Professor Jean-Louis BERTRAND - ESSCA

Professor Jean-Louis BERTRAND

Main department: Finance, Accounting and          Email:
Management Control
Nationality: France

  - Interest Rate and Commodity Risk Management in International Corporations
  - Weather Risk Management in Corporations
  - Hedging and International Accounting Standards

  - Asset Management
  - International Corporate Finance
  - Treasury and Risk Management

Highest degree :
  2010        PhD, Business administration, Finance, Université Paris Nanterre - Paris
              10, France

  1989         Master of Business Administration, Business administration, Finance,
               Minnesota State University, United States of America
  1988         Diplôme d'ingénieur, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers,

Academic experience
  Since 2013   Professor, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2003 - 2013 Associate Professor, ESSCA School of Management, France
  Since 2003   Head of Bank and Markets Major, ESSCA School of Management, France
  1998 - 2002 Faculty member, Eurofinance Training, United Kingdom
  1998 - 2001 Faculty member, Management Centre Europe, Belgium
Professional experience
  Since 2017   Directeur Général, RM Finance, France
  2011 - 2017 Chief Scientific Officer & Co-founder, Méteo Protect, France
  2007 - 2011 Weather risk management consultant, Metnext, France
  1996 - 2002 Head of Treasury Market Operations, Levi Strauss & Co., Belgium

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Professional experience
  1995 - 1996 Acting as Head of European Derivative Sales team, Standard Chartered
              bank, United Kingdom
  1992 - 1995 International Treasurer, CarnaudMetalbox, France
  1988 - 1992 Head of the Corporate Desk (London) Marketing Officer (London) Attaché
              à la Direction Agence Grandes Entreprises (Paris), Credit commercial de
              France, France

Editorial activities
  Active editorship with academic / professional publication
  Since 2019   Ad-hoc reviewer, Energy Journal
  Since 2019   Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Management
  Since 2019   Ad-hoc reviewer,    International      Journal   of   Retail   and   Distribution
  Since 2017   Ad-hoc reviewer, Applied Economics
  Since 2016   Ad-hoc reviewer, European Journal of Operational Research
  Since 2016   Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Business Research
Service to the academic discipline
  Leadership positions in recognized academic associations/societies
  Since 2020   Vice president: Groupe Interdisciplinaire d’Experts sur le Changement
               climatique, Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire, France
  Scientific association membership
  Since 2021   Professional affiliation, American Risk & Insurance Association (ARIA),
               United States of America
  Since 2015   Professional affiliation, Weather Risk Management Association (WRMA),
               United States of America

Peer-reviewed Articles
  CHABOT, M., J. -L. BERTRAND, "Complexity, interconnectedness and stability: New
  perspectives applied to the European banking system", Journal of Business Research,
  May 2021, vol. 129, pp. 784-800
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. CHABOT, "Protecting Franchise Chains against Weather Risk: a
  Design Science Approach", Journal of Business Research, March 2021, vol. 125, no.
  2021, pp. 187-200
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. CHABOT, "Stock Returns and Weather: Case of European Listed
  Energy Firms", Finance, September 2020, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 51-92
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Understanding the economic effects of abnormal
  weather to mitigate the risk of business failures", Journal of Business Research, May
  2019, vol. 98, pp. 391-402

