Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)

La page est créée Chantal Pelletier
Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)
Mid-term conference
of the INTESI
Interreg Alpine
Space Project
23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)
Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)
INTESI mid-term conference 23rd of February 2017

           Date and time: 23rd of February 2017, 09.30 am to 15.45pm

           Languages: German, French, English (simultaneous translation provided)

           Location: Strate J, Route de Moutier 14, 2800 Delémont

           Background and aim of the mid-term conference
           INTESI is an ongoing Interreg Alpine Space Project (2016-2018) – involving 10 partners in 5
           countries - with the main aim to assure the delivery of services of general interest (SGI) in
           the long run via integrated, territorial strategies and policies. The INTESI project builds on the
           following successive steps:
           1) Collection and analysis of all SGI strategies in the entire alpine space relevant for SGI
           delivery – Work Package T1 (WPT1)
           2) Regional profiles of 10 test areas (TAs) will be established in order to assess the status
           quo of SGI delivery and to detect challenges, needs and potentials in relation to SGI – Work
           Package T2 (WPT2)
           3) A selection of new pilot activities (PA) will be implemented or existing ones supported in
           order to test strategies in place, and to improve the offer of SGI delivery according to
           stakeholder needs – Work Package T2 (WPT2)
           4) On the basis of the preceding steps, recommendations will be elaborated on how to
           combine existing sectoral strategies with the integrated territorial SGI strategies – Work
           Package T3 (WPT3)
           5) Via the INTESI think tank, the SGI service providers, authorities and other relevant
           stakeholders will come together and exchange information on SGI issues. This way, the
           project results are fed into the implementation level and the political, strategical level – Work
           Package T4 (WPT4)
           The mid-term conference on the 23rd of february 2017 aims to present the already achieved
           results, to give an insight into selected test areas and to launch the INTESI Think Tank.

European Regional Development Fund                                                                         2
Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)

            Time             Topic                                       Speaker/responsible
            09:30            Registration and welcome coffee             STRATE J, Werth SA
            10:00 -10:30     Opening and official welcome                DR. Maria Lezzi, Director of the federal
                                                                         Office for Spatial Development ARE,
                                                                         Christian Schaller, Director spatial
                                                                         Development Service (SDT), Delémont,
            10.30-10.55      Overview on Workpackages, aims of           Peter Niederer, Center for mountain
                             INTESI and structure of the conference      regions (SAB), Switzerland.
            10.55-11.30      Integrated strategies of the SGI            Špela Kolarič, University of Ljubliana,
                             provision in the Alpine Space: A trend or   Slovenia.
                             a must?
            11.30-12.00      Presentation of the regional analysis       DR. Christian Hofmann, EURAC Research,
                             and profiles of INTESI test areas           Bolzano, Italy.
            12:00 – 13.30                                                Lunch in cafeteria of StrateJ
            13.30-14.00 Integration model 1 for SGI : The new            Anthony Morin / Arnaud Macquat,
                          cantonal structure plan of the canton          Spatial Development Service (SDT),
                          du Jura – an integrative SGI planning          Delémont, Switzerland.
                          tool ?
            14.00-14.30 Integration model 2 for SGI :                    Manfred Riedl, Province of the Tyrol,
                          Focus on Tyrolean participation,               Department of Statistics and GIS,
                          regional profile of Test area Ausserfern       Innsbruck, Austria
                          (main topics), view on pilot action ICT in     Barbara Frick, Cemit - Center of
                          mobile care                                    Excellence in Medicine and IT, Innsbruck,
            14.30-15.00      Integration model 3 for SGI : SGI           Julie Raux, territorial development
                             scheme for the pilot area Syndicat du       CDDRA-CTS, Syndicat du Pays de
                             Pays de Maurienne.                          Maurienne, France.
            15.00-15.30      Think tank on SGI : Feedback on the         Thomas Egger, Director of the center for
                             kick-off of the INTESI Think tank to the    mountain regions (SAB), Switzerland.
            15.30-15.45      Closure                                     Thomas Egger, Director of the center for
                                                                         mountain regions (SAB), Switzerland.

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Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)
Mid-term Conference INTESI - Strate J - Delémont
Dr. Maria Lezzi, Director of the federal Office for Spatial Development ARE, Switzerland

Dr. Maria Lezzi welcomes the participants of the INTESI Mid-term Conference in the name of
the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) and expresses her thanks to the Canton of
Jura for the interest in the transnational project INTESI as well as the SAB and Thomas Egger
for being lead partner of the project and the active engagement in the macro regional strategy
for the alpine region. The combination of the project INTESI with the political platform of the
macro regional strategy is for Switzerland of great value.
The big interest in the project shows that the discussion on services of general interest (SGI)
is a common concern, even though there are different requirements and regulations in the
alpine region. Transnational collaboration is a very important issue today, it enables an
international exchange of experiences and best-practice examples.
The responsibility in SGI delivery is mostly divided upon different authorities and policy fields.
The Swiss spatial development offers different basic principles and instruments to the cantons
to strengthen a trans-sectoral coordination and to ensure SGI delivery. The cantonal structure
plan for example offers a coordination instrument to identify and to harmonise different
special challenges such as mobility, inward urban development or topics like supply and waste
The challenges concerning sustainable SGI delivery are big, especially in sparsely populated
areas. In this areas a functional SGI delivery is crucial for the potential of an economic
development. Because of that, it will be more and more a major request to take SIG delivery
up as a long-term political topic and to develop long-term concepts to strengthen SGI delivery.
Dr. Maria Lezzi is pleased to open the mid-term conference and is looking forward to exciting
presentations of the different alpine regions. She feels confident that we get some new ideas
and learn some new tools today to improve our SGI.
Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)
Conférence INTESI - Strate J - Delémont - Jeudi 23 Février

