Tribute to Eugène YSAŸE - The King of Violin 04 07. Dec. 2019 - Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
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Music Chapel 61 Artists in residence 16 Associated Artists 24 nationalities 7 Masters in residence & 2 Guest Masters: José van Dam, voice Sophie Koch, Guest master – voice Chair granted by an anonymous donor Augustin Dumay, violin Miguel da Silva, viola & chamber music Gary Hoffman, cello Louis Lortie, piano Chair granted by Baillet Latour Fund Vineta Sareika (violin), chamber music Gregor Sigl (viola), chamber music Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, Guest Master – chamber music & piano «Community Projects» Chair Chair granted by Fondation Futur21 Main Sponsor
Sous la Présidence d’Honneur de Sa Majesté la Reine Paola Onder het Erevoorzitterschap van Hare Majesteit Paola Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola Music and the training of young are very close to my heart, and I am delighted to see them united here at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. My dearest wish is that the level of excellence of the Music Chapel will help young talents to give their best and to create an international musical elite beyond borders and cultures.
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Hommage à Eugène Ysaÿe Eugène Ysaÿe fut un très grand violoniste, sans doute un des plus grands de l’histoire du violon. Il voyagea à travers le monde et laissa une empreinte forte auprès de tous les publics qu’il toucha par son style si personnel. Artiste complet, il fut également compositeur, chef d’orchestre et pédagogue. Dans la dernière décade de sa vie, Ysaÿe fut maître de Chapelle à la cour de Belgique et conseilla la Reine Elisabeth sur de nombreux et inspirants projets. La Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth lui doit son origine, elle se devait un jour de lui consacrer un hommage qui se concrétise aujourd’hui sous différentes formes. Afin de donner à ce témoignage une dynamique forte et multiple, la Chapelle Musicale s’est associée à d’autres institutions culturelles belges & étrangères en profitant de son 80ème anniversaire pour mettre en lumière ce formidable artiste belge qu’était Ysaÿe. Trois ans furent nécessaires pour faire aboutir ce « Tribute to Ysaÿe » décliné en : • Un festival, la dixième édition du Music Chapel Festival, en collaboration avec Flagey, du 4 au 7 décembre 2019. Ce festival est une immersion dans l’œuvre d’Ysaÿe et de ses compositeurs de prédilection, à travers des récitals, de la musique de chambre et des concerts avec orchestre. Accueillir des violonistes comme Joshua Bell, Renaud Capuçon, Augustin Dumay & Philippe Graffin ou encore la jeune génération comme Lorenzo Gatto, Kerson Leong ou Yossif Ivanov démontre de la vivacité de l’héritage musical qu’Ysaÿe a laissé à des générations de violonistes… Trois orchestres (Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, Brussels Philharmonic, Les Métamorphoses), un chœur (Octopus) ainsi que de très nombreux artistes complètent la programmation de ce festival dédié à Ysaÿe. Tous devraient apporter un nouvel éclairage vivant de la musique d’Ysaÿe et de son influence sur les compositeurs de son époque : Franck, Fauré, Chausson, Ravel, Lekeu, Saint-Saëns et bien d’autres… • Ensuite, la sortie d’un coffret d’enregistrements de 5 cds en hommage à Ysaÿe, une archive impressionnante produite par la Chapelle Musicale et Outhere (label Fuga Libera), en collaboration avec l’Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège et le Brussels Philharmonic. Grâce à la complicité de dizaines de solistes et de chambristes, ce coffret propose des œuvres et des concertos inédits d’Ysaÿe ainsi que des œuvres dédiées à Ysaÿe et que celui-ci a défen- dues sur scène tout au long de sa carrière. • Et enfin, un film documentaire, « Ysaÿe is not dead », réalisé par Marc Temmerman, film dans lequel l’arrière- petit-fils d’Eugène, Marc Ysaye, part à la rencontre de son ancêtre et découvre, au fil de ses rencontres, le grand personnage qu’était son aïeul. Par ailleurs, le calendrier aidant, une nouvelle biographie, écrite par Marie Cornaz et éditée par Brepols, sort aussi en ce mois de décembre et nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Marie Cornaz dans le Music Chapel Festival pour évo- quer cet ouvrage de référence sur Ysaÿe. Très beau festival à toutes et à tous ! Bernard de Launoit CEO – Executive President 7
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Hulde aan Eugène Ysaÿe Eugène Ysaÿe was een erg groot violist, ongetwijfeld een van de grootste uit de vioolgeschiedenis. Hij reisde de wereld af en liet overal een belangrijke voetafdruk na bij zijn publiek dat hij raakte door zijn erg persoonlijke stijl. Hij was een veelzijdig artiest, want hij was ook componist, dirigent en pedagoog. In het laatste decennium van zijn leven was Ysaÿe Kapelmeester van het Belgische hof en verleende hij koningin Elisabeth advies over tal van bezielende projecten. De Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth dankt haar bestaan aan hem, daarom moest ze hem ooit eens huldigen, hetgeen vandaag gestalte krijgt in diverse vormen. Om aan dit eerbetoon een sterke en veelzijdige dynamiek te verlenen heeft de Muziekkapel krachten gebundeld met andere Belgische en buitenlandse culturele instellingen, door gebruik te maken van haar 80e verjaardag om deze schitterende Belgische artiest die Ysaÿe was in de kijker te stellen. Drie jaar waren nodig om dit ‘Tribute to Ysaÿe’ te verwezenlijken, bestaande uit: • Een festival, de tiende editie van het Music Chapel Festival, in samenwerking met Flagey, van 4 tot 7 december 2019. Het festival biedt een onderdompeling in het werk van Ysaÿe en zijn favoriete componisten, aan de hand van recitals, kamermuziek en orkestconcerten. Violisten onthalen als Joshua Bell, Renaud Capuçon, Augustin Dumay & Philippe Graffin of nog de jonge generatie als Lorenzo Gatto, Kerson Leong of Yossif Ivanov getuigt van de springle- vende muzikale erfenis die Ysaÿe aan generaties violisten heeft nagelaten… Drie orkesten (Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, Brussels Philharmonic, Les Métamorphoses), een koor (Octopus), alsook talloze artiesten vervolledigen de programmering van dit festival gewijd aan Ysaÿe, allen zouden een nieuw krachtig licht moeten werpen op de muziek van Ysaÿe en zijn invloed op de