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NAMIBIA BOTSWANA ESWATINI BELGIUM I LUXEMBOURG I AFRICA I CARIBBEAN I PACIFIC Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et d’Agriculture I Belgique, Luxembourg, Afrique, Caraïbes, Pacifique Kamer van Koophandel, Nijverheid en Landbouw I België, Luxemburg, Afrika, Caraiben, Pacific Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture I Belgium, Luxembourg, Africa, Caribbean, Pacific 54e année I Trimestriel I Janvier, Février, Mars 2019
Creating land for the future SOL UTI O N S F O R GLOBAL C H A L L E N G ES DE M E P R OV I DE S : DEME is a world leader in the highly specialised fields of Dredging and land reclamation dredging, marine engineering and environmental solutions. Marine and offshore energy solutions By fostering a pioneering approach, DEME operates as a Infra marine solutions front runner in innovation and new technologies. With a Environmental solutions strong presence in all of the world’s seas and continents, Fluvial and marine resources DEME provides solutions for global, worldwide challenges: a growing population, the scarcity of natural resources, polluted rivers and soils, the reduction of emissions and rising sea levels. DEME Haven 1025, Scheldedijk 30 • B-2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium T +32 3 250 52 11 • •
CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE, D’INDUSTRIE ET D’AGRICULTURE ASBL January, February, March 2019 KAMER VAN KOOPHANDEL, NIJVERHEID EN LANDBOUW VZW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE NPO SECRETARIAT Rue Montoyerstraat 24 B5 1000 Brussels T +32 2 512 99 50 ADVISORS Henri CHALON, Paul FRIX, Josyane HOUART, Jacques NYSSEN, SUMMARY Guy PHILIPS, Solange PITROIPA, Jorge SANTOS EDITO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 MANAGING DIRECTOR FOCUS NAMIBIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Jacques EVRARD FOCUS BOTSWANA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 EXECUTIVE MANAGER Corine COURBET FOCUS ESWATINI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TOURISM DIVISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 MANAGER Didier VERHELST FORUM DE DAKAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 DEPUTY MANAGER MISSION ZAMBIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Jennifer LEFEBURE ACCESSIBLE ART FAIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RESPONSIBLE OF THE MAGAZINE Michael STENGER LEGAL DIVISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Avenue Huart Hamoir 48 1030 Brussels T +32 2 242 05 10 CBL-ACP EVENTS CBL-ACP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 CBL-ACP : FINANCIAL DIVISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 CHIEF EDITOR CBL-ACP : STAFF & MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Thibault CHARPENTIER CBL-ACP : NEW MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 SALES & ADVERTISEMENTS Nada NEBBOU GRAPHIC DESIGN Céline BACHO Junior DOUMBOUYA Louise RIQUIER VIP MEMBERS TRANSLATION Olivia QUICK Nicolas STENGER PICTURES © shutterstock © This content is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the formal authorisation of the editor.
2 / EDITO EDITO 2019, ANNÉE DU CHANGEMENT ? Alors, doit on s’interroger et se dire que c’est in Sub-Saharan Africa the number of people affreux et que rien n’a changé ces dernières living below the poverty threshold continues D’après la banque mondiale le taux d’extrême années ? to grow. Twenty-seven of the twenty-eight pauvreté dans le monde est aujourd’hui à poorest countries in the world are located in son niveau historique le plus bas. Pourtant en Je crois qu’il est surtout grand temps que l’Eu- Sub-Saharan Africa and the poverty rates Afrique subsaharienne le nombre d’habitants rope revoie sa copie quand il s’agit de l’Afrique. there reach 41% on average as opposed to 13% vivant en dessous du seuil de pauvreté ne cesse Jusqu’ici nous avons admiré les sociétés civiles elsewhere. Moreover democracy, human rights, d’augmenter. Sur les 28 pays les plus pauvres africaines pour leur résilience face aux guerres, peace and security, and additionally economic du monde, 27 se trouvent en Afrique subsaha- aux épidémies ou à la famine mais pour le growth and investments have only scarcely rienne et le taux moyen de pauvreté atteint Continent ce temps est révolu. L’Afrique sub- made progress in the region, although levels environ les 41 % contre moins de 13 % dans les saharienne est bien décidée à se prendre en vary geographically. autres régions. De plus la démocratie, les droits main et elle cherche de l’aide chez des parte- de l’homme, la paix et la sécurité ou encore la naires qui veulent l’accompagner pour rattra- In general, the scoresheet looks bleak: croissance économique et l'investissement per son retard de développement sans se voir n’y ont fait que des progrès plus que mitigés imposer des normes et des lignes de conduite cc Failure of different economic partnership même si cette affirmation doit être modulée coercitives qui de facto la gardent sous tutelle. agreements between Europe and the géographiquement. countries in question (Lomé 1975, Cotonou La Chine, l’Inde, la Turquie et les Emirats entre 2000 and others). Having been announced Le bilan est globalement un constat d’échec : autres l’ont compris et c’est dans cet état during numerous grand meetings exuding d’esprit que ces pays renforcent dès mainte- a pontifical and moralising aura, these cc Échec des différents accords de partena- nant leur présence en Afrique sur la base d’un agreements only served propaganda pur- riat économique passés entre l’Europe et échange que les parties impliquées souhaitent poses and political gain. And so, what can les pays en question (Lomé 1975, Cotonou « gagnant-gagnant ». Quoiqu’il en soit, de we expect from the fallout of the post-Co- 2000 et autres). Annoncés lors de nom- cette nouvelle (ou autre) économie, émergera tonou negotiations – starting as we speak breuses grandes réunions pontifiantes localement une nouvelle classe moyenne plus – or of the Exterior Investment Plan (EIP), et moralisatrices, ces accords ont surtout éduquée et surtout plus consciente de ses pos- that is being put forward? Asking the ques- servi d’effet d’annonce et de positionne- sibilités et de sa force de changement. Elle sera tion provides the answer. ment politique. Que pouvons-nous dès en mesure d’opérer de l’intérieur les mutations lors espérer des retombées des négocia- que nous, européens, nous préconisions depuis cc Failure also of actions by NGO’s and other tions post-Cotonou qui débutent actuelle- des décennies de l’extérieur. Une chose est cer- so-called “charity” organisations, who ment ou encore du Plan d'Investissement taine, l’Europe affaiblie et vieillissante se trouve so far have only succeeded in cultivating Extérieur (PIE) qui tente de se mettre en aujourd’hui plus que jamais devant une Afrique dependence on relief, justifying their exist- place ? Poser la question c’est y répondre. qui a soif de grandir économiquement. Si nous ence by doing so. ne changeons pas immédiatement notre cc Échec également de l’action des ONG et approche, cette Afrique construira son avenir cc Failure lastly by the big international autres fondations dites « de bienfaisance » sans nous. L’Europe verra ainsi lui échapper un organisations to impose their vision, such qui n’ont réussi qu’à cultiver l’assistanat et marché qui comptera bientôt plus d’un milliard as the United Nations and its Millennium la dépendance continuant ainsi à justifier d’individus, qui est notre partenaire historique Development Goals of the year 2000 sup- leur existence. et de plus notre voisin direct. posed to end extreme poverty and child mortality by 2015.So, do we just sit back, cc Échec enfin des grandes organisations Il ne nous restera plus alors que nos discours reflect and conclude that this is awful internationales qui n’ont pas réussi à moralisateurs pour nous lamenter. and that nothing has happened in years imposer leur vision, telle l’organisation des gone by? I rather believe it is high time for Nations Unies et ses Objectifs du millénaire Europe to go back to the drawing board pour le développement qui avait annoncé 2019, THE YEAR OF CHANGE? and reconsider our options about Africa. en 2000 la disparition de l’extrême pau- Up to now we’ve admired the various vreté et de la mortalité infantile pour 2015. Acording to the World Bank the level of extreme African communities for their resilience poverty in the world is at an historic low. Yet in the face of war, epidemics or famine.
/3 However, for the Continent those days are Algemeen gesproken oogt de balans niet fraai: hebben dat begrepen. Zij breiden vanaf nu hun gone. Sub-Saharan countries have made aanwezigheid op het continent uit volgens deze up their minds to pull themselves together, cc Een fiasco als het gaat om verschillende filosofie, op basis dus van een uitwisseling die seeking aid from partners willing to jointly economische partnership akkoorden tus- door beide partners als “win-win” kan worden try to catch up on the development back- sen Europa en de landen in kwestie (Lomé omschreven. log without being submitted to compul- 1975, Cotonou 2000 en andere). Ze werden sory preconditions and guidelines, that in wel tijdens verschillende grote, pontificale Wat er ook van zij, vanuit deze nieuwe (of effect would keep them in check. China, en moraliserende bijeenkomsten aange- andere) economie zal ter plekke een mid- India, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates kondigd, maar de akkoorden hebben vooral denklasse groeien, die beter onderwezen is among others have understood this well; dienstgedaan als propaganda en politieke en die zich vooral meer bewust zal zijn van in this frame of mind they are as of today recuperatie. Wat mogen we dus verwach- haar potentieel en haar drang naar verande- deepening their presence in Africa, based ten van de effecten van de post-Cotonou ring. Die middenklasse zal in staat zijn om van on an exchange that all parties involved onderhandelingen die thans aan de gang binnenuit de ontwikkelingen te sturen, die wij experience as “win-win”. zijn, of ook van het Exterior Investment Plan Europeanen al sedert decennia van buitenaf (EIP) dat men wil ontvouwen? De vraag prediken. Eén zaak is zeker, het verzwakte en At any rate from this new (or different) econ- stellen, is ze beantwoorden. verouderde Europa bevindt zich vandaag meer omy a new local middle class will emerge, bet- dan ooit tegenover een Afrika dat hongert naar ter educated and certainly more aware of its cc Een fiasco ook voor wat betreft acties door economische groei. Als we onze aanpak niet possibilities and its force of change. It will be Ngo’s en andere zogenaamde “liefdadig- onmiddellijk wijzigen, zal Afrika zijn toekomst capable to deal from within with developments, heidsinstellingen”, die er enkel in geslaagd vormgeven zonder ons. Europa zal zo een that we Europeans have been advocating for zijn de afhankelijkheid van hulp te besten- markt zien ontsnappen, die binnenkort meer from the outside for decades. One thing is digen, om zo hun bestaansreden te (her) dan 1 miljard inwoners telt. Een markt gelegen clear, Europe, weakened and aging, is more bevestigen. op een continent dat onze historische partner than ever faced with an Africa hungry for eco- is en bovendien onze directe buur. nomic growth. If we don’t rapidly change our cc Een fiasco tenslotte vanwege de grote approach, this Africa will build its future without internationale organisaties, wie het niet Er zal ons niets anders resten dan onze mora- us. Europe will thus forfeit on a market that will gelukt is hun visie door te drukken, zoals liserende oprispingen, om ons te beklagen. soon count more than one billion individuals, a bijvoorbeeld de Verenigde Naties en hun market on a continent that served as a historic Milleniumdoelstellingen, die in 2000 de ver- partner and is a close neighbour. dwijning van extreme armoede en kinder- sterfte in het vooruitzicht hadden gesteld We would be left empty-handed with our tegen het jaar 2015. moralising speeches of despair. En dus, wat doen we? Achteroverleunen en mijmeren over hoe erg het allemaal is en dat 2019, HET JAAR VAN DE VERANDERING? er niets in veranderd in de voorbije jaren? Ik geloof, dat het eerder hoog tijd is voor Europa Volgens de Wereldbank zijn de extreme armoe- om het geweer van schouder te veranderen decijfers wereldwijd op hun laagste niveau als het over Afrika gaat. Tot op heden hebben ooit. Nochtans blijft in Sub Sahara Afrika het we steeds de Afrikaanse gemeenschappen aantal mensen, dat onder de armoedegrens bewonderd omwille van hun weerbaarheid ten leeft, almaar groeien. Zevenentwintig van de opzichte van oorlogen, epidemieën of hongers- achtentwintig armste landen ter wereld situe- nood. Maar voor het Continent is deze tijd voor- ren zich in Sub Sahara Afrika. De gemiddelde goed voorbij. De landen van Sub Sahara Afrika armoedegraad bedraagt er 41% ten opzichte hebben zich gedecideerd voorgenomen het van 13% elders. heft in eigen handen te nemen. Ze zoeken thans hulp bij partners, die met hen samen de ontwik- Ook de democratie, de mensrechten, vrede en kelingsachterstand willen wegwerken zonder veiligheid, of economische groei en investerin- dat hen dwingende normen en richtlijnen wor- gen boeken er amper vooruitgang, al varieert den opgelegd, die hen de facto in een keurslijf GUY BULTYNCK een en ander naargelang de regio. zouden houden. Onder andere China, India, Chairman, CBL-ACP Turkije en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