Mesdames et Messieurs,

Au nom du Département de l’environnement et du Service du développement
territorial, j’ai le plaisir de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à Delémont, dans ce nouveau
campus dédié à la formation tertiaire, pour cette conférence de mi-parcours du projet
Le Canton du Jura s’est engagé en 2015 dans le projet Interreg au côté du
Groupement suisse pour les régions de montagne (SAB) et de huit autres partenaires
issus de cinq pays de l’espace alpin. Bien que le canton ne soit pas caractérisé par de
hauts sommets et des vallées profondes, ses régions les plus périphériques, à l’instar
de nombreuses régions alpines, sont aussi soumises à la diminution de l’offre en
services à la population.
Pas plus tard que le mois dernier, la presse régionale jurassienne faisait écho d’une
étude d’un syndicat relative à la restructuration des offices postaux dans le canton du
Jura à l’horizon 2020. Conclusion de cette étude : seulement quatre offices postaux
seraient hors de danger de fermeture (deux à Delémont, la capitale cantonale et un
dans chacun des deux autres chefs-lieux de district : Porrentruy et Saignelégier). Si
La Poste a tenu à considérer ces conclusions comme non fondées, une part
d’inquiétude anime toutefois les autorités cantonales et communales face à cette
La fermeture des offices postaux n’est pas la seule difficulté à laquelle les villages
doivent faire face. Depuis plusieurs années, ces derniers ont vécu la fermeture d’une
épicerie, d’un cabinet médical ou encore d’une classe d’école. En parallèle ou peut-
être en conséquence, ces villages connaissent une déprise démographique. Dans ce
contexte, se pose la question suivante : est-ce la perte de population qui entraine la
fermeture des commerces locaux et des services à la population ou est-ce le
processus inverse ? Il n’existe pas de réponse définitive à cette interrogation. Il s’agit
d’un processus complexe trouvant des causes et conséquences différentes selon les
Quoi qu’il en soit, il est nécessaire de mettre en place des politiques publiques, des
mesures incitatives ou encore des projets concrets afin d’inverser cette tendance. En
effet, comme cela a déjà été dit, la majorité des villages jurassiens subit depuis
plusieurs années une déprise démographique, conjuguée, pour certains d’entre eux,
à un fort vieillissement de la population.
En 2014, le Canton du Jura s’est lancé dans la révision de son plan directeur. Il s’agit
d’un instrument de planification et de coordination central en matière de
développement territorial. Un des principaux objectifs de la révision du plan directeur
cantonal, objectif pour le moins ambitieux, est de renforcer la vie sociale et
économique des villages pour y maintenir la population. Arnaud Macquat et Anthony
Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)
Morin, respectivement Chef de section et urbaniste-aménagiste à la section de
l’aménagement du territoire, s’exprimeront tout à l’heure à ce sujet.
Pour toutes les raisons évoquées auparavant, le Canton du Jura se réjouit de
l’avancée du projet INTESI. Nous attendons avec impatience ses conclusions afin de
mettre à disposition des communes jurassiennes des expériences et des outils
susceptibles d’améliorer la qualité de l’offre en services à la population.
Nous allons maintenant entrer dans le vif du sujet et je laisse ainsi le soin à Peter
Niederer, responsable du développement régional au sein du SAB, de vous présenter
plus en détail la portée de ce projet. Il me reste à vous souhaiter une excellente journée
de conférences et plein de succès dans vos différents projets.

Christian Schaller
Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)

                                               INTEGRATED TERRITORIAL
                                               FOR SERVICES OF GENERAL

                                               23 February 2017 • Peter Niederer, SAB, Lead-Partner

European Regional Development Fund

Intesi – an ambitious project based on
previous work
PUSEMOR 2005 – 2007
ACCESS 2009 – 2011

Main challenges
• SGI need an orientation on clients and their future needs
• Proactive approaches and strategies instead of case by case
• SGI need to be adressed in an integrated approach and synergies
  must be used (multisectoral/multilevel)
• Integration needs a territorial approach

Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)

European Regional Development Fund

The Aims of Intesi
The main objective of INTESI is to assure the delivery of SGI in the long
run via integrated, territorial strategies and policies. The INTESI project
builds on the following successive steps:

1. Collection and analysis of all SGI strategies in the entire alpine space
   relevant for SGI delivery – Work Package T1 (WPT1)
2. Assess the status quo of SGI delivery and to detect challenges, needs
   and potentials in relation to SGI – Work Package T2 (WPT2)
3. Implement new pilot activities (PA) – Work Package T2 (WPT2)
4. Elaborate recommendations for integrated territorial SGI strategies –
   Work Package T3 (WPT3)
5. Establish a permanent think tank on SGI – Work Package T4 (WPT4)

