HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance

La page est créée Matthieu Millet
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
Monday June 27, 2022               Volume 56, Issue 13

HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/
Le NCSM Halifax participe à l’opération

                                           A CH-148 Cyclone prepares to land on HMCS Halifax, as Navio da República
                                           Portuguesa (Ship of the Portuguese Republic) (NRP) Corte Real and His
                                           Netherlands Majesty’s Ship (HNLMS) Karel Doormen sail behind, during
                                           Operation Reassurance on May 28.

                                           Un hélicoptère CH-148 Cyclone s’apprête à se poser sur le NCSM Halifax
                                           alors que le navire de la République portugaise (NRP) Corte Real et le navire
                                           néerlandais de Sa Majesté (HNLMS) Karel Doorman naviguent derrière au
                                           cours de l’opération Reassurance, le 28 mai.
                                                                                                    PTE/SDT CONNOR BENNETT
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
2                                                                                                                                      TRIDENT NEWS        JUNE 27, 2022

Steward occupation in the Royal Canadian Navy to be eliminated

  The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)             the largest fleet re-capitalization since   was not viable for the RCN.                   With this change, there is an oppor-
has announced that the Steward              the Second World War, with multiple           The only immediate change is that        tunity to reassign tasks both ashore
occupation is being eliminated. The         new platforms coming online through-        recruiting new stewards will stop as       and at sea, and to make positive
announcement was made at a virtual          out the next decade. Since 2016, the        of this month. Those who are already       changes in the way the RCN operates.
Town Hall held on June 13 with cur-         RCN has worked with other organi-           serving will continue to be employed       Every effort will be made to ensure
rently serving Stewards from across         zations to systematically analyze its       in all the jobs that they’ve been doing    that Stewards, who have diligently
the country.                                occupations. A thorough analysis was        and it will take at least three years to   served their country, will be offered
  “This is a very tough decision            conducted on the Steward occupation         complete the transition. Each individ-     opportunities to remain within the
that we have not taken lightly,”            between 2017 and 2020. Many Stew-           ual will be managed separately.            CAF. Retaining our members’ expe-
said Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee,            ards participated in that analysis,           A variety of options will be available   rience, education and spirit is of the
Commander RCN in his statement to           which generated innovative recom-           to Stewards, based on experience and       utmost importance to the RCN as our
Stewards.                                   mendations. Ultimately, though, all         education.                                 fleet and institution continues to grow
  “While the Steward occupation will        of the tasks identified for the Steward       Options may include:                     and improve.
phase out over the next three years,        occupation can be performed by other          •    Transferring to another occupa-        Currently, there are 240 Stewards
we value every one of our Stewards          occupations. Furthermore, given the                tion (qualification based);         serving within the CAF and RCN.
and will work with each of them             success of the all-ranks cafeteria in         •    Re-training options;                   For Stewards who would like to
individually to find the best way for       the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships          •    Remaining in the RCN as a Stew-     reach out for more information, please
them to continue their careers serving      and a careful study of the expected                ard (for as long as their current   contact your Steward Transition team:
in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)          roles and functions required in the fu-            contract allows); and                  LCdr Pierre Auger
and the RCN.”                               ture Canadian Surface Combatants, it          •    Voluntarily releasing from the         CPO1 Eric Frignon
  The RCN is currently undergoing           was decided that a unique occupation               CAF altogether.                        CPO2 Stephan Pilon

Élimination du groupe professionnel militaire des stewards
au sein de la Marine royale canadienne

   La Marine royale canadienne (MRC)        patrouille extracôtiers et de l’Arc-        quer avec l’un ou l’autre des membres       PM 1 Eric Frignon
a annoncé l’élimination du groupe           tique, et de l’étude approfondie des        de l’équipe chargée de la transition :      PM 2 Stephan Pilon
professionnel militaire (GPM) des           rôles et fonctions attendus à bord des        Capc Pierre Auger
stewards. L’annonce a été faite lors        futurs navires de combat canadiens, il
d’une assemblée générale qui a été          a été décidé qu’une profession unique
tenue en mode virtuel le 13 juin 2022 et    n’était pas viable pour la MRC.                Attn: Transitioning Military
à laquelle ont participé des stewards          Dans l’immédiat, le seul change-
en activité de service un peu partout       ment est que le recrutement de                 Members

                                                                                           WE RE
au pays.                                    nouveaux stewards s’arrêtera à partir
   « Il s’agit d’une décision très diffi-   de ce mois-ci. Ceux qui sont déjà en
cile qui n’a pas été prise à la légère »,   service conserveront leur emploi et il

a déclaré le vice-amiral Angus Top-         faudra au moins trois ans pour achev-
shee, commandant de la MRC, dans            er la transition. Chaque personne sera
son message aux stewards. « Si le           gérée séparément.
GPM sera progressivement éliminé               Diverses options seront offertes aux
au cours des trois prochaines années,       stewards, en fonction de leur expéri-
il n’en demeure pas moins que nous          ence et de leur formation :
apprécions chacun de nos stewards et           •   Mutation volontaire dans un             About WYWM
que nous travaillerons avec chacun                 autre GPM (en fonction des
d’entre eux pour trouver la meilleure              qualifications)                         We help transitioning military,
façon pour eux de poursuivre leur              •   Options de recyclage                    veterans & families get intoo tech
carrière dans les Forces armées cana-          •   Possibilité de rester dans la           jobs, for free. If you know s
diennes (FAC) et la MRC. »                         MRC en tant que steward (aussi
                                                                                           who can benefit, send them  m to
   La MRC procède actuellement à la                longtemps que leur contrat actu-
plus importante réfection de sa flotte             el le permet)                           WithYouWithMe.
depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et
                                               •   Libération volontaire des FAC
de nombreuses nouvelles plateformes            Cette décision offre l’occasion de
seront mises en service au cours de la      réaffecter les tâches à terre et en mer,
prochaine décennie. Depuis 2016, la         et d’apporter des changements posi-              Work from home
MRC a travaillé avec d’autres organ-        tifs au mode de fonctionnement de la
isations pour analyser systématique-        MRC. Tous les efforts seront déployés
ment ses professions. Une analyse           pour que les stewards, qui ont servi               No experience is required
approfondie du groupe professionnel         leur pays avec zèle, se voient offrir la                                  hours
                                                                                               Be career ready in 100 hours
militaire (GPM) des stewards a été          possibilité de rester au sein des FAC.
effectuée entre 2017 et 2020. De nom-       Il est de la plus haute importance                                         ffe
                                                                                               Free tech courses for lifee
breux stewards ont participé à cette        pour la MRC de ne pas perdre l’expéri-
                                                                                               Salaries from $60K$120K
analyse, qui a généré des recomman-         ence, le savoir et le dynamisme de ses
dations innovantes. En fin de compte,       membres, dans un contexte où notre
cependant, toutes les tâches associées      flotte et notre institution ne cessent de
au GPM des stewards peuvent être            croître et de s’améliorer.
exécutées par d’autres groupes pro-            Actuellement, 240 stewards servent
fessionnels. De plus, compte tenu du        au sein des FAC et de la MRC.
succès remporté par la cafétéria pour          Les stewards qui souhaitent en
tous les grades à bord des navires de       savoir plus sont priés de communi-
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
TRIDENT NEWS        JUNE 27, 2022                                                                                                                                             3

