La page est créée Pascal Lefort
LE             SPÉCIALISTE
Le magazine de la Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec
Vol. 13 no. 4 ­| December 2011

                                    Web 2.0
                                  THE WAVE

                                                                          p. 40
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Nathalie Soucy, vice-présidente,                                     tranquillité d’esprit.                                                       (1 800 807-2683)

Les stratégies, les conseils et le contenu de la présente publication sont offerts à titre indicatif seulement, au profit de nos clients. Les lecteurs devraient consulter leur fiscaliste, leur conseiller
juridique, leur conseiller en affaires lors de la planification de l’implantation d’une stratégie ou d’une stratégie de planification fiscale afin de s’assurer que leur situation particulière fait l’objet
d’un examen approprié reposant sur les derniers renseignements disponibles.
® / MC Marque(s) de commerce de la Banque Royale du Canada. RBC et Banque Royale sont des marques déposées de la Banque Royale du Canada.
  Les Services bancaires mobiles RBC sont offerts par la Banque Royale du Canada. VPS66393                                                                                                      (11/2011)

EDITORIAL Committee                  PRINTING                                            Ends, Our Predictions For 2012...
Dr. Bernard Bissonnette              Impart Litho
Dr. Raynald Ferland
Dr. Paul Perrotte                    CIRCULATION                                   8    IN THE NEWS
Maître Sylvain Bellavance            13 500 copies
Nicole Pelletier, APR, director
Patricia Kéroack,                    TO JOIN US                                    11   DID YOU KNOW...
communications consultant            EDITION
                                     Telephone: 514 350-5021
DELEGATED PUBLISHER                  Fax: 514 350-5175
Nicole Pelletier, APR                E-Mail: communications@fmsq.org
RESPONSIBLE FOR                      Telephone: 514 350-5274
PUBLICATIONS                                                                       WEB 2.0
                                     Fax: 514 350-5175
Patricia Kéroack                     E-Mail: fcadieux@fmsq.org
                                     www.magazinelespecialiste.com                 THE WAVE                                        LE
                                                                                                                                   Le magazine de La Fédération des médecins spéciaListes du Québec

REVISION                                                                                                                           Vol. 13 no4 | Décembre 2011

                                                                                   • Web 2.0 and Healthcare
Angèle L’Heureux                     Fédération des médecins
                                     spécialistes du Québec                                                                  16
                                                                                   • Medical Specialists are
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT                 2, Complexe Desjardins, porte 3000
                                     C.P. 216, succ. Desjardins,                                                                                                       Web 2.0
Geneviève Roberge                                                                                                                                                    LA VAGUE
                                     Montréal QC H5B 1G8
                                     Telephone: 514-350-5000
                                                                                       Surfing… So is the FMSQ              22
Dominic Armand
                                     PUBLICATIONS MAIL                             • Have You Met
                                     Mailing Indicia 40063082                         @DrBarretteFMSQ?24
TRANSLATION                                                                                                                                                                                       CERTITUDES...
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Voir texte p. 40

Anne Trindall
                                     LEGAL DEPOSIT
Annette Grimaïla
                                     4th quarter 2011                              • The Physician and
Advertising                          Bibliothèque nationale du Québec                  Social Networks                      27
                                     ISSN 1206-2081
                                                                                   • Integrating Social Media
France Cadieux

                                                                                       into Your Medical Practice           30
All pharmaceutical product advertisement’s have been approved by the
Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board (PAAB).                                  • Discovering Mobile
                     CCAB audits the medical specialists and residents database       Medical Applications                  32
                     (11,115 copies audited for June 2011) The FMSQ also
                     distributes around 1,000 copies to Researchers and
Professors of the 4 Medical Faculties in Quebec, as well as managers and leaders
of the Québec healthcare system.                                                   35    REAT NAMES IN QUEBEC MEDICINE
The authors of signed articles are sole responsible for the opinions expressed
therein. No reproduction without previous authorization from the publisher.              r. François A. Auger, Microbiologist and Infectious
The mission of the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec is to defend          Disease Specialist
and promote the economic, professional, scientific and social interests of the
medical specialists who are members of its affiliated associations.
                                                                                   36   CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                   38   SERVICES AUX MEMBRES
                                                                                        A vantages commerciaux
  • Desjardins                                                            2
  • Telus mobilité                                                        3        39 	
                                                                                       FINANCIÈRE DES
  • RBC Banque Royale                                                     4
  • Financière des professionnels                                         6
  • Sogemec Assurances                                                    8
                                                                                   40   SOGEMEC ASSURANCES
  • ASSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent                                            12
  • Club Voyages Berri                                                   13
  • IMS Brogan                                                           14        42   LE MOT DU PRÉSIDENT
  • La Personnelle                                                       34             Réalisations et prédictions...
  • Services aux médecins MD                                             43
  • Groupe Conseil Multi-D                                               44

                                                                                                             LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011 | 5
de conférences
En tant qu’investisseur, il semble de plus en
plus difficile de conserver vos repères dans la
turbulence actuelle des marchés financiers. Pour
assurer l’atteinte de vos objectifs futurs, vous devez
d’abord savoir où vous vous situez maintenant!

Le temps d’une conférence, nous vous proposons
de partager notre réflexion sur les événements les
plus porteurs de 2011, les voies qui s’ouvrent à vous
en 2012 ainsi que les éléments qui s’annoncent
déterminants pour l’avenir de vos placements.

