After School Program Programme périscolaire - Du CE1 à la 4è Grades 2-8 1st semester 2018-2019 - The École

La page est créée Marion Durand
After School Program Programme périscolaire - Du CE1 à la 4è Grades 2-8 1st semester 2018-2019 - The École
After School Program
         Programme périscolaire

               Grades 2-8
         1st semester 2018-2019

            Du CE1 à la 4è
         1 semestre 2018-2019

INFORMATION: Anthony BERNIER | | 646-766-1843
After School Program Programme périscolaire - Du CE1 à la 4è Grades 2-8 1st semester 2018-2019 - The École
Welcome to The École After School Program!

The After-School Program is open to all students from 3:30 to 6:30pm.

All students who are enrolled during the first session of the program from 3:20 to 4:05pm (for pre-elementary),
from 3:35 to 4:30pm (for elementary & middle school) or 4:30pm to 5:15pm (for Middle School) will not pay
for the first session if they stay in the program until the end of the second session.

THE FIRST STUDY HALL AND DAYCARE SESSION ARE FREE. The 2nd and 3rd sessions will be charged
at the regular rate. The students who ONLY stay in the program during the first session pay the normal rate
of this activity.

This offer is only be available to students who register for the full semester.

                                                     *    *    *

                 Le programme périscolaire de The École vous souhaite la bienvenue !

Le programme périscolaire est ouvert à tous les élèves de 15h20/15h30 à 18h30.

Les élèves de la maternelle et l’élémentaire (de la Petite Section à la 4e) qui sont inscrits dans la première session
du programme de 15h20 à 16h05 (pour la maternelle), de 15h35 à 16h30 (pour les classes élémentaires et du
collège), ou 16h30 à 17h15 (pour les classes du collège) ne paient pas la première session s’ils restent dans le
programme jusqu’à la fin de la seconde session.

seront payantes et seront facturées au tarif normal. Les élèves qui restent dans le programme SEULEMENT
pendant la première session doivent payer cette activité au tarif normal.

Cette offre est uniquement offerte aux élèves qui sont inscrits pendant toute la durée du semestre.

                                          2nd GRADE TO 8th GRADE
                                         STUDY HALL | DAYCARE |
                             SPORT ACTIVITIES | The ÉCOLE FALCONS
                                          MUSIC PROGRAM | ART
                                   AFTER SCHOOL PERFORMANCES

Dear Parents,

We are happy to present our brochure of After School       For those students staying in the program after their
Program activities for the 1st semester of 2018-2019.      activity, daycare is available with advanced registration
Students from 2nd grade through 8th grade will find a      until 6:30pm, Monday through Friday.
variety of fun and educational activities.
                                                           Online Registration will start on Wednesday, August
This fall semester students will have a choice of          29, 2018 at 12pm and will end on Monday, September
numerous activities such as art, dance, self-defense,      25, at 5pm.
yoga, soccer, science, basketball, theater, and many
more!                                                      Please note that there is a $50 registration fee for the
                                                           whole semester.
Our music program will offer private classes for piano,
guitar, electric guitar, drum and ukulele lessons with     All extracurricular activities must have a minimum of
Ryan Langlois, Julien Budrino, and Rudolph Vernaz-         4 students to open.
                                                           The after school program activities of the first semester
Students who choose to enroll in after school activities   including all study hall for grades 2-8 students will start
will have mandatory study hall from 3:35pm to 4:15pm.      the first day of school on Tuesday, September 4, 2018.
                                                           They will end on Friday, January 25, 2019 (18 weeks).
The first activity will start at 4:20pm and will end at
                                                           EN: Activity in English FR: Activity in French
MOR-E Program - Book Club
                                              Grades 4-6

The MOR-E Program Book Club challenges students with strong English language skills and exposes them
                          to literature beyond the regular curriculum.

                               ·   Students with strong English Language skills.
                                              · Grades 4, 5 & 6

                                      ·   Thursdays One hour per week
                                              · 3:40-4:40PM

                                            What Books?
                                      Orphan Island by Laurel Snyder
                                   Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly
                                     Wishtree by Katherine Applegate)
                          Clayton Byrd Goes Underground by Rita Williams Garcia
                               Real Friends by Shannon Hale (graphic novel)
                                     Tumble & Blue by Cassie Beasley
                                     Lucky Broken Girl by Ruth Behar

As a group, we will select four of the above-listed titles, and the members will be assigned to read the books
before the end of the session in June. At that point, we will rate each book according to their criteria, plot,
theme, characters.

