En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper

La page est créée Patrice Girard
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
Monday February 7, 2022   Volume 56, Issue 03


En route to Operation Projection
HMCS Goose Bay is seen in the port of St.
George’s Harbour, Bermuda on January 23.
The ship arrived alongside HMCS Moncton for
a planned stop before continuing on to West
Africa to participate in training and outreach
activities as part of Operation Projection.
                             CPL JACYLN BUELL
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
2                                                                                                                                              TRIDENT NEWS          FEBRUARY 7, 2022

African Nova Scotian flag                                                                                                                Gens de la
   On February 1, 2022, for the first
time, the African Nova Scotian flag
                                                The design in the middle of the flag is
                                                Wendy Wilson’s stylized adaption of                                                      BFC Halifax:
                                                                                                                                         Michel Poulin
was raised at CFB Halifax headquar-             Sankofa, an ancient Adinkra symbol
ters during morning colours to mark             conceived in West Africa, which sig-
the start of African Heritage Month in          nifies the importance of bringing past
Nova Scotia and Black History Month             knowledge to the present.   
in Canada. The African Nova Scotian                Many thanks to the Base Chief’s                                                       Par BFC Halifax
flag is very new, officially unveiled           team and MARLANT Defence Visible
last year on February 15, 2021 outside          Minority Advisory Group (DVMAG)                                                             Michel est né dans la banlieue de Québec.
                                                                                              can Heritage Month in Nova Sco-            Il s’est joint à la Marine royale canadienne
of the Black Cultural Centre for Nova           civilian co-chair Rene Gannon for             tia: https://www.ahm.bccnsweb.com/
Scotia in Cherry Brook, N.S. Designed           working to ensure this important flag                                                    (#MRC) en 1982. Pendant vingt-sept ans et
                                                                                              wp/home/                                   demi, il a occupé le poste de technicien de
by visual designer Wendy Wilson, the            was raised this year. Our Base family            For more information on Black His-
flag showcases several colours that             is honoured to join with Nova Scotians                                                   coque. Michel Poulin a pris sa retraite de
                                                                                              tory Month in Canada: https://www.         la Marine en 2009. Par la suite, il a accepté
have different symbolization: red is for        and Canadians in celebration of the           canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/cam-
the blood and sacrifice, gold is for the        rich legacy of Black Canadians and                                                       un poste d’officier de la sécurité et de l’envi-
                                                                                              paigns/black-history-month.html            ronnement à l’installation de maintenance de
cultural richness, green for fertility          communities                                                              CFB HALIFAX
and growth, and black for the people.              For more information in Afri-                                                         la Flotte (IMF) Cape Scott, où il s’est occupé
                                                                                                                                         de divers programmes de sécurité.
                                                                                                                                            En plus de ses fonctions habituelles, Michel

Drapeau des Afro-Néo-Écossais                                                                                                            est devenu conseiller du Programme d’aide
                                                                                                                                         aux employés* (PAE) auprès des pairs en
                                                                                                                                         2015 et ne l’a jamais regretté. À ce titre, il
   Le 1er février 2022, et pour la              et la croissance, et le noir, le peuple. Le                                              contribue au bien-être de ces collègues en
première fois, le drapeau des Af-               dessin au centre du drapeau est l’ad-                                                    les aidant à s’orienter parmi les différentes
ro-Néo-Écossais a été hissé au quartier         aptation stylisée par Wendy Wilson du                                                    ressources. Le désir de Michel de se joindre
général de la BFC Halifax pendant               Sankofa, un ancien symbole Adinkra                                                       au PAE a été inspiré par Annette Scott, une
la cérémonie des couleurs matinale              conçu en Afrique occidentale, qui                                                        employée de l’IMF Cape Scott, aujourd’hui
pour marquer le début du Mois du                souligne l’importance de transmettre                                                     à la retraite, qui faisait partie de l’équipe du
patrimoine africain en Nouvelle-Écosse          les connaissances du passé au présent.                                                   PAE à ses débuts.
et du Mois de l’histoire des Noirs                 Un grand merci à l’équipe du                                                             Michel est l’un des deux seuls conseillers
au Canada. Le drapeau des Af-                   premier maître de la base et au                                                          bilingues du PAE auprès des pairs dans la
ro-Néo-Écossais est très récent. Il a été       coprésident civil du Groupe con-                                                         région de l’Atlantique et il considère qu’il
officiellement dévoilé l’année dernière,        sultatif des minorités visibles de la                                                    s’agit d’une occasion enrichissante d’aider
le 15 février 2021, à l’extérieur du Black      Défense (GCMVD) des FMAR(A),                     Pour en savoir davantage sur le         une personne en difficulté à avancer dans sa
Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, à              René Gannon, pour avoir œuvré afin            Mois du patrimoine africain :  https://    vie. Son conseil aux personnes qui éprouvent
Cherry Brook (N.-É.). Conçu par la              que cet important drapeau soit hissé          www.ahm.bccnsweb.com/wp/home/              des difficultés? N’hésitez pas à demander de
conceptrice visuelle Wendy Wilson, le           cette année. La famille de la base est           Pour en savoir davantage sur le         l’aide. Les services du PAE sont confidentiels.
drapeau arbore plusieurs couleurs qui           honorée de se joindre aux Néo-Écossais        Mois de l’histoire des Noirs au Canada        Holly Scothorn, coordonnatrice locale du
ont des symboles différents : le rouge          et aux Canadiens pour célébrer le riche       : https://www.canada.ca/en/canadi-         PAE, estime que Michel joue un rôle détermi-
représente le sang et le sacrifice, l’or,       héritage des Canadiens noirs et de            an-heritage/campaigns/black-histo-         nant dans le succès continu du programme
la richesse culturelle, le vert, la fertilité   leurs communautés.                            ry-month.html                              dans la région de l’Atlantique, car il est l’un
                                                                                                                         BFC HALIFAX     des rares conseillers locaux auprès des pairs
                                                                                                                                         à occuper un poste essentiel sur le terrain
                                                                                                                                         pendant la pandémie. Avant le début de la

