The christmas album Ellen Hargis & Paul O'Dette

La page est créée Josiane Hernandez
the christmas album
                        Ellen Hargis & Paul O’Dette

1. Tous les bourgeois de Châtres
   Tous les bourgeois de Châtres         All the citizens of Châtres
   Et ceux de Montlhéry                  And those of Montlhéry
   Menèrent grande joie                  Were all joyful
   Cette journée ici                     On this day
   Que naquit Jésus-Christ               When Jesus Christ was born
   Et la Vierge Marie                    And the Virgin Mary
   Près le boeuf et l’ânon               Between the ox and ass
         Don, don                              Don, don
   Entre lesquels coucha                 Laid him down
         La, la                                La, la
   En une bergerie.                      In a stable.

   Des anges de lumière                  The angels of the light
   Ont chanté divers tons                Sang many songs
   Aux bergers, aux bergères             To the shepherds and shepherdesses
   De cette région                       Of that region
   Qui gardaient leurs moutons           Who watched over their sheep
   Paisant sur la prairie,               Grazing in the field,
   Disant que le mignon                  Saying that the darling boy
        Don, don                              Don, don
   Étoit né près de là                   Was born nearby,
        La, la                                La, la
   Jésus, la fruit de vie.               Jesus, fruit of Life.

   Ils prennent leurs houlettes          They took up their crooks
   Avec empressement,                    With haste,
   Leurs hautbois, leurs musettes        Their oboes, and their bagpipes,
   Et s’en vont promptement              And set off right away
   Tout droit à Saint-Clément,           Straight to St. Clément,
   A travers la montagne,                Across the mountains,
   Étant tous réjouis                    They rejoiced,
         Ravis                                Ecstatic
   D’aller voir cet enfant               To go see the baby
         Naissant                             New-born
   Joseph et sa compagne.                Of Joseph and his line.

   De Saint-Germain la bande             From Saint Germain the group
   Vint en procession                    Went in procession,
   Et traversa la lande                  And crossed the heath
   Pour trouver l’Enfançon               To find the Infant,
   Ayant ouï le son                      Having heard the sound
   Et la douce harmonie                  And sweet harmony
   Que faisaient les pasteurs            Made by the shepherd
         Chanteurs                           Singers,
   Lesquels n’étoient pas las            They who never tired
         La, la                              La, la
   De faire symphonie.                   To make music.

Tous les bourgeois de Châtres (continued)

Bas, a joué des hymnes                          Softly they played hymns
De son beau tambourin                           Upon the tabor
Car il était loué                               Which was brought
A ceux de Saint-Germain;                        From Saint-Germain;
La grand’ bouteille au vin                      The big bottle of wine
Ne fut pas oubliée,                             Wasn’t forgotten -
Ratisson du rébec                               And the scraping rebec
     Jouait                                          Was played,
Car avec eux alla                               And just like that
     La, la                                          La, la
Toute cette journée.                            The whole day passed.

Lorsqu’on vidait la coupe                       When they had emptied their glasses
Un nommé des Aveaux                             A fellow from Aveaux
Faisoit de bonne soupe                          Made a good soup
Avec force naveaux!                             With plenty of turnips!
Les lapins et perdreaux                         Rabbits, partidges,
Alouettes rôties,                               Roasted larks,
Carnards et cormorans,                          Ducks, cormorants,
     Friands,                                        And delicacies
Gillot Barbaut porta                            Were brought by Gillot Barbaut
     La, la                                          La, la
À Joseph et Marie.                              To Joseph and Mary.

Messire Jean vicaire                            Mssr. Jean, the vicar
De l’église d’Églis                             Of the church of Egly,
Fit porter pour mieux braire                    In order to sing louder
Du vin de son logis;                            Brought his own wine from home;
Messieurs les écoliers                          The schoolboys
Toute cette nuitée                              All night long
Se sont mis à crier                             Were made to shout and
     Chanter                                         To sing
Ut, ré, mi, fa, sol, la                         Ut, re, mi, fa sol, la
     La, la                                          La, la
À gorge déployée.                               With wide-open throats.