Each week the club has discussions on characters, plot, setting, themes and language. Some sample
discussions: Do you think the characters were well developed? How well does the author describe the setting,
and could you put yourself in that setting? Did the plot hold your attention? Did you notice the language that
the author used? Were the themes meaningful to you?

One of the main goals for the Book Club is to develop students’ opinions and thoughtful engagement with

            INFORMATION: Evelyn CORDISCO -
Introducing the MOR-E Program for ENGLISH LANGUAGE
                                    Grades 2-3 Students
The MOR-E program is designed to challenge students with strong English skills and is structured to provide a differentiated
curriculum for these students. It exposes students to experiences and activities beyond the regular curriculum which challenges
their minds.

In the MOR-E curriculum, students will read literary works and use them as a launching point for deepening their
comprehension, critical thinking, and writing skills. They complete a variety of learning activities both online and offline and may
participate in individual and group projects.

         • Expose students to more experiences and activities beyond the regular curriculum which challenge their minds.
         • Develop critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills and problem-solving strategies
         • Encourage independent decision making on logic
         • Foster effective communications skills through persuasive speaking and writing
         • Promote risk-taking by providing, non-graded environment
         • Develop abilities to self-evaluation their own learning

Subjects Taught:
      • Reading
      • Writing
      • Math
      • Science
      • Social Studies

Materials Used:
      • Chromebooks for research or writing documents
      • Literature - Novels, Fiction, Nonfiction, TIME for Kids News

MOR-E Program Description:

Grades 2 & 3 – Tuesday from 3:35pm to 4:30pm
Current Events: Introduce students to the 5 Ws found in most news stories. Invite students to talk about the who, where, when,
what, and why of the story. They will circle or highlight and label the areas of the story that tell each of the five Ws. Students can
underline each of the five Ws with a different colored crayon, labeling each part and put in a 5W graphic organizer.
Reading: Students will read in different genres answering reading comprehension questions to reinforce skills such as:
inferencing, finding the main idea and supporting details, drawing conclusions, sequencing, analyzing character and the like.
Math: Students will be able to identify different operation “buzz” words for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to
solve different word problems, as well as explain their thought process to solving the problems.
Writing: Interdisciplinary Social Studies, Art and Science: Students can write creative nonfiction stories utilizing the Social
Studies, Art and Science materials that they encounter. Students can engage argumentative writing: example: making an
advertisement, letter to their parents, letter to their favorite author.

                         INFORMATION: Isabelle BELNEAU -
Programme FRANÇAIS+ pour les CE1-CE2
  Le Programme de langue FRANÇAIS+ est proposé uniquement aux élèves de CE1 et CE2 Francophones et
                Non-Francophones ayant un très bon niveau de français à l’oral et à l’écrit.

Description du programme FRANÇAIS+ : CE1-CE2 | le mardi de 15h35 à 16h30

Objectifs :
Le programme FRANÇAIS+ est conçu pour défier les élèves ayant de fortes compétences en français de manière
à fournir un programme adapté à leurs besoins. Les élèves seront confrontés à des activités allant au-delà du
programme scolaire classique.

Dans le programme FRANÇAIS+, les élèves utiliseront la Littérature jeunesse comme point de départ pour
approfondir leur compréhension orale, développer leur pensée critique et leurs compétences en production d’écrits.
Ils effectueront diverses activités en mettant en lien la littérature jeunesse et l’art à travers des projets individuels et/ou
de groupes.

   -    Mettre en lien la littérature jeunesse et l’Art : faire correspondre des albums et des œuvres artistiques
   -    Développer leur pensée critique, leur créativité, leurs capacités d’expression et de réflexion
   -    Favoriser des compétences d’expression et de communication par le biais de la parole et de la production
    -   Développer des aptitudes à l'auto-évaluation de leur propre apprentissage

Compétences développées :
Langage oral :
   - Lecture à haute voix : dire un texte en respectant l’intonation et la ponctuation
   - Comprendre le lexique utilisé, acquérir du nouveau vocabulaire
   - Savoir argumenter pour défendre son point de vue et développer son esprit critique vis-à-vis d’un texte

Langage écrit :
   - Production d’écrits : imaginer, rédiger et corriger : du brouillon au texte finalisé
   - Approfondir sa connaissance en littérature jeunesse : travailler par thèmes, par auteurs, par collection ou par
      genre narratif

Art et littérature :
    - Mettre en parallèle des albums et des œuvres artistiques : apprendre à expliquer les choix proposés et ensuite
         proposer des choix et savoir les justifier

Le matériel utilisé :
   - Des albums de littérature jeunesse
   - Des reproductions / des photos / des vidéos d’œuvres artistiques
   - Un cahier pour garder une trace de ses productions d’écrits et des œuvres étudiées
Lecture d’albums – œuvres artistiques : Inviter les élèves à s’exprimer sur la trame narrative et/ou sur l’œuvre : parler
de qui, où, quand, quoi et pourquoi ?

