LFF Islamic Finance website launch - 03 January 2011 press clipping
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press clipping IF website launch january 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS LUXEMBOURG PRESS: Section Islamique d’Lëtzeburger Land, 17/12/10 The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic Finance paperJam, 03/01/11 The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic Finance abbl.lu, 03/01/11 Islamic Finance website launch boosts Luxembourg’s financial centre mymosaik.lu, 03/01/11 Objectif Finance Islamique Le Quotidien, 04/01/11 La finance islamique doit trouver sa place L’essentiel Online, 04/01/11 “Nous sommes bien positionnés sur l’assurance islamique” paperJam, 04/01/11 Islamic Finance records for Luxembourg now available 352luxmag.lu, 05/01/11 INTERNATIONAL PRESS: The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic Finance zawya, 03/01/11 Luxembourg launches Islamic Finance Guide tax-news.com, 03/01/11 The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic Finance Islamic Financial Industry News Centre, 04/01/11 The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic Finance Opalesque, 05/01/11 Les responsables des banques centrales islamiques se trouvent à Luxembourg financialislam.com, 05/01/11
The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated... http://www.paperjam.lu/communique_de_presse/fr/luxembour... Mercredi 05.01.2011 | 17:28 PAPERJAM.LU | MAGAZINE | JOBS | INDEX.LU | GRAND PRIX | BUSINESS CLUB OK NEWSLETTER Votre email... OK Accueil COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE | Luxembourg | Communiqué le 03.01.2011 | FOLLOW US LUXEMBOURG FOR FINANCE CONTACT The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website MAGAZINE (s'abonner) dedicated to Islamic finance Jean-Jacques Picard (Luxembourg for Finance) (Photo: Etienne Delorme/archives) JOBS Rowlands International recherche un(e) Responsable de département OPC (h/f) Oceal Resource Management recherche un(e) Consultant technique Documentum (CDD-6 mois) AUTRES OFFRES D'EMPLOI BUSINESS CLUB Prochain évènement: Wine Tasting: redécouvrir les vins après les fêtes Luxembourg for Finance, the agency for the development of the Luxembourg financial centre, has enhanced its Gildas Royer présentera une website by the addition of a section dedicated to shariah compliant products and services. sélection de vins capables de réveiller le goût après les excès des The website, which is available in English and French, can be accessed on www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu or via fêtes de fin d'année. the existing website www.luxembourgforfinance.lu. Clients can use the site to do upstream research on their projects, identifying the best vehicles for particular shariah compliant structures. They can also identify a wide range of services providers with experience in the sector. A selection of brochures focusing on Islamic finance in Luxembourg can be downloaded from the website. The launch of a dedicated website is just the latest step in a determined campaign to promote the development of Islamic finance in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Government, which policy is to diversify the financial centre, supports this campaign. Increasingly recognised as a leading Islamic finance centre, Luxembourg is the most popular European domicile for shariah compliant investment funds and can rival any stock exchange in Europe for the number of sukuk issues listed. The Luxembourg Central Bank is the first European central bank to become a member of the Islamic Financial Services Board and is working actively to gain experience of supervisory practice in this area and identifying instruments, practice sand solutions for managing liquidity in a shariah compliant manner. Luxembourg for Finance is currently participating in the World Islamic Banking Forum in Bahrain, where potential Islamic finance clients can make contact with a large delegation of financial sector professionals from the Luxembourg financial centre. Luxembourg for Finance | Publier un nouveau commentaire Votre nom : * Prénom Nom E-mail : * Le contenu de ce champ sera maintenu privé et ne sera pas affiché publiquement. Site web : Sujet : Commentaire : * 1 of 2 1/5/11 5:33 PM