Or, prions tous Marie                           Now, let us pray to Mary
Et Jésus, son cher fils                          And Jesus, her dear Son,
Qui’l nous donne la vie                         That they might grant us life
Là sus en Paradis                               Above in Paradise
Après qu’aurons vécu                            When we have left
En ce mortel repaire                            Our mortal bodies;
Qu’ils nous veuillent garder                    May they keep us
     D’aller                                         From going
Tous en Enfer, là-bas                           All to Hell below
     La,la                                           La, la
En tourment et misère.                          In torment and misery.

2. Au Saint-Nau

       Au Saint-Nau                               To Saint Noël,
  Chanteray sans poinct m’y feindre               I shall sing without hesitation,
  Y n’en daigneray ren craindre                   And shall fear nothing,
  Car le jour est feriau,                         Because today is a Feast-day,
       Nau, nau, nau!                                  Nau, nau, nau,
  Car le jour est feriau.                         Because today is a Holiday.

  Ne furiau in grant émoy, nau, nau               We were all downcast,
  Y ne sais pas qu’o pit estre                    I did not know why,
  Les aultres bergers et moy, nau, nau            The other shepherds and I,
  En menant nous brebis paistre                   Leading our sheep to pasture.
  Dau forfat qu’Adam fist contre son maistre       It was because of Adam’s sin against God,
  Quant dau fruict voguist repaistre              When he ate of the fruit
  Don gle fist péché mortiau.                      Thus committing mortal sin.

  Y m’assis sur le muguet, nau, nau               I sat down upon the green
  En jouant de ma flageole                         Playing my flageolet,
  Et mon compagnon Huguet, nau, nau               And my friend Huguet
  Respondit de la pibole                          Responded with his musette,
  Arrivit un Ange dau Ceau qui vole,              An Angel flew down from Heaven
  Disant joyeuse parole,                          Announcing joyous tidings;
  Dont y fust joyoux et beau.                     Thus were we made happy and gay.

  “Réveillez-vous pastoureaux, nau, nau           “Wake up, shepherds,
  Et fasez joyeuse chère,                         And be of good cheer!
  En Bethléem est l’Agneau, nau, nau              In Bethlehem is born the Lamb
  Naquin de la Vierge mère                        Of a virgin Mother;
  Qui l’a my dedon ine manjouère                  She has laid him in a manger;
  Voure o ly pouet d’ litière                     For his bed, poor straw,
  Don l’estable quemmuneau.”                      In a common stable.”

  Quand y vis quio bel Infont, nau, nau           When I saw the lovely babe
  Y mis le geneil en terre;                       I fell to my knees;
  Tot le corps m’allait tremblont, nau, nau       My whole body trembled
  Mon coeur n’était pouet en serre                And my heart pounded;
  Y l’y dis: “Toy qui mets fin à la guerre,        I said to Him, “You who would end all war,
  Vrai Dieu, y te veil requerre                   True God, I beg of you
  Predon de tot mes défauts.”                     To pardon all my sins.”

  Or, prions tous à geneil, nau, nau              Now let us all pray on our knees
  Jésus-Christ, à voix doulcette                  To Jesus Christ, in sweet voices,
  Que l’ nous fasse boun accueil, nau nau         That He will make us welcome,
  Et que notre paix set faite                     And that our peace be assured;
  Au grand jour que sonnera la trompette          On that great day of judgment,
  Qu’en son Paradis nous mette                    May he place us in his Paradise,
  Au royaume paternau.                            In His Father’s realm.

4. Wachet auf, ruft uns
   die stimme
   Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme                “Awake!”, the watchmen’s voices
   Der Wächter sehr hoch auf der Zinne            Call from the high tower,
   Wach auf, du Stadt Jerusalem!                  “Awake, city of Jerusalem!”
   Mitternacht heißt diese Stunde;                This is the midnight hour;
   Sie rufen uns mit hellem Munde:                They call out to us with clear voices
   Wo seid ihr, klugen Jungfrauen?                “Where are you, wise virgins?
   Wacht auf, der Bräutgam kömmt,                 Awake, the bridegroom comes!
   Steht auf, die Lampen nehmt!                   Arise, take your lamps,
   Alleluja!                                      Alleluia!
   Macht euch bereit                              Make yourselves ready
   Zu der Hochzeit,                               For the wedding;
   Ihr müsset ihm engegen gehn!                   You must go to meet him!”