componisten uit zijn tijd: Franck, Fauré, Chausson, Ravel, Lekeu, Saint-Saëns en vele anderen… • Vervolgens, de release van een opnamebox van 5 cd’s ter ere van Ysaÿe, een indrukwekkend archief van de Muziekkapel en Outhere (label Fuga Libera), in samenwerking met het Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège en Brussels Philharmonic. Dankzij de medewerking van tientallen solisten en kamermuzikanten biedt deze box onuitgegeven werk en concerto’s van Ysaÿe, alsook werk opgedragen aan Ysaÿe en werk waarvoor hij gedurende zijn hele carrière op het podium heeft gepleit. • En tot slot, een documentairefilm, ‘Ysaÿe is not dead’, van de hand van Marc Temmerman, een film waarin de achterkleinzoon van Eugène, Marc Ysaye, op ontmoeting trekt naar zijn voorvader en in de loop van zijn ontmoetin- gen het belangrijk personage dat zijn overgrootvader was, ontdekt. Bovendien verschijnt er in - de feestmaand - december ook een nieuwe biografie, geschreven door Marie Cornaz en uitgegeven bij Brepols, en we hebben het genoegen om Marie Cornaz op het Music Chapel Festival te verwelkomen om te spreken over dit referentiewerk over Ysaÿe. Een prachtig festival aan allen! Bernard de Launoit CEO – Executive President 9
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Tribute to Eugène Ysaÿe Eugène Ysaÿe was an exceptional violinist, without doubt one of the greatest in the history of the violin. Traveling the world, he moved audiences with his personal style and left a strong impression wherever he went. An all-around artist, he was also a composer, conductor and teacher. In the last decade of his life, Ysaÿe was kapellmeister at the Court of Belgium and advised Queen Elisabeth on a number of inspiring projects. The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel owes its existence to Eugène Ysaÿe and thus it owed it to him to pay him a fitting tribute. That time has now come, with a tribute that takes different forms. To ensure that the homage is both vibrant and varied, the Music Chapel has joined forces with other cultural institutions from Belgium and abroad on the occa- sion of its 80th anniversary to turn the spotlight on the formidable Belgian artist that Ysaÿe was. Three years were necessary to bring about this “Tribute to Ysaÿe”, which comprises: • Firstly, a festival, the tenth edition of the Music Chapel Festival, in collaboration with Flagey, from 4 to 7 December 2019. This festival will immerse listeners in the work of Ysaÿe and of his favorite composers through recitals, chamber music and concerts with orchestra. The presence of such violinists as Joshua Bell, Renaud Capuçon, Augustin Dumay and Philippe Graffin and of a younger generation of musicians such as Lorenzo Gatto, Kerson Leong and Yossif Ivanov is proof that the musical heritage left by Ysaÿe to generations of violinists is still alive today. Three orchestras (Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, Brussels Philharmonic, Les Métamorphoses), a choir (Octopus) and a large number of artists will complete the program of this festival dedicated to Ysaÿe. They will all shed new light on Ysaÿe’s music and his influence on the composers of his time: Franck, Fauré, Chausson, Ravel, Lekeu, Saint-Saëns and many more. • Secondly, a box set consisting of 5 CDs in homage to Ysaÿe, an impressive archive produced by the Music Chapel and Outhere (Fuga Libera label) in collaboration with the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège and the Brussels Philharmonic. Thanks to the cooperation of dozens of soloists and chamber musicians, this box set offers previously unheard works and concertos by Ysaÿe as well as works dedicated to Ysaÿe which he performed on stage throughout his career. • Last but not least, a documentary film, “Ysaÿe is not dead”, directed by Marc Temmerman, in which Eugène’s great-grandson, Marc Ysaye, sets out in search of his ancestor and discovers during his journey the great character that was Eugène Ysaÿe. What’s more, by a lucky coincidence, a new biography, written by Marie Cornaz and published by Brepols, is also being released this December, and we have the pleasure of welcoming Marie Cornaz to the Music Chapel Festival to evoke this reference book on Ysaÿe. We wish you all a wonderful festival! Bernard de Launoit CEO – Executive President 11
MuCH Waterloo Festival Funding MuCH Creation Maecenas Created by Music Chapel MuCH Patrons & Parrains MuCH Library Maecenas - MuCH Friends MuCH Ysaÿe Canadian Friends Tribute to Ysaÿe MuCH for school American Friends of Take your school to Music Chapel Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Mchapel Kids Special activities for kids ≤7 years Chapel Program A unique program of lectures & visits MuCH Family MYchapel: Special program for young lovers Special program for families of classical music ≤35years Activities for kids ≥7 years Community Projects MuCH Addict Music can change the world Special activities for + 35 years Equinox, Children’s choir Live streaming/Radio Broadcast Walk to MuCH Le chapel restaurant A walk before a concert 02 352 06 63 12
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Stéphane Denève, conductor Brussels Philharmonic Les Métamorphoses Orchestra Raphaël Feye, conductor Jean-Jacques Kantorow, conductor Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège Octopus Choir 14
© Thibault Daguzan © Simon Fowler Alessio Bax Augustin Dumay Renaud Capuçon © Marie-Claude de Benaouda Miguel da Silva Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden Lorenzo Gatto © Lisa Marie Mazzucco Joshua Bell Yossif Ivanov Philippe Graffin 15
Alexandre Pascal, Astrig Siranossian, Djordje Radevski, piano violin cello Naomi Couquet, mezzo-soprano Dana Protopopescu, Dania El Zein, piano soprano Edvard Pogossian, cello Jane Hyeon Jin Cho, violin Géraldine Fastré, Guillaume Elina Buksha, Philippe Riga, clarinet Vincent, piano violin Hélène Desaint, viola piano Jérémy Garbarg, Jonathan Fournel, Leon Kosavic, baritone Max Charue, drums cello piano 16
Julie Gebhart, soprano Hélène Lagaditis, flute Jeong Hyoun Lee, cello Jeewon Kim, violin Kerson Leong, violin Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Vladyslava Luchenko, Isaline Leloup, violin contrabass Quatuor Hermes Riana Anthony, cello Vilmos Csikos, violin Salih Can Gevrek, piano Violaine Despeyroux, viola 17
