LE SPÉCIALISTE - Social Duty or Autonomy Insurance: FMSQ
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LE SPÉCIALISTE 15TH YEAR The Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec Magazine Vol. 16 No. 1 | March 2014 Autonomy Insurance: Social Duty or Marketing Strategy? A DIFFERENT KIND OF INSURANCE SERVICE PROVIDER! See text p. 37
L’offre excLusive pour Les médecins spéciaListes PUBLICITÉ PLEINE PAGE Desjardins un taux réduit GRÂCE À L’OFFRE ExCLusivE, PROFiTEZ D’AvANTAGEs POuR FiNANCER vOTRE PROPRiÉTÉ : • Réduction jusqu’à 1,75 % sur la pour nam portion à taux fixe pour les prêts hypothécaires combinés • Taux préférentiel ou meilleure offre pour les prêts hypothécaires à taux variable réduit Pham • Jusqu’à 850 $ de remise pour les frais de notaire • Et bien plus ! propriétaire desjardins.com/fmsq averti Détails et conditions sur desjardins.com/fmsq.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Le Spécialiste is published 4 times per year by the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec. 7 PRESIDENT’S EDITORIAL Encore! EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dr Harold Bernatchez ENGLISH VERSION INTERNET ONLY 8 FEDERATION AFFAIRS Dr Karine Tousignant Maître Sylvain Bellavance Nicole Pelletier, APR TO CONTACT US 11 A WORD FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT EDITORIAL CONTENT Patricia Kéroack, c. w. ✆ 514 350-5021 514 350-5175 The PEM Obsession is Not Limited to DELEGATED PUBLISHER ✉ communications@fmsq.org a Single Generation Nicole Pelletier, APR ADVERTISING 12 Director, Public Affairs and Communications ✆ 514 350-5274 514 350-5175 ✉ fcadieux@fmsq.org IN THE NEWS RESPONSIBLE FOR www.magazinelespecialiste.com PUBLICATIONS Patricia Kéroack, Fédération des médecins 13 DID YOU KNOW... spécialistes du Québec Communications Consultant 2, Complexe Desjardins, porte 3000 REVISION C.P. 216, succ. Desjardins 15 LEGAL ISSUES Annie Dallaire Montréal (Québec) H5B 1G8 Angèle L’Heureux ✆ 514 350-5000 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Dominic Armand PUBLICATIONS MAIL Postal Indicia 40063082 DOSSIER 17 ADVERTISING LEGAL DEPOSIT 1st quarter 2014 AUTONOMY INSURANCE: France Cadieux Bibliothèque nationale du Québec SOCIAL DUTY OR ISSN 1206-2081 MARKETING STRATEGY? • What “Society” Should Know 18 The mission of the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec is to defend and promote the economic, professional, scientific and social interests of the medical specialists who are members of its affiliated associations. The Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec represents the following medical specialties: Adolescent Medicine; Anatomical Pathology; 32 GREAT NAMES IN QUÉBEC MEDICINE Anesthesiology; Cardiac Surgery; Cardiology (adult or pediatric); Clinical Immunology and Allergy; Colorectal Surgery; Community Medicine; Critical Care Medicine (adult or pediatric); Dermatology; Diagnostic Radiology; Emergency Medicine; Endocrinology and Metabolism; Forensic Pathology; Dr André Carpentier, Endocrinologist Gastroenterology; General Pathology; General Surgery; General Surgical Oncology; Geriatric Medicine; Gynecologic Oncology; Hematological Pathology; Hematology; Infectious Diseases; Internal Medicine; Maternal-Fetal Medicine; Medical Biochemistry; Medical Genetics; Medical microbiology and infectious 34 CONTINUING diseases; Medical Oncology; Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine; Nephrology; Neurology; Neuropathology; Neurosurgery; Nuclear Medicine; Obstetrics and PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Gynecology; Occupational Medicine; Ophtalmology; Orthopedic Surgery; Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; Pediatric Hematology/Oncology; Pediatric Emergency Medicine; Pediatric General Surgery; Pediatrics; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Plastic Surgery; Psychiatry; Radiation Oncology; 35 PROFESSIONALS’ FINANCIAL Respirology (adult or pediatric); Rheumatology; Thoracic Surgery, Urology and Vascular Surgery. 36 SOGEMEC ASSURANCES All pharmaceutical product advertisements are previously approved by the Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board (PAAB). 38 L’ÉDITORIAL DU PRÉSIDENT The authors of signed articles are solely responsible for the opinions expressed therein. No reproduction without previous authorization from the publisher. Encore ! 39 MEMBER SERVICES THIS EDITION’S ADVERTISERS: Commercial Benefits • Desjardins 2 • Telus 3 • RBC Banque Royale 4 • Financière des professionnels 6 Doctor, • La Personnelle 10 • Congrès santé respiratoire 12 Your practice’s best friend: • Club voyages Berri 13 the FMSQ portal • Evenko 14 Keep your profile up to date to make sure you receive • • Sogemec Assurances Multi-D/FIDL 36 40 all the communications that concern you by email (messages from the President, job openings, etc.). 5 vol. 16 fmsq.org No. 1 LS
Recommandé par la Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec. Le service d’accompagnement à l’incorporation de la Financière des professionnels .. PUBLICITÉ PLEINE PAGE Permet le fractionnement de revenu . Optimise le report d’impôt Favorise plusieurs stratégies fiscales avantageuses En tant que professionnel en pratique privée, vous pourriez obtenir de réels avantages en vous incorporant. Et si vous êtes déjà incorporé, savez-vous que plusieurs aspects ont évolué avec le temps ? Financière des professionnels Votre fédération est le principal actionnaire de la Financière des professionnels depuis plus de 35 ans. Nos conseillers sont vos partenaires privilégiés pour constituer votre société par actions ou vous aider à l’optimiser. Ils connaissent précisément votre réalité professionnelle. Appelez l’un de nos conseillers pour en profiter. www.fprofessionnels.com Montréal 1 888 377-7337 Actionnaire de la Financière Québec 1 800 720-4244 des professionnels depuis 1978 Sherbrooke 1 866 564-0909 Financière des professionnels inc. détient la propriété exclusive de Financière des professionnels – Fonds d’investissement inc. et de Financière des professionnels – Gestion privée inc. Financière des professionnels – Fonds d’investissement inc. est un gestionnaire de portefeuille ainsi qu’un courtier en épargne collective inscrits auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) qui gère et distribue les fonds de sa gamme de Fonds, et qui offre des services-conseils en fonds d’investissement et en planification financière. Financière des professionnels – Gestion privée inc. est un courtier en placement membre de l’Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières (OCRCVM) et du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants (FCPE) qui offre des services de gestion de portefeuille.
