À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI Annonces Importantes - adisq

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À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI Annonces Importantes - adisq
Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                  À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI
                                                      Annonces Importantes
▪        150 M$ supplémentaires pour aider les petites et moyennes entreprises du Québec
 ▪        Le CRTC autorise deux importantes acquisitions au Québec : il autorise la demande
               de Bell Canada d'acquérir V interactions & il approuve également la demande
                          de Leclerc Communication d'acquérir la station CJPX-FM Montréal

                                    Nouvelles de l'Industrie - Canada
                                ▪    Music Biz Collectives Call For Urgent Government Help

                             Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
                       ▪ Aussies turn to Patreon for income during COVID-19 lockdown
            ▪ Music organisations call for significant and long-term support from European
                                                        governments for an industry in crisis
            ▪ Confinement : l’évolution de nos comportements est mesurable sur Spotify
     ▪     The representatives and music companies of several high-profile composers and
              songwriters have filed a sizable copyright-infringement lawsuit against Apple
                                          ▪ 5 Ways Musicians Earn Revenue Via YouTube

                                                              Initiatives Canada
                                        ▪    New $300K Fund Set Up For Ontario Musicians
                                                  ▪ Le Cirque du Soleil dans votre salon
                         ▪    Guide des performances: nos artistes en spectacles sur le web
Vendredi 3 Avril 2020


                                   Initiatives Internationales
       ▪ Virgin EMI to stage three-day live-streamed festival Lockdown Live
▪    Livestreams Are Moving to Hard Tickets to Replace Lost Touring Revenue
         ▪ Introducing Anchor’s new audience insights, powered by Spotify
           ▪ Notes to self: Freelance workers call for more industry support
                          ▪ SXSW aura un mini festival sur Amazon Prime
              ▪ Des comédies musicales en ligne avec Andrew Lloyd Webber

    Maintiens, reports, annulations, mises à pied
         ▪   Juste pour rire reporté, les Francos et le Festival de jazz annulés
Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                   À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

          150 M$ supplémentaires pour aider les
     petites et moyennes entreprises du Québec

Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                   À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

          150 M$ supplémentaires pour aider les
     petites et moyennes entreprises du Québec

Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                   À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

          150 M$ supplémentaires pour aider les
     petites et moyennes entreprises du Québec

Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                    À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

    Le CRTC autorise deux importantes acquisitions au Québec : il
 autorise la demande de Bell Canada d'acquérir V interactions & il
                      approuve également la demande de Leclerc
           Communication d'acquérir la station CJPX-FM Montréal

Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                    À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

    Le CRTC autorise deux importantes acquisitions au Québec : il
 autorise la demande de Bell Canada d'acquérir V interactions & il
                      approuve également la demande de Leclerc
           Communication d'acquérir la station CJPX-FM Montréal

Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                         À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

             Nouvelles de l'Industrie - Canada

                                        Music Biz Collectives Call For Urgent Government Help
 An umbrella collective of s even Canadian music industry orgs is jointly asking the Federal government
 for further a ction i ncluding robust financial support a nd flexibility i n funding rules that would s upport
      the a rtists and the industry’s s mall business community that is being hammered as a result of the
COVID-19 pa ndemic. “The Canadian and global music i ndustry i s currently experiencing unprecedented
upheaval and turmoil due to the COVID-19 global pandemic,” the unified statement reads. “Companies
  a re barely operating and surviving with record l ow to no revenues, staff are being l aid off, artists and
     mus icians’ livelihoods a re collapsing, and venues are cl osed indefinitely. In short, the Ca nadian and
                                    gl obal music industries are being severely a nd devastatingly i mpacted.
Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                          À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

   Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International

                                          Aussies turn to Patreon for income during COVID-19 lockdown
           Aus tra lian creators are turning to San Francisco-based crowdfunding a nd membership platform
 Pa treon in record numbers to bolster i ncome while they’re in lockdown. The s ite allows musicians – as
   wel l as YouTube vi deographers, webcomic artists, wri ters, podcasters a nd a dult content creators – to
      offer a subscription content s ervice to fans. This gi ves them a regular monthly i ncome by providing
excl usive rewards a nd perks to four million s ubscribers from 180 countries. According to its head of data
     s ci ence Maura Church, Australians were among the 30,000 creators who s igned up i n the first three
           weeks of Ma rch. Another high volume a dds came from the US, UK, Ca nada, Germany and Italy.
                                                                                         https://themusicnetwork.com/aussies-patreon-lockdo wn/

                Music organisations call for significant and long-term support from European
                                                           governments for an industry in crisis
           A pl ethora of organisations representing all s trands of the wider music i ndustry ha ve called on
governments across Europe – a nd the i nstitutions of the European Union – to s ignificantly i ncrease their
 s upport for the music community to ensure that music-makers and their business partners ca n survive
  the cri sis caused by the COVID-19 shutdown. And that support needs to be s ubstantial a nd l ong-term,
they s a y, because the impact of the crisis is going to be felt l ong a fter measures to restrict the spread of
                                                                                           COVID-19 a re lifted.

