FRE 302: Practical French II - la pratique du français - intermédiaire-avancé - la pratique du français

La page est créée Oceane Vincent
Professeure: Claire Holman
                                                                                   207-650-5835 |
                                                                                Backup contact:
                                                                 Department: Linguistics, 310 Science A, Portland Campus

         FRE 302: Practical French II - la pratique du français - intermédiaire-avancé
                                            Printemps 2021
                      « Le premier instrument du génie d'un peuple, c'est sa langue. »
                                                                      ~ Stendhal
                Horaire: mardi et jeudi 9h00 à 10h40

                Lien permanent Zoom:
Heures des étudiant·es/student hours: Consultez moi! Je suis disponible sur rendez-vous. Généralement je suis libre
après la classe, donc vous pouvez restez sur Zoom.

Course Description/Programme d'études:
        Ce cours au niveau intermédiaire avancé aidera les étudiant·es à affiner leurs compétences en langue française. Le
but du cours est d'aider les étudiant·es à améliorer leur expression orale et écrite. Les étudiant·es qui réussissent dans ce
cours démontreront une capacité de communication durable, une forte connaissance de stratégies de communication
efficaces, et une croissance de la pensée critique dans la langue cible.
        Le FRE 302 comprend un fort contenu culturel dont l’objet principal est la découverte et la compréhension de la
Francophonie (la continuation du FRE 301). Nous allons approfondir nos connaissances du monde francophone à travers
des films, la lecture, la musique et des actualités.
Fournitures requises/Required Materials-
    1. La culture francophone - le monde à l'écoute par Astride A. Billat et Bénédicte M. Boisseron, Hackett
       Publishing, 2016. Vous pouvez l’acheter sur l'internet ou à travers la librairie virtuelle de USM:|3213945&c1=FRE&c2=301&c3=&c4=&ll=2&pv=,

    2. Alliance Française du Maine - - adhésion pour une année - annual
       membership - prix spécial pour étudiant·es - $10. Accès illimité pendant 18 mois pour la lecture, les vidéos, les
       balados et plus . Unlimited access to required online reading/media site, Culturethèque,,
       plus other member benefits - good for 18 months.
    3. Dictionnaire: $5-$6 au App Store ou Google Play: Dictionnaire anglais-français, français-anglais Larousse.
       iphone: or Android:

Autres fournitures/other materials
    1. Un cahier -- pour les dictées et les travaux in class/dictations and class work (to be submitted by photo upload)
    2. Un stylo à couleur rouge (ou autre couleur vive). De temps en temps, vous enverrez une photo de vos corrections.

Objectifs d'apprentissage - Learning Outcomes
    1. Approfondir ses connaissances du monde francophone au niveau de la culture, des origines et de l'actualité.
    2. Renforcer ses compétences en grammaire et structure de la langue française.
    3. Améliorer sa capacité de s'exprimer à l'écrit et apprendre à mieux rédiger des compositions écrites en français.
4. Apprendre à lire en français de manière efficace et avec plaisir à travers un programme de lecture extensive.
    5. Découvrir la joie de s’exprimer dans une autre langue avec de plus en plus de confiance et de précision.


 Attendance & Punctuality/assistance et ponctualité*           15%

 Participation en classe*                                      20%

 Lecture, chansons, films/Reading, songs, films                20%

 Devoirs, écriture, journal                                    20%

 Examens & petits examens                                      25%
 TOTAL                                                         100%
* Observez que les numéros 1 et 2 sont interdépendants.

