La page est créée Joël Charrier
Vol. 15 no. 3 | September 2013

                                              A PANACEA?

                                                                   MYTHS AND
                                                                    See text p. 36

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Le Spécialiste is published 4 times per year by
the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec.                                7     PRESIDENT’S EDITORIAL
                                                                                         O Canada, in Canada
Dr Harold Bernatchez                   ENGLISH VERSION
                                       INTERNET ONLY                               9     IN THE NEWS
Dr Karine Tousignant
Maître Sylvain Bellavance
Nicole Pelletier, APR
                                     TO CONTACT US
                                     EDITORIAL CONTENT
                                                                                   10 A WORD FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT
Patricia Kéroack, c. w.
                                     ✆ 514 350-5021  514 350-5175                       Unemployed medical specialists,
DELEGATED PUBLISHER                  ✉   communications@fmsq.org                         is it possible?
Nicole Pelletier, APR                ADVERTISING
Director, Public Affairs
and Communications
                                     ✆ 514 350-5274  514 350-5175
                                     ✉   fcadieux@fmsq.org
                                                                                   11 FEDERATION AFFAIRS
RESPONSIBLE FOR                       www.magazinelespecialiste.com
Patricia Kéroack,
                                     Fédération des médecins                       12 DID YOU KNOW...
                                     spécialistes du Québec
Communications Consultant
                                     2, Complexe Desjardins, porte 3000
REVISION                             C.P. 216, succ. Desjardins                    15 LEGAL ISSUES
Angèle L’Heureux                     Montréal (Québec) H5B 1G8
Priscilla Poirier                    ✆ 514 350-5000
Dominic Armand                       Postal Indicia 40063082

ILLUSTRATION                         LEGAL DEPOSIT                                     DOSSIER                                16
(cover)                              3nd quarter 2013
Jean Archambault                     Bibliothèque nationale du Québec                  ACTIVITY-BASED FUNDING:
L’Artefieor                          ISSN 1206-2081
                                                                                       A PANACEA?
France Cadieux
                                                                                       • T2A: the French Model                18
The mission of the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec is to                • Other Experiences Around the Globe   25
defend and promote the economic, professional, scientific and social interests
of the medical specialists who are members of its affiliated associations.
The Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec represents the
                                                                                       • Activity-Based Funding in Quebec:
following medical specialties: Adolescent Medicine; Anatomical Pathology;                At What Cost?                        28
Anesthesiology; Cardiac Surgery; Cardiology (adult or pediatric); Clinical
Immunology and Allergy; Colorectal Surgery; Community Medicine; Critical
Care Medicine (adult or pediatric); Dermatology; Diagnostic Radiology;
Emergency Medicine; Endocrinology and Metabolism; Forensic Pathology;
Gastroenterology; General Pathology; General Surgery; General Surgical
Oncology; Geriatric Medicine; Gynecologic Oncology; Hematological Pathology;
Hematology; Infectious Diseases; Internal Medicine; Maternal-Fetal Medicine;
Medical Biochemistry; Medical Genetics; Medical microbiology and infectious
diseases; Medical Oncology; Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine; Nephrology;               32 GREAT NAMES IN QUÉBEC MEDICINE
Neurology; Neuropathology; Neurosurgery; Nuclear Medicine; Obstetrics and
Gynecology; Occupational Medicine; Ophtalmology; Orthopedic Surgery;                     Dr Brian Bexton, psychiatrist
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; Pediatric Hematology/Oncology;

                                                                                   34 CONTINUING
Pediatric Emergency Medicine; Pediatric General Surgery; Pediatrics; Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation; Plastic Surgery; Psychiatry; Radiation Oncology;
Respirology (adult or pediatric); Rheumatology; Thoracic Surgery, Urology and
Vascular Surgery.                                                                        PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
All pharmaceutical product advertisements are previously approved by the
Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board (PAAB).
                                                                                   35 PROFESSIONALS’ FINANCIAL
                                                                                   36 SOGEMEC ASSURANCES
The authors of signed articles are solely responsible for the opinions expressed
therein. No reproduction without previous authorization from the publisher.

                THIS EDITION’S ADVERTISERS:                                        38 L’ÉDITORIAL DU PRÉSIDENT
                                                                                         Ô Canada, au Canada
  •   Desjardins                                                           2
  •   Telus                                                                3
  •   RBC Banque Royale                                                    4       39 MEMBER SERVICES
  •   Financière des professionnels                                        6
                                                                                         Commercial Benefits
  •   IMS Brogan                                                           8
  •   Le Directeur général des élections du Québec                         9
  •   Club Voyages Berri                                                  12
  •   La Personnelle                                                      24
      Sogemec Assurances
      Groupe Conseil Multi-D
                                                                          40                                                       5
                                                                                                                                   vol. 15
                                                                                                                                   no. 3
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Équilibré                                                                      Obligations
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Équilibré-croissance                                                           Court terme                                                Dividendes canadiens
Équilibré-retraite                                                             Revenu fixe mondial                                        Internationales
                                                                                                                                          Dividendes américains

                                                               Financière                                                                 Global d’actions
                                                                                                                                          Indiciel américain

                                                           des professionnels                                                             Actions Europe
                                                                                                                                          Actions Asie
                                                                                                                                          Actions de pays émergents
                                                                                                                                          Actions tendances mondiales

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                            DES MÉDECINS
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      Financière des professionnels   inc. détient la propriété exclusive de Financière des professionnels – Fonds d’investissement
      inc. et de Financière des       MÉDECINS
                                 professionnels  – Gestion privée inc. Financière des professionnels – Fonds d’investissement inc.    www.fprofessionnels.com
      est un gestionnaire de portefeuille ainsi qu’un courtier en épargne collective inscrits auprès de l’Autorité des marchés
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                             gère et distribue les fonds de sa gamme de Fonds, et qui offre des services – conseils en fonds             Montréal 1 888 377-7337
      placement membre de    DU    Q
      d’investissement et en planification financière. Financière des professionnels – Gestion privée inc. est un courtier en
                               l’Organisme   canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières (OCRCVM) et du                 Québec 1 800 720-4244
      Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants (FCPE) qui offre des services de gestion de portefeuille. Des services de
      planification financière sont offerts par l’intermédiaire de Financière des professionnels inc.                                  Sherbrooke 1 866 564-0909
                         DR GAÉTAN BARRETTE