The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated... http://www.abbl.lu/print/5407 Published on ABBL (http://www.abbl.lu) The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic finance 03/01/2011 - Financial markets & services [1] , Partner news [2] Luxembourg for Finance, the agency for the development of the Luxembourg financial centre, has enhanced its website by the addition of a section dedicated to shariah compliant products and services. The website, which is available in English and French, can be accessed on www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu [3] or via the existing website www.luxembourgforfinance.lu [4]. Clients can use the site to do upstream research on their projects, identifying the best vehicles for particular shariah compliant structures. They can also identify a wide range of services providers with experience in the sector. A selection of brochures focusing on Islamic finance in Luxembourg can be downloaded from the website. The launch of a dedicated website is just the latest step in a determined campaign to promote the development of Islamic finance in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Government, which policy is to diversify the financial centre, supports this campaign. Increasingly recognised as a leading Islamic finance centre, Luxembourg is the most popular European domicile for shariah compliant investment funds and can rival any stock exchange in Europe for the number of sukuk issues listed. The Luxembourg Central Bank is the first European central bank to become a member of the Islamic Financial Services Board and is working actively to gain experience of supervisory practice in this area and identifying instruments, practice sand solutions for managing liquidity in a shariah compliant manner. Luxembourg for Finance is currently participating in the World Islamic Banking Forum in Bahrain, where potential Islamic finance clients can make contact with a large delegation of financial sector professionals from the Luxembourg financial centre. (Source: Luxembourg for Finance) Financial markets & services ABBL Partners Partner news Links: [1] http://www.abbl.lu/news-publications?tid=3 [2] http://www.abbl.lu/news-publications/news-archive/partner-news-0 [3] http://www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu [4] http://www.luxembourgforfinance.lu 1 of 1 1/6/11 9:41 AM
Islamic Finance Website Launch Boosts Luxembourg's Financ... http://www.mymosaik.lu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=i... Islamic Finance Website Launch Boosts Luxembourg's Financial Centre Monday, 03 January 2011 20:04 font size Print Be the first to comment! Rate this item (0 votes) Luxembourg for Finance, the agency for the development of the Luxembourg financial centre, has enhanced its website by the addition of a section dedicated to shariah compliant products and services. The website, which is available in English and French, can be accessed on www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu or via the existing website www.luxembourgforfinance.lu. Clients can use the site to do upstream research on their projects, identifying the best vehicles for particular shariah compliant structures. They can also identify a wide range of services providers with experience in the sector. A selection of brochures focusing on islamic finance in Luxembourg can be downloaded from the website. The launch of a dedicated website is just the latest step in a determined campaign to promote the development of Islamic finance in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Government, which policy is to diversify the financial centre, supports this campaign. Increasingly recognised as a leading Islamic finance centre, Luxembourg is the most popular European domicile for shariah compliant investment funds and can rival any stock exchange in Europe for the number of sukuk issues listed. The Luxembourg Central Bank is the first European central bank to become a member of the Islamic Financial Services Board and is working actively to gain experience of supervisory practice in this area and identifying instruments, practices and solutions for managing liquidity in a shariah compliant manner. Luxembourg for Finance is currently participating in the World Islamic Banking Forum in Bahrain, where potential Islamic finance clients can make contact with a large delegation of financial sector professionals from the Luxembourg financial centre. Last modified on Tuesday, 04 January 2011 10:46