Une réflexion sur la participation sur Zoom
    1. Pour apprendre une langue, nous devons communiquer et comprendre. Cela signifie travailler ensemble et il est
       beaucoup plus facile de travailler ensemble quand nous nous sentons à l'aise. C’est pour cela que j'essaie de créer
       dans la classe un sentiment de communauté qui nous permet de communiquer en français avec le moins de stress
    2. Garder votre caméra allumée est en fait un bon moyen de réduire le sentiment d'isolement et de maintenir votre
       motivation. Voici un excellent article à ce sujet d'une université suisse:
    3. Veuillez prévoir de laisser votre caméra allumée et de rester engagé·e autant que possible. Cela vous aidera à
       apprendre et en même temps aidera toute la classe. Et bien sûr, n'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous rencontrez des
       obstacles qui vous empêchent de participer pleinement.
A Note on Participation via Zoom
    1. To learn a language we must communicate and understand. That means working together. It’s much easier to
       work together if we get to know each other enough so that we can feel at ease. That’s why one of my goals is to
       create a sense of community in the class -- so we can feel reasonably comfortable communicating in French.
    2. Keeping your camera on is actually a good way to reduce that feeling of isolation and to keep up your motivation.
       Here’s an excellent article on this topic from a Swiss university:
    3. Please plan to keep your camera on and to stay engaged as much as possible. It helps you to learn and it helps the
       whole class. Please feel free to let me know if you face any obstacles to participating fully.

Les points supplémentaires - Extra Credit
Les options pour les points sont expliquées ici -
Tutoring and Conversation Table - Aide aux étudiants et la Table de conversation
Le Département de linguistique vous propose de l’aide et une table de conversation (crédit possible). The Linguistics
Departments offers free language tutoring and a French conversation table (also available for credit. See below). Horaire
du tutorat - Tutor schedules - à venir bientôt - coming soon!
FRE 150 Language Conversation Table -
Mercredi de 14h à 15h [2- 3 pm Wednesdays] - à distance                   → Voici le lien Zoom:
Students participate in a one-hour weekly language table where they practice conversational skills in a group. Come one,
come all - no appointment or plan needed. The group is led by a fluent speaker. Students of all levels are welcome. To
take this course for credit, sign up for FRE 150. If you ask me, I can have the department head sign you up in a
flash!! This course is pass/fail and may be repeated. No homework. Attend 8 sessions to pass. Credits = .05

Présence et devoirs tardifs - Attendance and Late Work
You may turn in assignments early. However, work submitted after an assignment due date, unless otherwise cleared by
the instructor, will be penalized. Assignments submitted more than 5 days late without prior contact with the instructor
will not be accepted. Only one absence will be permitted without a negative impact on grades. Students who are late
(more than 5 minutes) are marked as “late arrivals.” Three late arrivals equal one absence (“L”). Students who leave early
or leave the session for more than a very brief period will also be marked “L”. In the event of serious illness or other
major occurrence, please speak to me personally so that we can find a reasonable solution.

Withdrawal from the Course
    ●    Last day to drop for 100% refund (classes 12 weeks or longer), Sunday, February 7.
    ●    Last day to drop for a grade of "W" (courses 12 weeks or longer) Friday, March 26.
    ●    USM Academic Calendar (includes scheduled breaks) and USM’s Add/Drop and Withdrawal Policies.

Inclement Weather and Class Cancellations
From time to time, USM will close the university due to inclement weather. When the cancellation is for an entire day, the
class content will be made up at another time or through additional, outside-of-class assignments. Be sure to sign up for
USM alerts:
When the university opens late or closes early and the time selected is during the middle of class, we will still hold the
class unless you are otherwise notified by me. Two examples:
    ● If class starts at 11am, but the University is closing at noon, we will still have class unless you hear from me.
    ●    If class starts at 11am but the University is opening at noon, we will still have class unless you hear from me.

La technologie et l’aide - Technology Requirements and Help
    1. Brightspace - For Information using Brightspace:
          a. Get the Brightspace app and turn on notifications!
    2. Technology Support Center - If you are having technical problems the USM IT service is very helpful:
    3. Computer Access: Participants will need a reliable PC or a Mac with the latest version of a web browser. In
         addition, you will need a broadband Internet connection (DSL or faster).
Effective Zoom Practices
    1.   Keep the video turned on during the class Zoom session.
    2.   Keep your microphone muted when you are not speaking.
    3.   Raise your hand to ask a question, and respond visually when the teacher asks if you understand.
    4.   Remember that the chat function saves everything, including messages between individuals!
See also:

