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La lettre de l’ATIBT SPÉCIAL PLANTATIONS EN ZONES TROPICALES Situation actuelle des plantations d’eucalyptus au Brésil Recent development of plantation forest in China Forest Plantation in Indonesia Plantation Forestry in South Africa Coniferous plantations in Queensland En partenariat avec
Atibt 1 Vie de l’ATIBT Sommaire Edito...................................... 3 Plantations dans le monde........ 4 Clonal planting......................... 6 Brésil..................................... 8 Argentina............................... 10 China..................................... 12 Indonesia................................ 14 South Africa............................ 16 Queensland............................. 18 Vietnam................................. 22 Malaysia................................. 24 Biotechnologies....................... 26 Australia................................ 28 Tropical and Subtropical............ 30 Stake of Intensively................... 32 Ghana.................................... 34 Avenir.................................... 36 Coordonnées auteurs............... 38 Décembre 2009 2
Edito Les forêts plantées couvrent environ 271 millions d’hectares (FAO, 2006), soit seulement 7 % des superficies boisées mondiales. Mais, contrairement aux forêts naturelles, elles continuent à s’étendre et leur contribution à la production mondiale de bois dépasse dès à présent 65 %. On peut distinguer plusieurs phases dans la mise en place des forêts plantées industrielles. Dès les années 20 et 30, l’Afrique du Sud, le Chili et la Nouvelle –Zélande ont entamé des programmes à grande échelle de plantations d’essences exotiques à croissance rapide. Après la première guerre mondiale, le Japon, la Corée et la Chine ont lancé des programmes d’afforestation de grande ampleur. Dans les régions tro- picales, le boom des plantations a eu lieu dans les années 70 et 80, principalement en Amérique du Sud. Mais alors que précédemment ce secteur était essentiellement étatique, il s’agit ici d’initiatives privées qui ont largement investi dans la Recherche- Développement. Les biotechnologies développées sur un petit nombre d’espèces, mais un grand nombre de clones, ont permis des gains permanents de productivité, assurant une meilleure rentabilité aux investissements forestiers. La concentration industrielle, la sécurisation des approvisionnements en matériau bois et l’adaptation aux demandes du marché (grâce à la Recherche-Développement et à la brièveté des révolutions) sont également des facteurs explicatifs de cette success story. Les grandes plantations monospécifiques sont bien entendu exposées à des risques, tels que les attaques d’insectes, les maladies et les incendies. Leur impact sur la biodiversité et sur les communautés humaines locales peut localement s’avérer désastreux. Certes, des efforts importants en matière de conception et de gestion des plantations ont été réalisés pour atténuer ces risques mais beaucoup reste à faire en ce domaine. A l’opposé, le recours aux plantations intensives pour satisfaire les besoins grandissants en bois industriels de nos sociétés modernes, devrait permettre une diminution sensible de la pression exercée sur les forêts naturelles. A l’avenir, un équilibre devra être trouvé entre la gestion durable des forêts na- turelles et les plantations industrielles, tenant compte notamment du financement des écosystèmes (par exemple via le REDD) et des politiques mises en place pour la gestion durable des forêts tropicales. Dans tous les cas, les plantations devraient voir leur rôle agrandi, en particulier en lien avec la fourniture de bois-énergie, et à terme probablement pour la production de carburant ligno-cellulosique. Enfin, tenant compte du rôle grandissant des plantations pour la production de bois d’œuvre (teck, pins, acacias et eucalyptus) et du potentiel pour les plantations en forêts tropicales semi-naturelles, nous y reviendrons plus longuement dans d’autres numéros. Willy DELVINGT Bernard CASSAGNE Président de l’ATIBT Président de la Commission Forêt 3
Atibt Les plantations forestières Evolution dans les Régions chaudes Dr. Bernard Martin - Expert consultant Evolutions depuis les années 70 les acacias (Asie du Sud Est) et le d’une extension de 50 millions d’ha Teck qui se prête bien aux biotech- (à 20 m3/ha/an) au cours des 25 Depuis une quarantaine d’an- nologies (Asie du Sud-Est, Amérique prochaines années, pour produire nées, les plantations forestières latine). le milliard de m3 supplémentaire sont l’objet d’une véritable révolu- qui permettrait de couvrir à 80% tion, en particulier dans les régions nos besoins en bois. L’effort annuel chaudes. Privatisation, intégration correspondant serait de 2 millions et intensification ont transformé ce d’ha de plantations, nettement infé- secteur classiquement étatique et rieur à l’augmentation actuelle des à faible productivité en un domaine plantations qui est de 2,5 millions très dynamique, attirant les in- d’ha/an (dont 1,5 million pour la vestisseurs. Ce développement a Chine, seule). Cet effort concernera surtout commencé avec la possi- Parcelle monoclonale d’Eucalyptus « PF1 » surtout les zones tropicales ou la bilité de cloner les eucalyptus, fruit (hybride naturel) à 9 ans (UAIC-Congo-1990). dynamique est plus active et qui re- des recherches du CTFT en 1973 Dynamique des plantations. présentent déjà 30% des surfaces (B.MARTIN et G. QUILLET au Congo, plantées dans le monde. Enfin, bien sur les traces d’André FRANCLET A partir des statistiques de la que le secteur public reste impor- en Afrique du Nord). Outre la grande FAO en 2005, B.J. Carle et P. Holm- tant dans certains pays asiatiques homogénéité des plantations, le gren (2008) déclarent que les 205 (Indonésie, Chine, etc.), les planta- clonage a permis la multiplication millions d’ha de plantations fores- tions modernes sont surtout le fait d’arbres exceptionnels, souvent tières mondiales de production qui des entreprises privées, tendance hybrides, très difficiles à repro- ne représentent pourtant que 5,2% qui ne fait que se renforcer. duire par graines. Les plantations de la surface totale forestière, four- clonales d’eucalyptus, à grande nissent déjà 66% de tout le bois Evolution de la demande en bois échelle, ont commencé en 1978, consommé par les industries. Les La ligniculture se caractérise, tant au Brésil (ARACRUZ SA) qu’au perspectives vont même jusqu’à non seulement