ICN Update - maart 2020 - NVAM

La page est créée Jessica Leclercq
ICN Update - maart 2020 - NVAM
Maart 2020                                                     Zie webversie

ICN Update - maart 2020
Beste collega's,

Dit is een gedenkwaardige tijd in de geschiedenis van de moderne
verpleegkunde met de coronavirus-pandemie die nog steeds over de hele
wereld heerst. Het is daarom met grote droefheid maar ook met een gevoel
van enorme trots op u onze NNA's en uw leden dat we u de maandelijkse
ICN-update sturen. Het COVID-19-virus heeft zich op het moment van
schrijven (30 maart) verspreid naar 199 landen en gebieden en meer dan
30.000 mensen gedood, waaronder verpleegkundigen en andere
gezondheidswerkers. Zoals u weet, werken we nauw samen met de WHO
om ervoor te zorgen dat verpleegkundigen en andere gezondheidswerkers
aan de frontlinie toegang hebben tot de persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen
die ze nodig hebben, evenals tot psychologische ondersteuning. We weten
dat we een batterij hebben, maar samen zullen we winnen.

We hebben onze leden in de zwaarst getroffen landen geschreven en we zijn
hen - u allen - dankbaar dat ze ons op de hoogte hebben gehouden van de
situatie in uw landen, met name voor verplegend personeel. Neem contact
met ons op en lees onze laatste rapporten op onze website en doe mee aan
onze webinars. Hoewel veel van de medewerkers van het hoofdkantoor in
Genève vanuit huis werken, blijven de zaken onder leiding van de Zwitserse
regering gewoon doorgaan en we werken er hard aan om u bij uw
inspanningen te ondersteunen.

Afgelopen vrijdag, 27 maart, hielden we de eerste twee, van wat we van plan
zijn een reeks webinars met u te zijn, onze NNA's, gericht op het delen van
ICN Update - maart 2020 - NVAM
kennis en informatie over onze eerstelijnsverpleegkundigen en de enorme
uitdagingen waarmee ze worden geconfronteerd. Tijdens het eerste webinar
gaven onze collega's van de Korean Nurses Association en de Taiwanese
Nurses Association en onze Chinese Nurses Association ook een video .
Hun advies over paraatheid en het beperken van het coronavirus werd
gedeeld met verpleegkundigen die het webinar uit meer dan 60 landen
bijwoonden. Zo ook de aangrijpende maar zeer informatieve presentaties in
het tweede webinar, gegeven door Italië, Spanje en Zwitserland werden
goed ontvangen. De twee webinars trokken ongeveer 1000 mensen uit meer
dan 70 landen, die naast onze NNA's ook hoorden van experts van de
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie. We verwachten deze webinars regelmatig te
houden om ervoor te zorgen dat we alle regio's in de wereld bestrijken waar
onze NNA's het virus dapper bestrijden. Het is absoluut noodzakelijk dat
landen waar het virus al een hoogtepunt heeft bereikt, hun ervaringen en
advies delen met de volgende landen.

Het lijdt geen twijfel dat de wereld de cruciale rol van verpleegkundigen in
dergelijke verwoestende tijden erkent, en het is onze rol om te lobbyen voor
de bescherming van verpleegkundigen en de erkenning van de opofferingen
en het ongelooflijke heldendom van ons personeel.

Annette was onlangs aanwezig bij de lancering van Nursing Now Bahamas
en was verbaasd over de veerkracht van de verpleegsters die in een tijdelijk
ziekenhuis werken, terwijl ze herstellen van Hurrciance Dorian en zich
niettemin voorbereiden op de strijd tegen COVID-19.

Onze gedachten zijn bij alle sterke en toegewijde verpleegsters die ons door
deze crisis heen helpen. Blijf Veilig!


Annette Kennedy, ICN-president
Howard Catton, ICN Chief Executive Officer

   1. Voor 12 april : Dien uw nominatie in voor het ICN-bestuur 2021-2025.
      De deadline is verlengd tot 12 april. Meer informatie is beschikbaar in
      het ledengedeelte of door contact op te nemen met Governance .
   2. Vóór 31 mei : Schrijf u in voor de Taiwan Nursing Conference 2020
      om de Early Bird-tarieven te krijgen.
   3. Vóór 31 mei : meld u aan voor de ICN NP / APN-netwerkconferentie
      in Halifax, Canada om de Early Bird-tarieven te ontvangen.
   4. Dien uw evenementen en artikelen voor 2020 in op het ICN Year of
      the Nurse-portaal.
5. Voor 31 juli : stuur je nominatie in voor de NNAs Innovation Award
      2021 . Volledige informatie beschikbaar in het ledengedeelte .

