Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Union
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Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE Critères de recherche utilisés pour générer la liste : Tri Tri par date Mot-clé "politique agricole commune" 186 Résultat(s) trouvé(s) Date de création : 14-07-2022
Climate Mainstreaming in the EU Budget: 2022 Update Type de publication Étude Date 12-04-2022 Auteur externe François LEVARLET, t33 srl Michele ALESSANDRINI, t33 srl Margit SCHRATZENSTALLER-ALTZINGER, WIFO Nicolò FRANCESCHELLI, Blomeyer Domaine politique Budget | Contrôle budgétaire Mot-clé biodiversité | budget de l'UE | cadre financier pluriannuel | changement climatique | impact sur l'environnement | politique agricole commune | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | surveillance de l'environnement Résumé This study is an update of ‘Documenting climate mainstreaming in the EU budget’ published in 2020. The methodology used by the European Commission for tracking climate change and biodiversity related expenditure at EU level is reviewed again in the light of the Multiannual Financial Framework approved in 2021 and the new regulatory framework covering the period 2021-2027. This confirms the main strengths and weaknesses pointed out by the initial study. Recommendations for improving the tracking mechanisms are updated considering the new requirements of the Interinstitutional Agreement (2020). Étude EN CAP horizontal regulation: Financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy for 2023-2027 Type de publicationBriefing Date 21-12-2021 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé aide financière | aide à l'agriculture | contrôle de gestion | dépense agricole | développement rural | Feader | FEAGA | FEOGA | politique agricole commune | production agricole | proposition (UE) | rapport Résumé As part of the preparation of the EU budget for 2021-2027, the European Commission put forward a new set of regulations to shape the future EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on 1 June 2018. The proposal for a regulation on the financing, management and monitoring of the CAP provides the legislative framework for adapting the financing, management and monitoring rules to a new CAP delivery model. This seeks to achieve more subsidiarity and simplification, with greater responsibility given to Member States, a shift from ensuring single transaction compliance to monitoring system performance in each Member State, and reduced 'red tape', among other things. Following their adoption in December 2021, the new CAP regulations will apply from 1 January 2023. Briefing EN CAP strategic plans Type de publicationBriefing Date 21-12-2021 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé agriculture durable | aide financière | aide à l'agriculture | développement rural | exploitant agricole | politique agricole commune | politique en matière de changement climatique | proposition (UE) | protection de l'environnement | régime de paiement unique | secteur agricole | simplification des formalités | échange agricole Résumé The Commission's legislative proposals on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP) were published on 1 June 2018. They comprise three proposals: a regulation setting out rules on support for CAP strategic plans; a regulation on the single common market organisation (CMO) and a horizontal regulation on financing, managing and monitoring the CAP. The proposal for a regulation on CAP strategic plans introduces a new delivery model, described by the Commission as a fundamental shift in the CAP, involving a move from compliance towards results and performance. It includes a new distribution of responsibilities between the EU and Member States. A new planning process is proposed that will cover all the CAP measures, previously covered by different regulations and policy designs. Following its adoption in December 2021, the CAP strategic plans regulation will apply as of 1 January 2023. Fourth edition of a briefing originally drafted by James McEldowney and Patrick Kelly. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Briefing EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 1
Requirements for a single database of beneficiaries Type de publicationÉtude Date 23-09-2021 Auteur externe Willem Pieter DE GROEN, CEPS Damir GOJSIC, CEPS Mathieu VUYLSTEKE, CEPS Domaine politique Budget | Contrôle budgétaire Mot-clé base de données | comptabilité générale | Fonds de cohésion | politique agricole commune | rapport de suivi | statistique | transparence financière | vérification des comptes Résumé At the request of the CONT Committee of the European Parliament, this study has been prepared as background information for work on the legislative Own Initiative Report on the digitalisation of European reporting, monitoring and audit. Building on the findings of the study on ‘The largest 50 beneficiaries in each EU Member State of CAP and Cohesion Funds’, this study assesses the requirements for a single EU database of beneficiaries. Such a database would overcome the current fragmentation in the databases of beneficiaries of EU funds, ensure completeness and obtain the relevant indicators for all beneficiaries. A single EU database of beneficiaries would serve for both audit and control, as well as transparency purposes. The core of the database would be the information from managing authorities which, through identifiers and matching indicators, would be linked to other databases to obtain all the required information. For transparency purposes, the reporting system would have to cover a subset of indicators, including registration number and type of beneficiary, in order to enable the identification of the ultimate beneficiaries Étude EN Cost of crop protection measures Type de publication Étude Date 16-09-2021 Auteur externe DG, EPRS_This study has been written by A.B. Smit, J.H. Jager, M. Manshanden and J. Bremmer of Wageningen Research at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament. Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Environnement Mot-clé agriculture durable | biodiversité | contrôle phytosanitaire | destruction des cultures | organisme nuisible | pesticide | politique agricole commune | production végétale | protection de la flore Résumé Existing, new and emerging crop protection practices, including mechanical techniques, precision agriculture, biocontrol, plant breeding, induced crop resistance, application of ecological principles to increase biodiversity and use of 'green' plant protection products, could help to reduce the use of conventional plant protection products and were described in an earlier STOA study. This new study provides cost estimates for various alternative crop protection practice options in the EU Étude EN Background note on “Simplification” for the CONT hearing: “Will simplification suggested for the new MFF period bring the necessary balance between more efficient, effective and correct spending of EU funds?” Type de publication Briefing Date 15-06-2021 Auteur CALATOZZOLO Rita Domaine politique Budget | Contrôle budgétaire Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | cohésion économique et sociale | Cour des comptes européenne | Fonds structurels et d'investissement européens | formalité administrative | politique agricole commune | politique réglementaire | programme-cadre de recherche et développement | rapport | règlement (UE) | répartition du financement de l'UE | simplification législative Résumé This note intends to provide general information about simplification as well as to look a bit more in detail on this issue in the framework of Cohesion Policy, Common Agricultural Policy and Research. These three EU policies represent sectors that largely benefit from the financing of the EU budget and have experienced simplification due to the response of the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to the requests of final beneficiaries. At the same time, there have been repeated calls from the European Court of Auditors regarding these policies to reduce their complexity and further apply simplification measures, without compromising their functioning and the sound financial management of the EU budget. Briefing EN Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - June 2021 Type de publication En bref Date 04-06-2021 Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Budget | Contrôle budgétaire | Coronavirus | Droits de l''homme | Démocratie | Législation de l''Union: système et actes juridiques | Politique de recherche | Transports Mot-clé bien-être des animaux | droits de l'homme | Fonds de cohésion | maladie à coronavirus | politique agricole commune | politique commune des transports | rapport | répression | société sans but lucratif | tourisme | transport d'animaux | épidémie Résumé The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events. En bref EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 2
Modernisation of the European agricultural statistics system Type de publication En bref Date 03-06-2021 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé collecte de données | comptabilité économique agricole | méthode statistique | politique agricole commune | production agricole | proposition (UE) | statistique agricole | statistique de l'UE | structure agricole | système européen de comptabilité Résumé The European agricultural statistics system (EASS) is undergoing a major transformation, aiming to improve data quality by taking a more systemic and efficient approach. The modernisation process began some years ago with an evaluation of existing agricultural statistics. To complete the process, in February 2021, the European Commission put forward two proposals on statistics: on inputs and outputs of agricultural activities and on regional economic accounts for agriculture. The European Parliament is currently examining these proposals. En bref EN Research for AGRI Committee: Preliminary impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on European agriculture: a sector-based analysis of food systems and market resilience Type de publication Étude Date 28-05-2021 Auteur externe Francesco Montanari, Inês Ferreira, Filippa Lofstrom, Cesare Varallo, Simone Volpe, Elta Smith, Maria Kirova, Axel Wion, Una Kubota, José Diogo Albuquerque. Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Coronavirus Mot-clé aide à l'agriculture | indépendance économique | maladie à coronavirus | politique agricole commune | épidémie | État membre UE Résumé This study provides a preliminary quantitative and qualitative analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on European agriculture and the agri-food supply chain in light of the responses deployed by the European Union and its Member States to mitigate its effects. Étude EN Taking the EU's 'farm to fork' strategy forward Type de publication En bref Date 25-05-2021 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Sécurité des aliments Mot-clé accord commercial (UE) | agriculture durable | agroalimentaire | chaîne d'approvisionnement | développement durable | initiative de l'UE | politique agricole commune | produit alimentaire | stratégie de l’UE | sécurité alimentaire Résumé The 'farm to fork' strategy is a roadmap to build a sustainable European Union (EU) food system, in line with the aims of the European Green Deal. Launched in May 2020, the strategy includes initiatives that are progressing at different speeds. The EU institutions are helping to shape the various elements of the strategy. En bref EN The Largest 50 Beneficiaries in each EU Member State of CAP and Cohesion Funds Type de publication Étude Date 20-05-2021 Auteur externe Willem Pieter DE GROEN, CEPS Roberto MUSMECI, CEPS Damir GOJSIC, CEPS Jorge NUNEZ, CEPS Daina BELICKA, CSE COE Domaine politique Budget | Contrôle budgétaire Mot-clé accès à l'information de l'UE | bénéficiaire de l'aide | cohésion économique et sociale | communication des données | fonds (UE) | Fonds de cohésion | personne morale | personne physique | politique agricole commune | rapport de recherche | répartition du financement de l'UE | société à responsabilité limitée | transparence financière | État membre UE Résumé This report provides the findings of the study on “The Largest 50 beneficiaries in each EU Member State of CAP and Cohesion Funds” prepared at the request of the CONT committee. Based on the analysis of more than 12 million beneficiaries of the common agricultural policy (CAP) in 2018 and 2019 and about 600 000 beneficiaries receiving cohesion funds between 2014 and 2020 it identifies the largest direct and ultimate beneficiaries of EU funds. Moreover, it covers the results of an assessment of almost 300 systems for the public disclosure of the beneficiaries of CAP and Cohesion policy. Finally, it provides recommendations to enhance the public disclosure on beneficiaries of EU funds. Note: the lists and analyses of the beneficiaries are based on the data available in the reporting systems at the time of data collection. Substantiated requests for corrections due to incorrect or modified data will be included in the Corrigenda below (Annex IV). Étude EN Annexe 1 EN Annexe 2 EN Annexe 3 EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 3