par des rotations Congo (UAIC), poussant la plupart une prévision de 80% en 2030 courtes et une productivité élevée, des grandes sociétés papetières à (R.A. SEDJO - 2001), confirmant mais également par des offres investir dans la Recherche-Dévelop- la prédominance croissante des massives de petits bois homogènes pement. En concentrant beaucoup bois plantés sur les bois naturels. correspondant parfaitement à la d’efforts sur un très petit nombre En effet, la possibilité en bois, des demande industrielle (pâte à pa- d’espèces, des gains génétiques forêts naturelles gérées durable- pier et panneaux). De plus, toute et sylvicoles très élevés ont été ment, n’est pas extensible, et, dans nouvelle avancée technologique, obtenus, entraînant un important les pays développés, la demande comme au Brésil avec la production développement de la ligniculture. alternative autre que le bois, aug- de sciages d’eucalyptus de qualité Parties des régions subtropicales mente. De plus, le défrichement (Lyptus d’ARACRUZ), contribue tou- peu boisées, plus sûres pour les en zone tropicale se poursuit (13 jours davantage à la promotion de industriels et plus favorables aux millions d’ha par an) tandis que ces « fast wood » (Cossalter et al, pins et aux eucalyptus (essences les surfaces protégées s’accrois- 2003), dans un monde de matière pionnières à croissance rapide bien sent régulièrement (+ 32% depuis première en pleine mutation où les adaptées à la recolonisation des 1990). Dans ces conditions, toute conditions d’obtention priment de terrains nus), les plantations fores- augmentation de la demande en bois plus en plus sur le résultat obtenu. tières intensives progressent main- ne peut être satisfaite que par les C’est ainsi que l’évolution du secteur tenant vers les zones tropicales en plantations et comme celles-ci sont privé traduit une double tendance, intégrant d’autres essences comme de plus en plus intensives, il suffirait le secteur papetier se diversifiant >>> 4
dans le monde vers le bois d’œuvre et le secteur condition de respecter les règles Tout en préservant une diversité du bois d’œuvre commençant à de gestion durable, les retombées génétique suffisante et le bon état créer ses propres plantations. Mais seront nombreuses tant au plan sanitaire des arbres, les possibili- les progrès les plus attendus en environnemental (réduction de la tés d’augmenter la productivité des matière de bois pourraient bien être pression sur les forêts naturelles, plantations sont très grandes, tant d’ordre énergétique, renforçant protection des sols, lutte contre en matière d’amélioration génétique ainsi la place qu’il tient dans toute l’effet de serre par séquestration (sélection, croisements contrôlés, politique de développement durable. du carbone atmosphérique) que hybridations et clonage) que de mi- Alors que déjà, 40% de tout le bois social (développement des zones nibouturage (de Assis 2001) et de produit dans le monde est trans- rurales et création d’emplois directs sylviculture. En cas d’attaque para- formé en énergie (bois de feu ou et indirects). sitaire, le clonage s’est également de charbon de bois), des formes révélé comme une arme très effi- Importance de la Recherche plus élaborées ont vu le jour dans cace pour multiplier les génotypes Développement (R&D). les pays riches, aussi bien pour les résistants. Les pins, plus difficiles à particuliers (chauffage central au En développant la ligniculture, rajeunir, font l’objet de croisements bois, individuel ou collectif, à partir les Sociétés papetières, notamment contrôlés industriels ou de « bulk- de bûches, de plaquettes ou de en Amérique du Sud à partir de propagation » (bouturage en vrac granulés), que pour les industriels l’Eucalyptus, mais aussi beaucoup des meilleurs semis contrôlés) ; (centrales de cogénération produi- d’autres organisations, telles que chez les conifères qui ne rejettent sant à la fois chaleur et électricité). la CAFSA (Coopérative Agricole et pas de souche, le développement En dehors des grandes centrales Forestières Sud Atlantique) forte de de clones séparés est plus rare et couplées aux grandes industries ses 50 ans d’expérience sur le pin fait appel à l’embryogénèse soma- du bois, on trouve aussi la micro- maritime en France, ont montré la tique (Australie). Beaucoup d’efforts cogénération, solution attractive très grande efficacité de la R&D. ont également été faits en matière pour beaucoup de petites industries de mécanisation de la forestières très décentralisées, pro- récolte, de débardage duisant de grandes quantités de et de transport. Toutes déchets de bois, et ayant besoin ces techniques peuvent de chaleur (séchage de leur pro- être appliquées à beau- duction) et d’électricité. La vraie coup d’autres espèces révolution devrait cependant venir mais cela nécessite des des « lignocarburants », biocarbu- efforts de Recherche. rants dits de « seconde génération » Il faut un peu moins de fabriqués à partir de la biomasse 10 ans pour développer et en particulier le bois. Quoiqu’il des plantations mixtes en soit, le meilleur modèle restera ou énergétiques, ac- celui de plantations mixtes où compagnées par une tout est utilisé durablement (bois R&D efficace. Il n’y a d’œuvre, petits bois et déchets). donc pas de temps à Si le pétrole cher nous fait entrer perdre. directement dans l’ère des ligno- carburants, les PVD à larges dis- ponibilités en « savanes humides » s’en trouveront très avantagés par leur main d’œuvre bon marché. A Test clonal de Teck à 3 ans (SODEFOR-2001-Côte d’Ivoire) 5