Zoals hierboven vermeld in het bericht van Annette en Howard, hebben we
op 27 maart twee webinars gehouden om ervaringen en praktijkadvies te
delen van NNA's die het hardst zijn getroffen door COVID-19. Bekijk de
webinar met de Koreaanse en Taiwanese Nurses Associations hier . Bekijk
de video presentatie door de Chinese Nurses Association hier . En tot slot
kijken naar de webinar met onze Italiaanse, Spaanse en Zwitserse Nurses
associaties hier .

Elke week plaatsen we een update over het virus dat de wereld overspoelt.
Hier zijn onze berichten voor maart.

   •   Video-update van Howard Catton, CEO van ICN, over het werk van
       ICN met betrekking tot COVID-19
   •   20 maart: ICN COVID-19 Update: Beroepsrisico's voor
       verpleegkundigen moeten tot een minimum worden beperkt om hen in
       staat te stellen hun essentiële werk voort te zetten
   •   20 maart: groot aantal gezondheidswerkers met COVID-19 in Italië is
       een grimmige waarschuwing voor de wereld: de bescherming van
       verpleegkundigen en hun collega's moet prioriteit nummer één zijn
   •   13 maart: ICN COVID-19 Update: sterke nationale
       verpleegverenigingen die vitale leiding geven tijdens COVID-19-crisis
   •   6 maart: ICN COVID-19 Update: ICN-president dringt er bij de NNA's
       op aan om informatie en lessen te delen en de "Be Ready" -
       campagne van de WHO te ondersteunen

We blijven nauw samenwerken met de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie om
ervoor te zorgen dat verpleegkundigen de laatste informatie ontvangen en
om te pleiten voor beschermende uitrusting voor gezondheid en veiligheid op
het werk voor gezondheidswerkers die in de frontlinie van de zorg staan.

Op 15 maart plaatste Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, directeur-generaal
van de WHO een video op Twitter: “Vandaag wil ik een persoonlijk en
oprecht bedankje sturen naar elke gezondheidswerker over de hele wereld,
vooral verpleegkundigen en verloskundigen . Je doet heroïsch werk. We
weten dat deze crisis u en uw gezinnen zwaar belast. We weten dat je tot het
uiterste vastzit. Je hebt onze bewondering, ons respect en onze toewijding
om er alles aan te doen om je te beschermen en je in staat te stellen je werk
te doen. ” Volg hem op @DrTedros

On 1 March, he tweeted, “Nurses have a central role in combating
#2019nCoV & we must do all we can to support them. I thank @ICNurses &
CEO @HowardCatton for their solidarrity with the response and for sending
supplies of personal protective equipment to #healthworkers in #China”

This month, we issued a joint statement with other members of the World
Health Professions Alliance calling on governments to prioritise support for
healthcare workers in the front line against coronavirus, particularly through
the supply of crucial personal protective equipment. The statement also
called on manufacturers to increase supplies of protective equipment and
highlighted the need for psychological support services for healthcare
workers, as well as adequate breaks during shifts and time off between

Howard, Annette and many of our NNA Presidents have been speaking
regularly to the media, reiterating the call for protection and care of nurses
and other healthcare workers.
See links below:

   •   Howard was interviewd live on BBC World on 24 March. Click here for
   •   Kay Burley of Sky News speaks to Howard Catton about the strain
       the Coronavirus outbreak is putting on healthcare workers. Click here.
   •   ICN also spoke to Euronews, CNN and NBC on the critical and
       immediate need for governments to prioritise support and equipment
       for nurses and other healthcare workers.
   •   President Kyung-Rim Shin of the Korean Nurses Association speaks
       in television interview on Maeil Broadcasting Network (MBN) after a
       visit to Daegu, the worst affected area in Korea. Click here.
   •   Both Howard and Annette are part of this CCTV report on the work of
       Chinese nurses in the front line against COVID-19. Click here

We urge you to follow WHO and your government’s reports, updates and
advice as there is a lot of misinformation being spread. WHO releases a
situation report every day: holds daily briefing which are live-streamed: and
provides country and technical guidance. They also have a large array of
videos, posters and other resources you can download for free. Please share
WHO’s guidance for health workers with your members.