Venez planifier votre itinéraire financier avec les
experts de la Financière des professionnels!

                                                          Accueil : 18 h - Conférence : 18 h 30 Un repas sera servi.
                                                                   Inscrivez-vous en ligne au www.fprofessionnels.com
                                                                         ou téléphonez-nous aux numéros suivants :

Vous êtes ici                                            Montréal
                                                         Montréal (ACDQ dentistes)
                                                                                     Claire Morin
                                                                                     Nancy Sauvageau
                                                                                                       514 350-5050 ou 1 888 377-7337
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                                                         Sherbrooke                  Lyne Petit        819 564-0909 ou 1 866 564-0909

                                                                 Actionnaire de la Financière des professionnels depuis 1978
                                   Dr. Gaétan Barrette

                                  2011 Ends,
                                  Our Predictions For 2012...
The year 2011 has been a very hectic one, and everybody at the Federation has put their
shoulder, in fact both their shoulders to the wheel! At this point in the year, we normally
say it is ending. The operative word here is “normally”, because things are a bit different
at the FMSQ. After months of negotiations with the government, we managed to reach
a satisfactory new Agreement, without conflict on either side. Since then, we have been
concentrating on the future allocation of the gains we have made. We have therefore started
out on a round of visits to the medical associations and, during the remaining few weeks of
2011, we will be maintaining the rhythm in order to finalize our meetings and move forward
with work on the allocation planned for 2012.

        ther issues have been brought to a satisfactory conclusion     And, to close the year, I am particularly glad about the
        in 2011, not only with regard to the Federation and its        realization of an undertaking that has taken a certain time – or
        members but also for patients in Quebec. One particular        some would say “has certainly taken time” – to achieve. But
example is the agreement reached with the MSSS on the treatment        time arranges all things, we are told. We have managed to
costs imposed on patients with macular degeneration. We had            reach agreement on implementing a parental leave program,
to present the Minister of Health with a 48-hour ultimatum to pay      as you will have read in the recent INFOnégo newsletter.
these costs, but the effort was well worth the while.                  I believe that this accomplishment should be underlined twice,
                                                                       rather than just once. The Federation had already reduced
We also saw the launching of the construction of the future            membership fees for new parents, and this program will be
CHUM. Even though the FMSQ was forgotten as far as an                  further improved to take other parental situations into account.
invitation to attend the official event was concerned, with all the    I want to underline the determination of Dr. Josée Parent who,
bigwigs present, we are well aware that the project now finally        as Vice President of the Federation (2009-2011), took up
under way would never have been on this scale if it had not been       the challenge and kept a close watch on it at all times. I am
for the FMSQ’s intervention during the summer and fall of 2008.        sure that medical specialists who are parents are thanking
                                                                       Dr. Parent (how fitting!) for making this promise come true!
I would also remind you that, during the round of negotiations
conducted by the government with its employees, the Federation         The coming year is sure to bring its quota of health issues,
was the first medical group to support the claims made by the          because there is a great deal to be done to enable our public
Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ).           system to function better. We already know what will not happen
The same comment applies to Crown prosecutors and Quebec               in 2012: electronic patient records will not see the light of day,
lawyers. The FMSQ emphasized the essential role played by              nurse‑practitioners will still be left aside, intermediate resources
these groups in the public health and judicial systems and the         will be insufficient to free up beds, operating room productivity
importance of negotiating an agreement that respected their            will not be able to be increased, macular degeneration treatments
professional contribution. There was good reason for our campaign      and in vitro fertilization will not be available in all establishments,
“Expertise has a price”!                                               etc. I am not going to go any further. This list could be used as
                                                                       a basis for decision-makers’ resolutions but, as we all know,
Finally, our Federation supported adding new professional activities   resolutions are made to be broken.
to those reserved to Quebec pharmacists. To keep up with the
Web 2.0 site introduced in this issue, our support was on Twitter      This year, the coming holidays will be particularly well-deserved
(see page 24).                                                         at the Federation! I hope that you, too, will be able to enjoy the
                                                                       festive season with your family and friends. On behalf of all my
                                                                       team, I wish you Season’s Greetings!

                                                                       Yours in solidarity!

                                                                                               LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011 | 7

New Collaboration
While both were working at the Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis hospital,                           STAT’s first volume was published earlier this
Dr. François Paquet, an emergency medicine specialist, and Yves                        year by Éditions Moelle Graphique (www.
Lessard, a nurse, had the bright idea of combining their talents                       moellegraphique.com) and the authors are
to create an original project: a cartoon strip on the subject of the                   actively preparing the second volume. In
healthcare system in Quebec.                                                           addition, the authors regularly post a new
                                                                                       strip on their web site (www.statcomics.com).
As each of them admits to more than 20 years experience in the
healthcare network, they have accumulated many anecdotes
from which they freely draw their inspiration. They also collect       From now on, Le Spécialiste will be including a strip from this series
suggestions from their peers (should you be interested).               in each issue of the magazine.