KEY FACTS NAMIBIA ANGOLA ZAMBIA -POPULATION- ZIMBABWE 2 352 592 (2018) WINDHOEK BOTSWANA ATLANTIC OCEAN -HDI- 0,647 (2016) SOUTH AFRICA -PRESIDENT- HAGE GEINGOB GDP COMPOSITION RELIGION SERVICE 58,4% -OFFICIAL LANGUAGES- ENGLISH INDUSTRY 28,4% AFRIKAANS 85% GERMAN AGRICULTURE 6,9% CHRISTIANS -CURRENCY- SWOT NAMIBIAN DOLLAR (NAD) STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES 15% • Mineral wealth • Public debt • Political stability • Unemployment rate • Liberal economy • Social Inequalities -AREA- ANIMISTS Transport • Dependence on 824 116 KM² • infrastructure South Africa -ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES- MINES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS TOURISM FINANCE • PPPs • Agricultural reform AGRIFOOD • IPPs (electrical) • Limitations of the FISHERIES • Openness to TFTA IDEs • Facilitation of FDIs • HIV/AIDS • Creation of SADC • Drought
6 / NAMIBIA TITRE AN ENTRYWAY INTO SOUTH AFRICAN MARKETS If the Namibian economy remains largely externally dependent, particu- larly on South Africa, it concurrently offers investors privileged access to the markets of the SADC (South African Development Community) of which Namibia is a member. It is also part of the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA), a common mar- ket in the process of being created between SADC, COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) and the EAC (East African Community), which gathers twen- GROWTH: BETTER DAYS AHEAD ty-seven signatory countries and more than 600 million consumers to boot. After the years of the recession, Namibia is demonstrating serious signs of optimism. Guided by its plan “Vision 2030”, which Port defines its development objectives, the Airport government is accelerating reforms regard- ing investments and promoting more and Main road more public-private partnerships. Railway The country has not fallen short of its nick- name “world of opportunities” - since its ities and the improvement of the population’s independence in 1990, Namibia has standard of living appear in the national plan been one of the richest and most “Vision 2030.” To advance towards this ideal, politically stable countries in Africa. the government has agreed to stimulate eco- The wealth and variety of its subsoil, nomic growth and employment while attract- coupled with policies encouraging a ing private and foreign investors. liberal economy, have made it one of the favorites of the IDE mining sec- Firmly in favor of free enterprise since the tor. Next to copper, zinc and silver, country’s independence, the Namibian gov- the production of that would have to like- ernment offers foreigners the possibility to diamonds is by far wise strengthen itself to invest in nearly all business sectors, ensuring what nourishes its With the strategic port of reach around 3% in the equal treatment between foreign investors GDP most (40%), Walvis Bay, 65,000 km of roads long run. Concurrently, and Namibian businesses which are regulated of which the coun- and 2,380 km de railways, after a decade of con- by the 1990 law pertaining to foreign direct try is about to transport and communication stant decline, Namibia investments (FDI). The same law guarantees become the third are never an obstacle pulled itself up to 106th largest producer rank in the 190 coun- worldwide. tries listed in the World VISION 2030 : IMPORTANT Bank’s “Doing Business 2018” report. INVESTMENT SECTORS Boosted by massive public spend- ing and the opening of new mines, • Agriculture the Namibian economy experienced “VISION 2030” - FOR THE BENEFIT OF • Tourism several years of strong growth (5.6% on FOREIGN INVESTORS annual average between 2010 and 2015) until • Renewable energy 2015, which marked the start of a recession Despite its wealth, Namibia is often regarded • Affordable housing period. But if this relatively bad chapter of as one of the least egalitarian societies in • Infrastructure the Namibian economy was able to divert the world, as a result of the apartheid. The • Banking services the interest investors for a moment, it seems majority of its GDP is controlled by the white that is coming to an end. The services of IMF minority, which makes up 6% of the popula- • Industry forcast a recovery of growth starting this year, tion. Therefore, the reduction of social dispar- • Mines • Fishing
/7 a just compensation in case of expropriation, AGRICULTURAL REFORM: A MODERATE APPROACH an international arbitrage in case of conflict between the investor and the government, The question of redistribution of land to the black majority unsettles South Africa. However, as well as access to foreign currency. Today, the path taken by Namibia takes a serene route: President Hage Geingob refuses forced Namibia hopes to attract even more investors. evictions of land possessed by whites altogether. Stating clearly that he wants to preserve a Reforms are underway. lasting peace, he does not foresee expropriation without a “just compensation.” CREATING A BUSINESS WILL BE EASY PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS: A KEY TO DEVELOPMENT As a part of the committed reforms, they took a swing at creating businesses, a In the past few years, the Namibian public process known to be one of the principal debt increased considerably, reaching 42% in obstacles of investment. The laborious 2018. To the growth of the indebtment, the applications are comprised of multiple steps, President Hage Geingob adopted a series can last for 66 days, and are not always well of measures designed to strengthen the COMESA monitored. The minister national economy. Some of commerce and of these measures could industry, responsible Did someone say growth? limit investment possibil- for foreign investments, Namibia’s exit from the famous ities for foreign groups has taken up mod- black list of tax havens last and reinforce the con- ernizing, shortening, November opened new trol of the State in some and simplifying this perspective funds from areas, primarily in the process via the creation European institutions natural resources field. of a unique portal: the Nonetheless, this plan BIPA (Business and aims most of all to pro- Intellectual Property Authority). Creating a mote public-private partnerships (PPP) and EAC business online should not exceed 48 hours. local and foreign businesses. A single portal, a single gateway. Henceforth, Being still limited in numbers in the Namibian one address: the portal NamBizOne, newly territory, the PPPs are far spread out in the launched to make investors’ lives easier. Long energy, mining, desalination, and telecom- awaited, it assembles all the information and munications sectors or still planned. Tipeeg, necessary points of contact for local and for- a national program for employment and eign candidates of investment. Determined economic growth. For the President Hage in 2019 to evolve the range of e-services pro- Geingob, this type of partnership is one of vided, it will soon be fully operational for deliv- the indispensable keys Namibian develop- ering licenses and permits. ment in reaching its seeking 2030 social SADC objectives. Enthusiasts take note: keep an NamBizOne: eye on NamBizOne - the PPP opportunities are expected to multiply in the next ten years!