HMCS Margaret Brooke completes warm weather trials
ahead of Op Nanook deployment
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

  Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship              room… monitoring the temperature           trial, to identify where we have those          latest trials wrapped up, Margaret
(HMCS) Margaret Brooke returned            and how well the HVAC system is able       problematic things and how we —                 Brooke is a step closer to its commis-
to its homeport of Halifax on May 26       to cool, and ensure enough ventilation     together with the contractor, ISS and           sioning, scheduled to take place this
after nearly a month of warm weather       to keep things cool without creating       FMF (Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape fall. The ship and crew will be staying
trials, part of the post-acceptance pro-   condensation,” said Lt(N) Grant.           Scott) — can approach it to either rec-         busy until then; after finishing a short
gram to demonstrate that the ship can        The ship responded well to the var-      tify the problem or tweak the system.”          work period they’ll be back to sea in
operate safely in both the icy Arctic      ious trials, and the crew was able to         As Senior Mechanical Specialist              late July, in preparation for Operation
waters and the warm southern seas.         identify small issues, like one involv-    onboard Margaret Brooke, MS Keenan              Nanook in August and September.
  “We were seeking air temperatures        ing the converters operating at a high     stays in
at a maximum of 35 degrees Celsius         rpm (revolutions per minute), which        touch with
and a sea water temperature of 29          created a domino effect with some          the mechan-
degrees Celsius. So we knew we had to      other systems.                             ical and
go south, the question was how south         “When we were ramping the rpm for        electrical
did we need to go?” explained Lt(N)        the shaft up, it increased the tempera-    managers to
Jennifer Grant, Information Manage-        ture in the engine spaces. That was        help deter-
ment Officer with HMCS Margaret            handled adequately enough by our           mine what
Brooke.                                    HVAC system, but the cooling of the        work needs
  After keeping a close eye on weather     converter was so fast that it created…     to be done
conditions to come up with a sailing       a risk of condensation, and the system     during the
plan, they ended up conducting the tri-    — being as automated as it is — picks      ship’s var-
als in the waters off Nassau, Bahamas,     that up and sends it into an alarm         ious work
and Key West Florida.                      that would then lock out the shafts,”      periods.
  “Everything went really well,” said      explained Lt(N) Grant.                        “I add my
Lt(N) Grant. “We weren’t able to get to      MS Matthew Keenan was part of            recommen-
the exact temperatures we were look-       the team that dealt with the problem,      dations to
ing for, but we were very close.”          reaching out to In-Service Support         the priority
  Like the cold weather and ice trials,    (ISS) and Irving Shipbuilding person-      list for the
the warm weather trial program is          nel to figure out a fix.                   items that
designed to test various ship systems        “MS Keenan is one of our main            need to be        HMCS Margaret Brooke, left, is seen in Key West, Florida during a
in different conditions, such as the       guys in engineering, one of the main       rectified         stop on May 20 while conducting warm weather trials. HMCS Harry
ability to cool the engines and deal       leaders,” said Lt(N) Grant. “It’s those    “sooner           DeWolf, deployed to Operation Caribbe at the time, is seen on the right.
with humidity through the heating,         types of problem-solving issues that       rather than
ventilation and air cooling (HVAC)         we’re testing because, obviously,          later”,” he       Le NCSM Margaret Brooke, à gauche, est vu à Key West, en Floride,
system.                                    we don’t want the system to go into        said.             lors d’un arrêt le 20 mai alors qu’il effectuait des essais par temps
  “They’re monitoring the engine           red. That’s part of the purpose of the        With these chaud. Le NCSM Harry DeWolf, déployé dans le cadre de l’opération
                                                                                                       Caribbe à ce moment-là, est vu à droite.
                                                                                                                                                            SUBMITTED / SOUMIS

Le NCSM Margaret Brooke termine les essais par temps
chaud avant le déploiement de l’Op Nanook
Par Joanie Veitch,
L’équipe Trident

  Le navire canadien de Sa Majesté           «Tout s’est très bien passé», a dé-      ino avec certains autres systèmes.            à déterminer comment nous - avec
(NCSM) Margaret Brooke est retourné        claré le Ltv Grant. «Nous n’avons pas        «Lorsque nous avons monté en                l’entrepreneur, SES et le L’IMF Cape
à son port d’attache de Halifax le 26      pu atteindre les températures exactes      puissance, la température dans les            Scott - pouvons aborder la question
mai après près d’un mois d’essais          que nous recherchions, mais nous en        espaces moteurs a augmenté. Notre             pour rectifier le problème ou modifier
par temps chaud, dans le cadre du          étions très proches.»                      système de chauffage, de ventilation et       le système.»
programme post-acceptation visant à          Comme les essais par temps froid         de climatisation (CVC) s’en chargeait            En tant que spécialiste principal
démontrer que le navire peut fonction-     et par temps de glace, le programme        assez bien, mais le refroidissement           en mécanique à bord du Margaret
ner en toute sécurité dans les eaux        d’essais par temps chaud est conçu         du convertisseur était si rapide qu’il        Brooke, le MS Keenan reste en contact
glacées de l’Arctique et dans les mers     pour tester divers systèmes du navire      créait un risque de condensation. Le          avec les responsables de la mécanique
chaudes du Sud.                            dans différentes conditions, comme la      système automatisé déclenche alors            et de l’électricité pour aider à déter-
  «Nous recherchions des tempéra-          capacité à refroidir les moteurs et à      une alarme», explique le Ltv Grant.           miner les travaux à effectuer pendant
tures de l’air d’un maximum de 35          gérer l’humidité grâce au système de         Le Matc Matthew Keenan a fait               les différentes périodes de travail du
degrés Celsius et une température          chauffage, de ventilation et de refroid-   partie de l’équipe qui s’est occupée du       navire.
de l’eau de mer de 29 degrés Celsius.      issement de l’air (CVCA).                  problème, en contactant le personnel             «J’ajoute mes recommandations à
Nous savions donc que nous devions           «Ils surveillent la salle des ma-        de SES (services de soutien en service)       la liste des priorités pour les éléments
aller vers le sud, mais nous ne savions    chines... ils surveillent la tempéra-      et de Irving Shipbuilding pour trouver        qui doivent être rectifiés le plus tôt
pas jusqu’où aller », explique le Ltv      ture et la capacité du système CVC à       une solution.                                 possible,» a-t-il déclaré.
Jennifer Grant, officier de gestion        refroidir et à assurer une ventilation       «Le Matc Keenan est l’un de nos                Avec ces derniers essais terminés,
de l’information du NCSM Margaret          suffisante pour garder les choses          principaux leaders en ingénierie», a          le Margaret Brooke se rapproche un
Brooke.                                    froides sans créer de condensation», a     déclaré le Ltv Grant.                         peu plus de sa mise en service, prévue
  Après avoir surveillé de près les        déclaré le Ltv Grant.                        «C’est le type de résolution de             pour cet automne. Le navire et l’éq-
conditions météorologiques pour              Bien que le navire ait bien répon-       problème que nous testons parce que,          uipage resteront occupés d’ici là ;
établir un plan de navigation, ils ont     du aux divers essais, il a rencontré       évidemment, nous ne voulons pas               après une courte période de travail,
fini par effectuer les essais dans les     quelques problèmes avec les conver-        que le système passe au rouge. Cela           ils reprendront la mer fin juillet, en
eaux au large de Nassau, aux Baha-         tisseurs à des révolutions plus élevées    fait partie de l’objectif de l’essai, qui     vue de l’opération Nanook en août et
mas, et de Key West, en Floride.           par minute, ce qui a créé un effet dom-    consiste à identifier les problèmes et        septembre.
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
4                                                                                                                                                          TRIDENT NEWS          JUNE 27, 2022