Atibt Clonal planting of eucalyptus in Brazil An amazing accomplishment Edgard Campinhos - Forest Engineer There are several techniques State) with the purpose of starting a The company decided to collect to propagate vegetables asexually; Eucalyptus bleached pulp plant, pres- seeds in Australia (E. grandis) and i.e. without using their seeds such ently Aracruz Celulose S/A. in Timor (E. urophylla) according to as grafting, layering, tissue culture, their origin : ecological conditions Three species were chosen rooting cuttings, etc. All these meth- more similar to their activity areas such as Eucalyptus urophylla, E. ods are called cloning which means to develop a large program of ge- grandis and E. Saligna. The seeds that clones are the whole of all ra- netic improvement. E. saligna was used were those from Rio Claro`s mets (which are the new plants) already discharged due to ecological tree farm as well as the technology genetically the same as the ortet incompatibility. In 1973 the company for production of the seedlings which or mother plant (which is the initial started its first mission to Australia did not achieve the expected result selected tree of the clone). These and Timor. Contacts were made with in the region of Aracruz - sowing in mother plants must gather charac- CSIRO researchers in Canberra that seed-beds for seedling transplanta- teristics e qualities that are superior indicated origins more appropriate tion prepared with soil and manure. and appropriate and thus there is for E.grandis. The CSIRO researcher, Diseases were frequent. interest in perpetuating them by the Peter Burgess, in Coff’s Harbour cloning process in order to offer the After many tests inorganic soil (NSW) at the research laboratory client qualified products. Mother began to be used from subsoil en- showed us the result of vegeta- plants can be selected among de- riched with N-P-K in plastic bags, tive propagation by stake rooting scendants from controlled crosses sowing directly in the package, ger- of Eucalyptus. This research was or by selection in native populations mination and growing at the sun. developed by the French research- or in seminal plantings. There were no more diseases in ers Bernard Martin and Georges the nursery and the seedlings were Quillet from Congo Brazaville and What happened to Eucalyptus in rusticated in order to make them before that by André Franclet in Brazil ? more resistant and to respond to the North Africa. Aracruz researcher The agronomist Edmundo Na- irrigation planting process. This sys- saw at this research farm one line of varro de Andrade, from Estrada de tem was developed by the company E. grandis containing approximately Ferro Paulista (Railroad Paulista) and this made possible the planting 20 15-meter-high trees, perfectly brought from Australia and Indone- of Eucalyptus seedlings in the field the same. These were trees cloned sia a collection of dozen of Eucalyp- during the whole year (with or with- from the same mother tree which tus species about a hundred year out rain) as well as the permanent clones were produced by Professor ago. This collection was planted at working of the nursery during the Lindsay Pryor from CSIRO in Can- a tree farm in Rio Claro (São Paulo) year. This occurred in 1969/1970 berra. So, researchers from Aracruz aiming to select the best species to and it became possible to optimize could start using superior hybrids produce fire wood for locomotives the planting of thousands of hect- that shown up in established plant- and sleepers for the railway line. ares during each year, systematically ings with seeds from Rio Claro. Natural crosses happened among perfect. Back to Brazil, the researcher the species. Plantings were made The plantings grew and they immediately start from B. Martin with these hybrid seeds along the were very heterogeneous with fail- & G. Quillet publication on “Bois et years and in several places in Brazil. ures and diseases specially canker Forêts des Tropiques” revue (1974). In 1966 the Federal Government (Cryphonectria cubensis) due to the He built a nursery house with inter- created an Incentive for Reforesta- low genetic quality of the seeds. But mittent mist irrigation and begun a tion and many projects were made in E. grandis e E. urophylla plantings selection of hybrid trees (natural) using Eucalyptus and Pinus mainly. they presented excellent shape, vol- and afterwards their vegetative Among these projects there was ume and good health. We knew it propagation by rooting of cuttings Aracruz Florestal S/A, established would be impossible to get good re- with AIB (indol-butyric acid) and thus at the city of Aracruz (Espirito Santo sults using seeds from those trees. taking control of this technology. >>> 6
Researches of species and with the same equipment, due to the origins took place with the seeds wood quality improvement - 400,000 brought from Australia (E.grandis) t/year to 500,000 t/year. and Timor (E. urophylla). Preliminary The researcher Charles Hodges results came after 4 years and from from Hawaii offered Aracruz Florestal them decisions could be made con- a new model of container for produc- cerning the best origins and new ing of seedlings (a plastic conic tube) crops. Four more trips to Austra- that is know in Brazil as “little tube” lia were taken. Afterwards family for seedlings and cuttings, as well as progeny tests were made as well all technology for its use. A system as selection of the best subjects in for clonal propagation by rooting cut- each family and seed orchards were tings was created to large scale pro- established including an orchard for duction. These technologies begun production of E. grandis x E. urophylla to be used for other companies in hybrids. It became known as “Euca- Brazil and abroad as time moved on. lyptus urograndis”. Thanks to this development and A program of genetic improve- to the innovative board of directors by ment like that takes from 20 to 25 investing in research and technology, years while a clonally propagation the research team was awarded the program by stake rooting is almost Marcus Wallenberg Prize in 1984 immediate especially today where the in Falun (Sweden) by H.M. King Carl whole system is highly developed with XVI Gustaf. This award recognizes, technological variations and sophisti- stimulates and encourages forest cated nursery houses. A laboratory scientific advances that contribute to was also established in the company development of industries attached for analysis of wood basic density to forests. Thus, Brazil became a and pulp yield. Other characteristics world leader in the production of of approved matrix wood were mea- short fiber bleached pulp from Eu- sured in the laboratories of the pulp calyptus. mill. On first step, 6000 trees were selected to choose mother trees, considering volume, shape, sticks, percentage of bark, re-growing, root- ing, density, pulp, extractives, etc. On October 31st 1978, the starting day of the pulp mill in Barra do Riacho 3 million ramets had been planted. The Annual Medium Incre- ment (IMA) from the seminal forest (with the seeds from Rio Claro) was 25m3 solid e became do 45m3 solid with the clone plantings of su- perior mother trees. Pulp productiv- ity became from 5,60 t/ha/year to 12,00 t/ha/year. Another posi- tive issue was the performance and productivity improvement of the mill 7