8 / NAMIBIA ELECTRICITY: NAMIBIA IS BETTING ON THE RENEWABLE 2015-2020: THE GOVERN- MENT'S 3 OBJECTIVES The challenge is not new: electrification in sub-Saharan Africa is a large task, especially in rural areas. But this time, Namibia is making it a priority and stacking the odds in its favor! • Increase the country's To make up for its energy deficit, it is choosing renewable energy by calling for private electricity generation participation and autonomous production. This is enough to counter investors' reluctance. capacity from 400 MW to 600 MW • Supply electricity to all schools and hospitals The stakes are high: with the development THE 2030 GOAL: 70% RENEWABLE of its mining activities and its policy of elec- ENERGY • Increase the rural elec- trification rate from 34% trification of rural populations, Namibia's to 50%. electricity needs have continued to grow. To fill its energy gap, Namibia has been look- However, its low production capacity has ing for alternative supply sources and to diver- increased only slightly since the 1990s. sify their energy sources. However, Namibia's Currently, Namibia produces only 39% of the awareness of the importance of renewable electricity it consumes and 61% depend on energies (RE) is long-standing. Since its White imports, which are bought at high cost from Paper in 1998, the country has made steady the Southern African Power Pool, including progress in creating the political, commercial South Africa. and regulatory conditions for RE. One of the objectives of the 2005 RE Program was to With an installed capacity of 514 MW and remove human, financial, technical and other an estimated demand of 600 MW/year market restrictions. Today, Namibia is speed- expected to grow by 5% each year, the coun- ing up on this policy. try is increasingly dependent on an energy supply it does not produce and over which The government has just resolutely affirmed it has no control. With the decline in sur- its choice of RE to address the energy defi- plus production. In SADC (Southern African cit. Its objective: that RE constitute 70% of Development Community), this energy Namibia's energy mix by 2030. And in doing dependence is becoming a serious threat to so, Namibian Minister of Mines and Energy Tom its economy as well as to its development. Alweendo confirmed to the Chinese media Xinhua: “The government has just approved several policies[...] to meet energy demand in BOOST DECENTRALIZED the short and medium term and to face the PRODUCTION challenges facing the sector” (18/02/2019). Expanding access to modern, reliable and affordable electricity has become a priority for the Namibian government. But, because of the size of the territory and the low popula- tion density, it is extremely difficult to extend the electricity grid to the unconnected rural areas in the north of the country. To break the deadlock, the government is relying on decentralization by opening up to private initiatives. The idea is to stimulate local autonomous small and medium-scale pro- duction of electricity throughout the coun- try. The first strong sign is the conversion of its sole national operator for electricity pro- duction and distribution, NamPower, into a single buyer. This will make the market more competitive.
/9 THE REGIONAL RE CENTRE IS MOVING TO NAMIBIA! Following West Africa and North Africa, it is now Southern Africa's turn to establish a platform for coordinating RE development efforts. The SACREE (Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) was born on October 25 and it is Namibia that has the privilege of hosting it, in the heart of its capital Windhoek. The objective of SACREE is for all citizens of the SADC region to ben- efit from sustainable energy. As a de facto replacement for the Namibian-only REEEI (Institute for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency), its creation heralds greater coher- ence and interconnection between member countries. SACREE aims to establish the conditions for the development of RE through the promo- tion of RE and energy efficiency technologies, market development (through the sharing of NAMIBIA PIONEERS PRIVATE information and good practices), the devel- PARTICIPATION opment of appropriate policy, legal and reg- ulatory frameworks and the strengthening While private investment in power production of the capacities of SADC Member States in could be the key to improving the performance this field. of the electricity sector, few countries in the region have committed to it thus far. Currently This is a real blessing opportunity for in the SADC region, electricity mainly depend- Namibia, which, as a host country, intends to ens on public funding and development banks, take advantage of its proximity to SACREE to while independent producers represent only a benefit from the Centre's expertise and refine tiny fraction of the sector's actors. its energy strategy in the medium and long term. And this is Thus in 2017, IPPs (a form of only the beginning. All Namibian solar photovol- public-private partnership: taic projects are financed by If properly imple- independent power genera- private actors! mented, Namibia's tion projects. More informa- energy policy, sup- tion on ported by an ideal public-private-partnership) still represent geographical location and good infrastruc- only 2% of the installed capacity in Namibia. ture, could eventually propel the country to However, hoping to reduce the public deficit, the rank of an exporter for its neighbours. A Namibia is one of the first states in the region matter to be closely followed.... to take interest in private sector participation. Moreover, it is one of the few that can already boast the promise of examples of private participation in RE projects, such as its 95% private wind farm. Details of RE investment opportunities: SOLAR AND WIND POWER: SECOND NATURE Thanks to the marine winds blowing on the south coast and one of the highest levels of sunlight in the world, Namibia is the ideal natural cradle for solar, wind and biomass renewable energies. With only one wind farm installed, we are barely scratching the surface of an invaluable and still largely untapped natural potential!
