Florida International University Department of Modern Languages - Fall 2014

La page est créée Melanie Ferrand
Florida International University
                Department of Modern Languages – Fall 2014

FRE 3420-U01 Review Grammar/Writing I
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:30-1:45 PM       CBC142
Dr. Nicolas LOMBART          Office TBD    ph. 305-842-1077
Email: nicolas.lombart@free.fr
Office hours: TR 9:30-10:30 AM and by appointment

Course description: Practice in contemporary usage through selected readings in culture,
literature and civilization. Development of writing and speaking ability in extemporaneous
contexts. The course will be conducted exclusively in the target language.

Course objective & Learning Outcomes: You will develop your writing and speaking skills at
an advanced level in French through composition writing, grammar review and practice, and
discussion of selected readings. At the end of this course you will be able to compose a logical,
organized argument on any given topic using a rich vocabulary and a formal level of language.

Required texts:
Grammaire progressive du français. Niveau Avancé. (2e ed.) by Boularès & Frérot, Clé
International : 2012.
ISBN : 078-2-09-038118-4
Grammaire progressive du français. Niveau Avancé. Corrigés. (2e ed.) by Boularès & Frérot.
Clé International: 2012
ISBN: 978-2-09-038119-1
Littérature progressive du français. Niveau intermédiaire. (2e ed.) by Blondeau, Allouache &
Né. Clé International : 2013. ISBN: 978-2-09-038147-4
Recommended text:
Dictionnaire des verbes du français actuel: Constructions, emplois, synonymes by L. S. Florea
& C. Fuchs. 2010.
Paris: Editions OPHRYS. ISBN: 9782708012455

Classroom etiquette: Because this is a challenging advanced grammar class, perfect attendance
and punctuality are essential. You are expected to be in class and to be prepared for class. Please
do not hold conversations with classmates when your instructor or another student is speaking.
Also refrain from participating in other distractive behavior. CELL PHONES AND LAPTOPS
MUST BE TURNED OFF AND AWAY FROM YOUR DESK. Your individual attention in
class is a must. An atmosphere of mutual respect is in order. Please be on time and remain for the
entire period. Arriving late and/or leaving early are a distraction to your classmates who are
trying to listen to a lecture or participate in a discussion. If you must be absent one day, you are
still responsible for any assignment given for the next day you come to class. You may want to
be in touch with a couple of reliable classmates who will let you know exactly what you missed
and what is expected from you in case you’re not able to contact me immediately.

Course structure: In this class we will study and analyze all the grammar points presented in
each section of our textbook and we will cover selected exercises within each section. We will
also study six literary texts which will be the topic for the compositions that you will write.

Evaluations: There will be a total of four (4) tests. Each one will cover the material studied up
to that point. You will be tested strictly on grammar use and vocabulary. NO MAKE-UP

Compositions: They will be three (3) in total, typed, font Times New Roman 12, and 2-3 pages
in length. You will turn in a hard copy of these essays in class. They will be largely annotated by
your instructor with remarks and advice for improvement. You will have at least one (1) week to
correct your paper according to the corrections code provided in this syllabus. The sum of the
two drafts –the original version and the corrected one- will make your grade for each paper. The
evaluation criteria will be the following: textual organization, logic of content and supportive
details, vocabulary use, morphological and syntactic use, awareness of your audience, and
mechanics. Being knowledgeable in the French language (native/heritage speakers) does not
guarantee a good grade in itself. Besides the hard copy turned in in class, you will submit these
papers to TURNITIN, an internet-based plagiarism detection service that screens students’
papers for verbatim text and identifies the sources. To do this you will go to www.turnitin.com
and follow the prompts to access our class which was created under the name of FRE 3420
Review Grammar Writing I.