   Zion hört die Wächter singen,                  Zion hears the watchmen singing,
   Das Herz tut ihr vor Freuden springen,         Her heart leaps for joy,
   Sie wachet und steht eilend auf.               She wakes and rises in haste.
   Ihr Freund kommt vom Himmel prächtig,          Her friend comes in splendor from Heaven,
   Von Gnaden stark, von Wahrheit mächtig,        Strong in grace, powerful in truth,
   Ihr Licht wird hell, ihr Stern geht auf.       Her light is bright, her star is risen.
   Nun komm, du werter Kron,                      Now come, you worthy crown,
   Herr Jesu, Gottes Sohn,                        Lord Jesus, Son of God,
   Hosianna!                                      Hosanna!
   Wir folgen all zum Freudensaal,                We all follow to the hall of joy,
   Und halten mit das Abendmahl.                  And share in the Supper.

   Gloria sei dir gesungen,                       Gloria be sung to you
   Mit Menschen- und englischen Zungen,           By men and angels
   Mit Harfen un mit Cymbeln schon.               With fair harps and with cymbals.
   Von zwölf Perlen sind die Pforten              Of twelve pearls are the gates
   An deiner Stadt und wir Konsorten              Of your city; and we are of the company
   Der Engel hoch um deinen Thron.                Of angels high around your throne.
   Kein Aug hat je gesehn,                        No eye has ever seen,
   Kein Ohr hat je gehört                         No ear has ever heard
   Solche Freude.                                 Such rejoicing.
   Des sind wir froh, io, io,                     Thus we rejoice
   Ewig in dulci jubilo.                          Forever in sweet jubilation.

6. Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen
   Est ist ein Ros’ entsprungen                   A spotless rose is blowing
   Aus einer Wurzel zart,                         Sprung from a tender root,
   Wie uns die Alten sungen,                      Of ancient seers’ foreshowing,
   Von Jesse kam die Art                          Of Jesse promised fruit:
   Und hat ein Blümlein bracht                    Its fairest bud unfolds to light
   Mitten im kalten Winter,                       Amid the cold, cold winter,
   Wohl zu der halben Nacht.                      And in the dark midnight.

   Das Röslein das ich meine,                     The rose which I am singing,
   Davon Jesaias sagt,                            Whereof Isaiah said
   Hat uns gebracht alleine                       Is from its sweet root springing
   Marie, die reine Magd.                         In Mary, purest maid:
   Aus Gottes ewgem Rat                           For through our God’s great love and might
   Hat sie ein Kind geboren,                      The blessed babe she bare us
   Wohl zu der halben Nacht.                      In a cold, cold winter’s night.

7. In dulci jubilo
   In dulci jubilo                  In sweet jubilation
   Nun singet und seid froh:        Now sing and rejoice:
   Unsers Herzens Wonne             Our heart’s delight
   Leit in praesepio,               Lies in a manger,
   Und leuchtet als die Sonne       And shines like the sun
   Matris in gremio                 In his mother’s bosom.
   Alpha es et O.                   You are Alpha and Omega.

   O Jesu parvule,                  O little Jesus,
   Nach dir ist mir so weh:         I so long for you;
   Tröst mir mein Gemüte,           Comfort my soul,
   O puer optime:                   O peerless boy;
   Durch alle deine Güte,           By all your goodness,
   O princeps gloriae,              O prince of glory,
   Trahe me post te.                Draw me to you.

   O Patris caritas,                O love of the Father,
   O nati lenitas!                  O leniency of the Son!
   Wir wären all verloren           We were all lost
   Per nostra crimina,              Through our sins
   So hat er uns erworben           Until you gained for us
   Coelorum gaudia,                 The joys of heaven:
   Eya wärn wir da!                 O that we were there!

   Ubi sunt gaudia,                 Joys are there
   Nirgends mehr denn da.           As in no other place
   Da die Engel singen              There the angels sing
   Nova cantica,                    New songs,
   Und die Schellen klingen         And the bells ring out
   In regis curia:                  In the court of the king:
   Eya wärn wir da!                 O that we were there!

