Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu

La page est créée Maryse Vallet
Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
Thomas proud of the past,
                                    bullish on the future
                                      OPSEU President Warren
                                    (Smokey) Thomas used the annual
                                    Presidential Address to look back
                                    with pride on the union’s recent
                                    accomplishments – and to look to
                                    the coming year with confidence.
                                      “We made history, and then we
Convention Update

                                    made history,” he noted in speaking
                                    of two massive college organizing
                                    campaigns. “The drive to organize
                                    part-time support staff was the
                                    biggest campaign in Canadian
                                    history. But the one that followed –   that was set in motion at Convention
                                    to organize part-time faculty – was    2016.
                                    even bigger.”                            “This is an amazing campaign,” said
                                      OPSEU filed an application last      Thomas. “This thing has taken on a life
                                    week to represent contract faculty     of its own. And that was our goal from
                                    at Ontario’s 24 public colleges. The   the beginning: that it become a people’s
                                    union applied to represent part-       movement, supported by the union,
                                    time support staff at the colleges     with our materials, our social media –
                                    last year. Thousands of support        everything we’ve got. Our campaigns are
             Day 2: April 7, 2017

                                    staff voted in a certification vote    second to none. Union leaders tell me that
                                    last June, but the ballot boxes have   all the time.”
                                    remained sealed since then. That         The President also discussed initiatives
                                    could soon change, Thomas said.        the union had launched to be more
                                      “The government and the law          inclusive as an organization. He asserted
                                    firms have thrown everything           that the faces of OPSEU staff must reflect
                                    they had at us,” he continued.         the faces of society and the members the
                                    “But they’ve run out of excuses        union serves.
                                    and challenges. We’re confident          “We are a progressive union,” he
                                    the ballot boxes for the part-time     noted. “Years ago, we established the
                                    support workers will be opened so      Social Mapping Committee and the
                                    the votes can be counted.”             Joint Racialized Workers Committee.
                                      Thomas also spoke at length          They’ve done fantastic work to make
                                    about the We Own It campaign           our organization more accessible and
                                    against privatization – a campaign     inclusive, and to create a level playing field

      Convention Update is brought to you by the elected members of the
      inSolidarity committee, with the support of OPSEU Staff and the OPSEU
      Executive Board.
Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
within the organization, with everything from
networking days to internal job fairs.                   Le président Thomas est fier du
  “We also put in a place an Equity, Diversity, and
Inclusion Program with the help of an expert in
                                                         passé, et optimiste pour l’avenir
the field, Keith Jeffers. We need to be able to walk
in other people’s shoes and to understand the
issues, the cultures that other people have. And           Durant son discours au Congrès annuel, le
we’re making real progress.”                             président du SEFPO, Warren (Smokey) Thomas,
  Looking ahead, Thomas said he saw challenges           s’est montré fier des réalisations récentes de son
and opportunities. For example, speaking about           syndicat et confiant pour l’année à venir.
LCBO workers, he was encouraged by news                    « Nous avons écrit une première page d’histoire,
that the Premier was leaning towards creating            puis nous en avons écrit une deuxième », a-t-il
a Liquor and Cannabis Control Board. On the              fait remarquer en parlant des deux campagnes
other hand, the LCBO’s attitude at the bargaining        de syndicalisation massives dans les collèges.
table has been “nasty,” expressing his “100              « La campagne de syndicalisation du personnel
per cent” support for LBED workers – and his             de soutien à temps partiel a été la plus grande
confidence that their employer will back down in         campagne de l’histoire du Canada. Mais celle
the face of their determination.                         qui a suivi, la campagne de syndicalisation du
  On that note, Thomas recognized the members            personnel scolaire à temps partiel, est encore plus
of Local 316 who are currently on strike – and           grande. »
54 of whom were present. To a standing ovation             Le SEFPO a déposé une requête en accréditation
from delegates, the President called them up on          pour représenter le personnel scolaire contractuel
stage.                                                   des 24 collèges de l’Ontario. Et l’année dernière,
  Local 316 members provide care to people with          le syndicat a déposé une requête en accréditation
developmental disabilities.                              pour représenter le personnel de soutien à temps
  “These people didn’t choose to care for the            partiel des collèges. Des milliers de membres du
vulnerable because they wanted to get rich,”             personnel de soutien des collèges ont voté lors du
Thomas said. “They did it because they love it.          vote de représentation au mois de juin dernier,
  This employer is disgusting – but I couldn’t           mais les urnes sont toujours fermées à ce jour. Ça
be prouder of these workers. They have the full          pourrait bientôt changer, a indiqué le président
backing of 135,000 OPSEU members.”                       Thomas.
                                                           « Le gouvernement et les cabinets d’avocats ont
                                                         utilisé contre nous toutes les armes possibles »,
                                                         a-t-il poursuivi. « Mais ils sont à cours d’excuses
                                                         et d’échappatoires. Nous avons bon espoir que
                                                         les urnes du personnel de soutien à temps partiel
                                                         seront ouvertes et que les bulletins de vote
                                                         pourront être comptés. »
                                                           Le président Thomas a également parlé de la
                                                         campagne de lutte contre la privatisation, Ça nous
                                                         appartient, une campagne qui a été lancée au
                                                         Congrès 2016.
                                                           « C’est une campagne très populaire », a déclaré
President Thomas with Region 3 RVP Sara Labelle,         le président Thomas. « C’est une campagne qui
staff representative Richard Bradley, Local 316 presi-   fait boule de neige. C’était notre objectif dès le
dent Leslie Coles, and Local 316 chief steward           début : qu’elle devienne un mouvement du peuple,
Courtney Huycke.