                         O Canada, in Canada
So, why don’t we have a conversation about this big country? In this period of emotional identity
crisis, isn’t this a good idea? Especially since the FMSQ was invited by the Quebec Medical
Association (QMA) to be present at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA)
held in Calgary in August.

     irst, a few words about the people. Nice, very welcoming,            Unfortunately, starting off with an erroneous statement of fact can
     very proud of their work, not at all pretentious in spite of their   devolve into a very dangerous game. Such an observation leads
     wealth. “We worked hard to get to where we are,” we heard            directly to proposing a reduction in the number of acceptances
them say. “We” as in “the population of Alberta.” They are right.         into medicine. These were exactly the same observations we heard
Especially since we also benefit from it!                                 here at the beginning of the 90s. We know what happened as a
                                                                          result. We’ve discussed it previously among ourselves. But rational
So much for our hosts. But the CMA covers all of Canada, Quebec           planning does exist in Quebec, and we all collaborate. Yes, there
as well as the ROC. Never has this difference seemed so large to us.      are a few specialties where full employment seems to be at hand.
Let’s look at two subjects bitterly debated: medical unemployment         But not medical unemployment. It’s a shame that the “Canadian
and end-of-life care.                                                     national experts” are not bilingual.

First, medical unemployment. In English, the topic was “medical           Then, we assisted at another “strategic debate” on end-of-life care.
underemployment” and it was the subject of a strategic debate             What we witnessed was an extremely high level of artistic... skating!
session. At the CMA, such a debate leads to a vote on one or more         First off, there was the opening speech, which is always given by
resolutions that form the basis of positions that are then defended       the federal Minister of Health. This year, the speaker was Madam
by the CMA. To launch the debate, the CMA had invited a speaker           Rona Ambrose, herself originally from Alberta. She knew that the
introduced as an expert on the issue. Imagine the scene. In his           subject would be addressed later and, before even being asked, she
mid-forties, he declares having been interested by the matter since       stated her position clearly: no to assisted suicide! Exit the debate
his residency and, for this meeting, to have surrounded himself with      on end-of-life care, focus on assisted suicide! Later on, there was
a multitude of experts to analyze and account for the pan-Canadian        the debate itself where everything was done to avoid the subject,
situation on this subject. What a surprise! From the start of his         to even say the name out loud. And so, the discussion veered to
presentation, we heard him affirm, with insistence, that nowhere          palliative care. As long as they were at it, it was even suggested
in Canada - yes, your eyes haven’t deceived you - nowhere had             that a palliative care specialty in family medicine be instituted. One
there been any evaluation or planning for medical manpower                of the good doctors from the ROC compared Quebec’s Bill 52 (see
commensurate with the needs of the population and, worse yet,             page 9) to supervised injection facilities and stated that medically-
that nowhere in Canada was there any mechanism aimed at                   assisted dying was just as immoral. You read it here!
ensuring the distribution of physicians throughout the territory!!!
The CMA meetings being very formal, the assistance of the QMA             Later on, in a less formal session, Madam Chantal Hébert, a
was required to allow us to address the meeting and inform the            media personality had been invited to talk about the subject. Very
so-called “Canadian national expert” that Quebec existed and that,        politely, she explained that if they (the physicians) thought they could
in his Canada, there was a province, visible on the radar screen,         avoid the debate, then they were wasting their time because, she
where, for more than 10 years, not only was all this being done,          reminded them, they were there to serve the people and, on the
but that such projections were extended over the next 25 years!!!         subject of end-of-life care, including euthanasia, the choice would
                                                                          be made by the people.
In spite of everything, this brings up a very real political problem.
The problem surfaces when observations are deliberately biased.           I was laughing. If I’d been in their shoes, I would have been
In the ROC, just as in Quebec, resident physicians are worried. In        embarrassed to read André Picard’s reporting of these debates
the ROC, there are no PREMs, PEMs, etc. As a result, it’s a free          in the Globe and Mail: “With doctors ducking the issue [...] That is
market in which all graduates try to find a position in downtown          unsatisfactory, and it’s no way to show physician leadership. We
Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver. It’s even said that it makes for the       trust doctors with our lives, and with our deaths. Physicians make
complete happiness of senior physicians in practice who want to           tough decisions every day at the bedside. They should be willing
take six months off: candidates fight to determine who will replace       and able to do so on the convention floor as well.”
the top guys and they have the competence to do it! However, this
is neither medical underemployment nor unemployment. It’s simply          In any case, at the FMSQ, we have never been afraid of debates
refusal, avoidance. Because, one day, the whole territory will have       and, when we take part, we say things as they are, whatever the
to be covered…                                                            right-thinkers may think!                                                  7
                                                                                                                                                     vol. 15
                                                                                                                                                     no. 3
                                                                          In all solidarity !                                                 LS     LS
Comparaison Québec – Canada, 2012

   QUÉBEC                       NOMBRE DE CONSULTATIONS (EN MILLIERS) : 74 992             CANADA                   NOMBRE DE CONSULTATIONS (EN MILLIERS) : 323 195

   Hypertension                                                              4 166    1    Hypertension                                                     19 306
   Bilan de santé                                                            2 762    2    Bilan de santé                                                   10 186
   Diabète sans complications                                                2 433    3    Diabète sans complications                                        9 823

   Dépression                                                                1 739    4    Dépression                                                        8 175
   Anxiété                                                                   1 671    5    Anxiété                                                           6 425
   Hyperlipidémie                                                            1 283    6    Surveillance normale de la grossesse                              5 355
   Infection aiguë des voies respiratoires                                   1 161    7    Infection aiguë des voies respiratoires                           5 230
   Trouble de déficite de l’attention                                          971    8    Hyperlipidémie                                                    4 195

                                          PLEINE PAGE
   Otite moyenne                                                               964    9    Oesophagite                                                       3 866
   Oesophagite                                                                 959    10   Otite moyenne                                                     3 412