Thanks to our Year of the Nurse portal you can promote your events and find
out how other associations are celebrating the year of the Nurse! Don’t forget
you can now also submit your articles.

Check out the following events happening across the globe next month!

7 April: Launch of the State of the World’s Nursing report!
23-24 April: XXVIII Jornada Cientifica y Congreso Internacional 2020 in San
Salvador, El Salvador

In March, articles were submitted by the Turkish Nurses Association and the
Democratic Nursing Association of South Africa.

ICN’s second Vice President, Thembeka Gwagwa, attended the launch of
the Year of the Nurse in Durban, South Africa on 6 March.

Howard Catton was invited to speak at a special event held on the occasion
of the bicentenary celebration exhibitions “Nightingale in 200 Objects, People
and Places” at the Florence Nightingale Museum in London on 5
March. He spoke about the legacy of Florence Nightingale, known as the
founder of modern nursing, and linked her outstanding work to the current
nurses’ work, and especially to infection prevention and control, which is
currently one of the major issues on the international agenda.

Howard Catton also attended the CNMF 5th Commonwealth Nurses and
Midwives Conference held on 6-7 March 2020 in London. He gave a
welcome address on the Global Health Agenda, Nursing and ICN to
conference delegates during the opening ceremony of the conference. The
theme for this conference was “Nurses and midwives: breaking down
barriers, leaving no-one behind”.

The Call for Nominations for the upcoming ICN Board elections is available
in the members’ area. Interested individuals are required to provide full
applications, with the original documents to be received at ICN HQ by 12
April 2020.

The ICN Executive Committee met in early March to discuss ICN’s
response to COVID-19, membership matters, activities of the Audit and Risk
Committee, and updates from each department of the secretariat. The next
Board meeting is scheduled for mid-May in Geneva.

The 2019 report on activities from the Audit and Risk Committee is
available in the three languages in the members’ area.

On the Members Area of the website you also will find:

   •   A memo and registration form regarding the Global Nursing and
       Midwifery Triad Meetings
   •   A memo, application form and agenda for the 73rd World Health
       Assembly, as well as a copy of the letter sent to your Ministry of
   •   All information on the Call for Nominations for the 2021-2025 Board of
   •   The ICN Governance handbook
   •   Information on the 2021 ICN Awards
   •   Briefings on past Board meetings and CNR
   •   Governance policies and Terms of Reference
   •   The most up to date members list including names of NNA presidents
   •   Previous ICN Updates

If you have problems logging into the members’ area, please contact
Caroline Lucarelli.

Many of you will remember Mr Elias Aaraj, Executive Director of the Middle
East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association (MENAHRA) who won
the ICN Kim Mo Im Policy Innovation and Impact Award in 2019 for his work
to introduce harm reduction services in Lebanon and various MENA
countries. Elie recently sent us a publication produced by MENAHRA
entitled, Law Enforcement and the Rights of People Living with and Affected
by HIV. A meeting on this topic was held in October last year, organised by
positive engagement of law enforcement agents in the HIV response in
selected countries in the region, and to create a common understanding and
agreement between partners and participants on strategic human rights-
based HIV programming and a roadmap to improve the legal environment in
the region. You can find the final statement from the meeting here.
On 3 March, ICN attended a lunchtime debate to celebrate the International
Women’s Day. The event was hosted by UNCTAD, with the Deputy
Secretary-General and Geneva-based women ambassadors and current and
former trade negotiations. The debate explored the approach and focus of
ambassadors and negotiators influencing the negotiation table and
outcomes. It also discussed the advocacy of women ambassadors and
negotiators for women’s rights.

On 5 March, ICN attended the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) at WHO
headquarters. The WHO FCTC was developed in response to the
globalization of the tobacco epidemic and is an evidence-based treaty that
reaffirms the right of all people to the highest standard of health. The
Convention represents a milestone for the promotion of public health and
provides new legal dimensions for international health cooperation.

