each and every one who is reading this can take pride in Chers lecteurs, vous pouvez tous être fiers de cette this accomplishment which has been aided significantly réalisation financée en bonne partie par L’APPUI. through funding from L’APPUI. La bonne nouvelle, c’est que tous les programmes, This great news will mean that all the programs, support, l’appui, l’éducation, la formation et les activités que nous education, training and activities we offer currently will offrons seront maintenant disponibles à la communauté now be available to everyone throughout the entire West de l’Ouest de l’Ile. Island community. Merci à tous ceux qui nous ont permis de réaliser ce rêve Thank you to everyone who has helped to realize this –nous vous reviendrons sous peu avec la date d’ouverture dream – watch for the date of the opening and plan to officielle ! be with us for this commemoration! ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 7
Continuing a new tradition at AGI: 2018 AGI Champion Willie Kravitz, Vice-President and a Founding Member of Alzheimer Groupe AGI On volunteering: skills. We live in an ageing society, find a way to provide this help and it I t is hard to with many baby boomers either assuages the children’s feelings of guilt believe that retired or about to be. Many are and reduces their worry, then we have almost forty looking for meaningful ways to fulfilled a need. We may choose to call years have use their skills, honed over long it “foster” caregiving. passed since careers. Let us help them. The satisfaction we derive from my involvement If you are an accountant, you can helping others is an extraordinary with Alzheimer provide bookkeeping assistance to reward. Groupe (AGI) those who have never managed I am permitting myself to provide an began. Serving as finances. If you are a social worker, example from my own experience. a member of the Board and on various you can help navigate the limited Many years ago, as a young student of committees over the years could have assistance that is available from psychology, I did what is now known provided sufficient material to write government agencies. Providing and/ as an “internship” at the Douglas about history of how we started and or sharing a meal with a caregiver is Hospital. A child was assigned to developed this organization into one equally helpful. Respite for caregiver me. He had suffered severe brain of which we can be so justifiably is essential. Social isolation is all too damage at the hands of a brutal proud. However that has been well common for someone living with father. It was believed that he would documented. It is time to focus on dementia or their caregiver. If you can never speak. My task was to try to what we may still achieve. spend an afternoon with someone in get him to communicate. Week after No organization can function without the early stages of dementia, playing week, I would spend hours with him, fundraising and volunteers. Ours a game of cards, going to a movie reading, talking, and playing some is no different. It is basic to the or simply for a walk, you will have rather infantile games. No success. accomplishment of our mission. provided much needed assistance. The last time I saw him and explained However, it is now time to focus on Think of the times in which we live. that I would not be coming back, another aspect of volunteering. I refer Globalization has made so many he patted my head and said “Bye, to “hands on”, one-to-one volunteer mobile, living and working all over the Willie”. To this day, I remember the support. We recognize the endless world. The result is that many adult sense of satisfaction at hearing these need for caregiving and respite for children live far from their ageing words. It has never been matched by caregivers. Unfortunately, the cost parents when they may be needed at any fee I have received for providing of both is beyond the capacity of home. The support that these adult professional services. most families. Government funding children wish to provide may not be That can be as true to those of us who is either inadequate or non-existent. possible. My experience has shown choose to help on a one-to-one basis, The question then, is how can we that these children live with guilt and as I have tried to encourage in this help satisfy these needs and ease the worry. They are in desperate need of piece. While recruiting a base of one- burden? someone living close to their parent/ to-one volunteers may be difficult, My own practice of law provides some parents who can visit and report to I believe we must try