Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

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Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

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                          Mot-clé "égalité homme-femme"

                     343 Résultat(s) trouvé(s)

                   Date de création : 15-07-2022
Equal pay for equal work between men and women: Pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  23-05-2022
                 Auteur  LECERF Marie
      Domaine politique  Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé  condition de travail | discrimination sexuelle | discrimination économique | politique de l'emploi de l'UE | proposition
                         (UE) | rémunération du travail | égalité de rémunération | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé Equal pay for equal work is one of the European Union's founding principles, enshrined in Article 157 of the Treaty on
                         the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). However, the implementation and enforcement of this principle remain
                         a challenge. Due to a lack of pay transparency, pay discrimination often goes undetected and victims face difficulties in
                         making a claim for redress. On 4 March 2021, the European Commission adopted a legislative proposal on binding
                         pay transparency measures. The proposed directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal
                         work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms
                         focuses on measures to ensure pay transparency, and better access to justice for victims of pay discrimination. The
                         Council agreed its approach on the proposal on 6 December 2021. On 15 November 2021, the joint committee –
                         Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) and Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
                         (EMPL) – started taking stock of the 1 090 amendments tabled to the draft report. On 17 March, the EMPL and FEMM
                         committees jointly adopted the report on the proposed directive, and voted in favour of entering into interinstitutional
                         negotiations. Nevertheless, after its announcement in plenary on 23 March, a plenary vote was requested on the
                         decision. On 5 April 2022, the Parliament voted to confirm the committees' negotiating mandate on the proposal with a
                         view to informal trilogue negotiations with the Council. Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are
                         updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
                Briefing EN
             Multimédia Equal pay for equal work between men and women: Pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms

Gender equality in the Recovery and Resilience Facility
     Type de publication Briefing
                  Date   01-04-2022
               Auteur    SAPALA Magdalena
      Domaine politique  Affaires économiques et monétaires | Budget | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
               Mot-clé   aide attentive au genre | instrument financier de l'UE | maladie à coronavirus | planification nationale | reprise
                         économique | répartition du financement de l'UE | égalité homme-femme | épidémie
                Résumé The negative impact of the Covid-19 crisis on women's social and economic situation triggered a debate on the urgent
                         need for a gender-sensitive policy response to the pandemic. In this context, the establishment of the Recovery and
                         Resilience Facility (RRF) – the EU's biggest financial instrument supporting recovery in the Member States – is an
                         opportunity to channel extraordinary resources toward measures that take into account the principles of gender
                         equality. It is also a chance to put into practice the EU's long-standing commitments to mainstream gender across
                         different policies and apply gender budgeting principles to EU spending. Offering an overview of how gender equality
                         has been built into the RRF Regulation, this briefing explains what was expected from the Member States when they
                         were preparing their national recovery and resilience plans (NRRPs) as regards gender equality. It also provides
                         practical examples of reforms and investments where gender equality has been taken into account, from the 22
                         NRRPs approved by the end of 2021 (Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France,
                         Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and
                         Finland). In keeping with the RRF Regulation, all the NRRPs analysed declare gender equality to be a horizontal
                         objective, to be given consideration in all measures. However, not all Member States have included dedicated reforms
                         or investments addressing gender-related challenges explicitly or indicating women as the main beneficiaries. Our
                         analysis shows that the most numerous and innovative measures are present in the plans of Belgium, Spain, Italy and
                         Austria. This is an update of a Briefing published in October 2021.
                Briefing EN

Plenary round-up - March II 2022
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date  25-03-2022
      Domaine politique  Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé  assistance macrofinancière | fraude contre l'UE | itinérance | Moldavie | monnaie virtuelle | Parlement européen |
                         session parlementaire | tarif des communications | égalité de rémunération | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé With the war in Ukraine high on Parliament's agenda, the highlight of the March II 2022 plenary session in Brussels
                         was a formal address by Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. Members held a debate with the Council and the
                         European Commission on the need for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security inside and outside the EU, in
                         the light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They also debated the power of the proposed joint European action to
                         secure more affordable, reliable and sustainable energy. Turning to the 'Suisse Secrets' scandal, Members debated
                         how to encourage anti-money-laundering standards in third countries. Members also discussed the outcome of the
                         European Council meeting in Paris on 10 March 2022, and the preparations for the 24 25 March 2022 meeting.
                         Several legislative files were adopted, inter alia on roaming charges; the cohesion action for the presence of refugees
                         in Europe and use of funds under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) Regulation, both in light of the
                         war in Ukraine; and on the Status Agreement between the EU and Moldova on Frontex operations.
                 En bref EN

