À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI Initiatives Canada - adisq

La page est créée Philippe Leveque
À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI Initiatives Canada - adisq
Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                 À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI
                                                                  Initiatives Canada
                                                       •      Une formule hybride pour MUTEK
                                                   •       Un nouveau festival MURAL tout l’été

                                                  Initiatives Internationales
                            •    SNEP : 7 Propositions pour relancer la production musicale

                                     Nouvelles de l'Industrie - Canada
                           •   The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Live Streaming in 2020
                     •    New Survey Casts A Worrisome Shadow Over Live Music Industry

                           Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
    •      Europe : YouTube Music Europe director Dan Chalmers on the rise of livestreams
        •     US : Sosa Entertainment boss calls Spotify’s “fraudster” claims “laughable and
                                                                                blatantly false”
                         •    US : How Hip-hop Royalty found a new home in Instagram Live
                    •    Australie : Spotify Australia launches campaign to boost local music
                                  •    France : Et si le masque devenait le support du billet ?
•       US : Travis McCready Successfully Stages America’s First Socially-Distanced Concert
                           •   Goldman Sachs: Global Music Revenue Will Drop 25% In 2020
          •    Indonesia Is Tacking a 10% VAT on Spotify, Apple Music, and Other Streaming
                                                          •   Australie : The Infinite Dial 2020
                    •    US : The Sound of the Coronavirus Quarantine Is an Acoustic Guitar
À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI Initiatives Canada - adisq
Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                                                                      À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                                                       Initiatives Canada
Festival                                                                                 Une formule hybride pour MUTEK
                         Le fes tival MUTEK a ura lieu à la fois vi rtuellement et physiquement du 8 a u 13 s eptembre. La
           progra mmation de MUTEK, festival i nternational de créativi té numérique et de musiques électroniques,
           s e déploiera de façon hybride. MUTEK, et son forum parallèle IMG, seront présentés « da ns des espaces
                   phys i ques traditionnels, dans le respect des règles de distanciation sociale », ma is a ussi « da ns un
              uni vers vi rtuel qui nous permettra d’expérimenter des horizons inédits et d’offrir une programmation
                  s i ngulière à un public du monde entier », peut-on lire dans le communiqué de presse a nnonçant la
           tenue de l’événement du 8 a u 13 s eptembre. Au programme : des prestations de musique électronique,
                 des performances audiovisuelles live et des œuvres numériques innova ntes. Le tout avec l e soutien
              i nternational des autres chapitres de MUTEK. Dans s es panels et a teliers de réseautage, l e forum IMG
            mettra l ’accent sur « l es nouveaux modèles qui stimulent l es i ndustries créatives et l es a rts tout comme
           l es réflexions éthiques et politiques en lien avec la technologie et induites par l es événements récents ».

Festival                                                                           Un nouveau festival MURAL tout l’été
            Une 8e édition de MURAL, l e festival montréalais d’art urbain, a vec s es très courus s pectacles musicaux
           extéri eurs, ne pouvait être envisagée dans sa formule habituelle à cause de la COVID-19. L’évènement a
            donc été transformé en MURAL Estival, qui s e déroulera de façon restreinte autour du boulevard Saint-
            La urent, mais aussi sur l ’internet. Et pas seulement pendant 11 jours, mais durant tout l’été ! Le festival
            MURAL s urvi vra à la pandémie, assure Pi erre-Alain Benoît, s on directeur général. « Du côté budgétaire,
            ç’a été un exercice périlleux, dit-il. Au départ, on pensait reporter MURAL en août ou en septembre, ce
              qui a urait permis d’éviter des pertes de revenus, mais on s’est rendu compte que c’était impossible. »
                 L’orga nisation a donc décidé de concevoir MURAL Estival, un mélange d’activités extérieures et de
           progra mmes vi rtuels, étalé du 21 juin a u 20 s eptembre, ce qui permet de planifier l ’évènement au fur et
                               à mes ure, contrairement a ux précédentes éditions, en s’ajustant à la réalité sanitaire.
Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                                                                      À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                     Initiatives Internationales
Soutien                                        SNEP : 7 Propositions pour relancer la production musicale
            Durement touchés cette année par l a chute des ventes, les producteurs de musique s eront a ussi très
                 i mpactés l ’an prochain par l ’écroulement des droits voisins : l es labels du SNEP (syndicat national
           fra nçais de l’édition phonographique) font 7 propositions pour sauvegarder et encourager la diversité
          mus icale en France, dont : Faire monter en puissance l e crédit d'impôt phonographique (CIPP), Alléger la
               procédure du CIPP pour engager l es projets a rtistiques, Défendre une TVA à 5,5% pour l es produits
                              phys i ques musicaux ou encore Faire baisser la pression fiscale l ocale ur les labels TPE.
                                            https://snepmusique.com/actualites-du-snep/covid-19-7 -propositions -pour-relancer -la-production-musicale/
Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                                                             À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

