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                          GRANTS AWARDED AS A RESULT OF THE CALL FOR PROPOSALS VP/2013/004
                                                                             EURES - EUROPEAN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES
                                                                                        Budget heading : 04.03 04 00

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Activity Plan 2013-2014/Sweden                                           573 412,53                          94,78
Project summary
Our main focus this year is to prepare EURES Sweden for the reform. In line with its intention we will be more resultoriented in the activities we perform. We will focus on training and development of skills
related to the requirements of the reform. We will continue to help employers within bottleneck sectors to find suitable candidates in other EU/EEA countries and Switzerland. We will offer job
opportunities abroad for jobsseekers within differnt fields such as seasonal jobs and jobs in tourism and business support centres. Our main target group will be the young unemployed.We will use Your
First EURES job as tool to increase the mobility to and from Sweden.We will further develop our work with social media, online recruitment techniques etc.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country
Arbetsförmedlingen (Public Employment Services
                                                                   Hälsingegatan 38 - 11399 Stockholm                      SE - Sweden

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
Euradria 2013-2014                                                             158 698,64                          94,35
Project summary
The action “Euradria 2013-2014” is divided into 15 projects and follows the EURES 2013-2014 guidelines. The Euradria and EURES partnerships will be promoted on the website and
through activities in the trade unions’ offices. Moreover, EURES and Euradria will be promoted by the members of the Confartigianato and Confcommercio (Crafts and Trade Confederation) of the Friuli
Venezia Giulia region. The Chamber of commerce of the Primorska region wants to implement a project to improve the cross-border cooperation at a port level and to create new job opportunities. The
PES Slovenia will organise the cross-border job fair and a meeting between the bodies, which deal with the labour issues in the border area between Italy and Slovenia. The IRTUC FVG/SLO will
organise an activity aimed at the elimination of the obstacles to cross-border mobility, during which a visit to another EURES partnership will be organised, together with a seminar, where all the actors
involved in the labour market will be present. Moreover, the results will be presented to the Governments of Italy and Slovenia. The IRTUC FVG/Slo will organise two meetings on the theme of the
temporary employment, which is growing at a cross-border level. In view of the EURES 2014-2020 reform, two meetings and a training for the EURES Advisers will be organised. All the action is
supported by the Coordination of the partnership and decided by the Steering Committee, which will meet 3 times. All the EURES activity is founded on the Euradria network of the EURES Advisers.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country

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Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                               Country
Consiglio Sindacale Interregionale Nord Est Friuli Venezia
                                                                   Via Giuseppe Vidali 1 - 34129 Trieste                 IT - Italy
Giulia/Slovenia CGIL CISL UIL ZSSS KS90
Confartigianato Imprese FVG - Federazione Regionale
                                                                   Via del Coroneo 6 34133 Trieste                       IT - Italy
Artigiani Piccole Medie Imprese del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali                     Via Fornovo 8 00192 Roma                              IT - Italy
Obalna sindikalna organizacija - Konfederacija sindikatov
                                                                   Trg Brolo 2 6000 Koper                                SI - Slovenia
90 Slovenije
Unione Regionale Commercio Turismo e Servizi -
                                                                   Via San Nicolò 7 34121 Trieste                        IT - Italy
Confcommercio del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Unione Regionale UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia                         Via Ugo Polonio 5 34125 Trieste                       IT - Italy
Unione Sindacale Regionale CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia              Piazza Dalmazia 1 34133 Trieste                       IT - Italy
Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje - Centralna
                                                                   Rožna dolina, cesta IX / 6 1000 Ljubljana             SI - Slovenia

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
Appel à proposition Pôle emploi/EURES France
                                                                              1140 000,00                           95
Project summary
Les objectifs du Plan d'action vont consister à finaliser les actions largement entamées depuis 2010 ou mises en œuvre au cours du dernier exercice. Il est souligné l'importance de la préparation de la
nouvelle gouvernance d’EURES telle que le prévoit la réforme d’EURES décidée par la Commission européenne le 26 novembre 2012.
Face à un marché de l’emploi difficile en France comme en Europe, le réseau EURES France doit contribuer à la lutte contre le chômage en mettant en avant la mobilité comme l’une des solutions pour
permettre à certaines populations de retrouver un emploi (intégration dans le programme "Garantie Jeunesse". Pour se faire, l'accent sera mis sur le développement des partenariats avec les pays pour
lesquels les compétences existantes sur le marché de l’emploi français sont recherchées ; dans le même temps, sera mis en place des stratégies spécifiques sur le traitement des offres d’emploi en
intervenant auprès des employeurs éprouvant des difficultés de recrutement et facilitant l’intégration de salariés européens sur des postes « en tension ».
Seront également mobilisés des communications ciblés, en direction de certains partenaires, et en particulier en direction de partenaires directement en contact avec le public jeunes (Missions Locales
– Centres d’Informations Jeunesse etc.). Il s’agit en effet d’une population pour laquelle le réflexe de la mobilité n’est pas acquis. Les conseillers ces structures seront accompagnés pour qu’ils puissent
eux-mêmes être en relais auprès de ces publics. A travers cette action,une population de niveau III à V est visée.
Nous mettrons également en œuvre des actions spécifiques en direction des publics séniors, en lien avec d'autres partenaires.
Nous accentuerons nos actions en direction des publics potentiellement transfrontaliers en poursuivant la mise en œuvre d'organisations spécifiques pour promouvoir l'emploi transfrontalier. Le
partenariat avec l'Allemagne en particulier sera renforcé.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                               Country
Pôle emploi                                                        1 avenue du docteur Gley - 75020 Paris                FR - France

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
Arbeitsplan EURES-Transfrontalier Saar-Lor-Lux-
                                                                               299 883,00                           95
Rheinland-Pfalz 2013-2014, VP/2013/004

