UN Rio+20 Earth Summit and the Sustainable Development Goals - LDC News

UN Rio+20 Earth Summit and the Sustainable Development Goals - LDC News
About LDC News Service
     UN Rio+20 Earth Summit and the Sustainable
                Development Goals                                             The LDC News Service offers a
                                                                              news and informa�on service for
In the final days of the Rio Mee�ng in June, NGOS in LDCs insisted             all organisa�ons and individuals
                                                                              interested in the unique posi�on of
that Sustainable Development Goals, with their emphasis on poverty            Least Developed Countries (LDCs),
eradica�on, should succeed the Millennium Development Goals, a�er             the 49 world’s poorest countries. It
they expired in 2015. The ques�on of MDGs and SDGs is covered in              grew out of LDC Watch, the network
                                                                              of NGOs in LDCs, following the UN
ar�cles by Hamidou Sagna from Senegal and Claire Ngozo from Malawi.           LDC Conference in Istanbul, and is
                                                                              now a sister organisa�ons, working
                                                                              closely with it. LDC News Service
Rio +20 Sommet de la Terre de l’ONUet les objectifs                           runs a web portal: www.ldcnews.
           de développement durable                                           com which is regularly uploaded
                                                                              with news and features in English
Au cours des derniers jours de la réunion de Rio en juin, les ONGs des        and French that focus on LDCs. It
PMA on � nsistéque les objec�fs de développement durable, qui me�e            also tries to feature items wri�en
                                                                              by journalists based in LDCs. This
ntl’accentsurl’éradica�on de la pauvreté, doivent succéder aux Objec�fs       newsle�er features stories wri�en
du Millénaire pour le Développement, après leur expira�on en 2015. La         by journalists based in Bangladesh,
ques�on des OMD et des ODD estexaminé dans les ar�cles de Hamidou             Senegal and Malawi.        Daphne
Sagna du Sénégal et de Claire Ngozo du Malawi.                                Davies and Bhagirath Yogi

                                                                              À propos PMA Nouvelles

                       Doha et la COP 18                                      Le Service des PMA Nouvelles
                                                                              propose un service d'informa�ons
                                                                              pour tous les organismes et
Les ONGs des PMA étaient ac�ves à Doha, en soulignant que la crise            personnes intéressés dans la
clima�que a des effets néfastes sur les PMA, bien qu’ils aient le moins        posi�on unique des pays les moins
contribué aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Les ONGs ont es�mé            avancés (PMA), les 49 pays les plus
quel’ extension de l’accord de Kyoto était au plus pe�t dénominateur          pauvres du monde. Il est né de LDC
                                                                              Watch, le réseau des ONG dans les
commun, et ils con�nuent d’insister sur le fait que le Fonds vert pour        PMA, à la suite de la Conférence des
le climate spécifique aux PMA, ainsi que démocra�que, responsable et           Na�ons Unies PMA à Istanbul, et
respecte les principes de l’accès équitable et direct. Rafiqul Islam Azad      est maintenant un des organismes
                                                                              spartenaires, travaille en étroite
du Bangladesh décrit les points de vue des experts du climat et des né-       collabora�on avec elle. Nouvelles
gociateurs sur les résultats.                                                 PMA service gère unportail
                                                                              web: www.ldcnews.com qui es
                       Doha and COP 18                                        trégulièrement téléchargées avec
                                                                              des nouvelles fonc�onnalités et
LDC NGOs were ac�ve at Doha, poin�ng out that the escala�ng climate           en anglais et français qui me�ent
change crisis adversely affects the LDCs, although they are the least          l'accentsur les PMA. Il tenteaussi
                                                                              d'ar�cles de fond écrits par des
contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. NGOs felt that the extension        journaliste s basés dans les PMA.
of the Kyoto agreement was at the lowest common denominator and               Ce bulle�n présente des ar�cles
they con�nue to insist that the Green Climate Fund is LDC-specific, as         écrits par des journalistes basés
well as democra�c, accountable and upholds the principles of equitable        au Bangladesh, au Sénégalet
                                                                              au Malawi. Daphne Davies et
and direct access.RafiqulI slam Azad from Bangladesh describes the             Bhagirath Yogi
views of climate experts and nego�ators on the outcomes

   This newsletter focuses on two significant events for     Ce bulletin met l'accent sur deuxévénement
   Least Developed Countries in 2012: the UN Rio+20         importants pour les pays les moinsavancés en
   Earth Summit in June, and the COP 18 meeting in          2012: le Sommet de la Terre Rio +20 des NU en
   Doha in December.                                        Juin, et la COP 18 réunion à Doha, en Décembre.