K E Y FAC T S BOTSWANA ZAMBIA ANGOLA -POPULATION- ZIMBABWE 2 370 000 NAMIBIA (2019) -HDI- GABORONE 0,717 (2017) SOUTH AFRICA -PRESIDENT- MOKGWEETSI MASISI GDP COMPOSITION RELIGION SERVICE 69,1% -OFFICIAL LANGUAGES- ENGLISH 70,5% TSWANA INDUSTRY 29,2% AGRICULTURE 1,7% CHRISTIANS -CURRENCY- SWOT BOTSWANA PULA (BWP) STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES 28% • Strong growth • Dependence on • Economic liberty mining revenue • Strong governance • Unemployment rate ANIMISTS -AREA- Undiversified • Very little corruption • 581 730 KM² economy • Rich subsoil • Poor road system 1,5% -ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES- MINES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS TOURISM • Calls to FDI • Diamond revenue PUBLIC SERVICES decline OTHERS • Property and FINANCIAL SERVICES immigration laws • HIV/AIDS • Privatization plan • Social inequalities • Tourism development • Hunting legalization • Coal mines
12 / BOTSWANA BOTSWANA PREPARES FOR THE POST-DIAMOND PERIOD Botswana: the diamond case of Africa. Millions proving invaluable today in the face of the of carats have driven the country‘s strong urgent need to diversify the economy. growth since the opening of the first mine in 1967. But the golden goose will soon stop laying eggs: Botswana has about ten years ACCELERATING THE DIVERSIFICATION to prepare for its economic transition. On the OF THE ECONOMY right track, the new President Mokgweetsi Masisi is calling on foreign investors. All the conditions were already in place to encourage private investment. On the Regularly ranked at eve of his first term in the top by the interna- office, Botswana‘s 5th tional rating agencies, President, Mokgweetsi Botswana is undoubt- The close relationship between Masisi, intends to give edly one of the best the government and the private a boost to the diversi- sector for diamond mining is pupils of the World fication of the economy one of the keys to Botswana's Bank. A country where to counter the decline success it is good to live and in mining revenues and invest, where great ensure inclusive growth economic freedom that creates jobs. To happily coexists with one of the most stable achieve this, he prioritizes foreign investment, and secure environments on the continent, and is even considering a privatization plan where corruption is almost non-existent. that should include Air Botswana. A model of its kind. A series of reforms and measures are being Botswana‘s rapid development is due primar- undertaken to improve the business envi- ily to its diamond wealth. The world‘s second ronment and encourage entrepreneurship, largest diamond producer, it is home to the including an amendment to the Immigration world‘s richest mine, Jwaneng; between 12.5 Act to ensure that work and residence per- and 15 million carats are unearthed each year mits are processed quickly. One of these from this mine alone. It seems that Botswana policies is already bearing fruit: some 108.2 has been able to take advantage of these million USD in foreign direct investment are jewels in a reasoned and prudent manner, estimated to have swept in in 2018 along with whereas many other African countries have the creation of 3,050 new jobs, according to failed, in particular, by reinvesting part of the President of the Chinese news agency mining revenues in health, education and Xinhua. infrastructure, reflecting a long-term politi- cal vision. THE NEW BLACK GOLD: 210 MILLION There are two sides to every coin: Botswana is TONS ALMOST INTACT heavily dependent on its diamond revenues, which account for about 35% of its GDP. But Economic diversification is of course already diamonds are not eternal! Experts agree that underway. Safari tourism, for example, has reserves will dry up by 2030. Fortunately, the become the country‘s second largest eco- longevity of Botswana‘s success also depends nomic sector (see our article in the Tourism on the good governance that the country has Division). However, there are still some leads always demonstrated. This is an asset that is that are not yet being exploited, including “LESEDI LA RONA” HAS 1,109 CARATS! The world‘s second largest diamond was found at the end of 2015 in Botswana. Sold for 53 million USD two years later, the “Lesedi La Rona” (“Our Light” in Setswana) has also become one of the most expensive.
/ 13 in the mining sector. Mainly coal, of which registration, licensing, work and residence FDI: THE GOVERNMENT‘S Botswana would constitute the second larg- permit procedures. PRIORITIES est reserve in Africa, estimated at 210 mil- lion tons! Just, the Morupule mine is the only While the range of services and e-services • Mines: gold, uranium, copper, operating coal mine in the territory. offered to investors has not yet exhausted nickel, coal, manganese its potential, the involvement of the various • Transport and logistics services Under the initiatives of President Masisi, the Botswana ministries demonstrates a clear country aims to develop its coal exports. The desire for efficiency so that the Center will • Manufacturing: leather, diamond government is looking for investors, particu- soon be fully operational. processing larly to finance the necessary infrastructure. • Automotive: parts and The program includes the construction of a Visit: components new plant and railway infrastructure to trans- • ICTS port coal resources to Namibian ports. This is • Health: imaging and laborato- a significant opportunity when considering ries, pharmaceuticals, biomedical that most power plants in Southern Africa are equipment facing severe coal shortages. • Education: photo safari, health, technical schools (mining and Botswana does not impose energy) A ONE-STOP SHOP FOR BUSINESS IN any restrictions in terms of GABORONE • Energy: production, RE, coal ownership, investment size or mining origin of capitals To make life easier for investors, Botswana • Agriculture: grain, fruits, vege- also established a a business Counter, the tables, irrigation Botswana Investment and Trade Center • Livestock: pork, beef, dairy (BITC), which immediately gave rise to a one-stop shop, called the BOSCC. Its mission: • Infrastructure: transport and logistics provide administrative and business support to investors; shorten and simplify business • Banking, insurance and invest- ment funds