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Project summary
- Interne Infositzungen zu EURES für nicht-EURES-Personal
- Pflege Homepages /
- Netzwerkflyer mit Daten EURES-Berater aktualisieren
- Beratungstätigkeit der EURES-Berater AG-Verbände
- Flyer Unternehmensgründung in D für Franzosen
- Beratungs- und Vermittlungstätigkeit der EURES-Berater der Arbeitsverwaltungen und der Gewerkschaften
- Spezifische juristische Beratung bei schwerwiegenden Mobilitätshemmnissen
- Grenzüberschr. Gruppeninformationen (Workshops) Arbeitssuchende + Grenzgänger (etwa 80/Jahr)
- Leitfaden Grenzgänger D-L
- Teilnahme an externen Jobmessen (mit EURES-Stand)
- Organisation von "European Job Days" in Trier, Saarbrücken, Creutzwald, Farébersviller
- Sitzungen EURES-T SLLR mit P.E.D (Synergie und Ergänzung)
- Forum grenzüberschr. Berufsbildung und Arbeitswelt
- Synergie EURES mit Euro-Betriebsräte
- Koordinationstätigkeit
- Sitzungen u. Arbeitsgruppen Lenkungsausschuss
- Externe Rechnungsprüfung
- EU-Weiterbildung der EURES-Berater
- Jahrestreffen der EURES-Berater SLLR und P.E.D
- Arbeitsmarktmonitoring (Analyse Pendlerströme, grenzüb. Workshop Bilden u. qualifizieren, Grenzseminar der Arbeitsverwaltungen, Erfassung Mobilitäshemmnisse SLLR, Erfahrungsaustausch
Arbeitgeberverbände F-D)

* Die luxemburgische Arbeitsverwaltung ADEM wird als "Assoziierter Organisation" ohne beantragten Zuschuss im Projekt miteingebunden
* Die Direction Générale Pôle emploi France wird als "Assoziierter Organisation" ohne beantragten Zuschuss im Projekt als "EURES-Mitglied" miteingebunden
Beneficiary Organisation                                       Address                                                 Country
VSU Vereinigung der Saarländischen
                                                               Harthweg 15 - 66119 Saarbrücken                         DE - Germany
Unternehmensverbände e.V.
Centre de Ressources et Documentation des EURES de             WTC - Tour B, 2 Rue Augustin Fresnel 57082
                                                                                                                       FR - France
Lorraine                                                       Metz
INFO-Institut e.V.                                             Pestelstraße 6 66119 Saarbrücken                        DE - Germany
Interregionaler Gewerkschaftsrat Saar-Lor-Lux-Trier/           c/o CGT-Lorraine, 10 Rue de Méric 57054
                                                                                                                       FR - France
Westpfalz                                                      Metz Cedex
Mouvement des Entreprises de France de Moselle                 48, Place Mazelle 57000 Metz                            FR - France
Pôle emploi Lorraine                                           1, Place du Pont à Seille 57000 Metz                    FR - France
Regionaldirektion Rheinland-Pfalz-Saarland der
                                                               Eschberger Weg 68 66123 Saarbrücken                     DE - Germany
Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Project Title                                                  Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Cyprus 2013-2014                                                      99 855,00                          94,78

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Project summary
The unexpected financial crisis and the deterioration of the traditional banking establishment in Cyprus in the beginning of 2013, together with the recession of the Cyprus economy that started to have a
negative effect on employment, as well as the high rise of unemployment in all sectors and age groups, has forced the PES to re-evaluate its overall strategy for the implementation of the EURES Actions
in 2013-14. For the first time, EURES Cyprus will focus activities and actions catered for the job seekers and the unemployed rather than the Employers.
The overall annual strategy for the implementation of EURES in Cyprus for the period 1.6.2013-31.12.2014 can be summarised in two basic pillars:
• Activities tailored to Jobseekers and the Unemployed in order to find employment in other Member States
• Activities related to the re-establishment of EURES Cyprus as a result of the EURES Reform.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                  Country
The Department of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Social
                                                                   9 Klimentos St, - 1480 Nicosia                           CY - Cyprus
Insurance, The Republic of Cyprus

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)        Co-financing rate(%)
Bulgarian EURES Activity Plan 2013-2014                                         172 436,44                          94,93
Project summary
Active work aiming at enhancing the internal visibility: information sessions in the local units and in the central administration of the EA will be run (approx. 30 sessions). In order to enhance the external
visibility among jobseekers and employers – publications in the local and central media; information materials; upgrading of the national EURES web page. The EURES activities, enhancing of the
regional and international mobility will be part of the national strategies and plans. In order to increase the number of employers using the EURES services, information session for employers will be
organized in 18 cities. ‘Mobility packages’ are offered to employers in Bulgaria and abroad. Feedback data are sought systematically regarding the jobseekers recruited. Information events – over 130 Info
Days - will be organized by the EURES advisers and assistants for jobseekers. The EURES advisers will participate in the job fairs and career days organized by other organizations and / or universities
(approximately 8 participations) and will visit vocational schools and universities (15). In order to expand the options for successful mediation, international job fairs will be organized, including European
Job Days and recruitment interviews (approximately 12 participations/events). The provision of ‘mobility packages’ for jobseekers will be organized, in cooperation with the EURES teams in other
European countries. The EURES activities on the national, regional and local levels will be coordinated with the EA social partners. Our cooperation with other EU networks will continue. Having in mind
the expansion of the EURES network, three workshops for private mediators will be run. One of the main EURES tools is a strong network of experts. The administrative capacity needs developing in
relation to the forthcoming EURES reform; first of all, it is necessary to enhance the awareness regarding the effects of the reform within the EURES network and, secondly, to establish due m
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                  Country
National Employment Agency                                         3 Dondukov blv. - 1000 Sofia                             BG - Bulgaria

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)        Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-T BODENSEE, Arbeitsplan 2013/14                                           300 000,00                            95
Project summary
Eingereicht wird ein abgestimmter Aktivitätenplan der Grenzpartnerschaft EURES BODENSEE. Er orientiert sich (teilweise noch) am Arbeitsplan 2010-2013, berücksicht jedoch bereits die Vorbereitung
auf die Neuausrichtung der Grenzpartnerschaft.
Insgesamt werden im EU/EWR-Teil 15 Aktivitäten (9 Aktivitäten im Teil CH) budgetrelevant beschrieben.

Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                  Country
Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund                                 Johann-Böhm-Platz 1 - 1020 Wien                          AT - Austria
Amt für Volkswirtschaft Fürstentum Liechtenstein                   Poststraße 1 9494 Schaan                                 LI - Liechtenstein
Arbeitsmarktservice Vorarlberg                                     Rheinstraße 33 6901 Bregenz                              AT - Austria
BUNDESAGENTUR FUR ARBEIT                                                                                                    DE - Germany

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Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg                                       Wichnergasse 9 6800 Feldkirch                           AT - Austria

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Activity Plan 2013 - 2014                                                152 925,87                            95
Project summary
Overall objectives of the EURES 2013-2014 actions are the following:
- complement and strengthen the role played by the EURES network in promoting and supporting intra-EU job mobility;
- proactively match jobseekers and job-changers to current job vacancies across Europe, to make it easier to contact employers looking for particular skills, to focus on sectors and occupations with skills
- facilitate mobility and support employers, notably SMEs, experiencing recruitment difficulties on the domestic labour market as well as jobseekers and job changers with a high propensity for mobility;
- contribute to a strengthened cooperation with stakeholders with special focus on joint activities with relevant European networks and programms, which are targeted at providing advice services for
- prepare EURES for the coming reform and strengthen its delivery capacity and result-orientation;
- share “best practices” and expertice within the Estonian Unemployemnt Insurance Fund (EUIF) and whole EURES network;
- support the development of crossborder cooperation together with local social partners, local authorities and other relevant local and regional organisations located in crossborder areas in order to
improve the local labour market and facilitate the mobility of workers in these areas, with a view to contribute to the economic and social development of the area.
A full description of the actions is provided in a separate annex under heading F 1.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country
EESTI TÖÖTUKASSA (Estonain Unemployment
                                                                   Lasnamäe 2 - 11412 TALLINN                              EE - Estonia
Insurance Fund)

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-Euregio Rhein-Waal & euregio rhein-maas-nord
                                                                               250 000,00                          94,98

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Project summary
Leitlinie 1: Verbesserung des Zugangs zu EURES
- Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von Schulungs- und Infoveranstaltungen, die nicht nur den EURES-Partnern vorbehalten sind
- Verstärkte Bewerbung von EURES mittels der Kommunikationsinstrumente der Partner sowie externer Medien
- Bewerbung des euregio-JobRoboters und
- Intensivierung Zusammenarbeit Medienproduktion mit den nationalen Arbeitsverwaltungen

Leitlinie 2: Sicherung des Dienstleistungsangebots für Arbeitgeber
- Ergänzung von bestehenden und Initiierung von neuen Beratungsangeboten
- Erstellung und Aktualisierung von Informationsbroschüren
- Präsenz bei arbeitgeberorientierten Veranstaltungen

Leitlinie 3: Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen für Arbeitsuchende, Arbeitsplatzwechsler und Arbeitslose, Schüler und Studenten
- Ergänzung von bestehenden und Initiierung von neuen Beratungsangeboten
- Erstellung und Aktualisierung von Informationsbroschüren
- Optimierung des Online-Angebotes
- Aufbau eines flächendeckendes Beratungsangebot in der deutsch-niederländischen Grenzregion, Ist-zustand, planungskohärente Beratungsstruktur
- Optimierung Funktionsweise des euregio-JobRoboter
- Integration in das Dienstleistungsangebot der Partner
- enge Verzahnung der grenzüberschreitend tätigen Vermittlungseinrichtungen
- Jobdays, Stellenbörsen, Orientierungsbörsen für Jugendliche

Leitlinie 4: Entwicklung von themenbezogenen Aktivitäten sowie arbeitsmarktlichen Interventionsinstrumenten
- Entwicklung von Arbeitsmarktprojekten und Mobilitätsmaßnahmen zur Aktivierung zusätzlicher Beschäftigungspotentiale in grenzüberschreitender Perspektive
- Runde-Tisch-Gespräche mit Arbeitsmarktakteuren
- Intensivierung der Kontakte sowie die Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen EU-Netzwerken und Programmen

Beneficiary Organisation                                       Address                                                 Country
Euregio Rhein-Waal                                             Emmericher Str.24 - 47533 Kleve                         DE - Germany
BUNDESAGENTUR FUR ARBEIT                                                                                               DE - Germany
DEUTSCHER GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND                                    Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 34-38 40210 Düsseldorf             DE - Germany
euregio rhein-maas-nord                                        Konrad-Zuse-Ring 6 41179 Mönchengladbach                DE - Germany
UITVOERINGSINSTITUUT WERKNEMERS                                Boulevard Heuvelink 4A 7511 JP 6828KP
                                                                                                                       NL - Netherlands
VERZEKERINGEN                                                  Arnhem

Project Title                                                  Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
Activity plan Eures Scheldemond 2013-2014                                  229 400,00                          94,99

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Project summary
The organised activities focus on the promotion of cross border labour market mobility and attract an adequate engagement from the public and policy makers. The individual Eures advisers and project
coordinators involved with activities are committed to the promotion of cross-border labour market mobility and the exceptional circumstances which cross-border workers are confronted with. The Eures
advisers of the PES and partner organisations on both sides of the border are actively involved and are well known within and outside of the Eures network. Their activities focus on transnational and
cross border issues. Increasingly the trade union Eures advisers are confronted with (temporary) cross border workers from the new Member States, a trend which we expect to continue as mobility
restrictions for Bulgarians and Romanians in the Netherlands will be lifted as from 1st January 2014.
The partner activities of the cross-border partnership focus on complementary services and in particular in depth information and advice activities for employees and employers as well as the organisation
of seminars, Round Tables and workshops which focus on particular cross-border issues. The partnership has become a permanent network structure which provides a referral system for the target
groups which will be extended to include cross border citizen information contact points. The Eures advisers and regular advisers have formed a network in which information is exchanged. Vacancies
are exchanged and cross-border job fairs are organised and cross-border job fairs organised by other parties are attended. Furthermore jobseekers are encouraged to register as jobseekers with the
PES on both sides of the border and also to include other vacancy databases in their job search. All of the aforementioned activities facilitate the process of matching, recruitment and placement of
jobseekers on both sides of the border.
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                               Country
Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen / UWV
                                                                  Piet Heinstraat 77 - 4461 GL Goes                     NL - Netherlands
Werkbedrijf West-Brabant & Zeeland
Interregionale Vakbondsraad Schelde-Kempen                        Nationalestraat 111 2000 Antwerp                      BE - Belgium
Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en
                                                                  Keizerslaan 1 1000 Brussels                           BE - Belgium
VOKA Kamer van Koophandel Oost-Vlaanderen                         Lammerstraat 18 9000 Gent                             BE - Belgium

