


                                                                                    ICTAE F

                                                                         S   ID         
                                                                  LITATI        E
                                                                                              Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                      CIFA INITIAL CONTRIBUTOR

                 FINANCING THE SDGs?

                       “FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT FORUM (FfD)”
                Tuesday, April 13, 2021 —Videoconference via Zoom conducted by CIFA
      “This event has been co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations”

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                                                                                                                    LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                                                                                                                         Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LE GROUPEMENT EN BREF

  Le Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—GSCGI—
  est votre Groupement Professionnel Indépendant qui:
  ▶           Depuis 28 ans, défend auprès des autorités compétentes les intérêts de ses Membres et de
              leurs professions, les représentent en Suisse (DFF, SFI, FINMA), en Europe (via la FECIF) et
              mondialement (via la CIFA).
  ▶           Propose d’importantes solutions utiles pour ses Membres, telles que:
               • service juridique
               • plan-cadre d’assurance RC professionnelle
               • contrat-type de gestion discrétionnaire
               • contrat-type de conseil financier
               • accord cadre de formation continue avec l’AZEK
               • permanence fiscale
               • accord cadre avec BRP SA pour les risques ‘Cross-Border’ et ‘Suitability’
               • solutions externes pour les services de compliance officer et risk control manager
               • conférences mensuelles éducatives
  ▶           Publie le WealthGram, magazine ‘en ligne’ mensuel de ses Membres. Tout ce qui est important
              et utile à connaître sur les investissements et leur analyse, l’environnement réglementaire, la
              fiscalité, la jurisprudence, etc., vous est présenté chaque mois dans ce magazine.
              Éditions récentes...

                                            LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE                                                                          LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE                                                                  LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE                                                             LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE
                                            DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI                                                                          DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI                                                                  DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI                                                             DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI


                                                             Vol. X                                                                                       Vol. X                                                                              Vol. X                                                                             Vol. IX
                                                       N° 105 - Avril 2021                                                                         N° 104 - Mars 2021                                                                 N° 103 - Février 2021                                                              N° 100 - Octobre 2020

                  DIGITAL ASSETS:                                                                  L’ÉCONOMIE CIRCULAIRE: UN MODÈLE DE CRÉATION DE VALEUR                                      LES GFI AUX CÔTÉS DE LEURS CLIENTS                                              10 ANS AVANT ET APRÈS:
              THE FUTURE OF BANKING                                                                  L’ESG EST DEVENU SOLUBLE DANS LA «FINANCE FINANCIÈRE»                                       DANS UN ENVIRONNEMENT RÈGLEMENTAIRE EN MUTATION                         performance, diversification et mise en œuvre
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                                                                                                                                                                                               IAMs AT THE SIDE OF THEIR CUSTOMERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Optimisation, suivi et contrôle
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    suite of regulated banking services in the
    emerging digital economy.
                                                                                                                    Renforcer vos performances financières.                                                                                                                                           de      risques
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                                                                                                                 Accroître des valeurs sociétales et économiques.                                                                                                                                     de      gouvernance
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                          Membre Partenaire du GSCGI                                                                         Membre du GSCGI                                                                                                                                                  Membre du GSCGI

   Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—                             Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—                        Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—      Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—

  Editeur: G S C G I                                                                                   Les informations contenues dans le présent document sont basées sur des articles obtenus auprès des                                                          Advisory Committee Director,
                                                                                                       auteurs, des services statistiques reconnus, des rapports ou communications des auteurs, ou d’autres
  7, rue François Versonnex                                                                            sources jugées fiables. Toutefois, ces informations n’ont pas été vérifiées par le GSCGI, et le GSCGI ne fait
                                                                                                       aucune déclaration quant à leur exactitude ou leur exhaustivité. Toute déclaration de nature non factuelle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Maquette & Réalisation:
                                                                                                       ne constitue que des opinions courantes, qui sont sujettes à changement.
  CH - 1207 Genève/Suisse                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cosima F. Barone
                                                                                                       Information contained herein is based on articles obtained from the authors, recognized statistical services,
  Tél. +41 (0) 22 736 18 22                                                                            issuer reports or communications, or other sources, believed to be reliable. However, such information
                                                                                                       has not been verified by GSCGI, and GSCGI does not make any representation as to its accuracy or
                                                                                                       completeness. Any statement nonfactual in nature constitute only current opinions, which are subject
                                                                                                       to change.

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                            LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
     THE IFA’S
                                                                 Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021

 2    LE GROUPEMENT EN BREF                               20   IN GLOBO
      Le Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion             Various by CFB.
      Indépendants—GSCGI—est votre Groupement
      Professionnel Indépendant.
                                                          21   ANALYSES & PLACEMENTS
                                                               - Surveiller la reprise mondiale. SYZ Group,
                                                                 Membre Partenaire du GSCGI
      Le WealthGram a 10 ans! Questionnaire...                 - Why More U.S. Inflation Is Right Around the
                                                                 Corner. Prof. Steve H. Hanke.
 5    LE SPONSOR DE MAI 2021
      CIFA—Convention of Independent Financial
      Advisors. AFTER COVID-19, NEW THINKING
                                                          24   LE COIN TECHNIQUE
                                                               - Resumption of Downtrend of US$ Index! BEST.
      ON CREATING REAL VALUE AND FINANCING                     - Commodities’ relentless rise may pause mid/
      THE SDGs?                                                  late Q2. MJT.

      Retrouvez ici, dans la prochaine édition, les            Société Générale—May 19, 2021
      Membres Hermès-Elite du GSCGI.

                                                          27   LES CONFÉRENCES MENSUELLES DU GSCGI
                                                               Nos Réunions mensuelles et Conférences en
      FECIF informs... latest information from: EIOPA,         présentiel sont temporairement interrompues.
      European Commission, ESMA and EBA.

                                                          28   LA CONFÉRENCE MENSUELLE DU GSCGI
                                                               - 22 Avril 2021: Programme de formation
      CIFA informs... Program of CIFA’s FfD Side                 continue LSFin. Accord-cadre AZEK—GSCGI.
      Even, co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of              - 28 Avril 2021: Services, Produits et Compétence
      Uruguay to the United Nations.                             Fiscale. Accord-cadre BRPSA—GSCGI

      - FINMA—Handover of CEO role on 1 May 2021.              THE GOD EQUATION: THE QUEST FOR A
      - Joint Statement on the U.S.-EU Joint Financial         THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Michio Kaku
        Regulatory Forum.