Smart villages: Concept, issues and prospects for EU rural areas Type de publicationBriefing Date 01-03-2021 Auteur MARTINEZ JUAN Ana | MCELDOWNEY James Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé cohésion économique et sociale | développement rural | Feader | investissement | politique agricole commune | région rurale | réseau d'information | réseau de transmission | technologie numérique | ville intelligente Résumé Although there is no legal definition of a 'smart village' within EU legislation, there are a number of distinguishing features associated with the smart village concept, with the involvement of the local community and the use of digital tools being seen as core elements. The concept implies the participation of local people in improving their economic, social or environmental conditions, cooperation with other communities, social innovation and the development of smart village strategies. Digital technologies can be applied to many aspects of living and working in rural areas. The smart village concept also suggests the adoption of smart solutions in both the public and private sectors over a wide range of policy fields such as improving access to services, developing short food supply chains and developing renewable energy sources. The smart village concept is gaining traction on the rural development agenda, coinciding with the ongoing reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP). A key element of this reform will be a new delivery model based on each Member State developing a CAP strategic plan. In December 2020, the Commission published its recommendations for each Member State on the direction their plans need to take to achieve the CAP objectives and the European Green Deal targets. The Commission's analysis highlight the gaps Member States must address if the Green Deal target of 100 % access to fast broadband internet in rural areas by 2025 is to be met. Much will depend on how Member States respond to these recommendations in drawing up their CAP strategic plans. The European Parliament has made a significant contribution to the smart village concept, taking part in a pilot project on smart eco- villages and supporting the European Commission's 2017 action plan for smarter villages. The European Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee have meanwhile both indicated their support for the concept through events, opinions and communications. Briefing EN Multimédia What is a smart village? Smart villages: Concept, issues and prospects for EU rural area Statistics on agricultural inputs and outputs (SAIO): Updated rules Type de publicationBriefing Date 12-02-2021 Auteur DINU Alina Ileana Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Transposition et mise en œuvre de la législation | Évaluation du droit et des mesures politiques dans la pratique Mot-clé application du droit de l'UE | collecte de données | coopération agricole | droit rural | politique agricole commune | statistique agricole | statistique de l'UE | structure agricole | étude d'impact Résumé In the context of modernising the European agricultural statistics system (EASS), updated rules have been published by the European Commission on statistics for EU farming, including the organic sector, covering both inputs and outputs for crops and animals, pesticides, nutrients, agricultural prices, etc. The new legislative proposal is the outcome of an evaluation process underlying that existing legal and methodological structure of agricultural statistics does not take into account future needs and does not function in an efficient way. Briefing EN Research for AGRI Committee - The challenge of land abandonment after 2020 and options for mitigating measures Type de publicationÉtude Date 21-12-2020 Auteur NEGRE François Auteur externe ÖIR GmbH: C.ANDRONIC, M. DERSZNIAK-NOIRJEAN, M. GAUPP-BERGHAUSEN, C.H. HSIUNG, A. MÜNCH, B. SCHUH / BAB: T. DAX, Ingrid MACHOLD, K. SCHROLL / RegioGro: S. BRKANOVIC Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Développement régional | Planification Mot-clé adaptation au changement climatique | analyse des causes | changement climatique | mondialisation | politique agricole commune | région agricole | santé publique | terre abandonnée | zone agricole défavorisée Résumé This study examines the phenomenon of land abandonment, its consequences and mitigation options. Using quantitative data, it provides an overview of the possible future evolution of land abandonment in the EU by 2030, its historical evolution and current state of play. Based on desk research and case studies, this research project carries out an analysis of the drivers and effects of the phenomenon, considers mitigating actions to be implemented through EU policies, notably the CAP and outlines different scenarios about land use changes, using as variables climate change, the globalisation of markets and a major health crisis. Étude EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 4
Research for the AGRI Committee - The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU’s natural resources Type de publicationEn bref Date 24-11-2020 Auteur MASSOT MARTI Albert Auteur externe Hervé GUYOMARD; Jean-Christophe BUREAU; Vincent CHATELLIER; Cécile DETANG-DESSENDRE; Pierre DUPRAZ; Florence JACQUET; Xavier REBOUD; Vincent REQUILLART; Louis-Georges SOLER; Margot TYSEBAERT Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé agriculture durable | agroalimentaire | biodiversité | changement climatique | commission PE | politique agricole commune | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | rapport de recherche | réduction des émissions de gaz | économie verte Résumé This document is the final report of the study developed by INRAE and AgroParisTech for the European Parliament: “The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU’s natural resources’’ (IP/B/AGRI/IC/2020-036). En bref EN Recherche pour la commission AGRI − Le pacte vert et la PAC: adapter les pratiques agricoles et préserver les ressources naturelles de l’UE – implications stratégiques Type de publication Étude Date 23-11-2020 Auteur externe Hervé GUYOMARD; Jean-Christophe BUREAU; Vincent CHATELLIER; Cécile DETANG-DESSENDRE; Pierre DUPRAZ; Florence JACQUET; Xavier REBOUD; Vincent REQUILLART; Louis-Georges SOLER; Margot TYSEBAERT Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Budget | Développement régional | Environnement | Industrie | Marché intérieur et union douanière | Politique de recherche | Protection des consommateurs | Santé publique | Sécurité des aliments | Énergie Mot-clé agriculture durable | agroalimentaire | biodiversité | changement climatique | chaîne d'approvisionnement | commission PE | politique agricole commune | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | rapport de recherche | réduction des émissions de gaz | économie circulaire | économie verte Résumé Le présent document est une synthèse de l’étude intitulée «The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU’s natural resources» (Le pacte vert et la PAC: adapter les pratiques agricoles et préserver les ressources naturelles de l’UE – implications stratégiques)(IP/B/AGRI/IC/2020-036). L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante: Étude EN Résumé exécutif ES, DE, EN, FR, IT Annexe 1 EN Understanding farm structure Type de publication En bref Date 09-11-2020 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé collecte de données | localisation de la production | politique agricole | politique agricole commune | production agricole | statistique de l'UE | structure agricole | utilisation des terres Résumé Farm structure refers to the composition and organisation of an agricultural productive unit, typically for growing crops and rearing farm animals. Farm structure data allow analysis of the functioning of farms and their responses to events and agricultural policies. While basic statistics are key for capturing the essentials of the EU farming sector, understanding the various elements of farm structure implies more thorough analysis of the data. En bref EN Plenary round-up – October II 2020 Type de publication En bref Date 26-10-2020 Auteur FERGUSON CLARE | SOCHACKA KATARZYNA Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union | Environnement Mot-clé débat parlementaire | déboisement | décharge du budget | Fonds européen d'ajustement à la mondialisation | intelligence artificielle | maladie à coronavirus | ordre du jour | Parlement européen | politique agricole commune | politique étrangère et de sécurité commune | session parlementaire | épidémie Résumé During the second October 2020 plenary session – the first at which Members were able to speak remotely, and not only vote, from the Member States – the European Commission presented its 2021 work programme, which Members largely welcomed. Members also discussed the conclusions of the 15 16 October 2020 European Council meeting, EU measures to mitigate the social and economic impact of Covid 19, police brutality within the EU, the sale of EU passports and visas to criminals, the State of the Energy Union and aligning the Energy Charter Treaty with the European Green Deal. Parliament announced that its 2020 Sakharov Prize will be awarded on 16 December to the Belarusian opposition, in particular the Coordinating Council, for 'an initiative launched by courageous women'. En bref EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 5
La politique agricole de l’UE et la santé: Défis historiques et contemporains Type de publication Analyse approfondie Date 23-10-2020 Auteur MCELDOWNEY James Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Coronavirus | Santé publique Mot-clé nutrition | politique agricole commune | produit alimentaire | protection du consommateur | santé publique Résumé La présente analyse se penche sur les liens entre l’agriculture et la santé dans l’Union. Après une explication des liens entre agriculture, alimentation et nutrition, elle présente une chronologie des principales études et évolutions dans ce domaine. Celle-ci commence par une analyse des efforts déployés au début des années 70 pour lutter contre des taux élevés de maladies cardiovasculaires, avant de passer à des évaluations plus récentes du rôle joué par la politique agricole commune de l’Union dans les questions de santé publique liées à la nutrition et de la mesure dans laquelle cette politique a influencé les habitudes alimentaires actuelles. Vient ensuite un bref tour d’horizon de l’état de santé des citoyens européens, y compris certaines caractéristiques et tendances clés en matière de santé, de régimes alimentaires et de nutrition dans l’Union. La pandémie de coronavirus est également prise en compte, notamment en ce qui concerne ses implications pour les considérations sanitaires dans l’ensemble des politiques. S’appuyant sur les différents articles et études consultés, la présente analyse conclut en présentant différentes façons dont l’agriculture et les politiques agricoles pourraient contribuer à répondre aux défis auxquels l’Union est confrontée en matière de santé publique. Analyse approfondie DE, EN, FR Research for AGRI Committee -The upcoming Commission's Communication on the long-term vision for rural areas Type de publication Analyse approfondie Date 30-09-2020 Auteur MASSOT MARTI Albert | NEGRE François Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Développement régional | Emploi | Environnement | Politique sociale | Tourisme Mot-clé cohésion économique et sociale | commission PE | développement rural | migration rurale | politique agricole commune | rapport de recherche | région rurale Résumé This in-depth analysis provides a preliminary analysis of the upcoming Commission’s communication on a long term vision for rural areas. It presents the key features of the communication and its implications for the CAP, takes stock of the current and future EU policy tools to support rural areas and provides background material on the economic, demographic, social and spatial challenges they are faced with. Analyse approfondie EN Politique de cohésion de l’Union européenne dans les zones non urbaines Type de publicationÉtude Date 30-09-2020 Auteur externe Stefan KAH, Neli GEORGIEVA, Liliana FONSECA - EPRC Domaine politique Développement régional | Politique sociale Mot-clé cohésion économique et sociale | commission PE | développement rural | politique agricole commune | politique régionale de l'UE | rapport de recherche | région rurale | santé publique Résumé This study looks at the role of EU Cohesion Policy in non-urban (rural) areas. It analyses the challenges of these areas and discusses the extent and thematic orientation of rural Cohesion Policy funding. The study then presents the relationship between Cohesion Policy and CAP, before giving an overview of the role of Cohesion Policy for healthcare. It also reflects on the implications of Cohesion Policy proposals post-2020 for rural areas, before providing final conclusions and recommendations for a long-term policy vision. Étude EN Résumé exécutif ES, DE, EN, FR, IT 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 6