15-07-2022                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              1
Parlement européen: faits et chiffres
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  11-03-2022
                 Auteur  SABBATI Giulio
      Domaine politique  Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé  commission PE | groupe politique (PE) | mandat électif | parlementaire européen | session parlementaire | statistique
                         de l'UE | système électoral européen | égalité homme-femme | élaboration du droit de l'UE | élection européenne
                Résumé Cette note d’information publiée par le service de recherche du Parlement européen vise à fournir des faits et des
                         chiffres clés sur le Parlement européen. Elle porte à la fois sur la législature actuelle (de juin 2019 à juin 2024) et sur
                         les huit législatures précédentes, d’une durée de cinq ans chacune, qui se sont succédé depuis l’introduction des
                         élections au suffrage direct en juin 1979. Vous trouverez dans les pages suivantes divers graphiques qui: • illustrent en
                         détail la composition du Parlement d’hier et d’aujourd’hui; • retracent l’augmentation du nombre de partis au sein du
                         Parlement et l’évolution des groupes politiques; • présentent l’âge des députés et suivent l’augmentation du nombre de
                         femmes siégeant au Parlement; • expliquent quel système électoral est utilisé pour les élections au Parlement
                         européen dans les différents États membres; • montrent la façon dont la participation aux élections européennes a
                         évolué dans le temps et varie d’un État membre à un autre; • résument les travaux du Parlement pendant la législature
                         actuelle et lors des législatures précédentes; • donnent un aperçu de la composition des commissions, des délégations
                         et des organes directeurs du Parlement; • expliquent le rôle législatif du Parlement ainsi que ses interactions avec la
                         Commission européenne. La présente note d’information est régulièrement mise à jour au cours de la législature 2019-
                         2024 afin de tenir compte des dernières évolutions.
                Briefing BG, CS, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, IT, MT, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV

An ambitious future for Europe's women after COVID-19: mental load, gender equality in teleworking and
unpaid care work after the pandemic
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date 24-02-2022
                Auteur FERNANDEZ LOPEZ LAURA | SCHONARD Martina
      Domaine politique Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
               Mot-clé aide ménagère | condition féminine | impact social | maladie à coronavirus | statistique de l'UE | travail non rémunéré |
                        travail à distance | égalité homme-femme | épidémie | équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée
              Résumé The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated economic crisis have impacted women differently than men in the
                        European Union. Even if gender issues have never been so high-up in the European political agenda, the effects of the
                        COVID-19 crisis are putting in jeopardy the progress achieved in the past decade in terms on the reduction of gender
                        inequalities in European member states. The effects of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis have also served to highlight the
                        need for member states to develop proactive – rather than reactive – gender mainstreaming policies. This year’s
                        International Women’s Day is a perfect opportunity to look back on the past EU initiatives and reflect how to address
                        the future, post-COVID- 19, challenges.
               Briefing EN

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - February 2022
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date 11-02-2022
      Domaine politique Budget | Contrôle budgétaire | Droits de l''homme | Démocratie | Environnement | Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de
                         justice | Industrie | Pêche | Transports | Éducation | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé conseil de direction | démocratie | désinformation | ingérence | mobilité durable | organisme de l'UE | politique
                         commune des transports | régime autoritaire | transformation numérique | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments,
                         including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.
                En bref EN

Zero tolerance for female genital mutilation
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date  04-02-2022
                 Auteur  SHREEVES Rosamund
      Domaine politique  Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé  compétence des États membres | droit d'asile | droit à l'intégrité physique | droits de l'enfant | droits de la femme |
                         mutilation sexuelle | santé génésique | violence | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé The European Union (EU) is committed to working collectively to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM), as part of
                         broader efforts to combat all forms of violence against women and girls, and to supporting the efforts of its Member
                         States in this field. The European Commission has undertaken to assess EU efforts to combat FGM every year, on or
                         around 6 February – the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. This publication is a further
                         update of an 'at a glance' note originally published in January 2015.
                 En bref EN

15-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              2
Women and transport
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 16-12-2021
         Auteur externe Silvia SANSONETTI, FGB SRL SB Eamonn DAVERN, Independent Expert
      Domaine politique Transports | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé discrimination sexuelle | femme | Institut européen pour l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes | personnel de
                        conduite | politique de l'emploi | politique des transports | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                        Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, summarises achievements in gender and transport in the EU in regard
                        to knowledge and policies considering women as transport users and as workers in the transport sector. It introduces
                        the most recent data and concepts, presents promising practices and provides EU policy indications in the context of
                        the European Green Deal to effectively support the enhancement of gender equality in transport.
                  Étude EN

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - December 2021
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date 09-12-2021
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Budget | Contrôle budgétaire | Droit international privé et coopération judiciaire en matière civile |
                         Droit international public | Démocratie | Développement régional | Emploi | Gouvernance mondiale | Législation de
                         l''Union: système et actes juridiques | Politique sociale | Santé publique | Transports | Égalité entre les femmes et les
                         hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé coopération transfrontalière | Cour pénale internationale | droit pénal international | organisme de l'UE | soins de santé
                         | vieillissement de la population | égalité de rémunération | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments,
                         including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.
                En bref EN

Combating gender-based cyber-violence
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date  08-12-2021
                 Auteur  SHREEVES Rosamund
      Domaine politique  Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé  criminalité informatique | discrimination sexuelle | Internet | lutte contre le crime | proposition (UE) | sécurité des
                         systèmes d’information | violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé As the world moves online, forms of violence that already affect women and girls disproportionately are following suit,
                         and digital technologies are enabling them to take on new guises. The EU does not have a legislative framework to
                         address this gender-based violence, despite its harmful impacts on individuals, society and democracy. A legislative-
                         initiative report calling for EU legislation to fight gender-based cyber-violence, and provide its victims across the Union
                         with equal protection is expected to be put to the vote during Parliament's December 2021 plenary session.
                 En bref EN