      - La contestation tardive d’opérations bancaires.
      - SFI: Le réseau des FinTech vertes présente son         CLIN D’OEIL À L’HISTOIRE
        plan d’action.                                         Inflation is here. Will it be ‘Transitory’?

19    ASSURANCE RC PROFESSIONNELLE                        32   LE SPONSOR DE MAI 2021
      Plan-Cadre d’Assurance Responsabilité Civile             CIFA—Convention of Independent Financial
      Professionnelle pour les Membres du GSCGI.               Advisors—

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                            LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                                 Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021

  Le WealthGram a 10 ans!

  Le WealthGram, tribune mensuelle des Membres du              Le WealthGram se dote d’un nouveau ‘design’ en ce mois
  GSCGI, est VOTRE magazine! Il a été créé en 2012 afin        de mai 2021.
  de vous permettre de communiquer vos connaissances           Désireux d’améliorer davantage nos services aux
  et expériences professionnelles, vos analyses, votre         Membres du GSCGI ainsi qu’aux lecteurs en général, de
  vision, vos stratégies d’investissement, ceci aux lecteurs   comprendre vos intérêts et besoins actuels, permettez-
  en Suisse et au-delà de nos frontières.                      nous de vous poser ces quelques questions.
  Vous, les Membres du Groupement, avez la priorité de         Le questionnaire ci-après est court et se compose de 5
  publication. A chaque publication de vos articles et de      questions.
  votre logo & publicité, votre professionnalisme aura une     Par avance, nous vous remercions de votre précieuse
  visibilité très largement agrandie.                          participation.

                             QUESTIONNAIRE — WealthGram — MAI 2021
                                     A retourner SVP au Secrétariat du Groupement.

                1. Le WealthGram du GSCGI vous est envoyé une fois par mois. Cette fréquence
                   est pour vous:
                   ⬜ bonne        ⬜ insuffisante      ⬜ trop fréquente

                2. Quels sujets en particulier attendez-vous de trouver dans le WealthGram?
                   ⬜ financier ⬜ juridique-jurisprudence-régulation ⬜ métiers des GFI
                   ⬜ solutions et services du GSCGI pour les Membres
                   ⬜ analyses ... indiquer préférences _______________________________
                   ⬜ conférences/GSCGI ⬜ conférences/Membres ⬜ conférences/autres
                   ⬜ communication Membres ...         ⬜ produits ⬜ analyses ⬜ autres
                   ⬜ autre & commentaire ... _____________________________________

                3. Souhaitez-vous une nouvelle rubrique «Boîte à Outils» pour y référencer les
                   fournisseurs de services qui s’adressent aux GFI? ⬜ oui ⬜ non
                   Avez-vous des suggestions par rapport à vos attentes? _________________

                4. En ce qui concerne le format du WealthGram, préférez-vous:
                   ⬜ des analyses détaillées           ⬜ des articles courts
                   ⬜ autre & commentaire ... _____________________________________

                5. Avez-vous d’autres suggestions? _________________________________

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                            LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                                 Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                                         LE SPONSOR DE MAI 2021

                         “FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT FORUM (FfD)”
                     Tuesday, April 13, 2021 —Videoconference via Zoom conducted by CIFA
          “This event has been co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations”

  Welcome address by Alejandro KATZ, Representative of the Permanent Mission of Uruguay to
  the United Nations...
  I’m honored to open today´s event, both because
  of the importance of its matters but because of the
  institution behind it. It’s a great please to co-host this
  event with the Convention of Independent Financial
  Advisors (CIFA).

  Our cooperation with CIFA has proven extremely
  fruitful and I am delighted to be joining this activity
  in representation of Uruguay.

  The way we envisage the post COVID-19 world is               You can count on Uruguay as a partner in this
  already a critical question. But when we add the             endeavor. You will see us working side by side with
  importance of facing the SDGs in this context, we            you in providing long lasting solutions in order to
  realize that there is a lot of work to do.                   achieve the goals within the SDG 1 as a top priority.

  The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic As I have mentioned, it is with a great pleasure to
  will strike fearlessly on the implementation of the my country to co-host this event.
  17 Sustainable Development Goals. However, it
  is the SDG number 1, End poverty in all its forms Thank you very much for your attention.
  everywhere where we will see a considerable threat
  to its plausible implementation.

  Uruguay is transitioning from being a middle-
  income country, to a higher per capita one. However,
  the effects of the pandemic have shown us how
  structural gaps and liabilities can not always be
  shown by the sole per capita income measure.

  It is in this environment where we find fundamental
  to count on the role of the private sector, but also
  the civil society and the academia participating
  in providing ideas to reduce poverty in such a
  challenging environment.

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                         LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                              Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                                     LE SPONSOR DE MAI 2021

