Andrea Meier - Walder Wyss

Andrea Meier - Walder Wyss
Andrea Meier

Dr. iur., LL.M. (Harvard), Avocate   An​drea Mei​er prac​ti​ses ar​bi​tra​ti​on and     Cham​bers Glo​bal, Cham​bers Eu​ro​pe and
Associée                             li​ti​ga​ti​on and is re​cognis​ed as a lea​der    Who's Who Le​gal re​cogni​se An​drea Mei​‐
Téléphone +41 58 658 58 66           in her field. She has ac​ted as ar​bi​tra​ti​on    er as a glo​bal ar​bi​tra​ti​on lea​der. In          coun​sel or ar​bi​tra​tor in more than 70          2018, Who's Who Le​gal's Fu​ture Lea​‐
                                     ar​bi​tra​ti​ons un​der va​rious na​tio​nal laws   ders edi​ti​on ran​ked her as the most
                                     and ar​bi​tra​ti​on ru​les (ICC, SCAI, DIS,        high​ly re​gar​ded ar​bi​tra​ti​on part​ner in
                                     VIAC, WIPO, UN​CI​TRAL, CAS, ad-hoc,               Eu​ro​pe aged 45 or un​der. Cli​ents and
                                     etc.). A par​ti​cu​lar fo​cus of An​drea Mei​‐     peers de​scri​be her as a “com​mer​ci​al​ly
                                     er's work is the con​st​ruc​tion sec​tor. For      min​ded la​wy​er who is al​ways wil​ling to
                                     many ye​ars, she has re​pre​sen​ted par​‐          lis​ten to the cli​ent's view​point first”
                                     ties in dis​pu​tes re​la​ting to lar​ge in​dus​‐   (Cham​bers Glo​bal 2020) and a “tough
                                     tri​al and in​fra​st​ruc​tu​re pro​jects, most     coun​sel” (Who's Who Le​gal Ar​bi​tra​ti​on
                                     re​cent​ly re​gar​ding the de​ve​lop​ment of       2020). Com​men​ta​tors have also sta​ted
                                     an off​shore gas field and a lar​ge pro​‐          that she is “ele​gant in re​mo​ving the
                                     duc​tion plant. Re​cent ca​ses also in​clu​de      hosti​li​ties, good in lea​ding the tri​bu​nals”
                                     post-M&A and joint ven​ture dis​pu​tes,            and "open to the com​mer​ci​al side and
                                     and dis​pu​tes in the phar​ma​ceu​ti​cal and       the busi​ness rea​li​ties” (Cham​bers Eu​ro​‐
                                     mo​bi​li​ty sec​tors.                              pe and Glo​bal 2018). Cli​ents de​scri​be
                                                                                        her as “di​li​gent, pre​cise and on top of
                                     Mo​reo​ver, An​drea Mei​er re​gu​lar​ly re​‐       things. Ex​tre​me​ly good to work with as
                                     pres​ents cli​ents from the fi​nan​ci​al in​‐      well: proac​ti​ve, al​ways on time, al​ways
                                     dus​try be​fo​re sta​te courts and ar​bi​tral      on bud​get” (Cham​bers Eu​ro​pe and Glo​‐
                                     tri​bu​nals and ad​vi​ses them on cross-           bal 2017). In the li​ti​ga​ti​on field, she was
                                     bor​der mat​ters re​gar​ding for​eign court        re​cent​ly na​med a “Thought Lea​der Li​ti​‐
                                     pro​cee​dings (ban​king se​crecy, Ar​ti​cle        ga​ti​on” (Who's Who Le​gal 2020).
                                     271 Swiss Cri​mi​nal Code). She has ex​‐
                                     ten​si​ve ex​pe​ri​ence in hand​ling a wide        An​drea Mei​er holds lea​ding func​tions in
                                     ar​ray of dis​pu​tes bet​ween banks and            key pro​fes​sio​nal or​ga​ni​sa​ti​ons. She is
                                     custo​mers, banks and ser​vice pro​vi​ders         Vice Pre​si​dent of ASA (Swiss Ar​bi​tra​ti​on
                                     and in​ter-bank dis​pu​tes.                        As​so​cia​ti​on) and a mem​ber of ASA's
                                                                                        Exe​cu​ti​ve Com​mit​tee, a for​mer ASA be​‐
                                                                                        low 40 co-chair, a mem​ber of the Ar​bi​‐
                                                                                        tra​ti​on Court of SCAI (Swiss Cham​bers'
                                                                                        Ar​bi​tra​ti​on In​sti​tu​ti​on) and an ar​bi​tra​tor
                                                                                        of the CAS (Court of Ar​bi​tra​ti​on for
                                                                                        Sport). She re​gu​lar​ly pu​blis​hes in the
                                                                                        field of in​ter​na​tio​nal ar​bi​tra​ti​on and is a
                                                                                        fre​quent spea​ker at in​ter​na​tio​nal ar​bi​‐
                                                                                        tra​ti​on con​fe​ren​ces in Swit​zer​land and
                                                                                        ab​road. She re​cent​ly spo​ke at a joint
                                                                                        event of KCAB, SCAI and ASA in Seo​ul
                                                                                        on sett​le​ment fa​ci​li​ta​ti​on by ar​bi​tral tri​‐
Andrea Meier - Walder Wyss
bu​nals, and co-or​ga​ni​s​ed the 2019 ASA
                                                                                      An​nu​al Ar​bi​tra​ti​on Con​fe​rence in Ge​n​e​‐
                                                                                      va on "Ar​bi​tra​ti​on and Cor​rup​ti​on".