Women on Board Policies in Member States and the Effects on Corporate Governance
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 07-12-2021
         Auteur externe Anja KIRSCH
      Domaine politique Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé Allemagne | conseil d'administration | cotation boursière | Espagne | femme | France | Italie | participation des femmes
                        | Pays-Bas | travail féminin | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                        Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, provides an overview of women on board policies in the EU Member
                        States. analyses, in more detail, policies and practices as well as their impact on women’s board presentation in Spain,
                        France, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany. The study concludes by recommending a timely adoption of the adoption
                        of the proposed Directive COM(2012) 614 final of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving the gender
                        balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures.
                  Étude EN

15-07-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                                3
Rights of women and gender equality with regard to pay, treatment at work, labour market and career
opportunities in Iceland
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 30-11-2021
                 Auteur FERNANDEZ LOPEZ LAURA | SCHONARD Martina
      Domaine politique Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé avortement | condition féminine | congé parental | droits de la femme | Islande | main-d'œuvre féminine | égalité de
                        rémunération | égalité homme-femme | équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée
               Résumé The Republic of Iceland is one of the smallest European countries, with a population of 370,000 inhabitants in 2021 . It
                        is an island state and its official language is Icelandic. Historically, geographically and politically, Iceland is connected
                        to the Scandinavian countries and is part of the Nordic countries, but does not belong to the EU. Iceland is a part of the
                        EEA Agreement, which enables the country to enjoy the benefits of the EU’s single market without the full privileges
                        and responsibilities of EU membership. The country is also a member of the Council of Europe and the OSCE.
               Briefing EN

Violence against women in the EU: State of play
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 24-11-2021
                 Auteur SHREEVES Rosamund
      Domaine politique Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé aide aux victimes | convention internationale | discrimination sexuelle | droits de l'homme | droits de la femme | femme |
                        inégalité sociale | maladie à coronavirus | violence domestique | violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme | épidémie
               Résumé Violence against women is a violation of human rights and a form of gender-based discrimination. Rooted in
                        inequalities between men and women, it takes many forms. Estimates of the scale of the problem are alarming. Such
                        violence has a major impact on victims and imposes a significant cost burden on society. The instruments put in place
                        by the United Nations and Council of Europe, including the latter's 'Istanbul Convention', to which the EU plans to
                        accede, are benchmarks in efforts to combat violence against women. The EU is tackling the problem in various ways,
                        but has no binding instrument designed specifically to protect women from violence. Although there are similarities
                        between national policies to combat violence against women, the Member States have adopted different approaches
                        to the problem. Parliament's efforts have focused on strengthening EU policy in the area. Parliament has repeatedly
                        called for a European Union strategy to counter violence against women, including a legally binding instrument.
                        Stakeholders have expressed a range of concerns, including regarding the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and
                        the related need to expand and adapt support for victims, and have highlighted the need for a comprehensive EU
                        political framework on eliminating violence against women. They have also launched new initiatives of their own. This
                        is a further update of an earlier briefing by Anna Dimitrova-Stull, of February 2014. The most recent previous edition
                        was from November 2020.
               Briefing EN

Preventing, protecting, providing access to justice: How can states respond to femicide?
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 22-11-2021
         Auteur externe Tamsin BRADLEY
      Domaine politique Droits de l''homme | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé accès à la justice | condition féminine | discrimination sexuelle | droits de la femme | femme | homicide | violence
                        sexuelle | égalité homme-femme | étude comparative
               Résumé Growing awareness of femicide has not universally translated into effective policy and programming. Though
                        legislation relating to gender-based violence and/or femicide exists in many countries, both persist. A combined social,
                        cultural, political and economic approach situates femicide prevention and responses at various levels, including
                        changes in individual behaviour. Using the term ‘femicide’ more frequently at international forums is crucial not only to
                        focus attention on the gendered nature of violence but also to act as a call for action. Situational studies reveal that
                        political will to end femicide differs from country to country. Femicide together with the patriarchal norms and misogyny
                        that precipitate it are not just extra-EU problems. Rather, they are of global concern, demanding a global response; in
                        non-EU countries this response is often dependent on donor funding. We now know more than ever what works to
                        reverse patterns of violence. These patterns can be broken by developing the capacity of women’s organisations and
                        strengthening global feminist movements that work with national and local activist networks. Additionally, engaging
                        men and boys in this process of transformation is vital if we are to address violence against women and girls and
                        ultimately end femicide.
               Briefing EN

15-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              4
The Istanbul Convention: A tool for combating violence against women and girls
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 19-11-2021
                 Auteur JURVISTE Ulla | SHREEVES Rosamund
      Domaine politique Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé condition féminine | convention européenne | discrimination sexuelle | droits de la femme | lutte contre le crime |
                        ratification d'accord | violence domestique | violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence
                        (Istanbul Convention) is the first instrument in Europe to set legally binding standards specifically to prevent gender-
                        based violence, protect victims of violence and punish perpetrators. EU accession to the Istanbul Convention is one of
                        the priorities in the EU 2020-2025 gender equality strategy. The EU signed the Convention in June 2017. Accession
                        now requires a Council Decision and prior consent by the European Parliament. Parliament adopted an interim
                        resolution in September 2017 and continues to review progress.
                En bref EN
             Multimédia Combating gender-based violence at EU level

