Ma vie sociale d'ado (my teenage social life) - Rastrick High School

La page est créée Yann Laurent
Ma vie sociale d'ado (my teenage social life) - Rastrick High School
Rastrick High School: Home Learning

Year 9 French

Booklet 2: Half Term 5 (Summer 1)

                   Ma vie sociale d’ado
                      (my teenage social life)

      Learn the phrases for this unit of work on
      Follow the links, work through the ‘learn’ option for each set of phrases
      on the menu, then use the other options on the menu to play games
      and test yourself. Keep a track of your test score each time, to see
      how much you have improved!
      Sentence builder 1 (Planète Facebook):
      Sentence builder 2 (Tu viens aussi?):
      Sentence builder 3 (Ça c’est bien passé?):
Ma vie sociale d'ado (my teenage social life) - Rastrick High School
Lesson 1: Planète Facebook (Talking about Facebook)
   1. Read through the parallel text. You need to aim to be able to recognise and produce
      this level of language, without support, by the end of this unit of work (6 lessons +
      extra vocabulary learning + revision). Use different colours to highlight:
         a. words you already know from previous units of work
         b. cognates and near-cognates (words that are the same as/similar to English)
         c. verbs (actions/activities/doing words)
DÉFI/CHALLENGE: Identify the verbs in present, past and future tenses

          Es-tu connecté sur Facebook?                              Do you use Facebook?
Tous les jours, je passe des heures sur Facebook      Every day, I spend hours on Facebook and I read
et je lis mes messages. J’adore Facebook!             my messages. I love Facebook!
Une fois par jour, je poste des messages et je        Once a day, I post messages and I comment on
commente des photos. C’est indispensable à ma         photos. It’s vital for my social life!
vie sociale!
Rarement je vais sur ma page perso. Je pense          I rarely go onto my homepage. I think that real
que la réalité est plus importante que Facebook!      life is more important than Facebook!
De temps en temps, je regarde des photos et on        From time to time, I look at photos and we share
partage des photos aussi. Mais, c’est dangereux       photos too. But, it’s dangerous sometimes!
Deux fois par semaine, on organise des sorties.       Twice a week, we arrange to go out. It’s fun to
C’est marrant de faire ça!                            do that!
                  Tu viens aussi?                                    Are you coming too?
Ce soir, je vais aller au cinéma pour regarder un     This evening, I’m going to go to the cinema to
film. Ça t’intéresse?                                 watch a film. Are you interested?
Samedi après-midi, on va faire un piquenique. On      On Saturday afternoon, we are going to have a
se retrouve où?                                       picnic. Where shall we meet?
Demain matin, je veux faire les magasins. Tu          Tomorrow morning, I want to go shopping. Do
veux m’accompagner?                                   you want to come with me?
Dimanche matin, je vais aller à la patinoire avec     Tomorrow morning, I am going to go to the
mes amis. Tu viens avec nous?                         skating rink with my friends. Are you coming
                                                      with us?
Ce matin, on va aller en ville pour faire des         This morning, we are going to go to town to go
magasins. Ça t’intéresse?                             shopping. Are you interested?
                Ça c’est bien passé?                              Did you have a good time?
Hier soir, je suis allé au restaurant et j’ai mangé   Yesterday evening, I went to a restaurant and I
un hamburger. Cependant, je ne l’ai pas aimé          ate a burger. However, I didn’t like it because it
parce que c’était horrible!                           was horrible!
Samedi dernier, je suis resté à la maison et j’ai     Last Saturday, I stayed at home and I watched
regardé un DVD. C’était génial!                       a DVD. It was great!
Le weekend dernier, on a bavardé beaucoup et          Last weekend, we chatted a lot and danced
dansé ensemble. C’était romantique!                   together. It was romantic!
Hier matin, j’ai fait une promenade avec ma           Yesterday morning, I went for a walk with my
famille. Je l’ai aimé parce que c’était               family. I liked it because it was interesting!
Il y a deux semaines, j’ai fait des magasins.         Two weeks ago, I went shopping. However, it was
Pourtant, c’était nul!                                rubbish!
Ma vie sociale d'ado (my teenage social life) - Rastrick High School
2. Play the ‘Y9 French – Ma vie sociale d’ado: parallel text’ soundfile from ClassCharts and
   listen to the pronunciation, then read the French out loud, trying to perfect your
   pronunciation. Can you read it out loud and keep up with the recording?