                                                            Sailor of the Quarter credited
Editor: Ryan Melanson
                                                            for repair work at sea                                By Joanie Veitch,
 902-721-8662                                               Trident Staff
Reporter: Joanie Veitch
                                                               When HMCS Margaret Brooke                 an “outstanding” sailor whose “work     Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations                                was preparing to head north for ​​cold       ethic, enthusiasm and leadership has    in London, England in early June.
 902-721-8624                                               weather and ice trials back in Febru-        benefited the Marine Technician occu-     Ever humble about his accom-
Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway                          ary, MS Matthew Keenan, a Marine             pation and future Harry DeWolf class    plishments, MS Keenan said he’s just                               Technician and the ship’s Senior Me-         operations”.                            trying to do his job to the best of his
 902-721-0560                                               chanical Specialist, played a key role         As one of the few naval personnel     ability, crediting his coworkers and
Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah                        in making sure the ship was able to get      holding an Engineering Watchkeeping good leaders he’s worked with along                             to the northern Arctic waters.               qualification for the Harry DeWolf      the way as being a large part of his
 902-721-8341                                                  After piping within the equipment         class, MS Keenan was also commend-      success.
                                                            cooling system failed off the coast of       ed for working hard to set up drills      “We have a really strong team work-                                    St. John’s, NL, MS Keenan made the           for junior personnel, liaising with the ing in an environment where every-
                                                            crucial fix that allowed the ship to con-    ship’s engineer and Naval Personnel     one wants to learn and wants to get
Trident is an authorized military publication
distributed across Canada and throughout the                tinue sailing on schedule.                   and Training Group (NPTG) to devel-     better at what they do… that’s really
world every second Monday, and is published with               MS Keenan’s quick action in doing         op and conduct the drills.              rewarding for me.”
the permission of Rear Admiral Brian Santarpia,
Commander, Joint Task Force Atlantic. The Editor
                                                            that repair work was just one of the           Having more junior personnel
reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy,        things that earned him Canadian Fleet        working through engineering watch-
photographs or advertising to achieve the aims              Atlantic’s Sailor of the Quarter in          keeping training
of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim
Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April               early May.                                   for their ticket,
11, 2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10              MS Keenan, who grew up in Lac             made for “more
a.m., 11 business days prior to the publication date.
Material must be accompanied by the contributor’s
                                                            du Bonnet, Manitoba and joined the           experience behind
name, address and phone number. Opinions and                Canadian Armed Forces in 2008, cred-         the chair” for the
advertisements printed in Trident are those of the          ited his previous experience as a Hull       ship’s recent warm
individual contributor or advertiser and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions or endorsements of          Tech for giving him the skills to fix the    weather trials off
the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.                       problem.                                     the southeast coast
Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le      “One of the pipes on the sea water        of the United States
contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force          cooling side had a pinhole leak on it.       and the Bahamas,
opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est
distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis         Operating at full power would be un-         said MS Keenan.
toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve      manageable as the pinhole would have           “Because we — as
le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les
articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires
                                                            created a bigger hole and led to more        a team — pushed
jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire      damage,” he explained.                       so hard, we were
selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des           “We were at a ‘make or break’ point       absolutely set up for
journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée
des annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée       but once I pulled the pipe off and           success in the warm
à 1000 le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication.        inspected it, I knew I could fix it…and      weather trials,” he
Les textes peuvent être soumis en français ou en
anglais; ils doivent indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le
                                                            it held for the duration of the trials, so   said.
numéro de téléphone du collaborateur. Les opinions          that was good.”                                As well as being
et les annonces publicitaires imprimées par le Trident         In a written statement about MS           named the Canadi-
sont celles des collaborateurs et agents publicitaires
et non nécessairement celles de la rédaction, du            Keenan’s work aboard HMCS Mar-               an Fleet Atlantic’s
MDN ou de l’éditeur.                                        garet Brooke, Commander Nicole               Sailor of the Quar-
                                                            Robichaud, the ship’s Commanding             ter, MS Keenan was
                                                            Officer, said his repair work “ensured       also selected to be
Courier address:                                            full power availability and allowed the      part of the Cana-
Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Building S-90
                                                            ship to conduct ice breaking opera-          dian contingent of
Suite 329                                                   tions.”                                      Canadian Armed
P.O. Box 99000                                                 In fact, Cdr Robichaud lauded MS          Forces members to
Halifax, N.S.                                               Keenan as “a key contributor to the          form the Queen’s
B3K 5X5                                                     introduction of HMCS Margaret                Honour Guard at         MS Matthew Keenan
                                                            Brooke in to the Atlantic Fleet”, and        Her Majesty the                                        JOANIE VEITCH, TRIDENT STAFF

                                                                                                         Halifax sailors
                                                                                                         become official
                                                                                                         Blue Nosers
                                                                                                         HMCS Halifax held a “Crossing the Line” ceremony recently at the Arctic Circle while
                                                                                                         deployed to Op Reassurance. With King and Queen Neptune looking on, those making
                                                                                                         the crossing for the first time took a cold dip in small pool set up on the flight deck.
                                                                                                         They will now be known as Blue Nosers, referencing the tradition of painting the ship’s
                                                                                                         bull ring blue at the Arctic Circle.