EU agricultural policy and climate change Type de publicationBriefing Date 19-05-2020 Auteur MCELDOWNEY James Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Environnement | Évaluation du droit et des mesures politiques dans la pratique Mot-clé adaptation au changement climatique | changement climatique | gaz à effet de serre | politique agricole commune | pollution par l'agriculture | réduction des émissions de gaz Résumé In December 2019, the European Parliament declared a climate and environmental emergency in Europe and across the globe – a recognition of the challenges that the EU faces in this area. The agricultural sector is not only affected by climate change but also contributes significantly to it, according to some assessments. Evidence from a range of reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre points to the impacts that climate change will have on yields, length of growing season, water availability, biodiversity, and habitats. The pattern of climate change will have a differential impact in terms of the regions affected. A clear north–south divide emerges, with countries of southern Europe likely to face declining yields due to increased temperatures and reduced precipitation. In the legislative proposals for the common agricultural policy (CAP) for the post-2020 period, the European Commission has set a high level of ambition in both environmental and climate change objectives, taking into account the fact that agriculture is responsible for around 10 % of the EU's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The European Green Deal outlined in the Commission's political guidelines aims to make Europe the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. A range of mitigation and adaptation responses are available, designed to curb GHG emissions and reduce vulnerability to climate change. The EU can use the CAP as a tool to influence policy-making in the area of climate change. In fact, data on the operation and impact of the CAP on climate change and GHG emissions have been examined using a range of sources, including a study undertaken for the Commission. One of its conclusions is that there are a range of CAP measures that are only partially relevant to climate needs, as the CAP is constrained by the lack of compulsory implementation. Additionally, a series of inconsistencies and 'missed opportunities' were identified in the study. It remains to be seen how such findings will influence the content and design of the new CAP strategic plans, given that the Commission's future proposals for them include giving greater discretion to Member States. Briefing EN Multimédia EU agricultural policy and climate change Research for the AGRI Committee - The Farm to Fork Strategy implications for agriculture and the CAP Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie Date 15-05-2020 Auteur MASSOT MARTI Albert Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Droit de la concurrence et réglementation de la concurrence | Environnement | Protection des consommateurs | Pêche | Santé publique | Sécurité des aliments Mot-clé agriculture durable | commission PE | maladie à coronavirus | politique agricole commune | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | rapport de recherche | stratégie de l’UE | économie verte | épidémie Résumé The aim of this In-Depth Analysis prepared by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies is to explore the possible implications of the Farm to Fork Strategy (F2F) for agriculture and the CAP and, as a result, on the legislative works of the AGRI Committee over the 2020 - 2023 period. The analysis is based on the following sources: the Communication on the European Green Deal (COM (2019) 640 of 11 December 2019); the EC roadmap and key actions of the European Green Deal (11 December 2019); the EC F2F Strategy roadmap (17 February 2020); the Communication ‘A Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system’ (COM (2020) 381 of 20 May 2020); the Draft Action Plan of the Farm to Fork Strategy (Annex of the EC Communication of 20 May 2020); the Commission staff working document ‘Analysis of links between CAP reform and Green Deal’ (SWD (2020) of 20 May 2020); and others background documents accompanying the F2F Communication of 20 May 2020. Analyse approfondie EN The EU sugar sector Type de publication Briefing Date 16-03-2020 Auteur KELLY PATRICK Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé agriculture durable | aide à l'agriculture | industrie du sucre | politique agricole commune | sucre Résumé The sugar sector in the European Union provides a source of income for many farmers and sugar manufacturers. The EU is the world's top producer of sugar beet and one of the main sugar manufacturers' and consumer markets. The EU sugar market had been one of the most heavily regulated markets in the agri-food sector for 50 years, until the quota regime ended on 30 September 2017, thereby introducing a new scenario for this segment of the economy. The sector faces challenges on a number of fronts. The changed policy environment which resulted from quota elimination, as well as trading conditions due to higher production levels, and the ongoing debate on the agreement with Mercosur have all contributed to a period of uncertainty for commodity prices. Maintaining a viable sugar sector is inextricably linked with the development of agriculture and rural areas. This means the parallel development of economic, social and environmental policy objectives. At an economic level, the fate of sugar farming will help to ensure farmers’ incomes as well as those in the wider processing sector. From a social perspective, keeping jobs in agriculture, manufacturing and services sectors will benefit rural communities. Sugar beet cultivation also allows farmers to diversify their income sources while improving soil quality and encouraging environmentally friendly agricultural practices. Future policy for the sector should focus on risk mitigation. It will also be mindful of the stabilisation of farm incomes; instruments to limit farm income volatility; linking sugar beet production with environmental and climate change objectives, and encouraging the development of a long-term risk management system. This briefing updates and expands an earlier publication, published in April 2018 (PE 620.224). Briefing EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 7