14 / BOTSWANA FOR A DIVERSIFIED AND KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY The ETSSP is intended to strengthen the match between qualifications and labour market requirements, thereby nevertheless been heard by political and eco- ensuring that education outputs are more closely aligned nomic decision-makers who have developed to future employment needs. a new five-year education strategy (See box: ETSSP 2015-2020). Dr Unity Dow, Minister of Education and Skills Development Education, training and the quality of diplo- mas have therefore become top priorities on Uncertainty about the future of mining reve- the political agenda. This is measured by pub- nues is urging Botswana to spending a new lic investment in this area, which today rep- growth framework. The first expenditures resents more than 9% of the country's GDP. made in the qualification of the workforce, in increasing competitiveness and in technical infrastructure. WHICH NEW SKILLS WILL BE AVAILABLE? ALL THE COMPONENTS OF A GOOD Botswana aims at two things: diversifying its WELCOME economy and creating a knowledge-based society capable of sustaining its develop- Let us be reassuring from the start: good ment and providing a high standard of living governance, very low level of corruption for all. and generous provision of mineral resources already make Botswana one of the most sta- The country therefore intends to equip its ble and investor-friendly African economies. workforce with skills that meet employers' needs, and to encourage high value-added However, the move towards greater inde- skills such as software development, inter- pendence from the mining sector requires national trade, management and, of course, some strategic changes. technical training in industrial production. Significant investments have already been In parallel with the apprenticeship of the made in health, education and infrastructure, trades, personal skills are also taken into but the activity of other economic sectors account as a lever for competitiveness. The would not yet be able to offset the budget programme therefore tends to improve and trade deficit that would occur at the end certain values such as entrepreneurship, of mining. This is evidenced by the significant adaptability or the desire to learn among the decline in growth associated with the fall in youngest. diamond prices between 2009 and 2015. All these commitments were made at the right time and should brighten Botswana's TRANSFORMING THE EDUCATION economic horizon very soon. SYSTEM TO MEET ECONOMIC NEEDS The 2017 annual resource conference gave ETSSP 2015-2020 the government an important warning that The Education and Training mining will no longer be as lucrative as before Sector Strategic Plan (ETSSP) and that Botswana must develop alternative was launched in 2015 and is sources of income. expected to be renewed on a five-year basis. Three years earlier, a World Bank report on It marks a major effort by Botswana entitled “Skills for competitiveness Botswana to create a more and economic growth” already mentioned diversified and knowledge-based the country's need to diversify its economy. economy. This 174-page docu- ment describes many of the chal- Economic diversification has been at the lenges the country is facing and heart of national development plans for more the strategies, programmes and than two decades, but recent warnings have actions to address them.
KEY FACTS ESWATINI MBABANE -POPULATION- SOUTH AFRICA 1 367 000 MOZAMBIQUE (2017) -HDI- SOUTH AFRICA 0,588 (2017) GDP COMPOSITION RELIGION -KING- MSWATI III SERVICE 48,6 % 88,4% INDUSTRY 45 % -OFFICIAL LANGUAGES- AGRICULTURE 6,5 % SWAZI CHRISTIANS ENGLISH SWOT 9,1% STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES -CURRENCY- • Capacity to grow and • Negative trade SWAZI LILANGENI adapt balance (SZL) • No access to the sea ANIMISTS • No reputation 1,3% -AREA- 17 364 M2 OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Cost advantages • Closely linked to the AGNOSTICS • Fragmented market economy of South Africa • Closely linked to the -ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES- economy of South AGRICULTURE Africa 1,2% FORESTRY MINING OTHERS
18 / ESWATINI ESWATINI OPENS ITS ARMS TO INVESTORS The government of eSwatini (read about the new name below) welcomes foreign investors. The country is trying to re-establish a lasting growth and every new partnership counts. THE LAST KINGDOM OF AFRICA APPEAL TO INVESTORS One must zoom in on Africa to discover The industrial revival stemming from the eSwatini. This tiny but great state, like a 2022 Vision is simultaneously focused on mini-Belgium, seems almost squeezed increasing local resources and inviting wel- between Zimbabwe and South Africa. coming investors. Of all the initiatives taken, remember these: Commercially, eSwatini depends enormously on these two neighboring giants. Trade with cc New norms seek to ensure the compliance South Africa alone accounts for 90% of its of goods and services with international total imports and 75% of its total exports. demand cc Fiscal incentives for businesses involved in research and development cc Simplification of administrative procedures to facilitate access to funding cc Deregulation of trade and services 90% importations 75% exportations cc Development of industrial skills Fortunately, the economy has many other outlets, such as the European Union, its sec- If these commitments and others become a ond trade partner, which controls 14.2% of its reality, eSwatini will become a welcoming and exports. competitive industrial haven. Despite all this, in the current situation, the country’s trade balance is negative. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES To assure full autonomy, eSwatini must find new synergies. The country enjoys many strategic advan- tages: strong protections on investments (MIGA, CIRDI, signatory of CNUCED), an A 2022 VISION MIDWAY REPORT abundance of natural resources, reliable net- works of water and electricity, quality road In 2015, the King Mswati III proposed an eco- infrastructure, a competitive workforce, and nomic development vision for his country. serviced land/property already available. The project, called Vision 2022, aims by this date to make eSwatini a more economically Certain businesses have already caught on developed world player. and taken advantage. Coca-cola, for exam- ple, has been installed there for years and This announcement was accompanied by benefits from a special tax rate. a policy of industrial development, which traces the roadmap of steps to be put into Investors are assisted onsite by thee action. The industrial development will be eSwatini Investment Promotion Authority humane, sustainable, social, and above all, (SIPA). This administration is a unique win- IT’S CALLED ESWATINI, technological. dow to promote and to facilitate foreign NO LONGER SWAZILAND! investment. Even if the economy today still relies pri- Since May 2018, the country has marily on agriculture, this policy has For more information, visit the website: retaken its pre-colonization name. already opened opportunities in mining, The date is no coincidence - it corre- energy, tourism, ICT (Information and sponds with the 50th anniversary of Communication Technologies), research, and its independence. The name still sig- high-technology. nifies “the land of the Swazis,” but in the siSwati language.
