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European Commission - Daily News Daily News 27 / 04 / 2021 Brussels, 27 April 2021 RÉUNION DU COLLEGE: Gestion de la migration: Nouvelle stratégie de l'UE sur le retour volontaire et la réintégration La Commission adopte aujourd'hui la première stratégie de l'UE sur le retour volontaire et la réintégration. La stratégie promeut le retour volontaire et la réintégration en tant que partie intégrale d'un système commun de l'UE en matière de retour, l'établissement duquel est parmi les objectifs essentiels du nouveau pacte sur la migration et l'asile. Elle définit des mesures concrètes visant à renforcer le cadre juridique et opérationnel des retours volontaires depuis l'Europe et les pays de transit, à améliorer la qualité des programmes de retour et de réintégration, à établir de meilleurs liens avec les initiatives de développement et à renforcer la coopération avec les pays partenaires. Margaritis Schinas, vice-président chargé de la promotion de notre mode de vie européen, a déclaré : « L'UE met en place un nouvel écosystème en matière de retour, cherchant à renforcer la coopération en matière de réadmission, à améliorer le cadre de gouvernance, à doter Frontex d'un nouveau mandat opérationnel en matière de retour et à nommer un coordinateur de l'UE pour les retours. La stratégie d'aujourd'hui sur les retours volontaires et la réintégration est une autre pièce de ce puzzle. Les retours sont plus efficaces lorsqu'ils sont volontaires et s'accompagnent de véritables possibilités de réintégration pour les rapatriés, et cette stratégie élaborera une approche plus uniforme et coordonnée entre les États membres afin de libérer tout leur potentiel. » Ylva Johansson, commissaire chargée des affaires intérieures a déclaré : « Seul un tiers environ des personnes qui n'ont pas le droit de séjourner dans l'UE retournent dans leur pays d'origine et parmi celles qui le font, moins de 30 % le font volontairement. Les retours volontaires sont toujours la meilleure option: ils placent l'individu au centre, ils sont plus efficaces et moins chers. Notre toute première stratégie en matière de retour volontaire et de réintégration aidera les rapatriés depuis l'UE et depuis les pays tiers à saisir les opportunités qui se présentent dans leur pays d'origine, à contribuer au développement de la communauté et à renforcer la confiance dans notre système migratoire afin de le rendre plus efficace. » Un communiqué de presse et un document questions- réponses sont disponibles en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Adalbert Jahnz - Tél.: + 32 229 53156; Ciara Bottomley - Tél.: +32 229 69971; Laura Bérard - Tél.: +32 229 55721) Coronavirus: EU channels critical support to India via EU Civil Protection Mechanism A shipment of urgently needed oxygen, medicine and equipment will be delivered over the coming days by EU Member States to India, following the country's request for support through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which is coordinated by the Emergency Response Coordination Centre of the European Commission. The offers of support from EU Member States via the Mechanism currently include oxygen concentrators, generators, ventilators and antiviral medicines from Ireland, Belgium, Romania, Luxembourg, Portugal and Sweden. More EU support from other Member States is expected to be made in the coming days, including from France and Germany. Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, said: “The EU stands in full solidarity with the Indian people and is ready to do our utmost to support them at this critical time. I would like to thank our Member States that came in numerously with generous offers of help, showing that the EU is a trusted partner and a friend at times of need. The reach of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism goes well beyond the EU's borders. Our Emergency Response Coordination Centre is facilitating the logistical arrangements and the EU will cover the brunt of the transport costs.” Read the full press release here. (For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.: +32 229 69140) Coronavirus: La Commission européenne propose 3,7 millions d'euros pour soutenir près de 1 500 travailleurs aéroportuaires qui ont perdu leur emploi en Belgique La Commission européenne propose aujourd'hui de soutenir près de 1 500 anciens salariés de l'entreprise de services aériens Swissport Belgium, qui ont perdu leur emploi en raison des répercussions de la crise du coronavirus sur le transport aérien. Les 3,7 millions d'euros proposés au
titre du Fonds européen d'ajustement à la mondialisation (FEM) aideront ces personnes à trouver un nouvel emploi, par le perfectionnement et la formation complémentaires, ou à créer leur propre entreprise. Les mesures cofinancées par le FEM vont du conseil pour la recherche d'un emploi à l'offre d'apprentissages, de formations professionnelles et d'autres possibilités d'enseignement comme des cours de langue et d'informatique, en passant par le soutien à la création d'une entreprise. Les participants peuvent bénéficier d'incitations complémentaires. Celles-ci incluent une prime aux travailleurs du sexe moins représenté qui optent pour une formation professionnelle en vue d'occuper des emplois caractérisés par un déséquilibre important entre les hommes et les femmes, en vue de briser les stéréotypes sexistes. Les services régionaux de l'emploi en Belgique aideront les travailleurs pour l'organisation de