                                                                                                                                                                            S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
TRIDENT NEWS        JUNE 27, 2022                                                                                                                                   5

New Fleet Commander highlights changing
culture and new ships as priorities
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff

From left, Cmdre Trevor MacLean, RAdm Brian Santarpia, and Capt(N) Sheldon           Cmdre Trevor MacLean gave his first address as the new Commander of Canada’s
Gillis at the Change of Command ceremony for CANFLTLANT on June 22. Cmdre            Atlantic Fleet on board its newest ship, HMCS Margaret Brooke.
MacLean took over from Capt(N), while RAdm Santarpia, Commander MARLANT
and JTFA, presided over the ceremony.                                                                                                     MONA GHIZ, MARLANT/FMAR(A)
                                                       MONA GHIZ, MARLANT/FMAR(A)

  Commodore Trevor MacLean didn’t         pher Robinson, to a new appointment
shy away from the challenges ahead        on the west coast as Commander of
as he took command of Canadian Fleet      Maritime Forces Pacific and Joint
Atlantic (CANFLTLANT) on June 22,         Task Force Pacific.
and he said efforts to improve culture       Capt (N) Gillis now resumes his
and rebuild trust across the Royal Ca-    role as Deputy Commander CANFLT-

                                                                                                   CFB Halifax
nadian Navy are at the top of the list.   LANT, but not without receiving cred-
  “We have to ensure for Canadian         it for taking over a high-responsibility
Fleet Atlantic that our culture change    role in a busy time for the Fleet, with
and our leadership climate continues      multiple ships deployed on operations,

                                                                                                  Advertising &
to move forward with swift momen-         others preparing to sail in the near
tum, which is absolutely crucial          future, and new capabilities coming
work,” he said, following a Change of     online with the Harry DeWolf-class.
Command ceremony for the Fleet on            “Sheldon has been a powerful

board HMCS Margaret Brooke.               force,” said Rear-Admiral Brian San-
  He pointed to the release of the new    tarpia, Commander Maritime Forces
CAF Ethos and recent messaging from       Atlantic and Joint Task Force Atlan-
the top of the RCN and CAF as encour-     tic, who presided over the ceremony.

aging, but acknowledged the need to          “We had no doubt he was capable,
follow up these statements with real      but he stepped in and was able to rein-
progress on the ground.                   vigorate the leadership team here at
  Allegations of sexual misconduct        the Fleet in a short time.”

and other inappropriate behaviours           Looking ahead, Cmdre MacLean
among senior officers have led to what    said keeping the Fleet in fighting
the new Commander RCN, Vice-Ad-           shape will be another top priority
miral Angus Topshee, has described        – this involves supporting and main-
as an era of diminished trust in senior   taining the current equipment and the
  The organization needs to right the
ship to ensure a strong Atlantic Fleet
                                          Halifax-class Frigates, while also plan-
                                          ning and training for an influx of new
                                          ships. Recruitment challenges mean
                                                                                                     Please contact
going forward, and to attract and
recruit the personnel needed over the
                                          this needs to be done carefully, ensur-
                                          ing sailors have the support needed to
coming years, Cmdre MacLean said.         prevent burnout, he added.
  “Our top priority must be to ensure
that the work environment in all of
                                             “We’re facing a world that’s at an
                                          inflection point, with an increasingly
                                                                                                    (902) 401-0052
our units is second to none… Business     complex and dangerous security envi-
as usual isn’t going to cut it”           ronment. We know Canada will con-
  Cmdre MacLean took over com-            tinue to play an important role, and
mand of CANFLTLANT from Captain           we’ll ensure Canadian Fleet Atlantic
(Navy) Sheldon Gillis, who filled in      will continue to be a major contribu-
on an acting basis after a series of      tor as part of that.”                                       CAFCONNECTION.CA/HALIFAX       /PSPHALIFAX
retirements led the previous Fleet
Commander, Rear-Admiral Christo-
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
6                                                                                                                                         TRIDENT NEWS          JUNE 27, 2022

New RCN pin marks progress toward command of a ship
By SLt Wilson Ho

   Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) naval          similar to the surface warfare officer      command.”                                    development course completion), to
warfare officers are now eligible for       pin other navies use. As an occupa-           The badge recognizes sea-going             submariners who have received their
a new pin that marks their progress         tion, RCN naval warfare officers train      service and progression towards              equivalent operations room officer
toward command of a warship.                to one day command a warship or             command, based upon successful com-          qualification, or to Primary Reservists
   The new pins were officially un-         submarine.                                  pletion of specific qualifications and       who are Orca-class officer-in-charge
veiled on May 16, 2022, with the first        “This new naval warfare officer           positions held within Her Majesty’s          qualified; and
presentations being made at Maritime        badge recognizes the significant effort     Canadian ships and submarines. The             Gold – Given for command of a com-
Forces Atlantic in Halifax, at Mar-         required to reach key career mile-          three tiers of the badge are:                missioned warship.
itime Forces Pacific in Esquimalt,          stones within this occupation,” says          Bronze – Given when a candidate              In order to qualify for the badge, a
BC, and in Ottawa. At all three cere-       Commander Amber Comisso, Director           receives a bridge watch keeping              candidate must be a currently serving
monies, recipients included Regular         Personnel Policy 2 at RCN. “Naval           certificate on board a commissioned          RCN member who is either a cur-
Force and Reserve Force personnel.          warfare officers are encouraged to          warship;                                     rent or former naval warfare officer.
   This initiative builds upon similar      apply for their pins and to wear them         Silver – Given to Regular Force            Personnel can apply for the badges
RCN specialty skill badges which rec-       with pride, as they are visual indi-        members who are operations room              through their divisional system.
ognize unique qualifications, and it is     cators of their progression towards         officer qualified (with command

Une nouvelle épinglette de la MRC marquant les progrès
réalisés pour parvenir à un poste de commandement d’un
Par ens 1 Wilson Ho

  Les officiers de guerre navale de la      er leur épinglette et à la porter avec            responsable de la classe ORCA.         activité de service et un ancien ou
Marine royale canadienne (MRC) peu-         fierté, car elle constitue un indicateur      •   Or : décernée aux personnes par-       un actuel officier de guerre navale.
vent désormais recevoir une nouvelle        visuel des progrès qu’ils ont accomplis           venues à un poste de comman-           Les membres du personnel peuvent
épinglette marquant les progrès qu’ils      pour parvenir à un poste de comman-               dement d’un navire de guerre en        demander les insignes par l’intermédi-
ont réalisés pour parvenir à un poste       dement », a déclaré la Capf Amber                 service.                               aire de leur système divisionnaire.
de commandement d’un navire de              Comisso, directrice – Politique en            Pour recevoir l’insigne, le candidat
guerre.                                     matière de personnel 2 au sein de la        doit être un membre de la MRC en
  Les nouvelles épinglettes ont été of-     MRC.
ficiellement dévoilées le 16 mai 2022, et     L’insigne reconnaît le service en
les premières présentations ont eu lieu     mer et les progrès réalisés pour par-
aux Forces maritimes de l’Atlantique        venir à un poste de commandement,
à Halifax, aux Forces maritimes du          en fonction de certaines qualifications
Pacifique à Esquimalt (C.-B.). et à Ot-     obtenues et des postes occupés à bord
tawa. Lors de ces trois cérémonies, les     des navires et sous-marins canadiens
insignes ont été remis à des membres        de Sa Majesté. Les trois niveaux sont
de la Force régulière et de la Force de     les suivants :
réserve.                                      •    Bronze : décerné lorsqu’un
  Cette nouvelle épinglette vient                  candidat reçoit son certificat de
s’ajouter aux insignes de compétences              quart à la passerelle à bord d’un
spécialisées de la MRC qui reconnais-              navire de guerre en service.
sent des qualifications uniques, et elle      •    Argent : décerné aux membres
est semblable à l’épinglette d’officier            de la Force régulière qui ont
de combat de surface utilisée par                  reçu leur qualification d’offi-
d’autres marines. L’instruction des                cier de la salle des opérations
officiers de guerre navale de la MRC               (après avoir suivi le cours de
les prépare à commander un jour un                 perfectionnement en comman-
navire de guerre ou un sous-marin.                 dement), aux sous-mariniers
  « Ce nouvel insigne d’officier de                qui ont reçu leur qualification
guerre navale reconnaît l’effort im-               équivalente d’officier de la salle
portant requis pour franchir les étapes            des opérations ou aux membres
clés dans ce métier. Les officiers de              de la Première réserve qui ont
guerre navale sont invités à demand-               reçu leur qualification d’officier