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8 | LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011

The 2011 Education Day - A Great Success!
The 4th Interdisciplinary Education Day organized by                                  During lunch, the Quebec Council on Physicians’
the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec’s                                  Continuing Professional Development awarded
Professional Development Office was a great success.                                  a Special Mention in the framework of the Prix
From 240 participants at the first Education Day in                                   de l’innovation pédagogique en développement
2008, attendance at the 24 sessions presented during                                  professionnel continu (DPC) 2011 to Doctors
the day reached near to 650 persons.                                                  Renée-Claude Duval, Simon Pierre Proulx, Line
                                                                                      Archambault, Richard Goulet, Leila Ben Amor
Speakers, moderators and panellists addressed participants on          and Annick Vincent. The title of their project was Trousse d’outils
subjects as varied as fibromyalgia, a critical reading of randomized   d’évaluation TDAH enfants-adolescents (Evaluation Toolkit for
studies, planning for retirement and how surgery and radiology         Childhood and Adolescent ADHD).
complement one another in the case management of common
surgical pathologies.                                                  The President’s Cocktail marked the end of the day’s activities
                                                                       and provided physicians the opportunity to network. Earlier,
The objective of Interdisciplinary Education Days is to bring          the Federation’s President, Dr. Gaétan Barrette, had issued
physicians of various specialties to speak with one another in order   an important message on the role of physicians in the case
to improve patient case management. Presentation subjects are          management of patients and in healthcare services as a whole.
mainly proposed by medical associations and scientific committees
while the final program is put together by a planning committee.

                                                      RESERVE THE DATE
                                                        OF NOVEMBER 9,
                                                       2012 RIGHT NOW
                                                         FOR THE 5TH
                                                        EDITION OF THE
                                                        EDUCATION DAY.

                                                                             From left to right: Madame Céline Monette, from the CQDPCM,
                                                                             Dr. Renée-Claude Duval, pediatrician, Dr. Simon-Pierre Proulx, general
                                                                             practitioner, Dr. Line Archambault, psychiatrist and Dr. Richard Goulet,
                                                                             pediatrician. Missing from the picture: Dr. Leila Ben Amor and Dr. Annick
                                                                             Vincent, both psychiatrists.

                                                                                                 LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011 | 9

Building the new UHCs of Montreal
Since September 2010, we have been reporting photographically on how construction work is
advancing on the new university hospital centres being built in Quebec. As a picture is worth a
thousand words, what better way to keep track of these projects!
The new McGill University Health Centre will open its doors in the fall of 2014, while the CHUM is
expected to open in 2018.

                                                                            Picture taken on November 11, 2011

                                                                  Research Center Construction Work

                                                                            Picture taken on November 11, 2011

10 | LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011
Prizes and Awards

Armand Frappier Prize 2011                                      Prix d’excellence – Centre hospitalier universitaire
                                                                de Sherbrooke
               Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif, a cardiologist
               and Director of the Montreal Heart Institute                      The CHUS Board of Directors gave out its
               Research Centre, received the Armand-                             prizes for excellence during its 11th Gala.
               Frappier Prize for 2011 when the Prix du                          They underline the commitment, leadership
               Québec recipients were announced. This                            and professionalism of people in the field.
               prize is the highest distinction awarded by
               the Quebec government to a scientist who                          The Grand Prix d’excellence was awarded to
               has contributed to the development of a                           Dr. Gaétan Langlois, an orthopedist, Chief
               research institute.                                               of Surgery and Medical Head of the Patient
                                                                                 Surgical Care Program.
Canadian Paediatric Chairs Award                                                  Dr. Muriel Mury, a psy­
               Dr. Robert Thivierge has received the                              chiatrist and professor at
               2011 Pediatric Academic Leadership                                 Sherbrooke University,
               Prize awarded by the Paediatrics Chairs of                         together with Dr. Patrice
               Canada. This marks Dr. Thivierge’s more                            Perron, an endocrinologist,
               than 30 years’ support of medical education                        Chief of Medicine and Head
               in pediatric emergencies.                                          of the Patient Special­
                                                                                  ized Care Program, both
                                                                                  received Personality
                                                                Prizes in recognition of their investment in teaching and their
                                                                outstanding personalities.
Women’s Y Foundation Community Service Award
                                                                                 Dr. Éric Turcotte, a nuclear scientist and
               Dre. Joanne Liu, a pediatrician at Sainte
                                                                                 Clinical Director of the Molecular Imaging
               Justine University Hospital Centre has been
                                                                                 Centre in Sherbrooke, received a Recognition
               honoured for her community service with
                                                                                 Award underlining his input during the medical
               Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans
                                                                                 isotopes crisis where he played a major role
               frontières). Over the last 15 years, she has
                                                                                 in developing alternative tracers, such as
               taken part in more than 20 humanitarian
                                                                                 sodium fluoride.
               missions to disaster zones.

Médecins francophones du Canada Annual Prizes                   Prix Léo-Pariseau

               Médecins francophones du Canada handed                             The Association francophone pour le savoir
               the Award of Merit to Dr. Martin Juneau, a                         (ACFAS) has awarded the prestigious Prix
               cardiologist at Montreal Heart Institute. The                      Léo-Pariseau to Dr. Claude Perreault, a
               award honours a physician’s community                              hematologist at Hôpital Maisonneuve-
               commitment and involvement. La Presse                              Rosemont and Head of Research at the
               newspaper also named him Personality of                            Université de Montréal Immunology and
               the Week on October 31.                                            Cancerology Research Institute. This prize
                                                                                  honours the work of a person working in the
                                                                                  field of biological or health sciences.
                                                                Dr. Perreault is the first Quebec medical specialist to have
Michel-Sarrazin Prize                                           successfully carried out a bone marrow graft.
                he Club de recherches cliniques du Québec
               bestowed the Michel-Sarrazin Prize for 2011      Grand Prix de Québec-Transplant
               on Dr. Stanley Nattel, a clinical cardiologist
                                                                                 Dr. Denis Marleau, a gastroenterologist and
               and director of the Electrophysiology
                                                                                 founder of the liver transplant program of
               Research Program at the Montreal Heart
                                                                                 CHUM-Hôpital Saint-Luc, has been awarded
               Institute. This prize is awarded each year to
                                                                                 the Grand Prix of Québec-Transplant in
               a seasoned Quebec scientists whose energy
                                                                                 recognition of leadership shown by a
               and productivity have made an important
                                                                                 professional in the advancement of organ
               contribution to the advancement of
                                                                                 donations in Quebec.
               biomedical research.

