2014 Competitive Examination for Editorial Assistants Part I 2014 - Concours de recrutement d'assistants d'édition
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UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA OFFICE DES NATIONS UNIES À GENÈVE ______________ ______________ 2014 – Competitive Examination for Editorial Assistants Part I 2014 – Concours de recrutement d’assistants d’édition Partie I Attention: corriger dans l’encadré ci-dessous SUPÉRIEUR (au lieu de DUPERIEUR) et INFÉRIEUR (au lieu de INFERIEUR) -1-
Instructions Part I-A – duration: 1 hour On the English text provided, indicate the elements that should be verified and researched for accuracy and adherence to United Nations editing standards prior to editing. You may indicate these on the texts themselves. Instructions Partie I-A – durée: 1 heure Sur le document anglais proposé, indiquez les éléments dont il faut vérifier l’exactitude et la conformité aux normes rédactionnelles de l’Organisation des Nations Unies avant l’édition. Veuillez écrire vos réponses directement sur les documents. -2-
Instructions Part I-B – duration: 1 hour On the French text provided, indicate the elements that should be verified and researched for accuracy and adherence to United Nations editing standards prior to editing. You may indicate these on the texts themselves. Instructions Partie I-B – durée: 1 heure Sur le document français proposé, indiquez les éléments dont il faut vérifier l’exactitude et la conformité aux normes rédactionnelles de l’Oganisation des Nations Unies avant l’édition. Veuillez écrire vos réponses directement sur les documents. -7-
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Instructions Part I-C – duration: 1 hour Choose one of the four texts provided (one each in Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish), and indicate the elements in that text that should be verified and researched for accuracy and adherence to United Nations editing standards prior to editing. You may indicate these on the text itself. Instructions Partie I-C – durée: 1 heure Choisissez l'un des quatre documents proposés (en arabe, chinois, espagnol et russe), et indiquez les éléments dont il faut vérifier l’exactitude et la conformité aux normes rédactionnelles de l’Organisation des Nations Unies avant l’édition. Veuillez écrire vos réponses directement sur le document. - 15 -
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UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA OFFICE DES NATIONS UNIES À GENÈVE ______________ ______________ 2014 – Competitive Examination for Editorial Assistants Parts II, III and IV 2014 – Concours de recrutement d’assistants d’édition Parties II, III et IV Attention: corriger dans l’encadré ci-dessous «SUPÉRIEUR» (au lieu de DUPERIEUR) et INFÉRIEUR (au lieu de INFERIEUR) - 40 -
Instructions Part II-A – duration: 1 hour Write an essay of 250 words in English on one of the following topics. Please write legibly. Topics 1. What are the issues covered by Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter? 2. Protecting and assisting refugees. Instructions Partie II-B – durée: 1 heure Rédigez un exposé de 250 mots environ en français sur un sujet général concernant l’ONU que vous aurez choisi parmi les deux thèmes proposés ci-dessous. Veuillez écrire lisiblement. Thèmes 1. Quels sont les points couverts par le Chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies? 2. Protection et assistance aux réfugiés. - 41 -
Instructions Part III – duration: 45 minutes A. Questions on the structure of the United Nations system of organizations and the names of the major international organizations. Give the full titles of the following acronyms/abbreviations, and give the acronyms/abbreviations and full titles in two other languages. For candidates who choose Arabic or Chinese, do not enter acronyms or abbreviations in those languages, enter the full titles only. OAU IMF UNRWA WMO UNCTAD ILC UNJSPB WHO ILO UNEP B. Questions on documentation of the United Nations system of organizations. Answer the following questions in English: 1. List the titles of the principal organs of the United Nations and briefly describe their functions. 2. Explain the difference between the terms the “third world” and the “non- aligned movement”. 3. List the kind of sessions the General Assembly holds and briefly describe them. 4. What is the name of the United Nations body that has its headquarters in Bangkok? 5. What is the name of the United Nations body that elaborated the draft Convention on Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes? - 42 -
Instructions Part IV – duration: 45 minutes Questions on documentation of the United Nations system of organizations. (Answers to be given in English) A. Explain what each element of the following document symbols stands for: A/AC.109/SC.2 A/35/...-S/... E/ICEF/ ST/SGB/StaffRules/1/Rev.5/Amend.1 T/OBS.../... B. 1. Give the basic elements of the symbols used in the documentation of three principal organs of the United Nations. 2. Which United Nations organization uses the basic symbol element “ID”? 3. Explain how you would verify the spelling of the name of a speaker in the First Committee of the General Assembly at its forty-second session? 4. Explain the meaning and use of the term “ibid.”. 5. Where would you look for the decision taken by the General Assembly on 12 January 1952 on the item entitled “Treatment of people of Indian origin in the Union of South Africa”? - 43 -
UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA OFFICE DES NATIONS UNIES À GENÈVE ______________ ______________ 2014 – Competitive Examination for Editorial Assistants Parts V, VI and VII 2014 – Concours de recrutement d’assistants d’édition Parties V, VI et VII Attention: corriger dans l’encadré ci-dessous «SUPÉRIEUR» (au lieu de DUPERIEUR) et INFÉRIEUR (au lieu de INFERIEUR) - 44 -
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Instructions Part V – duration: 1 hour Hands-on test of ability to use the Optical Disk System (ODS) and the Internet to search for required titles, documents, relevant texts or portions of texts in languages required. Print out your results in each case. 1. Search the ODS for the phrase “system-wide coherence” used in a resolution of the sixty-third session of the General Assembly. Save the French version of the resolution as “Exercise 1-A.doc”. Apply yellow highlighting in the French version to the words corresponding to the above-mentioned phrase and save the change. 2. Retrieve from the ODS the resolution by which Mr. Ban ki-Moon was appointed Secretary-General of the United Nations. Save the English version of the resolution as “Exercise 1-B.doc”. 3. Retrieve from the ODS the United Nations document bearing the job number N0922229. Save the English version of the document as “Exercise 1-C.doc”. - 46 -
Instructions Part VI – duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes Preparation of an electronic version of a document in the main language of the candidate to conform to the formats specified in an English or French version provided, using Microsoft for Windows (2003 version). No sample of this part is being provided at present. - 47 -
Instructions Part VII – duration: 1 hour On-screen test of spelling, grammar and structure in English, using tracked changes. Candidates will be given a two-page text and asked to correct basic grammar, style and usage errors. No sample of this part is being provided at present. - 48 -
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