Lecture – compréhension : Les élèves liront différents albums sur différents thèmes et seront confrontés à des œuvres
artistiques diverses.
Albums : Ils travailleront en répondant à des questions orales et/ou écrites afin de renforcer des compétences telles
que : l'inférence, la recherche du thème principal, la trame narrative et les différents moments qui rythment l’histoire,
l’analyse des personnages et de leurs caractères.

Art – lecture d’images : s’exprimer quant au choix d’une œuvre par rapport à un album (pourquoi ce choix ?) et
analyser ce choix

Production d’écrits – création/rédaction : Les élèves pourront écrire des histoires en mettant en regard des albums et
des œuvres artistiques.
Ils s’inspireront d’albums et d’œuvres choisis soit en fonction de : la collection, l’auteur, le thème abordé, le
personnage principal, le matériau utilisé, l’époque, le genre littéraire ou le genre artistique.

                        INFORMATION: Samia DJAAFAR -
MONDAY                                                3:35pmto 4:15pm
                                                      Our students will play soccer scrimmage/exhibition games
                                   Alain Haspil
FALCONS (3-4)          TBD                            against other private schools in NYC.

                       PRICE PER
MONDAY                                                4:20pm to 5:05pm
                                                      Learn basic skills and tenants of Tae Kwon Do. Body
                                                      discipline, fine motor coordination, and basic self-defense in
TAE KWON DO (2-5)      $320        Moseh Cho EN       a stimulating and fun class taught by 2-time National Sparring
                                                      champion. Uniform Required

                                                      Kids love to create wonderful dishes in the kitchen. Bon
                                   Paisley Davidson
COOKING (2-5)          $360                           appétit!
                                                      A free club, open to students in grades 4-8. In this club,
COMMUNITY                                             students will explore various charities and organizations
                                   Melissa Wilson
SERVICE (5-8) (4:30-   FREE                           that are helping the community. Students will work
5:15)                                                 together to organize their own community service event
                                                      from start to finish.
                                   Dara               The children will have the opportunity to manipulate, model,
SCRAPBOOKING (2-5)     $360
                                   Herschenfeld EN    roll, knead and create artistic projects.
                                                      STEM is the future. STEM is science, technology,
STEM (2-5)             $360        Swan Kids EN       engineering, and math

                                                      This activity will focus on conversational skills and cultural
MANDARIN (2-5)         $320        Annie Huang EN

                                   Reggie Magloire    Satisfy your curiosity in this activity for young scientists:
SCIENCE (2-5)          $320
                                   EN/FR              hands-on activities and fun experiences!
TUESDAY                                                 3:35pm to 4:20pm
                                                        The MOR-E program is designed to challenge students with
                                     Isabelle Belneau
MOR-E (2-3)              FREE                           strong English language skills and is structured to provide a
                                                        differentiated curriculum for these students.
                                                        The FRANÇAIS + program is designed to challenge
FRANÇAIS + (2-3)         $320        Samia Djaafar FR   students with strong French language skills and is structured
                                                        to provide a differentiated curriculum for these students.

                         PRICE PER
TUESDAY                                                 4pm to 5pm
                                                        This activity is for children who play an instrument and/or
                                                        sing, and who want to play songs in a group.
MON PREMIER                          Rodolph Vernaz-
                         FREE                           (Students MUST have been playing an instrument for at
GROUPE                               Colas FR
                                                        least 2 years.)
                                                        5 students maximum. 1 year commitment
                         PRICE PER
TUESDAY                                                 4:20pm to 5:05pm

                                                        Come join us for the most popular sport in the
SOCCER (2-5)             $320        Soccer Shot EN     world: soccer! Learn to play like Abby Wambach and Lionel
                                                        STEM is the future. STEM is science, technology,
STEM (2-5)               $360        Swan Kids EN       engineering, and math

                                                        Stretch and build a strong body by learning yoga postures
YOGA (2-5)               $320        Cara Frey EN
                                                        and relaxation techniques.