              Nouvelles de l'Industrie - Canada
                                       The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Live Streaming in 2020
 From Saturday Night Live to the Superbowl to that weird televised version of Peter Pan s ta rring Allison
Wi l liams, there’s no denyi ng that there’s always been something captivating about a screening of a l ive
performance. Today, we can count on s ocial media livestreams to give us that what’s-going-to-happen-
next ma gic on a more i ntimate s cale. Armed with a smartphone and a s ocial media a ccount, anyone can
be the director of their own l ive spectacular. Welcome to the golden age of l ive vi deo. Social media live
s treaming is dynamic, authentic a nd engaging. (And—don’t deny i t, you adrenaline-junkie, you—a little
 bi t thri lling, right? Anything could happen!) The best part is that you don’t need any special equipment
  or tool s to ta p into the world of self-broadcasting. We’ve got your guide to s treaming below, covering
     a l l the major s ocial platforms, so the only thi ng you have to worry a bout i s deciding what to stream.


                            New Survey Casts A Worrisome Shadow Over Live Music Industry
  Da ta from an April 24 to 30 online s urvey with 2,500 Ca nadians aged 18 a nd over offers crushing news
  for promoters of live music with a bout 40% saying i t will ta ke six months or more before they will feel
 comforta ble going to a concert a t an a rena or a music festival a nd a majority sayi ng they are unlikely to
  go to a l i ve music event, even i f distancing protocols a re put i n place and the number of people a t the
           venue is reduced. “As governments across Ca nada and the world i ncreasingly s hift their focus to
   recovery, thi s data from Abacus underscores the precarious position of the l ive music ecosystem – a n
       ecos ystem upon which a rtists rely for a s ignificant, and in some cases predominant, portion of their
   l i velihood,” said Graham Henderson, President a nd CEO of Mus ic Canada. “The music i ndustry faces a
            tri pl e threat. First – the very rea l medical concerns of Canadians a bout the vi rus. Second – that
  government restrictions will remain on large gatherings well into recovery. And third – that even after
 government restrictions have lifted and economies begin to reopen – Ca nadian confidence in returning
                                                                   to thes e live events will continue to be l ow.”
Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                                                                   À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

   Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
        Europe : YouTube Music Europe director Dan Chalmers on the rise of livestreams
 YouTube Music EMEA director Dan Chalmers has spoken a bout the impact of music livestreams on the
         pl a tform. In the latest i ssue of Music Week, Cha lmers opens up about the growing ambitions for
 YouTube within dance music. The vi deo platform i s already s trong i n terms of rap and pop. Li vestream
         events from Defected Records, Boiler Room a nd Tomorrowland have racked up big numbers on
     YouTube. DJs s uch as David Guetta, Ma rtin Garrix and Diplo have also embraced the format during
 l ockdown. “Obviously, this is a stressful time for the whole world, a nd I think dance [music] is a way to
     l et yourself go, experience a different world and party with your fri ends, even if it i s vi rtually,” s aid
  Cha l mers. “Technology a doption has been forced on parts of society quicker than i t may have been in
the pa st due to Covi d-19. I think that these types of vi rtual events a nd the responses we've s een will be
 here to s tay. The numbers of some of the livestreams have been significant. It far outweighs a ny of the
phys i cal audiences in the clubs, plus you're playing immediately to a global audience. It's really exciting,
                                                                               for the ta lent and ourselves.”
                         https://www.musicweek.com/digital/read/youtube-music-europe-director-dan-chalmers-on-the-rise -of-livestreams/079840