Face of Base: Michel Poulin
                                                                                                                                         pandémie en 2020, il a pris en charge l’élabo-
                                                                                                                                         ration de l’initiative du PAE #BellCause pour
                                                                                                                                         la cause, en coordonnant la production de
By CFB Halifax                                                                                                                           cabines téléphoniques personnalisées dans
                                                                                                                                         le cadre de la campagne #BellCause pour
  Michel was born on                 gram since it first started.        Talk phone booths, which          provides free and confi-      la cause de la #BFCHalifax, qui sont depuis
the outskirts of Quebec                 Michel is one of the only        have since been used              dential help and support      utilisées à des fins de promotion et de sensi-
City. He joined the Royal            two bilingual EAP Peer              yearly for promotion and          to Defence Team mem-          bilisation.
Canadian Navy #RCN in                Advisors in the Atlantic            awareness.                        bers and their immediate         Un fait amusant que peu de gens connais-
1982 where he served for             region and views this as a             A fun fact not many            family members when           sent à propos de Michel Poulin, c’est que
twenty-seven and a half              rewarding opportunity to            people know about Michel          experiencing personal or      bien qu’il soit connu comme étant strict, il
years as a Hull Tech-                help someone struggling             Poulin, is although he is         professional issues affect-   peut devenir un vrai bouffon quand le besoin
nician. Michel Poulin                move forward with their             known as a strict person,         ing their mental health       s’en fait sentir. Il est connu comme étant un
retired from the Navy in             life. His advice to those           he can become goofy when          and well-being. To access     protecteur depuis ses débuts dans la Marine
2009 after which he accept-          who are struggling? Do not          the need arises. He has           any of the many services      et s’adapte à tous les rôles qu’il doit jouer.
ed a position as a Safety            hesitate to ask for help.           been known as a protector         and programs please visit        Michel aime la marche, la randonnée, le
& Environment Officer at             EAP services are confiden-          from his early days in the        the Defence Team Mental       kayak, la pêche à la truite et profiter de la na-
FMF Cape Scott, taking               tial.                               Navy and adapts to any            Health and Wellness page.     ture. La meilleure façon pour Michel de pren-
care of various safety                  Holly Scothorn, local            role he needs to play.                                          dre soin de sa santé mentale est de passer du
programs.                            EAP Coordinator, consid-               Michel enjoys walking,                                       temps avec ses amis et sa famille, surtout ses
  On top of his normal               ers Michel to be instru-            hiking, kayaking, trout                                         enfants.
duties, Michel became an             mental in the continued             fishing and enjoying na-                                           Merci, Michel, d’être un atout si important
Employee Assistance Pro-             success of the program              ture. The most important                                        pour l’équipe du PAE et pour toute la commu-
gram* (EAP) Peer Advisor             in the Atlantic Region,             way Michel takes care of                                        nauté de la Défense!
in 2015 and hasn’t looked            as he is one of the limited         his mental health is by                                            *Le Programme d’aide aux employés (PAE)
back. In this role, he               local Peer Advisors who             spending time with friends                                      du MDN offre, gratuitement et de façon confi-
contributes to the well-be-          is an essential worker on           and family, especially his                                      dentielle, une aide et du soutien aux membres
ing of his colleagues by             the ground during this              children.                                                       de l’Équipe de la Défense ainsi qu’aux mem-
helping them navigate                pandemic. Prior to the                 Thank you, Michel, for                                       bres de leur famille immédiate qui vivent
through different resourc-           pandemic in 2020, he took           being such an important                                         des problèmes dans leur vie personnelle
es. Michel was inspired to           on the development of               asset to the EAP team and                                       ou professionnelle ayant une incidence sur
join EAP by now-retired              the EAP #BellLetsTalk               to our entire Defence com-                                      leur santé mentale et leur mieux-être. Pour
FMF Cape Scott employee              initiative by coordinating          munity!                                                         accéder à l’un de nos nombreux services et
Annette Scott, who had               the production of custom               *The DND Employee              Michel Poulin                 programmes, consultez la page « Santé men-
been part of the EAP pro-            #CFBHalifax Bell Let’s              Assistance Program (EAP)                    SUBMITTED/SOUMIS    tale et bien-être de l’Équipe de la Défense ».
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS          FEBRUARY 7, 2022                                                                                                                                         3

A Change of Command ceremony for HMCS Harry DeWolf was held on January 21.

                                                                                          12 Wing marks
From left, incoming Commanding Officer Cdr Geoff Simpson, Canadian Fleet Atlantic
Deputy Commander Capt(N) Sheldon Gillis, and outgoing Commanding Officer Cdr
Corey Gleason. The ceremony was held in accordance with all COVID-19 restrictions,
with family, friends and shipmates tuning in to watch online.

Outgoing CO reflects
                                                            FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES

                                                                                          birthday for
on 7 years with                                                                           Logistics Branch
HMCS Harry DeWolf                                                                         Col Patrick MacNamara (left), 12 Wing Shearwater Wing Commander, Cpl Harold
                                                                                          Daniels, Avr Samantha Robichaud, and Wing Chief Warrant Officer CWO Bruno
                                                                                          Poirier (right) raise the Royal Canadian Logistics Services flag in celebration of the
By Ryan Melanson,                                                                         branch’s 54th birthday in Shearwater, Nova Scotia, on February 1, 2021.
Trident Staff                                                                                                                                               CPL OLIVIA MAINVILLE

   When Cdr Corey Gleason was first           Capt(N) Sheldon Gillis, Deputy Com-
asked to take on the appointment as           mander of Canadian Fleet Atlantic,
the first Commanding Officer of the           who thanked Cdr Gleason for his work
Royal Canadian Navy’s first Arctic and        and welcomed his successor, Cdr Geoff
Offshore Patrol Vessel, he was warned         Simpson, to his new role. Capt(N) Gillis
it wouldn’t be a quick job. He could be       noted he’s known Cdr Simpson person-
leading the unit for as long as five years.   ally for more than 20 years, and said
   “In fact, I spent the next seven years     he has no doubts his leadership will do
without my feet touching the ground,          “Hard Over Harry” proud, recalling
and now I’m finally coming in for a           the nickname of the ship’s namesake,
landing,” he said, during a Change of         VAdm Harry DeWolf.
Command for HMCS Harry DeWolf on                 As he steps into the job, Cdr Simpson
January 21.                                   said he’s already been able to spend
   Cdr Gleason took command of Harry          time with Harry DeWolf’s crew, and ex-
DeWolf before steel was even cut on           pressed gratitude for the chance to work
the ship itself, and stayed with the job      with an already-accomplished team on
through to its delivery to the Navy, sea      an exciting new platform. Cdr Simpson
trials, commissioning, and first deploy-      is also being given the rare opportunity
ments in 2020. He also played a major         to have a second command of a major
role in developing the policies and           warship, as he just recently led the
procedures that now guide the future of       efforts to bring HMCS Montreal back to
arctic naval service in Canada.               fighting shape as that ship’s Command-
   He said some of the biggest points of      ing Officer up until summer 2021.
pride come from witnessing the accom-            “I’m ecstatic to be working with you
plishments of the crew, particularly          over the coming months,” he said to
as years of planning culminated in the        his new crew, while also thanking the
reality of the ship conducting successful     MARLANT command team for the vote
operations around the world.                  of confidence, and Cdr Gleason for the
   “I witnessed the steadfast determina-      support and mentorship as he comes on
tion of every single person involved in       board.
building up the ship. From scheduling            “I’m so grateful for everything Corey
and programming, training and de-             has done, and I’m grateful that he’ll get
velopment, the list could go on and on.       to continue mentoring me along the
They’ve all done their very best to help      way,” he said, referencing Cdr Glea-
meet my mission objectives,” he said.         son’s next job, which will focus on small
   “We’ve announced loud and clear.           patrol vessels as part of the Sea Train-
The Royal Canadian Navy can operate           ing group.
anywhere the government needs us to…             It’s expected that Cdr Simpson will
I can’t wait to see what Harry DeWolf         take Harry DeWolf back to sea for de-
does next.”                                   ployments to the Arctic and to Opera-
   The ceremony was presided over by          tion Caribbe later in 2022.
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
4                                                                                                                                                  TRIDENT NEWS          FEBRUARY 7, 2022