ICN was informed of the cancellation of the 64th session of the
Commission on the Status of Women (scheduled to take place 5-20 March
2020 in New York). A small delegation made up of NNA members from the
region also had to cancel both the parallel event and the nurses networking
reception they were to host due to concerns regarding coronavirus disease



To mark World TB Day on 24 March, ICN posted a case study on nurses
working in paediatric tuberculosis care in Tajikistan and a press release on
the World TB Day theme “It’s Time to End TB”, stressing the need to train
nurses in the prevention, care and treatment of TB and drug-resistant TB,
and getting them to pass on their knowledge to other healthcare staff, in
order to improve the care of those suffering from TB.

Nursing Policy Leadership Programme
Due to the current evolution of COVID-19 worldwide, ICN and the World
Federation of Critical Care Nurses have regretfully postponed the delivery of
the Critical Care Nursing Policy Leadership Programme in Dubai planned
for 4-7 April 2020. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.

Leadership For Change

The current crisis with COVID-19 has also delayed Leadership For Change
(LFC)™ implementations. The first LFC workshop in India, planned by the
Indian Nursing Council on 20-25 of April will be rescheduled. The Taiwan
Nursing Association and the Chinese Nurses Association are also delaying
their planned programmes.

Global Nursing Leadership Programme

The process of selection for Global Nursing Leadership Programme
(GNLI)™ 2020 scholars continues, with a majority of places now allocated. It
is great to see a spotlight on our GNLI programme in the nursing press. Click
here to read the article. in the link below:

Social Media

We are pleased to announce that our social media presence continues to
grow with your support! We currently have over 16,000 followers on Twitter
and over 36,900 on Facebook!

The International Nurses Day 2020 report is now available in electronic
version online! You have also all been sent hard copies. If you have
translated the report into your own language, please share it with us and we
will add it to the ICN website as well as the IND website. The IND posters
and logos are available on-line electronically and printed copies have also
been sent to each of our members. You can also send us your own
translations of the posters and logo so we can send you the artwork in your
own language.

We continue to post a new case study on our website each week to celebrate
the innovative work that nurses are doing around the world. In March we
posted the following case studies:

   •   The New Role of Nurses: Guardian Angels on Campus, China
   •   Improving the health of adults with kidney disease through research
       and policy, United States and Guatemala
   •   Disaster relief after an earthquake: Haiti
   •   Nursing at the core of paediatric tuberculosis care in Tajikistan

On the occasion of International Women's Day on 8 March, the International
Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Association (IFPMA)
published a blog by Margaret Afriyia, a midwife, farmer and an advocate for
girl child education and women’s health in Ghana. She spoke about the vital
work she performs in her community by educating women in rural areas on
the importance to attend antenatal care and deliver at a health facility. Last
year David Stewart, ICN Associate Director for Nursing and Health Policy,
was also interviewed by IFPMA for their “Five Questions” series.

There are now 645 Nursing Now groups in 120 countries worldwide! In
March, Annette attended the launch of Nursing Now Bahamas.

ICN was invited by the Russian Nurses Association and the European Forum
of National nursing and midwifery associations to join the launch of Nursing
Now Russia on 19 March and to participate at an ICN/EFNNMA Policy Day
on 20 March. Howard Catton and Annette Kennedy were expected as
keynote speakers at both events. Due to the current outbreak of COVID-19,
both events had to be postponed and will now take place in October 2020.

27,145 nurses and midwives from 717 employers in 70 countries around the
world have accepted the Nightingale Challenge which asks every health
employer around the world to provide leadership and development training
for a group of their young nurses and midwives during 2020.

ICN, WHO and Nursing Now held a webinar on the State of the World’s
Nursing report on 25 March. It was an opportunity to: discuss the
significance of the report; talk about how to engage with the report at
country-level; and share ideas of ways to celebrate the launch and mark 7
April, World Health Day. The webinar was moderated by Dr Barbara Stilwell,
Nursing Now’s Executive Director, and Howard Catton, Chief Executive of
the ICN. The panel included Professor Sheila Tlou, Nursing Now Co-Chair;
Dr Judy Khanyola, Regional advisor for the Nursing Now campaign; Sarah
Waliji, Nursing Now Board Member; and Munashe Nyika, Nursing Now Board

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the events listed here may be cancelled
or postponed. We will inform you as soon as possible if that is the

The ICN International Workforce Forum will be held in Stockholm,
Sweden, 21-22 April 2020. Hosted by JSNO, the Joint Virtual Swedish
Nurse organisation for international work, our Swedish NNA, the theme for
the meeting is “State of the World’s Nursing and Year of the Nurse”. Topics
to be discussed include: the key findings of the State of the World’s Nursing
report; ageing and elderly nursing; the legacy of 2020 The Year of the Nurse
and Midwife; person-centred care; ICN activities; and country reports.