                                       1 I LDC News Service News Letter
UN Rio+20 Earth Summit and the Sustainable Development Goals - LDC News
Can the Sustainable Development                           Peuvent les objectifs de développe-
Goals succeed where the                                   ment durable réussir là où les
Millennium Development Goals                              objectifs du millénaire pour le
failed?                                                   développement ont échoué?
In 2000 the United Na�ons agreed the seven                En 2000, les Na�ons Unies ont convenu les sept
Millennium Development Goals to be reached by 2015,       Objec�fs de Développement du Millénaire à
as the means to boost development and cut poverty         a�eindre d’ici 2015, comme un moyen de s�muler le
in developing countries. These goals were par�cularly     développement et de réduire la pauvretédans les pays
relevant to Least                                                                 en voie de développement.
Developed                                                                         Ces       objec�fs      sont
Countries.                                                                        par�culièrement per�nents
However,       as                                                                 pour les pays les moins
Hamidou Sagna                                                                     avancés. Cependant, comme
from     Senegal                                                                  précise Hamidou Sagna de
points out, it is                                                                 Sénégal, il n’est pas certain
unsure whether                                                                    que nombreux pays africains
many      African                                                                 vontpouvoir les a�eindre.
countries will
achieve them.                                                                       Le Sommet de Rio +20 en
                                                                                    juin 2012 a adopté une
The       Rio+20                                                                    nouvelle série d’objec�fs - les
Summit in June                                                   A glimpse of Doha  objec�fs de développement
2012 agreed a                                                                       durable (ODD) pour l’après
new set of goals - the Sustainable Development Goals      2015. Ils visent plus précisément la lu�e contre
(SDGs) for post 2015. These have a clearer focus on       la pauvreté, une condi�on indispensable pour le
poverty eradica�on, an indispensable requirement          développement durable. Claire Ngozo a parlé avec
for sustainable development. Claire Ngozospoke to         des militants du Malawi, qui es�maient que les ODD
ac�vists in Malawi, who felt the SDGs are more easily     sont plus faciles à a�eindre pour les pays africains car
a�ainable for African countries because they have         ils me�ent plus clairement l’accent sur l’alimenta�on,
clearer focus -on food, environment and energy.          l’environnement et l’énergie.  