                                                                                        On May 16, Vice-Admiral Craig Baines, outgoing Commander of the Royal Canadian
                                                                                        Navy, presented the new naval warfare officers’ pin, which marks progression toward
                                                                                        command of a commissioned warship.

                                                                                        Le 16 mai, le vice-amiral Craig Baines, commandant sortant de la Marine royale ca-
                                                                                        nadienne, a présenté la nouvelle épinglette d’officier de guerre navale, qui marque les
                                                                                        progrès réalisés pour parvenir à un poste de commandement d’un navire de guerre en
                                                                                                                                              ED DIXON, MARPAC IMAGING SERVICES
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 27, 2022                                                                                                                                            7

National apology to Black Battalion carries significance for all Ca-
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff
                                                           First World War — in             “It soon became obvious that they         that point that he would someday set
                                                           Truro, NS, on the same        also wanted men to be of one colour…         down their story. He was determined,”
                                                           grounds where the             it was a white man’s war,” Ruck said.        Ruck said.
                                                           members of the “Black            The men persisted and finally, on            Work and family obligations meant
                                                           Battalion” trained.           July 5, 1916, the No. 2 Construction         it would take him a few decades, but in
                                                              In preparation for         Battalion was established in Pictou,         1987, after years of interviewing mem-
                                                           that historic event,          NS. The unit was moved to Truro for          bers of the battalion and their fami-
                                                           the Maritime Forces           training and by the time the battalion       lies, Calvin Ruck published The Black
                                                           Atlantic (MARLANT)            set sail for Europe from Halifax — on        Battalion 1916-1920: Canada’s Best
                                                           Defence Visible Mi-           March 28, 1917 on the SS Southland           Kept Military Secret. The book marked
                                                           nority Advisory Group         — more than 600 Black men had volun-         a turning point in the battalion getting
                                                           (DVMAG) hosted an             teered for service. Most of the volun-       some much-deserved recognition.
                                                           afternoon presentation        teers were from Nova Scotia although            On July 4, 1992, the creation of the
                                                           at the Black Cultural         the battalion also had recruits from         Black Battalion was recognized as a
                                                           Centre for Nova Scotia,       Ontario and Western Canada, the              national historic event, and in 1993 a
                                                           including a tour of the       United States, and even some from the        granite monument commemorating
                                                           Centre’s exhibit on the       British West Indies.                         the unit was erected in Pictou, NS,
                                                           battalion and a talk by          Deployed under the command of             where the battalion was first estab-
                                                           Douglas Ruck, a labour        white officers, the No. 2 Construction       lished.
                                                           and human rights law-         Battalion was a non-combatant unit              After it was announced in March
                                                           yer and son of the late       and provided a support role, such as         2021 that Canada would make an
                                                           senator Calvin Ruck,          digging trenches, repairing railways         official apology to the relatives and
                                                           who wrote a book on           and establishing logging roads.              descendants of the members of No. 2
                                                           the No. 2 Construction           Members of the unit endured racism        Construction Battalion, the National
                                                           Battalion.                    at every step of the way, Ruck said,         Apology Advisory Committee — cre-
                                                              “This apology is           and when they returned home, their           ated by the Black Cultural Centre in
                                                           important, it marks           efforts were largely ignored, with the       partnership with the federal govern-
                                                           an important point in         exception of a commemorative plaque          ment — began meeting with people
                                                           history… this is not          placed in the Ontario legislature in         from across the country.
                                                           just Black history, it’s      1920. “They came back to obscurity              “The goal is to make this wrong…
From left, BGen Paul Peyton, Commander 5th Canadian        Canadian history,”            and would have been forgotten if not         right, as best as we possibly can,”
Division, Mr, Douglas Ruck, and Capt(N) Sean Williams,     said Douglas Ruck.            for my father’s book.”                       Ruck said. “This apology is a signifi-
CFB Halifax Base Commander, at the Black Cultural             When the First                Ruck’s father, Calvin Ruck, first         cant event. For all of us, every Cana-
Centre For Nova Scotia in Cherry Brook.                    World War broke out           heard about the battalion when he            dian.”
                                    5TH CANADIAN DIVISION  in 1914, hundreds of          was working as a railway porter and             The national apology will be held
                                                           Black men were ready          saw some of the other Black porters          on July 9 in Truro. On July 7, a new
  On July 9, the Government of                             to sign up. While the         wearing a lapel pin, denoting them           interpretive display will be opened at
Canada will make a formal apology          recruiting slogan was “one mind, one          as members of the No. 2 Construction         the Black Cultural Centre, in Cherry
for the mistreatment of the No. 2          heart”, the reality those men met at          Battalion.                                   Brook, NS. Both events will also be
Construction Battalion — Canada’s          the recruiting stations told a different         “My father was a man who loved            streamed online at
only all Black unit to serve during the    story.                                        history and he made up his mind at

The No.2 Construction Battalion, pictured here, was an all-black unit, based out of Nova Scotia, that served during the First World War.
                                                                                                                                           BLACK CULTURAL CENTRE FOR NOVA SCOTIA
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
8                                                                                                                                     TRIDENT NEWS          JUNE 27, 2022