L'essentiel Online - La finance islamique doit trouver sa place... http://www.lessentiel.lu/fr/news/economie/story/10441819 BANQUES 04 janvier 2011 19:25; Act: 05.01.2011 08:04 LUXEMBOURG - Les banques proposent déjà des produits financiers dédiés aux investisseurs de religion musulmane. 4 Commentaires En novembre, les responsables des banques centrales islamiques se retrouveront à Luxembourg. Pas un hasard. La finance islamique au Grand-Duché, «L'histoire remonte déjà à 1983», rappelle Eleanor de Rosmorduc, chargée des relations publiques de l'agence Luxembourg for finance (LFF). À cette date, la première société arabe d'assurance s'installait sur la Place. En 2002, la Bourse de Luxembourg était la première en Occident à coter une action «fonctionnant» selon les critères de la charia. Aujourd'hui, le Luxembourg est le deuxième pays non arabe en termes de gestion de fonds privés d'investissement islamiques. «Mais au-delà des 500 millions d'euros d'actifs actuels, les établissements pourraient collecter plus». D'où la page spéciale sur le site web de LFF pour présenter aux convertis à l'islam habitant en Europe les possibilités offertes ici. Sachant que Londres a déjà saisi cette chance depuis longtemps. «La finance islamique répond à des règles. Ce ne sont pas des religieux qui veillent à leur respect mais bien des juristes», précise Eleanor de Rosmorduc. Pas d'argent investi dans toute activité liée au jeu ou à l'alcool, ou aucun taux d'intérêt avancé. «L'idée n'est pas d'attirer une banque de Dubai au Luxembourg, mais bien des fonds occidentaux et les gérer selon la gouvernance de la charia et dans le respect des lois de l'Union». Patrick Jacquemot 1 of 2 1/5/11 5:30 PM
"LE QUOTIDIEN" du 04.01.2011 / page 6 Secteur financier / Assurances / Services Luxembourg "Presse nationale" du 04.01.2011 1
«Nous sommes bien positionnés sur l’assurance islamique» | ... http://www.paperjam.lu/article/fr/«nous-sommes-bien-positio... Mercredi 05.01.2011 | 17:28 PAPERJAM.LU | MAGAZINE | JOBS | INDEX.LU | GRAND PRIX | BUSINESS CLUB OK NEWSLETTER Votre email... OK Accueil ARTICLE | Place financière | Interview par: Nicolas Raulot | Publié aujourd'hui | FOLLOW US TROIS QUESTIONS À ELEANOR DE ROSMORDUC (LUXEMBOURG FOR FINANCE) CONTACT «Nous sommes bien positionnés sur l’assurance MAGAZINE (s'abonner) islamique» Luxembourg For Finance (LFF) vient de lancer un site internet dédié à la finance islamique. Eleanor de Rosmorduc, communication officer au sein de l’organisme de promotion de la place financière, explique que cette initiative s’inscrit dans une démarche de long terme. La place financière croit beaucoup en ce secteur, grâce aux succès déjà remportés dans le domaine des fonds et des obligations islamiques. JOBS Eleanor de Rosmorduc (LFF): «Deux secteurs sont bien développés, les DO Recruitment Advisors recherche fonds d’investissement et les obligations islamiques». un(e) MANAGER GERMAN TAX (M/F) (Photo: Olivier Minaire/archives) Michael Page International recherche un(e) EXPERIENCED DATA MANAGEMENT AND COMPLIANCE OFFICER (M/F) AUTRES OFFRES D'EMPLOI BUSINESS CLUB Prochain évènement: Wine Tasting: redécouvrir les vins après les fêtes Gildas Royer présentera une sélection de vins capables de réveiller le goût après les excès des fêtes de fin d'année. Madame de Rosmorduc, pourquoi lancer un site, ou en tout cas une section de votre site, dédié à la finance islamique? «C’est une section, mais elle est très visible. On peut presque parler d’un site à part entière. Cela répond à une logique de positionnement et de visibilité. Nous voulions montrer l’étendue de nos compétences dans ce domaine. Depuis deux ans, nous avons mis l’accent sur la promotion d’un secteur sur lequel le Luxembourg est en avance sur la plupart des pays européens. Le Grand-Duché a été le premier à accueillir une compagnie d’assurance (Takaful) conforme à la charia, en 1983. Il a également été le premier à enregistrer la cotation en Bourse d’un sukuk (obligation islamique) en 2002. Par la suite, le gouvernement a lancé une task force en 2008, avec l’idée de devenir une place de référence dans ce domaine. Et l’Alfi a lancé un groupe de travail à Dubaï. Nous nous sommes rendu compte assez rapidement que notre cadre légal se prêtait très bien à ce genre d’affaires. La Banque centrale du Luxembourg a été la première d’un pays non islamique à devenir membre de l’IFSB (Islamic Financial Services Board), le bureau qui crée les normes et les best practices. La conférence annuelle de l’IFSB se tiendra d’ailleurs en mai au Luxembourg. Ce positionnement n’est-il pas déjà bien connu des professionnels? «Les