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Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
soutenu par le syndicat, avec nos ressources,       les membres de la LCBO et qu’il est convaincu que
nos médias sociaux et tout notre cœur. Nos          l’employeur finira par entendre raison face à leur
campagnes sont sans égal; les dirigeants            détermination.
syndicaux me le disent tout le temps. »               Sur une même note, le président Thomas a rendu
  Le président a également parlé des                hommage aux membres de la section locale 316
initiatives prises pour rendre l’organisation       qui sont actuellement en grève – dont 54 d’entre
plus inclusive. Il a affirmé que les membres        eux étaient présents dans l’assemblée. Devant une
du personnel du SEFPO doivent refléter le           ovation debout de tous les délégués, le président
visage de la société et de tout l’effectif du       leur a demandé de monter sur la scène.
syndicat.                                             Les membres de la section locale 316 procurent
  « Nous sommes un syndicat progressiste »,         des soins aux personnes ayant une déficience
a-t-il souligné. « Il y a quelques années,          développementale.
nous avons créé le Comité du Projet de                « Ils n’ont pas choisi de prendre soin des
cartographie sociale et le Comité mixte des         personnes les plus vulnérables parce qu’ils
travailleurs racialisés. Ils ont fait un travail    voulaient devenir riches », a déclaré le président
formidable pour rendre notre organisation           Thomas. « Ils ont choisi ce métier parce qu’ils
plus accessible et inclusive et créer des           l’aiment. Cet employeur m’écœure, mais je ne
conditions d’égalité au sein de l’organisation,     pourrais pas être plus fier de ces travailleurs. Ils
avec des jours de réseautage et des salons de       ont le soutien total des 135 000 membres du
l’emploi internes. »                                SEFPO. »
  « Avec l’aide d’un expert dans le domaine,
Keith Jeffers, nous avons également mis en
place un programme sur l’équité, la diversité
et l’inclusion. Nous devons être capables
de nous mettre à la place des autres, de
comprendre les enjeux et les diverses cultures.
Et nous faisons de véritables progrès. »
  Lorsqu’il se tourne vers l’avenir, le président
Thomas a déclaré qu’il y voit des défis et des
  Au sujet des travailleurs de la LCBO, il s’est
dit encouragé par la nouvelle selon laquelle la
première ministre était favorable à la création
d’une commission de contrôle de l’alcool et           Le président Thomas avec la vice-présidente
du cannabis. D’autre part, la LCBO a adopté         régionale de la région 3, Sara Labelle, le
une attitude choquante dans cette ronde de          représentent des employés, Richard Bradley, la
négociations collectives, a-t-il dit. Il a ajouté   présidente de la section locale 316, Leslie Coles, et
que le syndicat est à “100 pour cent” derrière      la déléguée syndicale en chef, Courtney Huycke.

