La page est créée Bernard Valentin
                             COMMENT S’INSCRIRE ?

      Le formulaire d’inscription dûment rempli en ANGLAIS et à l’encre noire.
      La Booking Form remplie en ANGLAIS
      Lettre de motivation en ANGLAIS et dactylographiée.
      C.V en ANGLAIS et dactylographié.
      Un certificat médical récent (de moins de 2 mois maximum)
      Un extrait de casier judiciaire récent (de moins de 2 mois) en faire la demande par Internet:
      Une photocopie de votre carte d’identité ou passeport.
      Si possible 2 références d’employeurs ou certificats de travail (IMPERATIVEMENT AVEC
      Une référence de votre professeur d’anglais ou tout autre diplôme attestant de votre niveau
      Les frais d’inscription d’un montant de 300 Euros à l’ordre d’Europair Services sous la forme
       de deux chèques -adhésion annuelle non remboursable de 90 Euros + cotisation de 210 Euros
       (frais de recherche et de placement).
      Frais de l’agence correspondante de £500 pour un stage à plein-temps


EN CAS DE PROBLEME : si vous rencontrez des difficultés, parlez-en toujours avec votre
employeur avant d’alerter notre correspondant local. Sachez cependant que ce dernier est là pendant
toute la durée de votre séjour pour vous aider en cas de problème.

           EUROPAIR SERVICES 17, rue de Buci 75006 Paris – Métro Odéon. Tél. 01 43 29 80 01 – Fax. 01 43 29 80 37
                      E mail : Site web :

PERSONAL DETAILS :           Mr  Mrs  Miss 
Family name :__________________________________ First name : ___________________________________
Home address : ______________________________________________________________________________
Postal code / Town : _________________________ Country : _______________________________________
Home phone n° : 0033 ________________________ Mobile phone n°: 0033 _____________________________
Date of birth : ___/___/___ Current age : _________ e- mail address : __________________________________
Nationality : ____________ Mother tongue : ________________________ Passport n° : __________________

Have you been to the UK before?          YES  NO                     How many times? _________________________

DATES : Arrival Sunday :                         Departure Saturday :                                TOTAL WEEKS :

FURTHER INFORMATION : ( Applicants must answer all questions and supply further information if required )
How long have you studied English? ___________ years
What is your level of English?  ADVANCED                       UPPER INTERMEDIATE                        INTERMEDIATE

NOTE. No Student below intermediate level will be placed
Education and other relevant courses : __________________________________________________________
Working experience : (Please attach references, and describe what kind of job you did and for how long) ___
Any other relevant information : ________________________________________________________________
Hobbies & other interests : _____________________________________________________________________
Do you suffer from any medical ailments ? Yes / No ______________________________If yes, please specify :
Why did you choose the course detailed above ? __________________________________________________
Where did you hear of this programme? _________________________________________________________

I understand and agree to terms and conditions of the work experience programs and declare that I have
answered all questions completely and honestly.

Signed :                                                                                                Date :

            EUROPAIR SERVICES 17, rue de Buci 75006 Paris – Métro Odéon. Tél. 01 43 29 80 01 – Fax. 01 43 29 80 37
                       E mail : Site web :

Je soussigné(e)………………………………………………certifie avoir pris connaissance de
tous les documents fournis par l’association EUROPAIR SERVICES et remplir tous les
critères exigés.

Je certifie que j’ai répondu à toutes les questions en toute honnêteté et que toutes les
informations fournies dans mon dossier sont vraies.

Je vous adresse mon dossier complet et m’engage à informer l’association EUROPAIR
SERVICES de tout changement relatif aux informations fournies dans mon dossier.

Europair Services ne peut être tenu responsable des accidents, pertes, dommages, plaintes où
dépenses particulières en relation avec le séjour du stagiaire.
Le chèque de 215 euros doit être joint au dossier, mais ne sera encaissé que lors de la
confirmation de votre placement. En cas de non placement, les frais de cotisation seront
intégralement remboursés. En cas d’annulation de votre part, les frais d’adhésion et de
cotisation resteront acquis à l’agence et ne seront pas remboursés.

Date :                                                                       Signature :

          EUROPAIR SERVICES 17, rue de Buci 75006 Paris – Métro Odéon. Tél. 01 43 29 80 01 – Fax. 01 43 29 80 37
                     E mail : Site web :


   Please select which Twin Centre you wish to attend:                      London           Eastbourne

   Please tick the boxes for the services you require, and fill out the relevant section shown in brackets:

        Internship Programmes (Section 2.1)                                 Accommodation (Section 3.2)
        English Courses (Section 3.1)

   Following this please complete the sections listed below:
   Personal Information (Section 1.1)			                          Payment Details (Section 4.2)
   Passport & Visa Details (Section 1.2)			                       Declaration (Section 5)
   Flight Details (Section 4.1)

             1.1     PERSONAL INFORMATION

Forename                                                          Date of Birth

Surname                                                           Sex                Select sex

Address                                                           State

City                                                              Postal/ZIP Code

Country                                                           English Level      Select English Level

Phone                                                             Visa Required      Select Visa Required

Email (Compulsory for access to Twin e-Learning)