European Regional Development Fund

   The partnership

   • Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete
   • Land Tirol – Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Sachgebiet Landesstatistik und TIRIS
   • Land Kärntner – Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung Abteilung 7 Wirtschaft, Tourism,
     Infrastruktur und Mobilität
   • Verkehrsverbund Kärntner GmbH
   • Accademia Europea per la ricerca applicata ed il perfezionamento professionale
   • Regione Lombardia – Direzione Generale Università, Ricerca e Open Innovation
   • Auvergne Rhône Alpes – Direction du Tourisme, de la Montagne et des Parcs
   • ADRETS - Association pour le Développement en Reseau des Territoires et des Services
   • Univerza v Ljubljani – Biotehniška fakulteta - Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
   • République et Canton du Jura – Département de l’environnement , Section de
     l’aménagement du territoire

Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)

Thank you for your attention!
More information on http://www.alpine-

Mid-term conference of the INTESI Interreg Alpine Space Project - 23rd of February 2017, Delémont (CH)

                                                                 Integrated strategies of the SGI
                                                                 provision in the Alpine Space:
                                                                 A trend or a must

                                                                 February 23rd 2017 • Š. Kolarič, N. Marot, B. Černič Mali, N. Florjanc and B. Kostanjšek

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Integrated strategies/Background


                  Services of general interest (SGI) are crucial for the accessibility and
                  connectivity of Alpine areas.
                  • The documents amending the SGI delivery are mainly sectoral, leading to:
                        • isolated solutions,
                        • suboptimal public money spending,
                        • failure to benefit from potential synergies.
                  • The integration of the SGI strategies is therefore necessary, to assure an
                    efficient SGI delivery in Alpine regions.


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Integrated strategies/ Definition

                    Definition: Integrated SGI strategy
                    Integrated territorial strategy for SGI =
                    A strategy for the SGI provision based on the 4 main principles:
                    • quality,
                    • availability,
                    • affordability, and
                    • accessibility,

                    which takes into account:
                    • peoples’ actual and future needs in a given territory,
                    • territorial dimension,
                    • and the benefits of the synergies between the different SGI sectors.

                                                                                     Most common words used in the definitions at the transnational workshop

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Integrated strategies/Objectives

                    • To collect and analyse all the strategies in the entire Alpine Space relevant
                      for the SGI delivery.

                    • To find out if and to what extent is the integration included in the existing
                      documents for the SGI provision in the Alpine Space.

                    • To identify the SGIs’ models of integration (actors, administrative levels,
                      finances, policies) occurring in the existing SGI documents

                    • To reveal the “good practises” of the SGI integration in the participating

                    • To identify the problems, gaps, and needs for the
                      SGI integration as the basis for the following WPs (new/renewed strategies,
                      better solutions for the SGI delivery within the AS).


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Integrated strategies/ Work methodology

                     Work methodology

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Output 2.1

                     Output 2.1: Database of the existing strategies
                     • Assemble and present the general and sector specific SGI strategies (macro-regional,
                       national, regional, and intercommunal levels)
                     • Provide the basic data on the strategies
                     • Create the basis for the further work (WPT2, WPT3)

                     A public on-line database on strategies:
                     • created on the projects’ website
                     • 257 SGI documents          (Tyrol (AT), Carinthia (AT), South Tyrol (IT), Lombardy (IT), France, Switzerland, and Slovenia)

                     • Important input for the think tank platform
                     • Provides the benchmarking baseline for the stakeholders, relevant for the SGI provision in
                       the Alpine Space:
                           • local / regional / national public authorities,
                           • sectoral agencies,
                           • Infrastructure and (public) services providers


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Output 2.1 On-line database

  On-line database

  Three levels of view:
  • Basic list with the files for download
  • Basic information on the strategies
     (form A + files)
  • Detailed information on strategies
     (form B + files)

  Search options:
  • Country
  • Sector
  • Type of the document
  • Integration as a concept
  • Legally binding


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Output 2.1 On-line database

     On-line database
     Basic profile
    Detailed profile:
    • Governance models:
                 •    Centralised/decentralised
                 •    Public services / Concession / Public-private
                      partnership / Co-operative / Others / Com

    • Measures
    • Type of finances:
                 •    EU / Federal/national / State/cantonal/provincial /
                      Regional / Local / No sources available.

    • Source of finance:
                 •    private/public
    • Stakeholders' list:
                 •    Federal / national / State/provincial/departmental /
                      Regional / Inter-communal / Local
    • Stakeholders' comments



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                Output 2.2:
                Comparison analysis

                SGI documents in numbers by sectors

European Regional Development Fund

                Comparison analysis

                SGI documents in numbers by type


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Integration models
in numbers
by sectors

source: database

European Regional Development Fund

Integration examples

source: regional reports,
transnational workshop


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Identified problems

source: regional reports,
transnational workshop

European Regional Development Fund

Identified gaps

source: regional reports,
transnational workshop


European Regional Development Fund

Need for integration

source: regional reports

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Integrated strategies/ Conclusion

                    Integrated strategies for the SGI provision: A trend or a must?