                                        TOTAL DES ORDONNANCES          % VARIATION                                         TOTAL DES ORDONNANCES       % VARIATION
   QUÉBEC                                          EN 2012 (000S)       2011 À 2012        CANADA                                     EN 2012 (000S)    2011 À 2012
   SYNTHROID                                                  8 303             5,6   1    SYNTHROID                                         14 788              7
   CRESTOR                                                     3 515          -25,2   2    CRESTOR                                            6 906           -39,1
   D-TABS                                                     2 587           44,2    3    APO-ATORVASTATIN                                   5 473             0,5
   PRO-AAS EC-80
                                                                 IMS Brogan
                                                              2 182
                                                              2 154
                                                              2 146


                                                                                                                                              4 222
                                                                                                                                              3 832
                                                                                                                                              3 243
   ATORVASTATINE                                              1 900           24,3    7    APO-HYDRO                                          3 179            -5,7
   ATIVAN                                                     1 634              0    8    ELAVIL                                             3 040            13,7
   COUMADIN                                                   1 497            -8,8   9    NEXIUM                                             3 023           -17,8
   RATIO-ATORVASTATINE                                        1 454          154,7    10   TEVA-AMOXICILLIN                                   2 920           -16,9
   PRO-METFORMINE                                             1 443             7,1   11   LYRICA                                             2 911            16,9
   APO-ATORVASTATIN                                            1 431           -0,7   12   TARO-WARFARIN                                      2 890             5,9
   COVERSYL                                                   1 395           14,4    13   ATIVAN                                             2 849             0,9
   SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL                                          1 283           -18,4   14   TEVA-VENLAFAXINE                                   2 836            61,7
   AMLODIPINE                                                 1 226            15,2   15   ZYLOPRIM                                           2 710            17,8
   PMS-AMLODIPINE                                              1 159           13,1   16   CELEBREX                                           2 679            -1,9
   CELEBREX                                                    1 126            1,8   17   D-TABS                                             2 675            47,5
   PANTOPRAZOLE                                                1 116           23,1   18   APO-SALVENT CFC                                    2 540            15,1
   ELAVIL                                                     1 106            47,3   19   VENTOLIN HFA                                       2 530           -10,8
   ALESSE                                                     1 102              5    20   ELTROXIN                                           2 464            -1,5

Source : IMS Brogan et l’Index canadien des maladies et traitements.
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On the Political Front
FROM QUEBEC’S NATIONAL ASSEMBLY                                                          FROM THE HOUSE OF
Fall will be quite busy on Quebec’s parliamentary scene. The National                    COMMONS IN OTTAWA
Assembly will resume work on Tuesday, September 17, and we already know                  There has been a reversal of the situation with regards
that two important consultations will take place during the fall. To start with,         to C-377, the controversial bill piloted by Conservative
the Committee on Health and Social Services will hold public audiences on                MP Russ Hiebert, aiming to force union organizations
Bill 52, an Act respecting end-of-life care. The FMSQ was invited to attend in           to make public a slew of information on their activi-
view of its interest and implication in the subject, as the Federation was the           ties, in particular the names of beneficiaries of any
first physician organization to publicly comment on the question of Dying With           transaction of $5,000 or more and any salary paid in
Dignity. It must be recalled that Véronique Hivon, Minister for Social Services          excess of $100,000. Tabled on December 5, 2011, the
and Youth Protection, proposed this bill on June 12th. After this first round of         bill, having left the House of Commons and already
consultations, the bill will undertake its legislative process.                          having passed the stage of first reading in the Senate
                                                                                         in December 2012, has finally been substantially
Another consultation to keep an eye on will deal with the white paper on the             modified by the adoption of a series of amendments
creation of an autonomy insurance plan which was made public last April 30th             on third reading, supported by a majority of Liberal
by the Minister of Health and Social Services, accompanied by the Premier.               senators and 16 Conservative ones.
The government intends to submit a bill that it would like to see adopted
before the end of the current year. What remains to be seen is the welcome               The bill was thus adopted as modified by the Senate
this white paper, and the legislative bill that would eventually follow, will garner     on June 26th and must, de facto, return to the House
from opposition parties, who have the majority. The FMSQ will surely makes               of Commons. Two options are then possible: either the
it position known when the time comes.                                                   House of Commons adopts the bill as amended by
                                                                                         the Senate or it modifies it again, in which case it will
With each parliamentary session carrying its load of bills, the Federation is            have to be returned to the upper chamber. Bill C-377’s
constantly on the alert for any health-related issues.                                   saga will continue when parliamentary work resumes.


                  PLUS STRICTES
                                                1/2 DE PAGE

      Le maximum des contributions qu’un donateur peut verser annuellement à chacun des partis, candidats d’équipe ou candidats indépendants
      est dorénavant de 300 $ dans toutes les municipalités. Un candidat pourra en outre verser, pour son bénéfice ou celui de son parti,
      une contribution supplémentaire n’excédant pas 700 $ pour l’exercice financier de l’élection.
      Mode de versement
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                                                                                                                                                          vol. 15

                                                       LE SPÉCIALISTE                                                                                     no. 3
                                                Demi-page horizontale — 7” x 4,5”
                                  DR DIANE FRANCŒUR

                                  Unemployed medical specialists,
                                  is it possible?
          A nitty-gritty subject in the news, fed into from all directions, medical unemployment is on the
          program for Canadian medical organizations. The topic was even part of the proposals at the
          146th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Medical Association in Calgary. Should we be worried?

