Nouvelles acquisitions IIEDH mars 2020
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Nouvelles acquisitions IIEDH mars 2020 Women and the Universal declaration of Human Rights / Rebecca Adami Auteur: Adami, Rebecca, 1982- Editeur: New York : Routledge Date: 2019 Collation: xi, 161 Seiten : Illustrationen Collection: Routledge research in gender and history Documents dans cette collection: Routledge research in gender and history Sujet LCSH: Women -- Legal status, laws, etc; Women (International law) -- History; Women's rights; United Nations -- General Assembly -- Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- History; United Nations Human Rights Council; Electronic book Classification: dr-sys D 18.1 h Identifiant: 9781138345355 (hbk) (ISBN) No RERO: R008991918 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR D 18.1 h ADAM 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69127 - Code-barre: 1003536317 Manuel de soins palliatifs / ouvrage coord. par Dominique Jacquemin ... [et al.] Auteur: Jacquemin, Dominique, 1959- Edition: 4e éd. entièrement revue et augm.. Editeur: Paris : Dunod Date: 2014 Collation: 1226 p. Sujet RERO: Soins palliatifs Sujet MeSH: Palliative Care; Terminal Care Contient: [Sommaire] Part. 1: Les soins palliatifs : entre culture et société: Envisager une personne quand elle s'achemine vers la mort. - Origine et inspiration. - Histoire et rayonnement européen. - Soins palliatifs et évolution socio-médicale. - De circulaires en mandats et missions : quels enjeux sociaux et médicaux? - Part. 2: Contextualiser la pratique des soins palliatifs: Sociologie du mourir hier, aujourd'hui et demain. - Vivre et mourir en compagnie de la technique. - Douleurs et souffrances : quelle place pour la médecine ? - Temporalité, maladie grave et soins palliatifs. - Maladie grave, soins palliatifs : quelle anthropologie ? - Vieillir, jusqu'où, comment ? - Polyhandicap : laisser vivre, forcer à vivre, laisser mourir, faire mourir. - Soins palliatifs entre rationalité, spiritualité et existence. - Les besoins spirituels lorsque la vie psychique et/ou physique s'altère. - Part. 3: Premiers jalons pour une réflexion éthique: Qu'est-ce que l'éthique? Que n'est-elle pas ? - La visée éthique chez P. Ricoeur et l'alliance thérapeutique. - Décision, processus décisionnel, construire une décision collégiale. - La médecine toujours soignante? - L'éthique comme apprentissage collectif. - Part. 4: Prise en charge soignante et médicale:
symptômes et thérapeutiques: La souffrance globale en fin de vie. - Décision, proportionnalité et justice distributive. - La douleur. - Les autres symptômes. - Les symptômes réfractaires : clinique et pratique de la sédation. - Partie 5: Situations spécifiques: Soins palliatifs au coeur des limites. - Soins palliatifs en cancérologie. - Soins palliatifs en gériatrie. - Soins palliatifs et fragilité démences (MAMA). - Soins palliatifs en pédiatrie. - Soins palliatifs en hématologie. - Soins palliatifs et service des urgences. - Soins palliatifs en réanimation. - Soins palliatifs et maladies neurologiques de l'adulte. - Soins palliatifs et personnes atteintes d'un grand handicap. - Soins palliatifs en néonatalogie et maternité. - Part. 6: Informer, accompagner, maintenir vivant: L'annonce d'une mauvaise nouvelle : épreuve pour le soignant et le patient. - Les mécanismes de défense. - Écouter et prendre soin d'une personne qui souhaite mourir. - Part. 7: La fin de vie : mourir, continuer à vivre: L'épreuve du mourir. - L'agonie : connaissance, compétence et accompagnement. - " Je vais mourir, j'ai peur, j'ai hâte ", approche pastorale. - Les familles face à la mort. - Des rites pour continuer à vivre. - Crémation et rites funéraires. - Le travail de deuil. - Part. 8: Un travail d'équipe: Travailler en équipe : position du problème. - Se connaître entre professionnels. - Soutenir l'équipe. - Part. 9: L'expertise infirmière: Le rapport au corps. - Prévention et soins d'escarres. - Les soins de bouches. - L'usage de l'aromathérapie en soins palliatifs. - Part. 10: Accompagner : le bénévolat: Bénévolat, fonction sociale, instrumentalisée? - Des bénévoles: que viennent-ils faire en soins palliatifs? - Motivations, besoins, formation, rôle auprès de l'enfant et de sa famille, relations avec les professionnels. - Parents, équipe médicale et bénévoles autour de l'enfant en fin de vie. - Compétences, évaluation et formation des bénévoles. - Part. 11: Familles, aidants naturels: La pratique des soins palliatifs à domicile et lieux de vie. - Approche généalogique, héréditaire des familles. - " Je veux rentrer à la maison " : quel accompagnement des familles? . - La prise en compte de la sexualité : du tabou aux possibles. - Part. 12: Organisation, structuration: Fonctions, avantages, intérêts et limites du