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Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
Delegates dig deep for Local 316
 Convention had the pleasure of hearing from      strikes can bring both emotionally and
the striking members of Local 316, Community      financially, members began donating funds to the
Living Campbellford/Brighton.                     cause and the needs of the local, with the total
                                                  amount coming to an astounding $34,824.
 They have been on strike since March 22, after
workers voted down the final offer from the       The bargaining team vowed to stay strong, and
employer.                                         OPSEU delegates showed that they will have the
                                                  backs of their follow union members.
 In a show of solidarity to our members of
Local 316, and understanding the hardship that

   Almeida acclaimed First VP/Treasurer;
   Thomas faces off with Magner
 Region 2 Regional Vice-President Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida was nominated and acclaimed First Vice-
President/Treasurer for another two-year term.
 Incumbent Warren (Smokey) Thomas was nominated for re-election to a sixth consecutive term as
President of OPSEU.
 Myles Magner, Regional Vice-President for Region 5, was also nominated to run for the position of
 Elections for the presidency will be held on Friday morning, as will the ranking of the Regional

   Credentials Report
Delegates: 935
Alternates: 494

                                                    1723 attendees
Observers: 206
Executive Board Members: 20
Retirees: 7
Committee members: 54
Guests: 7

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Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
International activists inspire
              Convention delegates
   A pair of We Own It activists from opposite        public assets the government proposed to sell
sides of the globe inspired Convention delegates      off, including one of the country’s most beloved
Thursday with examples of successes they’ve           public institutions, the 500-year-old Royal Mail.
enjoyed in fighting to preserve their public          Despite its profitability and excellent service, the
services.                                             government sold off the final third of the mail
   “The right-wing ideas behind privatization are     system in 2013.
global – and our solidarity to needs to be global,      Her warning to delegates? Don’t let your guard
too,” Cat Hobbs,                                                                      down. Privateers
director of We Own                                                                    circle public service
It – UK (WOI-UK),                                                                     like vultures,
told delegates. “I’ve                                                                 waiting to swoop in
come to realize that                                                                  for the kill. “There
people don’t believe                                                                  are more than 400
in privatization.                                                                     think tanks in 80
They want public                                                                      countries around the
ownership.”                                                                           world dedicated to
   Gerard Hayes,                                                                      privatizing public
leader of Australia’s                                                                 services.”
Health Science                                                                          Unlike OPSEU,
Union (HSU),                                                                          the group operates
sounded a similar                                                                     with a handful
theme.                                                                                of organizers and
   “We’ve                                                                             scarce resources.
undertaken the                                                                        By contrast, Hobbs
privatization fight                                                                   paid tribute to
and picked up on the We Own It theme,” said           OPSEU for its commitment to WOI in funding,
Hayes, who spoke at OPSEU’s 2016 Convention.          mobilizers, and public messaging.
When Hayes learned that OPSEU had launched              “We just don’t have the people on the ground
its own We Own It campaign last year, the HSU         like you folks do,” she admitted.
quickly followed suit with its own mobilization         Hayes told delegates that WOI in Australia
drive.                                                has played a leading role in having the state
   In Cat Hobbs, delegates were listening to the      government pull back on plans to privatize five
pioneer of the We Own It movement. “In 2012,          Sydney hospitals. Governments use what is termed
in my bedroom, with a laptop, I started We Own        “contestability tests” to determine whether a
It.” The flash point was her anger that the private   public asset is kept public.
company that operated train service in Bristol          To date, the test has kept two of the hospitals
only ran the train service every 90 minutes. She      public hands. Despite HSU’s successes, he said
led the campaign to have the city council pay the     the threat never entirely disappears. “We’ve got
company to introduce a more frequent service.         a government that’s prepared to put every public
   From that early victory, Hobbs and a handful of    department to the test. It never stops.”
other activists turned their attention to larger
Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
Beyond the Beehive: Ronnie Spector
     spellbinds Convention
  The lights dimmed. An expectant hush fell over        The Ronettes enjoyed huge success on both
hall. Then Baby, I love you began to play.            sides of the Atlantic. In the UK, their opening act
  “Brothers and sisters,” announced President         was the Rolling Stones, and they became friends
Warren (Smokey) Thomas, “I give you the Rose of       with the Beatles.
Spanish Harlem.”                                        After marriage, an insanely possessive and
  A woman appeared. Sunglasses obscured her           controlling Spector prevented Ronnie from
eyes, and abundant hair                                                      leaving home. Six years later
obscured her face. But                                                       she divorced him, but not
nothing could obscure that                                                   before losing her friends –
unmistakable voice: Ronnie                                                   and her career. And she had
Spector, one-time lead singer                                                become an alcoholic.
for the Ronettes, a group                                                      Spector continued to
that had a string of hits in                                                 harass her personally and
the early 1960s, including                                                   professionally. He refused
the chart-topper Be My                                                       to license her music and
Baby and the Grammy-                                                         prevented the Ronettes from
winning Walking in the                                                       entering the Rock and Roll
Rain.                                                                        Hall of Fame. Ronnie took
  Born Veronica Bennett in                                                   Spector to court. Fifteen
Spanish Harlem, New York                                                     years of litigation later, the
City, in 1943, Ronnie was                                                    Ronettes won a $2.8-million
the daughter of a Black-                                                     settlement, as well as back
Cherokee mother and an                                                       royalties for dozens of
Irish father. As a young girl, she enjoyed standing   predominantly Black singers.
on the coffee table to perform for family. Music        Ronnie remarried in 1982 and had two
would became her great love, her passion, and her     children. The Ronettes were finally inducted into
path to success – and much personal turmoil.          the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 2004.
  As a teenager, she joined up with sister Estelle      Ronnie created Beyond the Beehive, a stage
and cousin Nedra to form the Ronettes. Their first    show that enjoyed huge success in New York and
break came with a gig at the famed Apollo Theatre.    London. And today, 1,700 lucky delegates were
When the lead singer froze, Ronnie jumped in and      also given a peek at life under the beehive.
belted out their number. They were a smash.             In her parting words, Ronnie proclaimed, “You
  They came to the attention of producer Phil         can go through hell and still survive – remember
Spector. Spector became Ronnie’s producer             that when you hear my story.”
– and love interest. Thus began an emotional            Thomas thanked her for telling it. “Your life
rollercoaster that would take her to heaven and       is a testament to success and survival,” he said.
hell.                                                 “Many of us can relate to that.”

