GK Investment Committee - Restructuring Alternatives - GLOBAL KEYS

La page est créée Didier Bertrand
GK Investment Committee - Restructuring Alternatives - GLOBAL KEYS
GK Investment Committee – Restructuring Alternatives

GKY Investment Office

30. April 2019

                                                GLOBAL KEYS
GK Investment Committee - Restructuring Alternatives - GLOBAL KEYS
Investment Committee 30.04.2019 – Hedge fund review
-2% RAM European Long / Short

 ➢ The RAM fund has struggled to deliver positive returns since summer of 2017. After the significant fall in October 2018 in the
   markets, the RAM fund not only fell with the market but actually failed to rally in 2019. In fact, despite the european equity
   markets enjoying the best quarter in history (+15% end of April), the fund’s return is -3.2%. It is normal for long/short fund to
   have a certain beta to the market. But normally this is true for bear as well bull markets.

 ➢ We met with the fund manager and were not convinced by the explanations. They said that the lack of stock dispersion meant
   that their equity selection was impaired.

 ➢ Eventhough long term track record of RAM is still good, we think that there are more attractive alternatives to choose from

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GK Investment Committee - Restructuring Alternatives - GLOBAL KEYS
Investment Committee 16.04.2019 – Hedge fund review
+2% Ravel European Long / Short

  ➢ Ravel is an european equity long/short fund. They usually invest in around 30 stocks.

  ➢ Ravel is very strong in managing the market risk by reducing exposure drastically in bear markets. In the last 20 years they
    only had 4 years with negative returns (-7.1% in 2008 in market that corrected more than 50%)

  ➢ We have met with Ravel several times these past few months. They were the team that managed the European Long/Short
    portfolio of the USD 30bln Soros fund.

  ➢ We have spoken to a few member of the Soros CIO team and all praise the Ravel team.

  ➢ Historical performance is outstanding (we checked the numbers with Citco, their administrator).

  ➢ Since launch of the UCIT versión of the fund performance has been good compared with other european long/short hedge

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Investment Committee 16.04.2019 – Hedge fund review

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Investment Committee 16.04.2019 – Hedge fund review

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Investment Committee 30.04.2019 – Decision

  The investment committee wants to increase the weight in alternative strategies with low correlation to fixed income and equity
  marekts. At the same time we want to improve the quality of the funds within alternatives.

  We were looking on different candidates. This process is not finished yet.

  In a first step we want to replace our RAM L/S Europe by PPF Absolute Return. This fund, managed by Ravel has a proven track
  record since 1998. They did manage money for the Soros foundation in the past and have very good references.

 Sell           Ram European Long/Short Equity

 Buy            2% Ravel Capital, PPF Absolute L/S Europe (LU1877642899)

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Cash & Fixed Income as per 30.4.2019

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Equity as per 30.4.2019

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Others as per 30.4.2019

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GK Balanced EUR since 31.12.2015

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