Atibt Situation actuelle Des plantations d’eucalyptus au Brésil Professeur Sebastião Renato Valverde L’eucalyptus est une espèce tional de produits comme la cellulose, que la sidérurgie du Minas Gerais. arborée appartenant à la famille les panneaux MDF, MDP et autres. Jusqu’à la fin des années 1990, la des Myrtacées, originaire princi- sylviculture de l’eucalyptus se résu- En termes d’améliorations palement d’Australie. Plus de 670 mait pratiquement à une gestion en technique et génétique, l’eucalyp- espèces connues présentent autant taillis simple. En d’autres termes, tus a été et est encore celui qui de qualités de bois différentes. Au chaque plantation était intégrale- a le mieux répondu aux investisse- Brésil, la culture de l’eucalyptus à ment exploitée tous les 7 ans, pour ments de recherche, tout au long échelle commerciale a débuté dès la production de rondins destinés, des quarante dernières années de 1904, avec les travaux de l’agro- soit à la cellulose, soit au charbon. plantation commerciale. Sa pro- nome sylviculteur Edmundo Navarro A cette époque, ce modèle de sylvi- ductivité a évolué de 20 m3/ha/an de Andrade et visait à répondre à culture montrait déjà ses limites et dans les années 1970, à 40 m3/ la demande en bois de chauffe de laissait place à une gestion à usages ha/an dans la décennie actuelle. la Compagnie de Chemins de Fer multiples par taillis sous futaie, Très probablement, il arrivera à 50 de São Paulo. Avec l’adoption de la régime dans lequel l’exploitation du m3/ha/an dans la prochaine décen- loi accordant des subventions aux taillis à la rotation de 4 ans pour la nie. Il y a encore beaucoup à faire reboisements (1965 à 1988), la production de bois énergie, n’était zone de plantation de l’eucalyptus et à développer, en particulier en que partielle et durait jusqu’à 18 au Brésil est passée de 500 000 matière de biotechnologie et pour ou 20 ans, date de la coupe rase ha à 3 millions hectares. bon nombre d’espèces. de la futaie pour la production de Ces subventions, bien que limi- Les plantations d’eucalyptus grumes, l’objectif étant d’obtenir un tées dans le temps, ont contribué se caractérisent par des risques plus grand profit sachant que le prix à une plus grande participation du associés élevés à long terme et des grumes est plus intéressant secteur forestier brésilien dans le par un prix du bois, faible, en rai- que celui des rondins. PIB, tant au niveau de la création son de l’existence d’un marché en- Une fois que la rentabilité fores- d’emplois, que de la génération de core sous concurrence imparfaite tière de l’eucalyptus a commencé à revenus, d’impôts, de devises et lequel, néanmoins, tend actuelle- augmenter, sa culture s’est dissémi- d’infrastructures. Du point de vue ment à se normaliser, étant donné née dans le reste du Brésil, même environnemental, une diminution de l’augmentation de la demande en dans des régions à faible demande la pression sur les forêts naturelles bois de ces dernières années et la en bois. Récemment, la culture de ainsi qu’une meilleure protection de la réduction de l’offre du fait de l’arrêt l’eucalyptus s’est étendue jusque faune, de la flore, des ressources en de la politique de subvention. dans la région Nord où, paradoxa- eau et des sols, ont été observées. En tant qu’espèce exotique, lement, se trouve la plus grande Parmi la large gamme varié- l’eucalyptus présente plusieurs forêt tropicale du monde. Outre le tale, les espèces les plus plantées points positifs au Brésil : il existe pôle sidérurgique à charbon végétal, commercialement sont Eucalyptus peu de restrictions légales quant à dans le Sud de l’Etat du Pará, deux grandis, saligna, urophylla, camaldu- sa coupe, il peut être planté à divers projets d’industries de cellulose doi- lensis, cloeziana, citriodora, pellita, endroits et à diverses échelles, et il vent s’implanter dans cette région, globulus et les hybrides urograndis est à l’origine de productions très grâce aux producteurs locaux. (urophylla x grandis) et urocam (uro- diverses (bois de feu, charbon, cel- Malheureusement, le dévelop- phylla x camaldulensis). lulose, piquets, poteaux, traverses, pement des plantations d’eucalyptus meubles, matériaux de construc- Fort de la rapide croissance au Brésil fait l’objet de plusieurs cri- tion, miel, huiles, tanins, etc.). de ses plantations d’eucalyptus, tiques infondées et basées sur des atteignant des productivités de 40 Au début, les plantations de mythes comme celui qui prétend que à 50m3/ha/an, soit environ 10 fois cette espèce se sont concentrées l’eucalyptus dessèche le sol, réduit supérieures à celle des pays leaders dans la région Sud-Est du Brésil pour la fertilité, etc. Ces critiques ont été de ce marché, le Brésil gagne des approvisionner les industries de cel- complètement réfutées par les Insti- positions clés sur le marché interna- lulose et de charbon végétal, ainsi tuts de Recherche et les Universités >>> 8
qui ont démontré leur manque de chés existants ainsi que l’émer- ment du coke (charbon minéral). fondement par des expériences et gence de nouveaux marchés tant L’exemple classique est celui du des observations sur site. intérieur qu’extérieurs pour des projet du Groupe Plantar (sidérur- produits issus principalement des gie et forêt). Avec l’eucalyptus, le Brésil est bois de plantation… Au Brésil, les le pays qui possède le plus grand En résumé, les perspectives industries de la cellulose grandissent avantage concurrentiel sur le pour la culture de l’eucalyptus au malgré la crise financière mondiale. marché international, grâce, aux Brésil sont très favorables, d’au- De nouveaux produits ont fait leur conditions naturelles favorisant la tant plus que l’objectif national, est apparition, comme les panneaux croissance rapide des plantations, d’occuper sur le marché interna- MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) à une gestion très compétente, aux tional, et pour les autres produits et OSB (Oriented Strand Board). Le techniques élaborées de sylviculture forestiers (MDF, MDP, OSB, etc.), la bois d’eucalyptus qui était utilisé sur- et aux gains génétiques très élevés même position élevée qu’il occupe tout pour la production de charbon des programmes d’amélioration. aujourd’hui pour la cellulose. En et de cellulose, commence à être L’exemple de l’industrie de la cellu- effet, comme nous l’avons présenté utilisé aussi pour le sciage, la me- lose, une des plus fortes du secteur ci-dessus, seul le Brésil réunit à la nuiserie, la construction