                                                              Canada’s only surviving quadruple
 Editor: Ryan Melanson
                                                              amputee of the First World War
  ryan.melanson@psphalifax.ca                                 By The War Amps
 Reporter: Joanie Veitch                                        As February marks Black
  joanie.veitch@psphalifax.ca                                 History Month, The War Amps
  902-721-8624                                                is paying tribute to Ethelbert
 Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway                           “Curley” Christian (1883-1954),
  margaret.conway@forces.gc.ca                                one of the Association’s found-
  902-721-0560                                                ing members who was believed
 Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah                         to have been the only surviving
  Ariane.Guay-Jadah@forces.gc.ca                              quadruple amputee of the First
  902-721-8341                                                World War.
                                                                Christian lived in Manitoba
 www.tridentnewspaper.com                                     and served with the 78th Bat-
 Trident is an authorized military publication distributed    talion (Winnipeg Grenadiers).
 across Canada and throughout the world every second          During the Battle of Vimy
 Monday, and is published with the permission of Rear
 Admiral Brian Santarpia, Commander, Joint Task Force         Ridge, he was wounded when
 Atlantic. The Editor reserves the right to edit, condense
 or reject copy, photographs or advertising to achieve the
                                                              heavy shelling buried him in a
 aims of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim         trench. With debris crushing all
 Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April 11,
 2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10 a.m., 11
                                                              four of his limbs, he lay on the
 business days prior to the publication date. Material must   battlefield for two days before
 be accompanied by the contributor’s name, address and
 phone number. Opinions and advertisements printed
                                                              being found close to death. Two
 in Trident are those of the individual contributor or        stretcher bearers were struck
 advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or
 endorsements of the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.        and killed by shells while carry-
                                                              ing Christian off the battlefield,
 Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le
 contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force           but he again survived.
 opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est            Later, in a French hospital,
 distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis
 toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve       gangrene set in and both of his
 le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les
 articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires
                                                              arms and legs had to be ampu-
 jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire       tated.
 selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des
 journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée des
                                                                While Christian was recover-
 annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée à 1000     ing at Christie Street Veterans
 le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication. Les textes
 peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais; ils doivent
                                                              Hospital in Toronto, he met
 indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone du      his future wife, Cleo MacPher-                                         Left photo: Ethelbert “Curley” Christian. Right photo:
 collaborateur. Les opinions et les annonces publicitaires
                                                              son, who was a volunteer aid.                                          War Amps Rob Larman and Tiffany Ross, a member of
 imprimées par le Trident sont celles des collaborateurs et
 agents publicitaires et non nécessairement celles de la      MacPherson noted that it was                                           the War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program laid
 rédaction, du MDN ou de l’éditeur.                                                                                                  a rose at the grave of Ethelbert “Curley” Christian, at
                                                              costly for the government to
 Courier address:                                             keep Christian at the hospital                                         Toronto’s Prospect Cemetery.
 Canadian Forces Base Halifax
                                                              and felt that she could take care                                                                                     SUBMITTED
 Building S-90
 Suite 329                                                    of him at home. However, it           [from the war] with arms or legs
 P.O. Box 99000
 Halifax, N.S.                                                would be a full-time job which        gone. They’re diffident, bashful,
 B3K 5X5
                                                              meant she would be unable to          frightened. You can never know the
                                                              work.                                 misery they suffer mentally as well
                                                                The hospital director appealed      as physically. At [The War Amps]
                                                                                                    that vanishes. We’re all among
                                                                                                                                                  Key Tags Help Kids!
                                                              to the Canadian government on                                                     Key tags protect your keys and support
                                                              the Christians’ behalf, which led     our own kind. We boost each other
                                                                                                    mentally and we learn things phys-           child amputees, providing them with
                                                              to the creation of the Attendance
                                                              Allowance, a supplement to full       ically.”                                        artificial limbs and much more.
                                                              time caregivers of wounded               Today, The War Amps continues
                                                              veterans. This benefit still exists   to serve veteran amputees, and all
                                                              today.                                Canadian amputees, including chil-
                                                                Christian was also one of the       dren. Rob Larman, a director with
                                                              founding members of The War           the Association and a leg amputee
                                                              Amps, an organization started         himself said, “Curley Christian con-
                                                              more than 100 years ago by am-        tinues to have a legendary status in
                                                              putee veterans returning from         The War Amps for how he overcame

Naval Reserve                                                 the First World War to bring
                                                              together, support and fight the
                                                                                                    his amputations, particularly at a
                                                                                                    time when disability was very much
                                                                                                    a hidden and taboo subject.”
National                                                      battles for amputee veterans.
                                                                It was these First World War           Christian returned to Vimy in
                                                                                                    1936 with his fellow war amputees
                                                              veterans who welcomed the new
                                                              contingent of amputees fol-           for the unveiling of the Vimy Ridge
                                                              lowing the Second World War,          Memorial.
Exercise                                                      helping them adapt to their new
                                                              reality and sharing all that they
                                                                                                       He passed away in 1954, and in
                                                                                                    Toronto reporter Gregory Clark’s

MS Dean Wilson (left) and S1 Ales-                            had learned.                          eulogy of Christian, he said, “After
sandra Leake exit the water upon                                Many members of The War             the Vimy battle, Curley Christian
completion of diving operations                               Amps considered Christian an          lived 37 years a happy man, going
during a Naval Reserve National                               inspiration to all amputees and       to the races, playing gin rummy,              Order yours
                                                                                                    attending meetings, speaking and
Dive Exercise in Comox, British                               were quick to think, “If Curley
                                                                                                    standing forth for his Comrades, an
                                                                                                                                                  online – free.
Columbia on January 28. Naval                                 can do it, I can!”
Reserve divers from across the coun-                            “When you are surrounded by         inspiration to all those with lesser
try came together for the week-long                           others who are accomplishing          fates who might grieve for them-
exercise.                                                     things, it stimulates you to try,”    selves. Curley never grieved. There
                                     S1 VALERIE LECLAIR       said Christian. “Today, there         was enough of him left to be a man
                                                                                                    among men.”                                       1 800 250-3030 • waramps.ca
                                                              are young fellows coming back
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS        FEBRUARY 7, 2022                                                                                                                                     5