  Introductory Remarks – Tony Mahabir, President of CIFA
  Good afternoon Excellencies, fellow heads of NGOs The old adage by the French writer Jean-Baptiste
  and distinguished guests!                                Karr stated in 1849: “plus ça change, plus c’est la
                                                           même chose” ... in English: “the more things change,
  On behalf of CIFA, I also want to express our deep the more they continue to be the same”.
  and profound gratitude and appreciation to our co-
  host: The Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the Allow me to share a few but significant things that
  United Nations and in particular His Excellency are as revelent and permanent in the post-Covid era
  Senior Alejandro Katz!                                   as they were pre-Covid:
                                                           1. Society and the private sector have to create real
  The achievement of the UN 2030 Sustainable                   wealth, as they have in the past.
  Development Goals could get significantly side 2. Sustainability is wealth creation!
  tracked or delayed if we face another financial crisis! 3. Subsidized economies were not sustainable in the
  However, we are living in “fantasy land” if we think         past and probably won’t be in the future. Let us
  that another financial crisis and its destructive            not promote “addiction through subsidization”.
  behavior are behind us.
                                                           We all know that human capital and personal
  We are currently still calculating the “financial empowerment cannot be realized to its full potential
  destruction” as a result of Covid-19. So far, 225Million unless we eradicate poverty, and promote financial
  jobs have been lost worldwide and the International literacy and accessibility.
  Monetary Fund projects that, even with the $18
  trillion USD that has already been spent to stimulate Finally, could externalities like the creation of “new
  economies around the world, the global economy currencies”, “digital gold” if you will, aka crypto
  will lose $12 trillion USD, or more, by the end of 2021. which can be issued without a central bank, be the
                                                           next weapons of wealth destruction or could it be
  From CIFA’s point of view, the question is not strategically deployed as a tool for greater liquidity
  whether another “financial crisis” is looming on the around the world?
  horizon, but instead how do we create a “resilient,
  sustainable, and inclusive” financial infrastructure to We hope our debate today is not only insightful, but
  mitigate wealth destruction?                             through divergent views we can come to agree on
                                                           a common set of values and shared understanding
  Similar to the broader acceptance on the street with to address these highly complex and international
  these evolving times, that the world will be entering challenges before us!
  a “New Normal” post Covid-19, one can’t help but
  wonder:                                                  If this modest goal is achieved today, then CIFA would
  ▶ Is Monetary Policy going to transition to a “New have met its mandate to contribute constructively
      Normal” as well?                                     to this wonderful 2021 Financing for Development
  ▶ Are the traditional fiscal incentives going to be forum by the UN!
      replaced by something newer?                         So let the great debate begin. I turn you over to our
  ▶ Is Multi-lateralism dead and a thing of the past?      influential Moderator, Dan Mitchell!

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                       LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                            Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                           LES MEMBRES PARTENAIRES DU GSCGI

  Le Groupement apprécie beaucoup la fidélité des ses Membres Partenaires et tient à les remercier de leur
  précieuse collaboration et de leur contribution (sponsorship et articles) au succès du WealthGram.
  Retrouvez ici, dans la prochaine édition, les Membres Hermès-Elite du GSCGI.

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                          LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                               Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                            LE GSCGI EN EUROPE & MONDE

  FECIF informs...                                                                        Francesco Surace | Analyst
                                                                     Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. | Rome | Milan | Brussels

  FECIF NewsFlash 60/2021—EIOPA: Discussion by 29 July. The feedback is welcome to all parts
  paper on blockchain and smart contracts in of discussion paper covering blockchain, smart
  insurance                                  contract and crypto assets use cases in insurance,
                                                           related risks and benefits and regulatory barriers as
  Executive Summary—The European Insurance and             well as possible European approach to blockchain
  Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published        and smart contracts in insurance. EIOPA will assess
  a discussion paper on blockchain and smart contracts     the feedback to better understand and address
  in insurance. EIOPA invites stakeholders to provide      blockchain developments in the insurance sector as
  their views by filling in the EU survey by 29 July.      well as the risks and benefits related to them.

  Analysis—The aim of the paper is to provide a high- Sources—The discussion paper is available here. The
  level overview of risks and benefits of blockchain consultation here.
  and smart contracts in insurance from a supervisory
  perspective as well as to gather feedback from                           ***
                                                           FECIF    NewsFlash      58/2021—European
  On one hand, blockchain has the potential to             Commission: new sustainable finance package
  deliver key digital opportunities, reduce duplication
  of processes, increase process automation and            Executive Summary—The European Commission
  efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and            today adopted a package of measures aimed at
  improve data quality. On the other hand, the             encouraging capital flows to sustainable assets
  adoption of blockchain may also trigger new risks to     across the European Union.
  insurers, supervisors, and consumers. As blockchain
  technology is still evolving, several challenges are    Analysis—Today’s (April 21, 2021) measures include:
  emerging, such as the complexity of the technology,     ■ The delegated act on the climate aspects of the
  energy consumption, data protection and privacy,           EU taxonomy.
  cyber risk, integration with legacy infrastructures,    ■ A proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability
  or interoperability and standardisation between            reporting.
  different blockchains.                                  ■ Six amending delegated acts related to fiduciary
                                                             duties and investment advice and insurance that
  Although the current regulatory and supervisory            will ensure that financial firms, such as advisors,
  framework can be considered mostly effective               asset managers or insurers, include sustainability
  to address emerging risks, specific issues should          in their procedures and in the investment advice
  be considered, based on the evolution of the               they provide to clients.
  technology and its uses in business processes. It is
  important to ensure appropriate understanding by In order to ensure transition in the financial sector,
  insurance undertakings and supervisors as well as the elements of the package aim is to improve
  proportionate governance policies and processes, the reliability and comparability of sustainability
  to guarantee that all relevant risks are identified and information. Aimed at redirecting investor interest
  properly managed.                                       towards more sustainable technologies and
                                                          businesses, today’s measures are part of the EU
  EIOPA invites stakeholders to provide their views institutions’ ongoing efforts to make Europe climate
  to this discussion paper by filling in the EU survey neutral by 2050.

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                        LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                             Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                         LE GSCGI EN EUROPE & MONDE

  FECIF informs...                                                                     Francesco Surace | Analyst
                                                                  Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. | Rome | Milan | Brussels

  1. Delegated act on the climate aspects of the EU 2. A new directive on corporate sustainability
     taxonomy                                          reporting