Name on                                                                                Expiry Date
Passport                                                                               (DD/MM/YYYY)

Passport ID                                                       Country of Issue

Nationality                                                       Country of Birth

Have you ever been refused a visa?                                        Yes                     No
If yes, please provide additional information in the box below

Do you have any criminal convictions?                                     Yes                     No
If yes, please provide additional information in the box below

                                           +44 (0) 8269 5678

            2.1    INTERNSHIP PROGRAMMES

Course Title                        Requirements                    Course Duration                  Start Date (dd/mm/yy)
    Customer Service                Age 16+
    Internship (Eastbourne          CEFR Level A1                    Select Duration
    & London)*
    Business Administration         Age 16+
    Internship (London only)        CEFR Level B1                    Select Duration
                                    IELTS Level 4-4.5
    Professional                    Age 18+
    Internship (London only)        CEFR Level B1                    Select Duration
                                    IELTS Level 4-4.5
Placement Preference                1.
                                         Select Preference 1
                                    2. Select Preference 2

                                    3. Select Preference 3

Special Placement
* Internships in Eastbourne require a 1 week English course prior to your course start date (Please complete section 3.1)

       I have attached a copy of my CV (in word format)

       I have attached a letter of motivation (in word format)

       I have attached a copy of my academic certificates

       I have attached a copy of my English Language Certificates

       I have attached a copy of my design portfolio (design, fashion & animation internships only)

            3.1    ENGLISH COURSES
  Course Title                 Course Type                                                            Start Date (dd/mm/yy)
    General English              General Morning           15 hrs
    Courses                      General Afternoon         15 hrs        London only
                                 General Part time          6 hrs        London only                  Select Duration
                                 Au Pair Morning            6 hrs        London only
                                 Intensive                 23 hrs        Eastbourne only

    IELTS                        Part time                  6 hrs        London only

                                                                                                      Select Duration
    Conversation                 Part time                  6 hrs        London only

                                                                                                      Select Duration
                                                     +44 (0) 8269 5678

  Course Title                   Course Type                                                       Start Date (dd/mm/yy)
    English for work               Part time                       4 hrs   London only

                                                                                                   Select Duration

    English                        Unlimited                up to 31 hrs   London only
                                                                                                   Select Duration
    Special Courses                One-to-One            as req.
                                   Premium General       15 hrs            London only
                                   Combo 5             15+5 hrs                                    Select Duration
                                   Teacher Development    25hrs

    Long Term                      Standard                       15 hrs
    English Courses                Standard + Converstation       21 hrs   London only
                                   Standard + IELTS               21 hrs   London only             Select Duration
                                   Intensive                      23 hrs   Eastbourne only

    Cambridge Exam                 FCE Exam (15hrs)               15 hrs
    Preperation                    CAE Exam (15hrs)               15 hrs
                                                                                                   Select Duration

             3.2     ACCOMMODATION

 Accommodation                 Room Type                         Catering Type       Extras        Start/End Dates
 Type                                                                                              (dd/mm/yy)
    Homestay*                     Single                           Bed & Breakfast
                                  Twin (only for students          Half board
                                  travelling in pairs)             Full board

    Residential                   Single            Twin           Self Catering         Bedding
                                  Shared           Shared                                Pack
 Select Location                  En-suite         Studio
* Bed & Breakfast accommodation is only available in London

Special Requirements:
Do you smoke?                                                                            Yes                No

Do you have any allergies/conditions/dietary requirements?                               Yes                No
If yes, please provide additional information in the box below

Do you have any disabilities or educational special needs?                               Yes                No
If yes, please provide additional information in the box below

                                                 +44 (0) 8269 5678

             4.1     FLIGHT DETAILS
Arrival                                Flight No.                                  Arrival Time

Airline                                Airport            Select Airport           Terminal

Do you require an airport transfer on arrival?                        Yes                       No

Departure                                                                          Departure
                                       Flight No.
(DD/MM/YYYY)                                                                       Time

Airline                                Airport            Select Airport           Terminal

Do you require an airport transfer on departure?                       Yes                      No

             4.2     PAYMENT DETAILS
Please select payment type:

 Cheque                                Bank Transfer                               Credit/Debit Card*
                                       Twin Training International Ltd Bank:
 Made payable to:                                                                  Please note, a 2% surcharge
                                       Royal Bank of Scotland
                                                                                   applies to UK credit cards and
 Twin Training International           Sortcode:16-14-29                           non-UK credit and debit cards
                                       Account Number: 10884254
                                                                                   and 4% to Amex.
                                       IBAN: GB59RBOS16142910884254
                                       BIC: RBOSGB2L

*If you are paying by Credit/Debit card please fill in the following information:

Supplier:          Visa        Amex      Mastercard                          Card Type:        Debit         Credit

Card Number                                      Start Date                               Security Code
Name on
                                                 Expiry Date                              Issue No.

             4.3     DECLARATION
    By ticking this box and completing the section below, I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to
    be bound to the Twin Group Terms and Conditions, which can be found at

Student                                                                             Date

Legal Guardian                                                                      Date
(if student is under 18yrs)                                                         (DD/MM/YYYY)

Agent                                                                               Date

                                            +44 (0) 8269 5678
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