HMC Ships Vancouver and Winnipeg deploy to the Pacific
By Lt(N) Joshua Ehnisz,

                                                                                         HMCS Winnipeg.
                                                                                           “Thank you to our families, friends,
                                                                                         loved ones, and to the greater Defence
                                                                                         community, for your support in getting
                                                                                         us here – our team will represent you,
                                                                                         the Canadian Armed Forces and all Ca-
                                                                                         nadians, with professionalism during
                                                                                         our six-month deployment,” said Cdr
                                                                                         Kevin Whiteside of HMCS Vancouver.
                                                                                           This year’s RIMPAC will see about
                                                                                         25,000 personnel, including 38 surface
                                                                                         vessels, four submarines, 170 aircraft
                                                                                         and land forces from 26 nations. All
                                                                                         participating nations will exercise a
                                                                                         range of capabilities and demonstrate
                                                                                         the inherent flexibility of maritime
                                                                                           After RIMPAC, both warships will
                                                                                         continue on to Operation Projection.
                                                                                         The operation enhances relationships
                                                                                         with Canada’s allies and partners,
                                                                                         and demonstrate the Royal Canadian
                                                                                         Navy’s readiness to defend Canada’s
HMCS Vancouver and HMCS Winnipeg both departed Esquimalt on June 14 to begin a           interests around the world.
six-month stint at sea, beginning with participation in the annual RIMPAC exercise.        HMCS Vancouver will also support
                                                                            S1 SISI XU
                                                                                         Operation Neon, Canada’s contribu-
                                                                                         tion to the implementation of United     The ships didn’t get far from home before
                                                                                         Nations Security Council sanctions       the work started. Here, the boarding par-
  Families bid farewell to their loved        Before the six-month deployment,                                                    ty from HMCS Vancouver gets ready to
ones in HMCS Vancouver and HMCS            captains of both ships spoke to families.     against North Korea.
                                                                                           Both ships will be deployed over the   conduct boarding drills onboard HMCS
Winnipeg as the ships conducted a sail        “I am extremely grateful to our fam-                                                Winnipeg off the west coast of the United
past near CFB Esquimalt on June 14.        ilies and friends for their unwavering        course of the next six-months and will
                                                                                         be returning to Esquimalt in December    States on June 17.
The warships then left for exercise        support and inherent resiliency – you
Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022, held     are the source of our strength.” said         2022.                                                          S1 MELISSA GONZALEZ

yearly in the Indo-Pacific.                Commander (Cdr) Annick Fortin of

Naval Reservists
gather for national

Port Inspection Divers give a thumbs up before commencing diving operations at Lake
Minnewanka in Banff, Alberta on June 11. This was a National Diving Exercise, with
Naval Reservists from different units across the country taking part.

                                                                   S1 VALERIE LECLAIR
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
TRIDENT NEWS          JUNE 27, 2022                                                                                                                                                9

Publication of The CAF Ethos: Trusted to Serve
  The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)            ues, change our military culture, and         Defence Team values and ethics, are          to pursue excellence, knowledge, diver-
is pleased to announce the publication       rebuild trust.                                now incorporated in the CAF Ethos in         sity, inclusion, and through leading by
of The CAF Ethos: Trusted to Serve – an         The first and most important prin-         a way that more fully articulates what       example.
important and thorough revision and          ciple found in Trusted to Serve is to         is expected from military personnel –          Every CAF member at all rank levels
expansion of part of the 2009 publica-       respect the dignity of all persons. As        with a strong emphasis on character,         has a role to play and is expected to
tion Duty with Honour: The Profession        it stands, respecting the dignity of all      competence, and trust.                       take ownership of the renewed princi-
of Arms. Trusted to Serve is our re-         persons is the only way the Profession          Trusted to Serve is our most essential     ples, values and expectations. Prepared
newed commitment to professionalism          of Arms can build and maintain cred-          doctrine. It must guide our conduct and      learning material will help leadership
through a 60-page operational guide on       ibility and trust, at home and abroad.        performance at all times, both on- and       facilitate discussions within their units
how best to apply the CAF ethos and          Everyone must be treated with respect         off-duty. The CAF Ethos will continue        on how to best apply new The CAF
its elements in daily military service.      and humanity at all times and in all          to evolve through our commitment to          Ethos: Trusted to Serve.
Trusted to Serve comes at a particular       places. Everyone deserves to serve in         professionalism and by holding each
turning point in our history, as we          a safe, inclusive environment. This           other to account. It is strengthened and
evolve to better reflect Canadian val-       foundational principle, as well as other      sustained through our collective efforts

CFB Halifax members roll up their sleeves /
Les membres de la BFC Halifax relèvent leurs manches

On June 13, Canadian Blood Services and CFB Halifax welcomed over 90 military and civilian Defence Team members who donated lifesaving blood at Stadacona’s Naval
Fleet School (Atlantic) Drill Shed in support of our most vulnerable citizens. The event brought out many military members, including our new Base Chief, CPO1 Troy Beazley
– a first-time donor. For CPO1 Beazley, it was important to donate now as Canadian Blood Services has experienced a significant decrease in its nationwide blood inventory,
especially given the uncertainty around living with COVID-19. His wish is that increased awareness and visibility will amplify participation within the local DND community,
and that more people will feel empowered to donate. Bravo Zulu to all our donors and to Canadian Blood Services for continuing this vital work! We commend our members for
supporting others in lifesaving ways! You can book your next appointment by visiting

Le 13 juin, la BFC Halifax et la Société canadienne du sang ont accueilli plus de 90 membres de l’Équipe de la Défense, tant civils que militaires, qui ont fait un don de sang
salvateur au hangar d’exercices de l’École navale (Atlantique), à Stadacona, pour venir en aide à nos citoyens les plus vulnérables. L’activité a attiré de nombreux militaires,
dont le nouveau premier maître de la base, le PM 1 Troy Beazley, qui en est à son premier don. Pour le PM 1 Beazley, il était essentiel de faire un don maintenant, car la Société
canadienne du sang a connu une diminution importante de ses stocks de sang à l’échelle nationale, notamment en raison de l’incertitude liée au fait de vivre avec la COVID-19.
Il souhaite que la sensibilisation et la visibilité accrues favorisent la participation au sein de la communauté locale du MDN et que davantage de personnes se sentent habilitées
à donner du sang. Bravo Zulu à tous nos donneurs et à la Société canadienne du sang pour la poursuite de ce travail important! Félicitations à nos membres d’aider les autres à
sauver des vies! Vous pouvez prendre votre prochain rendez-vous en cliquant sur le lien suivant :

                                                                                                        ARIANE GUAY-JADAH, PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER/OFFICIER DES AFFAIRES PUBLIQUES

                                                                                           HMCS Glace Bay joins 2022
                                                                                           Great Lakes Deployment
                                                                                           HMCS Glace Bay, seen here sailing past the ferry Craig Blake, left Halifax on June 17
                                                                                           to take part in this year’s Great Lakes Deployment, joining the tall ship HMCS Oriole
                                                                                           which has been visiting communities along the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great
                                                                                           Lakes since early May. Glace Bay is scheduled to make stops in Hamilton, Toronto,
                                                                                           Oshawa, Kingston, Montreal, Quebec City and Rimouski through the summer.