formations sur mesure, d'un mentorat et d'une assistance au placement. Le coût total de ces mesures de soutien est estimé à 6,2 millions d'euros, dont 3,7 millions seront pris en charge par le FEM. Les autorités régionales belges financeront le solde. Il appartient au Parlement européen et au Conseil d'approuver la proposition de la Commission. Un communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Marta Wieczorek – Tél.: +32 229 58197; Flora Matthaes – Tél.: +32 229 83951) Globalisation: European Commission proposes €1.1 million to support 500 dismissed foundry workers in Germany Today, the European Commission proposes to support close to 500 former workers of the metal- works factories of GMH Guss in Germany, who lost their employment after several client companies relocated their production to countries outside the European Union. The proposed €1.1 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) will help those people to find new jobs through guidance and vocational orientation, trainings to develop or acquire new skills, and support for starting up their own business. The measures co-financed by the EGF range from job search assistance, guidance counselling and vocational orientation, to acquiring additional skills and advice on starting up an own business. Mentoring after reemployment and a training allowance are also part of the support package. The total estimated cost of the measures is €1.8 million, of which the EGF will provide €1.1 million. The remaining amount will be financed by the German authorities. The Commission's proposal will need to be approved by the European Parliament and the Council. A press release is available online. (For more information: Marta Wieczorek – Tel.: +32 229 58197; Flora Matthaes – Tel.: +32 229 83951) Union douanière: la Commission lance une consultation publique sur le code des douanes de l'Union européenne La Commission européenne a lancé hier une consultation publique sur la mise en œuvre du code des douanes de l'Union (le CDU), le principal cadre règlementaire de l'UE relatif aux douanes. La consultation vise à recueillir les points de vue et les expériences des entreprises, des particuliers, des autorités douanières et des universités qui mettent en œuvre le CDU dans un ou plusieurs États membres. En vigueur depuis 2016, le CDU vise à rationaliser et simplifier la législation et les procédures douanières, établissant un environnement sans support papier. La Commission aimerait savoir si, à leur avis, les règles douanières et les systèmes électroniques douaniers déployés jusqu'à la fin de l'année 2020 ont atteint ces objectifs. Elle demande aussi si le CDU est suffisamment flexible pour faire face à des crises telles que la pandémie de COVID-19, et/ ou de nouveaux modèles commerciaux tels que le commerce électronique. Les points de vue recueillis serviront à établir les conclusions de l'évaluation intermédiaire du CDU que la Commission s'est engagée à réaliser dans un rapport au Parlement européen et au Conseil en 2018. Cette évaluation contribuera aux réflexions et décisions sur d'éventuelles améliorations du CDU. La consultation est ouverte jusqu'au 19 juillet 2021 sur la page suivante. (Pour plus d'informations: Daniel Ferrie – Tél: +32 229 86500; Nerea Artamendi Erro – Tél: +32 229 90964) Investment Plan for Europe: €50 million to support financing for SMEs in Spain and Portugal With backing from the ‘Private Credit Tailored for SMEs Programme' of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), part of the EU's Investment Plan for Europe, the European Investment Fund (EIF) will invest €50 million in the Alternative Leasing fund managed by Santander Asset Management. This comes on top of the €20 million invested by Santander from own resources. Alternative Leasing was launched as an investment fund providing new long-term financing for SMEs and small mid-cap companies, predominantly in Spain, but also in Portugal. The target size of the fund will be up to €300 million. The fund provides financing to companies through leasing facilities on new or existing industrial equipment and machinery on companies' balance sheets. Commissioner
for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, said: “The pandemic has shown that businesses need appropriate financing solutions to withstand crisis situations and restart economic activity. With this programme, the EU is supporting alternative sources of financing and diversification in the European capital and lending markets, ensuring a broader choice for businesses in Spain and Portugal.” The Investment Plan for Europe has so far mobilised €546.5 billion of investment across the EU, benefitting over 1.4 million SMEs in total. The press release is available here. (For more information: Marta Wieczorek – Tel.: +32 229 58197; Flora Matthaes – Tel.: +32 229 83951) Biodiversity: Commissioner Sinkevičius talks to Minister Runqiu to step up cooperation with China ahead of COP 15 At the 8 th EU-China Ministerial Environment Policy Dialogue, held today, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius and Mr Huang Runqiu, China's Minister for Ecology and Environment, acknowledged the scale of the biodiversity crisis and committed to stepping up action to protect, conserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystems. The meeting comes ahead of the Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CoP 15), which is scheduled to be held in China in October this year. Commissioner Sinkevičius and Minister Huang Runqiu