Les Métamorphoses Orchestra Inspired by the work of Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Sir Roger Norrington, the instrumentalists of the Les Métamorphoses orchestra have given themselves the task of creating a sonority that is most suited to this era by combining modern and early instruments (natural horns and trumpets, early kettledrums, double bass with gut strings etc.). Founded by Camille and Raphaël Feye, the ensemble is made up of musicians chosen for their commitment and interest in historically informed practice and performance. Raphaël Feye, conductor Cellist and conductor, Raphaël Feye, studied at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, the Hochschule für Musik "Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy" in Leipzig and the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. He studied conducting with Jean- Sébastien Béreau, Jorma Panula and Niels Muus. He had the opportunity to conduct the London Mozart Players, the Janacek Philharmonic of Ostrava and debuted as guest conductor at the Constanta National Opera in Rossini's Seville Barbershop. In 2016, he won a special prize at the London Soloists competition and was invited to conduct Mozart's "Magic Flute" at the Red State Opera. Brussels Philharmonic Brussels Philharmonic was founded in 1935 by the Belgian public broadcasting service (NIR/INR). The orchestra was regularly placed in the hands of famous foreign conductors, such as Leonard Bernstein, Darius Milhaud, Paul Sacher, Albert Wolff and Benjamin Britten. Also, composers such as Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Hindermith, Bartók. The orchestra’s historic home port is the Flagey building, where it rehearses and performs in Studio 4 and which serves as its home base for concerts in Brussels, Flanders and Europe. Stéphane Denève, conductor Stéphane Denève is Music Director of the Brussels Philharmonic and the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Principal Guest Conductor of The Philadelphia Orchestra, and Director of the Centre for Future Orchestral Repertoire (CffOR). Recognised internationally for the exceptional quality of his performances and programming, he regularly appears at major concert venues with the world’s greatest orchestras and soloists. Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège Founded in 1690 the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège (OPRL) is the only professional symphony orchestra in French-speaking Belgium. Supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (with the participation of the National Lottery), the City of Liège and the Province of Liège, it performs in Liège, in the prestigious Salle Philharmonique (dating from 1887) as well as throughout Belgium and in Europe’s leading halls and festivals. On the initiative of its founder Fernand Quinet and its musical directs, among whom, today, Christian Arming, the OPRL has established a sound reputation at the crossroads of the Germanic and French Traditions. 18
Jean-Jacques Kantorow, conductor Jean-Jacques Kantorow began studying violin in Nice before joining the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris at the age of 13. Until 1968, he won about ten international prizes, including the Carl Flesh First Prize in London, the Paganini First Prize in Genoa and the First Prize at the Geneva International Competition. After international recognition as a concert performer, Jean-Jacques Kantorow turned to conducting and conducted several ensembles, including the Tapiola Sinfonietta in Finland. He became Music Director of the Orchestre d'Auvergne and then held the same position at the head of the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris. Jean-Jacques Kantorow tought violin at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris and gives numerous masterclasses all over the world. Octopus choir Octopus is a flexible ensemble of 32 to 100 singers. The choir performs baroque and classical oratorios, romantic and contemporary a capella music, as well as works with symphony orchestra. They have performed on historical instruments and the choir has collaborated with orchestras such as the Brussels Philharmonic, the Ant-working Symphony Orchestra, Musica Viva Moscow, the Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen, the National Orchestra of Belgium and the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, as well as with conductors such as Yoel Levi, Michel Tabachnik, Sîan Edwards, Alexandr Rudin and Christian Arming. Augustin Dumay, violin International critics have compared Augustin Dumay to the great violinists of the twentieth century, highlighting his status as “a great classical stylist”, a reputation confirmed by his essential recordings for Deutsche Grammophon: Beethoven’s complete sonatas with Maria João Pires and Mozart’s concertos with Camerata Salzburg. He has been the musical director of the Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra (Japan) since 2011. Since 2004 he has been a Master in Residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. His discography (EMI, Deutsche Grammophon and Onyx Classics) comprises some 40 recordings, most of which have earned him prestigious awards. Miguel da Silva, viola Miguel da Silva’s passion for string quartets led him to found the Ysaÿe Quartet. Parallel to his recordings with the Ysaÿe Quartet its members soon launched an international career that brought them across the world, from Japan to America. Miguel has recorded under the labels Accord, Valois-Auvidis, Philips, Harmonia Mundi. He also founded his own record company. Ysaÿe Records, and under the label Nascor offers young musicians the opportunity to make their very first recording. Miguel has been appointed Master in Residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in Belgium since 2014, for the viola section, and since 2017 for Chamber Music. Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, piano Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden is a laureate of the 1964 Queen Elisabeth Competition. This precious distinction marked the start of a brilliant career that led him to perform at the world’s most prestigious venues and festivals from New York to Tokyo. From the moment he entered the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in 1959 to the completion of his 19