     https://completemusicupdate.com/article/music-industry-organisations-call-for-signifi cant-and-long-term-s upport-from-e uropean-governments -for -a-

                    Confinement : l’évolution de nos comportements est mesurable sur Spotify
 Depuis plusieurs s emaines, la moitié de la population est confinée. Nous ne prenons plus l es tra nsports
        en commun, ni la voi ture et n’allons plus a u bureau. Ce confinement joue évi demment sur nos
    comportements et sur la manière dont nous écoutons de la musique et des podcasts sur Spotify. Le
   géa nt du streaming vi ent de révéler une étude qui dévoile les tendances de cette nouvelle façon de
                                                                        cons ommer des contenus a udio.

                                           https://siecledigital.fr/2020/04/02/confinement-l evolution-de-nos-comport ements-sur-spotify/?
Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                              À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

   Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International

        The representatives and music companies of several high-profile composers and
           songwriters have filed a sizable copyright-infringement lawsuit against Apple
        The pl aintiffs’ legal team a rgues that Apple has long s old bootleg music through the i Tunes Store,
a l ongside (and often a t a lower price than) the official, legitimate versions of the songs. Additionally, i t’s
  cl a imed that this practice constitutes a “massive music piracy operation.” Moreover, the plaintiffs also
na med Adasam Limited, a UK company, as a defendant in the lawsuit. It’s alleged that the brand, “which
    ha s no web presence, is selling [bootlegged] recordings by vi rtually every well-known recording artist
                                                                 from the 1920s through the 1960s” to Apple.
                              https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2020/04/02/apple-accused-of-massive-piracy-operation-in-s ongwriter-lawsuit/

                                                             5 Ways Musicians Earn Revenue Via YouTube
Wi th YouTube, you’ve got a lot of options when it comes to making money off of your vi deos. From ads
to the va ri ous programs YouTube has in place, they ma ke i t relatively easy for anyone, independent or
    worki ng with a distributor, to ma ke i t happen. In this post, we’re highlighting 5 wa ys to earn money
                                                                           from YouTube. Let’s get started…

Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                              À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                                                Initiatives au Canada
   Financement                                                             New $300K Fund Set Up For Ontario Musicians
                   Tha nks to a lot of music biz team-playi ng, Ontario musicians will shortly be a ble to access a new vi rtual
                         opportunity vi a an online platform ca lled MusicTogether where they can earn $1K, perform s ome
                                                        s ongs, sell some swag, and earn a $100 Fa cebook a dvertising credit.
                  The i nitial fund has been committed thanks to $150,000 from music community funders (full list below),
                       wi th $150,000 i n matching funds coming from the Mi nistry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism a nd Cul ture
                         Industries as a component of the Ontario Li ve i nitiative. Arts & Cra fts a nd Shopify Inc. collectively
                  dona ted resources to together create and develop MusicTogether.ca – a web platform where artists can
                               a pply for the funding, and where a udiences can find information on upcoming live-streamed
                   performances by Ontario musicians. Musicians ca n also use the platform to s ell merchandise and take
                                                             dona tions through their own online store supported by Shopify.

         Online                                                                               Le Cirque du Soleil dans votre salon
                                Le Ci rque du Soleil ne peut plus présenter s es s pectacles de par l e monde, mais l ’entreprise
                      montréalaise propose à s es millions de fans un spectacle de 60 mi nutes à voi r dans l e confort de sa
                     ma i son par l ’entremise de sa plateforme Ci rqueConnect. Ce vendredi, à compter de 15h, on pourra y
                    voi r l es moments l es plus i mpressionnants du spectacle Amaluna, a insi que des images exclusives des
                                                                                                     s pectacles Volta et Bazzar.

Réseaux sociaux                                   Guide des performances: nos artistes en spectacles sur le web
                   Pl us ieurs musiciens québécois ne prennent pas de pause pendant la période de confinement. Sur leur
                  ba l con ou dans l eur salon, ils se donnent en spectacle sur l e web afin de divertir l eurs fans en isolement
                    et de ne pas perdre la main. Question de vous y retrouver, l e Journal vous a préparé ce guide qui sera
                                                                                                     mi s à jour régulièrement.
                                                  https://www.journaldequebec.com/2020/04/01/guide-des-performances-nos -artistes-en-spe ctacles-sur -le-web
Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                                      À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                                 Initiatives Internationales
          Soutien                                 Virgin EMI to stage three-day live-streamed festival Lockdown Live
                      Vi rgi n EMI has unveiled plans for Lockdown Live, a multi-genre ‘l ive’ music experience put together i n
                          s upport of Global Ci tizen and the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s Covid-19 Solidarity Response
                            Fund. Lockdown Li ve ta kes the form a three-day livestreamed music festival (April 3-5). It aims to
                         provi de entertainment a nd l ight relief in these uncertain times, while encouraging everyone to s tay
                      i ndoors Thirty-two a cts (across pop, alternative, urban and dance music) will perform over three days
                                         from thei r homes. Ea ch performance will be livestreamed at www.lockdownlive.uk.