exchanged views on the preparations how to make COP 15 a success and updated each other on concrete actions at domestic level. Commissioner Sinkevičius said: “As the rest of the world, EU and China are facing similar environmental challenges. Threats to biodiversity, including forests, pressures on scarce natural resources, waters and oceans as well as the threat of pollution require strong governance. We need to work together and take the lead globally. In this ‘super year for nature', it is vital to reach a collective agreement on an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework built on overarching goals and smart targets, strong monitoring and review mechanisms and effective means of implementation.” Both sides discussed ways to enhance cooperation on a wide range of environmental issues at national and multilateral levels. Continued EU-China cooperation to address urgent and shared environmental challenges, such as pollution, deforestation, tackling plastics, ocean protection, etc. would be key. The two sides also acknowledged the importance of promoting opportunities for green recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Commissioner Sinkevičius highlighted the importance of the EU's Biodiversity Strategy to 2030, and, in view of the Commission's upcoming legislative proposal on deforestation, expressed interest in working with China to promote sustainable, deforestation-free supply chains globally. He also drew attention to the forthcoming adoption of the Commission's Zero Pollution Action Plan. More information on the meeting can be found in the news item. More on EU- China cooperation on environment. (For more information: Vivian Loonela - Tel.: +32 229 66712; Daniela Stoycheva – Tel.: +32 229 53664) Carbon farming initiatives to contribute to fighting climate change Today, the Commission published the final report of a two-year study on how to set up and implement carbon farming in the EU. Building on this study and other preparatory work, the Commission plans to launch an EU carbon farming initiative by the end of 2021. The study reviewed existing schemes for protection and development of natural carbon sinks and explored how to trigger carbon farming in the EU. It concludes that carbon farming brings benefits such as carbon sequestration and storage and increased biodiversity and preservation of eco-systems. Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, Frans Timmermans, said: “Our climate action must first and foremost reduce human-made emissions. But we also need to restore and protect natural carbon sinks, so that we can capture CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in our soils and forests. Carbon farming offers new income opportunities for farmers. It is an example of how the new Common Agricultural Policy's ecoschemes and private funding can reward agricultural practices that help us fight the climate and biodiversity crises.” The Commission will promote carbon farming as a new green business model that creates a new source of income for actors in the bioeconomy and is developing a regulatory framework for certifying carbon removals. More information is available here. (For more information: Tim McPhie – Tel: +32 229 58602; Lynn Rietdorf – Tel: +32 229 74959) State aid: Commission approves €1.9 billion Czech scheme to support uncovered fixed costs of companies affected by coronavirus outbreak Brussels The European Commission has approved a Czech scheme worth €1.9 billion (CZK 50 billion) to support the uncovered fixed costs of companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme will be open to all companies of all sizes and active in all sectors, except the financial sector. The
public support will compensate part of the uncovered fixed costs incurred by the beneficiaries in a period between March 2020 and December 2021 and will take the form of direct grants. Eligible companies must have sustained a turnover decline of at least 30% in the relevant period, compared to before the coronavirus outbreak. The purpose of the scheme is to mitigate the economic difficulties and the liquidity shortages that the beneficiaries are facing due to the restrictive measures imposed by the Czech government to limit the spread of the coronavirus. The Commission found that the Czech scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. The Commission concluded that the measure is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the aid measure under EU State aid rules. Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “Many Czech companies have experienced a significant decline in their revenues due to the coronavirus crisis. This €1.9 billion scheme will help those companies cover certain fixed costs that are not covered by their revenues. We continue working in close cooperation with Member States to find workable solutions to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak, in line with EU rules.” The full press release is available online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel: +32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) State aid: Commission approves €8 million Portuguese scheme to support companies in Azores region affected by coronavirus outbreak The European Commission has approved a €8 million Portuguese scheme to support companies in the region of the Azores in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. The support, which will take the form of direct grants, is intended to mitigate the impact on the beneficiaries