                                                                                                                                   Family Meetings – Ideas, Agendas,
                                                                                                                                and Tips (Virtual)
                                                                                                                                   Family life can seem chaotic at times.
                                                                                                                                We want to share with you the keys to
                                                                                                                                a successful and happy family with the
                                                                                                                                implementation of family meetings.
                                                                                                                                These meetings can help reduce stress,
                                                                                                                                increase solidarity and incorporate
                                                                                                                                important values but also can be fun,
                                                                                                                                productive and meaningful. Join us to
                                                                                                                                help develop your family meeting agen-
                                                                                                                                da and look at goals that are important
                                                                                                                                for your family
                                                                                                                                   Date: Monday, February 7, 2022
                                                                                                                                   Time: 7 – 8pm
                                                                                                                                   Location: Virtual – Zoom
                                                                                                                                   Register: Click here
                                                                                                                                   Deadline to register: Friday, February
                                                                                                                                4, 2022
                                                                                                                                   Deployment Live Chat (Virtual)
                                                                                                                                   Social distancing doesn’t mean we
                                                                                                                                can’t be social from a distance. Make a
                                                                                                                                cup of tea and settle in virtually with
                                                                                                                                the deployment team, and other family
                                                                                                                                members whose loved ones are on a
                                                                                                                                deployment. It’s free to join and all are
                                                                                                                                   Date: Alternating Wednesdays. This
                                                                                                                                month: February 2, 2022 & February 16,
                                                                                                                                   Time: 8 – 9pm
                                                                                                                                   Location: Virtual – Zoom
                                                                                                                                   Register: Click here
                                                                                                                                   Deadline to register: Wednesday, Feb-
                                                                                                                                ruary 16, 2022
LCdr Richard Decker CD and CPO2 Kevin Williams from the Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Centre (CFMWC) present a cheque
                                                                                                                                   Preparing for a Posting: Education
for Op Dasher to Shelley Hopkins, executive director of the H&R MFRC, and Christine Van Kooten, Intake & Caseload Coordinator
                                                                                                                                and Expertise (Virtual)
at the H&R MFRC.
                                                                                                                                   Are you getting posted in 2022? Won-
                                                                                                                                dering where to start? It’s never too ear-

A thank you to donors
                                                                                                                                ly to begin, even if you don’t have your
                                                                                                                                posting message yet! No matter where or
                                                                                                                                when you are posted this is the session
                                                                                                                                for you.

who supported Op Dasher
                                                                                                                                   Is your priority healthcare, housing,
                                                                                                                                civilian employment, understanding
                                                                                                                                the BGRS system, or something else?
                                                                                                                                Nancy and Andrée will provide local and
                                                                                                                                national info on these and other topics.
By Sarah-Jean Mannette,
                                                                                                                                They will also send along helpful re-
H&R MFRC                                                                                                                        sources and tools after the session. Have
                                                                                                                                a question? This is your time to ask!
  On behalf of the Halifax & Region       executive director of the H&R MFRC.        bers, Veterans, and their families can
                                                                                                                                   Unable to join us live for this free
Military Family Resource Centre              We would like to acknowledge            access mental health & well-being
                                                                                                                                session? We invite you to still register so
(H&R MFRC), we would like to extend       donors who generously supported            services, such as counselling, short
                                                                                                                                that you can receive a link to the record-
our sincere appreciation and heartfelt    Op Dasher. In addition to receiving a      term accommodations and family
                                                                                                                                ed session, as well as additional informa-
thank you to the generous donors of       number of personal donations from          care assistance services, francophone
                                                                                                                                tion that will come in handy.
our holiday Op Dasher program. The        the community, we also received funds      services, Veteran support, parenting
                                                                                                                                   Please note: the session will be pre-
program supports families coping          from the following:                        and peer support programs, career
                                                                                                                                sented in English, and Francophone
with additional stressors during the         • Support Our Troops                    counselling for spouses/partners,
                                                                                                                                support will be available.
holiday season. Although the number          • The Royal Canadian Naval              support for families experiencing a de-
                                                                                                                                   Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022
of Canadian Armed Forces families              Benevolent Fund                       ployment or work-related separation,
                                                                                                                                   Time: 8 – 9pm (AST)
accessing this service fluctuates from       • Canadian Forces Maritime              and community navigation. Engage-
                                                                                                                                   Location: Virtual – Zoom
year to year, based on the feedback we         Warfare Centre                        ment with the H&R MFRC also means
                                                                                                                                   Register: Click here
heard from families, we know it made         • HMCS St. John’s                       opportunities for families to connect
                                                                                                                                   Deadline to register: Wednesday, Feb-
a significant difference for those who       • KIN Club of Halifax                   with others who share the common
                                                                                                                                ruary 16, 2022
participated in the program:                 • 5th Canadian Division                 experience of military life.
                                                                                                                                   Among Us For Youth (Virtual)
  “I just want to thank you for the          • Formation Chaplains                     If you have any questions about Op
                                                                                                                                   Who can you trust when everyone is
help, I can’t say how much it means to       • The Office of the Judge               Dasher or wish to inquire about other
                                                                                                                                against one another? Join us online for
me.” – Program Recipient                       Advocate General                      services available at the H&R MFRC,
                                                                                                                                a night of tasks, betrayal and fun as we
  “Great program, very helpful for my          (Atlantic Region)                     please reach out to us at 902-427-7788.
                                                                                                                                play Among Us, using the Discord plat-
family.” – Program Recipient                 In addition to the difference Op          New Programs in February
                                                                                                                                form. Register today online to reserve
  “We are very thankful for any and       Dasher makes for the holidays, fami-         For the time-being, we are only
                                                                                                                                your spot!
all assistance.” – Program Recipient      lies get connected to the H&R MFRC’s       offering virtual programs. We hope
                                                                                                                                   Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022
  As the H&R MFRC is a charity, Op        vast range of supports and services. At    to return to in-person programming
                                                                                                                                   Time: 6 – 8pm
Dasher is an initiative funded exclu-     the H&R MFRC we recognize that each        soon, which we will do when it is safe
                                                                                                                                   Location: Virtual – Discord Server
sively by donors. “We understand that     family has their own unique situation,     and healthy for participants and staff.
                                                                                                                                   Register: Click here
the holiday season is an important        so we take a family centred approach       Until then, check out some virtual
                                                                                                                                   Deadline to register: Wednesday, Feb-
time of year for many charities, and      to support. We tailor our services         programs below. For a full schedule,
                                                                                                                                ruary 16, 2022
we truly appreciate donors who chose      to address the unique challenges of        please visit our calendar. Looking for
to support the H&R MFRC and their         military life: relocation, work-related    something else? Check out our You-
local military and Veteran family         absences, and transitions. Although        Tube channel for previously recorded
community,” says Shelley Hopkins,         not an exhaustive list, military mem-      programs.
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
6                                                                                                                            TRIDENT NEWS          FEBRUARY 7, 2022

Staying sharp at sea:
HMC ships train in the Atlantic

                                                                                                              Members of HMCS Montreal’s embarked Helicopter Air
                                                                                                              Detachment help get the CH-148 Cyclone helicopter ready
                                                                                                              on the flight deck.
                                                                                                                                                           S1 SAIF MORSY

                                                                                                              Deck Officer Lt(N) Gill Herlinger (left), Commanding
                                                                                                              Officer LCdr Amanda Jayne (center), and Operations
                                                                                                              Officer Lt(N) Emilie Bechard (right) oversee an ammuni-
                                                                                                              tion transfer conducted by MV Asterix to HMCS Montreal
Members from HMCS Montreal participate in a naval boarding party training exercise with MV Asterix.           during their sail across the Atlantic Ocean on January 30.
                                                                                        CPL BRADEN TRUDEAU
                                                                                                                                                    CPL BRADEN TRUDEAU