      Toujours problématique - Les huit objectifs des
     OMD sont encore incertains en Afrique d’ici 2015,
                   date de l’échéance.
Hamidou SAGNA (SENEGAL)                                   d’a�eindre les OMD au Sénégal. Et c’est une réalité
                                                          quasiment propre à tous les pays africains.Un autre
Au cours du mois de décembre 2012, le ministre            frein est commun aux pays africains. Il s’agit des
de l’Educa�on du Sénégal, Serigne Mbaye Thiam,            complica�ons liées à la grossesse.
interpellé sur les hu�es qui abritent certaines classes
de l’enseignement primaire a eu une réponse sincère.      ‘Malgre les strategies’
« Il faut 111, 5 millions d’euros (73 milliards de
FCFA) », a-t-il lancé aux parlementaires qui voulaient    Confronté à une mortalité maternelle jugée trop
en finir avec ce qu’on appelle au Sénégal « abris          élevée (510/100.000 naissances vivantes en 1992),
provisoires ». Faute de classes en dur, les autorités     le Sénégal a alors progressivement mis en place
scolaires font recours à ces « abris provisoires » en     des stratégies de lu�e contre le fléau. Mais hélas.
guise de salles de classe. Cet obstacle à l’éduca�on      Déjà en 1992, l’enquête démographique na�onale
pour tous, un des objec�fs du Millénaire, donne une       montrait une très faible couverture des besoins en
idée de l’ampleur des difficultés à surmonter avant         interven�ons obstétricales majeures. Soit des taux de
                                       2 I LDC News Service News Letter
UN Rio+20 Earth Summit and the Sustainable Development Goals - LDC News
césariennes variant de 0,2% à Tambacounda (500 km        de développement (BOAD), il ya des raisons d’espérer.
à l’Est de Dakar) à 1,2% à Dakar, en moyenne 0,66%       Dans un entre�en accordé à l’hebdomadaire
et une létalité des femmes césarisées de 4,7%. Une       Jeune Afrique, « Il y a d'abord les performances
situa�on, principalement consécu�ve au manque            économiques obtenues par le con�nent africain
d’infrastructures et de ressources humaines. Pour        depuis le début des années 2000, avec un taux de
corriger de telles insuffisances, certaines mesures        croissance économique qui se situe aux alentours
ont ainsi vu le jour en 2000 à l’instar des Soins        de 5 % sur la période. Sur ce�e lancée, l’Afrique
Obstétricaux et Néonatals d’Urgence (SONU).              pourrait, au cours des prochaines années, a�eindre
Certes, des progrès ont été accomplis mais ils ne sont   ou approcher les 7 % de croissance nécessaire pour
pas à la hauteur des espérances. Car, à ce rythme        réduire sensiblement la pauvreté ».
de décroissance, la mortalité maternelle a�eindra
environ 346/100.000 naissances vivantes en 2015.         Les progrès portent sur la lu�e contre l’extrême
Alors que les OMD fixe la barre à 127/100.000             pauvreté et la faim, l’améliora�on de la scolarisa�on
naissances vivantes.                                     et de la santé infan�le, l’extension de l’accès à l’eau
                                                         potable et au traitement du VIH/sida. « Pour l’accès à
l’eau et l’assainissement                                l’eau potable par exemple, on approche actuellement,
                                                         en moyenne dans les pays de l’UEMOA, 65 % de
C’est, sans doute, encore plus probléma�quepourl’eau     la popula�on, contre 51 % en 1990. En ma�ère
et l’assainissement. Au cours de le mois de décembre     d’éduca�on, et plus spécifiquement pour le taux de
2012, le président de la République du Sénégal, Macky    scolarisa�on net, on est actuellement autour de 55 %,
Sall a fait savoir que 300 millions d’Africains n’ont pascontre 34,5 % en 1990 ».Seuls le Malawi, le Burkina
accès à des services d’eau potable et 640 millions       Faso, le Ghana, la Namibie et la Gambie seraient en
d’Africains ne disposent pas d’un assainissement         passe d’a�eindre les OMD en ma�ère d’accès à l’eau
décent. Il a fait ces aveux lors de la cérémonie         potable. La ressource est pourtant abondante : sur les
d’ouverture de la 2è édi�on du Forum de haut             5 400 milliards de mètres cubes d'eau renouvelable
niveau sur «L’eau et l’assainissement pour tous, en      par an que recèle le con�nent, ses habitants n'en
Afrique» organisé par l’Agence intergouvernementale      consomment que 4 % pour étancher leur soif, irriguer
panafricaine eau et assainissement pour l’Afrique        leurs cultures ou produire de l'énergie. La faute
(EAA). Toutefois, le chef de l’Etat sénégalais est sûr   est à chercher dans la pression démographique et
que son pays a�eindra les OMD pour l’eau avant la        l'urbanisa�on galopante, source d’une explosion de
date butoir. «Le Sénégal avec un taux d’accès à l’eau    la demande dans les pays africains.
potable des�né à 88,5% de la popula�on, dispose de
réelles chances d’a�eindre le chiffre des OMD avant Il reste qu’il ya encore des faiblesses. Elles �ennent
l’échéance», a-t-il affirmé. Pour y arriver, Macky Sall à la faiblesse de la croissance économique encore en
proje�e d’injecter dans le secteur 250 milliards de deçà de 7 %.
                                                          Aminata Traoré, ancienne ministre malienne de la
Au Mali, on s’efforce de combler le retard dans Culture et du Tourisme, est quant à elle pessimiste
la mise en œuvre des OMD. Le gouvernement au sujet de l’a�einte des OMD par les Etats africains.
du Mali a élaboré le programme de l’Ini�a�ve « Il est clair que sans même parler seulement de
d’accéléra�on des OMD dans les 166 communes l’Afrique, au niveau mondial, les OMD ne seront
les plus vulnérables. Ces communes regroupent pas a�eints », prévient-elle. Parce que pour elle,
2855 villages à travers le Mali et comptent plus de
2 millions d’individus. Dénommée « Ini�a�ve 166 »,
ce�e poli�que a pour objec�f la sa�sfac�on des
besoins de base des popula�ons ciblées à travers un
paquet d’interven�ons mul�sectorielles dirigées par
les communautés dans les domaines de l’agriculture
et de la nutri�on, de la santé infan�le et maternelle,
de la produc�on alimentaire, de l’éduca�on, de
l’accès à l'eau potable et des infrastructures de base
pour sor�r les villages de l’extrême pauvreté.
Des raisons d’espérer
Selon l’ancien Président de la banque Ouest africaine                                       A school class in Kolda