  The EU taxonomy is a tool to provide transparency     Today’s proposal revises and strengthens the
  to companies and investors, who will find in it a     existing rules introduced by the Directive on non-
  common language that they can use whenever            financial disclosure. The European Commission
  they invest in projects and economic activities with  aims to create a set of rules that will, over time,
  significant positive impacts on the climate and       put sustainability reporting on an equal footing
  the environment. It will also introduce disclosure    with financial reporting. EU sustainability reporting
  requirements for companies and financial market       requirements will be extended to all large and listed
  participants. A communication, also adopted by the    companies, bringing the number of companies
  College today, sets out the Commission’s approach     in the EU that will have to comply with detailed
  in more detail.                                       standards to nearly 50,000, compared to 11,000
                                                        that are currently subject to existing requirements.
  The delegated act agreed to by the College of The Commission proposes to develop standards
  Commissioners introduces the first set of technical for large companies and separate, proportionate
  screening criteria designed to define activities that standards for SMEs, which unlisted SMEs can use
  contribute substantially to two of the environmental on a voluntary basis.
  objectives under the Taxonomy Regulation: climate
  change adaptation and climate change mitigation. Overall, the proposal aims to ensure that companies
  The criteria are based on the scientific opinion of publish reliable and comparable sustainability
  the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Sustainable information. The aim is to ensure consistency of
  Finance and were defined following a consultation. sustainability disclosures within the financial system
                                                        and companies will be required to report on the
  The scope of the delegated act covers the economic impact of sustainability issues, such as climate
  activities of around 40% of listed companies, in change, on their activities and the impact of their
  sectors that are responsible for almost 80% of direct activities on human rights.
  greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. This includes
  sectors such as energy, forestry, manufacturing, The proposal will also simplify the reporting process
  transport and construction. The delegated act for companies, many of which are currently obliged
  on the EU taxonomy is an evolving document, to apply a variety of rules and regulatory frameworks.
  which will continue to evolve over time in light The proposed EU sustainability disclosure rules are
  of developments and technological progress. The expected to be a kind of “one-stop shop” where
  criteria will be reviewed periodically so that new companies find a one-stop solution to meet
  sectors and activities, including transitional and the information needs of investors and other
  other enabling activities, can be added as they are stakeholders.
                                                        Regarding the next steps: The proposal will follow
  Regarding the next steps: the College of the ordinary legislative procedure. It will need to
  Commissioners reached a political agreement on be approved by both the European Parliament and
  the text today. The delegated act will be officially the Council. Once approved the directive will need
  adopted at the end of May when it has been to be transposed into national law by member
  translated into all EU languages.                     States.

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                         LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                              Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                           LE GSCGI EN EUROPE & MONDE

  FECIF informs...                                                                       Francesco Surace | Analyst
                                                                    Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. | Rome | Milan | Brussels

  3. Amendments to delegated acts on investment diminish the investment outcome for final investors.
     advice and insurance, fiduciary duties, and Clear and understandable information about the
     product governance and control                        impact of costs on the returns that retail investors
                                                           can expect to receive is key to allowing investors to
  The six amending acts adopted today encourage make informed investment decisions. Ensuring this
  the financial system to support both companies that information is made available is a key element in
  have embarked on the path to sustainability and meeting ESMA’s investor protection objective.
  those that are already sustainable...
  ■ Investment advice and insurance: when The main findings in the report are the following:
     considering whether an investment is suitable for ■ Fund costs: UCITS costs only marginally declined
     a client, the advisor will be required to discuss the   over time. For one-year investments they were
     client’s sustainability preferences with the client.    1.4% in 2019 compared to 1.5% in 2018 on average
  ■ Fiduciary duties: the changes clarify the                across asset classes;
     obligations a financial firm has when assessing its ■ Volatile returns: Average gross UCITS fund
     sustainability risks, such as the impact of flooding    performance depends on market developments
     on the value of investments.                            and varies significantly over time. It amounted to
  ■ Governance and oversight of insurance                    7.7% in 2019, while it reached no more than +0.2%
     and investment products: financial product              in 2018 for a one-year investment. The market
     manufacturers and financial advisors will be            impact of COVID-19 falls outside the reporting
     required to consider sustainability factors when        period;
     packaging their products.                             ■ Retail investors: Retail clients pay on average
                                                          around 40% more than institutional investors
  Sources—The Delegated act and the proposal for a
                                                          across asset classes. A ten-year investment of EUR
  directive on corporate sustainability disclosure are
                                                          10,000 in a portfolio composed of equity, bond
  available upon request from either FECIF or GSCGI.
                                                          and mixed funds led to a gross value of around
  The texts of the delegated acts on fiduciary duties
                                                          EUR 21,800 and EUR 18,600 after costs. Around
  are not yet available.
                                                          EUR 3,200 in costs were paid by the investor;
                                                        ■ Risks: Higher risk exposures entailed higher costs
                          ***                             irrespective of the asset class;
  FECIF NewsFlash 53/2021—ESMA: third ■ Active and passive funds: The evidence on
  annual statistical report on the cost and               cost structure showed that costs were higher
  performance of EU retail investment products            for active equity and bond UCITS compared to
                                                          passive and UCITS ETFs, ultimately implying
  Executive Summary—The European Securities and           net underperformance of active equity and
  Markets Authority (ESMA) published its third annual     bond UCITS, on average, compared to passive
  statistical report on the cost and performance of       and UCITS ETFs. Top-25% active equity UCITS
  European Union (EU) retail investment products.         overperformed compared to the top-25% passive
                                                          and related benchmarks, at shorter horizons.
  Analysis—In the report ESMA finds that the costs        However, the cohort of UCITS changes over time
  of investing in key financial products, such as         making it complicated for investors to consistently
  UCITS funds, retail alternative funds, and structured   identify outperforming UCITS;
  investment products (SRPs) remain high and ■ ESG funds: ESG outperformed non-ESG equity

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                          LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                               Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                            LE GSCGI EN EUROPE & MONDE

  FECIF informs...                                                                        Francesco Surace | Analyst
                                                                     Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. | Rome | Milan | Brussels