Composition schedule:
September 11 Composition #1 on Marguerite Yourcenar or Simone de Beauvoir
[September 30 for the corrected version]
October 9     Composition #2 on Gustave Flaubert or Stendhal
[October 30 for the corrected version]
November 18 Composition #3 on Montesquieu or Laclos
[December 4 for the corrected version]

Correction symbols:

a              accent
acc            accord
adj            adjectif
adj dém        adjectif démonstratif
adj int        adjectif interrogatif
adv            adverbe
art            article
aux            verbe auxiliaire
comp           comparatif
cond           conditionnel
conj           conjonction
…..?           confus
fém            féminin

fut            futur
imp            imparfait
masc           masculin
nég            négation
ordre          ordre des mots
o              orthographe
p              présent
part pr        participe présent
part pas       participe passé
pc             passé composé
pl             pluriel
pqp            plus-que-parfait
gpr            pronom
prép           prép
sg             singulier
subj.          subjonctif
sup.           superlatif
syn            synonyme
tps            temps verbal
voc            vocabulaire
vp             voix passive

Homework: You will turn in the eight (8) Bilans in our textbook on the dates marked in your
syllabus and you will correct your mistakes according to the answers in the Corrigés/Answer
Key. You will pay attention to not copy the answers straight from the Corrigés because if you do,
neither you nor your instructor will know what needs to be reviewed. The purpose of doing
homework is to practice and self-test. Your grade will not be affected by the number of mistakes
you make, so please do your homework, highlight your mistakes, and then correct them
according to the Corrigés. Also, you might receive differential assignments so that you may
participate more effectively in class discussions.

Activités culturelles: Since language cannot be separated from culture, you will participate in
three (3) of the many cultural activities that Le Cercle Français and Pi Delta Phi will sponsor
throughout the semester. Should you have to engage in a cultural activity other than those
sponsored by our two French student organizations, please discuss it with me for approval.

Grading: In this course your grade will be based on the following:

      Daily preparation & active class participation*         15%
      4 tests                                                 40%
      3 compositions                                          40%
      Activités culturelles                                   5%
*Being absent/late will affect this part of your grade negatively.

Grading scale:

100-94        A
93-90         A-
89-87         B+
86-84         B
83-80         B-
79-77         C+
76-74         C
73-70         C-
69-67         D+
66-64         D
63-60         D-
59-           F

                                            Week 1

                                    Tuesday, August 26
                        Writing Evaluation [Travail écrit d’évaluation]
                                    Introduction to Class
                                  “1. L’article”: pp. 6-11.

                                    Thursday, August 28
                             Remise du travail écrit d’évaluation
                                   “1. L’article”: pp. 12-19.
                      Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 13, 15, 17 et 19.

                                            Week 2

                                      Tuesday, September 2
                        “1. L’article”: bilan et exercices complémentaires.
              Les autres “déterminants”: indéfinis (dont les numéraux cardinaux)
                      et définis (démonstratifs, possessifs) [cours distribué].
   Devoirs: Littérature, texte p. 104 (M. Yourcenar): repérer et expliquer l’usage des articles
            définis et indéfinis dans le texte; repérer ensuite les autres déterminants.

                                    Thursday, September 4
                                   “2. L’adjectif”: pp. 20-25;
                      complément: l’adjectif qualificatif [cours distribué]
Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 21, 23, 25; Littérature, texte p. 104 (M. Yourcenar): repérer
                 tous les adjectifs du texte; complément: la notion d’attribut.
                           Travail préparatoire sur la composition #1

Week 3

                                    Tuesday, September 9
                                “3. Les négations”: pp. 26-29.
Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 27 et 29 et ceux du “Bilan n°1” (pp. 30-33); Littérature, p.
                  122 (S. de Beauvoir): répondre à “Découverte” 1, 2, 3, 4.

                                  Thursday, September 11
                      “4. L’indicatif”: le présent et les passés, pp. 34-37.
                          Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 35 et 37.
                                 Remise de la composition #1

                                            Week 4

                                  Tuesday, September 16
            “4. L’indicatif”: l’imparfait, pp. 38-39 et le passé simple, pp. 42-43.
 Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 39 et 43; Littérature, p. 82 (G. Flaubert): repérer dans le
        texte les verbes conjugués au passé; répondre aux questions des “Activités”.