          Quebec is the only province with rigorous medical manpower plans       Should part-time work be allowed? This issue, generating a lot of
          (PEMs) which were implemented in cooperation with the medical          emotion, will be dealt with calmly in little doses. No one wants us
          federations and the department of health and social services           to find ourselves with a shortfall from one day to the next, or with
          (MSSS). A necessary evil or making managers responsible, the           a surplus if all these “part-timers” were to return to work full-time.
          opinion varies according to whether one is a citizen of a remote       The loss of expertise in specialties with a significant technical
          region or a physician at the end of his or her residency who wants     component is a reality: one must see patients to retain one’s skills.
          to set up in downtown Montreal... Times have changed a lot, but        Simulations are not enough to allow us to preserve all our reflexes.
          we had to act before finding ourselves in the same situation as        At present, the MSSS gives permission much more easily than
          our colleagues in the other provinces of Canada where those            before, for the pairing of physicians at the end of their careers
          who are finishing up their residency take up one fellowship after      with newcomers, and this for a period that is much less difficult
          another while waiting for a white-haired colleague to give up his      to accept than the traditionally obligatory year, which was the
          place downtown.                                                        rule previously. Evidently, when these files are well prepared and
                                                                                 when population needs justify it, it is a lot easier for us to defend
          We don’t have this problem with regard to those who are finishing      our members.
          up their residency in Quebec. However, the grass is not all that
          green in “la belle province”! On the one hand, the deployment of                  YOUR AFFILIATED MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS
          technical platforms announced for Montreal’s outlying suburbs
          (area code 450) did not materialize and, on the other, the issue of                MUST KNOW YOUR PRESENT AND FUTURE
          extra fees makes newly graduated physicians leery of setting up a                     NEEDS FOR THE MEDICAL MANPOWER
          practice to perform procedures, especially when the current health                     PLANS FOR 2016-2020 ON WHICH WE
          minister seems to be tempted by discounted financing. And yet,
                                                                                                  WILL START WORKING IN THE FALL.
          recent history has shown (as exemplified by the medically-assisted
          procreation issue) that when they are adequately financed, medical
          clinics can offer services and procedures without limits, contrary     In association with certain other medical associations, we have
          to hospitals, thus contributing to shorter waiting times.              even reduced the number of positions in residency to avoid
                                                                                 creating unemployed physicians. Residents have been clearly
          Another reality that limits access for new graduates: physicians       advised to reserve their positions and to start the process early
          who put off their retirement thus keeping their PEM and their          during training especially in certain regions where their notices
          technical platforms. Unfortunately, the economic highs and lows        of conformity take an eternity to get there. They have also been
          in recent years have also strongly inspired them to keep in shape      warned that they can’t take off like kamikaze pilots into fellowships
          and continue to work!                                                  without having organized their PEM beforehand... otherwise they
                                                                                 might have to learn English upon their return. Exceptions to addi-
          So, what are we going to do with all these graduating residents?       tional training are far from automatic and an impressive curriculum
          The latter have suggested that we reduce the number of students        vitae does not open all doors without fail. We are also working on
          in medicine. After long discussions with representatives of the        a concrete definition of “full-time equivalent”, since the one based
          universities and of the MSSS, we cannot support this proposal.         on revenue alone is obsolete: certain obligations, like on-call duty
          It takes 10 years to train a medical specialist. The feminization of   and involvement with hospitals, are included in this package.
          the medical profession has brought about changes to the profile
          as much for men as for women of all generations. We need more          Be assured though: there are no unemployed specialists on the
          physicians now to do the same work as before. Young physi-             horizon, but we will keep a careful watch! Being without access
          cians refuse to settle alone in remote areas. And, by the way, they    to technical platforms in spite of long waiting lists is much more
          stay longer when on-call schedules are less demanding, which           worrisome in this period of reductions and it can represent a form
          is reflected in service cut-backs that are much rarer these days.      of disguised unemployment.

vol. 15                                                                                                                                            LS
  no. 3

The respite that makes a difference
What would you pay for a restored smile? What is a good night’s sleep worth? For many people,
happiness does not have a price... cannot be bought... can only be given! It’s been more than
a year now since the FMSQ, through its Foundation, has warmed the hearts of thousands of
caregivers and care receivers. The bottom line of medical specialists’ involvement in this cause is
incredibly significant.
On April 23, 2012, the day on which its activities officially started,     CAREGIVERS IN QUEBEC
the FMSQ Foundation (FFMSQ) donated an initial amount of                   More than a million individuals in Quebec dedicate themselves totally
$100,000 to The Brome-Missisquoi Caregivers Support Group to               to supporting someone close to them who suffers from temporary
complete the interior and exterior installations of Maison Gilles-Carle,   or permanent disability as a result of an illness, a handicap, an
in Cowansville.                                                            accident or a degenerative disease. One person out of seven is
                                                                           likely to be a caregiver to a loved one or a neighbour.
During this first year, the Foundation came
to the aid of respite organizations that had                                                             With its Foundation, the FMSQ salutes
qualified in one or the other of the targeted         At the time we took this vacation,                 the important role of those who are,
categories: either to maintain a respite               our son […] wasn’t doing well. He                 in some fashion, the extension of
service or to create new ones; to improve,                                                               the professional resources of the
renovate or even procure installations that
                                                        had his 17th birthday in August                  healthcare system. Without them,
were essential to the well-being of their            and was in full crisis […]. We were                 a large section of society would be
users. The Foundation started the year 2013         tired out and at the end of our rope.                deprived, even to the point of despair.
with the same energy.                                                                                    “Caregivers act in such complete
                                                                                                         selflessness that they forget to take
The Foundation receives requests from all over the Province. For           time for themselves, to rest, to the point of neglecting their own
each of these, a complete file was compiled: decisions were made           health. We have to realize that without them the public healthcare
based on solid grounds. The Foundation makes sure that each                system would not be up to the task of looking after the most vulne-
dollar invested is in fact spent to allow some respite and make a real     rable members of our society,” says Dr Barrette.
difference in the lives of caregivers. Each organization receiving aid
from the Foundation undertakes to provide a rendering of accounts          We wish to remind you that the FMSQ Foundation is a charitable
until the end of the project.                                              organization, recognized under the Income Tax Act, whose objective
                                                                           is to support the cause of caregivers in Quebec. It has set aside
Projects varied greatly from one organization to another: relaxation       an annual budget of $1 million taken directly from the FMSQ’s
workshops for exhausted caregivers, short-term respites with or            regular budget.
without sleepovers, activity days for care receivers or caregivers,
purchase of specialized furniture or equipment for respite centres,        Organizations wishing to apply for financial support can look up
drop-in centres for caregivers and care receivers, etc.                    the section of the FMSQ portal (fmsq.org/fondation) dedicated
                                                                           to the Foundation. This section contains all the details, eligibility
In total, the Foundation has financially supported some thirty orga-       criteria, documents required, terms and conditions for presenting
nizations to make their respite activities a reality.                      a request as well as the application form.