Outcome of the special European Council, 20-21 February 2020 Type de publicationBriefing Date 24-02-2020 Auteur DRACHENBERG Ralf Domaine politique Budget | Planification Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | cohésion économique et sociale | Conseil européen | financement du budget de l'UE | guerre civile | politique agricole commune | retrait de l’UE | Royaume-Uni | répartition du financement de l'UE | Syrie Résumé On 20-21 February 2020, EU Heads of State or Government held their first meeting specially dedicated to the 2021-27 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) since the publication of the European Commission’s proposal in May 2018. Despite intense preparations and discussions, lasting over two days, EU leaders failed to overcome their differences and to find an agreement. At the end of the meeting, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, declared that ‘we need more time’. When, and under which conditions, the European Council will reconvene for another attempt to finding an agreement has not decided thus far. Briefing EN Information package on ‘Innovation in Agriculture’ Public Hearing of 18 February 2020 Type de publication Briefing Date 18-02-2020 Auteur MASSOT MARTI Albert | NEGRE François Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Environnement | Politique de recherche Mot-clé agroalimentaire | innovation | nouvelle technologie | politique agricole commune | recherche agronomique Résumé This information package is prepared by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies for the hearing of 18 February 2020 organised by the European Parliament’s Agricultural and Rural Development Committee (AGRI Committee). The main purpose of the paper is to facilitate the legislative work of MEPs related to the agri-food research & innovation issues. Briefing EN The European Council and the 2021-27 Multiannual Financial Framework Type de publicationBriefing Date 17-02-2020 Auteur DRACHENBERG Ralf Domaine politique Budget Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | cohésion économique et sociale | Conseil européen | financement du budget de l'UE | politique agricole commune | retrait de l’UE | Royaume-Uni | répartition du financement de l'UE Résumé EU Heads of State or Government will meet on 20 February 2020 for a special European Council to discuss the 2021- 2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). Both the Sibiu declaration by EU Heads of State or Government and the Strategic Agenda 2019-2014 state that ‘the EU must give itself the means to match its ambitions, attain its objectives and carry through its policies’. Following a first informal discussion in February 2018, the European Council regularly touched upon the MFF negotiations at its meetings over the last two years. However, until now, the EU Heads of State or Government did so without really attempting to reach an agreement. Briefing EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 8
Desertification and agriculture Type de publicationBriefing Date 10-02-2020 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Environnement Mot-clé changement climatique | désertification | politique agricole | politique agricole commune | politique de la production agricole | production agricole Résumé Desertification is a land degradation process that occurs in drylands. It affects the land's capacity to supply ecosystem services, such as producing food or hosting biodiversity, to mention the most well known ones. Its drivers are related to both human activity and the climate, and depend on the specific context. More than 1 billion people in some 100 countries face some level of risk related to the effects of desertification. Climate change can further increase the risk of desertification for those regions of the world that may change into drylands for climatic reasons. Desertification is reversible, but that requires proper indicators to send out alerts about the potential risk of desertification while there is still time and scope for remedial action. However, issues related to the availability and comparability of data across various regions of the world pose big challenges when it comes to measuring and monitoring desertification processes. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the UN sustainable development goals provide a global framework for assessing desertification. The 2018 World Atlas of Desertification introduced the concept of 'convergence of evidence' to identify areas where multiple pressures cause land change processes relevant to land degradation, of which desertification is a striking example. Desertification involves many environmental and socio- economic aspects. It has many causes and triggers many consequences. A major cause is unsustainable agriculture, a major consequence is the threat to food production. To fully comprehend this two-way relationship requires to understand how agriculture affects land quality, what risks land degradation poses for agricultural production and to what extent a change in agricultural practices can reverse the trend. Cropland expansion and intensification of agriculture are among the drivers of land degradation processes that can lead to desertification. Yet, agriculture itself can provide solutions to land degradation. Almost half of the EU Member States have declared that part of their territory is affected by desertification, yet there is no EU-level strategy to tackle this problem. EU agricultural policy can have an impact on the elements and drivers of desertification, for example, by promoting sustainable agriculture in the awareness that protecting farmland productivity is of interest to the public and farmers alike. Briefing EN Multimédia Desertification and agriculture 'From Farm to Fork' strategy on sustainable food Type de publicationEn bref Date 20-01-2020 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Planification Mot-clé agriculture durable | agroalimentaire | aide à l'agriculture | initiative de l'UE | politique agricole commune | protection de l'environnement | stratégie de l’UE Résumé The 'Farm to Fork' strategy is one of the initiatives announced in President Ursula von der Leyen's political guidelines for the new Commission, as part of the European Green Deal. It aims at creating a sustainable food value chain through legislative and non legislative actions to be presented in spring 2020. En bref EN Plenary round-up – Strasbourg, December 2019 Type de publicationEn bref Date 20-12-2019 Auteur FERGUSON CLARE | SOCHACKA KATARZYNA Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union Mot-clé commémoration | liberté d'expression | Médiateur européen | ordre du jour | Parlement européen | politique agricole commune | prix culturel | traité de Lisbonne Résumé The December plenary session highlights included the election of the European Ombudsman; commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Lisbon Treaty and the Charter of Fundamental Rights becoming legally binding; and the award of the 2019 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. Parliament adopted positions on the rule of law in Malta, following the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and on public discrimination and hate speech against LGBTI people, including LGBTI-free zones. It also debated statements by the Vice-President of the European Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (HR/VP) on the humanitarian situation of the Uyghur in China and in Venezuela and Nicaragua, on the migration and refugee crisis, and on the violent crackdown on recent protests in Iran. Debates took place, inter alia, on Commission and Council statements on: the 30th anniversary of the Romanian revolution of December 1989; the post-2020 EU disability strategy; the COP25 outcome; animal welfare conditions during transport to third countries; and the US Trade Representative's announcement on France's digital service tax. Parliament also voted on appointments to the Executive Board of the European Central Bank. En bref EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 9