Promoting gender equality through parliamentary diplomacy
     Type de publication
         Auteur externeDavor JANCIC; Małgorzata DRUCIAREK, Aleksandra NIZYNSKA; Veronika KUBEKOVÁ, Roland BLOMEYER
      Domaine politiqueAffaires étrangères | Démocratie | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-cléaction de l'UE | condition féminine | diplomatie parlementaire | droits de la femme | Parlement européen | politique de
                       l'UE | relation de l'Union européenne | relation internationale | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé The purpose of this study is to support the European Parliament (EP), in particular its standing delegations, in
                       implementing the commitment made in the EP resolution of 23 October 2020 on gender equality in EU foreign and
                       security policy. Based on desk research as well as quantitative and qualitative empirical analysis, the study describes
                       the existing EP practices of gender equality promotion, analyses whether the current practices deliver on the
                       commitment, and presents what can be learned both from the bottlenecks identified in the EP’s existing institutional
                       arrangements and from the practices of other national parliaments and international parliamentary institutions. The
                       study concludes that while the EP is highly advanced when it comes to gender mainstreaming in external relations,
                       there are a number of aspects that need improvement or fine-tuning. To facilitate the implementation of the
                       overarching EP gender action plan, the study provides a set of policy recommendations aimed at increasing the
                       effectiveness of gender equality promotion through parliamentary diplomacy. The recommendations comprise
                       proposals to strengthen the institutional framework, clarify the roles of gender focal points, increase access to gender-
                       specific information and training, maximise the use of interparliamentary meetings and DEG activities for gender
                       mainstreaming abroad, streamline the links with civil society and other external stakeholders, and improve the gender
                       dimension of oversight over EP external relations.
                 Étude EN

Exploring gender equality across policy areas
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 21-10-2021
                 Auteur SHREEVES Rosamund
      Domaine politique Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé action de l'UE | condition féminine | discrimination sexuelle | droits de la femme | politique de l'UE | stratégie de l’UE |
                        violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé The European Union has adopted gender mainstreaming as its official approach to gender equality, alongside targeted
                        action to eliminate discrimination and advance women's empowerment. From 25 to 28 October 2021, the European
                        Parliament's committees and delegations are holding a series of events aimed at highlighting the importance of gender
                        equality and gender mainstreaming across different policy domains.
                En bref EN

Reporting Obligations Regarding Gender Equality and Equal Pay State of play among Member States
and avenues for upgrading and implementing legal sanctions towards companies
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 18-10-2021
         Auteur externe Paola PROFETA, Maria Lucia PASSADO, Ximena CALÓ
      Domaine politique Droit des contrats, droit commercial et droit des sociétés | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                        | Évaluation du droit et des mesures politiques dans la pratique
                Mot-clé discrimination sexuelle | femme | Institut européen pour l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes | politique de l'emploi
                        | programme d'action | rémunération du travail | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                        Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, provides an in-depth analysis of the policy and legal state-of-the-art
                        concerning gender pay discrimination in the European Union. To this end, it builds on a comprehensive comparative
                        study covering European countries (i.e., Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, and Spain), in order to conclusively
                        design and develop specific policy recommendations to move towards a shared and well-informed solution to wage
                        discrimination in the EU, especially in light of the European Commission's recently adopted proposal for a Corporate
                        Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
                 Étude EN

15-07-2022                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              5
The differing EU Member States’ regulations on prostitution and their cross-border implications on
women’s rights
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 27-07-2021
         Auteur externe Andrea Di Nicola
      Domaine politique Législation de l''Union: système et actes juridiques | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé discrimination sexuelle | droit de l'UE | droit de l'UE-droit national | droit national | droits de l'homme | droits de la
                        femme | mouvement de femmes | prostitution | traite des êtres humains | violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme |
                        État membre UE
                Résumé This Study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                        Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee – after assessing the state-of-the-art of prostitution regulations in EU
                        MSs and the current situation of sex trafficking and related data in the EU – identifies and evaluates cross-border
                        problems/risks related to differing national EU MSs’ regulations and suggests future EU legislation to reduce them,
                        thus preventing women from being trafficked while also protecting fundamental rights and gender equality.
                  Étude EN

Application of the equal pay principle through pay transparency measures
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  22-07-2021
                 Auteur  VETTORAZZI STEFANO | ZANDERSONE Laura
      Domaine politique  Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé  condition de travail | discrimination sexuelle | discrimination économique | proposition (UE) | rémunération du travail |
                         égalité de rémunération | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme | étude d'impact
                Résumé This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the impact assessment (IA) accompanying
                         the Commission proposal for a directive aimed at strengthening the application of the principle of equal pay for equal
                         work or work of equal value between men and women, enshrined in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome. Following two
                         negative opinions of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board and an exceptional third positive one, the IA provides a good
                         problem definition. The IA coherently identifies the problem drivers and makes a compelling case for the
                         consequences should situation remain unchanged. The options retained for assessment seem built around a pre-
                         selected preferred option package. The analysis regarding the impact on SMEs appears to be insufficiently developed
                         while the one on competitiveness is missing. The proposal includes all the measures presented in the IA's preferred
                         package as well as two extra measures which were suggested, but not explicitly included in the preferred package.
                Briefing EN