civile. Tout forestier, donne une idée de cette fois une croissance forestière aussi indique qu’il n’y a plus de restrictions compétitivité : le Brésil présente les vertigineuse et des conditions aussi techniques à son utilisation. coûts de production de la cellulose, favorables pour la poursuite de cette les plus bas du monde. En compa- Néanmoins, l’augmentation de expansion. L’avenir nous le dira. raison avec les principaux acteurs la demande en bois d’eucalyptus n’a de ce marché, on s’aperçoit que le pas été suivie par une augmenta- prix du bois au Brésil est à moins de tion parallèle des surfaces plantées. la moitié du prix de son plus proche Le fait est qu’avec la fin de la po- concurrent. litique de subvention des reboise- ments en 1988, et jusqu’à la fin Bien que les perspectives du des années 1990, le taux d’aug- commerce international soient mentation des surfaces plantées au prometteuses, cet effort doit être Brésil a été pratiquement nul, alors poursuivi car d’autres pays ont que l’augmentation de la demande cherché à emporter des parts de pour ce bois a continué à croître. ce marché et, ainsi, à menacer une Cela a contraint à consommer le probable hégémonie brésilienne. bois d’anciens peuplements fores- C’est le cas de la Chine, de l’Inde tiers très éloignés et déclarés non et de l’Indonésie. D’où la nécessité viables, ainsi que le bois de jeunes pour le secteur forestier brésilien plantations en pleine croissance. de ne pas s’accommoder de la situation présente et de continuer Outre les débouchés concrets à progresser, de façon agressive des plantations d’eucalyptus, les et compétente, comme il l’a tou- industries forestières brésiliennes jours fait. Parmi les opportunités de ont investi, avec ces plantations, progrès de la sylviculture brési- dans le marché des crédits car- lienne, il y a l’utilisation toujours plus bone, conformément aux projets répandue et meilleure des biotech- MDP du Protocole de Kyoto. Cela nologies forestières. concerne principalement les unités sidérurgiques à base de charbon Au fil du temps, le marché des végétal, étant donné leur meilleur produits forestiers, tant domestique équilibre environnemental, en com- qu’international évoluent de façon paraison avec celles qui consom- significative. L’expansion des mar- 9
Atibt The plantations in Argentina Past, present and future Luis Carpineti Brief socioeconomic panorama of Argentina 90% of Argentina’s population (with 38.7 million inhabitants since 2003) live in urban areas. The popu- lation density is 13.4 inhabitants per km2. Argentina’s 2003 annual growth rate was 1.05%.The country has a great variety of natural resources but the economical situation worsened in January 2001 with the consumers and producers’s loss of confidence. The efforts made in order to reach zero deficit failed. Argentina has different potential ways of development in the forest sector that are widely explored (for exemple natural and planted forests) but the current forestry policy lacks Strategic Development Plans. Current Situation of the forestry sector Argentina’s forest plantations cover 1,11 million ha that’s 3,4% of the 33 million ha of total forest area. The Law 25080 gives a frame for the development and regulation of forest activities for a period of at least 10 years in order to increase the forest surface area. Planted Forest Misiones, Corrientes and Entre Rios provinces as well as the delta of the Parana River cover 80% of the whole planted surface. This allowed a projection work up to 2020 in theses provinces. Surface of the different provinces with planted forests. Information updated up to 2002 Province/region- conifers eucaliptus salicaceas others TOTAL (Ha) Misiones 313,721 24,911 0 46,316 384,948 Corrientes 232,461 95,773 0 810 329,044 Buenos Aires 6,905 36,920 47,826 8,118 99,769 Patagonia (Neuquén; Río 48,320 0 19,595 695 68,610 Negro; Chubut y Santa Cruz Entre Rios 11,712 90,048 15,919 13,386 131,065 Noroeste (Jujuy; 6,898 16,054 204 756 23,912 Salta y Tucumán) Centro(SantaFe Córdoba y La Pampa 34,221 12,095 2,483 0 48,799 Resto :(Formosa;Chaco; Santiago del Estero; Catamarca; 1,749 3,031 23,377 1,351 29,508 La Rioja San Juan; Mendoza y San Luis TOTALS (Ha) 655,987 278,832 109,404 71,432 1,115,655 Wood offer may be the base for industrialization and the main sector initiative. Native forest Some data exist since the end of 2002 (with partial information on the first inventory) which analyzed the regions of Selva Misionera, Parque Chaqueño, Selva Tucumano Boliviana, Bosques Andino Patagonicos, el Monte and El Espinal. The annual forest production is 1 m3/ha/year but it can increase to 3 m3/ha/year with forestry management changes in the future. International Trade Despite its lack of competitiveness, Argentina still imports forest industrial products. In the 1990-2000 decade the escalating demand for consumer goods increased these imports even more. >>> 10
For the next decade this situation will be reversed thanks to important industrial developments with mainly Chilean capitals. In 2001 the commercial deficit of the forest sector had reached approximately US$ 560 million (exports US$ 440 million - imports US$ 1 billion). The cellulose and paper sector looms large on the deficit but at the same time and paradoxically it is the sector that exports the most. Incentives Some social and extra-sectorial factors can influence the development of a region, country or sector in the medium- or long-term and increase its performance. The Law 25080 provides the incentives for the forestry sector. On the basis of the current reality in Argentina and the incentive Law the projection for forestry is analyzed up to year 2020. 1,11 million hectares were planted out of an estimated 15 million hectares of available land, which implies great expansion potential. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Industrial Output (GIO) projections until 2020 Scale 2001 2005 2010 2017 2020 GDP Million US$ 68.928 68.509 77.512 87.697 99.222 GIO Million US$ 10.607 10.937 13.148 15.805 18.999 INHABITANTS Million 37,064 38,829 41,154 43,619 46,231 Planted forests produce ap- River did not quite follow the affores- After 2001 the demand de- proximately US$ 1.5 billion and tation dynamics during the second creased dramatically. native forests US$ 175 million. half of the 1990s. The production of The information presented in The latter have great potentials cellulose pulp went from 450.000 this paper was produced by the for forestry, especially in the Selva 750.000 m3. Sawn timber FAO, SAGPyA and the Secretary of Misionera and Parque Chaqueño production has been constant since Enviromental and Sustainable De- regions. 