  July 6, 2013 will forever remain a black day in the history of Quebec    maintain the pain associated with the loss of loved ones. The
  as a whole, but in particular in that of Lac-Mégantic, because of the    signers asked instead that a dignified and pacifying memorial be
  train accident that caused considerable and irreversible damage.         built in memory of those who disappeared.
  Hand-in-hand with their colleagues in general practice, the medical
                                                                           As for the FMSQ, right from the start, the FMSQ Foundation took
  specialists working in the region all signed a letter asking municipal
                                                                           steps to come to the aid of relief organizations in the immediate
  authorities not to authorize the reconstruction of train lines within
                                                                           region so as to identify their needs. Responding to the Foundation’s
  the perimeter of the city and to prevent the construction of housing
                                                                           invitation, the organization Les Soupapes de la Bonne Humeur
  near any future train tracks that would bypass the urban area. The
                                                                           proposed two respite projects within the scope of their organi-
  medical specialists who were signers include Denys Breton and
                                                                           zational capacity in the circumstances. Some thirty families were
  Paul E. Paradis, general surgeons; Yves Marmen, radiologist;
                                                                           thus able to take advantage of moments of respite thanks to the
  Adrian Pusca and Wadith Pierre Saad, internists.
                                                                           Foundation’s contribution.
  Their letter was submitted to the municipal council meeting on
                                                                           Moreover, medical specialists were invited, in particular by their
  July 17th from the perspective of social and preventive medicine
                                                                           respective medical associations, to give generously to the fund
  – the signers wanting to avoid other accidents, but also invoking
                                                                           raising organized by the Red Cross.
  the opinion that the presence of train tracks would awaken and
                                                                                                                                                   vol. 15
                                                                                                                                                   no. 3
                                                                                                                                             LS    LS


          AMPQ AWARD                                                                                                           DOUBLE RECOGNITION FROM THE AMERICAN
                                            Dr Pierre Vincent, who works at the Institut                                       SOCIETY OF HYPERTENSION
                                            universitaire en santé mentale de Québec,                                          The American Society of Hypertension has honoured one of its
                                            received the Heinz E. Lehmann Prize for                                            oldest members, Dr Ernesto L. Schiffrin, Physician-in-Chief
                                            Excellence in Psychiatry from the Association                                      of the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, by naming him the
                                            des médecins psychiatres du Québec. This                                           2013 ASH Distinguished Scientist and conferring on him the
                                            prize was presented to him to highlight his                                        Robert Tigerstedt Award, in remembrance of the physiologist-
                                            exceptional contribution to the advancement                                        researcher known for his discovery of the renin-angiotensin
                                            and reputation of psychiatry.                                                      system. Dr Ernesto L. Schiffrin has dedicated a great portion
                                                                                                                               of his career to research on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
          AMEQ AWARD                                                                                                           system and hypertension.
                                            Dr Jana Havrankova, an endocrinologist in
                                            practice in Saint-Lambert has been named                                           CHU SAINTE-JUSTINE AWARD
                                            endocrinologist emeritus in 2013 by the                                            On the occasion of the Gala reconnaissance, the Prix Sainte-
                                            Association des médecins endocrinolo-                                              Justine was presented to Dr Normand Lapointe, a pediatrician,
                                            gues du Québec. She received this award                                            in recognition of the work he has done with women and children
                                            in recognition of her commitment throughout                                        affected by HIV. Since 1988, Dr Lapointe has dedicated a large
                                            her career.                                                                        part of his professional activities to the development of the Unité
                                                                                                                               hospitalière de recherche, d’enseignement et de soins sur le
          HEART RHYTHM SOCIETY AWARD                                                                                           SIDA (UHRESS) at the CHU Sainte-Justine of which he is still
                               Dr Stanley Nattel, a cardiologist and the                                                       co-director.
                               director of electrophysiological research at
                               the Montreal Heart Institute Research Centre                                                    In addition, Doctors Arielle Lévy, a pediatrician; Andrée
                               has received the 2013 Founders Lectureship                                                      Sansregret, a gynecologist and obstetrician; France Gauvin,
                               Award from the Heart Rhythm Society. The                                                        a pediatrician; Sandra Lesage, an anesthesiologist; Nancy
                               distinction honours the scientist who has                                                       Robitaille, a pediatric hematologist and Géraldine Pettersen,
                               contributed in a unique and significant                                                         a pediatric intensive care specialist, received the Prix Excellence
          fashion to the field of heart rhythm.                                                                                Innovation. This prize recognizes the excellence and innovative
                                                                                                                               nature of care given to mothers and children. The group not only
                                                                                                                               evaluated the application of a protocol for massive hemorrhaging
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                                                                                                                               themselves a few hours after giving birth.

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  no. 3

                                                                                                                                                        8TH EDITION OF
                         ARMAND-FRAPPIER FOUNDATION OF INRS                                                                                             THE MEDICAL FEDERATIONS’ GOLF
                         UNIVERSITY AWARD                                                                                                               TOURNAMENT
                                             Dr Jacques Montplaisir,                                                                                    IN AID OF THE QUEBEC PHYSICIANS’ HEALTH PROGRAM
                                             a psychiatrist and the
                                             founding director of the
                                             C e n te r f o r A d v a n c e d                            This annual edition of the Medical Federations’ Golf Tournament, the 8th one,
                                             Research in Sleep                                           in aid of the Quebec Physicians’ Health Program which took place at Le Mirage
                                             Medicine ( CARSM ) at                                       Golf Club, amassed a total of $117,000. Close to 125 participants took advantage
                                             Hôpital Sacré-Cœur in                                       of a beautiful day to meet their colleagues in this magnificent environment and
                         Montreal was awarded the 2013 Bell Award                                        to compare their golfing talents.
                         of Excellence in Health for the CARSM. This                                     The organizers wish to thank sponsors, participants, donors as well as everyone
                         state-of-the-art research centre was created                                    who made this day such a great success.
                         in 1977 by Dr Montplaisir.                                                      The date for the 2014 edition will be decided upon shortly.