                                                                                        Rounds can be seen hitting the water as crew from HMC ships Goose Bay and
                                                                                        Moncton conduct their live fire exercise on January 25.
                                                                                                                                                        CPL JACLYN BUELL

Prior to returning to sea, S2 B.F. Choong and S1 Matthew McKay from HMCS Moncton        S2 Brittany Wiseman conducts a live fire exercise with the Browning M2 Heavy
inspect the Hammerhead Unmanned Target System while docked in St. George’s Har-         Machine Gun aboard HMCS Moncton in the Atlantic Ocean on January 25 as the
bour, Bermuda on January 23.                                                            ship makes its way to West Africa as part of Operation Projection.
                                                                    CPL JACLYN BUELL                                                                    CPL JACLYN BUELL
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         FEBRUARY 7, 2022                                                                                                                                         7

                                                                                                                                 “The military sees value in me being here,
                                                                                                                              because of who I am, inside and out.”
                                                                                                                                 Rabbi Glogauer said the entire experience
                                                                                                                              has been a real eye-opener, helping him better
                                                                                                                              comprehend what deploying means for the
                                                                                                                              RCN’s sailors and their families and loved ones
                                                                                                                              back home.
                                                                                                                                 The Rabbi said that leading up to deploy-
                                                                                                                              ment he gained an understanding for that
                                                                                                                              feeling where family members start to distance
                                                                                                                              themselves a little bit, almost like a protective
                                                                                                                              instinct, before the deployment. “I did notice I
                                                                                                                              was distancing myself a little bit beforehand,
                                                                                                                              too,” he said.
                                                                                                                                 He also realized that during the deployment a
                                                                                                                              lot of the physical, mental and financial bur-
                                                                                                                              dens were placed on his wife in taking care of
                                                                                                                              their family.
                                                                                                                                 Then there’s the challenge of communication.
                                                                                                                                 “Being cut off from family is really hard,”
                                                                                                                              said the Chaplain.
                                                                                                                                 Rabbi Glogauer spoke about the longest leg of
                                                                                                                              Winnipeg’s deployment -- 24 days without ports
                                                                                                                              and mail, and challenging communications
                                                                                                                              with Wi-Fi.
                                                                                                                                 “You begin to understand the stress that peo-
                                                                                                                              ple start to have. That’s a huge strain.”
                                                                                                                                 Maintaining his own relationships from afar
                                                                                                                              helped the Rabbi learn more about what others
                                                                                                                              on board were experiencing.
                                                                                                                                 “My first grandchild turned one in Novem-
                                                                                                                              ber during the deployment. And for most of his
                                                                                                                              milestones, my family could go and visit, but
                                                                                                                              I couldn’t … so that feeling gave me a much
                                                                                                                              better understanding of what our members are
                                                                                                                              feeling while separated from their loved ones.”
                                                                                                                                 And while time alone on ship can be a stress-
Capt Glogauer was the first Jewish Rabbi to deploy on board a Royal Canadian Navy ship, which was HMCS Winnipeg               or for some, for others it represents an oppor-
during Operations Neon and Projection.                                                                                        tunity for personal growth, to work on their
                                                                                                                              relationship skills and to do things for their
Le capitaine Glogauer a été le premier rabbin juif a être déployé à bord d’un navire de la Marine royale canadienne, le       friends or loved ones.
NCSM Winnipeg dans le cadre des opérations Neon et Projection.                                                                   One evening in the wardroom, the Rabbi and
                                                                                                   S1/MAT 1 VALERIE LECLAIR
                                                                                                                              a few others noticed another sailor was crochet-
                                                                                                                              ing. About three or four sailors joined in and

First Rabbi deploys in RCN
                                                                                                                              started crocheting together once a week.
                                                                                                                                 “I started to crochet something for my grand-
                                                                                                                              son. I learned a new skill here because of the
                                                                                                                              amazing variety of people and the desire for

ship to better understand
                                                                                                                              personal connections.”
                                                                                                                                 As one of the other members spoke Spanish,
                                                                                                                              some sailors started to speak Spanish, too, to
                                                                                                                              improve their language skills. Another sailor

challenges sailors face
                                                                                                                              was an experienced guitar player. There were a
                                                                                                                              couple of extra guitars on board, so people start-
                                                                                                                              ed jamming together to improve their playing.
                                                                                                                                 One modification he made was the name and
By RCN                                                                                                                        format of the regular Sunday meetings, tra-
                                                                                                                              ditionally led by a priest or pastor and called
  Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Winnipeg’s               daily to keep a pulse on the crew, and checked in with          “Church Services”. The Rabbi changed the
Chaplain made a bit of history during the ship’s recent       those he noticed might be feeling down.                         name to Sunday Services. The format became
deployment on Operations Neon and Projection in the             “It’s not about me and where I am coming from,” he            an open discussion group focused on topics rele-
Indo-Pacific. Captain (Capt) Rabbi Dr. Noteh Glogauer         says of his approach to counseling sailors. “It’s about         vant to the members aboard, such as leadership
was the first Jewish Rabbi to deploy in a Royal Canadi-       having empathy.”                                                in confrontational situations, building resilien-
an Navy (RCN) warship.                                          Empathy is about making a real emotional connec-              cy, and developing purpose in life, to name a
  While Capt Glogauer got to participate in the excite-       tion, says the Rabbi. It is the ability to understand the       few.
ment of Ops Neon and Projection, including the occa-          challenge that the person is experiencing, validate                It’s more about the feeling of connectedness
sional helicopter flight, the main reason the husband,        their feelings, and to walk with them so they know that         to others rather than preaching, said the Rabbi.
father and grandfather requested to deploy was to bet-        there’s genuine support to help them work through the           “The bond of collegiality where the value is in
ter understand the challenges sailors face first hand.        issue.                                                          teamwork, strength in unity and relationships,
  As the ship Chaplain, Capt Glogauer was the one               “There is nothing more important than providing a             that’s what fosters purpose in life.”
many on board turned to for support with their most           safe environment where someone feels supported and                 “I asked members: for what do they want to
personal issues.                                              not judged.”                                                    be remembered? And have they made a mark
  “The role of the Chaplain is to loiter with intent,           The Rabbi admits that he’s not what most people typ-          in their day-to-day contribution to the good
drink lots of coffee and tell bad jokes,” he said, quoting    ically expect from a Canadian Armed Forces member               of their team, the ship, the Canadian Armed
one of his mentors, noting that it was his goal to be as      on board an RCN ship.                                           Forces and their family? That’s my role – to help
visible as possible on the ship so that sailors would           “I definitely don’t look like the old military, because       them frame their life’s journey in as personal
know he was available 24/7.                                   of who I am,” says the Rabbi. “I’m a Hasidic Orthodox           and meaningful a way as possible.”
  “I was the only Chaplain on the ship. It was 259 other      Jew. I wear a camo yarmulke (Jewish head cover) and                HMCS Winnipeg returned to its homeport
people, it was a privilege, and it was on me to develop       have an untrimmed beard because that is a tenet of our          of Esquimalt, B.C., on December 16, 2021, after
the relationships and create the openness for people to       faith.” But looking like someone who doesn’t fit the            transiting over 30,000 nautical miles on Oper-
see that they actually can come and seek support.”            mold makes him more relatable to someone who might              ations Neon and Projection in the Indo-Pacific
  He served the sailors breakfast, lunch and supper           feel like an outsider, he believes.                             region.
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
8                                                                                                                                    TRIDENT NEWS          FEBRUARY 7, 2022