                    • There are successful examples of the SGI integration models in all the analysed
                    • The “integration concept” is included in the existing strategies.
                    • In the documents a “declarative” integration among the actors, and
                      administrative levels prevails.
                    • The workshop results, interviewees, and regional reports show a lack of cooperation
                      among all the integration models (actors, administrative levels, finances, policies, and other).
                    • There is significantly less integration among sectoral policies, and various
                      services (within or among different sectors).
                    • There is a need for the SGI integration in all of the participating regions.
                    • For the better SGI delivery in the Alpine Space, there are most obvious needs to
                      integrate transport and telecommunication services with all the other sectors,
                      and to better connect the heath and social care sectors.                                           Figure from: http://www.solutionanalytics.com


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI/ Integrated strategies/ Conclusion

                    Thank you for your attention! Any questions?

                                            Naja Marot                                  Špela Kolarič
                                            project lead                                researcher
                                            naja.marot@bf.uni-lj.si, +386 1 320 30 75   spela.kolaric@bf.uni-lj.si, +386 1 320 20 78

                                            Barbara Černič Mali,
                                            senior research fellow
                                            barbara.cernic@uirs.si, +386 1 420 13 15

                                                                                        Nejc Florjanc
                                       Jasna Lukan
                                                                                        design and technical assistance
                                                                                        nejc.florjanc@bf.uni-lj.si, +386 1 320 30 68
                                       jasna.lukan@bf.uni-lj.si, +386 1 320 30 33


                                                                     Conférence de mi-parcours
                                                                     LE NOUVEAU PLAN DIRECTEUR DU
                                                                     CANTON DU JURA : NOUVEL
                                                                     INSTRUMENT INTEGRATIF POUR LA
                                                                     PLANIFICATION DES SERVICES
                                                                     PUBLICS ?
                                                                     23 février 2017 • Arnaud Macquat et Anthony Morin

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                   1. Le plan directeur cantonal : éléments introductifs

                   2. L’échelon régional : approche verticale et horizontale

                   3. Un exemple concret : planification des centres commerciaux

                   4. Les attentes face au projet INTESI : panel d’expériences et d’outils


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                  1. Le plan directeur cantonal :
                     éléments introductifs
                   • Obligation légale pour chaque canton

                   • Plan directeur du canton du Jura actuellement en révision

                   • Réponse aux nouvelles exigences de la loi sur l’aménagement
                     du territoire (LAT)

                                                                                        Source : ASPAN, 2013

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                  1. Le plan directeur cantonal :
                     éléments introductifs
                   • Instrument central en matière de planification et de
                     coordination pour les activités relatives à l’organisation et au
                     développement du territoire

                   • Cadre de référence pour les trois niveaux étatiques

                   • Définition du développement souhaité du territoire cantonal à
                     moyen et à long terme


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                  1. Le plan directeur cantonal :
                     éléments introductifs
                   • Principaux défis de la révision du plan directeur cantonal :

                                • Renforcer la position du canton du Jura

                                • Affirmer l’attractivité des pôles régionaux

                                • Maintenir et accroître la vitalité des villages

                                • Planifier à l’échelle régionale

                                                                                    Image directrice, Conception directrice du développement territorial du canton du Jura, 2015
                                                                                    (version pour la consultation publique)

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                  2. L’échelon régional : approche
                     verticale et horizontale
                   • Collaboration intercommunale et régionale soutenue et
                     encouragée par le Canton du Jura

                   • Coordination du développement territorial par-delà les
                     frontières communales                                          Plan directeur régional de la Microrégion Haute-Sorne, Schéma directeur, 2014

                   • Vision transversale au sein d’espaces fonctionnels

                   • Collaboration à géométrie variable selon les thématiques,
                     notamment pour les villages

                   • Deux plans directeurs régionaux dans le canton :
                     Microrégion Haute-Sorne et Agglomération de Delémont

                                                                                    Vision du Projet d’agglomération de Delémont (3e génération), 2016


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                  3. Un exemple concret : planification
                     des centres commerciaux
                   • «…cela créé de l’emploi, donc c’est positif…»

                   • Risque d’exode ou de disparition des commerces des
                     villages ou du centre-ville

                   • Rationalisation des déplacements

                   • Recherche d’effets de synergie avec les transports publics
                     et les petits commerçants / commerces spécialisés                Zone commerciale de Pontarlier (France) (source : ASPAN, 2016)

                   • Vision stratégique, volonté partagée et attitude solidaire
                     permettant de négocier avec les distributeurs

European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                  3. Un exemple concret : planification
                     des centres commerciaux
                   • Réflexion depuis plusieurs années à l’échelle régionale au
                     niveau de l’agglomération de Delémont

                   • Orientation des installations commerciales importantes
                     dans la commune centre (Delémont)

                   • Volonté de maintenir une offre de proximité dans le centre
                     des autres localités

                   • Reprise dans une fiche du plan directeur cantonal en visant   Migros à Delémont (source : Arches 2000)

                     une localisation dans les pôles urbains et particulièrement
                     dans les périmètres de centre