9. Canzonetta Spirituale
   sopra alla nanna
   Hor ch’è tempo di dormire        Now it is time to sleep,
   Dormi figlio e non vagire         Sleep, my son, and do not cry,
   Perchè tempo ancor verrà         For we shall see in time
   Che vagir bisognerà;             The need for weeping.
   Deh ben mio deh cor mio          Oh my heart, my heart,
   Fa la ninna ninna na.            Go to sleep.

   Chiudi quei lumi divini          Close these divine eyes,
   Come fan’ gl’altri bambini       As the other children do,
   Perchè tosto oscuro velo         For a dark veil
   Priverà di lume il cielo;        Will hide the sky from you,
   Deh ben mio deh cor mio          Oh my heart, my heart,
   Fa la ninna ninna na.            Go to sleep.


Canzentta Spirituale sopra alla nanna (continued)

Over prendi questo latte                                Or, take this milk
Dalle mie mammelle intatte                              From my virgin breast,
Perchè ministro crudele                                 For the cruel minister
Ti prepara aceto e fiele;                                Is preparing vinegar and gall for you.
Deh ben mio deh cor mio                                 Oh my heart, my heart,
Fa la ninna ninna na.                                   Go to sleep.

Amor mio sia questo petto                               My love, may this bosom
Hor per te morbido letto                                Now be a soft bed for you,
Pria che rendi ad alta voce                             Before your soul cries out
L’alma al padre su la croce.                            To your Father on the cross.
Deh ben mio deh cor mio                                 Oh my heart, my heart,
Fa la ninna ninna na.                                   Go to sleep.

Posa or queste membra belle,                            Now rest these lovely limbs,
Vezzosette e tenerelle,                                 So charming, so tender;
Perchè puoi ferri e catene                              For shackles and chains
Gli daran acerbe pene.                                  Will cause them bitter pains.
Deh ben mio deh cor mio                                 Oh my heart, my heart,
Fa la ninna ninna na.                                   Go to sleep.

Queste mani e questi piedi                              These hands, these feet
Ch’hor con gusto e gaudio vedi                          At which you now look with pleasure and joy
Ahimè com’ in varii modi                                Alas, in so many ways
Passeran acuti chiodi                                   Will be pierced by sharp nails.

Questa faccia gratiosa                                  This charming face,
Rubiconda hor più che rosa                              Ruddier than the rose,
Sputi e schiaffi sporcheranno                             They will besmirch with spitting and slapping,
Con tormento e grand’ affanno,                           With torment and great sorrow.

Ah con quanto tuo dolore,                               Oh, with such pain,
Sola speme del mio core,                                Sole hope of my heart
Questo capo e questi crini                              Will this head and this hair
Passeran acuti spini,                                   Be pierced by sharp thorns.

Ah, ch’in questo divin petto                            Oh, in this divine breast,
Amor mio, dolce e diletto                               My love, my delight,
Vi farà piaga mortale                                   A wicked, traitorous spear
Empia lancia e disleale.                                Will cause mortal wounds.

Dormi dunque figlio mio,                                 Sleep, therefore, my son,
Dormi pur Redentor mio,                                 Sleep, then, my Savior,
Perchè poi con lieto viso                               For later, with joyful faces,
Ci vedrem in Paradiso.                                  We shall meet again in Paradise.

Hor che dorme la mia vita                               Now that you are sleeping, my life,
Del mio cor gioia compita,                              My heart’s perfect joy,
Tacia ogn’ un con puro zelo,                            Let all be silent with pure zeal,
Tacian sin la terra e’l Cielo.                          Let Heaven and earth be silent.

E fra tanto, io, che farò?                              And meanwhile, what shall I do?
Il mio ben contemplerò,                                 I shall gaze upon my love,
Ne starò col capo chino                                 And remain here with bowed head
Sin che dorme il mio Bambino.                           While my child sleeps.

11. Sweet was the song
    the virgin sung
    Sweet was the song the virgin sung                  My son and eke a savior born.
    When she to Bethle’m Judah came                     Which hath vouchsafed from on high
    And was delivered of her son                        To visit us that were forlorn.
    That blessed Jesus hath to name.                    Lullabye, sweet babe, sung she
    Lullaby, sweet babe, quoth she,                     And rocked him featly on her knee.