Project Title                                                     Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES action plan 2013/2014 - POLAND                                          654 979,82                           95
Project summary
Within the framework of EURES grant the following activities are planned: provide EURES training for non-EURES staff, produce and implement a national information campaigns to inform the clients on
the opportunities offered by the European labour markets, include information on EURES in PES mainstream publications, develop a strategy to enable all employers to access information about EURES,
develop and offer "mobility packages" to employers, develop and implement traineeship programmes, provide information and advice to jobseekers and mobile workers on mobility issues, organize a
"mobility package" for jobseekers, develop a strategy to enable jobseekers to access information about EURES, establish bilateral or multilateral recruitment and matching activities, promoting and
operating targeted geographical and occupational mobility, organize European Job Days in Poland, support mobility of young people, coordinate EURES activities with stakeholders, relevant institutions,
other EU networks, national and European training, organise at least one national EURES conference involving EURES staff and stakeholders, carry on a financial audit, participate in a meetings,
seminars, conferences, etc. at EU level, implementing cross-border activities, preparing EURES for its reform.
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                               Country
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy                              ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5 - 00-513 Warsaw                 PL - Poland

Project Title                                                     Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-T Bayern-Tschechien, Arbeitsplan 2013-2014                              149 974,12                           95
Project summary
Die EURES-T Bayern-Tschechien ist eine grenzüberschreitende Partnerschaft der Arbeitsverwaltungen, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbände. Ihr Ziel ist die Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen
Arbeitsmarktes unter Einhaltung der bestehenden Arbeits- und Sozialstandards des jeweiligen Landes. Sie bietet Informationen, Beratung und Vermittlung für Arbeitsuchende, Arbeitnehmer und
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                               Country
DGB Bezirk Bayern, Abteilung Grenzüberschreitende
                                                                  Hochstr. 16 - 92637 Weiden                            DE - Germany
Arbeit und Leben gGmbH                                            Richard-Wagner-Str. 93055 Regensburg                  DE - Germany

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CESKA REPUBLIKA REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE                                                                                         CZ - Czech Republic
Handwerkskammer Niederbayern-Oberpfalz                             Ditthornstr. 10 93055 Regensburg                        DE - Germany
Okresní hospodářská komora Klatovy                                 Náměstí Míru 154 339 01 Klatovy                         CZ - Czech Republic
Regionaldirektion Bayern der Bundesagentur für Arbeit              Regensburger Str. 100 90478 Nürnberg                    DE - Germany
Verein für Böhmisch-Bayerische Kommunikation und
                                                                   Johannisstraße 20 92637 Weiden                          DE - Germany
Information im DGB e.V.

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-T Oberrhein/Rhin Supérieur 2013-14                                       299 657,72                          94,99
Project summary
Dans une période marquée par des taux de chômage très variables de part et d’autre de la frontière, il est essentiel d’utiliser toutes les possibilités offertes par le marché du travail transfrontalier afin
d’éviter le recul ou la stagnation des flux de travailleurs frontaliers et d’encourager l’adéquation transfrontalière (jobmatching) entre les demandeurs d’emploi et les postes vacants.
C’est pourquoi EURES-T renforcera sa position en tant que réseau d’experts du travail transfrontalier et de plateforme politique de laquelle l’opérationnel doit découler. Pour l'exercice 2013-14, EURES-T
Rhin Supérieur a planifié 26 activités, réparties sous 5 lignes directrices. Le partenariat a choisi de préparer la réforme EURES dans le cadre de réunions internes (Présidence, Comité de pilotage) et a,
pour cela, également mis en place un groupe de travail Ad Hoc dédié au futur d' EURES-T. C'est pourquoi la la ligne directrice n°7 n'a pas été utilisée.
EURES-T Rhin Supérieur a également souhaité marquer une évolution dans sa stratégie globale, dans le cadre de la réforme EURES, en intégrant de nouveaux axes de travail (apprentissage et
formation à l’échelle transfrontalière, reconnaissance des diplômes etc.) tout en maintenant les objectifs premiers du partenariat à savoir le placement transfrontalier, l’information et le conseil aux
demandeurs d’emplois, travailleurs et entreprises. La valeur ajoutée des services d’EURES et EURES-T permet de faciliter le recrutement des travailleurs frontaliers.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country
                                                                   27, rue Jean-Wenger-Valentin - 67030
Direction Régionale Pôle Emploi Alsace                                                                                     FR - France
                                                                   Strasbourg Cedex
Arbeitgeber Baden-Württemberg-Landesvereinigung
                                                                   Löffelstrasse 22-24 70597 Stuttgart                     DE - Germany
Baden-Württembergischer Arbeitgeberverbände e.V.
BUNDESAGENTUR FUR ARBEIT                                                                                                   DE - Germany
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, Bezirk Baden-
                                                                   Willi-Bleicher-Str. 20 70174 Stuttgart                  DE - Germany
DGB Rechtsschutz GmbH                                              Hans-Böckler-Str. 39 40 476 Düsseldorf                  DE - Germany
Mouvement des Entreprises de France Alsace                         27, avenue de l'Europe 67 300 Schiltigheim              FR - France
                                                                   Regierungspräsidium Freiburg 79083
Regierungspräsidium Freiburg                                                                                               DE - Germany
                                                                   Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe 76247
Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe                                                                                              DE - Germany

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-TriRegio                                                                 180 000,00                            95
Project summary
Die EURES-TriRegio ist eine grenzüberschreitende Partnerschaft der Arbeitsverwaltungen, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbände. Ihr Ziel ist die Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen Arbeitsmarktes
unter Einhaltung der bestehenden Arbeits- und Sozialstandards des jeweiligen Landes. Sie bietet Informationen, Beratung und Vermittlung für Arbeitsuchende, Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund Bezirk Sachsen                         Schützenplatz 14 - 01067 Dresden                        DE - Germany

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CESKA REPUBLIKA REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE                                                                                       CZ - Czech Republic
Dolnośląski Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy                               ul. Ogrodowa 5b 58-306 Wałbrzych                        PL - Poland
IGR Elan e.V.                                                    Dr.Maria-Grollmußstr-Str.1 02625 Bautzen                DE - Germany
Regionaldirektion Sachsen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit           Paracelsiusstraße 12 09114 Chemnitz                     DE - Germany