in that it is an answer. I have witnessed firsthand them on how their parent/parents essential component of what we do the distress caused by the myriad are faring. Coupled with this is the at AGI. I leave this open to further of legal problems faced by families need for a substitute to advocate for discussion. when a member is experiencing them when the need arises. If we can dementia. I have distinguished these problems as adding “insult to injury”. To assist, I have provided pro bono time, answering questions and sometimes even lobbying for families with government bodies such as office of the Public Curator. We, as an organization, are fortunate to not only have talent in our midst, but many of us have access to persons with many various skills. I believe it is time to harvest those 8 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
AGI: Providing Dementia AGI : Nous offrons l’éducation Education and Knowledge to sur la démence à la the Community communauté Paula Levinson, Education Committee Chair E L ducation is a key component of ’éducation est un élément clé de l’aide aux personnes helping those with dementia and atteintes de démence et à leurs proches afin their loved ones in coping with qu’ils puissent vivre le défi que pose un diagnostic the journey that having a diagnosis de démence de façon plus positive. Les bénévoles of dementia involves. The enthusiastic enthousiastes et dévoués du comité de même que les and dedicated volunteers, as well as membres du personnel s’assurent que les plus récentes the staff members, on the Education connaissances et informations sont partagées avec les Committee have been aidants, qu’ils soient professionnels ou hard at work ensuring 2017 Education Committee/ non. Nous y parvenons de diverses façons that the most up-to-date knowledge Comité d’éducation : conférences, ateliers, cours et sessions and information are made available to informelles destinées à une variété de caregivers, both professional and non- Paula Levinson groupes communautaires. professional. This is accomplished in a Chair/Présidente AGI continue d’offrir une conférence d’une variety of ways: conferences, lectures, Rita Aber journée en novembre ; une conférence education courses and informal talks to Carole Arbess en soirée dans le cadre du Mois de la various community groups. Patricia Belchior sensibilisation à la maladie d’Alzheimer, AGI continues to offer a day-long conference Susan Bloom ainsi que la série de conférences Lindsay every November; an evening one in January Lynne Brodrick Cochrane Memorial sur une base mensuelle tout as a part of Alzheimer Awareness Month, Joan Foster au long de l’année. Le comité voit à la and the Lindsay Memorial Lecture Series on Mirna Hofbauer planification et à l’organisation de ces a monthly basis throughout the year. The Wilfred Kravitz activités. Cette année, les membres du committee is instrumental in planning and Marilynne Malkin comité d’éducation ont reçu une formation organizing these activities. This past year, the Cindy Pinchuk pour devenir des « Ambassadeurs members of the Education Committee have Barbara Sederoff AGI », participant à divers évènements trained to become “AGI Ambassadors”, Sandy Sitcoff communautaires pour faire connaitre les attending various community events in services qu’offre AGI. order to spread the word regarding the La conférence de novembre essaie de procurer des various services available at AGI. stratégies et des techniques pratiques au quotidien afin de The November day-long conference endeavours to provide rehausser l’expérience de l’aidant et d’améliorer la qualité hands-on, day-to-day strategies and techniques to enhance the des interactions avec la personne atteinte de démence. caregiving experience and improve the quality of interactions Cette conférence s’adresse tant aux aidants professionnels with the person living with dementia. This Conference is que non professionnels et ce, à cout minime. Cette année, available to professional and non-professional caregivers at la conférence de sensibilisation de janvier regardera au-delà minimal cost. This year, the January Awareness conference will de la maladie d’Alzheimer et explorera d’autres causes de be looking beyond Alzheimer’s disease and will explore other la démence. Les conférences Lindsay Memorial présentent causes of dementia. The Lindsay Memorial lectures consist des sujets pertinents reliés aux soins à la démence et aux of topics related to dementia caregiving and concerns. These préoccupations des aidants. Ces conférences sont gratuites lectures are open to the public at no cost and take place both et ouvertes à tous et ont lieu tant à Montréal que dans in Montreal and on the West Island. l’Ouest-de-l’Ile. I thank all of you for your support and hard work, and Je vous remercie tous pour votre soutien et votre travail look forward to continuing the good work we have et espère poursuivre l’excellent travail que nous avons accomplished to date. accompli jusqu’aujourd’hui. Share. Learn. Discover how others are moving through the care experience. Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) is committed to supporting family and friends who care for individuals living with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. Join our AGITeam community on Huddol and connect with our network of healthcare professionals and other caregivers like you. ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 9
AGI’s Lindsay Memorial Lecture Series Lindsay Memorial Foundation Lecture Series AGI is proud to host engaging monthly lectures in Montreal and on the West Island featuring guest speakers discussing specialized and relevant topics related to dementia and caregiving. These lectures are designed for family caregivers, providing tools that enhance their lives with their loved ones diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or AGI’s free monthly lectures offer everyone in Montreal other dementias. We invite a variety and on the West Island information on a variety of topics of experts to address caregivers, family relevant to dementia caregiving. The AGI Education members and friends eager to learn Committee is presently working on finding innovative and more about how dementia can affect interesting subjects for the upcoming 2018/2019 Lindsay different aspects of life. These lectures Memorial Lecture Series, beginning this fall. are free and open to the public due to the generosity of the Lindsay Memorial The dynamic Lindsay Memorial Lectures that took place in 2017 Foundation. Discovering Your Options for Caregiver Respite Registration required / Donations welcome Megan Williams, MSW Free and Open to All Lectures in English Understanding MCI: Diagnosis, Treatment and Future Les conferences sont en anglais seulement Heather Kape, RN Driving and Dementia: Things to Consider Isabelle Gélinas, PhD Lectures for caregivers Addressing Challenges with Activities of Daily Living in Dementia Care in TWO NEW locations Joan Foster, BN Montreal What to Consider when Thinking about Residential Benny Library Placement 6400 Monkland Avenue Shiri Rosenbaum, CLSC Social Worker Montreal, QC H4B 1H3 Organizing your Finances Alison Miller CPA, CA and Daniel Brisebois, L.L.B., D.D.N., M.FISC West Island Caregiving, the Legal Perspective Arthur Séguin Chalet Corinne Harbec-Lachapelle, Public Curators Office 365 St. Louis Avenue Pointe-Claire H9R 2A1 The Power of Musical Therapy Samantha Borgal, Certified Musical Therapist How to Advocate for your Loved One 514.485.7233 | Amy Fish, Ombudsman, Concordia University AGI extends much appreciation to the Lindsay Memorial Foundation for their continued generosity, which enables these valuable lectures to take place. 10 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
Lassner Institute of Learning A look back! Through the Lassner Institute of Learning, AGI is committed to providing the most up-to-date education about Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Here’s a look back at last year’s informative conferences and lectures. (l-r): Paula Levinson, Dr. Simon Ducharme, Meghan Williams, Dr. Serge Gauthier and Linda Israel (l-r): Paula Levinson, Dr. Nancy Hodgson, Linda Israel, Meghan Marva Whyte Alzheimer Awareness Conference Williams The Dementia Puzzle: Living with Cognitive Decline AGI’s 2018 Marva Whyte Alzheimer Awareness Conference AGI’s Alzheimer’s Education Conference for on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 was a well-attended Care Providers conference featuring experts Dr. Serge Gauthier, Director A GI’s Alzheimer’s Education Conference for Care of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Unit of the McGill Providers which took place on Wednesday Centre for Studies in Aging, Dr. Simon Ducharme, a November 7, 2018, was a day-long conference Neuropsychiatrist at the Montreal Neurological Institute featuring guest speaker Nancy Hodgson, PhD, RN, FAAN. and Consultation-Liaison (CL) Psychiatrist at the MUHC, Nancy is a recognized expert in the areas of palliative along with AGI’s own Director of Support Services, care and dementia care for older adults. Her main area of Meghan Williams. Attendees left this informative