Information package on the post 2020 CAP reform Type de publication Analyse approfondie Date 28-11-2019 Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Budget | Développement régional | Environnement Mot-clé condensation | politique agricole commune | réforme agraire Résumé This information package is prepared by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies for the hearing of 4 December 2019 organised by the European Parliament’s Agricultural and Rural Development Committee (AGRI Committee). The main purpose of the paper is to facilitate the legislative work of MEPs relating to the on-going CAP reform. Analyse approfondie EN Hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Janusz Wojciechowski - Agriculture Type de publicationBriefing Date 26-09-2019 Auteur MCELDOWNEY James Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Agriculture et développement rural | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | candidat | commissaire européen | commission PE | condensation | diffusion de l'information de l'UE | développement rural | nomination des membres | politique agricole commune | procédure d'approbation | procédure parlementaire Résumé This briefing is one in a set looking at the Commissioners-designate and their portfolios as put forward by Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen. Each candidate faces a three-hour public hearing, organised by one or more parliamentary committees. After that process, those committees will judge the candidates' suitability for the role based on 'their general competence, European commitment and personal independence', as well as their 'knowledge of their prospective portfolio and their communication skills'. At the end of the hearings process, Parliament votes on the proposed Commission as a bloc, and under the Treaties may only reject the entire College of Commissioners, rather than individual candidates. The Briefing provides an overview of key issues in the portfolio areas, as well as Parliament's activity in the last term in that field. It also includes a brief introduction to the candidate. Briefing EN The EU cereals sector: Main features, challenges and prospects Type de publication Briefing Date 05-09-2019 Auteur KELLY PATRICK Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé culture céréalière | céréale | politique agricole commune Résumé Food and agriculture systems are central to the well-being of humanity. When considering food security, these systems are needed not just to provide safe, healthy food but also livelihoods and incomes to a large number of farmers. These same systems are integral to rural and economic development. Core to the food security objective is the production of cereals across the globe to meet the increasing demands for food, animal feed and biofuels. In the EU, the cereals sector accounted for approximately 11 % of the total output value of agricultural production in 2016, third in line after the vegetable/horticultural and the dairy sectors. It is an important sector for many Member States, particularly the northern ones, where it is well developed. All Member States produce some combination of cereal crops. The EU cereals sector is facing challenges not only structurally but also financially and climatically. Developments in the policy framework as evidenced by the new common agricultural policy (CAP) proposals as well as advances in scientific and technological spheres, such as plant breeding and digitalisation, point the way to a more efficient sector. Yet, the sectoral challenges are many. The process of CAP reform for the post-2020 period promising a new delivery model and strategic plans is a departure from the known. World agricultural markets face new uncertainties that, on the supply side, include regulatory responses to new plant breeding techniques and responses to the increasing likelihood of extreme climatic events. The cereals sector is one operating in a farming environment trying to combat the loss of plant protection products previously relied upon, and in a world coming to terms with how to make the Paris Agreement a reality. These challenges will all influence the profitability and survivability of the sector. Briefing EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 10
Planification stratégique de la politique agricole commune: Perspectives de mise en œuvre Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie Date 04-09-2019 Auteur KELLY PATRICK | MCELDOWNEY James Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Environnement Mot-clé développement rural | financement de l'UE | politique agricole commune | politique des structures agricoles | programme de l'UE | réforme agraire Résumé Pour la première fois dans l’histoire de la politique agricole commune (PAC), il est proposé que les interventions disponibles au titre du premier pilier de la PAC (revenu agricole et soutien du marché) et du second pilier (développement rural) soient regroupées dans un plan stratégique unique pour toutes les dépenses de la PAC. Le présent document vise à mieux comprendre la proposition de la Commission européenne concernant le nouveau modèle de mise en œuvre de la PAC après 2020. En vertu de cette proposition, les États membres se verraient accorder une plus grande souplesse pour décider de la meilleure manière d’atteindre les objectifs généraux et spécifiques de la PAC. Ils assumeraient la responsabilité d’élaborer un plan stratégique relevant de la PAC, dans lequel ils fixeraient des valeurs cibles à atteindre au cours de la période de programmation concernée. Bien que le nouveau modèle de mise en œuvre permettrait aux États membres d’adapter les instruments et les mesures de la PAC à leurs besoins spécifiques, cette approche fait peser une lourde charge sur les capacités de planification stratégique des administrations des États membres. Le présent document examine un certain nombre de questions opérationnelles en vue d’éclairer le processus législatif en cours. Analyse approfondie DE, EN, FR Understanding farmer income Type de publication En bref Date 11-04-2019 Auteur ROSSI Rachele Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Questions financières et bancaires Mot-clé politique agricole commune | productivité agricole | revenu de l'exploitant agricole | revenu de l'exploitation agricole Résumé Farmer income is a key