travail. - Regard infirmier sur la structuration concrète des soins palliatifs. - À quoi servent les réseaux de soins palliatifs? - Part. 13: Soins palliatifs et politiques de santé: Place d'une association dans le développement des soins palliatifs et le débat politique. - Pour une politique de la fin de vie. - Soins palliatifs et capacitation du patient, un enjeu de santé publique. - Part. 14: Vivre, mourir: enjeux éthiques: Faut-il tout médicaliser? - La délibération relative aux orientations de traitement. - Questions spécifiques. - Entendre une demande de mort : qu'est-ce qui nous choque? - Soins palliatifs en anténatal et maternité. - Part. 15: Soins palliatifs et pédagogie: enjeux de la formation en soins palliatifs: Enjeux pédagogiques d'une formation médicale en soins palliatifs. - L'enseignement universitaire des soins palliatifs. - Les soins palliatifs: une spécialité? - " Enseigner " une pédagogie de l'éthique? - Part. 16: Soins palliatifs et recherche: Enjeux d'une recherche en et pour les soins palliatifs: quelles difficulté? - La recherche clinique en médecine palliative: un vecteur d'espoir? - Conclusion. Les soins palliatifs: une réponse à la mort désocialisée. - Note: Existe aussi en version électronique Classification: dr-sys A 58 g; HESS 616.02 Sujet RERO - forme: [Études diverses]; [Manuels d'enseignement] Identifiant: 9782100712366 (ISBN); (URN) No RERO: R007797152 Existe sous différentes formes: Manuel de soins palliatifs Permalien:
• Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 58 g MASP 2014 - 2e cote: TDB 69119 - Code-barre: 1003536415 • Localisation: FR HESS - Cote: HESS 616.02MANU - 2e cote: HEdS-FR G-14364B - Code-barre: 1004012303 Citizenship, alienage, and the modern constitutional state : a gendered history / Helen Irving Auteur: Irving, Helen, 1954- Edition: 1st pbk ed.. Editeur: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Date: [2017] Collation: 289 p. Classification: dr-sys A 37 h; dr-sys A 66.1 h; dr-sys D 18 h Identifiant: 9781107664234 (pbk) (ISBN) No RERO: R008842075 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 37 h IRVI 2017 - 2e cote: TDB 69043 - Code-barre: 1003536540 Measuring social welfare : an introduction / Matthew D. Adler Auteur: Adler, Matthew D., 1962- Editeur: New York, NY : Oxford university press Date: 2019 Collation: xiv, 317 pages ; 25 cm Sujet LCSH: Distributive justice; Public welfare Contient: The social welfare function : an overview -- Measuring well-being -- The landscape of SWFs -- Which SWF should we chose? : a debate -- Implementing the SWF framework : a case study -- The institutional role of the SWF -- Research frontiers Note: Includes bibliographical references (pages 299-307) and index Classification: dr-sys A 7.3 h Identifiant: 9780190643027 (hardcover) (ISBN); 9780190643034 (paperback) (ISBN) No RERO: R008984485 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.3 h ADLE 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69041 - Code-barre: 1003536542 Philosophers take on the world / edited by David Edmonds Auteur: Edmonds, David, 1964- Editeur: Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press Date: 2018 Collation: xiv, 250 pages ; 23 cm Sujet LCSH: Civilization, Modern -- 21st century -- Philosophy Note: "Exploring moral issues behind the news"--Dust jacket cover; Includes bibliographical references
Classification: dr-sys A 7.1 g Identifiant: 9780198753728 (hbk.) (ISBN); 9780198822639 (pbk.) (ISBN) No RERO: R008985114 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 g PHTW 2018 - 2e cote: TDB 69045 - Code-barre: 1003536536 The ethics of global poverty : an introduction / Scott Wisor Auteur: Wisor, Scott, 1981- Edition: 2nd edition. Editeur: London ; New York, NY : Routledge Date: 2017 Collation: viii, 201 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Collection: The ethics of ... Documents dans cette collection: The ethics of ... Sujet LCSH: Poverty -- Moral and ethical aspects; Social justice Note: Includes bibliographical references and index Classification: dr-sys- A 7.1 h Identifiant: 9781138827059 (hbk) (ISBN); 9781138827066 (pbk) (ISBN) No RERO: R008730482 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 h WISO 2017 - 2e cote: TDB 69037 - Code-barre: 1003536547 A world divided : the global struggle for human rights in the age of nation-states / Eric D. Weitz Auteur: Weitz, Eric D., 1953- Editeur: Princeton : Princeton University Press Date: 2019 Collation: xx, 550 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps ; 25 cm Collection: Human rights and crimes against humanity Documents dans cette collection: Human rights and crimes against humanity Sujet LCSH: Human rights -- History; Human rights -- International cooperation Description: A global history of human rights in a world of nation-states that