PRESIDENT’S EDITORIAL DR GAÉTAN BARRETTE Encore! In French, it means a repetition, something that’s done again. In English, it’s used to call for an encore performance. That’s the term that best describes the social and political situation in which we find ourselves today: an encore presentation. The same thing. Again. A budget deficit, again. Were you expecting Physicians’ compensation, again. Oh, yes! Again and something else? The budget does include, in again. But, dear colleagues, remember this: in 2006, the area of health, the concept of activity-based your remuneration was on average 55% below that of funding, which must make you laugh since we’ve lost your Canadian colleagues. Two consecutive governments track of the number of times the FMSQ has promoted the admitted it and agreed to make up the difference over a notion in its various communications. In fact, the politicians period of 10 years, which should bring you to approximately have appropriated another one of the FMSQ’s ideas 10% less than the Canadian average by March 31, 2015. The for themselves! same gap on average as other Quebeckers. You have not received preferential treatment compared to the rest of the population in Québec, but you will BUT, DEAR COLLEAGUES, REMEMBER THIS: IN 2006, continue to be the object of envious comments YOUR REMUNERATION WAS ON AVERAGE 55% BELOW by the right-thinkers who monopolize the public THAT OF YOUR CANADIAN COLLEAGUES. TWO CONSECUTIVE arena and who, in many cases, have revenues GOVERNMENTS ADMITTED IT AND AGREED TO MAKE UP comparable to yours which they keep well THE DIFFERENCE OVER A PERIOD OF 10 YEARS, hidden, of course. WHICH SHOULD BRING YOU TO APPROXIMATELY 10% LESS And incorporation, again. The target is always THAN THE CANADIAN AVERAGE BY MARCH 31, 2015. the same in the current climate. We, physicians, THE SAME GAP ON AVERAGE AS OTHER QUEBECKERS. are deafened by the silence of the political elite when faced with such a generalized discourse, but we are not surprised. Are we not witness to Elections, again. Well, yes, we have to have them sooner how these opinion leaders stir up suspicion, even hatred, in or later. But, do we also need the flood of pre-election our society? Don’t they encourage division and agitate the announcements? Can we afford them? How can the population solely for their electoral objectives? It’s called government make so many announcements when its playing with fire. coffers are so empty? Again and finally, if the government wants to attack the Once again, indecent partisan interventions remotely- notorious one-percenters, let the attack be global and controlled by the governing party. Is there anyone in without discrimination. Their weapon is called income tax. Quebec who believes that Diane Lavallée’s comments And, stop targeting a single group, the one made up of on behalf of the AQESSS were NOT the result of a physicians, a group whose role is still and again considered request to this former deputy minister and PQ candidate? essential and of immense value by society. But, if it is to Haven’t we all noticed the lack of questions regarding this be, this battle will be fought on equal terms, because the government’s choices? How cheap can one get? one-percenters will react. And again, lacking in subtlety, the interventions of the Once again, the time is near for you to use all the means Contandriopoulos family. Do they really think their biases necessary to defend yourselves. are invisible? It wouldn’t be so bad if they did not constantly drape the veil of “science” over themselves. Bah! As it Once again, you’ll be right to do so. is, I was just reading that the number of cheaters in our universities is constantly on the rise and that they’re In all solidarity! seldom caught... S L 7 vol. 16 No. 1 LS
FEDERATION AFFAIRS This is Also Part of Being a Medical Specialist On December 31st, while all Quebec homes were getting ready to welcome in the New Year, the FMSQ was launching its new publicity campaign. In the works for the last few months, this new media offensive WHO ARE THEY? seeks to illustrate, under various guises, the commit- The ad campaign ment, passion and achievements of medical specialists in calls only upon “real several fields. p e o p l e .” T h i s i s true for the medical Some medical specialists actively get involved in causes close specialists, who relate to their hearts, while others have achieved innovative projects how they “did more” aimed at improving how the health system works. Some are alongside their daily recognized on the international stage in their specialty, while practice. The same others are pushing back the limits of current knowledge, is true for natural perfecting new techniques that are less invasive, finding new caregivers : people treatments to improve their patients’ living conditions. As who work within an Dr Barrette emphasized: “We are proud to show this little-known association coming to the aid of natural caregivers and who side of the work performed by medical specialists, in addition to received financial support from the FMSQ Foundation. They are treating their patients. What we will be presenting to the public the best spokespersons for this important cause! over the next few months will captivate audiences.” The regular capsules (already being broadcast) star medical The first capsules paid tribute to caregivers. You will recall that specialists who talk about dermatology (Dr Dominique Hanna), the Federation, in April 2012, created its Foundation to finan- cardiology (Dr Gilles O’Hara) and pediatrics (Dr Pascale Hamel). cially support various respite projects for the benefit of natural A series of special capsules has been produced for the Olympic caregivers. These ads had a double objective: to publicize the Games period: three medical specialists speak of