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CHABOT (PARNAUDEAU), M., J. -L. BERTRAND, E. THOREZ, "Resilience of United
  Kingdom Financial Institutions to Major Uncertainty: A Network Analysis Related to the
  Credit Default Swaps Market", Journal of Business Research, August 2019, vol. 101, pp.
  PARNAUDEAU, M., J. -L. BERTRAND, "The contribution of weather variability to
  economic sectors", Applied Economics, April 2018, vol. 50, no. 43, pp. 4632-4649
  BERTRAND, J. -L., X. BRUSSET, "Managing the Financial Consequences of Weather
  variability", Journal of Asset Management, September 2018, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 301-315
  BRUSSET, X., J. -L. BERTRAND, "Hedging weather risk and coordinating supply chains",
  Journal of Operations Management, November 2018, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 41-52
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "No more blaming the weather : a retailer’s
  approach to measuring and managing weather variability", International Journal of
  Retail and Distribution Management, October 2017, vol. 45, no. 7/8, pp. 730-761
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Severe Weather threatens businesses. It's time to
  measure and disclose the risks", Harvard Business Review, September 2017, no. Online
  BERTRAND, J. L., X. BRUSSET, "Assessing and hedging the cost of unseasonal weather:
  case of the apparel sector", European Journal of Operational Research, January 2015,
  vol. 244, no. 1, pp. 345-363
  BERTRAND, J. L., X. DURAND, "Météo et performance financière", Finance & Gestion,
  January 2015, vol. 326, pp. 56
  BERTRAND, J. -L., P. GLEMAIN, "Economie rurale et risques climatiques dans les pays en
  développement: de la question des dérivés au secours de la microfinance",
  Management & Avenir, 2011, no. 46, pp. 261-279
  BERTRAND, J. -L., C. WALTER, "Innovations financières : révolution ou conformisme?, ",
  Revue Française de Comptabilité, 2010, no. 438, pp. 72-77
  BACHAR, K., J. -L. BERTRAND, "La valeur d’une entreprise peut-elle être sensible à la
  météo ? Une étude empirique du marché français,", Management & Avenir, September
  2009, no. 28, pp. 56-72

Books and Book Editor
  BERTRAND, J. -L., La gestion du risque météo en entreprise, Revue Banque, 2011

Chapters in book
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Risque climatique et stratégie financière : l’assurance météo" in
  Livre blanc Climat 2012 : L’entreprise, les politiques, les citoyens face au changement
  climatique., O. Guy Ed.,, pp. 33-35, 2012
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Environmental risks and financial markets : a two-way street" in The
  Oxford Handbook of Business and the Natural Environment., P. Bansal and A. J.
  Hoffman Ed., Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management, chap. 26, pp. 482-501,
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Faute grave" in Le management en archipel : crises, tabous et non
  dits dans les organisations., V. Calvez, B. Bouchard et A. Joly [coord.] Eds, Editions
  Management & Société, pp. 157-168, 2007

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BERTRAND, J. -L., S. JUSTEAU, "Typology of oil shocks : why 2004 is different" in
  Environmental Economics and investment assessment., A Arravossitz, C.A. Brebbia,
  E.Kakaras and A.G. Kungolos Eds, WIT Press, pp. 259-272, 2006

Published Case Studies
  BERTRAND, J. -L., V. CALVEZ - "Imposture au sommet : comment maîtriser les habiletés
  politiques dans les organisations ?" - 2020, CCMP, France

Research / consulting reports
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Weather Risk Disclosures: Rating European Energy Companies,",
  BERTRAND, J. -L., L. HERSHEY, M. PARNAUDEAU, "Measuring and managing weather
  variability: protecting business from WeatherRisks", White Paper, Meteo Protect, 2016
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "The impact of climate variability on the private
  sector", Social Science Research Network, Meteo Protect, 2015
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Ranking the impact of climate variability on UK
  retail sectors: a path to resilience", White Paper, Meteo Protect, 2015
  CREHALET, E., J. -L. BERTRAND, M. FORTIN, "Demystifying climate effects", Research
  report, Kepler-Cheuvreux ESG, 2013
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Contribution au rapport du groupe de travail Paris-Europlace «
  Climat et innovations financières » (présidé par J.P. Clamadieu)", remis à Madame C.
  Lagarde, Ministre de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Emploi le 3 juillet, 2008
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Etude pour Newman SA, Treasury and Foreign Exchange Risk
  Management Assessment and Techniques.", Expert auprès du Comité d’Intelligence
  Economique et Territoriale de Végépolys, CCI Angers (Pôle de compétitivité à vocation
  mondiale), 2006