CROCHET (2-5)            $360        Alisha Soto EN     Create with yarn!

                                                        Kids love to create wonderful dishes in the kitchen. Bon
COOKING (2-5)            $360        Sirine Torres FR   appétit!

                                                        Students will produce a live broadcast that features school
THE ÉCOLE NEWS                       Jason Chipman
                         $320                           and community news.
SHOW (4-8) (4:30-5:15)               EN
WEDNESDAY                                     4pm to 5pm

                                              This activity is for children who play an instrument and/or
                                              sing, and who want to play songs in a group.
MON PREMIER                Rodolph Vernaz-
               FREE                           (Students MUST have been playing an instrument for at
GROUPE                     Colas FR
                                              least 2 years.)
                                              5 students maximum. 1 year commitment

               PRICE PER
WEDNESDAY                                     4:20pm to 5:05pm

TENNIS (2-5)   $360                           Students will learn the basics of Tennis while having a blast!

                                              Come and create robots from legos! Learn the basics of
LEGO (2-5)     $360        Tek Intellect EN

                                              STEM is the future. STEM is science, technology,
STEM (2-5)     $360        Swan Kids EN       engineering, and math

                           Danielle Warren    Students will learn new and exciting ways to create with
ART (2-5)      $360
                           EN/FR              drawings, paints, etc…

DÉBAT (6-8)    $320        TBD                TBD
THURSDAY                                         3:35pm to 4:20pm

                                                 Students can enjoy a community-building experience by
                              Evelyn Cordisco
BOOK CLUB (4-6)   FREE                           meeting with friends to choose, read, and
                                                 discuss books together.

                  PRICE PER
THURSDAY                                         4:20pm to 5:05pm

TEAM SPORTS                   Benjamin Hayes     Get ready to run, jump, and exercise in a variety of sports
(2-5)                         EN                 and activities!

                              Piano School of    Come sing and dance in French and English!
MUSIC (2-5)       $320
                              NY EN/FR

                              Danielle Warren    The children will have the opportunity to manipulate,
ART (2-5)         $360
                              EN/FR              model, roll, knead and create artistic projects.
                                                 First steps on stage! A simple and playful approach of the
THEATER (2-5)     $320                           theater through physical and vocal work! Rhythmic
                              Herschenfeld EN
                                                 Movement - Mime - Theater Games
                                                 Kids love to create wonderful dishes in the kitchen. Bon
COOKING (2-5)     $360        Sirine Torres FR   appétit!

                                                 Our students will play soccer scrimmage/exhibition games
                              Alain Haspil
FALCONS MATCH     TBD                            against other private schools in NYC.
FRIDAY                                               3:35pm to 4:20pm

                                                     Our students will play soccer scrimmage/exhibition games
FALCONS (5-8)                     Alain Haspil
                      TBD                            against other private schools in NYC.
3:30 to 5pm                       EN/FR
                                                     This class will cover all aspects of test preparation, including
                                                     strategies, practice, and review of specific content,
TEST PREP (4-8)       $320        Melissa Milan EN
                                                     especially in the area of math.

                                  Lauren Gagne
                                                     Discovering school radio through the use of technical
RADIO (5-8)           $320        EN & Nowaki
                                                     tools: computer, tablet and digital recorder.
                                  Asada FR

                      PRICE PER
FRIDAY                                               4:20pm to 5:05pm

KRAV MAGA (2-5)       $360        Swan Kids EN       Get ready to get in shape with fun games and activities!

                                                     First steps on stage! A simple and playful approach of the
THEATER (2-5)         $320        Marie Jo Cima FR   theater through physical and vocal work! Rhythmic
                                                     Movement - Mime - Theater Games

                                                     Develop flexibility and strength as well as improving
ART ET CIRQUE (2-5)   $360        Rémy Souchon FR    confidence, health and fitness

                                  Reggie Magloire    Satisfy your curiosity in this activity for young scientists:
SCIENCE (2-5)         $360
                                  EN                 hands-on activities and fun experiences!
                  Private Lesson

                       PRICE PER
INSTRUMENT                                                        SCHEDULE

GUITAR / PIANO (1-8)   $55 for 30min   Mr. Ryan Langlois EN       Monday to Friday from 3:30pm to 6pm

                                                                  Monday, Thursday & Friday from 3:30pm to
DRUM (1-8)             $55 for 30min   Mr. Julien Budrino FR
                                       Mr. Rodolph Vernaz-Colas   Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from
GUITAR / UKULELE       $55 for 30min
                                       EN/FR                      3:30pm to 6pm

