À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI Initiatives Canada - adisq

La page est créée Jean-Francois Roy
À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI Initiatives Canada - adisq
Mardi 28 Avril 2020


                                                      Initiatives Canada
                        •    Stronger Together, tous ensemble récolte 6 millions $

                                         Initiatives Internationales
              •    Bandcamp : Support Artists Impacted By the Covid-19 Pandemic
    •   Clubbing virtuel : quand les plateformes de jeu vidéo accueillent la fête 2.0
        •   Post Malone’s Coronavirus Charity Relief Concert Raises Nearly $3MM
                        •    Facebook to let artists charge for access to online gigs
                                  •   Lego annonce un partenariat avec Universal Music

                            Nouvelles de l'Industrie - Canada
•       Canadian record music sales continue to tank as a result of COVID-19, but…
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                   À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                             Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
•        Australie : 'If our government wants cultural life to return, it must act now': an open
                                                              letter from Australia's arts industry
                                            •    Le live stream survivra-t-il au déconfinement ?
                                     •    Covid-19, pas facile pour les producteurs de podcasts
                                  •    Saudi Arabia Purchases $500 Million Stake in Live Nation
        •   PPL adds extra royalty payment date to help members meet COVID-19 cashflow
                   •      BuzzAngle Rebrands as Alpha Data with Refreshed Music Data Service
                                •    COVID-19 Crisis Propels Video Game Sales to Decade High
                                               •    10 Ways To Use Spotify As A Social Platform
                                             •    What Artists Need To Know About SubmitHub

                Maintiens, reports, annulation & mises à pied
    •      Festivals de l'été en France : les événements de plus de 5 000 personnes annulés,
                                                                        annonce Edouard Philippe
                                       •    South By Southwest sued over its no refunds policy
                            •    Latitude is the latest festival to cancel as a result of COVID-19
                                        •    La librairie Olivieri ferme ses portes définitivement
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                                                                          À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                                                           Initiatives Canada
Télévision                                                  Stronger Together, tous ensemble récolte 6 millions $
                L’évènement spécial de 90 mi nutes Stronger Together, tous ensemble a permis de récolter 6 mi llions
                  pour offrir un soutien i mmédiat à Banques alimentaires Ca nada pendant la pandémie de la COVID-
             19. Une foule d’artistes, d’athlètes, d’auteurs, de militants et même d’astronautes canadiens ont tour à
             tour pri s l a parole depuis leur domicile respectif pendant l ’émission, qui a été diffusée dimanche s ur de
              nombreuses plateformes. Pa rmi ces personnalités, on a pu voir Céline Dion, Charlotte Ca rdin, Georges
                                                                                                   St-Pi erre et Ma rie-Mai.
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                                                                       À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                          Initiatives Internationales
     Soutien                                 Bandcamp : Support Artists Impacted By the Covid-19 Pandemic
                 The Covi d-19 pandemic continues to i mpact all of us, and artists have been hit especially ha rd as tours
               a nd s hows a re canceled for the foreseeable future. With such a major revenue s tream dryi ng up almost
                       enti rely, fi nding ways to continue supporting artists i n the coming months is an urgent priority for
                a nyone who cares about music and the artists who create it.the pandemic and its i mpact on the music
                 community a ren’t over, so on Ma y 1, June 5, a nd July 3 (the first Friday of each month), we’re waivi ng
                  our revenue share for all sales on Bandcamp, from midnight to midnight PDT on each day. Mus icians
                wi l l continue to feel the effects of l ost touring i ncome for many months to come, s o we’re also s haring
                      s ome ideas below on how fans can s upport the artists they l ove and how a rtists can give fans new,
                      crea ti ve ways to provide s upport. It may s ound simple, but the best way to help a rtists is with your
                 di rect financial support, and we hope you’ll join us through the coming months as we work to support
                                                                                              a rti sts in this challenging ti me.

     Online                    Clubbing virtuel : quand les plateformes de jeu vidéo accueillent la fête 2.0
                        Dura nt cette période de confinement, des clubs vi rtuels abritant des online parties fl eurissent sur
                Internet. Des créateurs s’amusent à reproduire leurs l ieux de fête favoris dans les jeux vi déo Minecraft
               ou Fortnite, où des festivals et des concerts d’artistes en l ive y s ont même proposés. Tour d’horizon des
                di fférentes initiatives mises en l igne ces dernières semaines. À l ’heure où le confinement est étendu à
                 l ’échelle internationale, la toile s’est vue emparée d’innombrables i nitiatives numériques en lien a vec
                  l es musiques électroniques. Si l es livestreams de DJs et l ivers forment l’activité principale s ubstituant
                a ux s oirées habituelles, certains ont été jusqu’à recréer l eurs clubs favoris, comme le Bikini à Toulouse,
               da ns les jeux vi déo Mi necraft et Fornite. Il est même possible d’y trouver des concerts d’artistes comme
                    l e duo Ma ssive Attack ou le ra ppeur Travis Scott, qui a réuni un chiffre historique de 12,3 mi llions de
                      joueurs. Si l’objectif est parfois juste de passer du bon temps et de retrouver une sociabilité festive,
               certai nes de ces online parties s ont mises à profit pour récolter des fonds de s outien dans la l utte contre
                                                                                                       l a cri se du coronavirus.