their work commitment of medical specialists to caregivers and to pay with high-level athletes (Dr Paul Poirier, a cardiologist; Dr Louis- homage to these men and women whose dedication is inade- Philippe Boulet, a pneumologist; and Dr François Marquis, an quately measured. This period of the year seemed particularly orthopedist). Incidentally, Dr Marquis is the father of Philippe appropriate for this exercise. Marquis, a member of the Canadian acrobatic ski team. Look up all the publicity capsules on the FMSQ portal at fmsq.org. Dr Dominique Hanna Dr Gilles O’Hara Dr François Marquis Dr Paul Poirier Dr Louis-Philippe Boulet Dr Pascale Hamel and Vincent AFTER THE DEEP FREEZE, A HEAT WAVE The summer season is approaching... get your Registration forms are available on the FMSQ portal clubs ready. The next Medical Federations’ Golf at fmsq.org. Since the tournament sells out rapidly, Tournament in aid of the Quebec Physicians’ register without delay. Health Program will take place on July 28, 2014. This ninth edition will be perfect day to network There are also several sponsorship options. For more with your colleagues! information, please contact Madame Hoda Sayegh 8 vol. 16 at 514 350-5000, extension 279 or by email at hsayegh@fmsq.org. No. 1 LS
FEDERATION AFFAIRS Psychiatry Lac-Mégantic In Favour of a Framework for Additional Respite Thanks Medical Expert Witnesses to the FFMSQ During a press conference held on Februar y 6th, the The FMSQ Foundation (FFMSQ) contributed to the magic of Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec (AMPQ) Christmas by offering some respite to more than 220 families asked for a framework for medical expert witnesses while in Lac-Mégantic who were affected by the July 6th tragedy. revealing the results of a survey performed on the subject The Foundation gave financial support totalling $45,000 among its members. which provided for the addition of one night’s accommodation and one day’s activities to the stay already organized by the Aimed at recognizing the quality of medical-legal expert Fondation Pierre Gagné and the Patronage Saint-Vincent-de- witnesses, the AMPQ had seven recommendations geared Paul in Jonquière. to tightening up the rules and the standard of care. Lamenting the lack of markers to delimit the work of experts today, the “The tragedy which occurred in Lac-Mégantic is certainly the Association is suggesting a review of criteria, a clarification event that preyed the most upon the minds of Quebeckers and documentation of the quality of the expertise. On the during 2013. When we heard of what the Fondation Pierre one hand, it is asking that physicians document their ability Gagné was planning (an initiative for which we wish to congra- to act as experts and, on the other, it wants the Collège des tulate them), we immediately set out to learn more about it and, médecins du Québec to create a bank of recognized experts. eventually, added our contribution. During this period of sharing, we are happy to have been able to make a concrete gesture Invoking the fact that medical practice is circumscribed and to bring some respite, some comfort, to these sorely afflicted that the medical act’s quality is controlled, the Association families,” said the President of the FFMSQ, Dr Gaétan Barrette. is asking for the setting up of professional inspections of the practice of providing expert testimony. Thus, any expert report LS should contain a Declaration by the expert. “Our thinking is an integral part of the normal evolution of medical practice. Over the years, medicine has become greatly more complex, giving rise to various subspecialties. Calling upon a medical expert is making sure there is a guarantee of competence and experience,” explained from the outset the President of the AMPQ, Dr Karine Igartua. QUALITY EXPERTISE ABOVE ALL The AMPQ deplores the practice of a directed expertise. “Unfortunately, we often find cases where the work of the expert is directed for the benefit of one or the other of the parties,” added Dr Igartua. The Association therefore proposes that expertise mandates be awarded by the courts rather than by the interested parties. The courts could call upon a bench of three experts for the more complex cases. Finally, the Association considers that if the expertise mandate is not awarded by the courts, then the solicitors should be obligated to divulge all the expert opinions they requested for the case (written or verbal, preliminary or complete). The AMPQ’s reflection parallels the process undertaken by the Collège des médecins du Québec. The latter set up, in July 2013, a working group on the subject of medical expertise whose mandate is, among others, to update the practice guide on medical expertises, to propose identification criteria for a medical expert, to propose a method of evaluating the quality of an expertise and to define the framework delimiting a medical expertise. The group’s final report is expected in May 2014. 9 vol. 16 No. 1 LS
Un petit répit... une grande caUse ! 10 PUBLICITÉ ceTTe année, sOUTenOns la caUse des aIdanTs naTUrels. PLEINE PAGE Pour contribuer, vous n’avez qu’à demander une soumission d’assurance auto, habitation ou entreprise. Pour chaque soumission complétée d’ici le 31 décembre 2014, La Personnelle et Sogemec verseront La Personnelle 10$ à la Fondation de la FMsQ. VoiLà une magnifique façon d’aPPuyer La cauSe deS aidantS natureLS, une cauSe qui rejoint, à ce jour, PLuS d’un miLLion de québécoiS. deMandeZ VOTre sOUMIssIOn et aidez-nous à soutenir la Fondation de la FMsQ. 1 866 350-8282 sogemec.lapersonnelle.com/fondation La bonne combinaison. La Personnelle désigne La Personnelle, assurances générales inc. Modalités de la promotion sur sogemec.lapersonnelle.com/fondation. Aucun achat requis. La promotion se termine le 31 décembre 2014.