2006 and its projection for 2030 velopment, on the base of Dr G. Planted forests is of 120.000 m3. Braier consultancy work. Conifers in Misiones Native Forests The Misiones region offers a po- It is important to point out that tential of 40,000 hectares of plan- the native forests of Argentina have tations with an annual harvest of been harvested excessively since 20 million m3. This is four times the 90s and something must be higher than the actual demand for done to revert the situtation. cellulose pulp, board and sawn tim- Industrial development of Argentina ber wood. The current industrial develop- Rio Uruguay Region ment of the country is far from its In 2010 the offer of sawn timber potential. In the next decade three of Eucalyptus grandis will exceed the big cellulose pulp projects will be demand. In 2020 this offer will double. developed in Argentina. Today 1.7 million m3 is produced Paper and sawn timber de- and in 2020 2.5 million m3. The mand in the future company Forestadora Tapebicua has 2001 2005 2010 2015 2020 done a lot to develop seasoning of Paper Eucalyptus grandis sawn timber. 1.837 1.664 2.052 2.470 3.140 (million tons) Paraná River Delta Sawn timber 12 year-old Eucalyptus grandis 1.285 1.280 1.384 1.497 1.619 clonal stand (40 m high (million m3) The region of the delta Parana and 35 cm diameter) 11
Atibt Recent development of plantation forest in China HOU Yuanzhao Académie Forestière de Chine 1/History of plantation de- 2/Current status of planta- growth is 15-20 cubic meters per velopment tion development in China ha per year. China has a long history of ar- According to the 6th national However, China’s plantations tificial tree planting. However, the forest resource inventory (1999- have problems that very few are development of fast-growing and 2003), the total area of China’s available species for plantation es- high-yielding (FGHY) plantations was existing plantations was 53 million tablishment and plantations are started only since the 1960s. The ha, accounting for 31.5% of the simply structured. For example, program of establishing 100 mil- forested land. The total stocking the conifer plantations account for lion mu (1 ha = 15 mu) of FGHY volume was 1.505 billion cubic me- 68% of the total plantation area of plantations was implemented in the ters, accounting for 12.44% of the the country, while the broad-leaved later 1980s, and the standards of total volume of the country. China’s plantations account for 32% of the World Bank were used to establish existing plantation area accounts total, differing more than twice be- FGHY plantations with funding from for forty percent of the world’s to- tween the two types of plantations. the World Bank loan in the 1990s. tal, ranking the top among other 3/Prospects of plantation Since the early 1990, commercial countries. development in China plantations for industrial raw mate- Among China’s plantations, The plantation area in China ac- rials have been rapidly developing. about 24 million ha are timber counts for about forty percent of the Since the beginning of the plantations, 8 million ha shelterbelt world’s total, ranked the top among new century, China has started plantations, 0.5 million ha firewood other countries. According to the to implement several major forest plantations, 0.5 million ha planta- national development plan, the av- resources development programs tions for unique purposes, 19 mil- erage forest coverage in China will throughout the country, such as the lion ha economic plantations, 1.6 reach more than 20% up to 2010, program of land conversion from million ha bamboo plantations. If more than 23% by 2020 and more farmland to forestland, the program counted on species, the top 4 spe- than 26% by 2050, these goals of establishment of shelterbelt for- cies are Chinese fir (9.22 million will be achieved mainly by expanding ests along the Yangtze River basin, ha), Poplars (7 million ha), Masson plantations. the program of establishment of Pine (5.85 million ha) and Eucalypts However, the level of manage- “three-north” shelterbelt forests and (2.3 million ha), the total stocking ment of China’s plantations is gener- the program of establishing FGHY volume amounts to more than 1 ally low, the total stocking volume plantation bases. These programs billion cubic meters, accounting for of China’s plantations cannot meet have greatly promoted artificial tree 65% of the total stocking volume of the timber demand for 5 years, and planting in China. The Nation Wide plantations. there is much to do to improve the Obligatory Tree-planting Campaign management quality. Taking the Eu- Plantations of Poplars and Eu- also strongly promoted afforestation calypt plantations for industrial raw calypts are the most intensively in China. Up to the end of 2007, materials as an example, very few managed. China’s total area of an accumulative number of 10.98 plantations can reach an annual vol- poplar plantations exceeded the billion persons have participated in ume growth of 30 cubic meters per total area poplar plantations in all the obligatory tree-planting in which ha per year, due to many managerial other countries, and the majority of a total number of 51.54 billion trees and technical constraints. Technical poplar plantations are in east China. have been planted. constraints include frequent quality China has 2.3 million ha Eucalypt plantations, mostly grown in south degradation of plant stocks, and China, the average annual volume large number of root-twisted plant >>> 12
stocks etc. Managerial constraints the average per-capita forest area include disconnection among stages and stocking volume are respec- of nursery practices, plants trans- tively 1/5 and 1/8 of the world’s port and tree planting, leading to average. China will continue to make poor quality of plantations. great efforts to develop plantation In general, industrial and ag- forests. ricultural products have already been over produced, but forest resources, timber resources and forest environment are in scarce. China is one of the countries that have poorest forest resources, and 13