3. Familiarise yourself with the words from the sentence builder below, which you can
   use to build answers from the first question on the parallel text (Es-tu connecté sur
   Facebook?). Start by playing the ‘SKO part 1’ soundfile from ClassCharts and
   practising your pronunciation by repeating the French after the teacher.
Ma vie sociale d'ado (my teenage social life) - Rastrick High School
4. After practising the correct pronunciation, choose at least three of the following
     tasks which will help you familiarise yourself with the vocabulary from the sentence
          •   Write down the French and English for six sentences you have built using the
              Sentence Builder above.
          •   Build six sentences, then time 20 seconds to look at each one before trying to
              re-write the sentence from memory (as in the ‘frog copying’ activity we do in
          •   Play ‘Trapdoor’ or ‘Mind Reading’ to guess a sentence someone else has built -
              this could be someone in your family (they don’t need to know French, as they
              can use the Sentence builder), or a friend in your class (over a phone call or
              video chat).
          •   Make flashcards or a Look-Cover-Write-Check sheet to learn key words.
          •   You can also learn the words on Quizlet (see weblink on the front of this
  5. Colour-code the mosaic to show how to translate the phrases below (or write out the
     translations), then use Sentence Builder 1 (in Lesson 1) to check your answers.
Time phrase                  Verb            Object                   Opinion phrase
Tous les jours               je lis          à des jeux.              La réalité est plus
Souvent                      je commente     mes préférences.         C’est indispensable à ma
                                                                      vie sociale!
Rarement                     je joue         des photos.              J’adore Facebook!

De temps en temps            je modifie      mes messages.            C’est marrant de faire
  1. Every day, I update my likes. I love Facebook!
  2. Rarely, I comment on photos. Real life is more important.
  3. From time to time, I read my messages. It’s vital for my social life!
  4. Often, I play games. It’s fun to do that!
Ma vie sociale d'ado (my teenage social life) - Rastrick High School
6. Test yourself! Using the first grid on the following page, time yourself three minutes
      per grid – how many phrases can you fill in (French to English)?
      Défi/Challenge: test yourself on the second grid on the next page: how many
      phrases can you remember and fill in (English to French)

                              Planète Facebook (Talking about Facebook)                                 1
           Time phrase                      Activity                               Opinion
Tous les jours                Je passe des heures sur Facebook!     J’adore/Je déteste Facebook!

                              Je vais sur ma page perso
Quelquefois                                                        C’est indispensable à ma vie sociale!
                              Je lis mes messages

De temps en temps             Je poste des messages                C’est marrant de faire ça!

                              Je modifie mes préférences
Souvent                                                            Mais c’est dangereux!
                              J’invite mes copains chez moi

Une fois par jour             Je fais des quiz                     La réalité est plus importante que
                              Je joue à des jeux
Deux fois par semaine
                              Je regarde des photos

Trois fois par mois           Je commente des photos

                              Je passe des heures…
                              On organise des sorties

                              On partage des photos

                              On s’envoie…

                              …des liens vers des vidéos
Ma vie sociale d'ado (my teenage social life) - Rastrick High School
Planète Facebook (Talking about Facebook)                                                          1
                  Time phrase                Activity                                                        Opinion
T     l       j                 J p    d h s Facebook                 J’a                    /J d             Facebook!
Every day                       I spend hours on Facebook                         I love/hate Facebook!
                                J v           s       m           p       p
Q                               I go onto my home page                            C’e    i                 àm v       s
Sometimes                       J l       m           m                           It’s vital for my social life!
                                I read my messages
D t           e   t             J p               d       m                       C’e    m             d f        ç
From time to time               I post messages                                   It’s fun to do that!
                                J m                   m               p
S                               I update my likes                                 M     c’e        d
Often                           J’i           m               c           c   m   But it’s dangerous!
                                I invite my friends over
U f           p       j         J     f           d           q                   L r          e       p      i           q   Facebook!
Once a day                      I do quizzes                                      Real life is more important than Facebook!
                                J j           à d                 j
D     f       p       s         I play games
Twice a week                    J r                   d       p
                                I look at photos
T         f       p       m     J c                   d       p
Three times a month             I comment on photos
                                J p    d h
R                               I spend hours…
Rarely                          O o        d s
                                We arrange to go out
                                O p                       d           p
                                We share photos
                                O s’e
                                We send each other…
                                …d        l               v           d   v
                                …video links
Lesson 2: Planète Facebook - Grammar, reading and
translation practice
     *After completing each activity in this lesson, check your work using the answer key booklet*