Disinformation campaigns about LGBTI+ people in the EU and foreign influence
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  02-07-2021
         Auteur externe  Cecilia STRAND, Jakob SVENSSON, Roland BLOMEYER, Margarita SANZ
      Domaine politique  Affaires étrangères | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union | Droits de l''homme | Démocratie |
                         Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                 Mot-clé désinformation | enfant | impact des technologies de l'information | minorité sexuelle | médias sociaux | propagande
                         politique | pédophilie | rapport de recherche | éducation sexuelle | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé The purpose of this briefing is to give a concise overview of disinformation, misinformation and propaganda campaigns
                         about LGBTI+ persons and rights, originating from or being supported and/or multiplied by actors outside the EU.
                         Based on a review of existing literature, the briefing examines the main narratives used, supported and circulated, as
                         well as which actors or group of actors are involved. Where available, information on methods, funding and impacts on
                         European values is provided. The main narratives identified include negative othering, opposing a ‘gender ideology’,
                         ‘heteroactivism’, restoring a ‘natural’ order, ‘colonialism’ and child safety. The briefing concludes that there is a need
                         for more research, further harmonisation of legal frameworks, the scrutiny of financial flows and strengthened capacity
                         to detect disinformation, misinformation, propaganda and hate speech.
                Briefing EN

Bridging the gender gap in digital, research and industry: What is the way forward?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 30-06-2021
         Auteur externe Juan Pablo VILLAR; Julio BLAZQUEZ; Carlota TARIN
      Domaine politique Industrie | Planification | Politique de recherche | Éducation | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et
                Mot-clé condition féminine | entrepreneur | esprit d'entreprise | femme | industrie informatique | intelligence artificielle |
                        participation des femmes | rapport | recherche appliquée | travail féminin | économie numérique | égalité homme-
               Résumé These proceedings summarise the discussions that took place during the ITRE workshop held on June 17th, 2021,
                        aimed to analyse the existing gender gaps in the digital sector. It was structured in three sessions, each consisting of
                        two presentations, and a final Q&A round. Stereotypes hindering a greater participation of women in the digital sector,
                        the role of women in the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem and the current situation of women in the Artificial
                        Intelligence industry were addressed.
    Analyse approfondie EN

15-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                               6
Public hearing with Andrea Enria, Chair of the ECB Supervisory Board 1 July 2021
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 28-06-2021
                         REBECCA SARAH FANNY
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé audition publique | Autorité bancaire européenne | banque | Banque centrale européenne | changement climatique |
                         contrôle bancaire | rapport | reprise économique | statistique de l'UE | union bancaire de l’UE | égalité homme-femme |
               Résumé This note is prepared in view of a regular public hearing with the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European
                         Central Bank (ECB), Andrea Enria, which will take place on 1 July 2021. The briefing addresses (i) the ECB’s TRIM
                         Project Report, (ii) data on significant banks’ holdings of sovereign debt, (iii) the ECB’s publication on banks’ recovery
                         plans, (iv) the ECB’s Supervisory banking statistics for the fourth quarter of 2020, (v) the ECB consultation on revised
                         “fit & proper” guidance, (vi) the EBA 2020 Report on the convergence of supervisory practices, (vii) statistics regarding
                         the gender-balance on the boards of significant banks, (viii) the EBA pilot on climate risk, (ix) the EBA thematic note on
                         provisioning in the EU vs the US, and (x) summaries of external papers commissioned on the request of ECON.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Gender-based violence as a new area of crime listed in Article 83(1) TFEU - European added value
     Type de publication   Étude
                   Date    14-06-2021
                 Auteur    FERNANDES MEENAKSHI | LOMBA NIOMBO | NAVARRA Cecilia
      Domaine politique    Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice | Valeur ajoutée européenne | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes,
                           égalité et diversité
                 Mot-clé action de l'UE | action publique | aide aux victimes | condition féminine | convention européenne | femme | proposition
                         (UE) | rapport de recherche | traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE | violence domestique | violence sexuelle | égalité
                Résumé This European added value assessment (EAVA) supports the European Parliament's legislative-initiative report on a
                         'Proposal for a Council decision to identify gender-based violence as a new area of crime listed in Article 83(1) TFEU',
                         2021/2035(INL). The assessment reviews the significant harm generated by gender-based violence in the EU and
                         presents evidence supporting the classification of gender-based violence as a particularly serious crime with a cross-
                         border dimension. Through improving prevention, prosecution and protection, EU action could generate significant
                         benefits to victims and society; considering only the economic dimension, by decreasing the incidence of gender-
                         based violence, it could generate benefits in the order of €25.1 billion in the short term and between €54.4 billion and
                         €83.9 billion in the longer term. Moreover, the EAVA identifies complementary EU action that could enhance the
                         European added value of this policy option, such as expanding the mandate of the equality bodies, promoting the
                         quality of survey and administrative data and supporting education activities and training.
                  Étude EN
             Multimédia Combating gender-based violence at EU level