European Regional Development Fund

INTESI / Conférence de mi-parcours / 23 février 2017 - Delémont

                  4. Les attentes face au projet INTESI :
                     panel d’expériences et d’outils
                   • Objectif du Canton : maintien des commerces et services
                     de proximité dans les régions périphériques

                   • Partage d’un « guide des bonnes pratiques » concernant les
                     expériences de collaborations intercommunales

                   • Mise à disposition d’une « boîte à outils » pour aider les
                     communes et les régions à développer des politiques,
                     notamment en matière de services à la population

   Merci pour votre attention


                                      Focus on Midterm-Results
                                      of Tyrolean Participation

                                      Impressions about Regional SGI Strategies
                                      Regional Profile of Test Area Außerfern
                                      Care of Elderly People in the Tyrol and Test Area
                                      View on pilot action: ICT meets Mobile Care

                                      Manfred Riedl and Barbara Frick • 23 FEB 2017 • INTESI Midterm-Conference • Delemont CH

Regional Strategies of the Tyrol and Regional Profile of Test Area Ausserfern

Manfred Riedl, Office of the Tyrolean State Government


1. Administration System of Austria
Organizational Variety and Multi-Level Administration

The organisational variety of the Austrian administration is derived from two principles:
- from the constitutional basic principle of the Federation
- and from the principle of local self-administration of Austrian municipalities
These two principles result to an administrative structure consisting of three levels of
subdivisions each with corresponding administrative organisations:
- at central government level the Federal Government
- at federal level, the federal state administrations of the nine States of Burgenland, Carinthia,
Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Vienna and
- at local self-administration the municipal administrations of 2.100 Austrian municipalities
All over Austria there is also a network of 95 administrative districts, which are not
independent territorial authorities but are rather organizationally integrated in the federal
state administration (as district authorities) or within the greater city.
As such, Austria can be said to have a four-tiered administrative structure throughout:
Federal Government – Federal States – Districts – Municipalities

1. Basic Impressions about SGI in Austria
Social Welfare but Divided Regional Development

In principle, Austria can be described as a social welfare state that is characterized by a high degree
of public intervention and social protection mechanisms according to the principle "safety is more
important than dynamics". Therefore, the Austrian welfare system shows a high degree of market
independence in the supply of citizens due to a large contribution of government services.
SGI are organised not only vertically but also among sectors, and also among different carriers
within complex areas of expertise. In Austria, the organisation of a specific SGI is a sectoral task
concerning legislation, finance and delivery. Spatial planning has taken on a consultative role,
because its coordinative and cooperative planning approaches - e.g. for multifunctional locations -
are of little importance in matters of sectoral competencies.
The different points of view and sectoral approaches of national, provincial and local policies
prevent joint planning policies concerning the integration of SGI. However, it is more difficult to
enforce this flexible approach in the case of highly normalized supply strategies and particularly in
the case of laws, since such implementations are determined by a normative principle of equality.
The regional level seems to be the most successful one when it concerns uniting the practical
cooperation of adjacent SGI sectors and their participants.
Many rural and peripheral regions must face a controlled dismantling due to the population
decline, though they have to maintain regional labour markets and endogenous development
opportunities. It is not likely that limited public budgets and decreased national scope of action will
be able to ensure the maintaining of common SGI facilities all over the country.


 2. Impressions about SGI Strategies
 Telecommunications - Broadband Expansion
Fibre optic networks are particularly important for remote areas, because they work very
well over long distances without the application of active components or power supply.
Distances can perfectly be bridged by means of information transfer and based on internet
protocols in the communication network, important services can be provided everywhere
and at equal quality levels.
Concerning broadband expansion, rural areas are disadvantaged and fibre optic networks
that are implemented outside of densely populated areas result in funding gaps between 50%
and 80% of the construction costs. The interaction between federal and state subsidies allows
nowadays a funding rate of up to 75%. This rate largely corresponds to the needs of the rural
The regional broadband campaign in the Tyrol is an initiative to implement sustainable
broadband infrastructure and is not just limited to the (gradual) technological adaptation
(e.g. from DSL to vectoring of copper networks). The Tyrolean model of municipal
broadband expansion in rural areas is the most beneficial one regarding autonomy, location
safeguarding and social participation (there is an EU study on this issue).

 2. Impressions about SGI Strategies
 Broadband Atlas Austria – Fixed Network


2. Impressions about SGI Strategies
Municipial Broadband Expansion District Reutte

2. Impressions about SGI Strategies
Structure Healthcare Plan 2012-2022

This strategy describes the socio-political objectives for the coverage, expansion and development
of nursing services for persons who need healthcare and who should obtain needs-oriented and
affordable nursing services, which is also intended by the Nursing Fund Law.
The objectives are based on detailed demographic trends and forecasts, as well as on the resulting
requirements for planning, action and steering, which partly leads to a realignment of supply and
service offers. An important finding of this structure plan was the fact that all areas of the care
sector have experienced a significant expansion process due to the demographic change in Tyrol.
In view of the population development and assuming that the existing resources are used
consistently, the number of places in retirement and nursing homes will have to rise by
approximately 43% in the years from 2012 to 2022. This means that the legal entities of the
retirement and nursing homes, the municipalities and the municipal associations as well as the
Province Government of Tyrol would have to face significant financing challenges.
Therefore the targeted subsidies granted to the regions and communities by Fund Law must be
primarily used for those measures that are not connected with the inpatient sector, whereby
priority shall be given to the development in the field of mobile nursing and healthcare services
and to alternative healthcare forms (short-time care, day care, assisted living, etc.)