Project Title                                                    Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-t PED 2013-2014                                                        300 000,00                             95
Project summary
La mobilité transfrontalière est une composante forte du marché de l'emploi de la Grande Région. L'accroissement significatif et constant des flux frontaliers depuis plus de 15 ans est le résultat de
l'action conjuguée de l'ensemble des acteurs de l'emploi, qu'ils soient publics ou privés, et dont EURES garde le rôle moteur. Le contexte économique égradé a mis en exergue toute l'importance de la
mission d'intermédiation et de placement du réseau EURES, tant du point de vue du public employeur que du point de vue du public demandeurs d'emploi.
L'action du partenariat de l'EURES-t du PED s'inscrit dans la contuinité de la stratégie développée sur 2013-2013 et visant à orienter l'ensemble de ses activités vers un objectif de matching.
Il convient en conséquence de déployer les offres de services arrêtées sur les exercices précédents au bénéfice de chaque public cible mettre en oeuvre tous les moyens utiles et nécessaires pour
parvenir à atteindre les objectifs et missions EURES et concourir à l'atteinte des objectifs "Europe 2020".
Beneficiary Organisation                                         Address                                                 Country
                                                                 7, rue Pierre Chalnot BP 60386 - 54007
POLE EMPLOI Lorraine                                                                                                     FR - France
                                                                 NANCY Cedex
Centre de Ressources et de Documentation des EURES               World Trade Center - Tour B - 2, Rue
                                                                                                                         FR - France
Transfrontaliers de Lorraine                                     Augustin Fresnel 57082 METZ
Chambre de commerce et d’industrie du Luxembourg
                                                                 Grand Rue 1 6800 LIBRAMONT                              BE - Belgium
Fedil - Business Federation Luxembourg                           7, rue Alcide de Gasperi 1013 Luxembourg                LU - Luxembourg
FOREM                                                            espace Didier / rue de Diekirch, 38 6700 Arlon          BE - Belgium
                                                                 5, boulevard Charles V / BP 32240 54022
InterRégionale Syndicale des 3 Frontière                                                                                 FR - France
                                                                 NANCY Cedex
                                                                 3-5 rue Auguste Lumière 1950
L'Agence pour le développement de l'emploi                                                                               LU - Luxembourg
Mouvement des Entreprisesn de France - Meurthe &                 Site technologique St Jacques II / 8, rue Alfred
                                                                                                                         FR - France
Moselle                                                          Kasler 54524 LAXOU

Project Title                                                    Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Flanders Activity Plan 2013 -2014                                      100 000,00                             95

                                                                                               Page 9 of 24
Project summary
International Mobility fits into the VDAB policy that has been adopted by our management board. The main objective is to make sure that we can help all employers to fulfil their vacancies. For that we
have to use the concentric model meaning that we first will try to find suitable jobseekers in Flanders, next would be to look for an interregional solution (Brussels or Wallonia) and finally the European
labour market which is the case for most bottleneck vacancies in the field of Engineering, ICT and health care.

This request is focused at developing Activities that positions Eures services within VDAB to fulfil this role and to develop targeted actions to help employers to fulfil their vacancies.

Communication actions will be developed to support this vision and also the Eures Counsellors will be supported by organising meetings on the subject and to help them to make step towards matching
and not only information delivery

In order to further ameliorate our services towards incoming job seekers VDAB will set up a cooperation with the governmental Integration Offices to provide full support on integration of workers and their
families and support employers regarding their questions on integrating their transnational workers.

Of course at the same time activities will be at place for informing and helping job seekers who are interested to find a job abroad. A better cooperation and knowledge of other European networks will
help Eures to deliver better service.

In preparation of the Eures Refrom we foresee a lot of preparatory work to analyse, develop and implement all structures and tools needed to fulfil the obligations coming with it. Also the cooperation with
the Governmental Integration Office and the services to employers with bilateral agreements between other PES and employer organisations fits within the framework of Eures reform.

To realise a better cooperation with neighbouring countries (NL, FR, D) EuresManagers will be organised.
Beneficiary Organisation                                            Address                                                 Country
Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en
                                                                    Keizerslaan 11 - 1000 Brussel                           BE - Belgium

Project Title                                                       Granted amount (€)        Co-financing rate(%)
Waiting for new Eures - Activity Plan 2013-2014                                  599 393,00                            95
Project summary
All the actions of this Activity Plan are aimed to foster and facilitate the mobility, exchanging job offers and information on the labour market, and supporting jobseekers looking for a job and employers
seeking skilled workers. These goals will be achieved thanks to the cooperation between Eures network and private employment agencies, educational Institutions and other stakeholders.
The main actions that we have foreseen for the present project are:
•new Eures section on Cliclavoro portal, with more detailed information and downloadable leaflets on different countries and on the opportunities provided by Eures;
•crossborders section;
•pilot project with companies: some Eures Advisers will support step by step a small number of companies , from the publication of vacancy to post recruitment activities. Outcomes of this project will be
shown in an event open to all companies and employers associations;
•many Job Days and Job Fairs, Seminars and Recruitment Sessions during the 18 months;
•different recruitment projects, in cooperation with the Eures Members will be organized
•training sessions about Eures and the Reform will be organized for Eures staff and new prospective partners from the labour market;
•re-placement project in crossborder area;
•new procedure for collecting data, reporting and monitoring EAs’ activities;
•financial support to young jobseekers applying for work in a different MS through Eures network
•events to promote apprenticeship and traineeship

Beneficiary Organisation                                            Address                                                 Country
MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND SOCIAL POLICIES                              VIA FORNOVO, N. 8 - 00192 ROME                          IT - Italy