evening research is dementia caregiving and the training of health with insight into the latest advances in the treatment care professionals. of Alzheimer’s disease, Frontotemporal dementia and dementia caregiving. AGI Training Courses A GI, through the Lassner Institute of Learning, is proud to provide ongoing interactive training courses about dementia for family members, (l-r): Teri Cota, Meghan Williams, Linda Israel, Dr. Tamara in-home caregivers and professional care providers. T Sussman, Naomi Levine, Paula Levinson hese informative sessions help carers face the challenges of living with dementia, while offering AGI’s first ever Spring Conference practical approaches to improve the quality of life for T his year, AGI’s first ever Spring Conference took place the entire family. on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. “Now I Don’t Have to Guess – Activating Early Conversations about Courses cover a wide variety of topics, emphasizing End of Life in Long Term Care”, presented by Dr. Tamara practical knowledge useful on a daily basis. Alzheimer 101 Sussman, Associate Professor, McGill School of Social and other specialized courses offer greater insight into Work. Dr. Sussman with over ten years of experience dementia-related behaviours, teaching useful skills and working with adults and families managing health related solutions that can enhance daily life. issues in both hospital and community settings, presented her findings on how health services and systems impact Great News. Now available in two locations! older adults and their family members. AGI will offer training courses on the West Island as We extend our deepest appreciation to Naomi well. For more information about our upcoming training Levine and her brothers for facilitating all aspects of courses, call 514-485-7233 or email the new Spring Conference, enabling AGI to provide AGI trainings can be applied towards non-accredited LPN this important educational opportunity to carers. licensing hours. ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 11
Caregiver Respite No matter what, we all need a break from time to time – AGI’s Aisenstadt Activity Centre and the Young Onset Social Group are examples of safe and nurturing environments for diagnosed loved ones, which also provide respite for family caregivers. Caregivers in the Kitchen and the Fruchter Respite-on-Wheels™ are two of AGI’s popular respite programs for carers. Caregivers in the Kitchen Caregivers in the Kitchen is a “delicious” AGI program combining a slice of respite, a dash of camaraderie and a cupful of new cooking skills. Caregivers in the Kitchen is a cooking class that’s a fun activity offering respite to caregivers. This unique program aims to make caregivers more comfortable in the kitchen while offering them a chance to get out and enjoy themselves in a warm social environment. Caregivers in the Kitchen is a wonderful opportunity for caregivers to finesse their kitchen skills with an experienced chef and Provigo Culinary School representative. Learn some new cooking tricks and share quality time with other caregivers. Ask us about this exciting program. L’AGI joue un rôle important dans la vie de toutes les personnes touchées par la maladie d’Alzheimer et d’autres démences 3 L’année dernière, AGI a répondu à DES PROGRAMMES GROUPES INTERGÉNÉRATIONNELS s’adressent L’année dernière, DE SOUTIEN 1,905 AGI A FORMÉ toutes les deux aux jeunes en leur donnant de l’information sur les déficiences cognitives courriels et appels téléphoniques 215 professionnels, semaines pour les conjoints et comment cela affecte la famille. 1,671 étudiants et bénévoles dans les hôpitaux, les centres de soin consultations individuelles de longue durée et les agences ou familiales de soin à domicile. 1,048 2,402 heures de RÉPIT ont été fournies aux 48 personnes ont participés aux ATELIERS, CONFÉRENCES ET PRÉSENTATIONS familles de Montréal et de l’Ouest-de-l’Île grâce au GRATUITS du LASSNER INSTITUTE programme FRUCHTER RESPITE-ON-WHEELSTM OF LEARNING. créé spécialement pour les personnes qui ne peuvent pas venir au centre d’activité Aisenstadt. Seulement • GROUPE SOCIAL pour chez AGI LE CENTRE AISENSTADT d’AGI reçoit AGI collabore avec le MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS en offrant 3 personnes atteintes de démence précoce 6 initiatives GROUPES des visites et des ateliers tous les novateurs! • PROGRAMME DE MENTORAT mois au musée. Les clients d’AGI FILET DE SÉCURITÉ pour les et est ouvert font la visite avec un ami ou un proches aidants 5 JOURS PAR SEMAINE membre de famille qui partage cette expérience créative. • RELIER LES GÉNÉRATIONS PAR LA CHANSON Aidez-nous à offrir du soutien essentiel aux familles de grand Montréal et de l’Ouest-de-l’Île. Améliorons des vies ensemble! FAITES UN DON DÈS AUJOURD’HUI. 514.485.7233 | 12 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