studies at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in 1965, Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden has been particularly keen on pursuing the work of his master, Eduardo Del Pueyo. He currently teaches at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Joshua Bell, violin With a career spanning more than thirty years as a soloist, chamber musician, recording artist, conductor and director, Joshua Bell is one of the most celebrated violinists of his era. Having performed with virtually every major orchestra in the world, Bell continues to maintain engagements as soloist, recitalist and chamber musician. Bell performs on the 1713 Huberman Stradivarius violin, with a François Tourte 18thCentury bow. RENAUD Capuçon, violin French violinist Renaud Capuçon is firmly established internationally as a major soloist, recitalist and chamber musician. He is known and loved for his poise, depth of tone and virtuosity, and he works with the world’s most prestigious orchestras, artists, venues and festivals. He plays the Guarneri del Gesù ‘Panette’ (1737), which belonged to Isaac Stern. Philippe Graffin, violin Philippe Graffin's individual style of playing and outstanding achievements have already placed him among the finest of French violinists. Philippe Graffin’s recordings include, among others, the Elgar Concerto in its original version, Ysaÿe solo violin sonatas, Chausson’s complete chamber music, Saint-Saëns violin concertos and complete violin and piano music. Philippe performed Rodion Shchedrin’s Concerto Cantabile under the baton of Mstislav Rostropovich in Moscow to mark the composer’s 70th birthday. Alessio Bax, piano Combining exceptional lyricism and insight with consummate technique, Alessio Bax is without a doubt "among the most remarkable young pianists now before the public" (Gramophone). He catapulted to prominence with First Prize wins at both the Leeds and Hamamatsu International Piano Competitions, and is now a familiar face on five continents, not only as a recitalist and chamber musician, but also as a concerto soloist who has appeared with more than 100 orchestras, including the London, Royal, and St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestras. Géraldine Fastré, clarinet Géraldine Fastré began her clarinet training in Léon Jacot's class at the Conservatoire de Musique de Namur, she then entered the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels. She has had the opportunity to perform with the Brussels Clarinet Choir, under the baton of Swiss conductor Christian Linberg, and Norwegian Ole Gustav Christiansen. In 2009 she began a postgraduate course at the Conservatoire National de Région de Paris in Richard Vieille's class. Géraldine regularly performs with the QuatuorClarias as a third clarinet and is a clarinet and saxophone teacher at the Evere and Binche academies. 20
Hélène Lagaditis, flute Hélène Lagaditis began playing the flute at the age of nine at the Academy of La Hulpe. She continued her studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels, where she obtained a degree in transverse flute and piccolo with great distinction and an agrégation in upper secondary education. She perfected her skills at the Rotterdam Conservatory and the Clamart Conservatory, specialising in piccolo. Since 2007, Hélène has been a member of the Royal Air Force Band, where she currently holds the position of principal flute. Isaline Leloup, contrabass Born in Liege, Isaline Leloup began playing the double bass at the age of 16 with Alain Jeanclaes at the Conservatoire de Musique de Verviers. After obtaining her Baccalaureate at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Liège, she continued her training with Christian Vander Borgth at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels. Isaline Leloup brilliantly finished her Master's degree there in June 2012. She also obtained her teaching diploma for double bass in June 2013. Max Charue, drums Max Charue began his musical training at the Conservatoire de Charleroi before being accepted at the Conservatoire Royal de Mons and later at the Strasbourg Conservatory. A lover of travel and encounters, he regularly attends masterclasses in Belgium and abroad. Max Charue had the honour to play alongside Martha Argerich, Mischa Maisky, Lorenzo Gatto & friends at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. A fervent defender of today's music, he frequently creates various works by international composers. Dania El Zein, soprano Remarkable for her musicality, her attention to the text and her "clear and natural" tone, Dania El Zein holds the Diplôme Supérieur de Concertiste de l'Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris. Dania is a semi-finalist of the Queen Elisabeth 2018 Voice Competition. Wishing to share her passion, she regulartly performs in prestigious venues such as Philharmonie de Paris, Salle Gaveau with the Orchestre Romantique Européen, Théâtre du Châtelet, Salle Cortot, Château de Versailles. Elina Buksha, violin Elina Buksha studied at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel and is currently studying at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, where she receives regular advice from Midori Gotō. She has performed alongside such artists as Maria João Pires, Midori, Augustin Dumay, Frank Braley, Gary Hoffman, the Modigliani Quartet and the Hermes Quartet. She has appeared as a concerto soloist with major orchestras such as the Liepaja Symphony Orchestra, I Virtuosi del Teatro alla Scala, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonietta Riga and Sinfonia Varsovia. Lorenzo Gatto, violin At eleven years old, he entered the Brussels Royal Conservatoire of Music where he graduated with the highest honour. He then studied with Augustin Dumay at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel and he finished his academic journey by studying four years with Boris Kuschnir in Vienna. He was awarded the Second Prize and the Public’s Prize 21
Music Chapel Piano Prelude Belgian National Orchestra Nn, Conductor Salih Can Gevrek, piano Jonathan Fournel, piano Djordje Radevski, piano 02.04.20 – 20:15 St John's Hall +32 (0)2 352 01 17 22