2. Impressions about SGI Strategies
Social Concept Außerfern 2004/05

The Social Concept Außerfern was established by committed residents of the Außerfern region in
order to meet the future challenges of such a small region like the Außerfern and to provide
solution approaches. It consists of five protocols, which contain clear statements of objectives and
operational principles to achieve the corresponding targets:
II Protocol "Alcohol, drugs, mentally ill people"
III Protocol "Elderly people"
IV Protocol "Integration of foreign residents"
V Protocol "Children, young people, families"
VI Protocol "People with disabilities"
The preamble specifies the reasons for the need to implement this social concept and the focal
point of "cooperation", which dominates the entire concept. Since the socio-economic
environment is subject to constant change, in particular the objective statements have to be
reflected critically at regular intervals. In framework conditions are changing, the democratic
process has to be adjusted correspondingly. As a framework concept, it is integrated into overall
regional development plans.
The social concept of the Außerfern region is supported by the three pillars of voluntary
participation, partnership and self-commitment.

3. Regional Profile of Test Area

The district of Reutte is located in northwest Tyrol and is isolated from the Tyrolean central space by
some mountain ranges. Populated valleys in this region amount to only 9 % of the total area.


  3. Regional Profile of Test Area
  Less Regional Centres but wide Rural Areas

Seen from the state-level, the number of communities offering facilities of central importance in TA is
   relatively small, whereas 31 municipalities in the district offer just few and local private and public

  3. Regional Profile of Test Area
  Different Demographical Development

             3.000 EW   18.000 EW

                                6.000 EW

        5.000 EW


Tyrolean Test Area Ausserfern: Mobile Care and ICT pilot action

Dr. Barbara Frick, Cemit GmbH

1. Introduction:
How is Care of Elderly People Organized?

 Inpatient care: nursing homes
 Outpatient care: homecare
Elderly persons are mainly cared by relatives, often supported by a network of care
services providers:
      Professional mobile care services: support in nursing care, housekeeping,
       „meals on wheels“ and assistance services
      24-hour care (often in 3 weeks turnus)
      Voluntary associations
      Day-care services in public areas
      Senior citizens´ homes with services for asstited living
      Case- and Caremanagement


  1. Introduction:
  How is Care of Elderly People Organized?

 4,2% of the Tyrolean population receiving national care money, care of those people is
  organized as followed:

                                                           mobile care providers
                                                           inpatient care
                                                           24h care

                                                           nursing relatives only
                                                    Source: Statistik Austria

  2. Actual Situation in the Test Area
  Health and social care services

  Compared to Tyrol the test area Ausserfern differs in various aspects:
       Availability and use of services are lower
       Mobile care providers need more travel time to visit clients at home
       Weather and street conditions sometimes don‘t allow to visit remote regions

       Services                                               Test Area Ausserfern        Tyrol
       inpatient care places /1000 inhabitants                                  4,64              7,97
       medical doctors/1000 inhabitants                                         1,34              2,15
       clients mobile care/1000 inhabitants                                          12           15,9
       h mobile care/client 2015                                                80,8              92,4
       h traveltime/client 2015                                                 16,9              13,9


 2. Actual Situation in the Test Area
 Geografical allocation of care service providers

                                                                                                           home „Haus
                                                                                                            zum guten
                                                                                    residence                           Day-care in
                                                                                  Assisted Living                       community
                                                  Clinical palliative                                                     center
                                                                                          Providers within
                                                                                             the main
                                                                        Nursing home                                       Case- and
                                                                                          municipality area               Caremanager

                                                                                                     „Meals on          Hospiz-
                shortterm                           Mobile  CareService
                                                     Mobile Care   Service                            Wheels“            team
               care service                             „Sozial- und
               „Pflegeinsel“                            „Sozial-  und

                                 Providers outside of the
                                 main municipality area

 2. Actual Situation in the Test Area
 Organization of the society

Traditionally organized, actual household size: 2,68 Persons (vs. Tyrol 2,56)
But prognosed development has an impact on homecare sector

                  Development of the household size in Test Area
                                                                           13.6                     14
                                      11.5         11.2                    11.6                     11.7

                  2009                -1.6
                                      2020         2030                   2040                  2050
                                                                           -4.5                     -5.2
                         1 Person
                         2 Persons
                         3+ Persons

                                                          Source: ÖROK Regionalprognose 2010 bis 2030


3. Future Requirements for Homecare in
the Test Area

  Need for professional support will increase significantly due to demografic
   changes and changes in the society

  Mobile care services have further to be extended in terms of time (during the
   night and on weekends)