AGI Amazingly Fun Race AGI’s Amazingly Fun Race is a unique fundraising event that combines team building, adventure, excitement and fun, all beginning and ending at the iconic Montreal Forum! Although the fun challenge is to claim the AGI Cup, the ultimate mission is for teams to raise awareness and much-needed funds for AGI. The fourth annual AGI Amazingly Fun Race took place on Sunday, October 14th! After three years of wet weather, we finally had a sunny autumn day! Friend, family and corporate teams came together in an atmosphere of camaraderie, solving puzzles, completing challenges and following clues throughout Montreal. We are enormously appreciative to our title sponsor Dorel Industries. Congratulations to the 2018 AGI Cup winners – the Rotarians of Old Montreal! Second place went to Team Arrival, and the third place spot went to the Oberfeld Snowcap Avengers. All of this year’s AMAZING teams are winners! A special appreciation to our two Co-Chairs, Andrea Elias and Felice Oberfeld. For more information on how you can participate in next year’s event, please contact Teri at 514-485-7233 or 2nd 3rd 1st Sponsorship opportunities Sponsors | available. Partenaires Call us! 514.485.7233 ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 13
AGI and the Student Community A GI is committed to providing a positive and multi-faceted approach to life with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. As part of our commitment to training and mentoring, we welcome the opportunity to train students from related professional fields. AGI Students 2017/18 Stephanie Sing Maryam Gerami Yulia Izmerli Concordia MA Creative Arts Concordia MA Creative Arts Therapies Concordia University Therapies 175hours (Therapeutic Recreation) 350hours 16 hours Alex Pitcher Quinn Hodgkinson Assistant Recreation Facilitator 360 hours 360 hours Quinn was employed through Alex was employed again this Canada Summer Jobs - as AGI’s summer through Canada Summer Summer Outreach and Development Jobs as Assistant Recreation Assistant from June through August Facilitator. This fall, she will begin for a total of 360 hours her Masters studies in Therapeutic Recreation at Concordia Quinn returns to his 5th year of Political Science and Jewish University . Studies at McGill University Alex’s testimonial Quinn’s testimonial “Being part of the summer student employment program “My experience with AGI has not only enriched my here at AGI for the past three years has been a very learning and growth by teaching the inner workings of a educational and enlightening experience, from working non-profit organization and the value of a close-knit and with the clients to working with the staff. It has allowed dedicated staff, but has also increased my sense of the me to use and continue to develop my practical skills as importance of community outreach and support. AGI not a program facilitator in a field setting. That being said, only provides a necessary service, but distinguishes itself over the past three summers I have had the opportunity by the emphasis it places on the well-being and comfort to assist in developing and implementing programming of its ever-grateful clientele. AGI has contributed to my and activities for the participants in the activity center. professional development through the work experience Developing programming includes assessing strengths, I have had with them, but it has also made me a more abilities, needs, difficulties and interests. This can be engaged and aware citizen through my exposure to the difficult as all clients have different abilities and needs; work it does for a segment of our society that truly needs however, it was always worth it at the end. Seeing how the support not only from AGI, but from the communities that clients respond to the different programs and seeing how house it.” they benefit, there is no better feeling. Working with the staff has been fantastic, as well, and I can truly say I have learned an incredible amount from all of them. Although A perspective on Dementia in my summer placement was short and my career just beginning, I have seen some of the best interactions with Quebec and Canada: clients from the staff here at AGI. They have been able to 141,000 Québecers are currently living with push me far beyond my comfort zone but at the same time dementia provide me with constructive feedback on how I can better myself. I am truly grateful for being able to have such great EVERY day in Quebec another 17 cases of opportunities during my summers here.” dementia are diagnosed 564,000 Canadians are living with dementia. Savez-vous que... 1.1 million Canadians are affected directly or L’année dernière, AGI a répondu à 1 659 indirectly by the disease courriels et appels téléphoniques et 487 Approximately 76,000 new cases of dementia consultations individuelles ou familiales. are diagnosed in Canada every year 14 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