at the Queen Elisabeth Competition in 2009. His nomination as a ‘Rising Star’ in 2010 allowed Lorenzo to make his recital debut on major European stages. In chamber music, Lorenzo shared the stage with amongst others Maria João Pires, Mischa Maisky, Martha Argerich, Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, Frank Braley. Yossif Ivanov, violin Yossif Ivanov, has quickly established himself as one of the most exciting violinists of his generation. At age 16, he was awarded First Prize at the Montreal International Competition, and two years later the Second Prize, as well as the Public Prize, at the Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels. Over the past seasons Yossif Ivanov has made acclaimed debuts at all the major European halls. Yossif Ivanov plays on the 1699 “Lady Tennant” Stradivarius, kindly lent by the Stradivarius Society of Chicago. Hélène Desaint, viola Hélène Desaint started her musical training in Paris, then she joined the CNSMD in Lyon. She obtained a master's degree as a soloist the Musik-hochschule in Lübeck and the Haute École de musique de Genève. The residency at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel offered her new and fruitful musical encounters. Hélène Desaint participates in many programs hosted by the Orangerie de Sceaux, de Saintes, de Flagey, de Savonlinna, de La Roque d'Anthéron, Musikfest Goslar, Musiques démesurées, Musique à l'Empéri, Musica, Grame or Présence festivals, where she performs with, among others, Augustin Dumay, Louis Lortie, Gary Hoffman. Hélène plays a 1882 Giuseppe Sgarbi lent by a German patron. Astrig Siranossian, cello Winner of the First Prize and several times winner of the Special Prize of the Krzysztof Penderecki International Cello Competition, Astrig Siranossian performs as soloist with famous orchestras. A regular guest of Daniel Barenboim’s, her musical partners are no less than Simon Rattle, Antonio Pappano, Yo-Yo Ma, Sol Gabetta, Bertrand Chamayou, Daniel Ottensamer… The most well-known venues have already hosted the young musician: Paris Philharmonic, Musikverein in Vienna, KKL Luzern, Basel Casino, Dijon Opera, Flagey in Brussels, Teatro Colon Buenos Aires, Kennedy Center Washington. Astrig plays a 1676 Ruggieri cello, generously loaned by the Boubo Music Foundation in Binningen. Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Pavel Kolesnikov his musical training with piano and violin at the age of six, later he entered the Moscow State Conservatory in 2007. Pavel continued his education at the Royal College of Music in London and later on he entered the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the direction of Maria João Pires. In June 2011 he got the special Jury Prize at the XIV International P.I. Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. Pavel plays concerts both as soloist and chamber musician in Russia, the Ukraine, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland. He collaborated with many famous conductors. In 2007 he was awarded the President’s Order “Young Talent of Russia”.. 23
Quatuor Hermes The flourishing career of the Quatuor Hermès takes its members on tours worldwide. The quartet is a regular guest in the United States, where it performs at prestigious halls including the Kennedy Center in Washington and Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York. The Quatuor Hermès has received numerous prestigious awards, among them ‘Révélation Musicale de l‘Année’ at the Prix de la Critique 2014-15 and the Nordmetall Ensemble Preis 2013 at the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival. Violinist Elise Liu plays a David Tecchler on loan from the Fonds Instrumental Français. Violinist Omer Bouchez plays a Joseph Gagliano (1796), on loan from Mécénat Musical Société Générale. Dana Protopopescu, piano Pianist Dana Protopopescu made her orchestra debut at the age of 16 in Romania. She is a three-time winner of the Music Critics Award for outstanding musicians. During her career, she has worked with many renowned conductors such as Horia Andreescu, Louis Langrée, Alexander Rahbari, and collaborated as a chamber musician with violonists Augustin Dumay, Mihaela Martin, Liviu Prunaru, cellists Frans Helmerson, Gary Hoffman, Ivan Monighetti, Maria Kliegel. Among others, she has performed in Abu-Dhabi, Barcelona, Boston, Brussels,Geneva, London, Madrid, Moscow, Montréal, Paris, Séoul, Washington D.C. Philippe Riga, piano Philippe Riga has participated in numerous concerts in Belgium and abroad, as a soloist and as the partner of many singers including José van Dam, Udo Reinemann, Veronica Cangemi, Hélène Guilmette and Jodie Devos. He has accompanied numerous masterclasses given by, among others, Helmut Deutsch, June Anderson, José van Dam, Andreas Scholl, Tom Krause and Dietrich Henschel. Since 2011 he has been the official pianist of the Queen Elisabeth Competition (Voice). He is currently a member of the faculty at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel as a pianist coach in the voice department under the tutelage of José van Dam and a professor of piano accompaniment at the Royal Conservatoire of Brussels. Julie Gebhart, soprano Julie Gebhart’s musical education began at the age of 5, but it is at 16 when Julie began to listen to opera. Impressed and by the beauty of operatic art, she was determined to become an opera singer herself. She pursued her training at Conservatory of Valenciennes as well as at the École Normale de Musique A. Cortot in Paris. She has performed in famous concert halls such as le théâtre royal de la Monnaie, Flagey and UNESCO’s Grand Auditorium in Paris. Since August 2017, Julie is an artist in residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the guidance of José van Dam and Sophie Koch. Naomi Couquet, mezzo-soprano Naomi Couquet commenced her music studies with piano at the Conservatoire de Toulon. She pursued her singing studies for one year at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles. As a soloist, roles include First Boy and Second Lady in The Magic Flute, L’Enfant in Ravel’s L’Enfant et les Sortilèges Among others. Since September 2018 Naomi is an artist in residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the guidance of José Van Dam, Jocelyne Dienst and Philippe Riga. Naomi is a graduate from the Sorbonne with a Masters in Literature. 24