                                       3 I LDC News Service News Letter
UN Rio+20 Earth Summit and the Sustainable Development Goals - LDC News
nos dirigeants font mine d’adhérer aux OMD, mais
n’ont aucune inten�on de changer les choses pour
les a�eindre car ils ne rendent pas des comptes aux
popula�ons. « C’est d’une hypocrisie sans nom ! Je
suis bien placée pour le savoir », dénonce-t-elle. La
priorité, déplore-t-elle, n’est plus à la lu�e contre la
pauvreté, mais à celle contre le terrorisme. L’Occident
a mondialisé ses priorités.
                                                                                               A school class in Kolda
Pour Mme Traoré,le cas le plus parlant est, pour elle,
                                                           souffrant de malnutri�on est passé de 930 millions
celui de l’alimenta�on : le nombre de personnes
                                                           à 1 milliard.

Africa sees opportunity in
By Claire Ngozo, Malawi
                                                           Malawi and Mozambique – SDGs could help
                                                           reduce food insecurity
                                                            “Africa stands to benefit a great deal with the SDGs
                                                           as commitments of about 190 countries will strive
In June 2012, countries across the world came              towards achieving hunger free na�ons, low- carbon
together to reaffirm their commitment to                     emissions,, green economy and sustainable use of
sustainability at the UN Conference on Sustainable         the environment in the face of climate change and
Development, the Rio+20, which took place in Brazil.       increasing popula�ons,” said Baloyi.
More than 40,000 people including presidents, policy
makers, civil society leaders and the members of the       Two-thirds of Mozambique’s 24 million popula�on is
private sector a�ended the conference en�tled ‘The         dependent on agriculture for a living and 65 percent
Future We Want.’ Countries renewed their poli�cal          of Malawi’s 14 million popula�on also lives off the
commitment to sustainable development and agreed           land, according to government figures.
to establish a set of sustainable development goals        He said many African countries, like Malawi and
(SDGs), among other commitments.                           Mozambique, may see reduced incidences of
                                                           food insecurity because of the SDGs. “The major
The SDGs are unique and easily a�ainable for African
                                                           underlying cause and poor economic indicators in
countries because they have clear focal areas on food,     Africa are food insecurity and non-sustainable use of
environment and energy, according to Dalitso Baloyi,       resources. The SDGs are geared to address this and
Grants and Donor Rela�ons Officer for Churches               that’s the biggest value that Africa will get from these
                                                           goals,” said Baloyi.
Ac�on in Relief and Development in Malawi.
                                                           There is a lot of agricultural ac�vity among the rural
                                                           communi�es of Mulanje district in Malawi and those
                                                           of Milanje district in Mozambique as the rainy season
                                                           kicks in around southern Africa in the months of
                                                           November and December.

