GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum

La page est créée Sandrine Bonnet
GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum
Select IntraEdge Clients

GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum
                                                                                                                   ÉLÉMENT DE SOLUTION

                                                                                          ÉTAPE           1                                PORTAIL
                                                                                                                                           & REPORTING

            •   Évaluation
            •   Cartographie de données,
                Création de politique,
                Notifications utilisateur,
                                                                                          ÉTAPE           2                               CENTRALISATION
                                                                                                                                          DES DONNÉES

                                                                                          ÉTAPE           3                              AUTOMATISATION DU BACKEND

* Ceci est une approximation basée sur des exemples réels. Le pourcentage réel de surcharge par fonction varie en fonction des volumes de demandes, du nombre de sources de
données, de la nature des demandes et d'autres variables.
GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum
IMPACT OF AUTOMATION                                                                                                     FRAIS GÉNÉRAUX OPÉRATIONNELS
                                                                                                                   DU DROIT D'ACCÈS DE LA PERSONNE CONCERNÉE
                                                                                RÉDUCTION EN
               ÉLÉMENT DE SOLUTION                                              POURCENTAGE                                             Validation de la demande

ÉTAPE         1                                PORTAIL
                                               & REPORTING
                                                                                                                                        Validation d'identité

                                                                                                                                        Gestion du flux de travail,
                                                                                                                                        Enregistrement et rapport

                                                                                                                                        Recherche/Identification de

ÉTAPE                                          DES DONNÉES
                                                                                                                                        Collecte/extraction de données

                                                                                                                                        Emballage et présentation des
                                                                                                                                        Rejeter les demandes

                                                                                                                                         Modifications de données
                                              AUTOMATISATION DU
                                                                                                                                         (suppression, anonymisation,

                                                                                                                                         Ad hoc / Cas particuliers /
                                                                                                                                         Sources de données manuelles
 * Ceci est une approximation basée sur des exemples réels. Le pourcentage réel de surcharge par fonction varie en fonction des volumes de demandes, du nombre de sources de
 données, de la nature des demandes et d'autres variables.
GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum

                                                          Comment puis-je gérer cela de manière à prouver que nous
                                                             sommes poursuivis ou condamnés à une amende?

À:                                    Quel genre de demande est-ce exactement? Comment est-ce que
DATE: 25/5/18                                                            je le traite? Dois-je le traiter?

                                                         J'ai 80 systèmes backend. Comment trouver ses données dans
OBJET: Demande de données                                                          chacune?

Messieurs,                                               Comment puis-je lui transmettre ses données de manière à ce
                                                                      qu'elle puisse les comprendre?
Je veux prendre connaissance des informations
                                                           Comment pourrais-je supprimer ses données sur tous ces
que vous avez sur moi car je voudrais le droit de les                            systèmes?
modifier ou de les supprimer en tout ou en partie.
En vertu du RGPD, vous avez un mois pour vous
conformer.                                              Comment vais-je réagir à la demande dans le temps?
                                                        Est-ce vraiment Nancy? Est-ce du spam? Est-ce une tentative de
Nancy Melbourn
                                                          Je viens de recevoir 1000 demandes. Comment vais-je gérer?
GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum

    Étape 1 :       Enregistrement      Étape 2 : Accuser    Email de accusé   Détails complets   Évaluation du
    Demande         de la demande          réception          de réception        du contrat        système

                                                               Évaluer la
  Recherche du      Receive resulting       Étape 3 :                             Étape 4 :          Décision de
    système               data             Verification                           Analyser        l’approache DS

 Consulter le DPO   Communication           Étape 5 :                                               Traiter la
                                                              Contacter DS      Étape 6 : Agir
     de l'UE         de l’approach        Clarification                                             demande

   Confirmer la
                    Notifier le sujet   Étape 7 : Cloturer
                     de données           la demande
GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum

ü Les sujets de données devraient         ü Les identités des utilisateurs
   être satisfaits par la rapidité, la       doivent toujours être validées et
   clarté et l'éducation                     leurs données sécurisées
ü Il convient d'indiquer clairement aux   ü Les rapports et l'auditabilité doivent
   personnes concernées ce qu'elles          pouvoir être produits à la demande
   peuvent perdre et de toujours leur        et les tâches courantes doivent être
   donner des options permettant             automatisées.
   d'abandonner ou de préciser une
GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum
                        INSTANTLY                                                                       INGEST ALL DATA              DATA SOURCES
                                                                                                        CENTRALIZED & AUTOMATED


PHYSICAL & POINT                               CONSUMER PORTAL               DATA LAKE
    OF SALE                                      ALL DATA IN ONE PLACE   AZURE, POWERED BY INTEL®                                          ECOMMERCE
                               API SERVICES