VIOLON (2-8)           $55 for 30min   Allen Weakland EN          Wednesday To Friday 3:30pm to 6pm
Grade 2-5 / CE1 au CM2
                                     Cost for One Day per Week per Semester

                      Grades 1 STUDY HALL ONLY $12/hour / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE des CP au Collège 12$/heure
       3:30 to 4:15               3:30 to 4:30                 3:30 to 5:00                 3:30 to 6:00                  3:30 to 6:30
          $162                        $216                         $324                         $540                          $648

                                 STUDY HALL & ACTIVITIES / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE & ACTIVITÉS
                         Study Hall is free from 3:30pm to 4:15pm for students enrolled in activities on that day.
 3:30 to 5:10 (Free 45 min Study Hall)        3:30 to 6:00                                    3:30 to 6:30
                                                                                              Study Hall (free) + Activity + Activity +
 Study Hall (free) + Activity                 Study Hall (free) + Activity + Study Hall
 $320/$360                                    $320/$360 + $162
                                              Study Hall (free) + Activity + Study
                                                                                              Study Hall (free) + Activity + Daycare
                                                                                              $320/$360+ $324
                                              $320/$360 + $216


If your child is registered for an activity from 4:25pm to 5:10pm, on that day, the study hall from 3:30pm to 4:20pm will be free.

After School program hours are neither refundable nor exchangeable. Drop-in after school will be charged $20 per hour. For
example, if a student is registered for 2 days a week from 3:15pm to 5:00pm (1 study hall and 1 activity per day), the amount would be
$640 (Free Study Hall + $320 x 2 days a week for Activity for 1 semester).
If a student is registered for 2 days a week from 3:30pm to 4:15pm only in study hall, the amount would be $324 ($162 x 2 days a week
Study Hall for 1 semester.)

In case of a teacher’s absence, we will try to run the class with a substitute teacher. If not possible, your child will join another activity on
that day.

                                               Payment in full due on September 24, 2018.

    Online Registration will start Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 12pm and will end on Monday, September 25, at 5pm.

                                          Please note that there is a $50 registration fee.

       INFORMATION: Anthony BERNIER | | 646-766-1843
                                  Cost for One Day per Week per Semester
                                    STUDY HALL ONLY $12/H / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE $12/H
                         (GR 6: WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY) (GR. 7 & 8 THURSDAY FRIDAY)
      3:30 TO 4:15               3:30 TO 4:30                  3:30 TO 5:00               3:30 TO 6:00             3:30 TO 6:30

           $162                       $216                        $324                       $540                       $648

                                 STUDY HALL ONLY $12/H / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE $12/H
                      (GR.6 MONDAY & TUESDAY) (GR.7 & 8 MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY)

          4:30 TO 5:15                       4:30 TO 5:30                     4:30 TO 6:00                      4:30 TO 6:30

              $162                               $216                              $324                             $432

                                 STUDY HALL & ACTIVITIES / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE & ACTIVITÉS

 3:30 TO 4:15                3:30 TO 4:30                           3:30 TO 5:00                    3:30 TO 6:00

                                                                    Study Hall + Activity +
 Study Hall(free) +          Study Hall(free) + Activity +
                                                                    Activity + Daycare              Study Hall + Activity
 Activity                    Activity
                                                                    $162 +                          $162 + $320/$360
 $320/$360                   $320/$360 + $320/$360

 3:30 TO 6:00                3:30 TO 6:30                           4:30 TO 6:00                    4:30 TO 6:30

 Study Hall + Activity       Study Hall + Activity + Daycare        Study Hall + Activity           Study Hall + Activity + Daycare
 $324 + $320/$360            $324+ $320/$360+ $108                  $162+ $320/$360                 $162+$320/$360+$108

Afterschool hours are neither refundable nor exchangeable. Drop-in After School activities and study hall will be charged $20 per
hour. For example, if a student is registered for 2 days a week from 3:30pm to 5:00pm (1 study hall and 1 activity per day), the amount
would be $964 ($162 x 2 days a week for Study Hall + $320 x 2 days a week for Activity for 1 semester).

   Online Registration will start Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 12pm and will end on Monday, September 25, at 5pm.

                                       Please note that there is a $50 registration fee.

                                              Payment in full due on September 24, 2017.

       INFORMATION: Anthony BERNIER | | 646-766-1843
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