gens identifient le Luxembourg comme un pays ‘open to business’, mais beaucoup cherchent à s’informer. En associant Luxembourg et finance islamique sur un moteur de recherche, ils seront directement renvoyés à notre site officiel. Cela leur permet d’effectuer leur travail de recherche en amont, d’avoir un bon aperçu des lois, du traitement fiscal des différents produits. Il y a de très nombreux musulmans en Europe, mais très peu de services financiers de type islamique. Ce n’est pas une banque établie à Bahreïn qui va les distribuer. Ils doivent donc se domicilier en Europe. Quels sont les domaines les plus prometteurs au Luxembourg en matière de finance islamique? «Pour l’instant, deux secteurs sont bien développés, les fonds d’investissement et les obligations islamiques. Nous recensons entre 37 et 39 fonds islamiques au Grand-Duché. Cela représente environ 7% du marché mondial. Sur les sukuk, nous sommes aussi bien placés que Londres, avec environ 15 obligations. Mais le secteur pour lequel nous envisageons la croissance la plus forte dans le futur, c’est l’assurance islamique. C’est là où nous voyons le plus grand avenir et nous sommes bien positionnés, en tant que pays, dans ce domaine.» www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu Eleanor De Rosmorduc | Publier un nouveau commentaire Votre nom : * Prénom Nom E-mail : * Le contenu de ce champ sera maintenu privé et ne sera pas affiché publiquement. Site web : Sujet : 1 of 2 1/5/11 5:32 PM
Islamic finance records for Luxembourg now available - on 3... http://www.352luxmag.lu/index.php?p=edito&id=14582 Subscribe to the newsletter ok search Username/Email Password ok Sign Up ! Forgot your password ? News Headline News Local Sport Quirky Luxembourg International Culture Reviews Culture What's On Features Competitions Lifestyle Living Travel Leisure Family Health Just arrived Community Forum Events Small Ads Sign In Shop Contact Article from category: Headline news Islamic finance records for Luxembourg now available Shariah-compliant products and services readied for release 1 of 5 1/6/11 9:51 AM
Islamic finance records for Luxembourg now available - on 3... http://www.352luxmag.lu/index.php?p=edito&id=14582 Published on 05/01/2011 by Associated Press / Stephen Lowe | Read 194 times. The agency responsible for the development of Luxembourg's financial centre, Luxembourg for Finance (LFF), has enhanced its website content by adding a section dedicated to shariah-compliant products and services. The website, which is available both in English and French, can be accessed through the agency's existing portal www.lff.lu. In a statement released earlier this week, the LFF said: “The launch of a dedicated website is just the latest step in a determined campaign to promote the development of Islamic finance in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg government is committed to diversifying its financial centre, and supports this campaign.” “Increasingly recognized as a leading Islamic finance centre, Luxembourg is the most popular European domicile for shariah-compliant investment funds and can rival any stock exchange in Europe for the number of sukuk issues listed.” Discussions No comments for this article. Please login to create a new discussion | Back to the forum's main page Please login to comment this article Forum Bored bored bored Hi, it seems that so many people here in Luxembourg are 100% work and then scuttle off ... Best way to Travel to Grenoble Hey, anybody know the best way to travel from Lux to Grenoble and what i should be expe... 359 days to the apocalypse... The end of the Mayan calendar is actually 21st December 2012, so it's a few more than 3... Anybody for Football/Soccer?????? 2 of 5 1/6/11 9:51 AM
The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated... http://www.zawya.com/printstory.cfm?storyid=ZAWYA2011... Printable view Wed, Jan 05, 2011, 16:26 GMT The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic finance 03 January 2011 Luxembourg for Finance, the agency for the development of the Luxembourg financial center, has enhanced its website by the addition of a section dedicated to shariah compliant products and services. The website,which is available in English and French, can be accessed on www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu or via the existing website www.luxembourgforfinance.lu. Clients can use the site to do upstream research on their projects, identifying the best