/ 19 THE EUROPEAN UNION IS STRONGLY INTERESTED IN ESWATINI AGRICULTURE On the one hand a trade agreement, on the means of production and the weakness of other hand a development aid policy pro- trade opportunities. gram; eSwatini agriculture is the lucky bene- ficiary of the European Union’s cross actions. This second point should be partially resolved by the EPA. For production, there remains a Free Access to the European Market and need to reinvest in the private sector to bring Development Policy it up to the level of neighboring countries. Relations with Europe are in excellent shape The EU is already on it, considering two and foresee future business collaborations. objectives of its development assistance plan are to promote environmentally friendly First, there is the recent Economic practices (eSwatini is co-signatory of the Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed in June Paris Climate Agreement) and to contribute 2016 between the EU and six members of the to sustainable economic growth. Southern African Development Community (SADC), including eSwatini. INDUSTRIALIZATION VS. SUBSISTENCE This alliance allows eSwatini products to enter AGRICULTURE the European market without tax or quotal. Swazi agriculture is currently divided into Another reason for optimism is found in the two unequal parts: the exploitation of state European Development Funds (2014-2020). lands and of private lands. The former benefit The share reserved for the country amounts from modern and industrialized production to 62 million euros, 40 millions of which are techniques, while the latter are still mainly reserved for agriculture. dedicated to subsistence farming. The transition between this subsistence A LITTLE INVESTMENT IN AGRICULTURE economy towards a trade economy should WILL GO A LONG WAY have the dual advantage of boosting the national GDP and of bringing a large portion All statistics place agriculture at the center of of the population out of poverty. the eSwatini economy. Most of the population (1.2 million inhabitants) secure, in effect, their Fortunately, the European Union isn’t work- means of living from subsistence farming. ing alone to support this sector. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) contributes The agricultural sector has an enormous as well with an investment fund of 1 million potential due to the climate and the soil euros aimed at sustaining commercialization. quality. However, it remains largely under-ex- ploited for a variety of reasons related to the ESWATINI‘S INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS In addition to the European Union, eSwatini also has excellent trade rela- tions with South Africa (more than 60% of exports), the USA, Japan and Singapore. Note that the country is also a mem- ber of COMESA, the preferential trade area agreement for Eastern and Southern Africa, as well as the Commonwealth.
20 / TOURISM DIVISION BOTSWANA: THE CALL OF THE WILDERNESS Land of sheer untamable vastness with almost supernatural beauty, Botswana hosts a very exclusive safari tourism, highly popular among celebrities. UNESCO-stamped reserves are home to the largest wild elephant populations in the world. Tourism has grown tremen- dously, bringing in tens of thousands of jobs. Today, Botswana aims to expand its offer to cultural and sports tourism, and to open new areas to a less fortunate clientele. This beautiful country is one of the last that can no longer be found elsewhere are remaining great refuges for wild life and nat- still finding refuge there: the African wild dog, ural wonders. With a territory three times the cheetah, the brown hyena, the vulture or greater than that of Senegal, 38% of which is Pel's fishing owl, to name a few. dedicated to wildlife (national parks, reserves, estates) and only 2.3 million inhabitants, Botswana remains the dream destination of ALONG THE OKAVANGO DELTA those who sometimes want to escape from a noisy and overpopulated world. Between A pure UNESCO World Heritage wonder, the endless deserts and savannas as far as the Okavango Delta is the second largest inland eye can see, the feeling of being alone in the delta in the world (18,000 km2) after the Niger world takes on its full meaning. Delta in Mali. It reveals its true magical nature with the lagoons, islets, forests and savannahs Increasingly rare among safari destinations, perfectly intact, discovered while gliding on its most Botswana parks, reserves, and estates peaceful waters in a “mokoro” canoe. are not fenced, allowing animals to roam the territory in complete On its banks lies the freedom. An invalu- Do not venture there without Moremi Game Reserve, able privilege of the a carefully planned itinerary abundant with elephants, exceptional richness and a good guide! giraffes, impalas, chee- of the local fauna: it is tahs, lions, crocodiles and highly likely to sight the famous «Big Five» warthogs, as well as countless species of - elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes and rhi- birds found between the reeds and papyrus. noceros - but also more than 118 other spe- The Okavango has the particularity of never cies of mammals, 444 species of birds and reaching the ocean: the river, originating in 64 species of reptiles, identified in the sole Angola, runs aground after 1,500 km in a vast Moremi reserve. Some endangered species delta that evaporates in the Kalahari Desert. The Kalahari Desert is the second largest Game Reserve in the world! Covering more than three quarters of Botswana's surface area, the Kalahari is not a real desert. Semi- arid, alternating shrubbery, savannah and forests, it is famous for its uninhabited salt deserts ... the size of Portugal!nifies “the land of the Swazis,” but in the siSwati language.