                         WOMAN OF MERIT AWARD FROM THE YWCA
                         IN QUEBEC CITY
                                             Dr Marie Plante, an onco-
                                             logical gynecologist at the
Photo: Édith Prudhomme

                                             CHU de Québec is the
                                                                                Photo: Judith Gauthier

                                             winner in the Women of
                                             Merit contest, in the Health
                                             categor y. This contest
                                             seeks to promote women
                         who transform their environment and distinguish                                 From left to right: Mr Christopher Lemieux from the Fédération médicale étudiante du Québec;
                         themselves through their commitment, leader-                                    Dr Louis Godin, President of the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec; Dr William
                                                                                                         Barakett, President of the Quebec Physicians’ Health Program; Dr Charles Dussault, President
                         ship, creativity and determination. Dr Plante                                   of the Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec, and Dr Gaétan Barrette, President of the
                         took an active part in the development of the                                   Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec.
                         radical trachelectomy.

                                               Dr Jean-Pierre Pelletier,
                                               a rheumatologist, and
                                               Johanne Martel-Pelletier,
                                               P h . D., b o t h r e s e a r-
                                                                                Photo: Judith Gauthier

                                               chers at the Centre de
                                               recherche du CHUM, have
                                               jointly received the 2013
                         Roger Demers Prize at the 44th Laurentian                                       This year, it was the FMSQ foursome who won the Tournament honours. The trophy was presented
                         Conference of Rheumatology. This award                                          by Dr William Barakett to the foursome: Dr Roger Grégoire, Dr Raynald Ferland, Me Sylvain
                         seeks to highlight their exceptional contribu-                                  Bellavance and Dr Serge Legault.

                         tion to their area of research.
                                                                                                                                          THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS
                                                                                                                                               PLATINUM CATEGORY
                         NEW RELEASE

                                              LA RÉTINOPATHIE
                                              (DIABETIC RETINOPATHY)
                                           Dr Jean Daniel Arbour,                                                           GOLD CATEGORY                                            SILVER CATEGORY
                                           a n ophtha lmo lo gist at
                                           the CHUM-Notre-Dame
                                           and Dr Pierre Labelle,
                                           a n ophtha lmo lo gist at                                                                              BRONZE CATEGORY
                                           Maisonneuve-Rosemont                         • Canadian Medical                     • Desjardins Insurance (Life,   • Fiera Capital         • La Capitale Insurance and
                                                                                          Protective Association                 Health, Retirement)                                     Financial Services Inc.
                                           Hospital have published                                                                                             • CIBC Global Asset
                                                                                        • Association des                      • Desjardins                      Management Inc.       • The Personal, Home and
                         La rétinopathie diabétique with Annika                           optométristes du Québec                                                                        Auto Group Insurance
                                                                                                                               • Desjardins Financial          • SEI Investments
                         Parance Éditeur. This book is aimed at the
                         general public and deals with all aspects of
                                                                                        • BCP                                    Security                                              • SSQ Financial Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         vol. 15
                         the disease, from symptoms to treatment by
                         way of diagnosis, prevention and research.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     L   no. 3
Vendredi                              AU PROGRAMME CETTE ANNÉE
 15 novembre 2013                                                  • Chirurgiens et anesthésiologistes :             • Tumeurs de la base du crâne : controverses

                                            ACTIVITÉS CONJOINTES
                                                                     plus que des partenaires obligés                  et nouveautés
   PALAIS DES CONGRÈS                                                Session associative : chirurgie générale et       Session associative : endocrinologie,
      DE MONTRÉAL                                                    anesthésiologie                                   neurochirurgie, ORL, pathologie,
                                                                                                                       radio-oncologie et radiologie
                                                                   • Altérations de la flore intestinale et
 • Le plus gros congrès annuel de                                    de l’immunité : C. difficile, mais pas          • Comment gérer les complications chez
   médecins spécialistes au Québec                                   impossible !                                      les enfants munis de sondes alimentaires
                                                                     Session associative : gastro-entérologie,         entérales, de trachéostomies et de cathéters
 • Créée par la FMSQ en 2008                                         microbiologie et infectiologie                    veineux centraux
                                                                                                                       Session associative : chirurgie générale,
 • Ouvert à tous                                                   • Les troubles du sommeil : quand Morphée           pédiatrie et pneumologie
                                                                     relâche son étreinte
 • Une occasion unique d’échanger                                    Session associative : cardiologie, neurologie, • La maladie d’Alzheimer : mieux la comprendre
   dans un cadre de DPC                                              ORL, pneumologie et psychiatrie                  Session associative : gériatrie et neurologie
 • Plus de 27 ateliers et sessions                                 • Thérapies endovasculaires                       • Cessation tabagique : comment passer
   associatives au programme                                         Session associative : chirurgie vasculaire et     à l’action
                                                                     radiologie                                        Session associative : pneumologie, psychiatrie,
 • Récipiendaire du prix 2013                                                                                          santé communautaire
                                                                   • Les complications ophtalmologiques de
   d’innovation des prestataires                                     pathologies endocriniennes                      • Anaphylaxis and drug allergies : diagnosis,
   de DPC (CRMCC)                                                    Session associative : endocrinologie et           treatment algorithms, post-interventions
                                                                     ophtalmologie                                     studies and referral for work-up
                                                                                                                       after screening
 EN PLUS :                                                                                                             Session associative : allergologie et
                                                                                                                       immunologie clinique et anesthésiologie
 • Allocution de Dr Gaétan Barrette                                                                                    (Présentation en anglais, diapositives bilingues)
   pendant le lunch
 • Cocktail de réseautage en
                                                                   • L’expertise et le médecin spécialiste :          • Les dix situations médico-légales les plus
   présence du président
                                            SESSIONS GÉNÉRALES