Leon Kosavic, baritone Leon Kosavic began his vocal education at the age of twelve. He graduated and attained his master’s degree at The Academy of Music in Zagreb in class of Maestro Giorgio Surian. In 2015 he was awarded first prize at the prestigious The Emmerich Smola Award. He has appeared at the world’s greatest and most important opera houses such as the Royal Opera House Covent Garden. Jane Hyeonjin Cho, violin Jane Hyeonjin Cho pursued her studies at the Yehudi Menuhin School in England and the University of Music Performing Arts in Graz. In September 2017, Jane commenced her studies at the Royal College of Music, as a RCM scholar supported by The Royal College of Music and a Joan Weller Scholarship, with Ithzak Rashkovsky as well as continuing her studies at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Jane plays a Patigny bow kindly granted by Augustin Dumay, and on a Ruggieri dated 1679 kindly granted by the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Since 2015, Jane has been studying at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel with Augustin Dumay. Jeewon Kim, violin Jeewon Kim began playing violin at the age of six. She has won several prizes at prestigious violin competitions all around the world. She has played as a soloist with the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, Lipitsk state Symphony Orchestra, Smolensk state Orchestra and Izhevsk State Symphony Orchestra. She is currently studying at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, under the guidance of Augustin Dumay. Jee Won Kim performs on a 1760 Gian Battista Gabrielli violin, on generous loan to her from the ‘Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben’ foundation. Kerson Leong, violin Ever since winning the coveted Junior First Prize at the Menuhin Competition 2010, the young Canadian violinist Kerson Leong has astonished fellow musicians and audiences the world over with his singular mastery of his instrument, his natural ability to convey the subtlest of emotions, and the colossal scope of his live performances. Kerson is also an avid chamber musician, having been featured at many renowned festivals such as the Gstaad Menuhin Festival. Kerson performs on a 1741 Guarneri del Gesu courtesy of Canimex Inc, Drummondville (Quebec), Canada. Since 2015, Kerson has been an Artist-in-Residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in Belgium, mentored by Augustin Dumay Vladyslava Luchenko, violin Vladyslava gave her debut at the age of 11 as a soloist with the Kiev Philharmonic Orchestra. She studied at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the direction of Augustin Dumay. Vladyslava has performed as a soloist with the Ukrainian Radio Orchestra and State Orchestra, the Verbier Festival Orchestra and the Luzerner Symphony Orchestra, as well as with the Orchestra Virtuosi Italiani and the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie. Vladyslava Luchenko performs on Francesco Gobetti violin of 1710, on loan from a private collection. 25
Music Music ChapelChapel Festival Tribute to E. Ysaÿe Gala Concert BOZAR, Henry Le Bœuf Hall 13.03.20 - 20:00 Belgian National Orchestra L. van Beethoven: Coriolan Overture , op. 62 James Feddeck, conductor J. Brahms: Concerto in A minor, for violin & cello, op. 102 Allegro — Andante — Vivace non troppo Júlia Pusker, violin S. Rachmaninov: Concerto No. 3, in D minor, for piano & orchestra, op. 30 Gary Hoffman, cello Allegro ma non tanto — Intermezzo: Adagio — Finale: Alla breve Sergeï Redkin, piano INFO +32 (0)2 507 82 00 In collaboration with With the support of Main Sponsor Co-sponsors 26
Alexandre Pascal, violin Alexandre began studying violin and piano very early, after obtaining first prizes in violin, musical training and chamber music, he perfected his skills at the Pôle Supérieur de Paris before joining the CNSMDP. Among others, he performs in many festivals such as "Pireneos Classic" in Spain, in Italy at the "Amiata Piano Festival", in Prades at the "Pablo Casals" Festival. Since January 2019 Alexandre Pascal has been artist in residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the direction of Augustin Dumay. Violaine Despeyroux, viola Violaine Despeyroux began playing the viola at age of 5. In 2012 she was admitted to the Conservatoire of Paris. She won the 1st prize at the Concours National des Jeunes Altistes with a special award for the best performance of Dimitri Tchesnokov’s Sonate Rhapsodique. Violaine was selected by Seiji Ozawa to perform with the International Music Academy Switzerland as a string quartet at the Victoria Hall of Geneva and at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris. Violaine plays an 1863 Charles Jacquot. Since september 2018, Violaine is artist in residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, Under the direction of Miguel da Silva. Riana Anthony, cello Riana Anthony, born and raised in Yamagata, Japan, began studying the cello at the age of nine. In 2016, Riana made her Kennedy Center. Riana received her undergraduate degree from the Robert McDuddie Center for Strings. Riana was a Fellowship recipient at the Aspen Music Festival and has participated in festivals including the Rome Chamber Music Festival, Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival, Gstaad String Academy, PyeongChang Music Festival, and Mortitzburg Festival. In September 2017 she is artist in residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the guidance of Gary Hoffman. Jérémy Garbarg, cello Jérémy Garbarg embodies the new generation of French cellists. His playing style has been described as “deeply moving and generous”. He performs regularly in France and abroad. Among others, she has been a guest of the Centre de Musique de Chambre de Paris, the Seiji Ozawa Academy, the Prades-Casals festivals, the Rencontres Franco-américaines, and of the “Ysaÿe’s Knokke” festival. Since 2018, Jérémy has been artist in residence in the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Under the guidance of Gary Hoffman and Jeroen Reuling. Christine J. Lee, cello Cellist Christine J. Lee strives to bring powerful and transformative experiences to the audience through music. Since making her debut performance with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of nine, she has also played with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Korean Broadcasting Symphony, and the Calgary Symphony. Since September 2015, she has been studying at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, under the direction of Gary Hoffman. She plays a Stradivarius cello, kindly on loan by the Guttman Collection, and with a Patigny bow. 27