US : Sosa Entertainment boss calls Spotify’s “fraudster” claims “laughable and blatantly
The boss of i ndependent label Sosa Entertainment and start-up collecting society PRO Mus ic Rights has
            ca l led claims made by Spotify i n a legal filing this week “laughable and blatantly false”. Spotify
 countersued Ja ke Noch on Monday a s part of a l ong-running dispute between Sosa and the streaming
       fi rm. It was a ctually Noch who went l egal first, last year, accusing Spotify of “unfair and deceptive
            pra cti ces” after it removed his l abel’s ca talogue from i ts platform, also causing Sosa to lose i ts
  membership of indie label digital rights group Merlin. The streaming company s ays it banned Noch’s
  l a bel from i ts platform based on the belief he was manipulating streams of his own music i n order to
                                                   boos t his share of the digital pie at the end of each month.
                    https://completemusicupdate.com/article/sosa-entertainment-boss-calls-spotifys-fraudster-claims -laughable-and -blatantly-false/

                                     US : How Hip-hop Royalty found a new home in Instagram Live
   If Ma rch 11 — the da te the NBA s uspended i ts s eason and Tom Hanks a nnounced he’d contracted the
      corona virus — was when i t became clear that the pandemic would be indiscriminate in demolishing
i ndustries and dismantling social norms, it was just over a week later, on March 21, that the new normal
   bega n to take shape. For the fifth night i n a row, D-Nice streamed a D.J. s et on Instagram Live from his
         Los Angeles apartment. Things had started s mall, on a Tuesday, playing s ongs from his iTunes to a
  coupl e of hundred friends. But the United States was changing ra pidly. On Thursday, Ca lifornia issued a
   s ta y-at-home order. New York followed the next day. That weekend became the first ti me most of the
   entertainment i ndustry wa s sheltering i n place, a nd the s cale of what might be l ost in the coronavirus
                                                                                    cri s is was becoming cl ear.

Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                                                                     À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

  Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
                             Australie : Spotify Australia launches campaign to boost local music
Spoti fy AUNZ has launched a campaign to back local musicians during the pandemic. Over the past few
    weeks, the Australian and New Zealand music industries have been hit by the restrictions i n place to
       s l ow the s pread of coronavi rus, with revenue dryi ng up as festivals a nd gi gs are ca ncelled. To help
      promote talent a cross both nations, Spotify’s #Li stenLocal campaign will launch a microsite where
    Aus tra lians and Ki wis can connect their accounts or ta ke a quiz to generate a personalised playl ist of
l oca l artists. “It is our mission at Spotify to unlock the potential of human creativity - by gi vi ng a million
  crea ti ve artists the opportunity to l ive off their art a nd billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy a nd be
                                           i ns pired by i t,” says Spotify AUNZ head of music Alicia Sbrugnera.

                                                      France : Et si le masque devenait le support du billet ?
          Vu s ur l e blog de Nicolas Olive , strategic et creative designer : l e Ma dge. Pour l es prochains
événements, l e port du masque sera potentiellement encore obligatoire. Le masque peut alors devenir
     un s upport de billet ou un badge pour des exposants. Un moyen, l udique et créatif, d’utiliser l e
      ma s que, devenu indispensable, tout en s’inscrivant dans une démarche éco-responsable, et en
                                                              permettant la reconnaissance des individus.

     US : Travis McCready Successfully Stages America’s First Socially-Distanced Concert
      Mus i cians Travis McCready a nd Lauren Brown get an ‘A’ for Effort i n s taging America’s fi rst s ocially-
di s tanced concert i n Arkansas on Monday. But was i t really worth i t?After considerable hullabaloo, the
 a mbitious event was initially s hut down by Arka nsas governor Asa Hutchinsonbecause i t didn’t follow
 s tri ct COVID-19 guidelines. At one point, the venue TempleLive received a cease-and-desist from s tate
   offi cials, a nd even had its liquor l icense revoked over the standoff. But the sides eventually a greed to
  retry the i dea on Monday. The result, as you might expect, was a s mall crowd in a fairly large space —
 wi th l ots of distancing and plenty of complications. Initially, the Fort Smith-based TempleLive chopped
    i ts a vailable s eating by 80%, down from 1,100 to 229, though the eventual crowd looked far smaller.
Everyone was subjected to a temperature check before getting i nside, and TempleLive fog-sprayed the
   entire venue with sanitizing mist before setup. Beyond that, hallways were one-way only, bathrooms
bl ocked off most stalls a nd faucets, a nd beer was only dispensed in closed containers. Of course, masks
      were a lso mandatory, though on-stage performers — of course — ditched the masks but kept their
                                                                                  di s tance from one another.
        https://blog.streamelements.com/state-of-the-stream-april-2020-valorant-and-valorant-streamers-top-the-charts-musi c-is -having-d503aad6c2e7
Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                                                        À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

   Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
                                 Goldman Sachs: Global Music Revenue Will Drop 25% In 2020
       In a new “Music in the Air” a nalysis of the music i ndustry’s outlook, Goldman Sachs projected that
     gl obal music revenue will drop 25 percent this year, owing to the fiscal and operational strain of the
         novel coronavi rus crisis. As expected, 2020’s substantially l essened concert a nd l ive performance
  i ncome played the biggest part i n the predicted revenue drop-off; Goldman reduced i ts pre-pandemic
          ea rnings estimates for l ive music by more than 75 percent. The New York Ci ty-based i nvestment
 powerhouse also anticipated lessened publishing revenue (five percent below previous estimates) and
     recorded music revenue (eight percent below previous estimates), culminating in total global music
      revenue of $57.5 billion. For reference, 2019’s global music revenue totaled more than $75 billion.
 Nevertheless, the report a lso signaled confidence i n music’s ability to recover a nd continue growing i n
      2021 a nd beyond. In a prior “Music i n the Air” breakdown, Goldman Sachs predicted that recorded
        mus ic i tself would produce $80 bi llion worth of annual i ncome by 2030, whereas l ive music would
                                                generate $38 billion, a nd publishing $12.5 billion, each year.

 Indonesia Is Tacking a 10% VAT on Spotify, Apple Music, and Other Streaming Services
 Indonesia i s adding a 10% va lue-added tax (VAT) to digital s treaming servi ces s tarting i n July. The latest
  regul ation comes from the Finance Mi nistry i n Ja karta, who made the announcement public on Fri day.
   “Under this regulation, digital products s uch as s treaming music s ubscriptions, s treaming films, digital
          a pplications, and games are subject to VAT,” the statement reads.Indonesia expects services that
   conduct more than a s pecified volume of transactions to collect the VAT from customers. The amount
   wi l l then be paid to the government each month. The tax office says i t reserves the right to determine
         tha t threshold and determine which companies or digital servi ces must collect the ta x.Indonesia’s
  expl osive growth makes i t a key ma rket in the Southeast Asia region. Indonesia’s Finance Mi nistry says
 the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated plans for the digital s treaming VAT. Officials believe the VAT will
                                                    crea te equality between local and overseas businesses.

                                                                               Australie : The Infinite Dial 2020
  Infi nite Dial Australia explores the penetration of online digital audio in Australia, as well as the online
pl a tforms a nd technologies that Australians are using. In the first quarter of 2020, prior to the COVID-19
       pa ndemic, Edison Research conducted a national telephone s urvey of 1,014 Australians a ge 12 a nd
ol der. 25% of Australians l isten to podcasts every month, a ccording to new data from Edison Research’s
  Infi nite Dial. The country i s roughly two years behind the US, which now stands on 37% monthly reach
Mercredi 20 Mai 2020

                                                    À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

 Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
                        US : The Sound of the Coronavirus Quarantine Is an Acoustic Guitar
   Strea ming data shows that bluegrass, country, a nd singer-songwriter classics have spiked during the
     pa ndemic, even as streams fell overall. Streaming data shows that in the first two months of social
 di s tancing, American listeners largely gra vitated away from electric and electronic genres and toward
    the a coustic — to singer-songwriter classics and country jams, from Joan Baez to the Byrds a nd Bob
Dyl a n. According to Alpha Data, as on-demand a udio streams streams in the U.S. dipped eight percent
  from Ma rch 13th through May 7th compared with the previous two months, streams for pop, dance,
a nd hip-hop decreased at up to two ti mes that rate, while genres like country, s oft rock, and bluegrass
      ha ve s tayed s teady or s een up to double-digit growth. This a nalysis is l imited to on-demand audio
                       s treams in the U.S., which is the primary metric powering the Rolling Stone Charts.
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