vehicles for particular shariah compliant structures. They can also identify a wide range of services providers with experience in the sector. A selection of brochures focusing on Islamic finance in Luxembourg can be downloaded from the website. The launch of a dedicated website is just the latest step in a determined campaign to promote the development of Islamic finance in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Government, which policy is to diversify the financial centre, supports this campaign. Increasingly recognised as a leading Islamic finance center, Luxembourg is the most popular European domicile for shariah compliant investment funds and can rival any stock exchange in Europe for the number of sukuk issues listed. The Luxembourg Central Bank is the first European central bank to become a member of the Islamic Financial Services Board and is working actively to gain experience of supervisory practice in this area and identifying instruments, practices and solutions for managing liquidity in a shariah compliant manner. Luxembourg for Finance is currently participating in the World Islamic Banking Forum in Bahrain,where potential Islamic finance clients can make contact with a large delegation of financial sector professionals from the Luxembourg financial center. -Ends- Luxembourg for Finance Luxembourg for Finance (LFF) is a public private partnership between the Luxembourg Government and the Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation (PROFIL). Its role is to contribute to the sustainable development of Luxembourg as an international financial center by means of a structured international communications policy and by nurturing new business sectors. Combining the innovative spirit of the industry and the far sightedness of the country's political leaders, LFF is committed to the development of an integrated and sustainable European financial market place. Luxembourg Located in the heart of Europe between Belgium, France and Germany, Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe.Granted independence in 1839,the Grand Duchy is a constitutional monarchy. On account of its size,Luxembourg has always striven to integrate itself into larger political and economic organisations.Thus Luxembourg was a founding member of the European Economic Community,which later became the European Union,and is part of all major international institutions. The country's traditional openness to the outside world, its political and social stability,its cosmopolitan and multilingual population,its highly qualified work force and modern infrastructure make Luxembourg the ideal gateway to the European market with its 500 million consumers. It is the acknowledged European leader in the cross border distribution of financial products and services. The Luxembourg financial center benefits from a legal and regulatory frame work that is reliable and flexible enough to be rapidly adapted to an evolving international environment. Luxembourg has been active in Islamic finance since 1978, when the first Islamic finance institution in a western country was established in the Grand Duchy.In1983,the first shariah compliant insurance company in Europe was established in Luxembourg and in 2002 Luxembourg was the first European stock exchange to list a sukuk. 1 of 2 1/5/11 5:31 PM
The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated... http://www.zawya.com/printstory.cfm?storyid=ZAWYA2011... Luxembourg for Finance Luxembourg for Finance (LFF) is a public private partnership between the Luxembourg Government and the Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation(PROFIL). Its role is to contribute to the sustainable development of Luxembourg as an international financial center by means of a structured international communications policy and by nurturing new business sectors. Combining the innovative spirit of the industry and the far sightedness of the country's political leaders, LFF is committed to the development of an integrated and sustainable European financial market place. Contact person at LFF : Eleanor de Rosmorduc (eleanor.derosmorduc@lff.lu). © Press Release 2011 Article originally published by Press Release 03-Jan-11 Copyright © 2011 ABQ Zawya Ltd. All rights reserved. Please read our User Agreement 2 of 2 1/5/11 5:31 PM