The Global Nursing and Midwifery Triad meetings are planned to be held
in Geneva 13-15 May, hosted by ICN, WHO and the International
Confederation of Midwives (ICM). In addition to delegates from WHO, ICM
and ICN, the event will welcome representatives from Nursing Now, WHO
Collaborative Centres and educators. An opening plenary session will be
held in the afternoon of 13 May, followed by a welcome reception. Breakout
sessions will take place on the morning of 14 May, for NNA representatives,
regulators and educators as well as CNOs and CMOs. The afternoon will see
delegates, independently of their professional affiliation, group by regions to
discuss and strategize on regional key issues, priorities and action plans.
The meetings will end on 15 May with a plenary session and discussions on
the key findings of the State of the World’s Nursing report, key issues and
action, and harmonization of practice and education. More information can
be found in the Memers’ area of the website.

You will have recently received a memo with the latest updates concerning
the organisation of the event. In the event that the meeting is prevented from
taking place in its planned format, we will share plans for possible
alternatives. Please ensure that you have all necessary cancellation
insurances in place for items such as flights or hotel bookings. Whenever the
situation further evolves, we will ensure a prompt and full update to all

The Triad meetings will immediately be followed by the World Health
Professions Regulation Conference on 16 May (requires a separate
From 17-21 May, ICN will be inviting representatives from NNAs to join the
ICN delegation at the WHO World Health Assembly.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the organizers of the 11th ICN Nurse
Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference to be held in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 30 August to 2 September, 2020 are
considering options. For the latest information follow @npapn2020 or sign up
for the conference eblast. For any queries, please contact

The Taiwan Nurses Association is pleased to announce that they have
received more than 2,000 abstracts for the 2020 Taiwan International
Nursing Conference to be held on 9-12 September in Taipei and endorsed by
ICN. The Conference Committee has invited many high-profile nursing
experts, scholars and leaders from across the globe to share their expertise
at plenary keynotes, main, panel and invited symposium sessions. The
Online Registration System is now open and due to the COVID-19 outbreak,
Early Bird Registration has been extended to 31 May.

The Florence Nightingale Foundation is hosting Nightingale2020 in London,
27-28 October 2020 with the theme Transforming the Impact of Nursing on
Global Health and Care. ICN’s CEO, Howard Catton, is a member of the
Steering group for this conference which will showcase how nurses and
midwives can work collectively to transform global health and care for
everyone, everywhere. Nightingale2020 will celebrate Florence Nightingale’s
legacy, put the voice of nurses at the heart of health policy and contribute to
WHO’s work in the Year of the Nurse. To register click here

Just prior to this conference, on 26 October, ICN is holding a
Communications and Media Workshop in London. We would be delighted to
welcome communications staff from all NNAs to this workshop, where we will
discuss ICN’s communications priorities and how we can improve
communications with our members. You will have the chance to meet with
editors and journalists from top media outlets, such as the BBC, Reuters and
The Economist, who will provide tips on how we can get nursing stories into
the headlines. This one-day workshop is invitation only and will not require
any registration fees. Please contact Gyorgy Madarasz for more information.

More information on all ICN events is available on our website or contact
events@icn.ch for any questions.

1. Before 12 April: Submit your nomination for the 2021-2025 ICN
      Board. The deadline has been extended to 12 April. More information
      is available in the members area or by contacting Governance.
   2. Before 31 May: Register for the 2020 Taiwan Nursing Conference to
      get the Early Bird rates.
   3. Before 31 May: Register for the ICN NP/APN Network Conference in
      Halifax, Canada to get the Early Bird rates.
   4. Submit your 2020 events and articles to the ICN Year of the Nurse
   5. Voor 31 juli : stuur je nominatie in voor de NNAs Innovation Award
      2021 . Volledige informatie beschikbaar in het ledengedeelte .

Internationale Raad van Verpleegsters
Jean Marteau
1201 Genève
+41 22908 01 00

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