/ 21 WHEN TO GO? Favor the dry season, which runs from April to October. The days are mild and sunny, so you will avoid both hot weather and rain, responsible for floods that can make roads impassable. WILL THE HUNT SOON REOPEN? Totally banned in Botswana since 2014, the reopening of wild animal hunting (including elephants) is under study . It is at least President Mokgweetsi Masisi's firm intention which could nevertheless encounter serious reservations, particularly within the government. Verdict soon to come. SAFARI IN CHOBE NATIONAL PARK too, and the few luxury lodges cannot accom- CONQUERING A NEW TOURISM modate more than a dozen travelers each. Only In the north-east of the country, Chobe is an elite can tread these lands: in the Okavango If the tourism sector wants to experience the the safari destination par excellence. People Delta, one night during the high season (July- same growth in the future, it can no longer come from all over the world to admire the September) is around US $1,000. rely exclusively on the Okavango Delta and most important gatherings of elephants and the Chobe Park, where accommodation pos- predators from all over Africa: it is home to In a niche market comparable to that of the sibilities are already reaching saturation point around 50,000 «Kalahari elephants», the Seychelles, very high-end tourism has contin- during the high season. Aware of these new largest ever recorded. It is possible to explore ued to grow in Botswana. Tourism revenues challenges, the Botswanan authorities are the park in 4x4 or quad, or to fly over by hel- increased from US $561 million in 2005 to US considering opening up new regions of the icopter to spot lions and cheetahs attracted $1.1 billion in 2016, according to World Tourism country to a broader, less high-end tourism, by the migration of zebras between the Organization figures. Resilient to crises, the but without making it a mass destination banks of the Savuti and Chobe rivers. Also full tourism sector is a major job creator: today incompatible with environmental require- of life, these waters are populated by herds of it provides a livelihood for nearly 250,000 ments and wildlife conservation. hippos and crocodiles. Botswanans. Among the new regions opened up to tour- Make an exception for the Kalahari Desert, This remarkable expansion has naturally been ism is the Kalahari Desert, with an offer more which reveals its splendor during the rainy achieved with the support of the Botswana gov- focused on adventure and sport, but also cul- season (local summer, from November to ernment, in collaboration with the major luxury ture. Indeed, Botswana is rich in artistic tradi- March) with the arrival of flamingos and the safari tour operators such as Ker & Downeyn, tions and welcoming villages to visit. The racial migrations of zebra and wildebeest, mingling And Beyond or Tourvest, almost all owned harmony and benevolence of the Tswana with the return of a soft vegetation. by Americans, Botswanans or white South towards foreigners reign everywhere, guaran- Africans who pioneered the sector over twenty teeing a peaceful stay. The idea is to increase years ago. The current Minister of Tourism and the sector's income by extending the stay A VERY HIGH-END GROWTH Environment, Tshekedi Khama II, has promoted of tourists with projects such as the Toyota the development as well as the concentration Desert Race, the Khawa Dune Challenge and Protected and with regulated access, parks of this handful of large groups. They were few Cultural Festival or the Makgadikgadi dance and reserves are dotted with just a few isolated in number and easier to control from an environ- festival. An opening leading to job creation lodges, proof of a discreet and an exclusive mental and societal point of view. and better distribution of profits. tourism. The roads are of good quality but rare
22 / FORUM DE DAKAR AVRIL 2019 : LE SECTEUR PRIVÉ BELGE À LA RENCONTRE DE LA PHASE II DU PLAN SÉNÉGAL EMERGENT (PSE) Depuis 2014, le Gouvernement du Sénégal met en œuvre le Plan Sénégal Emergent (PSE), cadre de référence des interventions des acteurs au développement, à travers une forte impulsion du Chef de l’Etat, pour la mise en place des fondamentaux de l’émer- gence et la promotion de la Gestion axée sur les résultats de développement dans l’Administration Publique. Au cours de ces quatre premières années de mise en œuvre du PSE, il s’est avéré que les fondements de l’émergence se sont conso- industriel, constitue, le véritable socle pour L’objectif principal du Forum de Dakar, à tra- lidés. L’Etat du Sénégal a mis en place des garantir une émergence durable de l’écono- vers des sessions parallèles et une exclusive infrastructures structurantes d’appui à la mie. La seconde phase du PSE sera également table ministérielle, est de mobiliser tous les productivité économique. Ainsi, d’impor- mise en œuvre dans un contexte de renfor- partenaires autour des thématiques telles tants chantiers ont été achevés ou lancés, cement de l’exploration et d’exploitation de que le Tourisme, les Industries Créatives, notamment le nouvel Aéroport internatio- ressources minières, notamment l’or, le pétrole Infrastructures catalysés par le digital et de nal de Diass, le prolongement de l’autoroute et le gaz. converger vers un partenariat belgo-séné- Dakar-Diamniadio, l’autoroute Thiès-Touba, galais et un développement durable décliné le désenclavement des zones de produc- Pour réussir la mise en œuvre du PAP 2019- dans le Plan d’Actions Prioritaires (PAP 2019- tion, l’équipement du monde rural, le Train 2023, la stratégie de financement repose 2023). En parallèle, un Hackathon au concept Express Régional (TER), le Parc industriel de sur une mobilisation optimale de ressources inédit, incitera les jeunes sénégalais et les Diamniadio, la réhabilitation de la ligne ferro- internes (publiques et privées) et sur un entrepreneurs à favoriser le développement viaire Dakar-Bamako, le développement de recours à des financements extérieurs de scénarios innovants, en réalisant des pro- nouveaux pôles touristiques, etc. (publics, privés, etc.). duits et services : l’app VisitDakar.Net En outre, le Sénégal a enregistré des progrès Les secteurs et domaines prioritaires identifiés substantiels dans l’amélioration du climat du PAP 2019-2023 sont : des affaires, à travers la mise en œuvre du Programme triennal de Réformes de l’Envi- cc Agriculture – Horticulture – Agro-industrie ronnement des Affaires et de la Compétitivité (PREAC), pour se hisser parmi les meilleurs cc Infrastructures – Construction réformateurs du monde. L’Etat du Sénégal a mis en place des Zones Économiques cc Energie – Pétrole – Gaz – Mines Spéciales (ZES) à Diamniadio, à Diass et à Sandiara, pour accroître les opportunités éco- cc Industries nomiques du secteur privé et amorcer l'indus- trialisation durable du pays. cc Economie Numérique Pour une consolidation des progrès enregis- cc Tourisme trés, le Gouvernement a élaboré le Plan d’Ac- tions Prioritaires (PAP) 2019-2023 qui se base cc Finance sur une analyse des meilleures pratiques tant au niveau national que mondial en termes de A cet effet, la CBL-ACP collabore et soutien transformation structurelle de l’économie et Afrika-Innovation dans l’organisation du de croissance. Ce second PAP vient renforcer Forum de Dakar des 24,25,26 avril 2019. Forum les bonnes performances macroéconomiques, en présence du Président de la République du l’offre en services sociaux de base et accélérer Sénéga réélu Macky Sall et des Officiels du l’éradication de la pauvreté. Cette politique de Royaume de la Belgique, du secteur privé des MÉMÉ A.TSAN FALL productivité, à travers le développement des 2 pays, de l’Union Européenne, de l’ONUDI, Head of Bilateral Section Senegal infrastructures et la diversification du tissu etc. Advisor Cluster Agro & Agro-Industry
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