                                                                                                           membre des Forces armées ca-        de stress pour certains, pour
                                                                                                           nadiennes à bord d’un navire        d’autres, il représente une oc-
                                                                                                           de la MRC.                          casion de développement per-
                                                                                                              « Je ne ressemble absolu-        sonnel, de travailler sur leurs
                                                                                                           ment pas aux anciens mili-          compétences relationnelles et
                                                                                                           taires, en raison de ce que je      de faire des choses pour leurs
                                                                                                           suis, a déclaré le rabbin. Je       amis ou leurs proches.
                                                                                                           suis un juif orthodoxe has-            Un soir, dans le carré des
                                                                                                           sidique. Je porte une kippa         officiers, le rabbin et quelques
                                                                                                           (couvre-chef juif) avec un          autres ont remarqué qu’un
                                                                                                           motif de camouflage et j’ai une     autre marin faisait du crochet.
                                                                                                           barbe non taillée parce que         Trois ou quatre marins se sont
                                                                                                           c’est un principe de notre foi.     joints à lui et ont commencé
                                                                                                           » Mais ressembler à quelqu’un       à crocheter ensemble une fois
                                                                                                           non typique le rend plus            par semaine.
                                                                                                           attachant pour quelqu’un qui           « J’ai commencé à crochet-
                                                                                                           pourrait se sentir comme un         er quelque chose pour mon
                                                                                                           étranger, croit-il.                 petit-fils. J’ai appris une
                                                                                                              « L’armée voit la valeur de      nouvelle compétence ici grâce
                                                                                                           ma présence ici, en raison de       à l’incroyable variété de per-
                                                                                                           ce que je suis, à l’intérieur       sonnes et au désir de créer des
                                                                                                           comme à l’extérieur »               liens personnels. »
                                                                                                              Le rabbin Glogauer a déclaré        Comme l’un des autres
                                                                                                           que toute cette expérience lui      militaires parlait espagnol,
                                                                                                           a ouvert les yeux et l’a aidé       certains marins ont commencé
                                                                                                           à mieux comprendre ce que           à le faire aussi, pour améliorer
                                                                                                           signifie le déploiement pour        leurs compétences linguis-
Le capitaine Glogauer avec sa famille sur la jetée à Esquimalt, en C.-B., à son retour à la maison après   les marins de la MRC, leurs         tiques. Un autre marin était
le déploiement de quatre mois du NCSM Winnipeg.                                                            familles et leurs proches à la      un guitariste expérimenté.
                                                                                                           maison.                             Il y avait quelques guitares
Captain Glogauer with his family on the jetty in Esquimalt, B.C., upon returning home from HMCS               Le rabbin a déclaré qu’à         supplémentaires à bord, alors
Winnipeg’s four-month deployment.                                                                          l’approche du déploiement,          les personnes ont commencé à
                                                                                         CPL BRENT KENNY   il a compris ce sentiment qui       jouer ensemble en improvisant

Déploiement du premier
                                                                                                           pousse les membres de la            pour améliorer la façon dont
                                                                                                           famille à prendre un peu de         ils jouaient.
                                                                                                           distance, presque comme un             Il a notamment dû mod-
                                                                                                           instinct de protection, avant le    ifier le nom et le format

rabbin sur un navire de
                                                                                                           déploiement. « J’ai remarqué        des réunions dominicales
                                                                                                           que je prenais aussi un peu de      régulières, traditionnelle-
                                                                                                           distance avant le déploiement       ment dirigées par un prêtre
                                                                                                           », a-t-il déclaré.                  ou un pasteur et appelées «

la MRC pour mieux
                                                                                                              Il s’est également rendu         services religieux ». Le rabbin
                                                                                                           compte que pendant le déploie-      a changé le nom en « services
                                                                                                           ment, une grande partie de          dominicaux ». Le format est

comprendre les défis
                                                                                                           la charge physique, mentale         devenu un groupe de discus-
                                                                                                           et financière incombait à son       sion ouvert axé sur des sujets
                                                                                                           épouse, qui devait s’occuper de     pertinents pour les militaires
                                                                                                           leur famille.                       à bord, tels que le leadership