Women's entrepreneurship and self-employment, including aspects of gendered Corporate Social
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 31-05-2021
         Auteur externe María BASTIDA, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
      Domaine politique Emploi | Politique sociale | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé activité non salariée | aide aux entreprises | condition féminine | discrimination sexuelle | entrepreneur | esprit
                        d'entreprise | marché du travail | participation des femmes | travail féminin | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                        Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee. It highlights that despite the increasing number of public policies and
                        institutional resources designed to promote women-led business, the entrepreneurship gender gap persists. This
                        study aims to analyse this apparent contradiction, focusing on three main questions: What are the constraints that
                        women face when deciding to become entrepreneurs? What factors attract women’s interest and motivate them to
                        start their own business? And which policies may benefit women’s entrepreneurship?
                  Étude EN

15-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              7
Gender balance on the boards of significant banks in the Banking Union
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date 28-05-2021
                         SEGALL REBECCA SARAH FANNY
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes,
                         égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé banque | condition féminine | conseil d'administration | conseil de direction | dimension de l'entreprise | femme |
                         gouvernement d'entreprise | participation des femmes | rapport | travail féminin | union bancaire de l’UE | égalité
               Résumé EGOV analysed publicly available information on the corporate governance structures to determine the gender
                         balance on the boards of the banks in the euro area supervised by the ECB (“significant institutions”), comparing the
                         situation in 2014 with that in 2020. The general observation is that, overall, the share of female executive directors has
                         risen in significant banks from 15.3% to 27.4% (see figure 1) and the share of female supervisory directors has
                         increased from 22.3% to 31.7% (see figure 2, further down); these levels are still quite distant from an equal gender
                         distribution. Moreover, the differences between the nature of board (executive versus supervisory boards) and
                         between the type of bank (large versus small) have become smaller. Large banks are, for our purposes, those with
                         assets exceeding EUR 100 bn. Large differences in the share of female directors persist, though, if the data is
                         grouped at the country level.
                Briefing EN

COVID-19 and its economic impact on women and women’s poverty
     Type de publication   Étude
                   Date    19-05-2021
         Auteur externe    Paola PROFETA
      Domaine politique    Coronavirus | Emploi | Politique sociale | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                 Mot-clé condition féminine | conséquence économique | femme | maladie à coronavirus | obligation alimentaire | pauvreté |
                         rapport de recherche | reprise économique | égalité homme-femme | épidémie
                Résumé This in-depth, case-analytical overview, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’
                         Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, examines the impact of the COVID-19 crisis
                         on a representative sample of member states with the aim of alimenting policy recommendations for the recovery
                         period to ensure that the gains of the past years in the matter of gender equality are not overridden by the short-term
                         negative effects of the measures implemented to combat the COVID-19 sanitary crisis.
                  Étude EN

Gender equality in the college of the European Court of Auditors
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    26-03-2021
                 Auteur    FRANKE Michaela
      Domaine politique    Budget | Contrôle budgétaire
                Mot-clé    Cour des comptes européenne | discrimination sexuelle | statistique de l'UE | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé      This briefing on gender balance in the college of the European Court of Auditors aims to shed light on the balance
                           between male and female members, from a historical perspective as the ECA has a reputation of being a rather male-
                           dominated institution.
                 Briefing EN

Combating Gender based Violence: Cyber Violence
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 17-03-2021
                 Auteur FERNANDES MEENAKSHI | LOMBA NIOMBO | NAVARRA Cecilia
      Domaine politique Valeur ajoutée européenne
                Mot-clé aide aux victimes | condition féminine | conséquence économique | criminalité informatique | discrimination sexuelle |
                        impact social | Internet | lutte contre le crime | violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme
                Résumé With the rise of new technology and social media gender-based cyber violence is a constantly growing threat with
                        impacts at individual, social and economic levels, on women and girls and on society as generally. Action taken so far
                        has been inadequate, and the cross-border nature of gender-based cyber violence has yet to be properly addressed
                        either. This European added value assessment (EAVA) complements the European Parliament’s own initiative
                        legislative report on Combating Gender based Violence: Cyber Violence (2020/2035(INL)). The costs to individuals
                        and society are substantial and shown to be in the order of €49.0 to €89.3 billion. A combination of legal and non-legal
                        policy options would generate the greatest European added value, promote the fundamental rights of victims, reduce
                        costs imposed on individuals and society, and support law enforcement and people working with victims.
                  Étude EN
             Multimédia Combating gender-based violence at EU level

15-07-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                            8
The principles of equality and non discrimination, a comparative law perspective - United States of
     Type de publication
      Domaine politiqueÉvaluation du droit et des mesures politiques dans la pratique
                Mot-clédiscrimination fondée sur l'orientation sexuelle | discrimination raciale | discrimination sexuelle | enseignement
                       supérieur | participation politique | système judiciaire | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme | États-Unis | étude
                       de cas
               Résumé This study forms part of a larger comparative law project which seeks to study the way that the principles of equality
                       and non-discrimination have developed and are demonstrated in a broad range of legal systems around the world. The
                       subject of this study is the principles of equality and non-discrimination in the United States federal legal system. It
                       provides a brief history of the evolution of the principles of equality and non-discrimination developed in United States
                       federal law and major events that furthered the development of the principles. It provides a detailed review of relevant
                       constitutional, statutory, and case law with respect to these principles. The current and likely future limits of the
                       principles of equality and non-discrimination are discussed in the context of three examples: (1) affirmative action in
                       higher education, (2) racial and partisan gerrymandering, and (3) discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and
                       gender identity in public accommodations.
                 Étude EN