    UCITS mostly due to sectoral factors. According         Executive Summary—The European Banking
    to the evidence, actively managed ESG funds             Authority (EBA) published today a consultation
    showed lower costs than non-ESG, not supporting         paper on draft regulatory technical standards (RTS)
    the view that there is systematic greenwashing by       on disclosure of investment policy by investment
    ESG funds;                                              firms. The consultation runs until 01 July 2021.
  ■ Retail AIFs: Retail AIFs, similar to UCITS, showed
    high return volatility. While being negative in 2018,  Analysis—The draft RTS put forward comparable
    gross annualised returns in 2019 were 12% for Fund     disclosures that should help stakeholders understand
    of Funds (FoFs) and 9% for the residual category       investment firms’ influence over the companies in
    “Others” that includes investment primarily            which they have voting rights and the impact of
    focused on equity and bonds. Net returns confirm       investment firms’ policies on aspects such as the
    what has been observed for gross returns, being        governance or management of those companies.
    11% for FoFs and 7% for Others;                        The draft RTS put forward templates and tables
  ■ SRPs: The analysis on costs and performance            for the disclosure of information on the investment
    scenarios for SRPs showed that total costs were        firm’s voting behaviour, explanation of the votes, and
    largely attributable to entry costs and varied         the ratio of approved proposal, with the objective to
    substantially by country and payoff type. Moreover,    show if the investment firm is an active shareholder
    there was little difference in simulated returns       that generally uses its voting rights, and how it uses
    between moderate and favourable performance            them. They also include information on the use
    scenarios; and                                         of proxy advisory firms that should help address
  ■ Transparency: There is limited comparability           uncertainties about potential conflicts of interest.
    across Member States. Heterogeneity and data           Finally, they include information on investment
    availability issues persisted, as well as lack of      firms’ voting guidelines, including, when relevant, a
    harmonisation in national regulation.                  breakdown by geographical zone, economic sector or
                                                           topic of the resolution being voted. These disclosure
  This report aims at facilitating increased participation requirements apply to class 2 investment firms with
  of retail investors in capital markets by providing total assets above EUR 100 million. These firms will
  consistent EU-wide information on cost and have to disclose this information in relation to those
  performance of retail investment products. It also companies whose shares are admitted to trading on
  demonstrates the relevance of disclosure of costs a regulated market and in which the proportion of
  to investors, as required by the MiFID II, UCITS voting rights exceeds 5% of all voting rights issued
  and PRIIPs rules and the need for asset managers by the company.
  and investment firms to act in the best interest of
  investors, as laid down in MiFID II, and the UCITS Sources—Please follow this link in order to provide a
  and AIFM Directives.                                     feedback. The consultation paper is available at this
  Sources—The report is available here.
  FECIF NewsFlash 46/2021—EBA: consultation
  on regulatory technical standards on disclosure
  of investment policy by investment firms

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                                 LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                                      Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                       LE GSCGI EN EUROPE & MONDE
                  SIDE EVENT 0N THE MARGINS OF
                        THE 2021 UN ECOSOC
  CIFA informs...

               AFTER COVID-19, NEW THINKING
                         “FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT FORUM (FfD)”

                ON       CREATING REAL VALUE AND
                     Tuesday, April 13, 2021 —Videoconference via Zoom conducted by CIFA
          “This event has been co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations”

                            FINANCING THE SDGs?
                  AFTER COVID-19,           Tuesday, AprilNEW      13, 2021THINKING
                   ON CREATING                    01:15REAL
                                                         — 02:45pmVALUE AND
                                       Videoconference via Zoom conducted by CIFA

        Q & A with the audience:FINANCING                    THE          SDGs?
                                              Panel Discussion: about 1 hour
                                 about 45 minutes (Representatives of Member States, private sector and civil society)

                           This event is co-hosted by the Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations

  ■ Welcome address by Alejandro KATZ, Representative of the Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations
  ■ Introductory Remarks by Tony MAHABIR, President of CIFA

  William K. BLACK, Associate Professor of Economics and Law, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
  Steve H. HANKE, Professor of Applied Economics, Johns Hopkins University
  Stephanie KELTON, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Stony Brook University, USA
  Joe OLIVER, former Minister of Finance and Minister of Natural Resources, Canada
  Stephen B. YOUNG, Global Executive Director, The Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

  Daniel MITCHELL, Chairman, Center for Freedom and Prosperity

  All the valuable information, including
          CIFA — CONVENTION                      UN ECOSOC
                                      OF INDEPENDENT                 FfD mainADVISORS
                                                                 FINANCIAL         forum program       and Side-Events’
                                                                                               — A Non-Profit   Foundation program,
  CIFA’s side-event program,
   A Non-Governmental Organizationthe   Welcome
                                   in “general       Address,
                                               consultative status”the
                                                                    with Introductory    Remarks
                                                                          the Economic and           and(ECOSOC)
                                                                                           Social Council the main    debate
                                                                                                                 of the        video,
                                                                                                                        United Nations
  cand be found on...

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                         LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                              Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                      JURISTES, FISCALISTES & JURISPRUDENCE

  FINMA—Handover of CEO role on 1 May 2021

  Jan Blöchliger will replace Mark Branson as FINMA CEO ad interim on 1 May 2021.
  Michael Waldburger will head the Banks division ad interim from 1 April 2021.

  Following the resignation of FINMA CEO Mark The Executive Board has appointed Michael
  Branson (press release), FINMA’s Board of Directors Waldburger as a member of the Executive Board
  has finalised the details for the handover of power.   and head of the Banks division ad interim effective 1
                                                         April 2021 until further notice.
  As previously communicated, Mark Branson will
  hand over the role of CEO on 1 May 2021 ad interim Mark Branson will continue to support FINMA during
  to Jan Blöchliger, the current head of the Banks the transition period until the end of May 2021. His
  division. Jan Blöchliger will familiarise himself with employment will be terminated after a cooling-off
  his new role of interim CEO in April 2021. To enable period on 31 July 2021.
  him to do so, he will already hand over the leadership
  of the division from 1 April 2021.

                                  Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
                                             Laupenstrasse 27, 3003 Bern
                                      Phone +41 31 327 91 00, Fax +41 31 327 91 01
               Lien URL:


  Retrouvez également la FINMA en chiffres
  dans son Rapport Annuel de 2020...