auxquels les marins font
                                                                                                              Ensuite, il y a le défi de la    dans les situations de confron-
                                                                                                           communication.                      tation, le renforcement de la
                                                                                                              « Être coupé de sa famille est   résilience et le développement
                                                                                                           vraiment difficile », a déclaré     d’un but dans la vie, pour n’en
Par RCN                                                                                                    l’aumônier.                         citer que quelques-uns.
                                                                                                              Le rabbin Glogauer a parlé          Selon le rabbin, il s’agit
   L’aumônier du Navire can-        nombreuses personnes à bord         le pouls de l’équipage et de       de la plus longue étape du          davantage du sentiment
adien de Sa Majesté (NCSM)          se tournaient pour obtenir du       s’entretenir avec ceux qui, sel-   déploiement du Winnipeg : 24        d’appartenance que de l’action
Winnipeg est entré un peu           soutien pour leurs problèmes        on lui, se sentaient déprimés.     jours sans port ni courrier, et     de prêcher. « Le lien de collé-
dans l’histoire lors du récent      les plus personnels.                   « Il ne s’agit pas de moi       des communications difficiles       gialité où la valeur est dans le
déploiement du navire dans             « Le rôle de l’aumônier          et d’où je viens, a expliqué       avec le Wi-Fi.                      travail d’équipe, la force dans
le cadre des opérations Neon        est de flâner avec dessein,         le rabbin à propos de son             « Vous commencez à com-          l’unité et les relations, c’est ce
et Projection dans la région        de boire beaucoup de café           approche concernant les            prendre le stress que les gens      qui favorise le but de la vie. »
indo-pacifique. Le capitaine        et de raconter de mauvaises         conseils fournis aux marins. Il    commencent à avoir. C’est une          J’ai demandé aux militaires
(Capt) rabbin Noteh Glogauer,       blagues, a-t-il déclaré en citant   s’agit d’avoir de l’empathie. »    énorme tension. »                   pour quoi ils veulent qu’on
Ph.D., a été le premier rab-        l’un de ses mentors, notant            Selon le rabbin, l’empathie        En entretenant ses propres       se souvienne d’eux? Et ont-ils
bin juif à être déployé sur un      que son objectif était d’être       consiste à établir une vérita-     relations à distance, le rabbin     contribué quotidiennement
navire de guerre de la Marine       aussi visible que possible sur      ble connexion émotionnelle.        a pu en apprendre davantage         au bien de leur équipe, du
royale canadienne (MRC).            le navire afin que les marins       Il s’agit de la capacité de        sur ce que vivaient les autres      navire, des Forces armées
   Bien que le capitaine            sachent qu’il offrait ses ser-      comprendre les difficultés que     à bord.                             canadiennes et de leur famille?
Glogauer ait pu participer à        vices 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours     rencontre la personne, de va-         « Mon premier petit-enfant a     C’est mon rôle – les aider à en-
l’excitation des opérations         sur 7.                              lider ses sentiments et de l’ac-   eu un an en novembre pen-           cadrer le parcours de leur vie
Neon et Projection, y compris          « J’étais le seul aumônier       compagner pour qu’elle sache       dant le déploiement. Et pour        de la manière la plus person-
à un vol en hélicoptère occa-       du navire. Il y avait 259 autres    qu’elle peut compter sur un        la plupart de ses étapes im-        nelle et la plus utile possible. »
sionnel, la principale raison       personnes, c’était un priv-         véritable soutien pour l’aider     portantes, ma famille pouvait          Le NCSM Winnipeg est
pour laquelle cet époux, père       ilège, et c’était à moi d’établir   à résoudre son problème.           aller le voir, mais je ne pou-      retourné à son port d’attache
et grand-père a demandé à           les relations et de créer              « Il n’y a rien de plus         vais pas... donc ce sentiment       d’Esquimalt, en Colombie-Bri-
être déployé était de mieux         l’ouverture pour que les mil-       important que de fournir un        m’a permis de comprendre            tannique, le 16 décembre 2021,
comprendre lui-même les             itaires voient qu’ils peuvent       environnement sûr où une           beaucoup mieux ce que nos           après avoir parcouru plus de
défis auxquels les marins           réellement venir chercher du        personne se sent soutenue et       militaires ressentent lorsqu’ils    30 000 milles marins dans le
faisaient face.                     soutien. »                          non jugée. »                       sont séparés de leurs proches.      cadre des opérations Neon
   En tant qu’aumônier du              Il a servi les repas du matin,      Le rabbin admet qu’il n’est     »                                   et Projection dans la région
navire, le Capt Glogauer était      du midi et du soir aux marins       pas ce que la plupart des gens        Et si le temps passé seul sur    indo-pacifique.
la personne vers laquelle de        tous les jours afin de prendre      attendent habituellement d’un      le navire peut être un facteur
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS        FEBRUARY 7, 2022                           9

Meet our Corporate Sponsors:
Sobeys Inc. knows the importance of family
By PSP Corporate Services

  When the COVID-19 pan-        from store chefs, and other
demic brought much of the       fun activities and prizes.
world to a halt in the spring     With health regulations
of 2020, it also highlighted    now preventing large gath-
the role of the frontline       erings like Family Days
staff who continued doing       from taking place, our Per-
their jobs while many of us     sonnel Support Programs
stayed home.                    have instead focused on
  While doctors, nurses,        smaller events, unit func-
and other health care           tions, and military mile-
workers, including many         stone celebrations. And as
Canadian Armed Forces           our programs have pivoted,
members, were rightfully        partners like Sobeys Inc.
labeled heroes for their        have been right there with
response to COVID-19, oth-      us – supporting our HMC
er essential workers, like      ships as they returned
those at our local Sobeys       home from deployments
stores, also became heroes      in 2020 and 2021, and also
of the pandemic.                lending support to the
  As a family nurturing         Stadacona Band as the unit
families, Sobeys Inc. has       recently marked its 80th
always strived to be active     anniversary.
and engaged in supporting         Sobeys Inc. will again
their communities. While        be partnering with PSP
the pandemic might have         Halifax and our defence
put a spotlight on their im-    community during the
portant role, they’ve been      upcoming DND Snow Fes-
giving back to the commu-       tival. The event takes place
nity for years, including       February 21 at 12 Wing
the military community          Shearwater, and as a Cor-
across the Halifax region.      porate Community Caring
  “Sobeys Inc. has been a       Partner, Sobeys Inc. will
wonderful supporter of our      be providing the smores to
Personnel Support Pro-          enjoy around the fire pit on
grams at CFB Halifax for        a winter day.
two decades, and that has         Just like their frontline
not changed through these       workers who serve custom-
difficult past two years,”      ers every day, we know we
said Missy Sonier, PSP          can count on Sobeys Inc.
Halifax Corporate Services      to continue being there
Manager.                        for our men and women in
  “They’ve shown us that        uniform.
they’re here to support our
defence community, our          RAdm Brian Santarpia,
Canadian Armed Forces           Commander MARLANT
members and their fami-         and JTFA, shows off the
lies.”                          Stadacona Band 80th Anni-
  As the presenting spon-       versary hockey jersey that
sor for the annual DND          was presented to the Sobeys
Family Days, Sobeys Inc. is     Inc. marketing team in 2021
on hand each year to lend       to recognize their generous
their key support to PSP        support toward the band’s
Halifax’s signature event       80th anniversary events and
with their cookie-decorat-      celebrations.
ing stations, presentations                  CPL BRENT KENNY
En route to Operation Projection - Trident Newspaper
10                                                                                                                           TRIDENT NEWS   FEBRUARY 7, 2022

#BellLetsTalk Day
Journée #BellCause pour la cause
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to all local Defence Team members who sub-
mitted pictures and thoughtful messages showcasing how we can support ourselves
and each other when it comes to our mental health. Please continue talking, supporting
                                                                                           Attn: Transitioning Military
each other and seeking mental health assistance for you or your loved ones if or when it   Members

                                                                                           WE RE
is needed. You are not alone.

Nous voulons exprimer notre sincère gratitude à tous les membres de l’Équipe de la

Défense locale qui ont présenté des images et des messages réfléchis qui montrent com-
ment nous pouvons nous soutenir et soutenir les autres au sujet de notre santé mentale.
Continuez à parler, à vous soutenir mutuellement et à demander de l’aide en matière
de santé mentale pour vous ou vos proches au besoin. Vous n’êtes pas seul.