1. Read each text and work out who says each of the phrases below.

English                                             Who says it?      French translation
I do quizzes or play games
I spend hours on Facebook
We send each other video links
I read my messages
I go onto my homepage
I also invite my friends round
I update my likes
I post messages on my friends’ walls
We share photos
I look at and comment on my friends’ photos
2. Read the texts and decide if each sentence is either TRUE or FALSE:

1. Nicolas is on Facebook = T / F

2. Nicolas’ mum doesn’t like Facebook = T / F

3. Leila agrees with Nicolas’ mum = T / F

4. Karim’s solution is: an hour of homework and twenty minutes on Facebook = T / F

5. Émilie says that Nicolas must accept his mum’s decision = T / F

6. Vincent thinks that Facebook isn’t important = T / F
3. Spend 10 minutes revising the present tense for regular -er verbs, as well as the
conjugations for the irregular verb “ALLER”. You could try the Look-Cover-Test-Check
technique, make flashcards with the verb endings, or any other technique that you feel
works for you. Remember, regular -er verbs follow the same pattern.

       1. Take the infinitive (-er verb) and remove the -er, so you are left with the stem. In the
       table, we will use the example poster – to post.

       2. Add on the appropriate verb ending depending on who is doing the action

 Subject pronoun               verb stem              verb ending                =
 Je (I)                        post                   -e                         Je poste
 Tu (you – singular)           post                   -es                        Tu postes
 Il/elle/on (He/She/We)        post                   -e                         Il/elle/on poste
 Nous (We – formal)            post                   -ons                       Nous postons
 Vous (You – plural)           post                   -ez                        Vous postez
 Ils/elles (They m/f)          post                   -ent                       Ils/elles postent

Slightly differently for ALLER (to go) as it is an irregular verb i.e. it doesn’t follow the pattern
 TO GO                                                ALLER
 I go                                                 Je vais
 You go (singular)                                    Tu vas
 He/she/we (informal) go                              Il/elle/on va
 We (formal) go                                       Nous allons
 You go (plural)                                      Vous allez
 They (m/f) go                                        Ils/elles vont

Activity 1: Use the table for regular present tense -er verbs to conjugate the following verbs:


 Subject pronoun               verb stem              verb ending                =
 Je (I)                                               -e
 Tu (you – singular)                                  -es
 Il/elle/on (He/She/We)                               -e
 Nous (We – formal)                                   -ons
 Vous (You – plural)                                  -ez
 Ils/elles (They m/f)                                 -ent


 Subject pronoun               verb stem              verb ending                =
 Je (I)
 Tu (you – singular)
 Il/elle/on (He/She/We)
 Nous (We – formal)
 Vous (You – plural)
 Ils/elles (They m/f)
Activity 2: Fill in the gap for each sentence, by conjugating the verb in brackets into
the present tense. (Remember to use the previous page and follow the patterns to help!)