                                   Thursday, September 18
             “4. L’indicatif”: le passé composé, pp. 40-41 et le futur, pp. 44-45.
Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 41 et 45; Littérature, p. 62 (Stendhal): repérer dans le texte
 tous les verbes conjugués au mode indicatif (présent et passé); répondre aux questions des
                                Correction de la composition #1

                                            Week 5

                                   Tuesday, September 23
                  “4. L’indicatif”: l’antériorité et la postériorité, pp. 46-49.
       Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 47 et 49 et ceux du “Bilan n° 2” (pp. 50-51).
                          Travail préparatoire sur la composition #2

                                  Thursday, September 25
                                  Evaluation 1 [Weeks 15]

                                            Week 6

                                   Tuesday, September 30
                                 “5. Le subjonctif”, pp. 52-57.
                        Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 53, 55 et 57.
                            Remise de la composition #1 corrigée

                                    Thursday, October 2
                                “5. Le subjonctif”, pp. 58-61.
                          Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 59 et 61.

Week 7

                                  Tuesday, October 7
                            “6. Le conditionnel”, pp. 62-67.
   Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp.63, 65 et 67 et ceux du “Bilan n° 3” (pp. 68-69).

                                    Thursday, October 9
                                 “7. L’infinitif”, pp. 70-73.
Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 71 et 73; Littérature, p. 42 (Montesquieu): repérer les
                    infinitifs, et commenter leur usage dans le texte.
                               Remise de la composition #2
                                Correction de l’évaluation 1

                                         Week 8

                                  Tuesday, October 14
           “8. Le participe présent”, pp. 74-75 et “9. Le gérondif”, pp. 76-77.
                       Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 75 et 77.

                                Thursday, October 16
                               Evaluation 2 [Weeks 68]

                                         Week 9

                                   Tuesday, October 21
         “10. L’adjectif verbal”, pp. 78-79 et “11. La forme passive”, pp. 80-83.
                    Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 79, 81 et 83.
                             Correction de la composition #2

                                 Thursday, October 23
  “12. La forme pronominale”, pp. 84-85 et “13. La forme impersonnelle”, pp. 86-87.
    Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 85 et 87, et ceux du “Bilan n° 4” (pp. 88-89).

                                        Week 10

                                 Tuesday, October 28
                         “14. Le discours indirect”, pp. 90-95.
                     Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 91, 93 et 95.

                                Thursday, October 30
                             “15. L’adverbe”, pp. 96-103.
                 Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 97, 99, 101 et 103.
                        Remise de la composition #2 corrigée

Week 11

                                    Tuesday, November 4
                             “16. Les prépositions”, pp. 104-107.
     Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 105 et 107; Littérature, p. 54 (Laclos): repérer les
                               prépositions à et de dans le texte.
                           Travail préparatoire sur la composition #3

                                    Thursday, November 6
                           “16. Les prépositions”, suite pp. 108-111.
     Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 109 et 111, et ceux du “Bilan n° 5” (pp. 112-113);
        Littérature, p. 54 (Laclos): repérer toutes les autres prépositions dans le texte.

                                            Week 12

                                   Tuesday, November 11
                               Veterans Day (University Closed)

                                   Thursday, November 13
                                  Evaluation 3 [Weeks 911]

                                            Week 13

                                  Tuesday, November 18
“18. Les pronoms personnels compléments”, pp. 122-125; rappel: les pronoms personnels sujets
                                     [cours distribué]
                       Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 123 et 125.
                               Remise de la composition #3

                                  Thursday, November 20
                           “17. Les pronoms relatifs”, pp. 114-121.
                 Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 115, 117, 119 et 120-121.

                                            Week 14

                                   Tuesday, November 25
                         “21. L’expression de la cause”, pp. 134-137.
                        Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 135 et 137.
                               Correction de la composition #3

                                  Thursday, November 27
                               Thanksgiving (University Closed)

Week 15

                      Tuesday, December 2
        “22. L’expression de la conséquence”, pp. 138-141.
          Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 139 et 141.

                      Thursday, December 4
“24. L’expression de l’opposition et de la concession”, pp. 148-151.
          Devoirs: préparer les exercices pp. 149 et 151.
               Remise de la composition #3 corrigée

                             Week 16

                 Final Evaluation [Weeks 115]

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