12. All hail to the days
    All hail to the days that merit more praise         When Christmas’s tide comes in
    Than all the rest of the year,                           like a bride,
    And welcome the nights that double delights         With holly and ivy clad,
    As well for the poor as the peer!                   Twelve days in the year much mirth
    Good fortune attend each merry                           and good cheer
         man’s friend,                                  In every household is had.
    That doth but the best that he may;                 The country guise is then to devise
    Forgetting old wrongs with carols and songs         Some gambols of Christmas play,
    To drive the cold winter away.                      Whereat the young men do the best
                                                             that they can
    This time of the year is spent in good cheer,       To drive the cold winter away.
    And neighbors together do meet,
    To sit by the fire, with friendly desire,            Thus none will allow of solitude now,
    Each other in love to greet;                        But merrily greets the time,
    Old grudges forgot, are put in the pot,             To make it appear of all the whole year,
    All sorrows aside they lay,                         That this is accounted the prime.
    The old and the young doth carol his song,          December is seen apparel’d in green,
    To drive the cold winter away.                      And January, fresh as May,
                                                        Comes dancing along, with a cup
    To mask and to mum kind neighbors                        and song,
         will come                                      To drive the cold winter away.
    With wassails of nut-brown ale,
    To drink and carouse to all in the house,
    As merry as bucks in the dale;
    Where cake, bread, and cheese is brought
         for your fees
    To make you the longer stay;
    At the fire to warm will do you no harm,
    To drive the cold winter away.

15. ‘Tis Christmas now
    ‘Tis Christmas now, ‘tis Christmas now,             And as for Venus, let her be
    When Cato’s self would laugh,                       Part of our recreation.
    And smoothing forth his wrinkled brow               A wench or so in jollity
    Give liberty to quaff,                               Was never yet damnation.
    To dance, to sing, to sport and play,               Then dance and sing, etc.
    For every hour’s a holiday.
                                                        And from the rising of the sun
    As for the twelve days, let them pass               To the setting, call off cares.
    In mirth and jollity.                               ‘Tis time enough when Twelfth is done
    The time doth call each lad and lass                To think of our affairs.
    That will be blithe and merry,                      Then dance and sing, etc.
    To dance, to sing, etc.

16. Figlio dormi
   Figlio dormi, dormi figlio,             Sleep, my son, sleep,
   China’l ciglio                         Close your eyes,
   Caro figlio,                            Dear son,
   Ricciutella della mamma                Your little curls are sweet flames
   Del mio petto dolce fiamma.             On mama’s bosom.
   Mio bambino piccinino,                 My little baby,
   Fà la nanna, fà la ninna, figlio,       Go to sleep, go to sleep, my son,
   Ninna la nanna, ninna nanna,           Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Amoroso mio tesoro.                    My beloved treasure,
   Ninna la nanna ninna nanna,            Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Dolce vago riciutello,                 Sweet delightful curly head,
   Vezzosetto vago e bello.               Lovely, charming, and pretty.

   Chiama’l sonno, frena il pianto,       Sleep is calling, tears are restrained
   Nel mio canto                          At my song,
   Dolce figlio,                           Sweet son,
   Lagrimuccie deh cessate                Little tears, oh cease,
   E nel sonno vi frenate.                And give in to sleep.
   Mio bambino piccinino,                 My little baby,
   Fà la nanna, fà la ninna, figlio,       Go to sleep, go to sleep, my son,
   Ninna la nanna, ninna nanna,           Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Lagrimuccie perle elette,              Pearly little tears,
   Ninna la nanna ninna nanna,            Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Sù le guancie alabastrine              On his alabaster cheeks
   Margarite peregrine.                   Are like wandering daisies.

   Luci vaghe, luci belle,                Lovely eyes, charming eyes,
   Vive stelle                            My son’s
   Del mio figlio,                         Bright stars,
   Non più crude al sonno omaì            Be cruel to sleep no more,
   Serenate i vostri rai.                 But ever calm your rays.
   Mio bambino piccinino,                 My little baby,
   Fà la nanna, fà la ninna, figlio,       Go to sleep, go to sleep, my son,
   Ninna la nanna ninna nanna,            Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Pupilluccie lusinghiere,               Beguiling little eyes,
   Ninna la nanna, ninna nanna,           Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Pupilluccie ritrosette,                Restless little eyes,
   Ritrosette pupillette.                 Restless little eyes.