                                                                                                                                                            MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
HMCS Halifax on Operation Reassurance/ Le NCSM Halifax participe à l'opération Reassurance
10                                                                                    TRIDENT NEWS       JUNE 27, 2022

            Sports & Fitness
Wheely fun: Cyclists come out
for Navy Bike Ride in Halifax
By Trident Staff

                                                       Sunshine and a             in support of the national Navy Bike
                                                     light breeze made for        Ride, a virtual event running from
                                                     near-perfect riding          June 12 to August 7.
                                                     conditions for the dozens      “We figured this would get people
                                                     of cyclists who took part    outdoors, being active and having fun
                                                     in the Halifax Shadow        together. It’s a great event and our
                                                     Ride — the CFB Halifax       way to contribute to the Navy Bike
                                                     edition of the Navy Bike     Ride,” said Kevin Miller, fitness and
                                                     Ride — at 12 Wing Shear-     sports coordinator with PSP Halifax.
                                                     water on June 16.              While registration was down from
                                                       A non-competitive,         pre-COVID numbers, 44 people showed
                                                     recreational event put       up for the event — including CFB Hal-
                                                     on by PSP Halifax, par-      ifax Base Commander Capt(N) Sean
                                                     ticipants could choose       Williams, who led the cyclists as they
                                                     from four distances —        set off on the trail and completed the
                                                     all starting on the Shear-   full distance.
                                                     water Flyer Trail — with       PSP staff were on hand both at the
                                                     many opting to go the        ride start, in front of the Shearwater
                                                     full 37 kilometre route      Fitness & Sports Centre, and at check-
                                                     to Lawrencetown Beach        points along the trail, offering water
                                                     and back.                    and encouragement along the way.
                                                       The event was held
                      MONA GHIZ, MARLANT / FMAR(A)

                                                                                                          S1 JACLYN BUELL
TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 27, 2022                                                                                                                                11

Stadacona temporary fitness facility
to be constructed by early fall 2023
By CFB Halifax

   When the decision was made to close
the Stadacona Fitness, Sports and
Recreation Centre (STADPLEX) in
2018, Real Property Operations Section
Halifax developed a comprehensive
infrastructure plan to address the
short, medium and long-term needs of
our Base population. From this plan,
it was determined that a temporary,
winterized fitness facility would be
constructed in the same location as
the now demolished STADPLEX gym.
Design work for this facility began in
late 2020.
   Construction timeline now con-
   In late April 2022, a contract was
awarded for the construction of the
facility. With a formal contract now
in place, the following construction
activities are scheduled to occur at
Stadacona in the coming months and
into 2023:
   (1) Early July 2022: Installation
of fencing around the future facility
property (fencing marked in blue on
the attached site map, Figure 2).
   (2) July – November 2022: Site
preparation activities (e.g. installation
of site services/excavation/founda-
tion, footings/slab, construction of
mechanical mezzanine).
   (3) November 2022: Arrival of the
pre-engineered building system for on-
site assembly.
   (4) Early fall 2023: Facility opens
for use. Exact date to be announced
closer to completion of construction.
   Impacts to local Defence Team mem-
bers will be minimal during the site
preparation and construction/assem-         erably more compact than the origi-
bly periods. In addition to increased       nal STADPLEX gym, this temporary
construction noise during working           facility will have a maximum capacity
hours, a small number of parking            of approximately 134 members; this
spaces just inside the fence line will be   capacity will be reduced as required to
inaccessible throughout the construc-       comply with any possible physical dis-
tion period; these spaces are marked        tancing requirements. PSP Halifax is
in orange at figure 2. There may be a       working to determine an operational
few instances during which Admirals         plan for this facility that will identify
Way is limited to single-lane traffic or    hours of operation and other details
where the small parking area adja-          that facility users will want to know;
cent to the construction site (marked       this information will be provided clos-
in purple at Figure 2) will be closed.      er to the official opening in 2023.
Relevant details will be communicated          PSP Halifax – Current physical fit-
in advance of any such activities.          ness programming
   About the facility                          While excited for the future of
   Modelled after a similar facility at     fitness at Stadacona, PSP Halifax
CFB Borden (Figure 1), Stadacona’s          remains focused on providing physical
1250 square metre temporary fitness         fitness programming to local members
facility will be heated and air-condi-      right now. For more information on
tioned, and will include an open gym-       current PSP Halifax fitness program-
nasium area for basketball, volleyball,     ming, click here.
badminton and ball hockey; an area             Archives/References:
for cardio machines and weights; day           2018: STADPLEX to close in October
lockers and change stalls; universal        | Trident Newspaper
showers and washrooms; a reception             2018: STADPLEX closure updates |
office with DWAN workstations for           Trident Newspaper                           Temporary fitness facility at CFB Borden.
fitness and sports instructors; and a          2020: Design phase for temporary
storage room for equipment. Consid-         Stadacona fitness facility underway |       Installation de conditionnement physique de la BFC Borden.
                                            Trident Newspaper
12                                                                                                                                      TRIDENT NEWS       JUNE 27, 2022