   & DIGITAL                                   Contest                                                                                     ANALYTICS
                   CHANGE MY DATA              Transfer
                        AT SCALE

                                              DATA ACCESS REQUESTS BLOCKCHAIN LEDGER                      FULFILL SARS                     ANYTHING…
                                                                                                         MANUAL & AUTOMATED
                                                 AUDITABLE & AUTOMATED   BUILT ON SAWTOOTH BLOCKCHAIN

                   MANAGE CONSENT                                                                         Intuitive Consent Management, detailed logging,
                     ACROSS SERVICES                                                                      version control, tied to a matrix of services and
                                                                                                          data elements. All logged to the blockchain for
                                                                                            NEW!          future retrieval and forensics. Presented in a
                                                                                                          straightforward way.
GDPR EDGE POWERED BY INTEL - Select IntraEdge Clients - Security Forum
MANUEL                                         LA CONFIDENTIALITÉ
ü Éliminer les SAR non structurés              ü Automatiser 95% des droits individuels
ü Valider l'identité de l'utilisateur          ü Créez une expérience utilisateur agréable
ü Transfert d'informations sécurisé              et transparente
ü Intégration aux systèmes de ticketing et     ü Contrôler et influencer les droits à oublier
  d'authentification existants                 ü Prise en charge de plusieurs cadres
ü Automatiser les rapports et l'auditabilité     législatifs sur la protection de la vie
ü Gérer les rapports de consentement du          privée, par zone géographique

   FINANCIAL &            GO-TO-MARKET              END-TO-END GDPR                   STRATEGIC
   TECHNOLOGY               PARTNER.                  SPECIALIST.                     PARTNER.
    PARTNER.              AZURE-HOSTED DATA         RESELLER. GDPR AND                TECHNOLOGY
                          LAKES AND BUSINESS            DATA PRIVACY                INTEGRATION AND
   AND HARDWARE                                      IN 152 COUNTRIES.
AN INTEL® IOT MARKET                                   DEVELOPMENT &
   READY SOLUTION                                    COMMERCIALIZATION.
                                                 BIG DATA AND SECURITY EXPERTISE,
                                                   SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, AND
La Situation de la
Conformité RGPD
October 2018
© 2018 TrustArc Inc
            Consulting &                                 Validations des
                                                                                Plateforme de Gestion
             Formation                                    conformités

    Des Experts                                    Des Processes Validés       Technologie Puissante
    • 300+ person global team                      • 20+ years and 1000s of    • 7 years experience
    • CIPPs, former CPOs,                            engagements used to         operating platform at high
      world renowned experts                         inform and refine           scale
    • Decades of experience at                     • Based on key global       • 6 modules and growing
      top brands across all                          standards: GDPR, FIPPs,   • Used by 1,000+ clients
      industries                                     OECD, etc.
                                                                               • Powers consulting &
    • Large engineering &                          • Developed by privacy        certification services
      support team                                   experts
                                                                               • Purpose built for privacy
                                                   • Powered by industry
                                                                               • Flexible SaaS architecture
                                                     leading technology

2       TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
Enquête RGPD TrustArc / Dimensional

                                               •   TrustArc partnered with Dimensional
                                                   Research to survey GDPR compliance
                                                   status and plans
                                               •   June 2018, post the May 25th deadline
                                               •   600 respondents
                                               •   Equal mix of US, UK, Other EU
                                               •   50% in IT, 50% in Legal
                                               •   Mix of executive, manager and
                                                   individual contributors
                                               •   Minimum of 25% focus on privacy
                                               •   Over 500 employees
                                               •   Mix across wide range of regulated
                                                   and non-regulated industries
                                               •   See report for full demographic

6   TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
Quelles sont les Motivations des Entreprises?
Motivated more by values and customer and partner expectations than fear of fines
                            What are your primary reasons for investing in GDPR compliance?

     Meet customer expectations / requirements                                               58%

                       Support our company values                                    47%

                   Meet partner or other third-party                             41%
                    expectations / requirements                                  40%

                                                                                 41%                       United States
                       Fines or class action lawsuits                           38%
                                                                                39%                        United Kingdom
                                                                                                           European Union
             Meet internal reporting requirements                                40%
                (including board of directors)                                 35%

                            Negative media coverage                13%

                        Differentiate vs. competitors               17%

                                                        0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%    70%

                                                                                            TrustArc – Dimensional Research July 2018

7   TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
La Conformité RGPD Juste en Cours…
     96% have started, but only 20% are fully compliant

                     Which of the following best describes the state of your GDPR compliance?