                                                           The two districts lie next to each other on the border
                                                           between the two countries and the communi�es
                                                           are engaged in similar agricultural ac�vi�es; they
                                                           grow pineapples, bananas, maize, pigeon peas and
                                                           bananas. They also rear ca�le, goats and chickens.

                                                           This growing season, which goes on to April next
                                                           year, the farmers in the two countries have agreed to
                               A Banana Farmer in Malawi   forge stronger partnerships in promo�ng knowledge
                                        4 I LDC News Service News Letter
sharing in their agricultural ac�vi�es.                    She said there is already a good basis for SDGs in Africa
                                                           such as the Environment Ac�on Plan formulated
“Although we are from different countries we do             by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development
share the same land since we live next to each other.      (NEPAD) which was approved by African Union heads
We cannot afford to con�nue working in isola�on.            of states in 2003.
We need to put our efforts together as we face the
                                                           The plan covers cross-border conserva�on and
same challenges such as droughts and flooding which
                                                           management of natural resources, comba�ng land
frustrate our efforts to achieve development,” said         degrada�on, drought and deser�fica�on, wetland
Miguel Antonio, a farmer from Milanje.                     conserva�on, managing coastal and marine resources
                                                           and comba�ng global warming and climate change.
He said the concept to improve knowledge sharing
is being promoted by agricultural extension workers        “Africa needs to align the already exis�ng plans
from the two countries.                                    with the SDGs to achieve maximum results,” said
“We are promo�ng knowledge sharing in sustainable
development and this includes sustainable
                                                           Poverty – the greatest global challenge
management of natural resources and ecosystems,”
said Maxwell Kamoto, an agricultural extension             The SDGs are mainly focusing on eradica�ng poverty
worker from Malawi. “We hope that this will help           which has been termed as the greatest global
communi�es both in Malawi and Mozambique to                challenge facing the world today and an indispensable
improve agricultural yields while managing the land        requirement for sustainable development. The
sustainably.”                                              Rio+20 delegates commi�ed to freeing humanity
                                                           from poverty and hunger as a ma�er of urgency
The move by the farmers from the across the borders
                                                           and acknowledged the need to further mainstream
to work together follows a recommenda�on which
                                                           sustainable development at all levels, integra�ng
came out from the global mee�ng which took place
                                                           economic, social and environmental aspects and
in June in Brazil for the need for new partnerships
                                                           recognising their inter-linkages, so as to achieve
for advancing sustainable development, according to
                                                           sustainable development in all its dimensions.
What the local farmers in Malawi and Mozambique            The conference also recognised that poverty
are ge�ng engaged in is just one value that the SDGs       eradica�on, changing unsustainable and promo�ng
that came out of Rio have for Africa, according to         sustainable pa�erns of consump�on and produc�on
Linda Sankhulani, an environmental expert working in       and protec�ng and managing the natural resource
southern Africa.She said the SDGs can boost Africa’s       base of economic and social development are the
economies if well incorporated in development              essen�al requirements for sustainable development.
plans.                                                     and inclusion and promo�ng integrated and
“Many governments in Africa spend a lot of finances         sustainable management of natural resources and
in subsidising agricultural inputs such as fer�liserfor    ecosystems that supports, inter alia, economic, social
local farmers. If well implemented, the SDGs would         and human development while facilita�ng ecosystem
help governments promote the use of manure instead         conserva�on,     regenera�on       and    restora�on
of chemical fer�liser and this would have more             and resilience in the face of new and emerging
sustainable benefits for the land,” said Sankhulani.        challenges.    
                                                                                                                              Photo Courtesy: unu.org