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                         LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                              Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                      JURISTES, FISCALISTES & JURISPRUDENCE

  Joint Statement on the U.S.-EU Joint Financial Regulatory Forum

  Washington, DC—U.S. and EU participants in the          is likely to continue and cooperative international
  U.S.-EU Joint Financial Regulatory Forum (“the          engagement to mitigate financial stability risks
  Forum”) met virtually on March 24 and 25, 2021, to      remains critical.
  exchange views on topics of mutual interest as part
  of their ongoing financial regulatory dialogue.         Participants discussed issues and priorities relating
                                                          to sustainable finance, along with addressing
  U.S. participants included officials from the           climate-related financial risks, consistent with
  U.S. Department of the Treasury and staff from          their respective mandates. They shared views
  independent regulatory agencies, including: the         on U.S. administration efforts to tackle climate
  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System        change, and the EU’s implementation of its 2018
  (FRB), Commodity Futures Trading Commission             Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth,
  (CFTC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation           including the Taxonomy, ecolabels and green
  (FDIC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),       bond standards and the upcoming Sustainable
  and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).    Finance Strategy. The United States provided an
  U.S. participants expressed views on issues in their    update on sustainable finance-related financial
  respective areas of responsibility.                     disclosures, and EU participants did the same on
                                                          the revised Non-Financial Reporting Directive
  EU participants included representatives of the         proposal and application of the Sustainable Finance
  European Commission, European Banking Authority         Disclosure Regulation. Participants discussed a
  (EBA), European Securities and Markets Authority        broader assessment of and possible responses
  (ESMA), European Insurance and Occupational             to climate-related financial risks. Participants
  Pensions Authority (EIOPA), European Central Bank       also discussed different areas where cooperation
  (ECB), Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), and          could be intensified moving forward, including in
  Single Resolution Board (SRB).                          international forums like the G20, where the United
                                                          States is co-chairing the Sustainable Finance Study
  The Forum focused on six themes:                        Group, the International Platform for Sustainable
                                                          Finance, and others.
  (1) next steps in the COVID-19 recovery and
      mitigating financial stability risks,               Regarding banking, participants discussed measures
  (2) sustainable finance,                                taken to ensure that banks can help support the
  (3) multilateral and bilateral engagement in banking    economic recovery, and the implementation of
      and insurance,                                      Basel III reforms. Participants also discussed cross-
  (4) regulatory and supervisory cooperation in capital   border resolution developments, and FATCA issues.
      markets,                                            They also discussed developments in the field of
  (5) regulatory and supervisory developments             insurance, including the EU’s review of Solvency II,
      regarding financial innovation, and                 U.S. and EU insurance-related pandemic response
  (6) anti-money laundering and countering the            work, including on public-private partnerships, and
      financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) issues.            implementation of the U.S.-EU Covered Agreement.

  The COVID-19 crisis has had an unprecedented            On capital markets, participants discussed their
  impact on the global economy, and while the United      continued monitoring of the transition from panel
  States and the European Union are expected to           reference rates and the progress in their respective
  experience strong recoveries, heightened uncertainty    legislative and supervisory efforts to ensure a

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                         LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                              Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                      JURISTES, FISCALISTES & JURISPRUDENCE

  Joint Statement on the U.S.-EU Joint Financial Regulatory Forum

  smooth transition away from LIBOR. They took            stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies.
  note of EU efforts to implement public country-by-      Participants acknowledged the importance of
  country reporting. They also discussed the EU review    ongoing international work on financial innovation,
  of the Alternative Investment Fund Management           with a view to promote responsible innovation and
  Directive, and U.S. work on potential reform options    international supervisory cooperation.
  for money market funds. They also took stock of
  ongoing discussions regarding data transfers and the    Participants also discussed AML/CFT developments,
  registration of EU funds, SEC substituted compliance    including pandemic-related fraud and the laundering
  for EU-domiciled securities-based swap dealers in       of the proceeds, the AML provisions in the National
  the United States, and the European Commission’s        Defense Authorization Act, and EU AML Action
  equivalence decision for SEC-registered central         Plan implementation. Participants recognized the
  counterparties (CCPs). CCP recovery and resolution      potential for enhanced cooperation to combat
  developments were also mentioned. Participants          money laundering and terrorist financing bilaterally
  also discussed CFTC capital and financial reporting     and in the framework of FATF.
  requirements for swap dealers.
                                                          Participants acknowledged the importance of the
  The participants acknowledged the constructive audit    Forum in fostering ongoing financial regulatory
  oversight cooperation over the past decade between      dialogue between the United States and European
  the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board           Union, and agreed that regular communication on
  (PCAOB) and EU audit regulators, and recognized         regulatory and supervisory issues of mutual concern
  that the European Commission’s adequacy decision        should support financial stability, investor protection,
  supports continued cooperation in the interest of       market integrity, and a level playing field.
  investors and capital markets. The participants
  welcomed the European Data Protection Board’s           Participants will continue to engage on these topics,
  recently issued positive opinion on a data protection   as well as on other topics of mutual interest ahead
  agreement between the PCAOB and the French              of the next Forum meeting, which is expected to
  competent authority.                                    take place in the summer of 2021.

  In addition, participants shared views on regulatory
  and supervisory developments regarding financial
  innovation and recent efforts by the United States
  and the European Union to improve operational
  resilience in the financial sector. Participants
  also exchanged views on recent developments
  and regulatory proposals involving new forms of
  digital payments, including crypto-assets, so-called

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                           LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                                Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                        JURISTES, FISCALISTES & JURISPRUDENCE