  Efforts to support and relieve nursing relatives have to be made

  Interface management and integrated care concepts are needed (health care
   system, inpatient care and outpatient care models, case- and caremanagement)

4. Strategies to support homecare system

                                   Digital Data Management
                                    Data transfer, interface                    To prevent social
          Telemonitoring                  management                            isolation and decreased
     Clients/patients monitor                                                   psychsocial health:
      their own health status
     (patient empowerment)                                                      Enhanced social
                                                                  Less social   initiatives also in
                                                                  contacts?     remote regions
                                                                                - Day care
     Telemedicine/Telecare                                                      - Green care projects
    Guided therapie measures,                                                   - Timebanks
        memory functions                                                        - Voluntary assistance
                                        Smart Homes
                                 More safety for elderly people
                                     within their homes


 5. Outline INTESI pilot action

 In 2017 about 10 clients living in remote
 areas are provided with a set of health
                                                         Client n
 monitoring devices and a tablet to submit                                                 Client 4
 vital sign data to the mobile care provider,
 e.g.                                                               Local Mobile Care
                                                                      Provider SGS
         Heart rate/blood pressure
         Weight
         Blood glucose level

 Clients also get reminders, e.g.
        to take in drugs                                                       Client 3
        to drink water
                                            Client 1            Client 2

 5. Outlook INTESI pilot action

Objectives in the project:
      Data collection: Clients monitor their health status and send data to health care provider
      Patient empowerment: Information, what do these data mean? Emergency measures needed?
      Communication: regularly support and feedback from nurses, emergency hotline
      Evaluation: quality of the care service and effectiveness for care providers

Aim of the project:
      Increase safety feeling of the clients
      Improve quality of the care service also for clients in remote areas

     Strengthen homceare: elderly people can live at their homes as long as possible
     Care service providers have access to reliable data and increase effectiveness of mobile care
     Hospital admissions of chronically ill patients can be reduced


Thank you for your attention!


                                                 Alpine Think Tank on SGI

                                                 Kick-off meeting in Delémont (CH)

                                                 23 February 2017 • Thomas Egger, Chair of the Think Tank

European Regional Development Fund


The Context:
- The starting point: the project Intesi
- The integration into AG5 of EUSALP

Aims and working methods of the think tank

Composition of the think tank

Provisional working program for the think tank


European Regional Development Fund

                                     WP T1 Analysis and collection of SGI strategies 12/2015-01/2017

                                     WP T2 Regional profiles                                  Report on
         Intesi project structure

                                                                                              challenges and
                                     WP T2 PA Implementation                                  future needs in SGI
                                                                                              (till 05/2017

                                     WP T3 Improvement of SGI strategies

                                     Handbook with Recommendations of strategies for integrated,
                                     multigovernance SGI (till 09/2017)

                                                                 Input into the political, strategical level,
                                     WP T4 Think tank
                                                                 project results become policies and strategies


                                  EUSALP PILLARS AND AGs

Pillar 1: Economic growth and         Pillar 2: Mobility and connectivity     Pillar 3: Environment and energy
                                      Objective: Sustainable internal and     Objective: A more inclusive
Objective: Fair access to job         external acessibility to all            environmental framework for all and
opportunities, building on the high                                           renewable and reliable energy
competitiveness of the Region                                                 solutions for the future

AG1: To develop an effective          AG4: To promote inter-modality and      AG6: To preserve and valorise natural
research and innovation ecosystem     interoperability in passenger and       resources, including water and
                                      freight transport                       cultural resources
AG2: To increase the economic
potential of strategic sectors        AG5: To connect people                  AG7: To develop ecological
                                      electronically and promote              connectivity in the whole EUSALP
AG3: To improve the adequacy of       accessibility to public services        territory
labour market, education and
training in strategic sectors                                                 AG8: To improve risk management
                                                                              and to better manage climate
                                                                              change, including major natural risks
Objective: A sound macro-regional governance model for the Region (to         AG9: To make the territory a model
improve cooperation and the coordination of action)                           region for energy efficiency and
                                                                              renewable energy

                                  Composition of AG5(1/2)


                                      RAVDA                                 SAB
                         Giorgio CONSOL - DMC                      Thomas EGGER - DMC
                                                                                                          AG5-meeting in Garmisch Partenkirchen


          Actual state of play in AG5

    • 18/03/2016: Preliminary AG5 Meeting in Aosta

    • 21/11/2016: AG5 Kick off Meeting in Aosta

    • 14-15/02/2017: AG5 Meeting in Garmisch-

    • 31/03/2017: Delivery of Workplan for AG

    • June/July 2017: Meeting AG5 with Intesi

                       Work plan state of play

•   First discussion in Aosta on 21 November 2016
•   Draft submitted to AlpGov Lead-Partner on January 9, 2017
•   Fine tuning during Conference in Garmisch, 14 February 2017
•   Delivery of final version by 31 march 2017 at latest.