AGI’s Fruchter Respite-on-Wheels™ AGI’s Fruchter Respite-on-Wheels™, a program greatly subsidized by the generosity of private donors, offers a weekly 4 hour block of respite to caregivers of people with dementia. Activities help reduce isolation and under-stimulation for those with a diagnosis. This in-home enriching program is designed for people who cannot attend day programs and/or afford home care. Programming includes: • An assessment and activity plan tailored to the person’s needs and abilities • Consistency/reliability: the same home health aide each week allows the family to build a trusting relationship • Passionate professionals who are knowledgeable about those experiencing dementia • Home care services as required, eg. showering, toileting 514.485.7233 | AGI plays a pivotal role in the lives of everyone touched by Alzheimer’s and other dementias 3 Last year, AGI responded to... INTERGENERATIONAL PROGRAMS Bi-weekly provide young people with an SUPPORT 1,905 Last year, AGI provided GROUPS understanding of cognitive impairment and its effect on the family. emails and telephone help calls TRAINING to for spouses. 215 Professionals, students and volunteers 1,671 in hospitals, long-term care individual or family consultations facilities, home-care agencies and universities. 2,402 hours of RESPITE were provided 1,048 people touched by AGI’s outreach through to 48 families in Montreal and the FREE LECTURES, CONFERENCES and West Island through the FRUCHTER COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS through RESPITE-ON-WHEELSTM program the LASSNER INSTITUTE OF LEARNING. created especially for those unable to attend the Aisenstadt Activity Centre. AGI collaborates with the Only at AGI • A SOCIAL GROUP for those with The AGI Aisenstadt Activity Centre hosts MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS offering monthly 3 Ground breaking YOUNG ONSET DEMENTIA (Under 65 years of age) 6 GROUPS and is open tours and art workshops at the museum. AGI clients visit with a friend or family initiatives for families • SAFETY NET MENTORSHIP PROGRAM for Family Caregivers 5 DAYS A WEEK member to share this creative experience together. • LINKING GENERATIONS THROUGH SONG Help us provide vital dementia support services to families in Montreal and on the West Island. Let’s enhance lives together. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TODAY. 514.485.7233 | ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 15
What we do | Ce que nous faisons AGI provides a warm, caring positive and respectful Depuis plus que 30 ans, AGI continue d’offrir un environment that fosters enjoyable and enriching environnement chaleureux, attentionné, positif et experiences. The AGI team of counsellors is proud respectueux qui favorise le plus agréable et une to support you and your loved ones throughout your expérience enrichissante. Nos conseillères donnent journey with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. du soutien nécessaire à vous et vos proches tout au long de votre voyage avec la maladie d’Alzheimer et les démences connexes. Programs for people with dementia Programmes pour personnes • Aisenstadt Activity Centre atteintes de démence • Fruchter Respite-on-Wheels™ • Centre d’activités Aisenstadt • Tours at Montreal Museum of Fine Arts • Fruchter Respite-on-WheelsCM • Young Onset Social Group • Visites en groupe privées du Musée • Linking Generations Through Song des Beaux-Arts de Montréal • Groupe social de démence précoce Education and Training • Relier les générations par la chanson • Healthcare professionals • Professional home caregivers Formation • Family caregivers • Professionnels des soins de la santé • Aidants à domicile Support and Respite for Caregivers • Aidants naturels • Help/Support telephone line • Counseling – individual and family Soutien et répit pour les aidants naturels • Support groups • Ligne de soutien téléphonique • Linda Rosenbloom Family AGI