          Soutien                       Livestreams Are Moving to Hard Tickets to Replace Lost Touring Revenue
                      Ca na dian-based live event platform Side Door was set to make its big launch in the U.S. a t this year's
                       South by Southwest, when the annual Austin festival was canceled in early Ma rch. Side Door, which
                       ma tches a rtists with unconventional venues for l ive s hows, saw its entire slate of concerts upended
                                        before co-founder a nd a rtist Dan Ma ngan decided to host a n online s how vi a Zoom.
                             Whi l e many a rtists have been hosting free livestreams on social media or vi a other platforms,
                    compa nies like Side Door, StageIt a nd Looped have a lso stepped up to help a rtists capture revenue from
                                     thei r performances as the COVID-19 pandemic has wiped out artists' touring revenues.
                                         https://www.billboard.com/articl es/business/touring/9349897/livestreams -tick ets-repl ac e-lost-touring-rev enue

Mesure d'audience                                     Introducing Anchor’s new audience insights, powered by Spotify
                        Anchor’s analytics have always focused on making s ure you have a big-picture vi ew of your podcast’s
                    overa ll performance, particularly a cross different listening platforms. But making smart decisions about
                        growi ng your s how also takes a deep understanding of listener behavior, which had historically been
                    ra re to come by i n an industry dependent on limited data. When Spotify a cquired Anchor i n February of
                        2019, we ma de i t clear that together, Spotify a nd Anchor would be able to expand the capabilities of
                     podcast creators, and that new i nsights would be one way to a chieve that vi sion — and we’re uniquely
                       pos itioned to do that because of Spotify’s powerhouse of i nsights from its 270M+ users. Today, we’re
                               taki ng our fi rst s tep i n that direction with the l aunch of these new, Spotify-powered analytics.
Vendredi 3 Avril 2020

                                                                         À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                      Initiatives Internationales
Soutien                                      Notes to self: Freelance workers call for more industry support
               The music i ndustry wa s hoping the government’s l atest s upport package would provide a lifeline to
           thousands of s elf-employed workers, as Music Week went to press. After weeks of lobbyi ng, UK Music,
                  AIM, the Mus icians’ Union and others welcomed Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s belated programme of
             fi nancial aid for s elf-employed workers, having previously offered help to employees affected by the
          corona virus cri sis. The government will pay 80% of s elf-employed workers’ average profits over the past
          three years, for those with a verage profits of less than £50,000. But help will not be available until June.
            The measures were welcomed by tra de bodies, although whether they went far enough was still being
           debated as Music Week was printed. But what was clear was how desperately s upport is needed by the
                                                                               mus ic i ndustry’s army of freelancers.
                         https://www.musicweek.co m/intervi ews /read /notes -to-self-freelanc e-wo rkers-call-for-mo re-industry-support/079373

Online                                                                  SXSW aura un mini festival sur Amazon Prime
              Annul é en raison du coronavi rus, le festival South By Southwest (SXSW) aura finalement une version
                a brégée en ligne avec l’aide de la plateforme Amazon Pri me Video. En fait, l ’initiative concerne l a
           porti on ci néma du festival, rapportent plusieurs médias s pécialisés dont Screen Daily et Deadline.com.
            L’entente permettra a ux réalisateurs dont l es films avaient été retenus à SXSW à les présenter durant
               di x jours dans une s ection d’Amazon Pri me baptisée pour l ’occasion Prime Video Presents the SXSW
          2020 Film Festival Collection.Selon Deadline, l ’accès à cette section sera gratuit et ne nécessitera pas un
             a bonnement payant à Amazon Pri me. Les intéressés devront cependant ouvrir un compte gratuit s ur
                                                                                                             Ama zon.

Online                                          Des comédies musicales en ligne avec Andrew Lloyd Webber
                     Le compositeur britannique Andrew Ll oyd Webber, bien connu pour ses musiques de comédies
                 mus icales, diffusera gratuitement en ligne des captations d’œuvres a uxquelles il a participé. Cette
                di ffusion, à ra ison d’une œuvre par s emaine, durera l e temps de la cri se du coronavirus, i ndique un
          a rticle du magazine Variety. Intitulé The Show Must Go On !, ce projet s ’amorce ce vendredi a vec Joseph
                                                                             and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
             https://www.lapresse.ca/arts/spect acl es/202004/03/01-5267804-des-comedies-musicales-en-ligne-avec- andrew-lloyd- webb er.php
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