                                                                     une longue carrière fait-elle de vous              fréquentes de la pratique du médecin
 • Remises de prix                                                   un expert ?                                        spécialiste au Québec
                                                                   • Pour éviter de faire la une du journal :         • La planification de la retraite, à court
                                                                     gestes de base en réanimation                      et à long terme - les aspects financiers
                                                                                                                        (tarification spéciale pour les conjoints)
                                                                   • La polymédication ou l’optimisation de
     INSCRIVEZ-VOUS DÈS                                              la pharmacothérapie chez le patient              • La planification de la retraite, à court et à
     MAINTENANT EN LIGNE                                             gériatrique                                        long terme - les assurances, les aspects
         fmsq.org/jfi                                              • La lecture critique d’une étude
                                                                                                                        juridiques et les aspects psychosociaux
                                                                                                                        (tarification spéciale pour les conjoints)
                                                                     randomisée contrôlée
                                                                                                                      • L’AVC et la fibrillation en 2013 : gestion
                                                                   • Enhancing learning, advancing care :
                                                                                                                        pratique des nouveaux anticoagulants,
  TARIF SPÉCIAL POUR INSCRIPTION                                     the Royal College’s MOC Program
                                                                                                                        accent sur les situations urgentes
       AVANT LE 15 OCTOBRE                                           and Mainport Web Application
                                                                     (English Workshop)                               • Suivre un médecin et rester zen…
Cette journée a été rendue possible grâce                                                                               suivi de : un avant-goût du mieux-être
                                                                   • Maximiser la section 3 du programme
 à une subvention à visée éducative de :                             Maincert (3 crédits/heure) : comment             • Les habiletés de gestion d’un chef de
                                                                     autogérer et autoévaluer mon DPC                   département, suivi de : Leadership
                                                                                                                        médical : par son implication, le médecin
                                                                   • La gestion du temps
                                                                                                                        hospitalier peut améliorer sa situation et
                                                                   • iPad, iPhone et autres gadgets au service          celle de ses patients
                                                                     de notre pratique quotidienne
                                                                                                                      • Comment débuter sa pratique (Session
                                                                   • La gestion du stress : pour le médecin, le         conçue pour les médecins spécialistes en
                                                                     stress est à la fois le mal et la potion           début de carrière)

                                       A major investment
      Director, Legal Affairs and
      Negotiations – FMSQ

A survey was sent out to all medical specialists in 2012 in order to   The next two activities are also covered for all medical
collect more information on the extent of physician participation      specialists participating:
in the organization of hospitals. This information was used to         • Academic meetings during which a medical subject is
negotiate three new agreements on remuneration representing              discussed within the framework of a formal presentation;
a total investment of $140 million annually.                           • Reading clubs during which an article published on a
                                                                         medical subject of interest is discussed.
We wish to provide you with certain details on these agreements
which will take effect starting on January 1, 2014. The full text      These activities must be announced via a formal invitation and be
of these agreements will be sent to you during the fall, along         the subject of an agenda. A record of attendance is also required.
with additional information on the conditions of their application.
                                                                       3. MULTIDISCIPLINARY CLINICAL MEETINGS
1. MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES                                   Meetings called to discuss clinical cases and in which at least
A first Memorandum of Agreement deals with the remuneration            two other healthcare professionals from another specialty take
of medical specialists who take part in the following meetings         part are included.
in their institution:
• Unit, department or client-program meetings;                         Participation in these meetings must be in person and in the
• Meetings of various committees set up in the institution.            institution. Again, a certain level of formality is required since an
  A complete list of more than 70 committees has been                  invitation and an agenda for the meeting must be sent out and
  identified (such as morbidity, pharmacology, discipline,             discussion notes must be compiled and included in the patient’s file.
  operating suite, etc.).
                                                                       This measure is not available for psychiatrists nor for anatomical
In order to qualify for remuneration, the following conditions must    pathologists who already benefit from similar measures. It is also
be met:                                                                not possible to benefit from it for tumour clinics nor for certain other
1- Only participation in the meeting is remunerated, not               types of meetings listed in the Memorandum.
   preparing for it;
2- Presence must be in person, not via telephone conferencing;         REMUNERATION FOR THESE ACTIVITIES
3- Only specific unit, department, or committee members                All of these activities will be remunerated at an hourly rate or
   can be remunerated along with physicians who have been              according to an equivalent act code. The rate is $150 per hour
   invited to attend;                                                  starting on January 1st, increasing to $175 per hour on April 1,
4- The meeting must take place within an institution, be               2014 and to $200 per hour on April 1, 2015. Any activity must
   announced via a formal invitation and be the subject of a           last for at least sixty continuous minutes, otherwise it is
   written agenda;                                                     not remunerated.
5- Attendances must be recorded and minutes must
   be consigned.                                                       Specific conditions apply to physicians who benefit from lump-sum
                                                                       remuneration, including physicians receiving mixed remuneration
This Memorandum does not, however, apply to physicians who             as well as physicians working in medical biochemistry or in
are acting as heads of units, departments or client-programs           microbiology and infectious diseases. These receive – in addition
as they will be remunerated by way of another Memorandum of            to the payment, if applicable, of their per diem or share –, a
Agreement which is presently being negotiated and which we             remuneration that is equivalent to 50% of the hourly rate applicable
expect to finalize during the fall.                                    for activities taking place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., from Monday
                                                                       to Friday. Outside of this period, the full hourly rate applies.
The current Memorandum of Agreement remunerating clinical              In order to take into account the overall budget allocated to the
supervision activities will be modified to include the following       remuneration of these new measures, the following maximum
academic activities:                                                   annual number of hours, per medical specialist, is payable
• Dispensing courses or presentations, other than courses on           according to the activity involved:
  the university curriculum;                                           • Unit (20), department (20) or client-program (25) meetings;
• Teaching students by way of apprenticeships in                       • Meetings of a pharmacology committee (20), a CMDP board
  clinical reasoning;                                                    meeting (45) or any other type of committee involved (10);
• Teaching via simulation;                                             • Academic meetings (25);
• Evaluations based on the OSCE method.                                • Reading clubs (15);
                                                                       • Multidisciplinary clinical meetings (40).
With the exception of teaching via simulation and OSCE, these
activities must take place within a healthcare institution.            These measures seek to recognize the role of medical specialists
                                                                       in hospital organization and in teaching and to remunerate them
                                                                       appropriately. It’s up to you to take advantage of them.
                                                                                                                                                  vol. 15
                                                                                                                                                  no. 3
                                                                                                                                           LS     LS

          A PANACEA?

vol. 15
  no. 3
                                              A PANACEA?
In its 2012-2013 budget speech, the Charest government
announced its intention of improving the organization of
health services and to distribute resources more equitably
by implementing activity-based funding (ABF) in the
Quebec health and social services network, a model
already in use in various countries, including France.