Financement                          Post Malone’s Coronavirus Charity Relief Concert Raises Nearly $3MM
                   Pos t Ma l one held a Nirvana vi rtual tri bute tour on YouTube, raising nearly $3 mi llion for coronavi rus
               rel i ef. Ma lone performed his rendition of 13 Ni rvana songs i ncluding, “Drain You,” “Come As You Are,”
                       a nd “Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle.” So far, the live stream has garnered $2.6
               mi l lion in donations. Google has pledged to match the amount of money donated at a 2:1 ra te, up to $5
                                                                                                                       mi l lion.
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                                                                                 À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

                             Initiatives Internationales
Réseaux sociaux                                                   Facebook to let artists charge for access to online gigs
                         Of cours e, live streaming isn’t new, but it’s as a result of the COVID-19 l ockdown that live streamed
                    mus ic has really gone mainstream, which i s why ma ny questions about charging for access and sorting
                        out copyri ght remain unanswered. The longer l ockdown runs for – or i f the i ncreased i nterest in live
                            s treamed gi gs can be maintained post-COVID-19 – the more i mportant i t is for monetisation a nd
                   l i censing to be properly cra cked. In among those a nnouncements, i t stated that soon “you’ll be a ble to
                         ma rk Fa cebook Events as online only a nd, i n the coming weeks, integrate Facebook Live so you can
                  broa dcast to your guests. To support creators a nd s mall businesses, we plan to add the ability for Pa ges
                        to cha rge for a ccess to events with Live vi deos on Facebook – a nything from online performances to
                                                                                            cl a sses to professional conferences”.
                                                                https://completemusicupdate.com/article/facebook-to-let-artists-charge-for-acce ss-to-online-gigs/

                                                                       Lego annonce un partenariat avec Universal Music
                  Après s'être associé à Ni ntendo pour une gamme consacrée à Super Ma rio, le groupe danois a nnonce un
                              pa rtenariat avec Universal Music pour une gamme qui "permettra aux enfants du monde entier
                               d’explorer leur créativité à travers le jeu, tout en s’exprimant grâce à la musique." La nouvelle
                       ga mme, attendue pour 2021, a ura pour objectif "d'encourager et inspirer la prochaine génération de
                   musiciens et d’artistes", à tra vers des s ets qualifiés d'immersifs et d'interactifs. Ce n'est pas la première
                   fois que Lego s'aventure dans des expériences interactives. Le cons tructeur a déjà proposé des robots
                    (vi a l a gamme Mi ndStorms), des jeux vi déo mêlant à l a fois une partie vi rtuelle et une partie physique
                             (Lego Dimensions), ou plus récemment, de la réalité augmentée a vec la gamme Hidden Side. Le
                     pa rtenariat avec Nintendo fera également la part belle à l 'interactivité, a vec une figurine Super Ma rio
                  compa tible Bluetooth, et qui sera en mesure d'afficher diverses informations grâce à trois écrans faisant
                                                                           offi ce de bouche, des yeux et de ventre du plombier.

                                     https://www.rtbf.be/tendanc e/techno /det ail _l ego-annonc e-un-parten ari at-av ec-univ ersal- music?id=10490389
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                                                                À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

               Nouvelles de l'Industrie - Canada

                Canadian record music sales continue to tank as a result of COVID-19, but…
 Weekly fi gures released last night by Ni elsen Music Canada s how that sales of recorded music continue
    to ta ke a beating during the pandemic. Let’s start by comparing things year-upon-year. Here’s where
thi ngs stand compared to where we were at this point i n 2019 : Total album sales, -36.5% // CDs, -46.5%
 // Di gi tal albums, -25.2% // Digital tracks, -28.1% // Vi nyl LPs , -29.7%. But not all is lost. Last week, sales
   of CDs a ctually i ncreased by 37.7% from the week before. Yes, that means only 20,088 units were s old
     a cross the country i n those seven days , but that was way better than the previous week. Same thing
    wi th vi nyl. After tanking below 4,500 units, things rebounded to 8,454 copies, an i ncrease of 88.2%. If
      we l ook at on-demand audio streams, there was an increase of 2.7% over the previous week to just
    under 1.6 mi llion streams. For the year, a udio s treaming is up 16.8%. Interestingly, on-demand vi deo
s treams are cra tering. In just s even days, s treams dropped by 23.9%. Year-over-year, access has dropped
                                                                       by 41.8%. The one-week drop was 57.6%.
                             https://www.ajournalofmusicalthings.com/canadian-record-music-sales-continue-to -tank-as-a-result-of-covid-19 -but/
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                                                                      À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

   Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
   Australie : 'If our government wants cultural life to return, it must act now': an open
                                                      letter from Australia's arts industry
     Cl os e to 100 a rts groups issue clarion call to minister Pa ul Fletcher for a ction over coronavi rus hit to
             i ndustry. e celebrate the federal arts minister, Pa ul Fletcher’s, enthusiasm i n the opinion piece
 publ ished by the Guardian on Thursday, a nd share his excitement for the day when Australia’s cultural
     l i fe ca n resume. But to make s ure that our creative i ndustry s urvives to greet us on that day, urgent
a cti on is required. We welcome the $27m i n targeted measures already a nnounced – they a re a helpful
       s ta rt for s ome of the most vulnerable. We are running out of time, however, to a ddress Australia’s
    $111.7bn crea tive i ndustry comprehensively. The i ndustry has been clear and united in outlining the
                                   ga ps that exclude the people who Australians rely on to create our future

       https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/apr/24/if-our-government-wants-cultural-life-to-return-it-must-act-now-an-ope n-letter-from-

                                                                   Le live stream survivra-t-il au déconfinement ?
 Le live stream de concert/DJ s et n’est pas en soi un phénomène récent. Si l’on entend le terme stream
 a u s ens de flux, et live en terme de direct, on peut noter que la ra dio a depuis longtemps mis en place
   cette technique avec des concerts s ouvent retransmis en direct sur les ondes. La vi déo de concert en
   di rect n’est pas en reste : l e concert d’Elvis Aloha From Hawaï en 1973 a va it ainsi été couvert par des
  tél évisions du monde entier et 1 mi lliard de personnes a vaient pu voi r la performance du Ki ng. Ce qui
  es t plus récent en reva nche c’est la diffusion s ur Internet de ces flux audio et vi déo en direct. Ce n’est
   qu’en 2011 que Youtube lance pour quelques partenaires dédiés cette fonctionnalité permettant de
     di ffuser du contenu vi déo en direct sur sa plateforme d’agrégation de vi déos. Pa rallèlement à cela,
Twi tch, qui devient une entité en s oi en 2011, va l ui aussi concentrer une partie de ses contenus sur l ’e-
     s treaming, à savoir l e live stream de jeux vi déo, s on s uccès fait qu’en 2014 l a firme est ra chetée par
                                                          Ama zon pour un peu moins d’1 milliard de dollars.

                                                       Covid-19, pas facile pour les producteurs de podcasts
         Conti nuer à produire des podcasts sans contact humain et surtout sans s tudio d'enregistrement
  dema nde une réelle agilité et une bonne dose de créativité. Les producteurs et journalistes s’adaptent
a vec des notes vocales et i nterviews d'experts réalisées à distance montées avec l es moyens du bord en
   tél étravail. La stratégie des producteurs ? Adapter certains podcasts existants pour que les auditeurs
   puissent garder leurs repères ma i s a ussi lancer des podcasts dédiés pour couvri r cette période extra-
   ordi naire.“On s’adapte en faisant des formats qui sont moins longs, 30 minutes au lieu des 50 minutes
habituelles. On récolte des témoignages et on les confronte à des experts” expl ique Melissa Bounoua de
                                                                                               Loui e Media.
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                                                                   À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

   Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
                                              Saudi Arabia Purchases $500 Million Stake in Live Nation
The government of Saudi Arabia's s overeign wealth fund has a cquired a 5.7 percent stake in Li ve Nation,
 the pa rent company of Ti cketmaster. The Saudi Public Investment Fund disclosed the stake, comprising
        12,337,569, s hares i n a filing with the Securities a nd Exchange Commission on Monday morning.
       Ba s ed on Li ve Nation’s share prices as of this writing, the investment is va lued a t just s hy of $500
      mi l lion. Live Nation's s hare price jumped at the news, rising by more than 2 percent i n the first few
  mi nutes of tra ding. The investment is passive, a nd was purchased on the open market. Li ve Nation has
 been hit particularly hard by the novel coronavi rus pandemic, with essentially a ll concerts and sporting
      events a round the world on hold. The company has been sued as it has been reluctant to offer full
        refunds to customers, though it has s ince amended its refund rules to a ddress those complaints.