                                                                                    LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011 | 11
Transœsophageal Echocardiography Multimedia
Manual: One of the five best                                                 Are you working with trans patients?
As part of its Medical Book Awards 2011, the British                         Action Santé Travesti(e)s et Transsexuel(le)s du Québec (ASTT(e)Q
                                                                             (Quebec Action for the Health of Transvestites and Trans-sexuals)
Medical Association has praised the second edition of the
                                                                             has just launched Je m’engage, a guide intended for Quebec
Transœsophageal Echocardiography Multimedia Manual,                          health care and social service providers working with this clientele.
designating it as one of the best books on cardiology published              Around 60 pages long, the guide deals with hormone replacement
in 2010.                                                                     therapy, the defence of transgender patients/clients, and much
                                                                             more. Health-related circumstances and issues experienced
                               This work, coauthored by                      by trans people are not generally taught in a classroom. Most
                               Drs. Pierre Couture, André Denault            professionals acquire their expertise through experience, and this
                               and Jean-Claude Tardif of the                 guide has been devised to promote the development of services
                                                                             appropriate to this atypical population. To order a copy of the
                               Montreal Heart Institute (MHI)
                                                                             guide, please send an email to jackson.astteq@gmail.com.
                               among others, covers the new
                               developments and challenges
                               awaiting anesthesiologists,
                               cardiologists, heart surgeons,               The Holidays are here
                               intensive care specialists and
                                                                                           After a year filled and enriched with positive
                               others interested in perioperative                          developments, the Fédération des médecins
                               transesophageal echocardiography                            spécialistes du Québec wishes you a wonderful
                               not only before, during and after                           Holiday period and an excellent year in 2012.
                               heart surgery, but also for its
                                                                                         On this same occasion, the Federation invites you
                               applications in hemodynamics,                to be generous towards the disadvantaged in our society. In
electrophysiology and major non-cardiac surgery, such as liver              Quebec, one person in eight lives in poverty. Please support
and kidney grafts. The Manual also deals with the treatment of              the efforts which have been undertaken since 1939 by the
critical patients by intensive care medical specialists.                    organizations that are now grouped under the Centraide banner
                                                                            (www.givetocentraide.ca). In Quebec, there are 18 Centraides
                                                                            that support more than 1,700 community organizations
                                                                            throughout the regions and, together, they come to the aid of
                                                                            1,300,000 disadvantaged individuals.

                                             Je décide où je pratique

                         Au Bas Saint-Laurent

                  Je prends soin          des autres, de mes proches, de moi...

                  Choisissez une qualité de vie exceptionnelle
                  Majoration de la rémunération de 25 à 30 %
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                  www.agencesssbsl.gouv.qc.ca         alexandra.dube-loubert.asss01@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

12 | LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011
New Publications                                                                                                                               Ce que le sida a changé
                                                                                                                                                                 On the 30th anniversary of the discovery of
In the collection Vivre avec…

                                                                                                                     CE QUE LE SIDA A CHANGÉ
                                                                                                                                                              J E A N - P I E R R E

                                                                                                                                                                 AIDS, Dr. Jean-Pierre Routy, a hematologist at
                                                           CE QUE LE                                                                                                     R O U T Y
                                                           S I DA
                                                           A CHANGÉ

                                                                                                                                                                 McGill’s Royal Victoria Hospital has published
                                                           « Depuis maintenant presque trente ans, je participe

                   Dr. Arthur Amyot, a gerontopsychiatrist at
                                                           aux soins des personnes atteintes par le VIH-sida.
                                                           J’ai vécu la sombre époque où ce mal d’origine incon-
                                                           nue n’avait même pas de nom, j’ai vu des patients
                                                           aussi jeunes que je l’étais mourir dans des conditions
                                                           terribles et le plus souvent rejetés par leur famille.
                                                                                                                                                     CE QUE LE

                                                                                                                                                    S I DA       Ce que le sida a changé, a book that gives the
                                                           J’ai aussi été le témoin de moments extraordinaires

                   Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, in
                                                           d’entraide et de solidarité.
                                                           Avoir croisé le chemin de personnes souffrant du sida
                                                           m’a profondément marqué. Les leçons qu’elles m’ont
                                                           données et la confiance qu’elles m’ont accordée

                                                                                                                                                                 broad outline and small details of the history
                                                           pendant ces trente années m’ont permis de tenir le cap.

                   collaboration with René Des Groseillers, a
                                                           Ce livre en forme d’abécédaire est né du point

                                                                                                                                                     A CHANGÉ
                                                           d’équilibre entre la période sombre du début de
                                                           l’épidémie et ce printemps de l’espérance, où un
                                                           premier patient a pu être officiellement déclaré guéri

                                                                                                                     JEAN-PIERRE ROUTY
                                                                                                                                                                 of this unique disease. The author, who has
                                                           du sida grâce à une greffe de cellules souches. Nous

                   psychologist, has published “Vivre avec un
                                                           vivons un moment unique : le plateau de la balance
                                                           semble désormais pouvoir pencher du côté de la vie. »

                                                           J E A N - P I E R R E R O U T Y est médecin dans le

                                                                                                                                                                 decided to devote his life to AIDS, relates three
                                                           Service d’hématologie et d’immunodéficience de

                   proche qui vieillit” (Living with an aging family
                                                           l’Hôpital Royal Victoria de Montréal.