Atibt Forest Plantation in Indonesia Eko B. Hardiyanto Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia Forest plantation is not re- found in South Sulawesi (60,000 have been steadily increased. Indo- ally new to Indonesia and it can be ha), South East Sulawesi (15,000 nesia is the ninth biggest producing traced as far back as 14th century ha), West Sumatra (12,000 ha). country for pulp. when teak (Tectona grandis) was Mahogany was introduced to Java Started as regreening move- started being domesticated. In fact from Guatemala in 1870 and it has ment at the end of 1970s to re- the history of forest plantation in In- become an important timber tree habilitate degraded land, commu- donesia was started with teak when species, currently covering an area nity-grown tree plantations have the species introduced from India for of more than 50,000 thousand ha, been gaining popularity. They have the first time. However, a serious and perhaps it is one of the largest contributed significantly to the log effort toward sustainable teak forest plantation of mahogany in the world. production and the economy of com- management began in 1865 in the munity-tree growers. For example, For a long time forest planta- form of yield regulation, planting and in 2006 teak log production from tions have contributed significantly thinning which was put in the forest the community teak plantations in to the Indonesian wood production business plan. Java alone amounted to 758,720 until the large scale exploitation of Up to early 1980s plantation natural forest (mainly dipterocarp m3 and total log production of Fal- forests were found mainly on Java, forest) started in early 1970s. More cataria moluccana was around 3,6 and covered an area of about two than 30 years the natural diptero- million m3. Falcataria wood has been million hectares. They consist of teak carp forest dominated the wood pro- processed for block board, plywood, (Tectona grandis), tusam or Merkus duction (20 million m3 per year) and pallet and light construction. pine (Pinus merkusii), mahogany only around 20 percent of it came Recently, Indonesian govern- (Swietenia macrophylla), rosewood from forest plantation. However, ment has launched a new program (Dalbergia latifolia), agathis (Agathis since 2002 the wood production called ‘Peoples’ Plantation Forest’ loranthifolia), cajuput (Melaleuca from natural forest has been steadily which is basically community-based cajuputi) and other species. declining, while the wood production commercial tree plantations. In this from forest plantations has been scheme people living nearby the In Java teak is mainly planted in gaining of significant importance. In forest are allowed to grow forest the state forest land and currently 2007 wood from natural forest was plantations on the state forest land covering an effective area of more around 3.2 million m3, whereas that with the objective of increasing the than 600 thousand ha. The teak produced from forest plantations income and livelihood of the local forest plantation has also grown in was 27 million m3. forest growers. eastern Indonesia, namely South Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi and Since the late 1980s, planta- Efforts to increase productiv- Nusa Tenggara. Tusam was intro- tion forests have been established ity of forest plantation have been duced from Sumatra to Java in on islands other than Java, though carried out by means tree breed- 1920s and since then it has been mainly as short-rotation plantations ing and silvicultural practices. Cur- planted for large scale plantation, for pulp and paper as well as me- rent forest plantations for a num- currently covering an area around dium fiber board. The main spe- ber of species such teak, Merkus 500 thousand ha and managed cies planted are Acacia mangium pine, acacia, eucalypt, gmelina and mainly for high quality rosin gum (860,000 ha), Acacia crassicarpa cajuput has been using genetically and turpentine, while timber is the (245,000 ha), Eucalyptus pellita and improved seed or clone. Long term secondary product. Indonesia is the hybrid ( 83,000 ha), Gmelina arbo- productivity of forest plantations third biggest producing country for rea (15,000 ha). A. crassicarpa is particularly for short rotation has rosin gum after China and Brazil. mainly planted on peatsoil. The size also been of concern. Research Tusam forest plantation can also be of these short-rotation plantations to address this matter has been >>> 14
in progress (i.e. Acacia mangium). Results of this study indicated that the growth of the second rotation did not decline and in fact increased so long as proper silvicultural practices are applied which include minimum site disturbance, the use of geneti- cally improved planting, preserving organic matter, nutrient input and proper maintenance. Figure 1. A 54 year old stand of teak (Tectona grandis) in Cepu, Central Java. (Photo by Sugi Purwanta) Figure 2. A 21 year old stand of Merkus pine (Pinus merkusii) in Toraja High Land, South Su- lawesi. (Photo by Eko B. Hardiyanto) Figure 3. A 7 year old plantation of Acacia mangium in South Sumatra (Photo by Punto) Figure 4. A 41 year old stand of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in Jember, East Java (Photo by Eko B. Hardiyanto) 15
Atibt Plantation forestry in South Africa Willem Olivier South Africa has a land area of scientific management and conser- pines, eucalypts and wattles adapt- 121 447 000 ha of which 7,6% is vation of the forests. By the time of ed well to South Africa’s growing classified as forestland by the Food the formation of the Union of South conditions, but it still required exten- and Agriculture Organization of the Africa in 1910 most harvesting of sive experimentation to find the best United Nations. The larger part of the evergreen forests was stopped. species and the best silvicultural this area consists of open savan- practices. The rate of afforesta- Negligible small quantities of nah woodlands utilised for domestic tion increased and by 1910 about sawlogs are currently harvested as fuel. Only 0,28% of the country is 100 000 ha were planted. the evergreen forests are mostly covered by closed canopy evergreen managed for environmental con- The shortage of timber during forests and 1,04% by plantations servation purposes. Once almost the First and Second World Wars of pine (38%), eucalypt (54%) and doomed to extinction by ruthless stimulated afforestation. The Gov- acacia (8%) species. The total pro- exploitation and mismanagement, ernment concentrated its efforts on duction of all wood fuel and indus- the 336 