Safety Net program • Consultations individuelles/familles • Caregivers in the Kitchen • Groupes de soutien • Programme Filet de sécurité Famille Community Outreach Linda Rosenbloom d’AGI • Education and Awareness Conferences • Les Aidants aux fourneaux • Lindsay Memorial Lectures Éducation/Sensibilisation • Professional speakers for Community • Conférences d’éducation et de sensibilisation Groups, Schools, Organizations, etc. • Conférences Lindsay Memorial Intergenerational projects • Conférenciers professionnels pour les groupes • Learning to Care communautaires, les écoles, les organismes, etc. • Our Community, Our Stories Projets intergénérationnels • Apprendre à se soucier • Notre communauté, nos histoires 514.485.7233 | 16 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
Snapshots from the AGI Community Dementia affects us all: diagnosed individuals, caregivers, families and the community, but it doesn’t prevent any of us from living our lives with dignity and joy. AGI plays a pivotal role in promoting connections - we are all stronger together. Food always tastes better when it’s made in good company – Caregivers in Kitchen. The Amazingly Fun Race – AGI supporters complete unique challenges throughout Montreal in AGI’s one-of- a-kind team building and fundraising event. Creating beautiful bouquets is a wonderful activity for Sonia and Omega. Deepest appreciation to Christine and Westmount Florist. AGI’s Spring into Summer Jean and Shayna Bash gives clients, collaborate on a caregivers and staff a creative project during wonderful opportunity a visit to the Montreal to celebrate summer’s Museum of Fine Arts. arrival, dance to great tunes, and enjoy one another’s company. ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. 17
Safety Net A Unique Bonding experience! Linda Rosenbloom Family AGI Safety Net program has had a tremendous positive impact on the lives of mentees and mentors alike! The Safety Net program coordinator collaborates for Registration ter with the counsellors at AGI to match mentors Win the Autumn/ and mentees to create a wonderful bond. We gun! session has be work together to make sure everyone feels pour la L’inscription comfortable, enjoys one another’s company, and io n au to m ne/hiver sess cée ! est co m m en has the kind of positive experience that is often life-altering. Young Onset Dementia Social Group Safety Net is a valuable program providing untold benefits. We are presently seeking more For those with a diagnosis before 65 mentors; if you have any caregiving experience Thursdays, 10 am – 2:30 pm and you’d like to help someone else through *Bring your lunch! their journey of caring for a loved one with dementia, you may make a great mentor! • Artistic, physical and intellectual activities We will be happy to answer any questions • Education and information about the disease you may have. Please do not hesitate to call • A chance to share experiences in a supportive environment 514.485.7233 or email • Appropriate to age, abilities and needs • The group is offered in French and English New! • Small Group with 2 staff members Watch video testimonials from our • Cost $20 / day mentors and mentees on AGI’s YouTube channel at Groupe social de démence précoce Pour les personnes de moins de 65 ans atteintes de démence Someone could benefit Les jeudis de 10 h à 14 h 30 from your experience as a *Amenez votre lunch! dementia caregiver • Activités artistiques, physiques et intellectuelles If you would like to guide and support • Éducation et information sur la maladie • Possibilité de partager des expériences dans a family caregiver, consider un environnement compatissant becoming a Safety Net Mentor. • Activités appropriées à l’âge, aux habiletés et aux besoins Please contact AGI at 514.485.7233 • Les activités se déroulent en français et en anglais or email • Petit groupe avec 2 conseillières • Coût : 20$ / journée Quelqu’un pourrait profiter de votre expérience d’aidant St. Raymond’s Community Centre Pour conseiller et soutenir un autre Centre communautaire Saint-Raymond aidant familial, vous pourriez devenir 5600, ch. Upper Lachine, Montréal H4A 2A6 un mentor du programme Filet de 514.485.7233 | sécurité. Veuillez communiquer avec In partnership with | En partenariat avec AGI au 514.485.7233 ou par courriel The McGill University Center for Studies in Aging au pour en le Centre de recherche et d’études sur le vieillissement de l’Université McGill savoir plus. 18 514.485.7233 | INFO@AGITEAM.ORG | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG
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