                                      Challenges to livelihoods: African women have to travel long distances to fetch water
                                          5 I LDC News Service News Letter
CoP-18: Bangladesh considers
 Doha decision on loss, damage a major
Rafiqul Islam Azad, Dhaka, Bangladesh
                                                  regular income source. Her only son le� a�er
                                                  ge�ng married. She struggled to support her
Moriyam Begum, 40, from the Aila-affected elder daughter, who was divorced and arranged
remote village Chalkbara in south-western the educa�on expenses for her youngest daughter
Bangladesh is s�ll wai�ng for her husband Papiya, a Class 8 student.
Khaleque Kaguchi to return.
                                                  There are too many Moriyams wai�ng for their
When her youngest child was only 10 months, he lives to turn round for good in the Aila-hit
le� her, so Moriyam, mother of two daughters areas par�cularly in Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat
and a son, started her struggle 12 years ago to districts.
support her family.
                                                  Earlier, on November 15 2007, the devasta�ng
A dream smashed                                   cyclone Sidr that hit the south-western districts
                                                  also caused huge losses and damages to the
She could have been able to have an income
                                                  people’s lives and property.
source by building a small shop beside the flood
protec�on embankment at Gabura with a small Millions of Moriyams want assistance to
investment that she deposited by working as a turn round their lives
day labourer and catching fish in the river.
                                                  The Moriyams do not know about the benefits
All of a sudden, this dream was smashed by from the Conference of Par�es (COP) of the
cyclone Aila that wreaked havoc in the south- UN Framework Conven�on on Climate Change
west of the country on May 25 2009."I have (UNFCCC), They only want assistance to turn
lost my shop with goods worth about Tk70,000 around from the losses and damages due to
and my home as well. I took shelter at the climate change impacts and survive.
embankment along with my family members
and lived a miserable life for a long �me," said Lu�or Rahman, execu�ve director of Nowbenki
emo�on-choked Moriyam.                            Gonomukhi (mul�purpose) Founda�on, a local
                                                  NGO working with distressed people, said most
She built a home on three kathas of her husband’s of the Aila affected people could not arrange any
land by her hard-earned money and other income genera�on source even three years a�er
financial assistance but could not manage any the a�ack."About 30% of people of the Aila-hit
                                                                                                                              Photo Courtesy: UNFCCC

                                   Promises to keep: UN Secretary - General Ban Ki-moon and other leaders at the conference
                                          6 I LDC News Service News Letter
areas in Shamnagar migrated to the capital Dhaka and funding for developing countries.
and nearby towns for work. Of these 10% didn't
return," he said.                                   "The most significant achievements are:
                                                    extending the Kyoto Protocol un�l 2020 and the
Lu�or added that about 100 families are s�ll recognising climate-induced loss and damage,"
living a miserable life on the embankments where he said.
they took shelter a�er Aila a�acked. "About 80
% of people in Gabura and Padmapukur unions Chowdhury, one of the lead nego�ators for
of Shamnagar have no access to drinking water. the LDCs, thought that the conference laid the
They collect it from far away or buy drinking water founda�on for more ambi�ous interna�onal
as the areas are abundant with salty water," he ac�on against climate change, paving the way for
said.                                               a new global climate agreement to be finalised
                                                    in 2015.
Some good news from CoP18
                                                   Wringing a pledge from rich na�ons
Lu�or thought the CoP-18 decision of taking
the responsibility of losses and damages due      He said the 48 LDCs, 43 SIDS (Small Island
to climate change could be good news for the      Developing States) and underdeveloped African
affected people in climate vulnerable countries    countries have wrung a pledge from the rich
like Bangladesh in future.                        na�ons that they will receive funds to repair
                                                  the "loss and damage" incurred due to climate
Kawser Rahman, president of Bangladesh Climate change, which is a milestone in the history of
Change Journalists Forum, felt the forma�on of a climate nego�a�ons.
commi�ee to create a framework for providing
compensa�on for loss and damage due to climate Dr Ahsan Uddin, execu�ve director of Centre for
change impacts was a major success for climate- Global Climate Change said developing countries
vulnerable countries like Bangladesh as the wanted a large scale and posi�ve decision to be
developed countries accepted the responsibility. taken from Doha conference in line with Durban
                                                  conference in reducing emissions and mi�ga�on
Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, chief moderator of but no significant decision was taken.
EquityBD, a climate jus�ce rights group, however,
felt the CoP-18 decision on loss and damage was a However, it was a hopeful sign that CoP-18 took
poli�cal trap to keep the developing countries in a unanimous decision to finalise a framework on
the debate."To overcome the situa�on developed loss and damage before the CoP-19 in Poland
countries have to cut 42 to 45% greenhouse gases later this year.
(GHGs) and they are to compensate financially Dr A A�k Rahman, execu�ve director of
for adapta�on in developing countries," he said.

