Wedding with a Twist Honours Joyce Legacy

La page est créée Dominique Hamon
Séquence     8                Public cible           2de, 1e, Tale, Post-bac    /     Écouter, Parler, Écrire : B1 / B2

   Wedding with a Twist Honours Joyce Legacy
   Pendant les festivités organisées autour de Bloomsday à Dublin, nous rencontrons
   Alfreda O’Brien et son fiancé qui vont se marier tout en participant à cette fête dublinoise.

    RTÉ reporter: It’s not how every bride spends her wedding morning. But today our Alfreda O’Brien cycled
    through the Joycian streets of Dublin in aid of the Irish Youth Foundation.
    Alfreda O’Brien: My mum’s family is from Northern Italy, and it’s rumoured that my nonno, my Italian
    grandfather, met Joyce in Trieste, when he was on holidays, and my mum is probably the first person I met
    and know to actually read the whole of Ulysses.
    RTÉ reporter: It was all about love of Joyce, Dublin City and each other.
    Alfreda O’Brien: It’s a great way to celebrate Dublin, because it’s a fabulous city and I think we need to
    take our own pride in what we have, because it’s free, hop on a bike, there’s lots to see, beautiful sights,
    and it’s just a magic way to spend a wedding day!
    RTÉ reporter: This isn’t the only event happening to celebrate Joyce over the next few days.
    Mark Traynor, Director, James Joyce Centre: We’ve got all the traditional stuff like the Bloomsday
    breakfast, which takes place at the James Joyce Centre, and probably one of the biggest things we’re
    doing is the global reading of Ulysses.
    RTÉ reporter: This Sunday is Bloomsday, but today’s date, the 14th, is also significant.
    Paul Kennedy, actor: James Joyce shows very particularly the 16th of June 1904 as “Bloomsday.” The
    reason was very, very simple: it was the very first day that he walked out, or had a date, with Nora Barnacle,
    obviously she was to become his wife. But little known is the fact that it wasn’t their first date. Their first date
    was the 14th, and of course, she stood him up!
    RTÉ reporter: So was the groom worried that the bride wouldn’t show?
    The groom: I think she’ll show, oh yeah… definitely, well I hope so!
    RTÉ reporter: A quick change of dress and the blooming bride arrived on time.

                                                                                Helen Donohue, RTÉ News, Dublin.

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Objectifs et démarche pédagogique

Liens avec les programmes culturels de lycée
 ¾¾ Thème culturel de seconde : cette séquence concerne la notion de « Mémoire : héritages et ruptures » dans
    le thème du programme de seconde « L’art de vivre ensemble ».
 ¾¾ Thème culturel du cycle terminal Ø Gestes fondateurs et mondes en mouvement.
     Notions abordées :
  ŠŠEspaces et échanges (un espace littéraire mondialisé).
  ŠŠMythes et Héros : James Joyce, écrivain emblématique en Irlande, et son héros, Léopold Bloom.
 ¾¾ Liens avec le programme de littérature :
  ŠŠL’écrivain dans son siècle.
  ŠŠLe personnage, ses figures et ses avatars, l’imaginaire.

 Peut comprendre une grande partie des programmes télévisés sur des sujets d’intérêt personnel, tels que
 brèves interviews, conférences et journal télévisé si le débit est relativement lent et la langue assez clairement
 articulée. – Écouter, B1
 Peut comprendre la plupart des journaux et magazines télévisés. – Écouter, B2
 Peut donner brièvement raisons et explications relatives à des opinions, projets et actions. – Parler, B1
 Peut développer méthodiquement une argumentation en mettant en évidence les points significatifs et les
 éléments. – Parler, B2
 Peut écrire un essai ou un rapport qui développe une argumentation en apportant des justifications pour ou
 contre un point de vue particulier et en expliquant les avantages et les inconvénients de différentes options.
                                                                                                         Écrire, B2

Faits de langue
 ¾¾ Le passage du style direct à indirect, les changements nécessaires quand on rapporte des pensées ou
 ¾¾ Les temps du présent, du passé et du futur.