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Un nouvel impératif pour les entreprises : couvrir le risque météo.",
  Analyse Financière, January 2013, no. 44, pp. 79-80
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Le financier, l’investisseur ou le créancier doit prendre en compte le
  risque météo", Revue Banque, November 2011, no. 741, pp. 68-70
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Gestion des risques : il est temps de s’intéresser à la météo", Revue
  Banque, 2009, no. 715, pp. 78-79
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Les entreprises européennes face à la gestion des risques
  météorologiques", Systèmes Agroalimentaires / Food systems- Série AG, June 2008, no.
  18, pp. 1225-1249
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "La gestion des risques météorologiques devient incontournable",
  Trésorier magazine, 2008, no. 61, pp. 9-14
  BERTRAND, J. -L., S. JUSTEAU,         "Gold:     Back      to   Fundamentals",   International
  Commodities Review , 2006
  BERTRAND, J. -L., D. PERRIN, "Le risque climatique encore délaissé par les entreprises
  françaises", La Lettre du Trésorier, September 2006
  JUSTEAU, S., J. -L. BERTRAND, "Is expensive oil good for growth?", International Oil and
  Gas Finance Review, 2006

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BERTRAND, J. -L., S. JUSTEAU, "The Oil Price: Does It Matter?", International Oil and Gas
  Finance Review, 2005, pp. 13-19
  BERTRAND, J. -L., S. JUSTEAU, "Gold: Just Another Commodity Unless", International
  Commodities Review , 2005, pp. 62-65
  BERTRAND, J. -L., S. JUSTEAU, "Gold and US dollar : Empirical Evidences", International
  Commodities Review , 2004, vol. Euromoney, pp. 30-31

Presentation at a conference with proceedings
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Reporting climate risks : from TCFD to rating Weather Risks
  disclosure" in 9th Weather and Energy Conference, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Collecte de données autour du livre blanc sur la notation des
  sociétés cotées du secteur de l'énergie" in Weather Risk Management Association
  Annuel Meeting, 2019, Estonia
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles intégrer les dérèglements
  climatiques dans leur stratégie et leur performance ? Observatoire de la Matérialité" in
  Institut du Capitalisme Responsable, 2018, Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "European Weather risk management conference" in Weather Risk
  Management Association, 2017, London
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Weather VaR : the new benchmark for managing
  weather risks" in IFABS Conference, 2016, Barcelone, Spain
  BRUSSET, X., J. L. BERTRAND, "Assessing and hedging weather-sensitive sales: a case
  study" in ROADEF 2015, 2015, Marseille, France
  BRUSSET, X., J. L. BERTRAND, "Reducing the bullwhip effect in weather sensitive supply
  chains: a case study" in 16th Workshop on Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
  2015, Bruxelles, Belgium
  BERTRAND, J. L., "Managing diffusion barriers in new product development : the case of
  the weather derivatives" in PIM 2014, 2014, Denver, United States of America
  BRUSSET, X., J. L. BERTRAND, "Weather effect on apparel sales in France" in CERR
  Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, 2014, Brême, Germany
  BRUSSET, X., J. -L. BERTRAND, M. FORTIN, "Weather effects on apparel sales in France"
  in ICORES, 2014, Angers, France
  BRUSSET, X., J. -L. BERTRAND, M. FORTIN, "Weather effect on apparel sales in France"
  in IFORS, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
  BERTRAND, J. L., "Don't get fooled by the weather : tools to quantify the impact of the
  weather on company's results" in Kepler-Cheuvreux Autumn Conference, 2013, Paris,
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Information financière et météo : les actionnaires savent-ils
  vraiment tout ?, " in Conférence à la Société Française des Analystes Financiers, 2011,
  Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Information Financière et risque météo : analyse des émetteurs du
  SBF120" in Conférence à l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers, 2011, Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., P. GLEMAIN, "Microfinance et ruralité : de la pertinence des
  assurances indicielles ?" in Journées de la Microfinance, 2010, Dijon, France