Edvard Pogossian, cello Edvard Pogossian is a recent graduate of the Juilliard School. As the recent winner of the Juilliard Concerto Competition, Edvard performed the Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations at David Geffen Hall in New York and at the Harris Theater in Chicago with the Juilliard Orchestra under the direction of Itzhak Perlman. The Chicago Tribune praised Edvard’s performance for his “astonishing musical and technical maturity,” as well as his “winning lightness of touch to everything he played, combined with a velvety tone.” Edvard’s other notable performances include appearances at Carnegie Hall, Zipper Hall, and on NPR’s From the Top radio show. He has also performed as a soloist with the New Mexico Philharmonic for their Protege Series. Since 2018, Edvard is artist in residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Under the guidance of Gary Hoffman. Jonathan Fournel, piano Jonathan Fournel was admitted in 2006 to the Musikhochschule of Saarbrücken. After seven years at the Conservatoire of Paris he graduated with a master’s degree in 2015 and a performer’s diploma two years later. He won first prize at the G.B. Viotti competition in Vercelli, Italy and at the Scottish International Piano Competition in Glasgow. He has been called on to appear in several major programs and has had the opportunity to perform as a soloist with renowned orchestras. Since september 2016, Jonathan has been artist in residence at the Music Chapel under the direction of Louis Lortie. Scholarship by Jean – Charles Velge Fund Salih Can Gevrek, piano Salih Can Gevrek pursued his studies at prestigious Bilkent University Faculty of Music and Drama Preparatory School, the Royal College of Music London and at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the direction of Louis Lortie. His achievements in international competitions started from age 10, among others he has been laureate in the Moscow State Conservatory International Piano Competition, 1st Prize in the Kamuran Gundemir Piano Competition and the 3rd Prize and the Scriabin Prize at the Lyon International Piano Competition in France. As a soloist, he has performed with the (INSO) Lviv Philarmonia Orchestra, Bilkent Symphony Orchestra, Ankara Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Presidential Symphony Orchestra. Djordje Radevski, piano Djordje Radevski has performed with highly renowned orchestras such as the Symphonic Orchestra of Nis, The Athens Sinfonieta and The Youth Philharmony Pioneer. Among others, he has been awarded prestigious prizes such as the 1st Prize at Concours Breughel and the 3rd Prize at The International Competition for Young Pianists in memory of Vladimir Horowitz. Since September 2016 he is artist in residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, under the direction of Louis Lortie. Scholarship by Baron & Baroness Bertrand Guillaume Vincent, piano He began studying the piano at age 7 and at age 13 he entered the Conservatoire of Paris. In 2013. He was named “Revelation Instrumental Soloist” in 2014 at the Victoires de la Musique Classique. He has performed as a soloist on the world’s most prestigious stages. Since September 2018 Guillaume Vincent has been an artist-in-residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel under the tutelage of Louis Lortie and Avedis Kouyoumdjian. 29
Orchestras & Conductors Associated artists Guests Les Métamorphoses Orchestra Elina Buksha, violin Marie Cornaz, doctor in musicology, Raphaël Feye, conductor Hélène Desaint, viola curator of the music collections Brussels Philharmonic Dania El Zein, soprano of the Royal Library of Belgium Stéphane Denève, conductor Christine J. Lee, cello and lecturer at the Université libre Pavel Kolesnikov, piano de Bruxelles Orchestre Philharmonique Leon Kosavic, baritone Mélanie de Montpellier d’Annevoie, Royal de Liège Kerson Leong, violin Phd student in letters & langages Jean-Jacques Kantorow, conductor Astrig Siranossian, cello at ULB Quatuor Hermes Xavier Falques, Music Chapel’s Choir musicologist, Phd student in Octopus choir musicology at the Université Accompanists Florence Leeman, actress Masters in residence Dana Protopopescu, piano Joanna Staruch-Smolec, Miguel da Silva, viola Philippe Riga, piano PhD student in musicology at ULB Augustin Dumay, violin Michel Stockhem, Directeur ARTS² Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, piano Artists in residence Sophie van der Stegen, direction Riana Anthony, cello & dramaturgy, moderator Professors & Alumni Salih Can Gevrek, piano Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles Lorenzo Gatto, violin Naomi Couquet, mezzo-soprano Yossif Ivanov, violin Violaine Despeyroux, viola Jonathan Fournel, piano Jérémy Garbarg, cello Guest artists Julie Gebhart, soprano Joshua Bell, violin Jane Hyeon Jin Cho, violin Renaud Capuçon, violin Jeewon Kim, violin Philippe Graffin, violin Vladyslava Luchenko, violin Alessio Bax, piano Alexandre Pascal, violin Edvard Pogossian, cello Djordje Radevski, piano Max Charue, drums Guillaume Vincent, piano Vilmos Csikos, violin Géraldine Fastré, clarinet Hélène Lagaditis, flute Isaline Leloup, contrabass 30
Music Chapel Festival PokiPoké Tribute to Ysaÿe 04 > 07.12.19 @Flagey Open from 11:30 to 14:30 and from 17:00 to 20:15 Address @ bar 5 Place Ste-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein Chaussée d'Ixelles 331 - 1050 Brussels - BE Ixelles 1050 Paid parking: Place Flagey +32 2 705 22 14 Stib: Tram 81 - Bus 59, 71, N06 - Bus 38, 60, N10 TEC: 366 (Stop: Flagey) Ticket reservation 02.641.10.20 Special conditions Maecenas: Follow us @Musicchapel #tributetoysaye #musicchapel 31
04.12.19 — 15:00 Suivez-nous Ateliers des Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles Quand la musique fait la différence ! 15:00 ‒ 16:00 → Studio 3 Fidèle à notre mission originale : initier tous les enfants et tous les jeunes à toutes les musiques, avec une attention particulière aux publics en difficulté et aux musiques Le violon d’Ingres les plus difficiles d’accès, nous oeuvrons à Concerts et ateliers Pendant le concert, les Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles scolaires l’ouverture des jeunes à la musique dans un proposent aux enfants de 3 à 8 ans un atelier sur le esprit d’échange, de partage et d’épanouis- sement. thème du violon (FR). Dossiers pédagogiques Concerts publics Cette mission se traduit dans notre action quotidienne lors de nos activités publiques Petite enfance bien entendu mais essentiellement dans le travail effectué avec les écoles et dans ces Ateliers extrascolaires écoles. L’Orchestre à la Portée des Enfants Stages de vacances Le P’tit Choeur que J’M Nous contacter ? Tél : 02.897.01.70 Consultez régulièrement notre site internet et inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter ! Musicalement vôtre ! Fest’ Kids > 3 years Tickets: Free – reservation required OFF Flagey → Studio 3 33