   1. Je __________ des heures sur Facebook. (passer)

   2. Nous ___________ des messages. (poster)

   3. Je ________ sur ma page perso. (aller) *Irregular verb!*

   4. Il _________ des photos. (regarder)

   5. Je ____________ mes préférences. (modifier)

Défi/Challenge: Once you have completed this activity, translate the sentences into
English. Try not to use the sentence builder – what can you do from memory?
Lesson 3: Tu viens aussi? (Arranging to go out)
          *After completing the first activity, check your work using the answer key booklet*

  1. Time yourself 5 minutes and translate the sentences – how many points can you get?
Tous les jours je vais   Je fais du snowboard       Il faut faire du sport   Quand j’étais jeune
sur ma page perso        et je pense que c’est      parce que ça diminue     je faisais beaucoup
parce que c’est          palpitant.                 le stress.               de sport parce que
indispensable à ma vie                                                       c’est amusant.
Dans le futur, je        Rarement, je poste des     Je ne voudrais pas       Je vais en vacances
mangerai des fruits      messages parce que je      être chanteur parce      au bord de la mer et
et des légumes parce     pense que la réalité est   que ça ne m’intéresse    j’y reste une semaine.
que c’est bon pour la    plus importante que        pas.
santé.                   Facebook!                                                                    Last
C’était un desastre      Je voudrais être           Quelquefois, on          Pour rester en forme,    lesson: 1
parce que j’ai pris un   infirmier parce que        organise des sorties     il ne faut pas fumer     point
coup de soleil!          c’est ma passion!          et c’est marrant de      parce que c’est          March: 2
                                                    faire ça!                mauvais pour la santé.   points
                                                                                                      January: 3
                                                                                                      4 points

  2. Familiarise yourself with the words from Sentence Builder 2. Start by playing the
      ‘SKO part 2’ soundfile from ClassCharts and practising your pronunciation by repeating
      the French after the teacher.

  3. After practising the correct pronunciation, choose at least three tasks from those
      listed in Lesson 1 (activity 4). See the front of the booklet for the Quizlet weblink.
4. Test yourself! Using the first grid on the following page, time yourself three minutes
      per grid – how many phrases can you fill in (French to English)?

                                             Tu viens aussi? (Arranging to go out)
Time phrase   Future tense               verb                      Invitation               Reaction
Ce matin      Je vais…       aller au cinéma/en ville      Tu veux m’accompagner?    Oui, merci, je veux
Ce soir       On va…         aller à la patinoire/à une   Tu viens avec moi/nous?
                             fête                                                    D’accord, si tu veux.
Demain        Je veux…                                    Ça t’intéresse?
matin                        faire les magasins                                      Bonne idée! Génial!
                                                          On se retrouve où/à
Samedi                       faire un piquenique          quelle heure?              Pourquoi pas?
                                                                                     Je n’ai pas trop envie.
matin                                                                                Tu rigoles!

                                                                                     J’ai horreur de ça!

                                                                                     Chez moi/toi.

                                                                                     À plus/demain

                                                                                     À samedi.
Défi/Challenge: test yourself on the second grid: how many phrases can you
         remember and fill in (English to French)
                                                    Tu viens aussi? (Arranging to go out)
Time phrase        Future tense                 verb                      Invitation                            Reaction
C m                J v            a   a c       /e v              T v m’a                           O     ,m      ,j v b
This morning       I’m going…     to go to the cinema/to town       Do you want to come with        Yes please, I’d like to.
C    s             O v            a   àl    p        /à u   f                                       D’a         ,s t v
This evening       We’re going…   to go to the skating rink/to a    T v     a    n                  Ok, if you want.
                                  party                             Are you coming with me/us?
D        m         J v                                                                              B      i     !G           !
Tomorrow           I want…        f    l   m                        Ç t’i                           Good idea! Great!
morning                           to go shopping                    Are you interested?
                                                                                                    P           p
S        a     -                  f    u    p                       O s r         o /à q       h    Why not?
m                                 to have a picnic                  Where/when shall we meet?
On Saturday                                                                                         J     n’a       p   t     e
afternoon                                                                                           I don’t really want to.

D         m                                                                                         T r
Sunday                                                                                              You’re joking!
                                                                                                    J’a    h            d ç
                                                                                                    I hate that!

                                                                                                    C     m /t
                                                                                                    At my/your house.

                                                                                                    Àp         /d
                                                                                                    See you later/tomorrow

                                                                                                    See you on Saturday

    5. To finish, Colour-code the mosaic to show how to translate the phrases below (or
         write out the translations), without using Sentence Builder 2 for help. Then use
         Sentence Builder 2 to check your answers.
    Time phrase                   Future tense stem                Verb/Activity                   Invitation
    Samedi après-midi             on va                            aller à une fête.               Ça t’intéresse?