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Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
Resolutions and                                            Horwath: ‘Count
    Constitutional                                             on the NDP to
    Amendments                                                 back you’
 PASSED:                                                        The Leader of Ontario’s New
                                                             Democrats, Andrea Horwath, addressed
  A1 with 93% support – A resolution to approve receipt      over 1,700 OPSEU members on Day One
of the 2016 Financial Statements and that the President      of Convention.
and First Vice-President/Treasurer be authorized to sign the    Horwath delivered a compelling speech
financial statements on behalf of the Executive Board.       that highlighted the challenges ahead for
                                                             the labour movement and commended
  A2 with 91.8% support – A resolution for the Convention OPSEU’s We Own it campaign as
to endorse the actions of the Executive Board from           a powerful movement against the
the closing of last convention until the closing of this     privatization of our public services.
Convention.                                                     With the Ontario Liberals selling off
                                                             Hydro One and expanding wine and beer
  A3 with 92% support – A resolution to appoint              sales in grocery stores, Andrea warned
PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors of OPSEU for the fiscal delegates, Ontario is at a tipping point –
year January 1, 2017 through to December 31, 2017 and        and we need to do something about it.
the Executive Board fix the Auditors’ remuneration.             “We Own It is exactly what we
                                                             need: public ownership at the heart of
  EB2 with 67.4% support – A resolution that OPSEU           government for the people by the people,”
continue its “We Own It” campaign for another year, that     said Horwath.
funds for the campaign be drawn from the Strikeback             With a provincial election just over a
Fund, that the five per cent of OPSEU revenues that would    year away, Andrea warned the delegation
normally be directed to the Strike Fund in 2017 be directed that the Ontario Liberals and PC Leader
instead to the Strikeback Fund.                              Patrick Brown’s newly branded “small-c”
                                                             conservatives would almost certainly
  L3 with 97% support – A resolution on youth                mean more cuts to public service, more
employment.                                                  public-private partnerships and the
                                                             continued sell-off of Ontario assets.
  EB18 with 95% support – A resolution to recognize that        Horwath went on to say if the NDP
OPSEU, and the National Union NUPGE, opposes the P3          is elected, it will return Ontario Hydro
model of infrastructure investment, recognizing that its     to being 100 per cent publicly owned,
members have a direct interest in ensuring that pension      restore hospital funding, and reinvest in
funds are responsibly invested, and launching the “We Own Ontario’s public services.
It” campaign to combat the privatization of public services     “We need to stick together, and you can
and assets.                                                  count on the NDP to back you up when
                                                             you need it,” said Horwath.

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Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
Brought to you by:
Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu Thomas proud of the past, bullish on the future - opseu
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