Contenu lexical
 ¾¾ Le lexique du mariage : bride; groom; wedding; husband; wife; to stand someone up; to show; a date; celebrate.
 ¾¾ Les vêtements : long dresses; wedding gown; bowler hat; suit; cane; gloves; old-fashioned.

40                     Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 28 / octobre-décembre 2013
Exploitation de l’extrait vidéo
   ¾¾ Un travail en amont pourrait être utile pour intéresser les élèves davantage à cette journée spéciale à
      Dublin, le Bloomsday. Je propose une webquest qui s’effectuera dans une salle informatique avec accès
      aux ordinateurs reliés à Internet (ou alors à la maison avant le cours d’anglais). Les élèves doivent faire des
      recherches sur l’auteur, James Joyce, puis sur son célèbre roman, Ulysses, et son héros, Léopold Bloom,
      puis sur les célébrations de Bloomsday à Dublin et dans le monde.
   ¾¾ Quelques sites à visiter par les élèves :
   ¾¾ Après quelques minutes de recherches, on fait la mise en commun des informations trouvées et on peut
      demander à un élève de faire d’abord une présentation biographique de James Joyce, et ensuite à un autre
      une présentation sur le roman, Ulysses. Puis, un autre élève parlera sur les célébrations de Bloomsday à
      Dublin et dans le monde.
   ¾¾ On peut ensuite faire un arrêt sur l’image fixe au début de la séquence pour parler de ce couple en costume
      un peu anachronique sur leurs vélos rétros au milieu d’une rue d’une ville moderne : Dublin.
   ¾¾ On peut revoir le lexique vestimentaire et faire émettre des hypothèses sur ce couple. Maintenant, les élèves
      peuvent deviner que le couple participe aux célébrations de Bloomsday à Dublin.
A. Overall Comprehension
   ¾¾ Visionner une première fois l’extrait vidéo en entier avec les élèves. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez recueillir
      la réaction des élèves « à chaud » sur le reportage, soit en français, soit en anglais selon leur niveau, puis
      revoir avec eux les réponses à apporter pour cette compréhension globale.
B. Detailed Compréhension
   ¾¾ Visionner ensuite la vidéo une nouvelle fois en faisant des pauses aux endroits nécessaires, pour laisser le
      temps aux élèves de noter les réponses sur la fiche de travail. Répéter le visionnage, si besoin.
C. Final Task: Write a letter and a wedding invitation.
  ¾¾ Imagine you are getting married in Dublin on Bloomsday and want to organise your wedding around this event.
      Write a letter to your closest friends to invite them to spend the day with you at the Bloomsday celebration
      before the wedding, and suggest activities to do with them. Also write a formal wedding invitation to your


Liens avec des sites internet
  ¾¾ Avec les liens cités dans la partie Introduction :

  ¾¾ Password Literature chez Didier.

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Corrigé des activités
A. Overall Comprehension
1. Why does Alfreda talk about her mother and her grandfather?
   She talks about her mother because she was the first person she knew who had read Ulysses in its
   entirety. Her grandfather came from Italy and he met Joyce in Trieste.
2. Why is she carrying flowers in the basket of her bicycle?
   She is selling flowers for the Irish Youth Foundation.
3. How does she feel about Dublin City?
   She says it’s a fabulous city with lots of sites to see and it’s free when you hop on a bike!
   She loves Dublin.
4. What is she going to do later today?
   She’s going to get married.

B. Detailed Comprehension
1. Answer the questions.
  a. Name the two other events mentioned that will be taking place on Bloomsday in Dublin.
     The Bloomsday breakfast and the global reading of Ulysses.
  b. Why did James Joyce choose the 16th of June for the date of Bloomsday in his novel, according to the man in
     the black hat?
     Because that was the day that he and his fiancée, Nora Barnacle, first went out on a date.
  c. Is it Bloomsday on the day that Alfreda is getting married in the video? What date is it?
     No, in the video it’s the 14th of June, two days before Bloomsday.
  d. Why is this day significant in the life of James Joyce, according to the man in the black hat?
     This day is significant to James Joyce because it was the day that he asked Nora Barnacle out on a
     date and she stood him up!
  e. Why might the groom feel a little nervous about the arrival of the bride today?
     Well, he might be worried that the bride will stand him up, too!