000 ha forests are now be- producing pine sawlogs, whilst the trial roundwood is approximately ing cared for through internationally private industry concentrated more 33 million m3 per annum. accepted rainforest management on the growing of shorter rotation policies. crops for wattle tan-bark, mining Little is known of the history timber and pulpwood. of South Africa’s evergreen forests The planting of exotic trees prior to the settlement of the first Little processing of locally started after the first Dutch settlers Dutch settlers in 1652, but the grown timber was done during the arrived at the Cape. However, not original inhabitants, the San and first decades of the 20th century. At many plantations were established Khoi-Khoi, did not harvest the for- the outbreak of the Second World as timber was either harvested in est trees. The Black immigrants, War only a few sawmills and timber the evergreen forests or imported. however, used large quantities of processing factories were in opera- It was only in the second half of poles and wattles for the construc- tion. This radically changed during the 19th century that afforestation tion of their houses. The Europeans and after the War when numerous was seriously considered. The first needed sawn timber and this led to sawmills, pulp-, paper- and board trained foresters in the Cape Colony the uncontrolled exploitation and mills were established. realised that exotic plantations were destruction of large areas of the the alternative to stop the destruc- South Africa is a relatively dry forests. Initially, the timber was re- tion of the evergreen forests. More country with an average annual rain- quired for housing, furniture and or less at the same time, farmers fall of 440mm. In 1972, a regu- transport. When diamonds and gold in the Natal Colony started plant- lation was introduced whereby a was discovered at Kimberley and ing Australian wattles for tan-bark permit was required to establish Johannesburg, the forests had to production. plantations. This was done to en- supply the mining timber. The annual sure that water was available for By 1900, some 26 600 ha harvests far outweighed the growth future domestic use, food and of plantations were established of rates of the forests. energy production and industrial which 70% were owned by private development. The result was that From the middle of the 19th companies and farmers. The early afforestation was stopped in certain century the government of the Cape forestry pioneers soon found that and restricted in other water catch- Colony took a greater interest in the they could not apply the European ment areas. management of the evergreen for- style of forest management to ests. Forestry-trained staff was ap- plantations. Initially, many different After a century of afforestation, pointed from the 1880s onwards. species were planted on a variety a total area of 1,2 million ha were This marked the beginning of the of sites. It soon became clear that achieved by 1975. >>> 16
The rate of new afforestation agement of the forest industry. A tributes 1,4% to the national gross started to decrease due to unavail- new forestry act was promulgated domestic product. ability of land, low domestic eco- with more focus on the participa- nomic growth, droughts, and the dif- tion of communities. The procedure ficulty of obtaining planting permits. for land claims by communities and restitution was formalised and the Within the space of a few de- economic position of black South cades South Africa has progressed Africans in the forest industry was from being almost entirely depen- addressed through legislation. A dent on imports, to an exporter of new Water Act regulated the own- forest products. Since the 1980s ership, right to water usage and roundwood sales from plantations payment thereof. All of these ini- Dwessa forest and estuary on the Eastern Cape coast. This unique forest was already protected in the increased significantly because of tiatives necessitated the industry 19th century by decree of a Xhosa paramount chief. the increased availability of tim- to make major changes to the way ber and production capacities. Al- companies used to be managed. though the larger corporate com- On the operational front, the panies played a dominant role in the South African forester is faced with growth of the industry, the smaller the challenges to compete economi- companies and farmers also made cally in a global environment. The significant contributions. Exports issues at hand are the increases in by Sappi, Mondi and the chipping production costs, pests, diseases companies sharply increased and and fire damages. There is a need A party of woodcutters with handsawn lumber in South Africa became a net exporter the Southern Cape forest near Knysna. to increase the timber yields from of forest products. existing plantations, yet to manage Of historic importance are it in a sustainable way. The influence the initiatives by Sappi and Mondi, of HIV/AIDS has a direct influence when they expanded internationally on productivity, worker replace- through acquisitions of pulp and pa- ment, training and, eventually, in- per companies outside South Africa. creased production costs. Whilst the pulp, paper and chip ex- At the start of the 21st cen- port businesses grew, the sawmill- tury South Africa has 1 266 000 ing and mining timber sectors, how- ha plantations and 178 major pro- Graph of the growth of plantation areas in South ever, experienced problems. This cessing plants. Some 1 600 000 Africa. was due to a shortage of sawlogs, ha of plantations and unplanted lack of new technology, substitution land are certified under the Forest of products and a decrease in the Stewardship Council scheme. The mining timber demand. annual roundwood productions from On 10 May 1994 a new era of plantations are 9,0 million m3 of South African history was ushered softwoods and 11,3 million m3 of in when Nelson Mandela was inau- hardwoods. The industry employs gurated as the first democratically 630,000 workers or 4,3% of elected President of the Republic of the formal South African employ- Mondi’s pulp and linerboard mill at Richards Bay. Worldwide, Mondi produces 3,8 million tons and South Africa. The new Government ment sector. The annual turnover Sappi 6,9 million tons of products annually. brought a new approach to the man- amounts to US$ 3,5 billion and con- 17
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