Quamrul               Islam
Chowdhury, a member
of Bangladesh Climate
Nego�a�on Team and
president of Forum of
Environmental Journalists
of Bangladesh said the
'Doha Climate Gateway',
ended with low ambi�on
both in terms of developed
countries cu�ng back on
dangerous GHG emissions                                   Making their voices heard: Delegates at the conference
                                   7 I LDC News Service News Letter
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), are not taking any responsibility for reducing
said the Doha conference was never intended GHGs. Japan, Russia, Canada and New Zealand
to take major decisions; rather it was aimed at have not agreed to commit to reducing GHGs
ensuring the Kiyoto Protocol con�nued for its in the second period; so the Kyoto Protocol has
second phase."This was achieved but with very survived but is not effec�ve at all, he added.
limited success - less than 25% global emissions
have been covered," he                                           Dr Nishat, who was a
said.                                                            member       of     Bangladesh
                                LDC Watch: the Sustainable
                                                                 Nego�a�on Team at the Doha
Dr A�k, also a lead author      Development Goals and the
                                                                 mee�ng,confirmed that a new
and convening lead author       Doha Gateway                     legally-binding commitment
of the IPCC and as such a co-   LDC Watch is involved in the     will be fulfilled by 2014
recipient of the 2007 Nobel     Post-2015 development proc-      and finalised by 2020. He
Peace Prize, said there was     ess, including the SDGs. It      added:"All countries will come
some progress towards the       stresses that the forthcoming under purview of the new
commitment of USD 30            framework must be led and interna�onal law based on
billion for 2010 to 2013. "The  owned by the peoples in the the principle of common but
major future commitment         global South, unlike the MDGs, differen�ated responsibility".
of USD 100 billion per year     and based on the universal hu-
from 2020 was made with                                          The     decision     on     the
                                man rights framework, with
luke warm recogni�on".                                           management of Green Climate
                                development a right and not a Fund, the delivery of loss and
He said while there has been    charity.                         damage, discussion of financial
some progress in adapta�on      LDC Watch believes that the mechanism etc. should be
and loss and damage             “Doha Gateway”, which result- considered as important
industrialised       countries’ ed from POP18, is a gateway achievements of the CoP-18.
overall          commitment     to more disaster and damage They have also set the courage
towards climate reduc�on is     for the most vulnerable LDCs. for important decisions to be
dwindling                       LDC Watch will con�nue to ad- achieved by 2015 and 2020.
Bangladesh’s          leading   vocate and campaign towards
                                                                    Dr KaziKhaliquzzaman Ahmed,
environmentalist         Prof   a “system change” to end the
                                                                    chief nego�ator of Bangladesh,
Dr Ainun Nishat said the        exis�ng dominant paradigm of said though there was no
con�nua�on        of    Kyoto   unsustainable over produc�on significant achievement, the
Protocol       should      be   and over consump�on to avert par�es reached some decisions
considered a major success      planetary crisis!                  which would work in favour of
of Doha mee�ng. “In 1992                                           affected countries at the future
the main polluters (called                                         conferences.
Annex-1 countries) made a commitment to
reduce greenhouse produc�on," he said. Under Environment Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said
the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force in including the loss and damage due to climate
2005, Annex-1 countries commi�ed themselves change was an achievement as the developed
to reduce GHGs by 5%. This commitment finished countries agreed to an interna�onal mechanism
on 31 December 2012, so in Doha the second for this. But he regre�ed that despite making
commitment of Kyoto Protocol was finalised.        a commitment for funding to deal with climate
                                                  change risk the developed countries didn’t fulfil
New polluters emerging                            their pledge. “They increased their defence
However, over the last 20 years a number of budget by US$100 billion in the last three years
developing countries: China, India, Brazil, South but gave only $4 billion for the climate change
Africa, etc. have emerged as major polluters but during the same period”. 

                                  8 I LDC News Service News Letter
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