    Dimanche matin                je veux                          faire un piquenique.            On se retrouve où?

    Ce soir                       je vais                          faire les magasins.             Tu viens avec nous?

    Demain matin                  on va                            aller en ville.
                                                                         Tu veux
    1. This evening, I am going to go to a party. Do you want to come with me?
    2. On Saturday afternoon, we are going to have a picnic. Are you coming with us?
    3. On Sunday morning, we are going to go shopping. Where shall we meet?
    4. Tomorrow morning, I want to go to town. Are you interested?
Lesson 4: Tu viens aussi? Grammar, reading and
translation practice

   1. Revisit the Sentence Builder 2 vocabulary from last lesson by playing the ‘SKO part 2’
      soundfile from ClassCharts and practising your pronunciation by repeating the French
      after the teacher. Then, revise the sentences through the Quizlet link on the front
      cover of this booklet.

     *After completing each activity in this lesson, check your work using the answer key booklet*

   2. Read each text and match it to the appropriate picture.

Défi/Challenge: Choose one of the texts above and translate it into English.
3. To say what we are going to do, we need to use the future tense. To form the future
      tense, we must do the following:
      -   Future tense stem + infinitive
          Je vais = I am going
          Tu vas = You are going (singular)
          Il/elle/on va = He/she/we (informal) are going
          Nous allons = We are going
          Vous allez = You are going (plural)
          Ils/elles vont = They are going
e.g. I am going to do = Je vais faire

  4. Translate the following into French using future tense (try not to use your Sentence
          a. This evening, I am going to go to a party.


          b. Tomorrow, I am going to have a picnic.


          c. On Saturday afternoon, we are going to go to the cinema.


  5. To test your understanding, now create a mini dialogue for each of the scenarios
      below, using your Sentence Builder 2 to help if you need to:

      For example:
      A: Je vais aller au cinéma demain soir. Tu veux m’accompagner?
          Au oui, merci! Je veux bien!

      (E = create another dialogue of your own)
Lesson 5: Ça c’est bien passé? (Describing a date)

 1. Familiarise yourself with the words from Sentence Builder 2. Start by playing the
    ‘SKO part 2’ soundfile from ClassCharts and practising your pronunciation by repeating
    the French after the teacher

 2. After practising the correct pronunciation, choose at least three tasks from those
    listed in Lesson 1 (activity 4). See the front of the booklet for the Quizlet weblink.
3. Test yourself! Using the first grid on the following page, time yourself five minutes
            per grid – how many phrases can you fill in (French to English)?
                                        Ça c’est bien passé? (Describing a date)
                Time phrase                 verb                             Opinion                                     Adjective
 Hier                         Je suis sorti(e) avec…            C’était…                                            cool/génial

                              Je suis allé(e)/On est allé…
 Hier soir                                                               Je me suis bien amuse(e)                   intéressant
                              Je suis resté(e) à la maison…              parce que c’était…

 Hier après-midi                                                                                                    marrant
                              J’ai/On a…                                 Je l’ai aimé parce que c’était…

 Hier matin                    …bavardé                                                                             romantique
                                                                         Je ne l’ai pas aimé parce que
                               …bu du coca                               c’était…
 Samedi dernier                                                                                                     sympa
                               …fait des magasins

 Le weekend dernier            …fait une promenade                                                                  ennuyeux/barbant

                               …joué au bowling
 L’année dernière                                                                                                   horrible
                               …mangé un hamburger

 Il y a deux semaines          …regardé un DVD                                                                      nul

                               …bien rigolé
                                                                                                                    un désastre
                               …dansé (ensemble)