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Project Title                                                    Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Meuse-Rhin 2013-2014                                                   299 912,18                           95
Project summary
L'action contient l'ensemble des activités du partenariat EURES Meuse-Rhin pour la
période indiquée. Il s'agit du support au et des offres de
services des partenaires concernant le "matching" frontalier, l'information et le
conseil aux demandeurs d'emploi mobiles, les travailleurs frontaliers et les
entreprises de l'eurégio. En plus, il s'agit d'un nombre d'activités dans le but de
1) communiquer les offres de services aux groupes cibles,
2) développer les services aux entreprises,
3) développer les services aux demandeurs d'emploi et employés
4) organiser la coopération avec d'autres organisations en matière du marché de l'emploi
5) développer les resources humaines et le
réseau des conseillers EURES et de gérer partenariat afin qu'il puisse assumer le rôle de régisseur du marché de l'emploi eurégional.
6) préparer une nouvelle structure et stratégie pour l'avenir.
L'objectif est de promouvoir la transparence du marché de l'emploi et d'augmenter les chances des demandeurs d'emploi.
d'emploi sur un marché de travail élargi.
Beneficiary Organisation                                         Address                                               Country
                                                                 Siege legal : Limburglaan 10, NL-6229GA
Stichting Euregio Maas-Rijn                                      Maatricht- adr admin Gospertstraße 42 - 4700          BE - Belgium
Agentur für Arbeit Aachen-Düren                                  Roermonder Straße 51 52072 Aachen                     DE - Germany
Arbeitsamt der deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft                    Hütte 79 4700 Eupen                                   BE - Belgium
Asbl Conseil Syndical Interrégional Meuse-Rhin (CSI-)
                                                                 Gouverneur Roppesingel 55 3500 Hasselt                BE - Belgium
Chambres eurégionales représentées par la Kamer van
                                                                 Postbus 180 6040 AD Roermond                          NL - Netherlands
Koophandel des Pays-Bas
le Forem                                                         Val Benoît - Quai Banning 4 4000 Liège                BE - Belgium
Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen                     Postbus 6407 (Wal 28) 5600 HK Eindhoven               NL - Netherlands
Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en
                                                                 Keizerslaan 11 1000 Brussel                           BE - Belgium
Zweckverband Regio Aachen - Grenzinfopunkt Aachen-
                                                                 Johannes-Paul-II.-Str. 1 52062 Aachen                 DE - Germany

Project Title                                                    Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-T Beskydy Activity Plan 2013-2014                                      134 926,53                           95

                                                                                              Page 11 of 24
Project summary
Because 2013 being a final year of the original Three Year Activity plan Partnership would like to have most of the activities concluded in order to start new programme and new activities.
All the information campaigns and trainings for the partners' employees, employers on cross-border mobility are still listed in the Activity Plan 2013-2014 but most of them are to be financed by the
partners themselves.
As for the Job fairs, those that became regular feature among the labours market activities and Job matching tools within the area, Partnership would like to maintain some of them to enable access to
information on job opportunities, changes in labour market to as large number of clients of the social partners as possible within the Partnership cross-border region.
However, the Action Plan lists also the activities that are directed to the wider promotion of job mobility among the youth; apprenticeship programme with a Job fairs and matching activities for youth (let's
not be afraid of technical professions) account for almost a third of the proposed budget.
Jobmatching activities are natural part of work for all the partners involved in EURES-T Beskydy and those are checked regularly against national standards of each involved country. In cooperation with
an external company partnership would like to set up though quality indicators related specifically to cross-border job matching activities.
Those indicators, activities focused on youth mobility and cooperation with the employers within the cross-border region are seen as crucial for further cooperation within EURES-T Beskydy.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                Country
Urad prace, socialnych veci a rodiny Cadca                         Maticne namestie 1617 - 02201 Cadca                    SK - Slovakia
CZECH REPUBLIC                                                                                                            CZ - Czech Republic
POLAND                                                                                                                    PL - Poland
                                                                   Namestie Antona Bernolaka 381/4 02901
Urad prace, socialnych veci a rodiny Namestovo                                                                            SK - Slovakia
Urad prace, socialnych veci a rodiny Zilina                        Hurbanova 16 010 01 Zilina                             SK - Slovakia

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES GREECE 2013-2014                                                         150 550,00                            95
Project summary
As Greece faces the effects of the economic crisis for fifth year and the unemployment rate has increase to the 27% and for young to 56%, EURES has an important and vital role to play in Greek reality.
The last years the clients of Eures Greece has be increased dramatically , especially the Greek jobseekers who try to find a solution of their deadlock in other European Labour Market. On the other
hand, Greek employers, trying to keep their business open by offering high quality services at lower cost, want to recruit young people for apprenticeship and traineeship which cost less money for tthe
companies but at the some time offer an opportunity to the young people without experience to have an access to the Labour Market. Therefore, the Eures Greece will provide services to Greek
jobseekers and employers in order to support them to their demands for mobility and recruitments. For better results, OAED will inform all the staff in 118 local employment offices in country about the
general services of EURES through meetings with line managers. Furthermore, eures will cooperate with other eures offices in order to offer to Greek jobseekers job vacancies through a variety of events
like recruitment, European job days etc and also to help the employers to recruit staff, mostly young people. Additional, in the framework of the reform of Eures from 2015, OAED will work for the
procedures in cooperation with other stakeholders and partners in order Greece to be ready at the beginning of 2015 to offer the EURES services with the updated standards.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                Country
NATIONAL MANPOWER ORGANISATION                                     8, ENTHIKIS ANTISTASIS - 17456 ALIMOS                  GR - Greece

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-Deutschland                                                              997 500,00                            95