  La contestation tardive d’opérations bancaires
                                        ...article de Célian Hirsch—Centre de droit bancaire et financier—
  À quelles conditions une clause de réclamation               de USD 500’000.-. Surprise et choquée, la cliente se
  déploie ses effets? Dans un arrêt du 1er décembre            plaint auprès de l’ancien chargé de relation de n’avoir
  2020, la Cour de justice genevoise se penche sur cette       jamais été informée de ces pertes.
  problématique à l’aune d’une affaire dans laquelle
  la cliente aurait tardé à contester des opérations       Après avoir demandé et reçu l’intégralité des relevés
  prétendument effectuées sans instruction (ACJC           bancaires, la cliente confirme à la banque qu’elle
  1747/2020, entré en force).                              les a bien examinés. Plus de trois mois plus tard, la
                                                           cliente se retourne contre la banque en alléguant
  La cliente, qui a étudié la finance et travaillé au sein qu’elle n’avait jamais autorisé les opérations forex.
  d’une banque en Angleterre, ouvre un compte à De son côté, le chargé de relation affirme n’avoir
  Genève. Elle n’octroie aucun mandat de gestion de jamais effectué d’opérations sans instruction de la
  fortune ou de conseil en placement à la banque. Elle cliente. Néanmoins, aucune trace d’instructions
  signe la documentation contractuelle, qui comprend relatives à des opérations sur le marché des changes
  notamment une clause de banque restante et une ne se trouve dans le dossier de la banque ou dans
  clause de réclamation. Cette dernière a la teneur les enregistrements d’entretiens téléphoniques. La
  suivante:                                                cliente allègue également qu’elle n’avait pas reçu
                                                           la documentation bancaire lorsqu’elle a signé les
  «Any complaints of the Account Holder regarding the accusés de réception.
  execution or non-execution of orders of any kind, or
  objections to a statement of account or safekeeping          Saisi d’une demande en paiement de USD
  account, or other communications, shall be submitted to      1’070’582.-, le Tribunal de première instance déboute
  the Bank immediately, or at the latest no later than one     la cliente. Il laisse ouverte la question de l’existence
  month after receipt of the corresponding advice. (…) The     d’instructions de la cliente. En effet, la cliente a, en
  Account Holder shall bear any damages and/or losses          tout état, ratifié les transactions. Vu ses connaissances
  resulting from late objections. (…)».                        et son expérience dans le domaine bancaire, il est
                                                               peu vraisemblable qu’elle ait signé des accusés de
  La cliente et son chargé de relation développent une         réception sans avoir reçu la documentation banque
  relation d’amitié. Ils échangent régulièrement par           restante. Elle pouvait par ailleurs comprendre, grâce
  téléphone et courrier électronique. À deux reprises, la      sa formation dans la finance, que son portefeuille
  cliente signe un accusé de réception confirmant que          comprenait des positions forex. Même si les parties
  la correspondance banque restante lui a été remise.          étaient liées par une relation execution only, la cliente
                                                               devait vérifier les documents remis. À défaut de
  Lors du départ du chargé de relation, un nouveau             contestation dans le délai, la cliente était réputée
  chargé appelle la cliente pour lui demander ce               avoir ratifié les opérations litigieuses.
  qu’elle veut faire avec les opérations sur le marché
  des changes, lesquelles avaient engendré des pertes

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                         LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                              Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                      JURISTES, FISCALISTES & JURISPRUDENCE

  La contestation tardive d’opérations bancaires
                                      ...article de Célian Hirsch—Centre de droit bancaire et financier—
  Sur appel de la cliente, la Cour de justice se penche expérience en matière bancaire, elle pouvait, ou
  sur la fiction de ratification découlant de la clause de à tout le moins devait, comprendre la portée de
  réclamation.                                              ces relevés de compte. Elle a d’ailleurs elle-même
                                                            affirmé, dans un courriel adressé au nouveau
  La Cour de justice commence par rappeler la chargé de relation, qu’elle avait examiné de manière
  jurisprudence du Tribunal fédéral relative à la minutieuse la documentation remise. Elle a
  validité de telles clauses. En particulier, la fiction de cependant attendu plusieurs mois, après ce dernier
  ratification s’applique aux opérations que le client courriel, pour contester les opérations litigieuses.
  aurait dû découvrir en y prêtant l’attention que les
  circonstances permettaient d’exiger de lui.               Par conséquent, la cliente a ratifié les opérations
                                                            litigieuses     en    recevant    effectivement    la
  La clause de réclamation est parfois jumelée d’une documentation pertinente qu’elle pouvait et devait
  clause de banque restante, laquelle entraine une comprendre et sans s’y opposer dans le délai de 30
  fiction de réception. Lorsque la banque s’écarte jours. L’appel est ainsi rejeté.
  intentionnellement des instructions de son client
  alors que rien ne le laissait prévoir, la banque Cet arrêt, qui examine de manière précise la
  commet un abus de droit en se prévalant de cette jurisprudence du Tribunal fédéral, est une bonne
  double fiction (réception et ratification). Cela étant, piqure de rappel de la portée des clauses de
  le Tribunal fédéral a récemment considéré que réclamation, ainsi que de la méthode à suivre afin de
  cette jurisprudence n’était pas applicable lorsque le juger de leur validité.
  client avait reçu la documentation et qu’il pouvait
  ou devait se rendre compte de l’irrégularité des Le tribunal examine d’abord si la documentation
  opérations (4A_449/2018 commenté in cdbf. a été effectivement remise. Dans la négative, la
  ch/1061). Il convient alors de constater l’étendue jurisprudence relative à l’abus de droit s’applique (cf.
  des connaissances du client afin de déterminer s’il et références citées). Si les documents
  était en mesure d’appréhender la documentation ont été remis, le juge constate dans un deuxième
  bancaire.                                                 temps si le client devait ou pouvait se rendre compte
                                                            de l’irrégularité des opérations. S’il ne dispose pas
  En l’espèce, la Cour de justice ne tranche pas la des connaissances ou d’expérience suffisantes, la
  question de la réception effective des documents clause de réclamation est inefficace. Dans l’autre
  lors de la signature des accusés de réception. En hypothèse, le juge vérifie en dernier lieu si le délai
  effet, la cliente a reçu en tout état la documentation d’opposition contractuel, en règle générale 30 jours,
  par courrier électronique après la discussion a été respecté. S’il n’a pas été respecté, l’abus de
  téléphonique avec le nouveau chargé de relation. droit peut à notre avis encore s’appliquer, bien que
  Elle était ainsi, dès cette réception, informée des de manière plus restrictive par rapport à la situation
  opérations litigieuses. Vu sa formation et son dans laquelle la documentation n’a pas été remise.

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                           LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                                Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                        JURISTES, FISCALISTES & JURISPRUDENCE

  SFI: Secrétariat d’État aux questions financières internationales
  Le réseau des FinTech vertes présente son plan d’action

  Le 8 avril 2021, le nouveau réseau qui réunit des start-
  up et des experts du domaine des FinTech vertes a
  présenté un plan d’action pour une place financière
  suisse verte et innovante. Ce plan est conforme à
  l’objectif du Conseil fédéral qui est de faire de la
  Suisse l’un des principaux centres mondiaux de
  services financiers numériques et durables.