   Sguardi amati, dolci sguardi,          Beloved gaze, sweet gaze,
   Vivi dardi                             My son’s
   Del mio figlio,                         Keen arrows,
   Voi col pianto mi piagate              You wound my with tears
   E nel sonno mi beate,                  And bless me in sleep.
   Mio bambino piccinino,                 My little baby,
   Fà la nanna, fà la ninna, figlio,       Go to sleep, go to sleep, my son,
   Ninna la nanna, ninna nanna,           Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Tirannucci miei bramati.               My greedy little tyrants,
   Ninna la nanna ninna nanna,            Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Deh chiudetevi innocenti,              Oh, close now, you innocent eyes,
   Tirannucci miei cocenti.               My bright little tyrant eyes.


Figlio dormi (continued)
   Ecco il sonno che l’assale,                               Here is Sleep who assails him,
   Spiega l’ale                                              He spreads his wings
   Su’l mio figlio,                                           Over my son,
   Dolce sonno à te si spetta                                Sweet Sleep, it is your duty,
   Tu lo stringi, tu l’alletta.                              You embrace him, you charm him.
   Mio bambino piccinino,                                    My little baby,
   Fà la nanna, fà la ninna, figlio,                          Go to sleep, go to sleep, my son,
   Ninna la nanna, ninna nanna,                              Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Lusingatelo ò miei canti,                                 Beguile him, oh my songs,
   Ninna la nanna ninna nanna,                               Go to sleep, go to sleep,
   Mio dolcissimo ristoro,                                   My sweetest comfort,
   Mio ricchissimo tesoro.                                   My richest treasure.

22. Quoy? vous dormez?
   Quoy? vous dormez, quand la nuit est si belle?            What? you sleep, when the ;night is so beautiful?
   L’éclat du jour n’a rien d’égal                           The brightness of the day has nothing
        à sa clarté.                                             to equal its brilliance.
   Venez-en voir la beauté,                                  Come see the beauty;
   Vos yeux seront charmez d’une                             Your eyes will be charmed by a
        splendeur nouvelle.                                      new splendor.
   Jésus naissant vient nous donner la paix,                 The new-born Jesus comes to give us peace;
   Écoutez dans les Airs les témoins de sa gloire,           Listen to the songs, witnesses of his glory,
   Ils redisent cent fois “la paix, la paix, victoire,       They repeat a hundred times “Peace, peace, victory,
   Victoire, victoire, victoire, victoire à jamais”.         Victory, victory, victory, victory forever”.

24. Froids Aquilons
   Froids Aquilons, qui ravagez nos plaines,                 Cold Winds, who ravage our plains,
   Ne troublez plus icy la paix des Élemens;                 Do not trouble more the Elements,
   Mon Jésus dort, silence, silence,                         My Jesus sleeps; silence, silence,
        fâcheux Vents:                                            troublesome Winds,
   De peur de l’éveiller retenez vos haleines,               For fear of waking him, withhold your breath,
   Vos fracas & vos siflements.                               Your noise, and your whistling sounds.
   Vous dont le chant a réjoüy l’Étable,                     You whose song entertained the stable,
   Tircis & Coridon, qu’heureux est vôtre sort,              Tircis and Corydon, how happy is your fate!
   Pour un moment, silence, Jésus dort:                      For one moment, silence, silence; Jesus sleeps:
   Dés qu’il s’éveillera par un Air agréable,                So that he may wake to a pleasing song,
   Reprenez un si bel accord.                                Play again in sweet harmony.

25. What Are You Doing
    New Year’s Eve?
   Maybe it’s much too early in the game,                    Maybe I’m crazy to suppose
   Ah, but I thought I’d ask you just the same:              I’d ever be the one you chose
   What are you doing New Year’s,                            Out of the thousand invitations
   New Year’s Eve?                                           You’ll receive.
   Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight            Ah, but in case I stand one little chance,
   When it’s exactly twelve o’clock that night,              Here comes the jackpot question in advance:
   Welcoming in the new year,                                What are you doing New Year’s,
   New Year’s Eve.                                           New Year’s Eve?

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