                                                            ISBN 978-2-923511-34-4

                   member) with Éditions Bayard. This book
                                                           9 782923 511344

                                                                                                                                                                 decades that have radically changed sexual and
                   gives a general outline of this stage in life                                                                               interpersonal relations. Dr. Routy paints a vibrant picture of the
                   when both the body and mind are subject                                                                                     beginnings of this epidemic and the parade of deaths, while
                   to multiple changes. It includes motricity,                                                                                 still maintaining his faith in the future at a time when advances
                   cognitive problems, autonomy, dependence                                                                                    in medicine help him keep his patients alive.
and institutionalization. Dr. Amyot believes that coping with
aging is greatly facilitated by the support of someone close to                                                                                Le pouvoir anticancer des émotions
the person. This role, however, has limitations which must be
learnt and accepted.                                                                                                                                                                  Dr. Christian Boukaram, a radio-oncologist
                                                                                                                                                                                      at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, has
                  In the same collection, Dr. Nagy Charles                                                                                                                            published Le pouvoir anticancer des émotions
                  Bedwani, a children’s psychiatrist at Hôpital du                                                                                                                    (the anticancer power of emotions). The book
                  Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, has published “Vivre                                                                                                                       takes a new look both at this disease and the
                  avec un adolescent mentalement souffrant”                                                                                                                           world that surrounds us. The author emphasizes
                  (Living with an adolescent who has mental                                                                                                                           the importance of an emotional balance in our
                  problems). This book answers the questions                                                                                                                          hectic lives.
                  of people who are living or supporting
                  adolescents with psychiatric problems. It will
                  help parents and educators understand the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          L S
                  nuances and fine points of these disorders, as
well as their impact on the lives of the young people afflicted.

Abrégé d’anesthésie et de réanimation
                    ublished by Presses de l’Université de Montréal,
                   this digest repeats several chapters of the
                   4th edition of the Précis d’anesthésie et de
                   réanimation, which sets out the fundamental                                                                                                                                    Les Secrets du Pérou
                   principles of anesthesiology and, in particular,                                                                                                                               Départ garanti du 6 au 19 mai
                   allogeneic blood products and blood-sparing                                                                                                                                    Max 12 pers. - 14 jours / 11 nuits / 19 repas
                   techniques, preoperative evaluation and                                                                                                                                        À partir de 4049$*
                   preparation, airway control, treatment of acute
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Côte Adriatique
                   pain, local anesthetic and curarizing agents, etc.                                                                                                                             Départ garanti du 18 mai au 2 juin
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Max 30 pers. - 16 jours / 14 nuits / 31 repas
Alzheimer’s disease                                                                                                                                                                               À partir de 4360$*

                  Dr. Serge Gauthier, a neurologist and Director                                                                                                                                  Trésors de Russie
                  of the Alzheimer Research Unit at the McGill                                                                                                                                    Départs garantis du 20 mai au 2 juin et
                  Centre for Studies in Aging, has published with                                                                                                                                 du 6 au 19 juillet - Max 30 pers.
                  Judes Poirier, Ph.D., Director of the Molecular                                                                                                                                 14 jours / 12 nuits / 34 repas - À partir de 4660$*
                  Neurobiology Unit, Douglas Mental Health
                  University Institute, a complete guide to help                                                                                 Autres destinations et autres dates de départs disponibles,
                                                                                                                                                Consultez les spécialistes
                                                                                                                                                 informez-vous   !         en voyages de votre agence partenaire.
                  people who know or live with an affected
                  person to better understand this illness. The                                                                                 Contactez-nous pour tous les détails !                                                                                               BERRI-UQAM
authors clarify the various stages and give details of recent
research, new approved therapies, as well as clinical trials and                                                                                920, boul. de Maisonneuve E.
new prevention strategies.
                                                                                                                                                1 888 732-8688
                                                                                                                                                *Prix par personne, en occupation double, incluant toutes les taxes et réductions selon les conditions des brochures Horizons lointains et Préliminaire
                                                                                                                                                Europe et Méditerranée 2012. Les prix de cette publicité peuvent être modifiés advenant une augmentation de nos coûts. Voir à ce sujet les conditions
                                                                                                                                                générales des brochures Horizons lointains et Préliminaire Europe et Méditerranée 2012, rubrique « Prix et garantie de prix ». La TPS et la TVQ sont
                                                                                                                                                incluses lorsqu’applicables. Titulaire du permis du Québec.. Club Voyages est une division de Transat Distribution Canada Inc. Permis No 753141 au Québec.