2. Work on grammar – Reported and direct speech.
  a. Fill in the blanks in this extract of the video transcript.
     Voice over: So was the groom worried that the bride wouldn’t show?
     The groom: I think she’ll show, oh yeah… definitely, well I hope so!
     ŠŠAlthough this question isn’t really in indirect speech, in the context, we can understand that it is asked to allow
       the groom to give his answer in direct speech. Can you transform the journalist’s question to a direct question
       for the groom?
        → Are you worried that the bride won’t show?
 b. Transform these sentences from direct speech to reported speech:
    1. “My mum’s family is from Northern Italy.”
      She said her mum’s family was from Northern Italy.
    2. “I think she’ll show!”
      He said he thought she would (she’d) show.
    3. “This isn’t the only event happening to celebrate Joyce.”
      She said this wasn’t the only event happening to celebrate Joyce.
    4. “One of the biggest things we’re doing is the global reading of Ulysses.”
      He said one of the biggest things they were doing was the global reading of Ulysses.

42                       Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 28 / octobre-décembre 2013
Séquence                8       Wedding with a Twist Honours Joyce Legacy

                                                                                                                                                                             Fiche d’activités
Nom :                                                                                            Classe :                                 Date :

 A. Overall Comprehension
 1. Why does Alfreda talk about her mother and her grandfather?
 2. Why is she carrying flowers in the basket of her bicycle?
 3. How does she feel about Dublin City?
 4. What is she going to do later today?

 B. Detailed Comprehension
 1. Answer the questions.
   a. Name the two other events mentioned that will be taking place on Bloomsday in Dublin.
    b. Why did James Joyce choose the 16th of June for the date of Bloomsday in his novel, according to the
       man in the black hat?
    c. Is it Bloomsday on the day that Alfreda is getting married in the video? What date is it?
    d. Why is this day significant in the life of James Joyce, according to the man in the black hat?
    e. Why might the groom feel a little nervous about the arrival of the bride today?

 2. Work on grammar – Reported and direct speech.
   a. Fill in the blanks in this extract of the video transcript.
      Voice over: So ............................. the groom worried that the bride ............................ show?
      The groom: I think she ......................... show, oh yeah… definitely, well I hope so!
        ŠŠAlthough this question isn’t really in indirect speech, in the context, we can understand that it is asked
          to allow the groom to give his answer in direct speech. Can you transform the journalist’s question to
          a direct question for the groom?
           → ...........................................................................................................................................................
        ŠŠWhat happens here when the style goes from direct to reported speech?

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Séquence               8       Wedding with a Twist Honours Joyce Legacy
Fiche d’activités

                    Nom :                                                                                             Classe :                                 Date :

                         b. Transform these sentences from direct speech to reported speech:
                            1. “My mum’s family is from Northern Italy.”
                              She said .................................................................................................................................................
                            2. “I think she’ll show!”
                              He said ..................................................................................................................................................
                            3. “This isn’t the only event happening to celebrate Joyce.”
                              She said ................................................................................................................................................
                            4. “One of the biggest things we’re doing is the global reading of Ulysses.”
                              He said one of the biggest things ..........................................................................................................

                     C. Final Task: Write a letter and a wedding invitation.
                       Imagine you are getting married in Dublin on Bloomsday and want to organise your wedding around this
                       Write a letter to your closest friends to invite them to spend the day with you at the Bloomsday celebration
                       before the wedding, and suggest activities to do with them. Also write a formal wedding invitation to your


                    44                                Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 28 / octobre-décembre 2013
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