A WORD FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT DR DIANE FRANCŒUR The PEM Obsession is Not Limited to a Single Generation Residents are not the only ones to obsess, justifiably, over the question of medical manpower. In the field, we are faced with attempts to improvise the rules for managing medical manpower plans (PEMs). What a surprise! Suddenly, colleagues nearing the end of their This means having a full-time practice and covering his or her careers are becoming the prey of predators: heads of departments on-duty obligations. How then does one calculate teaching obli- are worried they will not be able to recruit and they add pressure to gations (there are students everywhere!), and those of research incite departures. Residents are stressing out over their future postal or medical administration? And how does one calculate the codes. Between these two generations, we find physicians from numerous hours on duty either on site or on call? generation-X along with the youngest boomers dreaming of part-time work... with questionable arguments. It is difficult to maintain one’s TIMES HAVE CHANGED. CANDIDATES ARE JOSTLING competence when working part-time in surgical disciplines. ONE ANOTHER TO REMAIN AROUND THE MAJOR How did we reach this point? Several related situations are URBAN AREAS AND TWO PART-TIME POSTINGS DO responsible for this possible loss of control that could lead to medical NOT EQUAL A FULL-TIME ONE! unemployment if we don’t wake up soon! Physicians have habi- tually covered for one another; there was always one or more than one colleague to catch the ball and to do a little more, until the How does one manage colleagues’ absence of enthusiasm due situation could be redressed. And absences for illness or maternity to a lack of sensitivity to group spirit? What will the chief’s powers are not new. However, the latter were shorter and requests less hare- be in the management of his or her obligations? There is the smell brained, because the day would come for the table to be turned. of contracts in the air... We are living in a time of turbulence after all the years of shortcomings when we accepted candidates, no The practice of specialized medicine is more than ever a case of matter what our particular needs were, by telling ourselves that working in a silo, even with groups. Modifying the profile of the part time was acceptable since our own physicians were reaching practice, without taking into consideration the needs of the group, the end of their rope. has always been a problem. And what of requests from colleagues who want to retain the privilege of keeping their “goodies” such Times have changed. Candidates are jostling one another to remain as surgical priorities or technical platforms in external clinics, while around the major urban areas and two part-time postings do not generously leaving the on-call duty to be covered, especially when equal a full-time one! We’re at the point where expectations must one’s beeper goes off all the time...? be mutually negotiated, divulged and accepted by the teams. A “real job” for a chief! Part-time PEMs are not on the schedule. According to the rules of management, a PEM is accounted for as follows (translated): This does not mean that it is impossible for all that, but it is more 4. ACCOUNTING FOR A PHYSICIAN IN THE PEM complicated and under the responsibility of the physician who wants to leave the beaten track. He or she will need to find one 4.1. General Rule or more partners to share the tasks. This is not easy. In fact, the A physician is accounted for in the PEM of a single establish- definition is a subject of controversy and discussion with our friends ment, the one where he or she performs the major part of his in the ROC: a two-day colloquium on medical manpower was clinical practice organized by the Royal College in February. 4.2. Physician with a practice in several establishments Finally, should we worry about the end of our careers? Some A medical practice with privileges in more than one establish- subjects which are presently being considered, such as end-of- ment is, barring exceptions, accounted for in the PEM of the career twinning, the number of end of career PEMs if we move main practice establishment or the one where the proportion of earnings in an establishment is the highest. away from Appendix 38, changes in mixed remuneration and the obligation of seeing patients to be able to bill a per diem, are already Before implementing a change in the main location of his or her an incentive to a real retirement. The financing of offices, if it ever practice, a physician must make sure he or she obtains a PEM happens, will allow for an increase in the offer of services and for in the establishment where he or she will have his or her main practice from now on. the management of specific needs. But, all of this will not change our main obligation which is that on-call duty must be covered. Source: Règles de gestion : plan d’effectifs médicaux en spécialité, MSSS, 2011. Available in French only from msss.gouv.qc.ca . These are possible solutions that are more elegant than just pushing our elders towards the exit. 11 vol. 16 LS No. 1 LS
IN THE NEWS Encourage Your Patients: Health or Profits? breastsobservation.org With the aim of protecting the health of individuals, One woman out of nine will be stricken with breast cancer Dr David Mulder, a senior during her lifetime. The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation thoracic surgeon at the MUHC launched a far-reaching educational campaign at the end of – Montreal General Hospital, February dealing with the three breast health practices. The along with Dr Dick Menzies, FMSQ supports this important campaign. Chef of the Thoracic Surgery Division and Director of the Dr David Mulder Dr Dick Menzies Within the context of your work, you no doubt meet a lot of Respiratory Care Division at women who are worried about their health. Nevertheless, the MUHC – Montreal Chest Institute, in cooperation with the 78% of women do not often observe their breasts; several of Coalition québécoise pour le contrôle du tabac, have launched them are afraid, lack knowledge, or are convinced, wrongly, that a campaign entitled La santé avant leurs profits. it is a complicated practice. By making appropriate resources available to them, the Foundation aims to show women that they Along with denouncing the use of tobacco and its effects on are capable of doing so themselves. You have the power to have the health of the population, the campaign asks the Minister a positive impact on the health of your patients: you can help to of Health and Social services to take action in order to forbid better inform them, or even to convince them! tobacco products, the most important cause of avoidable illness and death in our society. The two physicians, in addition, call on all their physician collea- The Foundation makes available to gues to do the same. In fact, they quote Section 3 (Chapter you, as healthcare professionals, II) of the Code of Ethics which stipulates that: “A physician’s posters and flyers that you can give to paramount duty is to protect and promote the health and your patients. well-being of the persons he attends to, both individually Visit rubanrose.org/educationalmaterial to get more of them free and collectively.” of charge. When it’s a question of breast cancer, women are well-advised to put all the chances on their side! You too can support this campaign, by visiting the site lasanteavantleursprofits.com to download a template of a letter to send to Health Minister, Réjean Hébert. LS Congrès canadien sur la santé respiratoire PUBLICITÉ 1/2 DE PAGE HORIZONTALE 2014 À inscrire à votre agenda! Congrès santé respiratoire Telus Convention Centre, Calgary (Alberta) 24-26 avril, 2014 Pour tous les détails du programme et pour s’inscrire, visitez le site www.poumon.ca/crc Présenté par : En collaboration avec: 12 vol. 16 No. 1 LS