element in EU agricultural policy, aiming at ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community and helping farmers face the risks inherent to their business. Measurement relies on two EU wide data sources. Understanding what agricultural receipts these data measure, and how, is key to evaluating farm policy in EU Member States and important in light of the proposed performance based policy framework. En bref EN Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - March 2019 Type de publication En bref Date 11-03-2019 Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Agriculture et développement rural | Budget | Contrôle budgétaire | Développement et aide humanitaire | Fiscalité Mot-clé agroalimentaire | budget de l'UE | cadre financier pluriannuel | choix budgétaire | commission PE | Conseil de l'Union européenne | diffusion de l'information de l'UE | développement durable | politique agricole commune | publication de l'UE | économie numérique | évasion fiscale Résumé In this edition of the newsletter, Jean Arthuis and Ingeborg Grässle, Chairs of the BUDG and the CONT committees respectively, present the priorities of both committees and describe several examples of good joint efforts made in the course of the legislative term. Other issues dealt with in this edition include performance based budgeting, sustainable development, taxation, agriculture and cooperation with the Council. Forthcoming publications and events are also announced. En bref EN US duties on imports of Spanish ripe olives Type de publication En bref Date 06-03-2019 Auteur TITIEVSKAIA Jana Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Commerce international Mot-clé différend commercial | Espagne | exportation (UE) | olive | oléiculture | Organisation mondiale du commerce | politique agricole commune | restriction à l'importation | rétablissement des droits de douane | États-Unis Résumé In January 2019, the European Union (EU) launched a case before the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the United States (US) challenging duties on imports of Spanish ripe olives, definitively in place since July 2018. US authorities have concluded that certain EU support measures for Spanish olive producers under the common agricultural policy (CAP) are contrary to WTO rules and can be countervailed. Given the importance of such support for EU farmers, the US measures could have far-reaching consequences for the EU's agricultural model and set precedents in the WTO. En bref EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 11
Research for AGRI Committee - Impacts of the digital economy on the food chain and the CAP Type de publication Étude Date 15-02-2019 Auteur externe K. Soma; M.-J. Bogaardt; K. Poppe; S. Wolfert; G. Beers; D. Urdu; M. Pesce; M. Kirova; C. Thurston; C. Monfort Belles Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Droit de la propriété intellectuelle | Politique de recherche Mot-clé agroalimentaire | politique agricole commune | technologie numérique | économie numérique | étude d'impact Résumé The study presents a state-of-the-art overview on digital agriculture, the impacts of new technologies on the agri-food value chains and opportunities for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Using case studies and examples the study demonstrates the needs for further deployment of innovation in the agriculture sector, fostering research and investments in digital agriculture and integrating Agri-tech into the policy agenda. Étude EN Modernising and simplifying the common agricultural policy Type de publication Briefing Date 25-01-2019 Auteur VIKOLAINEN Vera Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural Mot-clé aide à l'agriculture | développement rural | financement de l'UE | politique agricole commune | étude d'impact Résumé The Commission proposed to modernise and simplify the CAP in the 2021-2027 budget period. The supporting impact assessment is in line with the requirements of the Better Regulation Guidelines when it comes to the set of objectives, the wide stakeholder consultation, the combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods and tools, the assessments of efficiency and effectiveness of the various options. However, the choice of the new delivery model, the availability of mid-term evaluation studies, coherence and proportionality assessment of the options, consultation on the IA contents or options fall short of the Better Regulation Guidelines. Briefing EN EU agricultural research and innovation Type de publicationBriefing Date 09-01-2019 Auteur MCELDOWNEY James Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural | Politique de recherche Mot-clé agroalimentaire | aide à l'agriculture | création d'emploi | développement rural | politique agricole commune | politique en matière de changement climatique | protection de l'environnement | recherche et développement | secteur agricole Résumé The European Union's long-term strategy for agricultural research and innovation was published in January 2016 following a year-long process of development, which included targeted consultations. Based on five priority areas, the strategy guides the programming of its main research and innovation programme – Horizon 2020 – not only for 2018 to 2020 but also for the period beyond 2020, to be covered by Horizon Europe. In light of discussions on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP), the role of innovation in agriculture is examined, including the potential contribution that research and innovation can make to agriculture, the agri-food sector, rural areas and the challenges they face. These are set against changing global trends in public expenditure on agricultural research and development. These trends point to a relatively flat pattern of expenditure over the years 2012 to 2016 for the EU. In global terms, the structure of public agricultural expenditure is changing, with historically richer countries ceding ground to those with rapidly rising per capita incomes. In considering the EU's long-term strategy for agricultural research and innovation, the links between the CAP and the EU's research and innovation policies are identified. Evaluation evidence from a range of sources on the actual or potential impact of investment in agricultural research and innovation point to a link between such investment and productivity growth in agriculture, the potential for multi-dimensional impacts, and the potential offered by the Commission's current approach to agricultural research and innovation through the European innovation partnership operational groups for agriculture (EIP-AGRI). Briefing EN 14-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 12
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