                                                                                           About WYWM
                                                                                           We help transitioning military,
                                                                                           veterans & families get intoo tech
                                                                                           jobs, for free. If you know s
                                                                                           who can benefit, send them  m to

                                                                                            Work from home
                                                                                              No experience is required
                                                                                              Be career ready in 100 hours
                                                                                              Free tech courses for lifee
                                                                                              Salaries from $60K$120K

TRIDENT NEWS        FEBRUARY 7, 2022                                                                                                                                     11

              Sports & Fitness
CAF Sports recovery approach: Démarche de
2022-2023 transition year     relance du
                              Programme de
By Canadian Armed Forces Sports
  The current pandemic situation with Omicron            sports, from April until fall, followed by indoor

                              sports des FAC:
continues to present challenges to our resumption        sports until the end of the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
of sports programming. However, despite these              • Ball hockey will not be offered in the summer of
challenges, we want to position ourselves for a safe     2022.
resumption of the regional, national and interna-          • Running, Triathlon, Golf, Slo-pitch, and Soccer

                              Année de
tional programs in 2022-2023. We recognize that the
pandemic situation is ever changing and while we
may not be able to return to a sustained program on
                                                         will be offered as they are consistent with the pro-
                                                         gressive approach and safe return to sports.
                                                           • PSP staff will coordinate the delivery of local

April 1, we want to be ready. As such, the National
Sports Office is focusing efforts on program re-
                                                         programs based on the modified delivery plan for
                                                         regional and national level championships.
                                                           • Opportunities for activities under the Interna-

  In order to maximize our chances of delivering         tional program will be assessed on a case-by-case
the program safely, the next fiscal year (2022 - 2023)   basis.
will serve as a transition year, following a tempo-        • We will closely monitor the pandemic evolution
rary delivery model in anticipation of a return to       to advise accordingly on decisions for the program
the formal delivery model, for fiscal year 2023 - 2024   delivery framework for fall and winter of fiscal       Par Sports des Forces armées canadiennes
  The schedule for regional and national level           year 2022-2023.
championships will focus on the delivery of outdoor                                                                La situation pandémique actuelle avec Omicron
                                                                                                                continue de présenter des défis pour notre reprise de
                                                                                                                la programmation sportive. Cependant, malgré ces
                                                                                                                défis, nous voulons nous positionner en vue d’une re-
                                                                                                                prise, en toute sécurité, des programmes régionaux,
                                                                                                                nationaux et internationaux, pour l’année financière
                                                                                                                (AF) 2022-2023. Nous reconnaissons que la situation
                                                                                                                pandémique est en constante évolution et même si le
                                                                                                                retour à un programme soutenu ne pourra avoir lieu
                                                                                                                le 1er avril 2022, nous voulons être prêts. À ce titre,
                                                                                                                le bureau des sports nationaux concentre ses efforts
                                                                                                                sur la reprise du programme.
                                                                                                                   Afin de maximiser nos chances d’offrir le Pro-
                                                                                                                gramme de sports des FAC en toute sécurité, la pro-
                                                                                                                chaine AF 2022-2023 servira d’année de transition,
                                                                                                                selon un modèle de prestation temporaire en prévi-
                                                                                                                sion d’un retour au modèle de prestation formel,
                                                                                                                pour l’AF 2023-2024.
                                                                                                                   Le calendrier des championnats régionaux et na-
                                                                                                                tionaux sera axé sur les sports extérieurs, d’avril à
                                                                                                                l’automne, suivis des sports intérieurs jusqu’à la fin
                                                                                                                de l’AF 2022 2023.
                                                                                                                   • Le hockey balle ne sera pas offert à l’été 2022.
                                                                                                                   • La course à pied, le triathlon, le golf, la balle lente
                                                                                                                et le soccer seront proposés, dans la mesure où ils
                                                                                                                seront conformes à la démarche progressive et à la
                                                                                                                reprise sûre des sports.
                                                                                                                   • Le personnel des PSP devra coordonner la presta-
                                                                                                                tion des programmes locaux en fonction du plan de
                                                                                                                prestation modifié des championnats régionaux et
                                                                                                                   • Les activités du programme international seront

Workout with a view
                                                                                                                évaluées cas par cas, selon la situation pandémique.
                                                                                                                   • Nous surveillerons de près l’évolution de la
                                                                                                                pandémie afin de vous informer en conséquence des
                                                                                                                décisions qui seront prises concernant le cadre de
S1 Christophe Guida gets in a stationary bike ride on board HMCS Moncton while alongside in Bermuda on Janu-    prestation du programme pour l’automne et l’hiver
ary 24.                                                                                                         de l’AF 2022 2023.
                                                                                             CPL JACYLN BUELL
12                                                                                                                             TRIDENT NEWS         FEBRUARY 7, 2022

Lt(N) Yasmine Mayne and Petty Officer First Class Greg Hofer from HMCS Tecumseh, and LCdr Adina Danila, planning officer with RCN Public Affairs, are tucked into a
navy-themed bobsled at the Calgary Ice House.
                                                                                                                                                                  RCN PA

Olympians on track with Navy-themed sleds
By Peter Mallett,
The Lookout Staff

  It has been all over the news;      be associated with the RCN and       120 km/h. Training heats begin
Canada’s Olympic Bobsleigh and        its strong and honourable tradi-     February 7 with Bobsleigh events
skeleton teams are heading to the     tion of defending the country.       starting February 10.
2022 Olympics with Navy-inspired        “Whether on ice or at sea, the       The Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton
sleds.                                distinction of putting on a Cana-    partnership with the Navy has
  Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton           dian uniform drives commitment       been so natural because they have
partnered with the Royal Ca-          to the training, preparation,        so much in common, says Jill
nadian Navy (RCN) to design a         perseverance, and teamwork re-       Paquette, RCN Public Affairs.
Second World War-era Admiralty        quired to perform under intense         “Whether they are at sea or on
Disruptive paint pattern for their    pressure while representing          a sled, they represent Canadians
sleds, similar to the current paint   your country,” she says. “We are     from coast to coast to coast and
schemes on HMCS Regina and            unified by the goal of making our    are proud to wear the maple leaf
HMCS Moncton.                         team unstoppable and our coun-       on their uniform. This project
  The design was unveiled Janu-       try proud.”                          gives a wonderful opportunity to
ary 20 in Halifax aboard the Arc-       RCN Public Affairs Multi-Media     show this connection and show-
tic Offshore Patrol Ship the future   Producer Alex Kaldeway de-           case both our athletes and the
HMCS Margaret Brooke by the           signed the new sleds alongside his   RCN to Canadians,” she says.
ship’s captain, Cdr Nicole Robi-      manager Sabrina Nash.                  The relationship with the
chaud. In Calgary, one of the sleds     “Designing a bobsled was           Olympians won’t end after the
was displayed at the Ice House.       unlike anything I had ever done      games as Bobsleigh and Skeleton
  Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton has       before and this was my first         competitors will be invited to sail
a long-standing relationship with     opportunity to be part of Canada’s   on board HMCS Margaret Brooke
the Canadian Armed Forces and         story at the Olympic Games,”         later on in 2022, and the sailors
previously had Air Force-themed       Kaldeway says.                       will join the athletes in Whistler
designs on their sleds and partic-      All of Team Canada’s sleds,        for a day at the track.
ipated in team building activities    monobob, two-person, four-per-
with both the Canadian Army and       son, and skeleton sleds are          Members of HMCS Margaret Brooke
the Royal Canadian Air Force.         wrapped in the same design.          show off the new Navy-themed skel-
  Bobsleigh Canada President            Canada’s bobsleigh and skel-       eton sled.
Sarah Storey says Canada’s Olym-      eton crews are competing at the                                   RCN PA
pians are tremendously proud to       2022 Olympics at speeds of up to
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