Défi/Challenge: test yourself on the second grid: how many phrases can you remember and fill
in (English to French)
                                       Ça c’est bien passé? (Describing a date)
                Time phrase                verb                             Opinion                                        Adjective
 H                            J s    s     a                   C’é                                                  c      /g
 Yesterday                    I went out with…                           It was…                                    cool/great
                              J s    a           /O e            a
 H      s                     I went/We went…                            J m s        b       a           p     q   i
 Yesterday evening            J s    r           àl          m           c’é                                        interesting
                              I stayed at home                           I had a good time because it
 H          a       -m                                                   was…                                       m
 Yesterday afternoon          J’ /O a                                                                               funny
                              I/We…                                      J l’   a         p           q   c’é
 H      m                       …b                                       I liked it because it was…                 r
 Yesterday morning              …chatted                                                                            romantic
                               …b d          c                           J n     l’       p       a       p     q
 S              d              …drank coke                               c’é                                        s
 Last Saturday                 …f        d           m                   I didn’t like it because it was…           nice
                               …went shopping
 L w                    d      …f        u           p                                                              e            /b
 Last weekend                  …went for a walk                                                                     boring
                               …j     a          b
 L’a                d          …went bowling                                                                        h
 Last year                     …m            u           h                                                          horrible
                               …ate a burger
 I     ya d              s     …r                u DVD                                                              n
 2 weeks ago                   …watched a DVD                                                                       rubbish
                               …b        r
                               …had a real laugh                                                                    u d
                               …d                (e                  )                                              a disaster
                               …danced (together)
*After completing the following activity, check your work using the answer key booklet*

     4. Listen to and read the dialogues describing a date (access the sound recording
        through Classcharts: ‘Lesson 5 Activity 4 – describing a date’). Then, complete the
        table below in English.

        1. Hier soir, je suis allée à une fête avec Guillaume. On a bavardé et on a dansé
           ensemble. C’était romantique!

        2. Je suis allé au cinéma samedi soir avec Lara. On a vu un film de science-fiction et on
           a mangé une pizza. C’était ennuyeux.

        3. Samedi dernier, je suis resté à la maison avec Thomas. On a regardé la télé et on a
           ecouté la musique mais… c’était un désastre!

        4. Je suis allé en ville avec Chloé le weekend dernier. On a fait les magasins; elle a
           acheté un tee-shirt et j’ai acheté un jean. C’était sympa!

       Where?                 When?                 Activity/Activities?       Opinion/how was it?



Lesson 6: Ça c’est bien passé? Grammar, reading and
translation practice
   *After completing each activity in this lesson, check your work using the answer key booklet*

 1. Match each picture to the two correct statements

    1. =
    2. =
    3. =
    4. =
    5. =
    6. =

 2. To form the past tense in French, to say what we did/have done, we need two parts
                                1          2
                     Auxiliary verb + past participle (past tense verb)

                   - J’ai (I)                                  -   mangé (ate)
                                                               -   acheté (bought)
                   - Tu as (You – singular)                    -   dansé (danced)
                                                               -   regardé (watched)
                   -Il/elle/on a (He/She/We)
                                                               -   joué (played)
                   - Nous avons (We – formal)                  -   fait (did)
                                                               -   bu (drank)
                   - Vous avez (You – plural)                  -   lu (read)
                                                               -   vu (saw)
                   - Ils/elles ont (They – m/f)                -   pris (took)

       e.g. J’ai mangé un hamburger = I ate a burger
BUT! Some verbs in the past tense need a different auxiliary verb. So, instead of saying j’ai,
we say “je suis” for “I”. The table below gives you some examples of verbs that take this
different auxiliary verb.

                     - Je suis (I)                            -    allé (went)
                                                              -    resté (stayed)
                     - Tu es (You – singular)                 -    sorti (went out)

                     -Il/elle/on est (He/She/We)
                                                       If your subject is feminine, add an extra
                     - Nous sommes (We – formal)       -e onto the past participle e.g.
                                                       Je suis allée / Elle est allée
                     - Vous êtes (You – plural)
                                                       If your subject is plural, add an extra -s
                     - Ils/elles sont (They – m/f)     onto the past participle e.g.
                                                       Nous sommes allés

Now, translate the following sentences in the past tense. Use you Sentence Builder and the
past tense explanations in this lesson to help, if you need it.

   a. Samedi dernier, je suis allé au cinéma et j’ai vu un film.


   b. Hier matin, on a fait des magasins au centre commercial.


   c. Yesterday evening, we watched a DVD.


   d. Last weekend, I stayed at home.

