Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Union
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Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE Critères de recherche utilisés pour générer la liste : Tri Tri par date Mot-clé "impunité" 13 Résultat(s) trouvé(s) Date de création : 13-07-2022
State of play of existing instruments for combating impunity for international crimes Type de publication Étude Date14-08-2020 Auteur externeOlympia BEKOU Domaine politiqueDroits de l''homme Mot-cléBirmanie/Myanmar | Colombie | Cour pénale internationale | droit pénal international | impunité | Iraq | rapport de recherche | Rwanda | Syrie | Tribunal pénal international | Venezuela Résumé The European Union and its Member States have been at the forefront of the fight against impunity for core international crimes, collectively providing political, technical and financial assistance to international, regional and domestic accountability efforts. Focusing on the current EU framework on accountability and six country situations (Rwanda, Colombia, Venezuela, Myanmar, Syria and Iraq), this study offers recommendations to guide future EU policy and the engagement of the European Parliament in the fight against impunity. The recommendations include enhancing the capacity, efficiency and coordination of EU institutions working on accountability, as well as encouraging comprehensive, impartial and inclusive approaches to country situations. EU action in bilateral and multilateral fora is also covered, with a view to enhancing the universal reach of accountability mechanisms and the protection of their integrity, encouraging cooperation and assistance, and to upholding the principle of complementarity. Étude EN Universal jurisdiction and international crimes: Constraints and best practices Type de publication Étude Date 17-09-2018 Auteur externe Julia KREBS, Cedric RYNGAERT, Florian JEßBERGER Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Droit international public | Droits de l''homme | Gouvernance mondiale Mot-clé accord multilatéral | compétence de l'UE | compétence des États membres | compétence extraterritoriale | coopération judiciaire | Cour pénale internationale | crime contre l'humanité | crime de guerre | extradition | impunité | juridiction internationale | rôle international de l'UE Résumé This report summarises the proceedings of a workshop organised by the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI), in association with the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). Academics and practitioners discussed international trends as regards the concept of universal jurisdiction and the EU’s approach to promoting universal jurisdiction through its external relations, as well as practical experience in applying universal jurisdiction in the fight against impunity in Europe. The experts agreed that universal jurisdiction can play a role as part of a wider accountability strategy, complementary to international courts and prosecutions on other jurisdictional bases. They recommended more specialised training for investigators, prosecutors, judges and law enforcement staff for universal jurisdiction cases and more cooperation at EU and international level. Speakers supported the initiative for a multilateral treaty on mutual legal assistance and extradition. Special attention in universal jurisdiction cases must be given to victims seeking justice, including for sexual and gender-based crimes. Étude EN Violence sexuelle envers les mineurs en Amérique latine Type de publication Étude Date12-10-2016 Auteur externeJelke BOESTEN (International Development Institute, King’s College, London, the UK) Domaine politiqueAffaires étrangères | Droits de l''homme | Développement et aide humanitaire Mot-cléBolivie | Colombie | condition féminine | discrimination sexuelle | droits de l'enfant | impunité | jeune | législation | Mexique | Paraguay | protection de l'enfance | Pérou | santé génésique | société civile | structure sociale | violence domestique | violence sexuelle | éducation sexuelle | Équateur Résumé La violence sexuelle envers les mineurs est un problème majeur en Amérique latine. C’est au sein même de leur propre foyer que les enfants courent le plus de risques, tandis que les adolescents sont en danger non seulement chez eux, mais également au sein de la communauté au sens plus large (par exemple à l’école ou auprès d’un partenaire). Les données disponibles sont toutefois peu nombreuses en raison du silence qui entoure ce sujet. L’Amérique latine est marquée par un système fortement patriarcal, par des inégalités au sein des différents groupes sociaux et entre ces groupes ainsi que par la faiblesse de ses institutions judiciaires; tous ces éléments ont une influence sur les violences sexistes. Toutefois, en Bolivie, en Colombie, en Équateur, au Mexique, au Pérou et au Paraguay, les pouvoirs publics commencent à considérer les enfants comme des individus ayant des droits plutôt que comme des mineurs placés sous la seule autorité du père, ainsi qu’à concevoir des lois et à créer des organismes destinés à protéger ces droits. En parallèle, la société civile se mobilise de plus en plus contre la violence à l’égard des femmes, y compris à l’égard des filles (ces deux formes de violence allant de pair), à l'heure où la sensibilisation à ce problème progresse et où les mesures prises pour y remédier se multiplient à l'échelle mondiale. Le présent rapport présente un tour d'horizon des moyens dont dispose l’Union pour soutenir ces évolutions et initiatives récentes visant à mettre fin à la violence à l’encontre des mineurs par l'élaboration de plans d’action nationaux, en coopération avec des partenaires à l'échelon régional, national et international. Étude ES, EN, FR 13-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 1
Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Turmoil in the run-up to elections Type de publicationEn bref Date 06-06-2016 Auteur ZAMFIR Ionel Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Droits de l''homme Mot-clé contrôle de la communication | convention ONU | droits de l'homme | droits politiques | impunité | indépendance de la justice | relation de l'Union européenne | République démocratique du Congo | situation politique | violence d'État | violence politique | violence sexuelle | égalité homme-femme | élection présidentielle | État de droit Résumé DRC is experiencing a plethora of human rights problems. In the east of the country, the national army and the UN peacekeeping mission are not able to deal effectively with the violence still perpetrated by some armed groups – a legacy of the bloody civil war that ravaged the country. The human rights situation has also deteriorated in the run-up to the general elections, which are expected to be postponed; demands from the political opposition, civil society and mass media for timely elections have been met with heavy repression from the government. En bref EN Mexico: Human rights situation Type de publication En bref Date 02-07-2015 Auteur ZAMFIR Ionel Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Droits de l''homme Mot-clé accord de coopération (UE) | crime contre les personnes | criminalité organisée | droits de l'homme | impunité | lutte contre le crime | Mexique | révision de la constitution | sécurité publique | trafic de stupéfiants | violence | égalité de traitement Résumé Mexico's criminal cartels – the most powerful in the Western hemisphere – have been the source of numerous human rights violations. Major reforms of the legislative and policy framework have been undertaken to improve respect for human rights, but further efforts are necessary to strengthen their implementation. En bref EN India: human rights Type de publicationEn bref Date 06-03-2015 Auteur LECARTE Jacques Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Droits de l''homme Mot-clé convention ONU | discrimination ethnique | discrimination religieuse | droit à la justice | droits de l'homme | droits de la femme | impunité | Inde | liberté d'expression | pauvreté | protection des minorités | relation de l'Union européenne | violence d'État | violence politique Résumé Although India is the world's largest democracy, its second most populous country and one of its top ten economies, this has not prevented multiple human rights abuses from remaining a fact of life in many parts of the country. In recent statements and resolutions, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have voiced deep concern over India's human rights situation. En bref EN Sakharov Prize 2014: Tending the scars of sexual violence in DRC Type de publicationEn bref Date 20-11-2014 Auteur LATEK Marta Domaine politique Droits de l''homme | Développement et aide humanitaire Mot-clé armée | distinction honorifique | droits de l'homme | droits de la femme | FED | gynécologie | impunité | médecin | Parlement européen | République démocratique du Congo | service de santé | victime | violence sexuelle | État de droit Résumé Dr Denis Mukwege, a 59-year-old gynaecologist from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has won the 2014 Sakharov Prize. The attribution of Europe's top human rights prize is recognition for Dr Mukwege's perseverance and courage in his efforts to help rape survivors over the past 16 years. A fervent advocate of women's rights, he has received many international awards, but has also became the target of death threats, and even an assassination attempt in 2012. En bref EN 13-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 2
Sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo Type de publication En bref Date 19-11-2014 Auteur LATEK Marta Domaine politique Droits de l''homme | Développement et aide humanitaire | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité Mot-clé armée | condition féminine | discrimination sexuelle | droits de la femme | FED | impunité | protection de l'enfance | réforme judiciaire | République démocratique du Congo | soins de santé | sécurité publique | victime | violence sexuelle Résumé For more than two decades, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and in particular its eastern regions, has faced a chronic and complex humanitarian crisis. Fuelled by ethnic resentment, impunity due to state fragility, and the profits from robbery and illegal exploitation of natural resources, armed groups proliferate, committing human-rights abuses of extreme severity. The award of the Sakharov Prize to Dr Denis Mukwege, a Congolese gynaecologist and women's rights activist, has again drawn international attention to the desperate plight of women who, according to Dr Mukwege, have become a 'battlefield' in this chronic and thus sometimes forgotten crisis. En bref EN Global Efforts to End Sexual Violence in Conflict Type de publication En bref Date 25-06-2014 Auteur MANRIQUE GIL Manuel Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Sécurité et défense | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité Mot-clé aide aux victimes | coopération internationale | crime de guerre | impunité | instrument international | politique étrangère et de sécurité commune | réforme judiciaire | réunion au sommet | rôle international de l'UE | violence sexuelle Résumé The Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict was co-chaired by the UK and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. An International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence was a key result of the summit. The summit also highlighted the importance of: - providing support for victims of sexual violence ; - strengthening the capacity of national and international security and justice personnel ; - closer international cooperation. Building on the summit’s momentum, the European Parliament could : - urge all the Member States to apply the International Protocol ; - advocate mainstreaming this objective into EU CFSP actions ; - suggest increasing assistance for programmes fighting sexual and gender-based violence ; - promote this objective in its own positions and actions. En bref EN Corruption in Russia Type de publication Briefing Date 12-03-2014 Auteur GRIEGER Gisela Domaine politique Affaires étrangères Mot-clé convention européenne | convention ONU | corruption | fonctionnaire | impunité | indépendance de la justice | lutte contre le crime | moralité de la vie politique | protection des