Luxembourg Launches Islamic Finance Guide http://www.tax-news.com/news/Luxembourg_Launches_Isla... USERNAME: PASSWORD: RETRIEVE A LOST PASSWORD | CREATE A PROFILE Login TAX-NEWS.COM CONTACT | RECRUITMENT | ABOUT | LEGAL | LINKS Thursday, January 06, 2011 NETWORK SITES: LOWTAX TAX-NEWS USTAXNETWORK INVESTORSOFFSHORE LAWANDTAX-NEWS PBTG OFFSHORE-E-COM LOWTAXLIBRARY Front Page The Last Five Days Offshore Investment Jurisdictions THE LOWTAX Political/Economic LIBRARY Luxembourg Launches Islamic Finance Guide, by Phillip Offshore Tax Morton, Investors Offshore.com One of the web's largest E-Commerce Monday, January 03, 2011 and most authoritative Offshore Legal business and investment information Aviation sources. Alongside Marine Luxembourg for Finance – the agency with responsibility for the development of topical, daily news on Luxembourg's financial centre – has enhanced its website through the addition of a worldwide tax Resources section dedicated to shariah-compliant products and services. developments, you can Search receive weekly Tax-News Archive The website, which is available both in English and French, can be accessed through newswires or access the agency's existing website. up-to-date intelligence reports on a range of Among the site's new offerings, Luxembourg for Finance has provided research legal, tax and materials, and information on the various shariah-compliant structures available. The investment subjects. website also details service providers with particular experience in the sector. FREE TRIAL NEWS Announcing its latest initiative, Luxembourg for Finance, said in a statement on SUBSCRIPTION January 3: Our 16 constantly “The launch of a dedicated website is just the latest step in a determined campaign updated intelligence to promote the development of Islamic finance in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg reports cover every government is committed to diversifying its financial centre, and supports this important aspect of campaign.” 'offshore' and international “Increasingly recognized as a leading Islamic finance centre, Luxembourg is the most tax-planning in depth, popular European domicile for shariah-compliant investment funds and can rival any including banking stock exchange in Europe for the number of sukuk issues listed.” secrecy, the EU's savings tax directive, “The Luxembourg Central Bank is the first European central bank to become a offshore funds, member of the Islamic Financial Services Board and is working actively to gain e-commerce, offshore experience of supervisory practice in this area and identifying instruments, practices gaming and transfer and solutions for managing liquidity in a shariah-compliant manner.” pricing. Reports are available for immediate “[To further promote our jurisdiction], Luxembourg for Finance is currently downloading or as participating in the World Islamic Banking Forum in Bahrain, where potential Islamic subscription services finance clients can make contact with a large delegation of financial sector with news pages. professionals from the Luxembourg financial centre.” . Advertising & Marketing With over 50,000 qualified readers every month our web-sites offer a number of cost 1 of 5 1/6/11 9:40 AM
Untitled Page http://www.cibafi.org/newscenter/english/PrintPage.aspx?id=... /2011 The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic finance ourg for Finance, the agency for the development of mbourg financial center, has enhanced its website by tion of a section dedicated to shariah compliant and services. g for Finance, the agency for the development of the Luxembourg financial center, has enhanced its website by the a section dedicated to shariah compliant products and services. e,which is available in English and French, can be accessed on www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu or via the bsite www.luxembourgforfinance.lu. use the site to do upstream research on their projects, identifying the best vehicles for particular shariah tructures. so identify a wide range of services providers with experience in the sector. A selection of brochures focusing on ance in Luxembourg can be downloaded from the website. of a dedicated website is just the latest step in a determined campaign to promote the development of Islamic uxembourg. The Luxembourg Government, which policy is to diversify the financial centre, supports this Increasingly recognised as a leading Islamic finance center, Luxembourg is the most popular European domicile for mpliant investment funds and can rival any stock exchange in Europe for the number of sukuk issues listed. bourg Central Bank is the first European central bank to become a member of the Islamic Financial Services Board ing actively to gain experience of supervisory practice in this area and identifying instruments, practices and or managing liquidity in a shariah compliant manner. g for Finance is currently participating in the World Islamic Banking Forum in Bahrain,where potential Islamic nts can make contact with a large delegation of financial sector professionals from the Luxembourg financial All Rights Reserved for General Council For Islamic Banks and Financial Institution 1 of 1 1/7/11 9:55 AM