04.12.19 — 15:00 Alors qu’il s’attèle à la composition de son quatuor à cla- vier (1893-94), commandé par Eugène Ysaÿe, Guillaume Lekeu contracte une fièvre typhoïde qui aura raison de lui ; le jeune compositeur n’était alors âgé que de 24 ans. Le Quatuor pour piano, violon, alto et violoncelle, qui commence dans un emportement douloureux, est l’une des œuvres les plus puissantes et les plus profondes du compositeur. Il écrira d’ailleurs à ce sujet cette célèbre phrase : « Je me tue à mettre dans ma musique toute mon âme ». Terwijl hij zich wijdde aan de compositie van zijn pi- Chamber anokwartet (1893-94), besteld door Eugène Ysaÿe, Music liep Guillaume Lekeu buiktyfus op die hem fataal zou Concert worden; de jonge componist was nog maar 24 jaar. Het Kwartet voor piano, viool, altviool en cello, dat begint in een pijnlijke opwelling van drift, behoort tot de krachtigste en diepgaandste werken van de com- Ysaÿe & his friends ponist. Hij zou hieromtrent overigens deze beroemde zin schrijven: ‘Ik werk me te pletter om mijn hele ziel 15:00 ‒ 16:00 → Studio 1 in mijn muziek te leggen.’ Alexandre Pascal, violin Violaine Despeyroux, viola Jérémy Garbarg, cello Guillaume Vincent, piano G. Lekeu: Piano Quartet in B minor G. Fauré: Quartet No.1, in C minor, for violin, viola, cello & piano, op. 15 Allegro molto moderato Scherzo: Allegro vivo Adagio Allegro molto Tickets: 15€ - 10€ Flagey → Studio 1 34
04.12.19 — 18:00 Gabriel Fauré entame le projet de son Premier quintette durant l’année 1887, mais, insatisfait, il retravaillera l’œuvre à plusieurs reprises et ne l’achèvera qu’en 1906, soit presque 20 ans plus tard. Dédié à Eugène Ysaÿe, qui motiva Fauré à la complétion de l’œuvre pendant plus de 15 ans, le Premier quintette sera créé à Bruxelles le 23 mars 1906 avec le Quatuor Ysaÿe et Fauré au piano. Composé à Londres en 1916, Ysaÿe déclarera à propos du Trio pour deux violons et alto : « Ce Trio fait partie du travail qui fut mon oasis pendant la tourmente [de la guerre] ; car le musicien n’a pas d’exil, il emporte avec lui l’élément consolateur : l’art et nulle puissance ne peut © Nikolaj Lund Photography détruire ce refuge de la pensée, du cœur. » Chamber Music Gabriel Fauré ving in de loop van 1887 het project Concert van zijn Eerste kwintet aan, maar, ontevreden, zou hij het werk meerdere keren herwerken om het slechts te voltooien in 1906, dus nagenoeg 20 jaar later. Het Eerste kwintet is opgedragen aan Eugène Ysaÿe, die Ysaÿe & the Queen Elisabeth Fauré gedurende meer dan 15 jaar ertoe aanzette om het werk te voltooien, en zou op 23 maart 1906 voor 18:00 ‒ 19:00 → Studio 1 het eerst vertolkt worden in Brussel, door het Quatuor Ysaÿe en Fauré aan de piano. Vladyslava Luchenko, violin Over het Trio voor twee violen en altviool, in 1916 ge- Jane Hyeon Jin Cho, violin componeerd in Londen, zou Ysaÿe het volgende ver- Miguel da Silva, viola klaren: ‘Dit Trio maakt deel uit van het werk dat mijn Riana Anthony, cello oase vormde tijdens de turbulentie [van de oorlog]; Jonathan Fournel, piano want een muzikant kent geen ballingschap, hij neemt het troostende element met zich mee, met name de G. Fauré: Piano Quintet in D minor, op. 89 kunst, en geen enkele kracht kan dit toevluchtsoord E. Ysaÿe: «Le Londres», trio for 2 violins & viola, 1st mvt voor de gedachte, voor het hart, vernietigen.’ Molto moderato Adagio Allegretto moderato Tickets: 15€ - 10€ Flagey → Studio 1 35
04.12.19 — 19:00 04.12.19 — 19:40 Les Salons d’Eugène 19:45 ‒ 20:10 → Studio 3 Start the night with a genuine Ysaÿe experience and immerse yourself in the intellectual and artistic atmos- phere of an early 20th century salon. À la redécouverte d’ Eugène Ysaÿe Marie Cornaz Live Talk F À la redécouverte d’Eugène Ysaÿe 19:00 ‒ 19:45 → Studio 2 Marie Cornaz, Doctor in musicology M. Cornaz: À la redécouverte d’Eugène Ysaÿe: violoniste, pédagogue, chef d’orchestre, organisateur de concerts et compositeur (published by Brepols)* Fest’ Martine Dumont-Mergeay, moderator OFF * Available from December 11, 2019 Tickets: Free (FR) Tickets: Free (FR) Flagey → Studio 2 Flagey → Studio 3 36
04.12.19 — 20:15 Opening Concert Camille Saint-Saëns et Eugène Ysaÿe furent partenaires musicaux à plusieurs reprises, mais également amis. Le français reconnaitra d’ailleurs rapidement les qualités d’interprète d’Ysaÿe et n’hésitera pas à lui confier la créa- Ysaÿe, Belgian heritage tion de plusieurs de ses œuvres. Parmi celles-ci figure La muse et le poète pour violon, violoncelle et orchestre (1910), œuvre intime, à la fois tendre et dramatique. 20:15 → Studio 4 En plus du violoniste, Ysaÿe fut également un chef d’or- chestre de grande qualité. A ce titre, il est le premier à Les Métamorphoses Orchestra présenter au public bruxellois la version symphonique du Raphaël Feye, conductor Requiem de Fauré, le 28 octobre 1900. J. Haydn: Symphony No. 59, in A major, Hob. I:59 Presto Augustin Dumay, violin Camille Saint-Saëns en Eugène Ysaÿe waren niet al- W. A. Mozart: Concerto No. 3 in G major, for violin leen meerdere keren muzikale partners, ze waren ook & orchestra, KV. 216 - Cadenza: Eugène Ysaÿe Allegro vrienden. De Fransman zou trouwens al snel de ver- Adagio Rondeau: Allegro tolkingskwaliteiten van Ysaÿe erkennen en hem al snel Augustin Dumay, violin de creatie van verscheidene van zijn werken toever- Christine J. Lee, cello trouwen, waaronder La muse et le poète voor viool, C. Saint-Saëns: La Muse et le Poète, op. 132 cello en orkest (1910), een intiem werk, zowel teder Julie Gebhart, soprano als dramatisch. Leon Kosavic, baritone Naast violist was Ysaÿe ook een uitstekend dirigent. In Octopus choir die hoedanigheid bracht hij als eerste voor het Brus- G. Fauré: Requiem, in D minor, op. 48 I. Introït et Kyrie selse publiek de symfonische versie van het Requiem II. Offertoire ‒ III. Sanctus ‒ IV. Pie Jesu ‒ V. Agnus Dei van Fauré, op 28 oktober 1900. ‒ VI. Libera me ‒ VII. In Paradisum Tickets: Flagey →C at. 1: 41€ Studio 1 - 36€ - 31€ Flagey → Studio 4 Cat. 2: 36€ - 31€ - 26€ 37
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