An Expert Panel on Activity-Based Funding was set up in
order to provide some thoughts on the matter. The group
began working at the end of the month of April 2012. The
Marois government reviewed the name and mandate of the
panel, which became the Expert Panel for Patient-Based
Funding, during the budget speech in April 2013. The panel
of experts’ report is expected at the end of 2013.

The possible adoption of such a mode of funding would
in essence affect activities that take place in a hospital
centre. Physicians - mainly medical specialists – would
be directly involved, at several levels. The implementation
would require that physicians, who are at the heart of the
delivery of care and services, be a party to a possible
implementation process, both before and after.

In this dossier, we are presenting an overview of the various
forms of activity-based funding repertoried around the
world. We are also providing extracts of the white paper
submitted by the FMSQ to the group of experts who are
mandated by the government.

 Whether it’s called Tarification à l’activité (T2A) in France,
 Prospective Payment System (PPS) in the United States,
 Payment by Results (PbR) in Great Britain, Activity-Based
 Funding (ABF) in Canada, the principle behind the funding
 of activities consists essentially of granting health care
 institutions the same lump-sum payment for a given
 type of stay. Each patient is classified according to his
 or her pathology and type of stay which are inventoried
 in an overall classification. To each category of stay
 corresponds a pre-determined fee.

Editor’s Note: This dossier includes extracts of a report on research and of a
white paper prepared by the FMSQ. The latter were prepared on the basis of a
large volume of documentation. Because of their pertinence and the quality of
the information they contain, complete passages of certain works are reproduced
or adapted for editorial reasons. We thus wish to ensure that the comments and
observations made by these authors are as true as possible to the originals. We
offer our thanks to them.

                                                                                  vol. 15
                                                                                  no. 3
                                                           Senior Consultant
                                                           Public Affairs and Communications – FMSQ

                                  T2A: the French Model
                                  Of all the activity-based funding models implemented in various countries, that of France is of
                                  particular interest, as it has relatively recently come into effect and its implementation is not
                                  yet complete. The transition between the old and the new model of budgetary allocation was
                                  put into effect some four years ago and this was not done without a few stumbles, since it
                                  generated its load of problems and pernicious effects, and is still doing so.

                                  In December 2011, close to eight years after the introduction                          THE MECHANICS
                                  of activity-based funding for a few sectors, the Assessment                            T2A only applies to and covers 3 types of activities: medicine
                                  and Monitoring Mission for the Laws Governing Social Security                          (M), surgery (C for chirurgie) and obstetrics-gynecology
                                  (Mission d’évaluation et de contrôle de la sécurité sociale                            (O) (giving rise to the acronym MCO).
                                  or MECSS), an emanation of the French Senate’s Social Affairs
                                  Committee, decided to launch a reflection on the subject                               Hospital stays considered sufficiently similar from a medical
                                  because of the numerous irritants generated by this funding                            and economic point of view are grouped together into homoge-
                                  model. On July 25, 2012, the MECSS published its report.1                              nous groups of patients (groupes homogènes de malades
                                                                                                                         or GHMs).
                                  AT THE BEGINNING
                                  Up to 1984, public and private non-profit healthcare institutions                      Based on analytic accounting data collected in volunteer
                                  were funded by daily rates. Starting in 1984, these amounts                            institutions – a sampling involving only 9% of MCO stays in
                                  were replaced by a global allocation that almost automatically                         hospital centres and 5% in clinics – the Technical agency for
                                  renewed budgets year after year. If such a system allowed                              hospital information (Agence technique de l’information
                                  a control of expenses, it still presented some major inconve-                          sur l’hospitalisation or ATIH) calculates the average cost
                                  niences: failure to act and hospital activities not adapted to the                     per stay for each of these GHMs. On the basis of this costing
                                  needs of healthcare.                                                                   scale, taking into account public health
                                                                                                                         objectives and the orientation of case
                                  Starting in 1991, a first reform (in search of transparency,                           management methods, the Department
                                  equity and efficiency) implemented an analysis tool to study                           of Health developed a fee grid for the
                                  medical activity and medical processes within institutions:                            homogenous groups of stays (groupes
                                  the Program for the Medicalization of Information Systems                              homogènes de séjour or GHSs) as
                                  (Programme de médicalisation des systèmes d’informa-                                   the financial counterpart of the GHMs.
                                  tion or PMSI). Institutions had to deploy information systems                          Normally, each GHS corresponds to
                                  taking into account pathologies and case management methods                            a GHM.
                                  to improve knowledge, evaluate activities and their costs to
                                  improve the optimization of their offer of care.                                       The number of patient groups varies a
                                                                                                                         great deal from one country to another.
                                                                  The T2A architecture was developed                     There are 355 in Belgium, 698 in Ireland,
                                                                  based on the PMSI, the informa-                        983 in Sweden, 1020 in Finland, 1182 in
          Credit: rubensoft.com

                                                                  tion infrastructure.                                   Germany, 1389 in England and 2318 in
                                                                                                                         France. Almost all the GHMs in France
                                                       Although it was announced in 2002, T2A                            have four levels of severity. Taken apart,
                                                       was introduced in public institutions and                         the French GHMs could be regrouped
                                                       in non-profit private institutions in 2004,                       into 600 roots, each divided into various
                                                       then in institutions for profit in 2005.                          degrees of severity.
                                  France has joined the majority of Western countries who
                                  have adopted the principle of fees, each corresponding to a
                                  lump-sum payment per type of stay.
                                                                                                                          A BIT OF USEFUL INFORMATION
                                                                                                                          In 2010, France had 2,751 hospital facilities offering 427,000 beds for
                                                                                                                          complete hospitalization and 60,500 places for one-day hospitalization.
                                                                                                                          To be more specific, the public sector included 966 institutions; the private
                                                                                                                          non-profit sector had 1051 and the private for-profit sector, 734.

vol. 15
                                      Le Menn J and Milon A, Senators. Rapport d’information au nom de la mission
                                      d’évaluation et de contrôle de la sécurité sociale de la Commission des affaires    Source: Le panorama des établissements de santé - édition 2011. Direction de la
                                                                                                                          recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques (DREES)
                                      sociales sur le financement des établissements de santé. Paris: Senate,
  no. 3
     LS                               July 25, 2012.
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