                                                                                                                                                Prix excluant le 3,50$/1000$ de services touristiques achetés qui représente la contribu-
                                                                                                                                                tion des clients au Fonds d’indemnisation des clients des agents de voyages.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011 | 13
Concours Prix IMS Brogan 13e édition

                                         Deux bourses
                                         de 3 000 $ à gagner
DESCRIPTION DU CONCOURS                                            RÈGLEMENTS
Le Conseil consultatif d’information sur la santé d’IMS            L’auteur principal (premier auteur) de l’article doit être un
Brogan a créé les Prix IMS Brogan pour souligner les travaux       médecin spécialiste membre d’une association affiliée à la
de médecins et pharmaciens concernant l’utilisation clinique       Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec. Tout article
efficiente des médicaments. Ces prix représentent une valeur       original paru dans une revue pharmaceutique ou médicale
totale de 30 000 $ qui est répartie de la façon suivante :         spécialisée (excluant les entrevues et articles de journaux)
                                                                   au cours de l’année civile (de janvier à décembre 2011)
▪ à la Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec
                                                                   peut être soumis à condition qu’il appartienne à l’une des
  (FMOQ) et à la Fédération des médecins spécialistes
                                                                   catégories précisées ci-dessus. De plus,
  du Québec (FMSQ) deux prix de 3 000 $ à chaque
  fédération pour un article sur l’utilisation appropriée          ▪ les traductions, adaptations ou reproductions d’articles
  des médicaments;                                                   ne sont pas admissibles;
▪ aux pharmaciens, par l’entremise de l’Association                ▪ les articles acceptés pour publication mais non encore
  québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires (AQPP), deux              publiés ne sont pas admissibles;
  prix de 3 000 $ chacun pour un article sur l’utilisation
                                                                   ▪ les articles en deux parties comptent pour un seul texte;
  appropriée des médicaments;
                                                                   ▪ si un article a été rédigé par plus d’un auteur, le prix
▪ à chacune des quatre facultés de médecine, un prix
                                                                     sera remis à l’auteur principal.
  de 2 000 $ à un étudiant pour la meilleure note en
▪ aux facultés de pharmacie (Université de Montréal et             SÉLECTION DES ARTICLES
  Université Laval), deux prix de 2 000 $ aux étudiants            Les articles seront soumis par leurs auteurs qui devront les
  méritants pour un stage à l’extérieur.                           faire parvenir, avant le 31 janvier 2012, au directeur de
                                                                   l’Office de développement professionnel de la Fédération
                                                                   des médecins spécialistes du Québec, 2 Complexe
DESCRIPTION DES PRIX DÉCERNÉS                                      Desjardins, porte 3000, Montréal (Québec) H5B 1G8. Ils
Deux bourses de 3 000 $ seront décernées à deux médecins           seront ensuite évalués par un comité de sélection mis sur
spécialistes (ou deux groupes de médecins) s’étant distingués      pied par l’Office et composé d’un représentant de chacune
par l’excellence de leur article sur l’utilisation efficiente de   des quatre facultés de médecine du Québec.
médicaments, à titre d’exemple :
                                                                   Le directeur de l’Office communiquera à IMS Brogan le
▪ importance de l’observance du traitement médicamenteux;          nom des auteurs des deux articles retenus comme étant les
                                                                   meilleurs. IMS Brogan remettra officiellement le prix lors
▪ meilleur traitement dans le cas d’une maladie donnée;
                                                                   d’une conférence de presse.
▪ revue de l’utilisation de médicaments dans un contexte
▪ utilisation efficiente de médicaments les uns par rapport
  aux autres dans un contexte clinique.

Web 2.0
With the arrival of personal computers and the democratization of computer science, the new information and
communication technologies have literally revolutionized how we work... and live.

Today, whether it’s at work, at home or at play, with the help of a single click, a panoply of services or tools
aimed at making life easier is opened to us on devices of all types (telephones, tablet computers, personal
digital assistants, netbooks, personal computers, etc.). Telephones have become smartphones. With the help of
various applications, we have access to a multitude of tools (restaurant guides, calculator, GPS, Facebook page,
dictionaries, encyclopedias and translation tools, transportation schedules, games and more). Interesting, no?
Yes, but even if people are surfing more and more often, a large number are still afraid to get their feet wet.

In this dossier, Le Spécialiste has looked over the technologies and tools that can be useful to medical specialists
in their professional practice as well as in their personal lives. Insofar as Web 2.0 is concerned, the Federation
is not being left behind. In addition to being present on social networks, the FMSQ will shortly be inaugurating
its new portal.

Rather than being totally swept up by the wave, this dossier will help you keep your head out of the water.
Keep this issue at hand in your technological first-aid kit.

We like receiving your comments. Please don’t hesitate to swamp us with e-mails: communications@fmsq.org.

Enjoy the reading and the surfing!

                                                                               LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011 | 15
By Véronique Clément
                           INTERACTIVE MEDIAS, FMSQ

Web 2.0 and Healthcare
Since its inception, the Internet had already revolutionized how we access information. The arrival
of the ‘social’ Internet and Web 2.0 have also permanently changed our attitude with regards
to information. With the multiplication of collaboration platforms and intelligent mobile devices,
people are no longer satisfied with passively receiving information; instead, they ask questions,
provide comments, and create their own information.