grant rights to some while denying them to others Once dominated by vast empires, the world is now divided into close to 200 independent countries with laws and constitutions proclaiming human rights-a transformation that suggests that nations and human rights inevitably developed together. But the reality is far more problematic, as Eric Weitz shows in this compelling global history of the fate of human rights in a world of nation-states. Through vivid histories drawn from virtually every continent, A World Divided describes how, since the eighteenth century, nationalists have struggled to establish their own states that grant human rights to some people. At the same time, they have excluded others through forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing, or even genocide. From Greek rebels, American settlers, and Brazilian abolitionists in the nineteenth century to
anticolonial Africans and Zionists in the twentieth, nationalists have confronted a crucial question: Who has the "right to have rights?" A World Divided tells these stories in colorful accounts focusing on people who were at the center of events. And it shows that rights are dynamic. Proclaimed originally for propertied white men, rights were quickly demanded by others, including women, American Indians, and black slaves. A World Divided also explains the origins of many of today's crises, from the existence of more than 65 million refugees and migrants worldwide to the growth of right-wing nationalism. The book argues that only the continual advance of international human rights will move us beyond the quandary of a world divided between those who have rights and those who don't. --Provided by publisher Classification: dr-sys D 18 h Identifiant: 069114544X (ISBN); 9780691145440 (ISBN) No RERO: R008975453 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR 18 h WEIT 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69137 - Code-barre: 1003536275 Indivisible human rights : a history / Daniel J. Whelan Auteur: Whelan, Daniel J Editeur: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press Date: [2010] Collation: 269 p. Collection: Pennsylvania studies in human rights Documents dans cette collection: Pennsylvania studies in human rights Sujet LCSH: Human rights -- History; Social rights -- History Note: Includes bibliographical references and index Classification: dr-sys D 18.0 g Identifiant: 9780812242409 (hardcover : alk. paper) (ISBN) No RERO: R005418608 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR D 18.0 g WHEL 2010 - 2e cote: TDB 69074 - Code-barre: 1003536460 Responsible enterprise : the emergence of global economic order / by Birgit Spiesshofer Auteur: Spiesshofer, Birgit, 1960- Editeur: München : C. H. Beck Date: 2018 Collation: 591 p. Sujet LCSH: Corporate governance -- Law and legislation; Social responsibility of business -- Law and legislation Description: "[This book] analyses the great variety of normative processes encompassed by the term 'corporate social responsibility' (CSR) and subjects them to a systematic and critical examination. Domestic and supranational legislation, international law and transnational private law instruments – supplemented and superseded by soft law and informal steering by private and
public organisations – are the 'smart mix' from which a global order for enterprise responsibility is emerging. The author relates these processes to fundamental considerations on the conception of enterprise, the justification and scope of enterprise responsibility and public-private governance. She reveals that the informalization of norm-creation and its transfer to the executive and private actors raises fundamental questions of national sovereignty, democratic legitimation and rule of law. A new conception of 'law' is also required."-- Note: English translation of: Unternehmerische Verantwortung : zur Entstehung einer globalen Wirtschaftsordnung. 2017 Classification: dr-sys A 79 h; dr-sys D 26 h; dr-sys A 79.1 h; dr-sys A 30.1 h Identifiant: 9783406714597 (Beck) (ISBN); 9781509922826 (Hart) (ISBN); 9783848745579 (Nomos) (ISBN) No RERO: R008844371 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 79 h SPIE 2018 - 2e cote: TDB 69036 - Code-barre: 1003536548 How to count animals, more or less / Shelly Kagan Auteur: Kagan, Shelly Editeur: Oxford : Oxford University Press Date: 2019 Collation: 309 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm Collection: Uehiro series in practical ethics Documents dans cette collection: Uehiro series in practical ethics Sujet LCSH: Animal welfare; Animals (Philosophy); Hierarchies; Human-animal relationships -- Moral and ethical aspects Description: Most people agree that animals count morally, but how exactly should we take animals into account? A prominent stance in