        4%           15%                 8%                23%                               30%                            20%

       0%           10%            20%            30%        40%           50%        60%           70%          80%         90%        100%

              We haven't started                                                 We are working on our preliminary plan
              We have a plan in place but haven't started implementation         We have started our implementation
              Our implementation is well underway                                We are done and are fully GDPR compliant

                                                                                                                TrustArc – Dimensional Research July 2018

10     TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
Les Challenges de la Gestion de
la Confidentialité des Données

TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
Top Privacy Challenges for 2H18 – 1H19
Security compliance, ePrivacy, BCRs and Privacy Shield also on radar
                              What will your top privacy initiatives be for the next 6-12 months?

                                       Maintaining GDPR compliance                                                           59%
       Demonstrating GDPR compliance (e.g., GDPR certification)                                                43%
                                         Achieving GDPR compliance                                             42%
                       ISO or other security compliance frameworks                                     31%
                                      ePrivacy Regulation compliance                               30%
                                       Binding Corporate Rules (BCR)                             26%
                                          EU US Privacy Shield status                            25%
                                                UK Data Protection Bill                    20%
                                    APEC CBPR or PRP certifications                      16%
                                            Chinese Cybersecurity law               8%
             Other regional, country, or industry privacy regulations          4%
     We will not have any major privacy initiatives for the next 6-12
                               months                                          4%
                                                                          0%    10%      20%     30%     40%      50%      60%      70%

                                                                                                         TrustArc – Dimensional Research July 2018

29       TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
Importance de la Visibilité Temps Réel et des
Rapports de Conformité Automatisés

25   TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
TrustArc Etudes de Cas: Technologie
Company                             Overview/Challenge                                 TrustArc Solution
                    • F- 50 global hardware & software technology       • Assessment Manager to automate PIAs, DPIAs,
                      company                                             and other risk assessments, incorporating
                    • Legacy in-house assessment solution was             custom-designed privacy rules, resulting in
                      hard-coded, difficult to modify and too manual      automatic flagging of issues and an increase in
                      to scale                                            number of users by 60% to over 8,000 and a
                    • Also limited in terms of producing audit trails     300+% increase in number of privacy
                      and not enabled for auto-tasking - compliance       assessments generated per year
                      issues relating to privacy rules could not be     • “TrustArc is a trusted IBM partner”: Anick Fortin-
                      auto-flagged                                        Cousens, CPO
                    • SaaS Machine Data Analytics for DevOps and        • Assessment Manager to automate PIAs, DPIAs,
                      Security                                            and produce Article 30 reports
                    • Needed to demonstrate GDPR compliance,            • Data Flow Manager to map business processes
                      both as controller and processor to customers,    • “TrustArc’s got a lot of great things”: Jen Brown,
                      partners and 3rd parties                            DPO
                    • Needed a competitive GDPR differentiator
                    • Video conferencing and telehealth services        • GDPR Readiness Assessment to identify gaps
                    • Needed to demonstrate GDPR compliance,              and develop action plan
                      both as Controller and Processor to customers,    • Data Flow Manager to map business processes
                      partner and 3rd parties                           • Assessment Manager to automate PIAs, DPIAs,
                    • Needed to continue demonstrating compliance         and other risk assessments
                      with HIPAA                                        • Cookie Consent Manager to collect user consent
                    • Wished to adopt a “zero cookie load”, explicit      on websites
                      consent approach for EU visitors to the Zoom      • Website Monitoring Manager to id use of trackers
                      website                                           • Guidance creating privacy framework, internal /
                    • Needed a competitive GDPR differentiator            external policies, retention schedule, and incident
                                                                          response processes

  TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
TrustArc Etudes de Cas: Services Financiers
 Company                          Overview/Challenge                                 TrustArc Solution
                     • Multi-national technology services            • Assessment Manager to automate PIAs, DPIAs, and
                       company (F- 500 company)                        other risk assessments
                     • Issuer of credit, debit and pre-paid charge   • Data Flow Manager to map business processes
                       cards                                         • Conducted a large number of PIAs and DPIAs across
                     • Operates in over 210 countries and              MasterCard’s worldwide systems
                       territories, including Asia Pacific           • Guidance creating privacy framework, internal /
                     • Needed to demonstrate GDPR & APEC               external policies
                       CBPR compliance, both as controller and       • Assistance achieving APEC CBPR certification,
                       processor to customers, partners & 3rd          demonstrating compliance as a controller under the
                       parties                                         APEC CBPR Framework
                     • Needed a competitive GDPR differentiator
                     • Insurance for smartphones, tablets,           • Completed Readiness Assessment mapped against
                       consumer electronics, etc. (operates in         Canadian privacy laws and developed remediation
                       over 14 countries)                              action plan
                     • Needed compliance assistance with             • Website Monitoring Manager to id use of trackers
                       Canadian privacy rules, including PIPEDA      • Assistance achieving APEC CBPR certification,
                     • Needed to demonstrate APEC CBPR                 demonstrating compliance as a controller under the
                       compliance                                      APEC CBPR Framework
                     • Dealer and customer financing, insurance,     • Assessment Manager to automate PIAs, DPIAs, and
                       and related services for AB Volvo trucks,       other risk assessments
                       buses and construction equipment in 45        • Supported assessments in customer’s many markets
                       countries                                       and lines of business
                     • Needed to demonstrate GDPR compliance,        • “The TrustArc privacy platform has been very helpful
                       both as controller and processor to             in supporting VFS’s unified approach … and to help us
                       customers, partners & 3rd parties               prepare for GDPR readiness.” – Alexia Maas, SVP &
                     • Needed a competitive GDPR differentiator        General Counsel

   TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
TrustArc Etudes de Cas: Media
Company                          Overview/Challenge                                  TrustArc Solution
                    • Online content network for information and     • Assessment Manager to automate PIAs, DPIAs, and
                      entertainment                                    other risk assessments
                    • Division of CBS and home of                    • Data Flow Manager to map business processes
            ,, CNET               • Individual Rights Manager to automate handling of
                    • Needed to manage requests from EU                Data Subject Access Rights under GDPR
                      residents exercising individual rights under   • Consulting assistance to deploy Individual Rights
                      GDPR in automated fashion, with minimal          Manager and other TrustArc Platform modules
                      employee effort and with needed                • Consulting Assistance to train personnel on
                      information being easy to find and manage        requirements of GDPR
                      with respect to the individual requests to
                      delete, correct, etc.
                    • Professional American football league          • Consulting on privacy policies and procedures and
                    • Needed 360 degree view of the privacy            delivery of a privacy gap analysis with remediation
                      practices of the organization                    recommendations
                    • Needed to demonstrate compliance with          • Conducted GDPR Strategic Priorities Assessment and
                      GDPR as a controller, with a particular          developed a GDPR action plan
                      focus on the operations of the UK office       • Assisted customer in demonstrating overall privacy
                                                                       compliance through achievement of TRUSTe
                                                                       Enterprise Privacy Certification
                    • Business magazine (bi-weekly)                  • Cookie Consent Manager to collect user consent on
                    • Issuer of Forbes Global 2000 list                websites
                    • Needed to demonstrate compliance with          • Website Monitoring Manager to id use of trackers
                      the GDPR, particularly iconsent                • Ads Compliance Manager to comply with DAA, EDAA
                      management requirements                          and related standards
                                                                     • GDPR Strategic Priorities Assessment
                                                                     • Assisted customer in achieving EU-US Privacy Shield

  TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018


© 2018 TrustArc Inc
TrustArc Privacy Solutions – GDPR Example
            Data Governance                            Readiness              Gaps, Risks,     GDPR Plan
              Framework                               Assessment              Remediation

                                                                                              Customer Input

                                          Consent                  Website                     Data Flow
                                          Manager                  Scanning                    Manager
                                                                                              Data Inventory
                                                                                               Data Maps

                                         Individual                                             Article 30
        GDPR                             Rights Mgr                                              Reports
      Validation                                                             DPIA / PIA
                                                                           Inherent Risk
                                                                            Vendor Risk
                                          Policies &                   Int’l Data Transfers
      Validation                                                         Individual Rights     Assessment
       Report                                                                                   Manager
                                                                                                Gap Analysis
                                                                                              Risk / Task Mgmt
                                             Prep                                               Article 35

Platform           Sample           Sample
Modules            Content          Reports

 38        TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
Sample Engagement to Prepare for GDPR
Started in Fall, 2016
• Global medical device company
      – GDPR assessment plus EU/US Privacy Shield
               • Add in HIPAA assessment
               • Roadmap (started in spring 2017)
                       –    Data inventory and mapping (Article 30)
                       –    Policies and procedures (GDPR plus HIPAA)
                       –    DPIA / PIA process (engineering resistance)
                       –    Vendor management (including contracts and due diligence process)
                       –    Individual rights (HIPAA, too)
                       –    Incident response plan and testing (privacy v. security v. combined)
                       –    Employee training
                       –    PLUS
                                » HiTRUST certification readiness
                                » Global comparisons (Canada, Latin America, Switzerland, APAC)
                                » Now CCPA education

39   TrustArc Inc – All Rights Reserved, 2018
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