Women in arts and culture − Artists, not muses
     Type de publication   En bref
                   Date    05-03-2021
                 Auteur    PASIKOWSKA-SCHNASS Magdalena
      Domaine politique    Culture | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé    condition féminine | création artistique | main-d'œuvre féminine | profession artistique | égalité de rémunération |
                           égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme | émancipation | œuvre d'art
               Résumé As in all other domains, women's place in arts and culture has not matched their ambitions and skills. Traditionally they
                        were muses of male artists or amateur performing artists, and arts education for them was very limited. Despite good
                        progress, there is still a lot to do to ensure women fully and freely contribute their artistic vision, hold positions of
                        responsibility, and to recover the works of courageous women artists from the dusty archives of museums.
                En bref EN

The Bauhaus movement: Where are the women?
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 03-03-2021
                 Auteur KATSAROVA Ivana
      Domaine politique Culture
                Mot-clé accès à l'éducation | Allemagne | beaux-arts | condition féminine | droits de la femme | historique | mouvement culturel
                        | profession artistique | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé Bauhaus, arguably the most influential art and design movement in history, celebrated its centenary in 2019. While
                        many of the avant-garde genres that helped shape modern art focused on painting, the Bauhaus movement
                        encompassed a wide array of media, materials, and disciplines, ranging from the fine arts to architecture and design.
                        Bauhaus is renowned for its smart use of resources, simplicity, effectiveness and polished, smooth lines. Its principles
                        still influence the design of contemporary architecture and everyday objects, embodied in the belief that 'Less is more'.
                        In an era when women had no access to public education in many fields, Bauhaus director Walter Gropius proclaimed
                        that the institution would be open to 'any person of good repute, regardless of age or sex'. However, although the
                        movement was largely populated by women, the names recorded in history are mainly those of men, while female
                        Bauhaus creators are mostly remembered as their wives or assistants. Indeed, these pioneering creators were
                        tolerated, rather than welcomed. By many accounts, the early years of the Bauhaus restricted women to areas deemed
                        proper for their gender, such as textiles and weaving, while discouraging them from indulging in architecture, sculpture
                        or painting. Similarly, no matter how talented, women had very little opportunity to teach at the school and did not
                        receive apprenticeship certificates, which prevented them from acquiring master's diplomas and ultimately placed limits
                        on their careers. In spite of these difficulties, women Bauhauslers arguably turned such constraints into an advantage.
                        Under the direction of Gunta Stölzl, the Bauhaus weaving department became one of the school's most successful
                        fields, with fabrics from the weaving workshop being very successful commercially. Architect Lilly Reich, metal
                        designer Marianne Brandt, wood sculptor Alma Siedhoff Buscher and photographer Lucia Moholy are just some of
                        those iconic Bauhaus figures. In recent years, an increasing number of museums pays tribute to their pioneering work
                        and legacy.
               Briefing EN

15-07-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                           9
Women in foreign affairs and international security: Still far from gender equality
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 03-03-2021
                 Auteur ZAMFIR Ionel
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Sécurité et défense | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé cadre | condition féminine | main-d'œuvre féminine | maintien de la paix | ONU | politique extérieure | profession
                        diplomatique | statistique | sécurité internationale | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé The debate on the participation and role of women in foreign affairs and international security is a timely and relevant
                        one, and is being raised with increasing frequency at both national and international levels. In particular, there is
                        growing attention to the imbalances in the representation of women in leadership and other key positions in the area of
                        foreign and security policy, as well as to the growing body of evidence regarding the positive effect of including women
                        in several key areas of foreign and security policy. While gaps persist, women's representation at management and
                        ministerial levels in the areas of foreign affairs and security has increased whether in the European Union (EU), the
                        United States (US) or at the United Nations (UN) level. Among these issues, women's role in peacekeeping receives
                        particular attention, as research has consistently shown that gender equality contributes to peace, and that peace
                        negotiations involving women have a better chance of being sustainable and effective. Gender-equal societies enjoy
                        better health, stronger economic growth and higher security. The UN and the EU have put pronounced emphasis on
                        the issue in the past two decades. UN Security Council Resolution 1325 established the 'women, peace and security'
                        (WPS) agenda in 2000. Since then, more WPS-related resolutions have been adopted, widening the scope and
                        breadth of gendered peace and security. These resolutions have been instrumental in changing the philosophy and
                        rhetoric focused on conflict and gender equality, thereby challenging the international community to do more. Several
                        initiatives are also being implemented at EU level, including through the 2018 EU strategic approach to WPS.
                        However, critics underline that a lot remains to be done, as women continue to be under-represented in the field of
                        foreign and security policy across the world. This is an update of an EPRS briefing published in September 2019.
               Briefing EN

The coronavirus crisis: An emerging gender divide?
     Type de publication En bref
                  Date  02-03-2021
               Auteur   LECERF Marie | SABBATI Giulio
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
               Mot-clé  impact social | main-d'œuvre féminine | maladie à coronavirus | niveau de vie | statistique de l'emploi | statistique de
                        l'UE | égalité de rémunération | égalité homme-femme | épidémie | équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée
               Résumé The European Union remains severely hit by the coronavirus crisis, whose impact extends far beyond public health.
                        The economic, social and psychological consequences of the pandemic are at the forefront of Member States’ and EU
                        institutions’ concerns. Employment and working conditions have undergone major upheavals, raising the issue of a
                        possible reversal of progress on gender equality. This infographic aims to shed light on the socioeconomic and
                        psychological impacts of the pandemic on women, through the lens of the transformation of the labour market, work-
                        life balance and well-being. It is based on Eurostat data and a study conducted by Eurofound on living and working in
                        the times of Covid-19.
                En bref EN
             Multimédia Covid-19 increases women's unpaid care work