contemporary ethical discussions is that animals have the same moral status that people do, and so in moral deliberation the similar interests of animals and people should be given the very same consideration. In 'How to Count Animals,' more or less, Shelly Kagan sets out and defends a hierarchical approach in which people count more than animals do and some animals count more than others. For the most part, moral theories have not been developed in such a way as to take account of differences in status. By arguing for a hierarchical account of morality - and exploring what status sensitive principles might look like - Kagan reveals just how much work needs to be done to arrive at an adequate view of our uties toward animals, and of morality more generally. -- Publisher, page four of cover Note: Includes bibliographical references (pages 305-306) and index Classification: dr-sys A 7.1 h Identifiant: 9780198829676 ((hardback)) (ISBN) No RERO: R008984518 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 h KAGA 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69042 - Code-barre: 1003536541
The ethics of assistance : morality and the distant needy / edited by Deen K. Chatterjee Auteur: Chatterjee, Deen K Edition: Reprinte. Editeur: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Date: 2007 Collation: xi, 292 p. ; 24 cm Collection: Cambridge studies in philosophy and public policy Documents dans cette collection: Cambridge studies in philosophy and public policy Sujet LCSH: Basic needs -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Developing countries; Economic assistance -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Developing countries; Poverty -- Moral and ethical aspects Note: Includes bibliographical references and index Classification: dr-sys A 7.1 g Identifiant: 0521527422 (pbk.) (ISBN); 0521820421 (ISBN) No RERO: R004994574 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 g ETAS 2007 - 2e cote: TDB 69125 - Code-barre: 1003536406 Dead wrong : the ethics of posthumous harm / David Boonin Auteur: Boonin, David Editeur: Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press Date: 2019 Collation: xii, 209 pages ; 24 cm Sujet LCSH: Dead; Death -- Moral and ethical aspects; Respect for persons Description: It is possible for an act to wrongfully harm a person, even if the act takes place after the person is dead. David Boonin defends this view in Dead Wrong and explains the puzzle of posthumous harm. In doing so, he makes three central claims. First, that it is possible for an act to wrongfully harm a person while they are alive even if the act has no effect on that person's conscious experiences. Second, that if this is so, then frustrating a person's desires is one way to wrongfully harm a person. And third, that it is possible for an act to wrongfully harm a person even if the act takes place after the person is dead. Over the course of the book, Boonin introduces the significance of posthumous harm, deals with each of his three main claims in turn, responds to the objections that might be raised against the book's thesis, and examines some of the ethical implications for issues such as posthumous organ and gamete removal, posthumous publication of private documents, damage to graves and corpses, and posthumous punishment and restitution Note: Includes bibliographical references and index Classification: dr-sys A 7.1 h Identifiant: 9780198842101 (hardcover) (ISBN) No RERO: R008985140 Permalien:
• Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 h BOON 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69038 - Code-barre: 1003536545 Raphaël Lemkin and the concept of genocide / Douglas Irvin-Erickson Auteur: Irvin-Erickson, Douglas, 1982- Editeur: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press Date: 2017 Collation: 312 p. Collection: Pennsylvania studies in human rights Documents dans cette collection: Pennsylvania studies in human rights Sujet RERO: Génocide; Lemkin, Rafaël; Convention des Nations Unies pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide (1948 - New York) Sujet LCSH: Genocide; Genocide (International law); International law and human rights; Lemkin, Raphael, -- 1900-1959; Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide -- (1948 December 9) Classification: dr-sys D 19.2 h Identifiant: 9780812248647 (hardcover) (ISBN) No RERO: R008483377 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR D 19.2 h IRVI 2017 - 2e cote: TDB 69140 - Code-barre: 1003536244 The will to punish / Didier Fassin ; with commentaries by Bruce Western ... [et al.] ; edited and introduced by Christopher Kutz Auteur: Fassin, Didier, 1955- Contributeur: Kutz, Christopher, 1967-; Western, Bruce, 1964- Editeur: New York : Oxford University Press Date: [2018] Collation: x, 194 Seiten Collection: The Berkeley Tanner lectures Documents dans cette collection: The Berkeley Tanner lectures Sujet LCSH: Prisons -- Moral and ethical aspects; Punishment -- Philosophy; Punishment (Psychology) Classification: dr-sys A 7 g Identifiant: 9780190888589 £19.99 (hbk. ) (ISBN) No RERO: R008983871 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7 g FASS 2018 - 2e cote: TDB 69070 - Code-barre: 1003536465 The art of environmental law : governing with aesthetics / Benjamin J. Richardson, Professor of Environmental Law, University of Tasmania Auteur: Richardson, Benjamin J Editeur: Oxford : Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing
Date: 2019 Collation: 344 p. ; 24 cm Sujet LCSH: Environmental law, International -- Philosophy; Environmentalism in art; Law and aesthetics Contient: Environmental Aesthetics and Art -- Aesthetics and Environmental Law -- Governance Challenges -- Vanquished Nature -- Corporate Greenwashing -- Ecological Restoration -- Climate Change -- Critical Aesthetics Description: "Environmental law has aesthetic dimensions. Not only have aesthetic values shaped the making of environmental law, such law also governs many of our nature-based sensory experiences. Aesthetics is also integral to understanding the very fabric of environmental law, in its institutions, procedures and discourses. The Art of Environmental Law, the first book of its kind, brings new insights into the importance of aesthetic issues in a variety of domains of environmental governance around the world, from climate change to biodiversity conservation. It also argues for aesthetics, and relatedly the arts, to be taken more seriously in the practice of environmental law so as to improve our emotional and ethical capacities to address the upheavals of the Anthropocene"-- Note: Includes bibliographical references and index Classification: dr-sys D 25.1 h Identifiant: 9781509924608 ((hardback)) (ISBN) No RERO: R008983941 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR D 25.1 h RICH 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69138 - Code-barre: 1003536276 The philosophical parent : asking the hard questions about having and raising children / Jean Kazez Auteur: Kazez, Jean Editeur: New York, NY, United States of America : Oxford University Press Date: 2018 Collation: xi, 322 pages ; 22 cm Sujet LCSH: Child rearing -- Philosophy; Parent and child -- Philosophy Contient: Introduction -- Children come from us: what's so special about having kids? -- Life is good: are babies lucky to be born or just the opposite? -- Quantity control: must we care about population statistics? -- Quality control: should we mess with nature? -- In the beginning: what's going on in there? -- A child is born: is labor pain simply awful? -- Whose child is this? why do biological parents have prerogatives? -- Nobody's child: does biology really matter? -- Parenthood's aim: what's a parent for? -- First decisions: to cut or not to cut? -- Still life with child: who's going to care for the baby? -- Boys and girls: is it okay to prefer a girl or a boy? should parents reinforce gender? -- The one and the many: when must I contribute to group efforts? -- Lies, lies, lies: should we ever lie to our children ... or for them? -- Passing on religion: should we raise children in our own image? -- Letting go: what should we do for our grown children? -- Going home: what should our grown children do for us? -- Parenthood and meaning: does parenthood make us better off? -- Acknowledgments -- Annotated bibliography -- Index Description: "Becoming parents draws us into philosophical quandaries before our children have even been born. Why do most of us want to have children? Should we make new people, despite
life's travails and our crowded world? Is adoptive parenthood just the same as biological parenthood? Once children arrive, the questions start to be a mix of the profound and the practical. Should we share our lifestyle with our children, no matter how unusual? Should we vaccinate and may we circumcise? Should we encourage gender differences? Tracing the arc of parenthood from the earliest days to the college years and beyond, Jean Kazez explores 18 questions for philosophical parents, applying the tools of philosophy and drawing on personal experience. The Philosophical Parent offers a novel account of the parent-child relationship and uses it to tackle a variety of parenting puzzles, but more than that, Kazez celebrates both having children and philosophical reflection. Her book provides a challenging but cheerful companion for thoughtful parents and parents-to-be."