Strategic initiatives:
- Smart villages
- Cross border accessibility

Lighthouse project:
- 3D landscape model (with AG1)

Quick wins:
- Access to open data on the PoK
- Mapping of services of general interest
- Database on existing strategies and policies for SGI
- Alpine think tank on SGI
- Wifi4EU
- Broadband backbone for the Alps (feasibility study)


European Regional Development Fund

                                     Aims of the Think Tank
          • Exchange of experiences on SGI-provision across the Alps
          • Identification of upcoming challenges for SGI in the Alps and search
            for (transnational) solutions
          • Discussion about policy recommendations
          • Reflection of the work of INTESI and AG 5 of EUSALP as well as of
            other initiatives in the field of SGI

                  -> to give continuity to the topic and a strategic reflection
                  -> the aims go far beyond Intesi and EUSALP

European Regional Development Fund

                                       Working methods
          • The think tank is not a legal entity. It is an open space to discuss.
          • The Think tank itself will only communicate to the public if agreed by the
            members. Else, each member will communicate what is useful for him.
          • Meetings: ca. 2x per year in different places
          • Inputs by members and external experts
          • Language: English
          • Administration and chair: SAB
          • Website: www.servicepublic.ch (will be modified for the think tank in


European Regional Development Fund

                                     Outputs of the Think Tank
          • Input papers / discussion papers
          • Speeches
          • Conference materials
          • Collection of good practises
          • Exchanges / Hearings with important stakeholders (e.g. Regulation
            authorities, Service Providers, Spatial Planning authorities etc.). Not
          • Make results available for the preparation and implementation of the next
            EU-programming period 2021 – 27.

European Regional Development Fund

                   Possible contents of the website
          •       General presentation of the concept of SGI
          •       Database on existing strategies and laws in the Alps (from Intesi)
          •       Trends in SGI regulation
          •       Trends in SGI-service provision
          •       Presentation of interesting and innoative solutions for SGI-provision
          •       Mapping of actual state of SGI
          •       News-section
          •       Interactive section as a collaborative platform for the Think tank
          •       ...


European Regional Development Fund

                          Composition of the think tank
   1)    Thomas Egger, Director of the Swiss Centre for mountain regions (CH, chair)
   2)    Dr. Kurt Rakobitsch, responsible for local and regional planning of the Bundesland Kärnten (AT)
   3)    Prof. Dr. Gabi Troeger-Weiss, Prof. for regional development and regional planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (DE)
   4)    Tbc. Representative from the Bundesland Bayern (DE)
   5)    Matthias Dietrich, responsible for public affairs of the Swiss Post (CH)
   6)    Ulrich Höllrigl, Vice-director of the Südtiroler Bauernbund (IT)
   7)    Dr. Thomas Streifeneder, Head of the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management of EURAC in Bolzano (IT)
   8)    Raffaele Raja, Director of the Lombardy Region Delegation to the EU in Brussels and member of the Executive Board of EUSALP (IT)
   9)    Alberto Ceriani, Senior researcher and executive at Éupolis Lombardia (IT)
   10)   Dr. Ferdinando Stanta, advisor on public transport regulation and economics (IT)
   11)   Gianni Nuti, Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta (IT)
   12)   Lenča Humerca Šolar, Head of Sector for strategic spatial development at the Ministry oft he Environment and Spatial Planning,
         Directorate for Spatial Planning, Constructing and Housing (SLO)
   13)   Bojan Sever, Mayor of the municipality of Idrija (SLO)
   14)   Ana Ogrič Lapajne, Medical director of health centre Idrija (SLO)
   15)   Adrien Devos, Adrets Association pour le Développement en Réseau des Territoires et des Services (F)
   16)   Benoit Lemozit, Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires CGET (F)

European Regional Development Fund

                             Provisional working program
          • Actual state of SGI in the Alps (Input from Intesi)
          • Upcoming challenges (Input by Think Tank Members and / or external
          • Actual strategies and legislation on SGI and tendencies
          • New technological and organisational solutions

          The Think Tank-meetings shall take two half days. Mainly combined with
          meetings of Intesi and / or EUSALP AG5 (for logistical reasons). The meetings
          could have a strategic part and a part with reflections on EUSALP and Intesi.


European Regional Development Fund

                             Provisional working program
  Timeframe:                         Strategic reflection:               Reflection on EUSALP AG5:
  February 2017 (CH)                 Kick-off, structuration of work     Get acquainted with Intesi and

  June 2017 (F):                     Inputs on upcoming challenges       Reflect on collection of strategies
                                     for SGI                             from Intesi and AG5-activities.

  January 2018 (IT):                 Solutions for upcoming challenges   Reflection on integrated models
                                     (Policy-level + Good practices)     developped in Intesi

  June 2018 (AT):                    New, innovative ways of service     Reflection on policy
                                     provision and regulation            recommendations from Intesi

European Regional Development Fund

                             Provisional working program
  Timeframe:                         Strategic reflection:               Reflection on EUSALP AG5:
  January 2019 (..)                  SGI in the future cohesion policy   Recommendations for AG5 after
                                                                         2019 (end of AlpGov-project)

  June 2019 (..):                    How to involve the end-users        Reflect on new strategic initiatives
                                     in the development of SGI           for EUSALP AG5

  January 2020 (..):                 New funding schemes for             Context between macroregions
                                     SGI-provision                       and cohesion policy

  June 2020 (..):                    (...)                               (...)

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