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Project summary
Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) bietet Arbeitnehmern, Auszubildenden, Studenten und Jugendlichen an der Schwelle zu Ausbildung oder Beruf Informations- und Beratungsdienstleistungen an. Der
Zugang zu EURES-Dienstleistungen wird in Deutschland flächendeckend sichergestellt über Selbstinformationsangebote im Internet, eine zentrale Hotline, die Eingangszonen in 154 Agenturen für Arbeit
(AA), die Selbstinformationsangebote in den Berufsinformationszentren der AA sowie durch EURES-Berater beim Internationalen Personalservice der ZAV (IPS) und den AA in den Grenzregionen.
Arbeitgebern in Deutschland, die Personal aus dem Ausland gewinnen wollen, und ausländischen Fachkräften aus dem Bereich der Engpassberufe, die sich für eine Beschäftigung in Deutschland
interessieren, bietet die BA Vermittlungs- und Beratungsdienstleistungen an. Die AA nehmen Stellenangebote für Engpassberufe auf und beraten die Arbeitgeber zu Fragen der Personalgewinnung im
Ausland. Die IPS-Teams der ZAV organisieren in Zusammenarbeit mit den EURES-Partnern im Ausland die Gewinnung von Bewerbern für die Stellenangebote aus dem Bereich der Engpassberufe,
bauen einen Bewerberpool auf, beraten die Bewerber und schaffen damit die Grundlage für die erfolgreiche Vermittlung. Darüber hinaus bietet die BA Ausbildungsbetrieben in Deutschland, die
Jugendliche aus dem Ausland für ihre Ausbildungsplatzangebote gewinnen wollen, und Jugendlichen im europäischen Ausland, die sich für eine duale Ausbildung in Deutschland interessieren,
Vermittlungsdienstleistungen an. Über eine Hotline und eine Webseite erhalten Arbeitgeber in Deutschland sowie ausbildungsinteressierte Jugendliche im Ausland Informationen zum Förderprogramm
MobiPro-EU. Die AA bieten Ausbildungsbetrieben, die Schwierigkeiten bei der Besetzung von Ausbildungsstellen haben, EURES-Dienstleistungen an. Die IPS-Teams organisieren die
Bewerbergewinnung im Ausland, informieren über das Duale System in Deutschland, bieten Berufsorienrung und Beratung.
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                              Country
Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) vertreten durch die
                                                                  Villemombler. Str. 76 - 53123 Bonn                   DE - Germany
Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV)
Caritasverband für die Diözese Hildesheim e.V.                    Moritzberger Weg 1 31139 Hildesheim                  DE - Germany
Raphaels-Werk Dienst am Menschen unterwegs e.V.                   Adenauerallee 41 20097 Hamburg                       DE - Germany

Project Title                                                     Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
Romanian Call for Proposals VP/2013/004/0034                                  241 546,91                          95
Project summary
According to the EURES Guidelines, for the financial year 2013-2014, 7 groups of activities were scheduled, one group for each Guideline. The proposed activities ensure the continuity of the actions
approved by the Partnership Agreement 2010-2013, considering in the same time, the implementation of the EURES reform.
The priorities and the actions are orientated to raise the employment of the jobseekers, jobchangers, unemployed, with a special accent on young people, and to help the employers willing to recruit
foreign workers. Also, taking into account the imminent EURES reform, special activities are tailored for preparing and implementing it nationally.
Raising the awarenes of the target groups on EURES services and benefits of mobility will be a constant objective, thus communication and information activities represent the tools to reach as much as
possible this objective. Information Days for the jobseekers, EURES Information and Promotion seminars for employers, students and young graduates are examples of such activities.
Facilitating the mobility of the workers means providing both information and counselling services and job matching, placement and recruitment activities as well. These activities will constitute an
important part of our activity. As in the previous years, job fairs, selections/recruitments are estimated to be organised in cooperation with foreign EURES members/partners/employers.
Networking activities with other stakeholders, actors involved on the labour market are planned to be implemented, aiming to continuously increase the visibility and knowledge of EURES services among
their clients, through mutual cooperation projects.
Implementing the reform nationally implies a broad range of activities, from communication and information activities to specific measures (creating the National Bureau of Coordination, establishing the
accreditation system of future EURES partners, training the network for providing the universal services
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                              Country
                                                                  20-22 AVALANSEI STREET SECTOR 4 -
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR EMPLOYMENT                                                                                         RO - Romania
                                                                  040305 BUCHAREST

Project Title                                                     Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES-T Danubius Activity Plan 2013-2014                                      148 541,00                          95

                                                                                               Page 13 of 24
Project summary
EURES-T Danubius partnership action have been in close alignment with the priorities of the public employment services as most of the partners are labour offices which, through partnerships, strive to
handle tasks which are present in border zones and can be more effectively handled jointly than by just a national EURES alone. Public employment services operate as stipulated by law and initiatives
aiming at extending original activities by new activities or with new targeted groups cannot exceed the state border or financial framework of labour offices. The Partnership offers room for finding joint
responses to issues related to employment characteristic of border regions of two states while using the benefits of tripartite dialogue and pooling of financial resources. Yet it follows the objectives of
public employment services, adjusted to the situation in the micro-region.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                Country
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Komárno                       Nám. M. R. Štefánika 9 - 94501 Komárno                 SK - Slovakia
Nemzeti Munkaügyi Hivatal                                          Kálvária tér 7. 1089 Budapest                          HU - Hungary
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Dunajská Streda               Ádorská ul. 41 929 01 Dunajská Streda                  SK - Slovakia
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Levice                        Ľ. Štúra 53 934 03 Levice                              SK - Slovakia
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Nové Zámky                    F. Kapisztóryho 1 940 36 Nové Zámky                    SK - Slovakia

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)        Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Annual Plan 2012-2013 / Latvia                                             90 246,20                           95
Project summary
The following activities will be carried out:
- Information materials will be produced and distributed, while in cooperation with the media, society will be informed about mobility, EURES and the services it provides, further improvements in the
EURES section of the NVA web site will be made, and the EURES customer registration database will be developed;
- Seminars for employers will be organised, events organised by entrepreneurs and other events of EURES member states with the participation of employers will be attended, cooperation projects with
employers of other EURES member states or job placement agencies will be established in relation to vacancy publications and personnel recruitment;
- Informing and consulting job seekers and the unemployed about mobility and EURES services during European Job Day, job fairs, exhibitions and information seminars;
- Cooperation with representatives of EU networks and state institutions that are involved in mobility issues and educational authorities will be established; EURES Latvia will be involved in the
organisation of joint events for various groups of job seekers and the unemployed, as well as for other interested parties;
- Seminars for NVA officers covering EURES issues, meetings and information events on regional and national levels will be organised; EURES actors will participate in training, seminars and
conferences that will be organised by the European Commission and other EURES member states;
- Events related to ensuring cross-border cooperation will be organised and attended;
- Set up the National Coordination Office to be able to do all the functions defined in the Commission Decision and raise awareness on the EURES reform of staff.
More detailed information on the action is provided in the Activity form for the detailed description of activities.

Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                Country
State Employment Agency of Latvia                                  K.Valdemara 38 k-1 - LV-1010 Riga                      LV - Latvia

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)        Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Slovakia Activity Plan 2013/2014                                         319 980,98                            95

                                                                                                 Page 14 of 24
Project summary
As there is still a considerable amount of people in Slovakia, who are not aware of EURES services, in budgetary period 2013/2014 we will mainly focus on the raising of the EURES awareness. Non-
EURES staff will be constantly acquainted with the activities and recent information as well. We have planned to establish cooperation with universities and high schools in order to place EURES logo on
their websites, through which students can be rerouted to Developing new contacts and strengthening the existing ones with employers at local level help to raise awareness of the EURES
network among this target group, even though the services of the EURES network are not highly requested by Slovak employers. As we are sending country, it makes sense to orient EURES services on
registered jobseekers and the graduates, therefore we organise various recruitment projects focused generally or focused on shortages in EEA countries. Through recruitment projects we have been
constantly trying to bring the maximum number of job opportunities for Slovaks from the EEA countries, other opportunities are brought by organising the European Job Days, our biggest job fair, as well
as through other job and information fairs. Collaboration with the European networks and institutions help raising awareness among young people in the field of mobility programs and services delivered
by European institutions, therefore we have planned to continue with organising the event called “Europe within reach”. Information will be delivered to students and graduates through school educational
advisers, who guide students in their future career. Closer cooperation in the area of cross-border mobility will be enhanced through various activities with partners in the cross-border regions with Poland
and the Czech Republic focused on mobile workers and jobseekers in the cross-border area. Regarding the EURES reform and results oriented services, there is need to organise few activitities as well.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country
Ustredie prace, socialnych veci a rodiny/Central office of
                                                                   Spitalska 8 - 812 67 Bratislava                         SK - Slovakia
labour, social affairs and family

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Annual Plan 2013-2014 / Luthuania                                        148 256,00                            95
Project summary
Over the period 2013/2014 EURES Lithuania will seek visibility and improved accessibility, continuation of the activities, mainstreaming within PES and smooth transition to the reformed network. During
EU-Presidency EURES Lithuania will seek to contribute to the common goals of Lithuania. The Working Party meeting will be organized in Lithuania. EURES Lithuania will continue taking part in the EU/
EEE and Nordic/Baltic cooperation activities.
Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country
Lithuanian Labour Exchange                                         Geležinio Vilko 3A - LT-03131 Vilnius                   LT - Lithuania

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
EURES Croatia Activity Plan 2013-2014                                          181 165,00                          93,98
Project summary
As of July 2013, Croatia becomes a new member of the EURES network. Preparatory actions for the accession have been conducted within the Croatian Employment Service (CES), and the structure,
organisation and procedures of EURES service provision are arranged. Through the proposed action, CES is aiming to firmly establish the functioning within the EURES network in the post-accession
period. The focus of the action is on direct service provision, both to job seekers and to employers, on the development of communication and cooperation with the network of EURES advisers and
structures, on the integration of CES within EURES, but also the integration of EURES throughout CES, and on the preparations for the upcoming EURES reform. An important aspect of the action is the
strengthening of internal CES capacities as regards EURES on the central and the regional level and the promotion and information sharing with actual and potential partners, key labour market
stakeholders, as well as end users.
The action will cover all 7 proposed EURES guidelines, and will encompass various EURES key actions.

Beneficiary Organisation                                           Address                                                 Country
Croatian Employment Service                                        Radnička cesta 1 - 10 000 Zagreb                        HR - Croatia

Project Title                                                      Granted amount (€)       Co-financing rate(%)
Annual plan UWV/EURES NL 2013/2014                                             215 000,00                          94,99

                                                                                                Page 15 of 24
Project summary
The main aim of the action is to assist (potential) mobile jobseekers and employers by providing online services, participate in and organise fairs and assist or organise tailor made placement and
recruitment projects. In order to be able to do so we also invest in internal and external networking and development of online and offline supporting materials.
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                                  Country
                                                                  La Guardiaweg 116 ( AMSG3) - 1043 DL
Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen                                                                               NL - Netherlands

Project Title                                                     Granted amount (€)        Co-financing rate(%)
Call for Proposal VS/2013/0094: Annual plan 2013-2014,
EURES member: Labour Office of the Czech Republic -                            350 000,00                          94,99
Directorate General
Project summary
Produce and implement a national information campaign to inform the clients (jobseekers, unemployed youth, graduates, employers, employees, etc.) on the opportunities offered by the European labour
markets: Information material, translation, marketing stratégy.
Development of infrastructures providing services and customer relationship management (i.e. provide EURES advisers with the necessary resources for carrying out their tasks to focus on the clients):
Development of IT Systems.

Organise a "mobility package" for jobseekers, job changers, and workers. This should include the provision of EURES services before departure from the home country and after arrival in the destination
country. It should also include services for workers willing to return to their home country or to move to another country. This should be organised with other EURES members, the sending country and
the host country: Mobility packages for employers; Seminars for employers.
Organise a "mobility package" for jobseekers, job changers, and workers. This should include the provision of EURES services before departure from the home country and after arrival in the destination
country. It should also include services for workers willing to return to their home country or to move to another country. This should be organised with other EURES members, the sending country and
the host country.
Establish bilateral or multilateral recruitment and matching activities, promoting and operating targeted geographical and occupational mobility between Member States and regions: International and
virtual job fairs; Participation on job fairs abroad.
Organise European Job Days every year in September/October and/or in April/May.
Coordinate EURES activities with stakeholders at European, national, regional and local level that are active in promoting mobility: EURES World Café, Integration of third countries’ citizens.
Establish systematic cooperation mechanisms with EU networks, such as PLOTEUS, EUR
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                                  Country
Labour Office of the Czech Republic – Directorate General         Karlovo namesti 1359/1 - 128 00 Praha                    CZ - Czech Republic

Project Title                                                     Granted amount (€)        Co-financing rate(%)
Annual Plan EURES 2013/2014 - Norway                                           350 457,69                            95
Project summary
EURES implementation in Norway. EURES Norway has the following aims: Train EURES and non-EURES staff in international recruitment, provide updated and relavant information to the public, make
EURES services visible, help Norwegian employers fill their vacancies, make job seekers aware of the benefits of working abroad, develop efficient methods of work, monitoring and evaluation for the
national EURES network, improve integration of EURES in NAV.
Beneficiary Organisation                                          Address                                                  Country
NAV - the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration             Akersgaten 64-68 - 0180 Oslo                             NO - Norway

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