DID YOU KNOW... PRIZES AND AWARDS NEW RELEASES TRANSPLANT QUÉBEC PRIZE PHYSIOPATHOLOGIE RESPIRATOIRE APPLIQUÉE During the Société québécoise de trans- (APPLIED RESPIRATORY PHYSIOPATHOLOGY) plantation congress, Dr Michel R. Pâquet, Dr Louis-Philippe Boulet, a pneumologist Production multimédia CHUM a nephrologist specialized in kidney trans- at the Institut universitaire de cardiologie plants at the CHUM – Hôpital Notre-Dame, et de pneumologie de Québec, published was awarded the Transplant Québec 2013 Physiopathologie respiratoire appliquée at Grand Prix. Dr Pâquet is recognized for his the Presses de l’Université Laval. This book unrelenting commitment to the cause of assembles the knowledge essential to organ donation, in particular the adoption of an act to facilitate understanding the physiopathology of respi- organ and tissue donations. ratory system ailments. It mainly addresses medical students, researchers in respiratory CRCHUM AWARD health as well as general practitioners and T he Ce ntre de re c he rc he du CHUM specialists who wish to review the most recent discoveries (CRCHUM) presented its Excellence Award concerning the mechanisms of respiratory diseases. Production multimédia CHUM to Dr Fred Saad in recognition of his excep- tional scientific contribution throughout GUIDE POUR LES PATIENTS ATTEINTS DE DIABÈTE his career. Dr Saad is a researcher in the (A GUIDE FOR PATIENTS WITH DIABETES) CRCHUM Cancer Theme, a urologist and Under the direction of Dr Claude Garceau, the head of the Urology Department at an internist at the Institut universitaire de the CHUM. cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec, several Quebec specialists in diabetes RCPSC AWARD collaborated on the Guide pour les patients he Royal College of Physicians T atteints de diabète : comment devenir expert a nd Surg e ons of Ca nada ( RCPSC ) dans la prise en charge de sa maladie, presented the 2014 James H. Graham published by the Presses de l’Université Award of Merit to Dr David Mulder, a Laval. This guide is intended for patients who want to be active senior thoracic surgeon at the MUHC – partners in the management of their health. Montreal General Hospital. Dr Mulder has dedicated his career to the advancement of medical science. He is also the Montreal Canadiens’ physician-in-chief. AMBASSADORS CIRCLE AWARD D r Fr a n ç o i s R o u s s e a u, a m e d i c a l biochemist at the CHUQ – Saint-François d’Assise, received the 2013 Event of the Year award from the Ambassadors Circle for the International Cochrane Colloquium. Dr Rousseau co-chaired this international gathering which generated tourist spending of approximately $1.9 million throughout the region. Marseille, France NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE The February 2014 issue of the famous maga zine is dedicated to the brain. Describing scientific advances and the magic of medical imagery, the magazine devotes a few pages to the work of Dr David Fortin, a neurosurgeon at the CHUS – Hôpital Fleurimont. The magazine presents certain 3D imaging tools used during oncolo- gical neurosurgery. Contactez votre conseiller RECOGNIZED BY THE CITY OF BORDEAUX Club Voyages Berri 514 288-8688 Dr Michel Gagner, a general surgeon at 920 Boulevard de Maisonneuve Est the Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal www.berri.clubvoyages.com was awarded the City of Bordeaux medal Azamara Club Cruises® est un fier membre de la famille de croisiéristes Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. ©2014 Azamara Club Cruises. to highlight his contribution to the advance- ment of digestive surgery via laparoscopy Enregistrement des navires : Malte. Photo par : Jenna Lyn Pimentel. Club Voyages est une division de Transat Distribution Canada Inc. Permis N° 753141 au Québec. Siège Social : 300, rue Léo-Pariseau, bureau 1601, Montréal, Québec H2X 4B3. 13 vol. 16 during the 24-hour Coelio World Congress No. 1 of which he was Honorary President. LS
DID YOU KNOW... NEW RELEASES (CONT’D) LE GLAUCOME (GLAUCOMA) Dr Pierre Blondeau, an ophthalmologist at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de présente plus de 1 000 événements Sherbrooke and Dr Paul Harasymowycz, an ophthalmologist at Hôpital Maisonneuve- musicaux, familiaux, sportifs partout au Québec Rosemont and the medical director of the Institut du glaucome de Montréal have published Le glaucome with Annika Parance Une référence en divertissement corporatif Éditeur. The book covers the various aspects à l'échelle locale et internationale ainsi que of the disease and provides all the necessary plusieurs sites événementiels information for patients and their relatives. pour la tenue de vos événements spéciaux LES MALADIES DE LA PROSTATE (PROSTATE DISEASES) Still with Annika Parance Éditeur, Dr Michael McCormack and Dr Fred Saad, both urologists at the CHUM have published Les maladies de la prostate, a complete guide for health professionals, researchers and medical students. This guide takes stock of the most recent knowledge in the field and UNE inventories current practices. EXPÉRIENCE PRÉCIS DE CARDIOLOGIE – CARDIOMEDIK (CARDIOMEDIK – A CARDIOLOGY HANDBOOK) D r David Laflamme, a cardiologist at the VIP CSSS Champlain-Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne, has published the Précis de cardiologie – Cardiomedik, a reference document Traitement rapide de for clinicians. Dr Laflamme synthesized thousands of pages in order to create this toute demande spéciale comprehensive tool to help with clinical decisions. Cardiomedik is published in Obtention de billets d'événements pocket book format by Éditions Frison Roche. culturels à la dernière minute LE SUICIDE, L’AFFAIRE DE TOUS (SUICIDE, EVERYONE’S BUSINESS) Organisation de soirées privées Dr Suzanne Lamarre, a psychiatrist at St. Mary’s Hospital Center, published Le Salles et sites en location suicide, l’affaire de tous, a guidebook which presents a new perspective on the problem of suicide. She provides proof that we Réservation de loges should no longer limit ourselves to treating suicidal behaviour as a symptom of mental Rabais corporatif sur illness, but as a key moment to reorganize certains spectacles one’s life with others. The book is published by Éditions de l’Homme. Artistes et divertissement UNE RETRAITE ÉPANOUIE (A SATISFYING RETIREMENT) Are you thinking of retiring soon? You could benefit from all the advice offered by Dr Yves Lamontagne, a psychiatrist who retired in 2010 and for whom it is possible LE TOUT SOUS UNE SEULE ADRESSE ! to grow old both happy and healthy. The book Une retraire épanouie, published by Valérie White | 514 925-2124 | vwhite@evenko.ca Québec Amérique, deals with physical and Chargée de projets, événements corporatifs psychological health, living with a spouse 14 and finances. vol. 16 No. 1 LS LS