                                                                                      An​drea Mei​er joi​ned Wal​der Wyss as a
                                                                                      part​ner in 2020. Pre​vious​ly, she was a
                                                                                      part​ner in a re​now​ned bou​tique law firm
                                                                                      for dis​pu​te re​so​lu​ti​on and from 2003 to
                                                                                      2010 an as​so​cia​te and se​ni​or as​so​cia​te
                                                                                      in a lea​ding ma​jor law firm. An​drea Mei​‐
                                                                                      er holds a law de​gree and a doc​to​ra​te
                                                                                      de​gree from the Uni​ver​si​ty of Zu​rich (lic.
                                                                                      iur. 1999, Dr. iur. 2007) and a post-gra​‐
                                                                                      dua​te de​gree from Har​vard Law School

Walder Wyss SA   Téléphone +41 58 658 58 58
Rechtsanwälte    Fax +41 58 658 59 59

                 Zurich, Genève, Bâle, Berne, Lausanne, Lugano

                                           Publications choisies

                                           International Arbitration 2021:           Substantive Law applied by Arbitrators
                                           Switzerland - Trends and                  and Courts: is it the same?
                                           Developments                              [Le droit matériel appliqué par les
                                           par Diana Akikol, Rodolphe Gautier,       arbitres et les tribunaux : est-il le
                                           Andrea Meier et Dieter Hofmann            même?]
                                           dans: «Chambers Global Practice           par Andrea Meier
                                           Guide»                                    dans: Müller / Bessons / Rigozzi (edit.),
                                           2021, P. 20-30                            «New Developments in International
                                                                                     Commercial Arbitration»
                                           Mittels Schiedsverfahren zur              Genf / Zurich, 2015
                                           [La procédure d’arbitrage au service du   Commentary on Article 43 Swiss Rules
                                           règlement des litiges]                    [Commentaire sur l’article 43 Règles de
                                           par Andrea Meier                          procédure suisses]
                                           dans: Tages-Anzeiger - Rechtsguide, 28    par Andrea Meier
                                           mai 2021                                  dans: Zuberbühler/Müller/Habegger
                                                                                     (edit.), «Emergency Arbitrator, Swiss
                                           Section on multi-party Arbitration;       Rules of International Arbitration»
                                           Commentary on Articles 7-10 2012 ICC      2013
                                           Rules; Commentary on Article 24 2012
                                           ICC Rules, Commentary on Appendix IV      Lugano Convention on International
                                           2012 ICC Rules, Arbitration in            Jurisdiction and Enforcement,
                                           Switzerland                               Commentary (Lugano-Übereinkommen
                                           [Section sur l’arbitrage multipartite ;   zum internationalen
                                           Commentaire des articles 7 à 10 du        Zivilverfahrensrecht)
                                           règlement 2012 de la CCI ; Commentaire    [Convention de Lugano concernant la
                                           de l’article 24 du règlement 2012 de la   compétence judiciaire, la
                                           CCI, Commentaire de l’annexe IV du        reconnaissance et l’exécution des
Andrea Meier - Walder Wyss
règlement 2012 de la CCI, Arbitrage en       décisions en matière civile et
Suisse]                                      commerciale, Commentaire]
par Andrea Meier                             par Andrea Meier
dans: Manuel Arroyo (edit.), «The            dans: Anton K. Schnyder (edit.),
Practitioner's Guide»                        «Commentary on Articles 25-30 and 59-
2018                                         60»
"Arbitration Clauses in Third Party
Beneficiary Contracts - Who may and          Vous trouverez la liste complète des
Who Must Arbitrate?"                         publications sur le site:
[«Clauses arbitrales dans des contrats
avec des bénéficiaires tiers – Qui peut et
qui doit arbitrer ?»]
par Andrea Meier et Anna Lea Setz [co-
dans: ASA Bulletin Volume 34, No. 1,
Andrea Meier - Walder Wyss
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