The popularity of Web 2.0 is constantly increasing, within all                     Quebec adults who use social networks
age groups and in all areas, including that of medicine. While                    at least once per month according to age
physicians take part in communities of practice, communicate                           92%
their knowledge or learn about advances in the world of medicine,
patients search the Web, have conversations, ask questions                59%                                           63%
within discussion groups. Web 2.0 has definitely modified how
we work and play. It also carries its load of changes to be faced
by physicians and their patients.                                                                                                               17%

A Portrait of Web 2.0                                                  Quebec adults
                                                                        as a whole
                                                                                       18 to 24   25 to 34   35 to 44   45 to 54   55 to 64   65 and over

                                                                       Base: Quebec adults (n = 1006)
Web 2.0 started up in 1995, but really took off in the middle of
                                                                       Source: NetTend@nces 2011 • CEFRIO (Centre to promote research and
the last decade with the arrival of major players like MySpace         innovation in organizations)
(2003), Facebook (2004), YouTube (2005) and Twitter (2006).
More recently, smartphones and tablet computers joined the party
and increased the speed at which social networks are emerging.         The field of healthcare does not escape this phenomenon and
                                                                       the number of physicians connected to the Web is constantly
                                                                       on the rise. The most popular social networks meet the needs
 g       One Word or Another, but Which is the Right                   of physicians’ general interests in great part, but there are sites
 One?                                                                  specifically created for physicians and their patients. Each social
 Web, Net, Internet: is there a difference between                     medium was developed more or less in response to its target
 these terms?                                                          public and aimed to satisfy its various needs: social contacts,
 According to the Office québécois de la langue française’s Grand      developing professional networks, partnerships, etc.
 dictionnaire terminologique (terminological database), the Internet
 is a global computer network made up of groups of national,           Even if most people do not start off by analyzing how they are
 regional and private networks linked together through the TCP-IP      going to use social networks, for physicians such a reflection
 communications protocol. The Web, for its part, is a system based     before the fact can make a real difference. What do you need?
 on the use of hypertext which permits searching for information       Do you want to be connected on a personal or a professional
 on the Internet, access to this information and its viewing.          level, or both? Who would you want to talk with or, to the
 Nowadays, these terms all refer to the same concept and are used      contrary, is there anyone you don’t want to meet online? How
 as such in this text.                                                 much free time do you have each day or week to devote to
                                                                       it and what device will you use to connect to your accounts?
Generation Y individuals (from 18 to 34) are still the most
connected today, but there is a clear majority of people regularly     Some sites require a more regular presence or more sophisticated
using social networks. According to the CEFRIO’s survey                equipment. A good understanding of one’s needs and of existing
NetTend@nces 2011, in Quebec, 73% of Internet users,                   online sites will avoid a lot of problems!
representing 59% of adults, are regular users (at least once a
month) of these online media. “Although the level of activity on
social networks goes down with age, it is also true that two             This article aims at providing an overview of Web 2.0 and its possibilities. If
                                                                         converting to 2.0 interests you, you can get a professional to guide you, a
out of three Internet users in Quebec between the ages of 45             person who has extensive knowledge of social networks and their uses and
and 54 (69%), a bit more than half of those between the ages             who also understands the reality of being a physician as well as the stakes
of 55 and 64 (55%) and more than a third of those over 65                involved for your practice. These people are often known as interactive media
                                                                         specialists or social media and Web 2.0 strategists.
(39%) do take part in at least one activity on social networks.”

16 | LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011
Web 2.0
                                                                                                                          LA VAGUE

                Average number of hours per week                                     To Be or Not to Be…
                    spent on social networks
                                                                                     Social networks do not interest everyone, but whether you
                                                                                     know it or not, you may already be on them. These media
                                                                                     accept input 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You have
                                                                                     friends, family, colleagues and, in the area of healthcare, patients
                                                                                     who use them, not always cautiously, alas! Physicians should
                 0.6        0.6        0.5        0.2        0.5          0.6        test this assertion by googling their own names. If they aren’t
Quebec adults   18 to 24   25 to 34   35 to 44   45 to 54   55 to 64   65 and over
                                                                                     already in circulation, we’d be very surprised. Patients discuss
 as a whole                                                                          their physicians, evaluate them, formulate complaints as well
                                                                                     as congratulations. The essence of an online presence is that,
Base: Internet users in Quebec who have participated at least once on social
networks (n = 591)
                                                                                     if you are not there, you cannot take part in the conversation
Source: NetTend@ances 2011 • CEFRIO                                                  going on about you.