LEGAL ISSUES BY MAÎTRE SYLVAIN BELLAVANCE Director, Legal Affairs and Negotiations – FMSQ Nearing the End of our Agreement By the time you read this article, we will find ourselves at the beginning of the last year of the FMSQ-MSSS Framework Agreement, which ends on March 31, 2015. Various measures remain to be implemented by that date, but we nevertheless have to prepare ourselves for a meeting shortly dealing with the renewal of the Agreement. As you are aware, recent agreements reached with the Quebec HAVE PHYSICIANS RECEIVED SIGNIFICANT government in 2007 and in 2011 will have allowed us to adjust INCREASES OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS? the remuneration of medical specialists and to implement Yes, of course! These were the fruit of negotiations which took various measures to improve the quality and accessibility place over a long period with more than one government, of specialized medical care. At this moment in time, there is who each recognized that the remuneration gap between only one last fee increase to be introduced. Insofar as quality Quebec medical specialists and their colleagues in other and accessibility measures are concerned, there is a balance provinces was not only disproportionate, but unfair and that of approximately $120 million to be implemented during the it was important to make a special effort to reduce this gap. coming year, and this is what the Federation is concentrating This conclusion was reached not only by the previous Liberal on at present. government, but as well by the PQ government which, at the start of 2003, was the first to Current efforts aimed at completing recognize the need to correct the implementation of the last invest- IT IS PERFECTLY NORMAL AND remuneration gaps in order ments provided for in the 2007 and to ensure a competitive level HEALTHY, IN A DEMOCRATIC 2011 Agreements are taking place at of remuneration compared to a time when various reactions and SOCIETY, TO RECONSIDER physicians in other provinces. emotions are being expressed in public CERTAIN GOVERNMENT POLICIES concerning the validity of the increases AND DECISIONS. HOWEVER, IT AREN’T THESE granted to Quebec physicians. Some INCREASES INDECENT? attack the increases granted over IS IMPORTANT TO DENOUNCE In no way. Rather what was the last few years, labelling them as THE COOKIE-CUTTER FORMULAS, indecent was the remune- indecent or not justified. Others say that THE DISTORTION OF FACTS AND ration gap that had existed physicians are egotistical or argue that THE HASTY CONCLUSIONS OF for many years, reaching up the increases did not serve to improve to more than 50%. We must the problem of access to the healthcare CERTAIN STAKEHOLDERS. insist on the fact that the level network nor contribute to an increase of adjustment granted to physi- in services. cians was established not only because of the situation with colleagues in other provinces, It is perfectly normal and healthy, in a democratic society, but also according to the economic reality of Quebec workers to reconsider certain government policies and decisions. overall and the State’s capacity to pay. However, it is important to denounce the cookie-cutter formulas, the distortion of facts and the hasty conclusions of In fact, the increases granted to physicians will not result in certain stakeholders. their being remunerated at the level of the Canadian average. Despite these increases, Quebec medical specialists will It is important to respond to these attacks. continue to lag behind the Canadian average by more than 10% and will therefore continue to be among the least paid It is perfectly normal and healthy, in a democratic society, to physicians in Canada. However, this is also the situation for reconsider certain government policies and decisions. However, Quebec workers overall, who, according to various studies, it is important to denounce the cookie-cutter formulas, the have an average revenue that is between 10 and 12% lower distortion of facts and the hasty conclusions of certain stakehol- than the Canadian average. Thus, the increases granted to ders. To illustrate the excesses and shortcuts we see too often physicians will have had the effect of correcting an indecent in numerous debates, let’s look at the current one surrounding gap, which previously stood at more than 50% to bring it the Secularism Charter or even the one concerning the famous back to a fairer level more in line with the one that applies to group made up of the richest 1% of taxpayers, who are being Quebec workers overall. blamed for all our ills. I am trying here to control myself and not expand on the subject of these latest issues, but it still seems essential to me to reset the clocks on the debates surrounding the remuneration of physicians. I thus propose a few succinct answers to certain statements being conveyed. 15 vol. 16 No. 1 LS
LEGAL ISSUES ARE PHYSICIANS BEING SELFISH BY It is important, however, to mention that physicians have ACCEPTING SUCH AN INCREASE? offered a compensation. In fact, physicians offered to link Once again, the reality of our negotiations allows us to easily a portion of the adjustment they have been granted to the refute these ridiculous, even insulting, allegations. While physi- implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of cians had been asking since 2002 for an important immediate healthcare and its accessibility for the population. They have correction to their remuneration in order to make up the unfair thus accepted to do what few other groups have done. Insofar gap that had existed for far too many years, we had agreed as medical specialists are concerned, investments in certain with the Treasury Board and the government to spread the measures were effected in order to promote an increase in amount of the correction over several years in order to respect the number of surgical interventions in hospital settings, an the Province of Quebec’s capacity to pay. Physicians proved increase in access to services for patients referred by general themselves to be very patient. The main increases were thus practitioners and a better contribution to the management of put off until the years 2008 to 2014. So, of course, these years the