3. To finish, write a short description (40-50 words) about a date you went on – you can

   make it up! Use Sentence Builder 3 and the work from this lesson to help you!

   These sentence starters can
                                                                                                              Last weekend, I went…
   help you to structure your
   paragraph too.

                                                                                     Firstly, I…

                                                                                           Next, he/she…

                                                                                   Then, ‘nwe…

                                                                              It was…












Test yourself!
      Now that you have completed this unit of work, it’s time to revisit the parallel text

      from Lesson 1 and see what you can do!

      1. Complete the table by translating the sentences into English, without using your

         Knowledge Organiser/Sentence Builders. When you have finished, compare your

         answers with the original text in Lesson 1.

          Es-tu connecté sur Facebook?                      Do you use Facebook?
Tous les jours, je passe des heures sur Facebook
et je lis mes messages. J’adore Facebook!
Une fois par jour, je poste des messages et je
commente des photos. C’est indispensable à ma
vie sociale!
Rarement je vais sur ma page perso. Je pense
que la réalité est plus importante que Facebook!
De temps en temps, je regarde des photos et on
partage des photos aussi. Mais, c’est dangereux
Deux fois par semaine, on organise des sorties.
C’est marrant de faire ça!
                   Tu viens aussi?                           Are you coming too?
Ce soir, je vais aller au cinema pour regarder un
film. Ça t’intéresse?
Samedi après-midi, on va faire un piquenique. On
se retrouve où?
Demain matin, je veux faire les magasins. Tu
veux m’accompagner?
Dimanche matin, je vais aller à la patinoire avec
mes amis. Tu viens avec nous?
Ce matin, on va aller en ville pour faire des
magasins. Ça t’intéresse?
                Ça c’est bien passé?                      Did you have a good time?
Hier soir, je suis allé au restaurant et j’ai mangé
un hamburger. Cependant, je ne l’ai pas aimé
parce que c’était horrible!
Samedi dernier, je suis resté à la maison et j’ai
regardé un DVD. C’était génial!
Le weekend dernier, on a bavardé beaucoup et
dansé ensemble. C’était romantique!
Hier matin, j’ai fait une promenade avec ma
famille. Je l’ai aimé parce que c’était
Il y a deux semaines, j’ai fait des magasins.
Pourtant, c’était nul!
Test yourself! (CHALLENGE)
Now, it’s time to push yourself even further. Can you translate the sentences back into

French, trying your best not to use your Sentence Builders/Knowledge Organiser?

        Es-tu connecté sur Facebook?                         Do you use Facebook?
                                               Every day, I spend hours on Facebook and I read
                                               my messages. I love Facebook!
                                               Once a day, I post messages and I comment on
                                               photos. It’s vital for my social life!
                                               I rarely go onto my homepage. I think that real
                                               life is more important than Facebook!
                                               From time to time, I look at photos and we share
                                               photos too. But, it’s dangerous sometimes!
                                               Twice a week, we arrange to go out. It’s fun to
                                               do that!
                Tu viens aussi?                               Are you coming too?
                                               This evening, I’m going to go to the cinema to
                                               watch a film. Are you interested?
                                               On Saturday afternoon, we are going to have a
                                               picnic. Where shall we meet?
                                               Tomorrow morning, I want to go shopping. Do
                                               you want to come with me?
                                               Tomorrow morning, I am going to go to the
                                               skating rink with my friends. Are you coming
                                               with us?
                                               This morning, we are going to go to town to go
                                               shopping. Are you interested?
             Ça c’est bien passé?                          Did you have a good time?
                                               Yesterday evening, I went to a restaurant and I
                                               ate a burger. However, I didn’t like it because it
                                               was horrible!
                                               Last Saturday, I stayed at home and I watched
                                               a DVD. It was great!
                                               Last weekend, we chatted a lot and danced
                                               together. It was romantic!
                                               Yesterday morning, I went for a walk with my
                                               family. I liked it because it was interesting!
                                               Two weeks ago, I went shopping. However, it was
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