Opalesque Islamic Finance Briefing | The Luxembourg financi... http://www.opalesque.com/IslamicFinance_Briefing/?p=10389 Thu, Jan 6, 2011 A A A Customize Page Welcome Guest SUBSCRIBER LOGIN RSS Archives | Research | Funds | Events | Shop Search 203,955 archived articles Search About Us Publications Research Traders only Broadcasts Events Jobboard Webinar Hot Topics » hedge funds adar moore capital Service more topics » Islamic Finance Briefing - Categorized | Market Moves, New Launches Email | Print The Luxembourg financial centre now has a website dedicated to Islamic finance Posted on 04 January 2011 From Zawya.com: Luxembourg for Finance, the agency for the development of the Luxembourg financial center, has enhanced its website by the addition of a section dedicated to shariah compliant products and services. The website,which is available in English and French, can be accessed on www.islamicfinanceluxembourg.lu or via the existing website www.luxembourgforfinance.lu ………………………………………Full Article: Source This post was written by: Laxman - who has written 9956 posts on Opalesque Islamic Finance Briefing. Contact the author You must be logged in to post a comment. Subscribe via: RSS EMAIL Search IF Briefings for... Search Latest Videos Featuring : Zeke Ashton: Outperforming with "neglected, hated and feared" stocks. Zeke Ashton is the founder of Dallas, Texas based Centaur Capital Partners. The firm specializes in value-oriented investing strategies with an emphasis on achieving excellent risk-adjusted returns. The Centaur Value Fund, a long / short, long-biased private investment partnership launched in August 2002, has been compounding at 16% per annum. Centaur Capital is also the su... » Watch the video More Videos » 1 of 3 1/6/11 9:49 AM
les responsables des banques centrales Islamiques se retrouve... http://fr.financialislam.com/1/post/2011/01/les-responsables-d... Search les responsables des banques centrales Islamiques se retrouveront à Luxembourg 01/05/2011 0 Comment(s) La finance islamique au Grand-Duché, «L'histoire remonte déjà à 1983», rappelle Eleanor de Rosmorduc, chargée des Categories relations publiques de All l'agence Luxembourg for Algérie finance (LFF). À cette date, Allemagne la première société arabe Arabie Saoudite d'assurance s'installait sur Asset Management la Place. En 2002, la Bourse de Luxembourg était la première en Bahrein Occident à coter une action «fonctionnant» selon les critères de la Banque Islamique De charia. Développement Belgique Aujourd'hui, le Luxembourg est le deuxième pays non arabe en termes Chine de gestion de fonds privés d'investissement islamiques. «Mais au-delà Crise des 500 millions d'euros d'actifs actuels, les établissements pourraient Dette collecter plus». D'où la page spéciale sur le site web de LFF pour Egypte présenter aux convertis à l'islam habitant en Europe les possibilités Emirats Arabes Unis offertes ici. Sachant que Londres a déjà saisi cette chance depuis Etats Unis longtemps. «La finance islamique répond à des règles. Ce ne sont pas France des religieux qui veillent à leur respect mais bien des juristes», précise Hedge Funds Eleanor de Rosmorduc. Immobilier Istissnaâ Pas d'argent investi dans toute activité liée au jeu ou à l'alcool, ou Koweit aucun taux d'intérêt avancé. «L'idée n'est pas d'attirer une banque de Liban Dubai au Luxembourg, mais bien des fonds occidentaux et les gérer Luxembourg selon la gouvernance de la charia et dans le respect des lois de l'Union». Malaisie Maroc L'essentiel Microfinance Mourabaha Pakistan Qatar Royaume Uni Comments Salam Sénégal Singapore Soudan Sukuk Leave a Reply Takaful Taxe Tunisie Tunisis Turquie Vos Annonces Ici $20 de clics cadeaux pour placer votre annonce ici. Gratuitement! www.votre-site.com Votre publicité ici! BIDVERTISER ADS RSS Feed 1 of 2 1/6/11 9:44 AM
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