Construction de l’installation de
conditionnement physique temporaire à
Stadacona au début de l’automne 2023
Par BFC Halifax
   Lorsque la décision a été prise de
close the Stadacona Fitness, Sports
and Recreation Centre (fermer le
Centre de conditionnement physique,
de sports et de loisirs de Stadacona)
(STADPLEX) en 2018, la Section des
opérations immobilières d’Halifax
a élaboré un plan d’infrastructure
complet pour répondre aux besoins à
court, moyen et long terme de la popu-
lation de notre base en matière de con-
ditionnement physique. En fonction
de ce plan, il a été déterminé qu’une
installation de conditionnement
physique temporaire et aménagée
pour l’hiver serait construite au même
endroit que le gymnase STADPLEX,
maintenant démoli. Design work for
this facility began in late 2020 (les
travaux de conception de cette instal-
lation ont commencé à la fin de 2020).
   Le calendrier de construction est
maintenant confirmé
   À la fin de 2020, un contrat a été
attribué pour construire l’installation.
Un contrat officiel étant désormais
en place, les travaux de construction
suivants devraient avoir lieu à Stad-
acona au cours des prochains mois et
en 2023 :
   (1) Début juillet 2022 : Mise en
place de la clôture autour du futur
site de l’installation (la clôture est      blable à la BFC Borden (Figure 1), l’in-    ment physique offerts actuellement          | Trident Newspaper (en anglais)
indiquée en bleu sur le plan du site ci-    stallation temporaire de conditionne-       aux membres de la région. Pour                2018 : STADPLEX closure updates |
joint, figure 2).                           ment physique de 1 250 mètres carrés        obtenir plus de renseignements sur les      Trident Newspaper (en anglais)
   (2) De juillet à novembre 2022 :         de Stadacona sera chauffée et clima-        programmes de conditionnement phy-            2020 : Design phase for temporary
Travaux de préparation du site (p.          tisée et comprendra un gymnase ou-          sique offerts actuellement, cliquez ici.    Stadacona fitness facility underway |
ex. installation des services du site/      vert pour le basket-ball, le volley-ball,     Archives et références                    Trident Newspaper
excavation/fondation, semelles/dalles,      le badminton et le hockey-balle; une          2018 : STADPLEX to close in October         (en anglais)
construction d’une mezzanine mé-            zone pour les appareils d’entraîne-
canique).                                   ment cardiovasculaire et les poids;
   (3) Novembre 2022 : Arrivée du           des casiers de jour et des cabines
système de bâtiment préfabriqué aux         de changement; des douches et des
fins d’assemblage sur place.                toilettes universelles; une réception et
   (4) Début de l’automne 2023 :            des postes de travail RED réservés aux
Ouverture de l’installation aux usag-       instructeurs de conditionnement phy-
ers. La date exacte sera annoncée à         sique et de sport et un local de range-
l’approche de la fin de la construction.    ment de l’équipement. Cette installa-
   Les membres de l’Équipe locale de        tion temporaire, beaucoup plus étroite
la Défense seront peu affectés par les      que le gymnase STADPLEX original,
travaux de préparation du site et les       pourra accueillir un maximum d’en-
périodes de construction et d’assem-        viron 134 membres; cette capacité sera
blage. Outre l’augmentation du bruit        réduite au besoin afin de respecter
de la construction pendant les heures       d’éventuelles exigences liées à la dis-
de travail, un petit nombre d’espaces       tanciation physique. Les responsables
de stationnement situés juste à l’in-       des Programmes de soutien du person-
térieur de la ligne de clôture seront       nel (PSP) d’Halifax travaillent à l’élab-
inaccessibles pendant toute la péri-        oration d’un plan opérationnel pour
ode de construction; ces espaces sont       cette installation qui comprendra les
indiqués en orange à la figure 2. Il se     heures d’ouverture et d’autres détails
peut qu’à quelques reprises, la circu-      que les usagers de l’installation vou-
lation sur Admirals Way soit limitée à      dront connaître. Ces renseignements
une seule voie ou que la petite aire de     seront communiqués à l’approche de
stationnement adjacente au chantier         l’ouverture officielle en 2023.
de construction (indiquée en violet,           PSP Halifax – Programmes de
figure 2) soit fermée. Les détails perti-   conditionnement physique actuels
nents seront communiqués aux mem-              Outre l’enthousiasme que suscite         Temporary fitness facility at CFB Borden.
bres avant le début de ces activités.       l’avenir du conditionnement physique
   À propos de l’installation               de Stadacona, les responsables du PSP       Installation de conditionnement physique de la BFC Borden.
   Inspirée d’une installation sem-         Halifax continuent de se concentrer
                                            sur les programmes de conditionne-                                                                            SUBMITTED/SOUMIS
TRIDENT NEWS        JUNE 27, 2022                                                                                                                                            13

Wanderers get the win at DND Appreciation Match / Les Wanderers rempor-
tent une victoire lors du match de reconnaissance envers le MDN
                                                                                      On June 4, the Halifax Wanderers hosted their annual DND Appreciation Match at
                                                                                      the Wanderers Grounds against York FC from Toronto. A fun time was had by all who
                                                                                      attended the game which included amazing performances by the Stadacona Band of
                                                                                      the Royal Canadian Navy, the 12 Wing Pipes and Drums and the 14 Wing Pipes and
                                                                                      Drums bands, a CH-148 Cyclone flypast, and CAF activation spaces featuring displays
                                                                                      from HMCS Scotian, 5th Canadian Divison, Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic), the Dockyard
                                                                                      Fire Department, Military Police Unit Halifax, and the Halifax and Region Military
                                                                                      Family Resource Centre. Also, we can’t forget our furry friends SONAR the Royal
                                                                                      Canadian Navy mascot and Juno the Canadian Army mascot! To top it all off, the
                                                                                      HFX Wanderers even secured a win, with a final game score of 1-0. Many thanks to the
                                                                                      Wanderers for continuing to recognize our Defence community through this special
                                                                                      event, and Bravo Zulu to all participating units!

                                                                                      Le 4 juin, le club de football des Halifax Wanderers a tenu à domicile son match annuel
                                                                                      de reconnaissance envers le MDN contre les York de Toronto. Tous ceux qui étaient
                                                                                      présents se sont bien amusés. Au programme figuraient des spectacles formidables
                                                                                      présentés par la Musique Stadacona de la Marine royale canadienne et les corps de
                                                                                      cornemuses de la 12e Escadre et de la 14e Escadre, un défilé aérien du CH148 Cyclone et
                                                                                      des zones d’activité des FAC où il y avait des expositions du NCSM Scotian, de la 5e Di-
                                                                                      vision du Canada, de l’Unité de plongée de la Flotte (Atlantique), du Service d’incendie
                                                                                      de l’arsenal, de l’Unité de police militaire d’Halifax et du Centre de ressources pour les
                                                                                      familles des militaires d’Halifax et régions. Il ne faut pas non plus oublier nos amis
                                                                                      à fourrure SONAR, la mascotte de la Marine royale canadienne, et Juno, la mascotte
                                                                                      de l’Armée canadienne! Pour couronner le tout, les Wanderers d’Halifax ont remporté
                                                                                      le match par le score final de 1-0. Merci aux Wanderers de rendre hommage à notre
                                                                                      communauté de la Défense en organisant chaque année cet événement spécial, et Bravo
                                                                                      Zulu à toutes les unités participantes!

                                                                                                                                                       S2/mat2 TAYLOR CONGDON

FDU(A) takes base
soccer trophy
By PSP Halifax
  PSP Halifax held a MEGA Soccer             MEGA Golf - July 18, 2022
tournament from June 6-10 at Porte-          MEGA Sailing - August 8-12, 2022
ous Field, with great participation          MEGA Slo-Pitch - September 19-23,
from teams across the Base, Fleet, and     2022
12 Wing Shearwater. Fleet Diving Unit        Craig Blake Fitness Challenge - Sep-
(Atlantic) was awarded the tourna-         tember 23, 2022
ment trophy after a tight final game         COTW/COTF Volleyball - October
against Trinity, winning 4-3 in penalty    3-7, 2022
kicks.                                       COTW/COTF Badminton - Novem-                                 RE TURN S                          AU RETOUR
  A number of base sporting events
are scheduled through 2022 and 2023,
and military personnel are encour-
                                           ber 14-18, 2022
                                             COTW/COTF 3-on-3 Basketball - No-
                                           vember 28 - December 02, 2022
                                                                                                  21 A UG 2 02 2                     2 1 AO ÛT 2 02 2
aged to get involved. Speak to your          MEGA Ice Hockey - February 27 -
unit sports rep or PSP Fitness and         March 3, 2023
Sports staff for more information.           MEGA Curling - March 6-10, 2023
                                             MEGA Floor Hockey - April 17-21,
 Base sports schedule:                     2023

                                                                                                                      REGIST ER AT | IN SCRIVEZ-VO US AU

                                                                                                                           /navy10krun             @navy10krun
Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) were winners of the 2022 MEGA Soccer tournament.

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