         PPL adds extra royalty payment date to help members meet COVID-19 cashflow
 UK record i ndustry collecting society PPL ha s announced that i t will make an a dvance payment to more
tha n 15,000 performers and labels later this week i n a bid to help those members weather the COVID-19
s torm. The collecting society – which a dministers the recording royalties paid by broadcasters and public
s pa ces where recorded music is played – usually passes on monies to its members four ti mes a year. On
tha t s chedule, the next payment would be i n June. But with many performers and labels facing cashflow
cha l lenges as a result of the COVID-19 shutdown, £23.9 mi llion of royalties will be a dvanced to members
                                                                                                  on 30 Apr.
                https://completemusicupdate.com/article/ppl-adds-extra-royalty-payment-date-to-help-members -meet-covid-19 -cash flow-challenges/

                        BuzzAngle Rebrands as Alpha Data with Refreshed Music Data Service
    BuzzAngle, the analytics company that has impacted the music business in recent years with daily a nd
      weekly charts and other public and private data, is being relaunched as Alpha Data, with a refreshed
website a nd upgrades to i ts s ervices to the industry. BuzzAngle has perhaps been best known i n the last
yea r for the Rolling Stone charts, l aunched in July 2019 a nd crunching the week’s numbers with detailed
   fi gures on album and song sales a nd s treams. The company’s subscription s ervice, BuzzAngle Music, is
a l so getting a name a nd is now called Alpha Data Music+. “Our goal is to provide the music i ndustry with
gra nular, up-to-date insights so our partners can formulate the best possible decisions in real ti me,” said
       Al pha Data’s president, Stephen Blackwell, in a statement. “Our forthcoming cl oud applications will
                                                         enhance our experience with lightning-fast feeds.”
                          https://variety.com/2020/music/n ews /buzzangle- alpha-dat a-rebrands-music-data- analy tics-1234588268/
Mardi 28 Avril 2020

                                                           À LA UNE AUJOURD'HUI

   Nouvelles de l'Industrie - International
                                      COVID-19 Crisis Propels Video Game Sales to Decade High
   As i de from watching Netflix, playing vi deo games is one of the few activities perfectly suited for life on
l ockdown. Not only does i t offer s ome much -needed distraction from the dire realities of a gl obal health
       cri s is, but i n the a ge of online gaming it also enables gamers to i nteract with fri ends (and strangers)
   wi thout having to l eave their homes. Given the ci rcumstances, i t doesn’t come as a huge s urprise that
    the U.S. vi deo game i ndustry had a very good March, a time when i t usually fa ces a post-holiday sales
           s l ump. According to i ndustry da ta from the NPD Group, total s pending on vi deo game hardware,
 s oftware, accessories and game ca rds amounted to $1.6 billion in March 2020, the highest Ma rch figure
   s i nce 2008, when Nintendo’s Wii was flying off the shelves. Twelve years l ater, Nintendo is once again
   the bi g winner, a s the Nintendo Switch set a n all-time record for hardware unit sales in March despite
       bei ng sold out i n many places. The Japanese gaming company also had the best-selling game of the
                                                                     month wi th Animal Crossing: New Horizons

                                                            10 Ways To Use Spotify As A Social Platform
     Ma ny mus icians a re adept in at l east one of the major s ocial media platforms (Facebook, Instagram,
 Twi tter), but a ren’t aware that those s kills a re transferable to a platform that requires a lot more social
i nteraction that you might think, and that’s Spotify. The servi ce has done a good job not only as a music
 di s tributor, but has installed some usable social features around it as well. This is one of the things that
 s ets i t apart from other s treaming servi ces. Granted, others have tri ed (hello Apple Music), but haven’t
            been able to pull off the s ocial aspect with as much i mpact on the both the user and the artist.


                                                        What Artists Need To Know About SubmitHub
 In thi s piece Brian Hazard of the project Col or Theory wa lks us through his recent experience using the
    promoti onal platform SubmitHub, and determining whether or not he recommends their servi ce to
other a rtists. In Ma rch of 2016, I published what quickly became my most popular post: These 59 Mus ic
    Bl ogs Will Listen to Your Song, Guaranteed . Four years l ater it’s up to 1100+, a nd also i ncludes ra dio
 s ta tions, YouTube and Twitch channels, Spotify playl isters, and Instagram influencers. Jason Grishkoff,
   the founder of SubmitHub, walked me through the submission process for my l atest single on a two-
hour ca ll. Al ong the way, he provided loads of helpful tips to maximize results while minimizing budget.

                                https://www.hypebot.com/hypebot /2020/04/what- artists-need-to-know- about-submithub.html?
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