healthcare network. As for general practitioners, we know finally arrived! And the corrections so long awaited were imple- that a part of the adjustment granted was introduced with mented. Today, the efforts to show up physicians as egotistical, measures seeking to increase the number of patients and when in fact they acted in a responsible fashion by putting off improve access to a family physician. the increases to later, is a bit odd to say the least. Physicians have thus acted in a responsible fashion by offering certain concessions. Preliminary results have shown an increase PHYSICIANS OFFERED TO LINK A PORTION OF THE in the number of surgical interventions in ADJUSTMENT THEY HAD BEEN GRANTED TO THE hospital settings. As for other measures, IMPLEMENTATION OF MEASURES AIMED AT IMPROVING it is probably too soon to see their impact THE QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE AND ITS ACCESSIBILITY since many of them have only recently been introduced. There is no reason to believe FOR THE POPULATION. THEY HAVE THUS ACCEPTED that wished-for results will not be realized. TO DO WHAT FEW OTHER GROUPS HAVE DONE. However, conclusions in this regard cannot put into doubt the fact that physicians chose to act in a responsible fashion by using a IS THERE NO COMPENSATION FOR THESE portion of the increases that were owed them in a way that INCREASES IN REMUNERATION? would improve the healthcare system. Some argue that increases in remuneration do not result in an improvement in the healthcare system nor in an increase Many other questions can be asked and answers supplied to in services to patients. There are two answers to this. Firstly, show that the treatment granted to physicians over the last an increase in remuneration is not usually granted in return few years was justified and fair and that physicians have acted for an additional service. If one looks at the pay scales in the in a responsible fashion. Pretending it is not so is always easy public service and the increases that are granted with each when one uses impressions and half-truths, something we new agreement, the latter are granted more as a response can blame on various stakeholders. Nevertheless, I persist to cost of living increases and as recognition of the expe- in remaining optimistic regarding the overall capacity of rience acquired by salaried employees than as an incentive Quebeckers as a whole to see the difference between facts to provide new services. When the hourly remuneration of and unfounded judgments. The results of a Cyberpresse hundreds of thousands of State workers is increased by survey last January 14th have proven to be reassuring on 2% next April 1st, we can already predict that all those who this point. In the aftermath of the reflection launched by the will want to analyze the number of hours paid to by these Health and Welfare Commissioner on the remuneration of workers over the following year will not find an increase in Quebec physicians, a question was asked about whether the number of hours actually worked! In the same way, when physicians were overpaid, paid enough or not paid enough. the government prioritized the issue of salary equality in the That physicians were overpaid was the answer of only 29% middle of the 2000 decade, the aim was to correct an inequity of respondents, the great majority being of the opinion that imposed on numerous State employees and the increases such was not the case. that were granted did not result in more services to the popu- lation, despite the hundreds of millions of dollars invested. The We will shortly be starting the last year of our Agreement with situation with physicians is similar. How can one justify that the government. It is important to finish the implementation physicians should need to offer more services to obtain their of all the investments that were provided for, including the increases when such a condition is not required from any sums that were allocated to the implementation of measures other group of workers? aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of care. It is also important to prepare ourselves for the next round of negotiations. Let’s be ready. 16 vol. 16 S L No. 1 LS
Autonomy Insurance: SocialDOSSIER Duty or Marketing Strategy? Autonomy Insurance: Social Duty or Marketing Strategy? On May 30, 2013, the Minister of health and social services made public a consultation document entitled: L’autonomie pour tous : livre blanc sur la création d’une assurance autonomie. After private consultations and public audiences regarding the White Paper, the Minister of health proposed Bill 67, Autonomy Insurance Act, on December 6th. The government, who wanted to implement this program starting in April 2014, decided instead to delay its effective date to 2015, with the avowed aim of having it come into effect at the start of a new fiscal year. Does this autonomy insurance project meet the needs of society? Will it make a difference in the healthcare services available? At what cost? What do you know about this project? In this dossier, Le Spécialiste draws up a balance sheet of the situation by providing you with a multitude of data issued by, among others, the Institut de la statistique du Québec, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec, the Quebec Auditor General and the Quebec Ombudsperson... data that merits some thought. 17 vol. 16 No. 1 LS
BY RICHARD-PIERRE CARON Senior Consultant Public Affairs and Communications – FMSQ Autonomy Insurance What “Society” Should Know This is a project that is of vital concern to our society as a whole, if only from the point of view of public finances and of the choices that will have to be made in terms of access to care and services. It also concerns the actors in the healthcare network since it implicitly involves the functional health of our population and the various pathologies that generate different types of disabilities. This project is being presented to us as something new and yet, all the service programs already exist, even if they suffer from chronic dysfunction. Or are we witnesses to a marketing strategy? For these reasons, it seemed to us the time was right to reset HOME CARE SERVICES – 2011-2012 the clocks on this nth attempt by the government to modify the Interventions/ healthcare system. We undertook a sizeable research project, Users Interventions Users reviewing reports, studies and data from various sources likely to help us dig deeper in aid of this analysis. Intellectual Deficiency 16,069 181,475 11.3 or PDD We must emphasize that we had already dealt with the Physical Deficiency 1,362,821 33.3 question of population aging as related to the costs of Addiction 80 247 3.1 healthcare. That particular dossier, which is worth rereading, Youth in Difficulty 785 3,377 4.3 was published in the March 2011 issue of the magazine Le Spécialiste. Today’s dossier is therefore a logical follow-up. Loss of Autonomy 186,576 5,910,881 31.7 Associated with Aging WHAT DO WE MEAN BY A LOSS OF AUTONOMY? Mental Health 4,433 68,661 15.5 According to the definition used during the Canadian Physical Health 67,535 862,271 12.8 Community Health Survey (CCHS), conducted by Statistics Public Health 19,289 1.1 Canada in 2001, 2003 and 2005, a portion of which was used General Services 869,658 7.7 by the INSPQ in its projects, “The health problems or diseases identified (in the CCHS) are problems which last or should Others 4 6 1.5 last six months or more and which have been diagnosed by Total 447,959 9,278,686 12.2 a health professional.” Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux1 Disabilities resulting from health problems cover a much larger spectrum and people of all ages are likely to be incapacitated, WHITE PAPER AND BILL 67 to one degree or another, over time. The table opposite shows A quote from the White Paper2 quite clearly summarizes the the different types of clients with a loss of autonomy and government’s view which, all in all, is identical to the one the number of home care service users for the year 2011- the former government used in 2006. In the background: 2012,1 the last year available. The province of Québec had population loss, aging and the sustainability of public finances. 447,959 users. “L’augmentation anticipée des coûts en raison du vieillissement de la population québécoise oblige à DISABILITIES RESULTING FROM HEALTH une réflexion en profondeur afin de trouver les sources PROBLEMS COVER A MUCH LARGER SPECTRUM additionnelles de financement requises pour répondre à la croissance de la demande tout en maintenant un AND PEOPLE OF ALL AGES ARE niveau de services acceptable et pour éviter de reporter LIKELY TO BE INCAPACITATED, les coûts sur les générations futures.” TO ONE DEGREE OR ANOTHER, OVER TIME. For the benefit of readers, general references are indicated in the magazine; complete references are available in the elec- 18 vol. 16 tronic version of the magazine on the FMSQ’s portal (fmsq.org). Also, within the context of this dossier, certain passages have been emphasized to attract readers’ attention. Please note that most of these references are NOT available in English. No. 1 LS
Autonomy Insurance: Social Duty or Marketing Strategy? To start with, there is a statement affirming that, within a few Here is what the White Paper states concerning the years, the sums that we collectively inject into the health and EQLAV: “Cette enquête à autodéclaration indique que social services network will not be sufficient to meet demand. 12,8 % des Québécoises et 8,7 % des Québécois de 15 ans et plus vivant à domicile et hors institution The White Paper, like the Bill, invokes the fact that we have to présentent une incapacité modérée ou grave, c’est-à- respond adequately to the needs of all persons stricken with dire un niveau fonctionnel restreint et qui limite ou empêche a disability. It targets people aged 18 years and over who l’accomplissement de certaines ou de nombreuses activités. “have a significant and persistent disability caused by a chronic disease, a physical or mental impairment or “On considère que le taux d’incapacité, qu’il s’agisse du a pervasive developmental disorder”. This is thus a policy nombre de personnes qui sont atteintes d’une incapacité whose principal aim is to dam up the potentially devastating ou de l’intensité de l’incapacité, s’accroît avec l’âge. Ainsi, effects that, we presume, the large cohort of baby-boomers 7,3 % des personnes de 15 à 64 ans ont une incapacité will have as they age on the costs of health care. qualifiée de modérée et grave, un taux qui se situe à 26,1 % chez les 65 ans et plus. Selon l’EQLAV, le taux The government wants to allow the elderly of the future atteint même 59,1 % chez les 85 ans et plus. Ce sont to preserve their autonomy and stay as long as possible environ 480 000 personnes de 15 ans et plus vivant à domicile in their own living accommodations. It hopes to thus qui ont une incapacité modérée limitant l’accomplissement de reduce the costs to the system, presumably because it certaines activités et environ 230 000 personnes qui ont une costs less to deliver care and services to homes than to incapacité grave, c’est-à-dire empêchant l’accomplissement call upon public facilities. To do so, the offer of services d’un grand nombre d’activités. from the health system must be reviewed and adapted. “On peut estimer à environ 725 0 0 0 le nombre de personnes ayant une FOR THE GOVERNMENT, THE SOLUTION PASSES incapacité qui présentent des besoins pouvant nécessiter des soins et des THROUGH THE CREATION OF AN AUTONOMY FUND, services professionnels, de l’aide et de SIMILAR TO AN INSURANCE, WHICH WILL BE USED TO l’assistance dispensés à domicile et hors PAY THE COSTS OF CARE AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES institution. Compte tenu du vieillissement de la population, il faut prévoir une augmentation (NURSING CARE, NUTRITIONISTS, REHABILITATION, relativement importante de ce groupe de PSYCHOSOCIAL SERVICES), HELP WITH DAY-TO-DAY population et accorder une attention tout à ACTIVITIES (SUCH AS WASHING, DRESSING, EATING) fait particulière aux services de longue durée AND HELP WITH THE DAILY ACTIVITIES OF HOME LIFE à leur intention.” (HOUSE CLEANING, PREPARING MEALS, SHOPPING, ETC.). The White Paper draws a summary of the ex p e n s e s c o m m i t t e d to f i n a n c i n g long-term programs, which were of From the start, the White Paper uses a series of projections the order of $4.3 billion in 2011-2012, the last year for to illustrate the urgency of the situation. It states that by which data is available. This envelope is divided as follows: 2031 the number of people aged 65 and over will have $2.9 billion allocated to the S outien à l’autonomie des increased by more than 80%. More specifically, starting personnes âgées program (CHSLD, interim resources, in 2026, people aged 85 and over will number 16,000 more home care services and other services), $869 million for the people per year. It should be noted that the current annual Déficience intellectuelle et troubles envahissants du average growth of this group is of 6,000 people. développement program, and $555 million for the Déficience Physique program. The problem evoked by the prevalence of disabilities is illustrated with data extracted from the Québec Survey on Activity Limitations, Chronic Diseases and Aging By the way, is it a fund or insurance? (EQLAV), 3 conducted by the Institut de la statistique Which is the right term? It’s difficult to choose since the du Québec (ISQ) in 2010-2011 (see details on page 22). two terms are used concomitantly by the government. And This data is used to evaluate the future needs of the population yet, it’s neither a fund, nor insurance. insofar as long-term services are concerned. In France, the term chosen is Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie ( CNSA) . Visit the FMSQ por tal at fmsq.org for more information. 19 vol. 16 No. 1 LS
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