  Le réseau des FinTech vertes a été créé en novembre
  2020, avec la collaboration du Secrétariat d’État
  aux questions financières internationales. Le
  plan d’action présenté par le réseau contient 16
  propositions concrètes qui sont axées sur l’avenir et
  qui visent à combiner technologies numériques et
  finance durable. Ces propositions vont de la création
  d’une plateforme de données sur la durabilité à la
  promotion de l’open finance ou à l’extension des
  possibilités de financement des FinTech vertes, en
  passant par le lancement d’un concours d’innovation
  pour les start-up de ce domaine.

  Le réseau entend que ses propositions incitent les
  autorités, les associations, les milieux scientifiques
  et les entreprises à réaliser des innovations
  prometteuses. Les propositions feront l’objet d’une
  vaste discussion lors d’une table ronde présidée par
  le conseiller fédéral Ueli Maurer le 19 mai 2021.

  Lien URL:

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
                                                            LA TRIBUNE MENSUELLE DES MEMBRES DU GSCGI
                                                                                 Vol.X — N°106 — Mai 2021
                                                                            ASSURANCE RC PROFESSIONNELLE

  Plan-Cadre d’Assurance Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle
                                                                                                       ... pour les Membres du GSCGI
  Le GSCGI offre à ses membres une couverture cadre                                  à l’abri de situations inattendues et génératrices de
  d’assurance exclusive, négociée avec les assureurs                                 conséquences financières parfois dévastatrices.
  ZURICH et LIBERTY. Ces deux assureurs sont                                         Pratiquement, les Membres pourront s’adresser
  nos partenaires exclusifs autorisés à présenter les                                au Secrétariat du GSCGI, ou à la Commission
  couvertures des risques (ci-après) aux conditions                                  Assurances, pour obtenir tous les renseignements.
  préférentielles pour les Membres du GSCGI.                                         Un formulaire/questionnaire spécifique du GSCGI
  Ces couvertures étendues et complètes —                                            a été édité pour obtenir les offres des assureurs, il
  Responsabilité     civile   professionnelle     (RCPI)                             figure sur le site web du Groupement et est donc à
  couvrant également les cas de médiation;                                           disposition des Membres. Il devra être complété par
  Responsabilité des dirigeants (D&O); Assurance                                     le gestionnaire de fortune et le Conseiller financier
  Fraude (FR); Assurance Cyber (AC) — offrent une                                    pour demander les offres avec la preuve de sa
  sécurité accrue aux Gestionnaires de fortune et                                    qualité de Membre et envoyé confidentiellement au
  Conseillers financiers dans leur activité quotidienne.                             courtier Patrimgest.
  L’assurance professionnelle met les professionnels                                 Le GSCGI n’a pas accès à ces informations.

                                          COUVERTURES D’ASSURANCES
   Responsabilité civile professionnelle (RCPI)                                      d’une filiale. Font aussi partie les conflits du travail: licenciement abusif,
   Elle couvre les actes fautifs commis par la société du gérant indépendant         discrimination, harcèlement.
   ou l’un de ses représentants en cas d’erreur, d’omission dans le cadre de         Qui est assuré? Tous les dirigeants exécutifs et les administrateurs
   l’activité professionnelle qui entraînerait un préjudice financier d’un tiers.                      ainsi que leur famille directe.
   Les fautes les plus courantes sont:                                               Quelle est la couverture?
      — Mauvaise exécution d’un ordre                                                  — Les frais engagés pour la défense des assurés à titre privé
      — Oubli d’un délai                                                               — Les dommages et intérêts dus au lésé après jugement et condamnation
      — Non respect de la stratégie convenue                                           — Les réparations résultant d’un accord amiable (après acceptation de
      — Rupture abusive d’un crédit                                                        l’assureur)
      — Défaut de conseil
                                                                                     Assurance Fraude (FR)
      — Délit de fraude fiscale
                                                                                     L’évolution technologique et économique des sociétés financières a
   Qui est assuré?
                                                                                     beaucoup évolué et les risques au sein de ces entreprises aussi. Le risque
      1 L’institution financière et/ou ses filiales
                                                                                     de fraude devient élevé dans les services financiers surtout en fonction
      2. Toutes les personnes physiques agissant dans l’exercice de leur
                                                                                     de l’importance croissante des équipements informatiques. L’infidélité et
          fonction dans la société (salarié, stagiaire, dirigeant, administrateur)
                                                                                     la malhonnêteté des employés sont aussi une source de fraude. L’usage
   Quelle est la couverture? L’assureur va payer:
      ■ Les frais de médiation                                                       intensif d’Internet fragilise les services en terme de risques de sabotage ou
      ■ Les frais engagés pour la défense des assurés                                de terrorisme cybernétique. Des fraudes peuvent aussi être commises sur
      ■ Les dommages et intérêts dus au lésé après jugement et condamnation          les marchés ou sur l’octroi des crédits.
      ■ Les réparations résultant d’un accord amiable (après acceptation de          Qui est assuré? L’entreprise
          l’assureur)                                                                Couverture d’assurance: Une telle assurance a pour but de garantir les
                                                                                     pertes subies par la société suite à la fraude:
   Responsabilité des dirigeants (D&O)                                                  1. Commise par un ou plusieurs employés y compris la fraude
   En tant que dirigeant de votre entreprise, vous n’êtes pas à l’abri de
                                                                                           informatique et le transfert de fonds
   revendications à titre personnel même s’il s’agit d’une erreur d’un employé.
                                                                                        2. Fraude informatique interne ou externe (hacking)
   En effet, un lésé peut aller chercher une responsabilité personnelle vers
                                                                                        3 Frais de procédure et honoraires d’avocat
   le directeur ou l’administrateur de la société pour obtenir réparation du
   préjudice sur les biens propres du dirigeant.                                     Assurance Cyber (AC)
   Il peut vous être reproché une mauvaise décision ou de ne pas avoir pris          Le risque cyber peut affecter l’activité des Gestionnaires de fortune
   une décision, d’avoir fait un choix stratégique contraire au but social,          indépendants et des Conseillers financiers.
   d’avoir effectué des investissements hasardeux, communication financière          Couvertures: Cyber-RC, restauration des données et des systèmes, gestion
   insuffisante ou erronée, manque de surveillance des dirigeants ou                 des crises & perte d’exploitation.

Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants—
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