témoins | Russie | sanction pénale | État de droit | éthique des affaires Résumé Corruption in Russia is deeply entrenched and permeates all levels of Russian society. It causes significant financial loss to the Russian economy in terms of gross domestic product and considerably lowers the country's attractiveness as a foreign direct investment destination. Despite a recent positive trend Russia continues to lag far behind its G8 and G20 peers in the rankings. Briefing EN The Democratic Transition in Guinea Reaches a Critical Point Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie Date 30-05-2013 Auteur MANRIQUE GIL Manuel Domaine politique Droits de l''homme | Démocratie | Développement et aide humanitaire | Sécurité et défense Mot-clé armée | droits de l'homme | démocratisation | Guinée | impunité | industrie minière | indépendance de la justice | opposition politique | organisation électorale | politique de développement | situation politique | violence politique Résumé The optimism that Guineans and their international partners felt two and a half years ago, when the country's junta was replaced by an elected president, has largely given way to frustration and confrontation. The organisation of the long- overdue legislative elections has become the central source of disagreement between the government and the opposition, and protests have grown increasingly violent. Despite international mediation, cross-party dialogue is almost non-existent, and the growing tension may derail the transition and even threaten the country's stability. This is particularly dangerous given Guinea's institutional fragility, exacerbated by political turbulence and violent episodes — most notably, the massacre at the national stadium in Conakry on 28 September 2009, when over 150 people were killed. Despite some progress under the new government, the current impasse is undermining the urgently needed security sector reform, the fight against impunity and planned investments in the country’s crucial mining sector. Analyse approfondie EN 13-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 3
Israeli Settler Violence in Palestine Type de publication Analyse approfondie Date 11-12-2012 Auteur HAKALA Pekka Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Droits de l''homme Mot-clé contentieux territorial | dommage | impunité | Israël | Palestine | rôle international de l'UE | violence Résumé Violent attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, have increased substantially in recent years, reaching a record high in 2011. This violence, coupled with an unrelenting harassment and the continual expansion of the settlements, is undermining not only the security and livelihood of the Palestinian population, but also the likelihood of achieving peace and the two-state solution. The international community — including the United States, Israel's steadfast ally — considers Israel's position in Palestine to be that of an occupying power. Israel refutes the appellation, which has important ramifications for the legality of settlements and Israel's obligations in Palestine. Rather than protect the Palestinian population in the territory it occupies, the Israeli government and its security forces instead enable settlers committing violent acts against Palestinians and their property. An environment of impunity reigns, allowing the harassment to continue. The EU has reiterated its clear position on the illegality of the settlements and its condemnation of settler violence. However, the EU needs to marry its words to decisive actions in order to pressure Israel to cease expanding settlements, to evacuate the outposts and to take legal measures against Israeli civilians who attack Palestinians. Analyse approfondie EN Torture and Secret Detentions : The UN Perspective and the Role of the EU Type de publication Analyse approfondie Date 02-05-2011 Auteur externe Manfred NOWAK (for the chapter "Follow-up to the UN global report on secret detention" ; Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of human rights, University of Vienna, Austria) and Julia HALL (for the chapter "Current Evidence on Rendition and Secret Detention Programmes" ; International Bar Association's Task Force on Terrorism / Counterterrorism, London, the UK) Domaine politique Droits de l''homme Mot-clé disparition forcée | droit international relatif aux droits de l’homme | droit à la justice | enquête judiciaire | impunité | Macédoine du Nord | prisonnier politique | régime pénitentiaire | terrorisme | torture | traitement cruel et dégradant | violence d'État | État de droit | État membre UE Résumé Professor Manfred Nowak, former UN Special Rapporteur on torture, who co-authored in 2010 a major UN report on secret detention with a global scope, concludes that the currently available information underscores the necessity for establishing independent institutions to conduct prompt investigations into any allegation of secret detention. Victims of secret detention should be provided with effective remedies and adequate reparation. He also calls on the European Institutions to support the recommendations of the UN report and to intensify as well as combine their efforts in the fight against impunity for the violations of international and European law related to secret detention. Human rights lawyer Julia Hall, who authored a major report in 2010 on the new evidence linked to rendition and secret detention programmes, states that European Parliament’s past work on accountability for the human rights violations committed in the course of rendition and secret detention programmes should be applauded, but argues that Parliament must continue to play a key role in ensuring the investigations compliant to European Convention on Human Rights are established in all relevant member states, that those responsible for human rights violations are brought to justice, that victims have access to effective redress, and that all necessary steps are taken to ensure that such violations never again occur in the European Union. Analyse approfondie ES, EN 13-07-2022 Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE 4
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