Women's rights and well-being in a post-Covid world: Internet of things (IoT) and related abuses, new
ways of working, teleworking, tele-learning, unpaid care and housework, women in leadership and
decision-making process
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 02-03-2021
      Domaine politique Droits de l''homme | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé droits de la femme | enseignement à distance | femme au foyer | intelligence artificielle | Internet des objets | main-
                        d'œuvre féminine | maladie à coronavirus | participation des femmes | technologie intelligente | travail féminin | travail
                        non rémunéré | travail à distance | violence domestique | économie domestique | égalité homme-femme | épidémie
               Résumé On the International Women’s Day, let us recall the context in which the current event is taking place. Just about a year
                        ago, the World Health Organisation proclaimed the COVID 19 as the global pandemics. In the scope of several weeks,
                        it has affected all the countries in the world and persists until this day, in spite of the existence of vaccines. Hence,
                        further societal developments are uncertain and more changes within it are to be expected. In the sections below, the
                        Policy Department tries to address the selected sectors of society affecting women and girls by changes resulting from
                        the effects of the COVID 19 pandemics.
               Briefing EN

15-07-2022                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                           10
The Gender Gap in the EU’s Public Employment and Leadership
     Type de publication
         Auteur externeClara COTRONEO, Olivia BROWN, Iwona KARWOT - European Institute of Public Administration
      Domaine politiqueBudget | Droits de l''homme | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-cléadministration publique | discrimination sexuelle | droits de la femme | employé des services publics | femme | main-
                       d'œuvre féminine | maternité | travail féminin | égalité de rémunération | égalité de traitement | égalité homme-femme |
                       étude comparative
               Résumé This Study has been commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and
                       Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee. It provides a situational analysis of the gender gap in EU
                       and Member States public sector, administration and sphere and identifies promising policy measures for reducing it.
                 Étude EN
        Résumé exécutif DE, EN

Covid-19: The need for a gendered response
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 26-02-2021
                 Auteur SHREEVES Rosamund
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé discrimination sexuelle | maladie à coronavirus | mortalité | risque sanitaire | répartition par sexe | santé génésique |
                        travail féminin | violence domestique | violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme | épidémie | équilibre vie
                        professionnelle-vie privée
               Résumé In the midst of the current pandemic, adopting a gender perspective may seem a secondary concern. However,
                        pandemics are known to affect women and men differently, making it essential to recognise these differences in order
                        to understand the impacts on individuals and communities and to respond effectively and equitably. There is already
                        clear evidence that the ongoing health, social and economic crisis is having gendered impacts. Disaggregated data
                        show that sex and gender are playing a role in exposure to the virus and risks of severe outcomes, and that some
                        groups of women and men are particularly vulnerable. Lockdown measures have led to an increase in violence against
                        women and disrupted access to support services. Access to sexual and reproductive healthcare has also been
                        affected. Successive lockdowns have widened the existing gender divide in unpaid care work that was already keeping
                        more women than men out of the labour market. Greater work-life conflict is one of the factors leading to women's
                        employment being worse hit than men's, with potential long-term impacts on women's employment, pay and career
                        advancement. The pandemic has also brought the issue of women's participation in decision-making to the fore.
                        Without a gender-sensitive approach, the pandemic could have far-reaching implications, including a real risk of
                        exacerbating gender inequalities and sending progress into reverse. At the same time, gender mainstreaming tools
                        such as gender impact assessments and gender budgeting exist that could, if used effectively, mitigate the negative
                        consequences and contribute to achieving gender equality. Internationally and within the European Union (EU), there
                        have been calls for gender-sensitive emergency and long-term responses. In January 2021, the European Parliament
                        adopted a resolution setting out recommendations on both aspects.
               Briefing EN
             Multimédia Covid-19 increases women's unpaid care work

Plenary round-up – February 2021
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 12-02-2021
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé Banque centrale européenne | instrument financier de l'UE | marché des capitaux | médias sociaux | ordre du jour |
                        Parlement européen | politique étrangère et de sécurité commune | reprise économique | session parlementaire | traite
                        des êtres humains | économie circulaire | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé The main debates held during the February 2021 plenary session concerned the state of play of the EU's Covid 19
                        vaccination strategy and the de facto abortion ban in Poland. Members also debated democratic scrutiny of social
                        media platforms and the protection of fundamental rights, including the challenges ahead for women's rights more than
                        25 years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action The impact of coronavirus on young people and sport,
                        relief measures for the transport sector, homologation and distribution of transparent masks and the humanitarian
                        situation in Ethiopia were also discussed. Members debated statements by High Representative of the Union for
                        Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, Josep Borell, on his visit to Russia in the light of
                        the recent crackdown on protestors and the opposition, on the humanitarian and political situation in Yemen, and on
                        the situation in Myanmar.
                En bref EN

15-07-2022                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                           11
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