--Publisher's description Note: Originally published, in hardback: 2017; Includes bibliographical references (pages 295- 314) and index Classification: dr-sys A 7.1 h Identifiant: 9780190914189 ((paperback)) (ISBN); 9780190652609 ((hardcover)) (ISBN) No RERO: R008984549 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 h KAZE 2018 - 2e cote: TDB 69046 - Code-barre: 1003536537 The end : what science and religion tell us about the Apocalypse / Phil Torres ; foreword by Russell Blackford Auteur: Torres, Phil Editeur: Durham, North Carolina : Pitchstone Publishing Date: [2016] Collation: 288 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Sujet LCSH: End of the world; Eschatology; Religion and science Note: Includes bibliographical references Classification: dr-sys A 7 h Identifiant: 9781634310406 (pbk. : alk. paper) (ISBN) No RERO: R008985124 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7 h TORR 2016 - 2e cote: TDB 69071 - Code-barre: 1003536464 Just words : on speech and hidden harm / Mary Kate McGowan Auteur: McGowan, Mary Kate, 1968- Editeur: Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press Date: 2019 Collation: xi, 209 Seiten ; 22 cm Sujet LCSH: Freedom of speech -- Social aspects; Hate speech; Hate speech -- Philosophy; Oral communication -- Social aspects; Sociolinguistics Classification: dr-sys A 7 h Identifiant: 9780198829706 (Festeinband) (ISBN)
No RERO: R008985145 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7 h MCGO 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69069 - Code-barre: 1003536466 Human rights or global capitalism : the limits of privatization / Manfred Nowak Auteur: Nowak, Manfred, 1950- Editeur: Philadelphia : Univ of Pennsylvania Press Date: 2017 Collation: 247 p. Collection: Pennsylvania studies in human rights Documents dans cette collection: Pennsylvania studies in human rights Classification: dr-sys D 18 h Identifiant: 0812248759 (ISBN); 9780812248753 (cloth) (ISBN); (URN) No RERO: R008483283 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR D 18 h NOWA 2017 - 2e cote: TDB 69141 - Code-barre: 1003536245 The second founding : how the Civil War and Reconstruction remade the constitution / Eric Foner Auteur: Foner, Eric, 1943- Editeur: New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton & Company Date: [2019] Collation: xxix, 224 Seiten : Illustrationen Sujet LCSH: Constitutional history -- United States -- 19th century; Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) -- Influence; United States -- Constitution -- 13th-15th Amendments; United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Law and legislation Note: Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke; Includes bibliographical references and index Classification: dr-sys CB/USA 33.0 h Identifiant: 9780393652574 (hardcover) (ISBN) No RERO: R008983888 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR CB/USA 33.0 h FONE 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 69035 - Code-barre: 1003536549 Global distributive justice : [an introduction] / Chris Armstrong Auteur: Armstrong, Chris Editeur: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Date: 2012
Collation: 270 p. Sujet RERO: Justice distributive; Morale; Relations internationales Classification: dr-sys D 45 g Identifiant: 9781107401402 (ISBN); 9781107008922 (hbk.) (ISBN) No RERO: R006393635 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR D 45 g ARMS 2012 - 2e cote: TDB 69044 - Code-barre: 1003536538 Food, animals, and the environment : an ethical approach / Christopher Schlottmann and Jeff Sebo Auteur: Schlottmann, Christopher, 1980-; Sebo, Jeff Editeur: London : New York, NY : Routledge Date: 2019 Collation: 255 pages Sujet LCSH: Agriculture -- Environmental aspects; Agriculture -- Moral and ethical aspects Description: Facts, values, and naturalness -- Moral theory -- Moral status -- Agriculture and the environment -- Industrial agriculture -- Alternatives to industrial agriculture -- The ethics of food production -- The ethics of food consumption -- The ethics of legal food activism -- The ethics of illegal food activism Note: Includes bibliographical references and index Classification: dr-sys A 7.1 g Identifiant: 9781138801127 (ISBN) No RERO: R008964560 Permalien: • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 g SCHL 2019 - 2e cote: TDB 68977 - Code-barre: 1003516922 • Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 g SCHL 2019+1 - 2e cote: TDB 68977+A - Code-barre: 1003536462 Political philosophy : a beginners' guide for students and politicians / Adam Swift Auteur: Swift, Adam, 1961- Edition: 3rd ed.. Editeur: Cambridge : Polity Date: 2014 Collation: 247 p. Sujet LCSH: Political science -- Philosophy Classification: dr-sys A 7.1 g Identifiant: 9780745652375 (pbk.) (ISBN) No RERO: R008985132 Permalien:
• Localisation: FR UNI IIEDH - Ethique, droits de l'homme - Cote: DR A 7.1 g SWIF 2014 - 2e cote: TDB 69139 - Code-barre: 1003536246
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