Academic Integrity / Plagiarism
Everyone associated with the University of Southern Maine is expected to adhere to the principles of academic integrity
central to the academic function of the university. Any breach of academic integrity represents a serious offense. Each
student has a responsibility to know the standards of conduct and expectations of academic integrity that apply to
academic tasks. Violations of student academic integrity include any actions that attempt to promote or enhance the
academic standing of any student by dishonest means. Cheating on an examination, stealing the words or ideas of another
(i.e., plagiarism), making statements known to be false or misleading, falsifying the results of one's research, improperly
using library materials or computer files, or altering or forging academic records are examples of violations of this policy
which are contrary to the academic purposes for which the University exists. Acts that violate academic integrity disrupt
the educational process and are not acceptable.
Evidence of a violation of the academic integrity policy will normally result in disciplinary action. A copy of the complete
policy may be obtained from the Dean of Students Office website at
mediation/academic-integrity or by calling and requesting a copy at (207) 780-5242.

Course Evaluations
At the end of each semester, every student has the opportunity to provide constructive feedback on their courses. It is
important to me that you take the time to let me know your thoughts about the course. I use your feedback to make
improvements to the course materials, assignments, and outcomes.

MaineStreet: Getting your grades, checking your USM bill
          USM communicates with students through its MaineStreet Web page at: You need
your student ID and password to log into this system. This is the way to find out about your bill. USM does not send any
bills or late payment notices in the mail. You must check MaineStreet. This is also the way to find out your grades, your
course schedule and other information.

University Policies & Support Resources
ADA & Electronic Accessibility Notification & Accommodations
The university is committed to providing students with documented disabilities equal access to all university programs and
services. If you think you have a disability and would like to request accommodations, you must register with the
Disability Services Center (DSC). Timely notification is essential. You can reach the Disability Services Center by phone
at 207-780-4706 or by email at If you have already received a faculty accommodation letter from
the DSC, please provide me with that information and make an appointment so that we can review your accommodations.
Learning Commons
Tutoring at USM is for all students, not just those who are struggling. Tutoring provides active feedback and practice, and
is available for writing, math, and many more subjects.
For best service, we recommend making an appointment at:
     ● Questions about tutoring should be directed to Naamah Jarnot at 207-780-4554.
     ● Interested in becoming a more effective, efficient learner? Check out!

Counseling is available for USM students. The best way to schedule an appointment is to email
More information is available on the University Health and Counseling Services website.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The University of Southern Maine is an EEO/AA employer, and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability,
genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following
person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Sarah E. Harebo, Director of Equal
Opportunity, 101 North Stevens Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711 (Maine
Relay System).

Statement of Religious Observance for Students
Absence for Religious Holy Days: The University of Southern Maine respects the religious beliefs of all members of the
community, affirms their rights to observe significant religious holy days, and will make reasonable accommodations,
upon request, for such observances. If a student’s religious observance is in conflict with the academic experience, they
should inform their instructor(s) of the class or other school functions that will be affected. It is the student’s responsibility
to make the necessary arrangements mutually agreed upon with the instructor(s).

Title IX Statement
The University of Southern Maine is committed to making our campuses safer places for students. Because of this
commitment, and our federal obligations, faculty and other employees are considered mandated reporters when it comes
to experiences of interpersonal violence (sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, and stalking).
Disclosures of interpersonal violence must be passed along to the University’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator who can help
provide support and academic remedies for students who have been impacted. More information can be found online at
the web address below or by contacting Sarah E. Holmes at or 207-780-5767.
If students want to speak with someone confidentially, the following resources are available on and off campus:
University Counseling Services (207-780-4050); 24 Hour Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-871-7741); 24 Hour Domestic
Violence Hotline (1-866-834-4357).

Student Data Retention
Your account is issued to you for as long as you are a student of this or any other University of Maine System
campus. There are various limits on how long IT can retain data you have stored through this account depending on which
services you have used. We encourage you to visit for full details on account policies.
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