of the restrictive measures that the Portuguese authorities had to implement to limit the spread of the virus. Under the scheme, companies that experienced a decrease in their turnover of at least 25% in 2020 compared to the same period of the previous year, will receive an amount of support, calculated on the basis of the decrease they experienced. The maximum amount of aid will not exceed €45,000 per company. The Commission found that the Portuguese scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. In particular the support (i) will not exceed the maximum amount per beneficiary set out in the Temporary Framework, and (ii) will be granted no later than 31 December 2021. The Commission concluded that the measure is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions of the Temporary Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU State aid rules. More information on the Temporary Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.62136 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel: +32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) Mergers: Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control over AMEOS by Dr. Paeger and ICG The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control over AMEOS Gruppe AG (‘AMEOS') of Switzerland by Dr. Axel Paeger, a German national, and Intermediate Capital Group plc (‘ICG') of the UK. AMEOS is a private operator of general and psychiatric acute care hospitals, as well as long-term elderly care and long-term mental care facilities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Dr. Paeger is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of AMEOS. ICG is an investment firm active in the structuring and provision of mezzanine finance, leveraged credit and minority and majority equity in companies across Europe, Asia Pacific and the U.S. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, because of the limited impact it would have on the market. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10207. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) APPOINTMENTS
COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission appoints a new Principal Adviser Today, the European Commission decided to appoint Mr Antonio Nicita as Principal Adviser. He will serve as Member of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board. The date of effect will be determined later. Antonio Nicita, an experienced and well-known regulatory adviser for national and international public institutions and private companies with expertise in economic policy, will contribute to the European Commission's Better Regulation Policy by scrutinising the quality of impact assessments, ex-post evaluations, fitness-checks and issuing opinions on the related draft reports. Mr Nicitia, an Italian national, acquired pertinent experiences in his former positions, notably serving as Member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Steering group on regulation & emerging technologies and as Commissioner of the Italian Telecoms, Media and Postal Regulatory Authority (AGCOM) from 2014 to September 2020. He also performed functions similar to those in his new position while working as adviser on regulatory matters for the International Competition Network (ICN), the OECD, the Italian Prime Minister and Ministry of Telecommunications, and a number of companies. After having taught Regulatory and Economic Policy at the University of Siena for 12 years, Antonio Nicita currently works as full professor at the University of Rome. Previously he was also Visiting Fulbright Professor at Yale University, Visiting Scholar at the University of Paris X- Nanterre, at the European University Institute and at the University of Cambridge. Antonio Nicita holds a Ph.D. in Economics and he focuses his research on regulatory policy, the impact of data and platforms economy on institutions, markets, and society; and economics of standards and patents, among others. (For information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 229 56859) ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Johansson participates in an international conference on refugee sponsorship Today, Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, will participate in the virtual conference ‘Continuing the momentum: Community's role in building positive narratives and successful integration'. The Commissioner will be joined by the Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marco Mendicino. The conference is an opportunity to advance discussions on a European approach to community sponsorship of refugees, as set out in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Specifically, it will aim to provide relevant actors with tools and strategies to meet a common goal of increasing refugee protection opportunities and improving refugee integration outcomes, strengthening local host communities, and promoting welcoming and inclusive societies. The event is co-organised by the Commission, the European Asylum Support Office, and the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees. While the EU is global leader in resettlement of refugees, protection needs continue to increase. Commissioner Johansson will also participate in a high-level resettlement forum in July. (For more information: Adalbert Jahnz - Tel.: + 32 229 53156; Ciara Bottomley - Tel.: +32 229 69971; Laura Bérard - Tel.: +32 229 55721) Eurostat press releases MEX/21/1981
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