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BERTRAND, J. -L., "Dodd-Frank Act, EU Derivatives Directive and weather markets" in
  Weather Risk Management Association European Conference, 2010, Cracovie, Pologne
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Hot Issues in the Weather Market" in Conférence Annuelle des
  Trésoriers d’Entreprise, 2010, Bruxelles, Belgique
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Innovations financières : révolution ou conformisme ?" in Ecole de
  Paris du Management, 2010, Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Ce qui doit changer dans les rapports annuels" in Conférence du
  Pôle Finance Innovation : Perspectives Post Copenhague et développement de la
  finance environnementale, 2010, Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Profiting from weather: treasury opportunitiesProfiting from weather:
  treasury opportunities" in International Cash and Treasury Management, 2008,
  Barcelona, Spain
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Météo, Finance et Innovation: Exploiter, Gérer et Couvrir les aléas
  météorologiques" in SIVAL, 2008, Angers, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Is it time to manage weather risks" in Geneva Treasury Conference
  PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Is is time ro manage weather risks" in Treasury and Financial Risk
  Management , 2008, Zurich, Switzerland
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Companies and weather risks: time for treasurers to think hedging"
  in Business and Economics Society International Conference, 2007, Antibes
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Les Entreprises Européennes Face à la Gestion des Risques
  Climatiques" in Conférence de l’Association Française de Finance, 2007, Bordeaux,
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Le Trésorier et le risque climatique" in Conférence-débat de
  l’Association Française des Trésoriers d’Entreprise, 2007, Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Weather risks and the treasurer" in PriceWaterhouseCoopers & ATEB
  (Association of Corporate Treasurers in Belgium) Conference on « Commodity risks and
  the treasurer », 2007, Bruxelles, Belgique
  BERTRAND, J. -L., S. JUSTEAU, "Oil Shock: what if Expensive Oil was Good for Global
  Growth?" in International Conference of Business and Economics Society, 2006,
  Florence, Italie
  BERTRAND, J. -L., S. JUSTEAU, "Typology of Oil Shocks: Why 2004 Is Different" in
  Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment, vol. Wessex Institute of
  Technology, pp. 259-273, 2006, Mykonos, Greece
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Perspectives économiques et financières 2006" in Conférence DFCG,
  ESSCA, 2006, Angers, France

Presentation at Other Conference
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Weather Risk Management Association" in 19th Annual European
  Meeting, 2018, Rome, Italy
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Should you care about weather risks, Risk Seminar, BNP Paribas Risk
  Academy", 2013

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BERTRAND, J. -L., "Printemps pourri : le calcul de ce qu’il va vous coûter, interview par
  Olivier Harmant et Jean-Baptiste Bonaventure, Atlantico, 28 mai.", 2013
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Energie et Météo, Palais Brongniart, 7 Juin", 2011, Paris, France

  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Trésoriers, le monde change. Et vous?, " in Journées d’Etudes de
  l’Association des Trésoriers d’Entreprise, , 2009, Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Climate Change – Financial Threats and Opportunities", 2008,
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Weather and Treasury", 2008, Bruxelles, Belgique

  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Presentation of the New Initiative to Evaluate and Manage Weather
  Variations" in Paris Europlace International Financial Forum , 2008, Paris, France
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Météo, Finance et Innovation: Exploiter, Gérer et Couvrir les aléas
  météorologiques des entreprises du végétal spécialisé" in VEGEPOLYS, 2007, Angers,
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Risk Management and IAS 39"                in   Conférence   KBC    and
  PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 2006, Bruxelles, Belgique
  BERTRAND, J. -L., "Les entreprises face au risque climatique" in réunion-débat du
  MEDEF, 2006, Cholet, France

  BERTRAND, J. -L. - "IFRS and Weather Risks: Now is the time" - 2009

  BERTRAND, J. -L. - "French corporates and weather risks: not on the radar screen yet…
  but not for long" - 2007
  BERTRAND, J. -L. - "Is Expensive Oil Good for Growth?" - 2006, International Oil and Gas
  Finance Review
  BERTRAND, J. -L., O. BRISSAUD - "Préface in The Euromoney Foreign Exchange and
  Treasury Management Handbook" - 2004

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