                                                                                     Even if identity theft is not all that current on social networks, it
Twitter? 140 Characters and 2 Codes to                                               can happen. Whether you intend to make regular use of these
                                                                                     sites or not, it is strongly recommended that you “reserve”
Start with…                                                                          your name on them (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) in
Although Twitter is not easy to use for the neophyte, it does                        order to avoid having someone else usurp your identity. As
open the door to a significant number of discoveries and makes                       a physician, you can check doctor evaluation sites like www.
it possible to talk with people in the field of healthcare wherever                  rateyourdoctor.com and www.rateMds.com to see if someone
they are in the world. Twitter has two main symbols that allow                       has in fact used your name. If such is the case, you must make
one to navigate through its continuous flow of information: the                      sure you ask for your profile (generally by sending your request
@ sign (identifying the person to whom the message is                                to the site’s webmaster) and, at the very least, add a short
addressed) and the # symbol (hashtag) that identifies the                            biography of yourself as well as accurate contact information!
subject of a conversation and thus allows one to follow a
thread in particular.
Gathering around Hashtags
                                                                                      When you launch a search for your name on the Web, you can
Several communities, sharing an interest in common, set up                            be surprised by what is being said about you. Your first reaction
weekly virtual meetings with the help of hashtags. This is the                        is often to want to delete any and all public comments.
case with #HCSMCA (Health Care Social Media Canada) where                             To start with, you have to realize it is difficult to completely
various people with an interest for social networks in healthcare                     delete information circulating on the Internet. Even if it is erased
(physicians, patients, IT consultants, communications specialists,                    from one site, it may already have propagated itself over the
healthcare administrators, nurses, etc.) share their thoughts on                      Web and there’s no way of knowing it. You have to take into
the subjects suggested by members of the community. The                               account that once published online, information is both public
province of Quebec has a very visible presence there! These                           and permanent. A strong reaction to comments can sometimes
                                                                                      shine the spotlight on them whereas ignoring them can make
meetings allow sharing knowledge, exploring new avenues, and                          them pass unnoticed.
discussing stakes, always in a spirit of collaboration. Transcripts
of conversations and more information on the #HCSMCA
community are available online: http://bit.ly/o4Knxb.
It can also happen that hashtags are created on the spot to
follow developments in relation to a specific event. For example,                     Whether you are active or not on social networks, it is always
you can look up #JASP2011 for the 2011 Annual Public Health                           interesting to know what is being said about you and to maintain
Days which took place at the end of November; or #RSNA2011                            a minimum of control on such information. A useful tip is to take
                                                                                      advantage of Google’s alerts (http://www.google.com/alerts)
for the Radiology Society of North America Scientific Meeting                         to keep up to date. You should set up separate alerts to make
and Annual Assembly (from November 27 to December 2, 2011).                           sure you cover all possible forms of your identity, for example
                                                                                      Dr. Samuel Gariépy, Dr. Gariépy, Samuel Gariépy, Samuel
                                                                                      Gariépy M.D.

                                                                                                           LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011 | 17
Most Popular
                              Name and Description                                       Examples of Use for a Physician

                                                                               • Read and share information considered
              Facebook is a social networking site between groups                 pertinent by the user;
              of Internet “friends” who can use it to provide personal         • Set up exchanges with students within a private
              information (age, marital status, profession, etc.); publish        discussion group;
              information on each individual profile’s “wall”; share
                                                                               • Subscribe to pages belonging to organizations
              photographs, videos and hyperlinks; take part in public
                                                                                  that interest us in order to be kept abreast of the
 discussion groups; organize events; create pages that increase public
                                                                                  latest news (for example, the FMSQ has its page
 awareness of specific organizations, etc.
                                                                                  on Facebook on which it posts its latest news:
 Facebook allows its users to interact by publishing comments or even             https://www.facebook.com/laFMSQ).
 making their preferences known by using the “Like” button. Several
 other functionalities exist on Facebook that can be added to pages via        *W
                                                                                 arning: Content published on a Facebook page may
                                                                                seem private, but, in the vast majority of cases, they
 various external applications, with a resulting increase in the possibility    are public. When you write on this site, it is like writing
 of interaction between users.                                                  for a newspaper. Make sure your comments have been
                                                                                validated before putting them online.

               Twitter is a social networking and microbblogging
               service that enables users to send out, at no charge,
                                                                               • Take part in group chats (TweetChat)
               text-based posts (tweets) to a list of subscribers
                                                                                  (e.g. #HCSMCA) with other people on subjects
               (followers) via a personal information thread. It also allows
                                                                                  of interest;
               users to subscribe to other persons or organizations and
 follow what they publish, react to it and repost it through the RT            • Follow discussion threads of influential people
 function (retweet).                                                              or organizations in one’s field in order to keep
                                                                                  up to date on the latest news
 The short messages (maximum of 140 characters) gave rise to
                                                                                  (e.g. @DrBarretteFMSQ, @FMSQ, etc.);
 a shorthand unique to Twitter that can sometimes be difficult to
 understand for a new user.                                                    • Publish important information on one’s own blog
                                                                                  in order to circulate it on the Web.
 Used principally like a newswire, Twitter also allows publishing links, in
 particular to photos and videos.

              LinkedIn is a business-related social networking service
              that can be used for everything related to one’s
              professional life: to find or offer a job, to obtain
              recommendations, for market development, etc. In                 • Take part in multidisciplinary discussions;
              particular, it allows one to build a professional                • Publicize one’s professional achievements.
 community: to discuss, ask questions or answer those from other
 people by taking part in groups, publish information on one’s
 professional experience, studies, interests, etc.

               Google+ is Google’s social networking site. It is a hybrid
               site with some of the functionalities found on Facebook,
               Twitter and LinkedIn. It allows users to publish personal       Google+ provides social networking very similar
               or professional information to various groups of contacts       to Facebook’s offering. Its advantage resides in
               (circles), to share photos, videos and links, to follow their   simpler management when it comes to publishing
 interactions by subscribing to their profiles, etc. It is also possible to    content, through circles of friends, thus allowing
 comment on what is published and to make one’s preferences known              a physician to avoid communicating personal
 by using the “+1” button.                                                     information to a patient or to colleagues who have
                                                                               signed up to follow him or her.
 Like Facebook, Google+ offers a lot of functionalities that can be
 added to a page through the use of applications and that allow one to         It is still, however, a young network (launched in
 interact in various ways with other users. The advantage of Google+,          June 2011) and less used than Facebook. It is still
 when compared to other social networks, is that managing groups with          difficult to forecast its future.
 whom one shares information is relatively simpler and its conditions of
 use, for the moment, are more transparent.

18 | LE SPÉCIALISTE | VOL. 13 No. 4 | DECEMBER 2011
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