Youth Forum Report of the 2 nd First Nations - Commission de la ...

Youth Forum Report of the 2 nd First Nations - Commission de la ...
Réseau jeunesse des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador

                  First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Youth Network

  Report of the 2nd First Nations
                  Youth Forum

                    August 24 to 26 2012

       Château Mont-Sainte-Anne / Beaupré (Quebec)

Pepared by Mr. Serge Rock – AFNQL Regional Youth Coordinator
Youth Forum Report of the 2 nd First Nations - Commission de la ...
Table of Contents

  1. Introduction                                                             3

  2. Agenda                                                                   4

  3. List of Participants                                                     7

  4. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures                                   9

  5. Roles of the First Nation Youth Network’s spokespersons                  10

  6. Election night                                                           11

  7. Presence and impact in the different media                               12

  8. Recommendations and findings                                             13

  9. Conclusion                                                               14

                         Contact details of Mr. Serge Rock - AFNQL
               First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Youth Network (FNYN)
              250, Place Chef Michel Laveau, suite 201, Quebec (QC) G0A 4V0
                         Phone: 418-842-5020 / Fax: 418-842-2660

The 2 First Nation Youth Forum was held from August 24 to 26 2012 at Château Mont-Sainte-Anne in
Beaupré, near Quebec. Close to 80 youths from 29 communities and 9 different nations responded to the
                                                                            nd                  st
invitation of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Youth Network. This 2 event follows the 1 Youth
Forum held in August 2011 – Report on the 1 Youth Forum available on our Website:

Once again this year, the planning committee saved no effort in preparing for this gathering to offer
diversity, but most of all quality presentations and workshops. Our two masters of ceremony (Caitlin
Tolley and Tommy Awashish) quickly set the mood for what was in store for this 2 edition.

On the first day, we had the privilege of attending presentations designed for and by the youths. The
Youth Committees of Odanak and Mashteuiatsh drew us a picture of their committee and emphasized the
importance of having such a structure. Caitlin Tolley inspired the young audience with her presentation
called «Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow ». The day continued with Mr. Éric Cardinal who made a
presentation on the multiple aspects of communications. The projection of the documentary «Red Power
Awakening » followed and led to a discussion panel with Mr. Bernard Hervieux (SOCAM), Mrs Lise
Bastien (FNEC) and Mr. Ghislain Picard (AFNQL). This day ended with a short presentation by Institution
Kiuna, situated in Odanak. In the evening, elections were held to find a replacement for the position of
substitute spokesperson for the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Youth Network.

The second day was full of nice surprises. We started with a statement of Mr. Pierre Lepage who spoke to
us about the book «Aboriginal Peoples: Fact and Fiction ». Mrs. Micheline Bourque then spoke to us
about «Web 2.0 and the social media ». As a matter of fact, this subject prompted several reactions on
the part of the participants, given the fact that a great number of them are connected to different
tribunes. Mr. Pierre Rioux (FNQLHSSC) came to host a workshop focused on the goals which each one of
us should set for ourselves on a short, middle and long term. What is the use of dreaming if we don’t
make it happen? This day concluded with a presentation of Mr. Jean-François Côté (FNQLEDC) who spoke
about entrepreneurship among the First Nations youth. There’s time for work, and there’s the happy
time. We organized a B.B.Q. meal at the top of Mont-Sainte-Anne. The youths really enjoyed the
breathtaking view from the gondolas. To end this day, we had planned a dancing party with several
activities to entertain the participants.

For the third and last day, we were offered a presentation by Mrs. Marjolaine Thernish (FNHRDCQ) in
relation with the employment measures and the careers of the future in our communities. Mrs. Annie
Hervieux (FNQLHSSC) then spoke about youth mobilization, following the presentation of her video.
Needless to say that this screening sparked the enthusiasm of the youths and the timing was perfect to
close this 3 forum and let the youths leave on a stimulating note.

                                 A Brief Description of the Youth Network
The First Nation Youth Network has been in existence for more than five years now (March 2007). It was
put in place primarily to inform the youths of the First Nations, aged 15 to 35, on the different
opportunities (programs, services, projects, activities, events, training, employment, etc.) that are
available to them.
The priority goal of the Network is to help the communities establish Youth Committees to improve the
situation of their young people. The Network can easily reach 2 500 young people by email and Facebook.
We recently opened a Twitter account (August 2012) to diversify our sources of information and

Réseau jeunesse des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador

                                              First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Youth Network

                          Ordre du jour – 2e Forum jeunesse des Premières Nations
                                              24 au 26 août 2012

                                      Agenda – 2nd First Nations Youth Forum
                                               August 24-26, 2012

                           Château Mont-Sainte-Anne (Beaupré) – Québec / Quebec
                               Jeudi 23 août 2012 / Thursday, August 23, 2012
                                                  Activité / Activity                                      Lieu / Location
                      Accueil et inscription des participants – activités libres / Welcome and          Hall – Château Mont-
 17 h – 21 h
                                   registration of the participants – leisure time                           Sainte-Anne

                               Vendredi 24 août 2012 / Friday, August 24, 2012
 7 h – 8 h 30                                   Déjeuner / Breakfast                                    Salle Beauregard Room
                     Accueil et inscription des participants / Welcome and registration of the          Hall – Château Mont-
  8 h – 17 h
                                                      participants                                           Sainte-Anne
                                       Mot de bienvenue / Opening remarks
                        Prière d’ouverture / Opening prayer – Marcel Godbout - Wendake
                   Conseil de la Nation huronne-wendat – Grand Chef/Grand Chief Konrad Sioui
8 h 30 – 9 h 20                                                                                         Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                    APNQL / AFNQL – Chef/Chief Ghislain Picard
                  SAA - M. Christian Dubois – sous-ministre responsable des Affaires autochtones
                           Coordonnateur du RJPN / FNYN Coordinator – M. Serge Rock
                                 Déroulement du forum / Proceedings of the forum
9 h 20 – 9 h 40                                                                                         Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                       Caitlin Tolley et/and Tommy Awashish
                    Qu’est-ce que le Réseau jeunesse des Premières Nations / What is the First
9 h 40 – 10 h                           Nations Youth Network - Serge Rock                              Salle Les Chûtes Room
                         ******* Lancement TWITTER Launching ******* #FJPN-FNYF
10 h – 10 h 15                               Pause santé / Health break
                  Les comités des jeunes dans les communautés / Youth Committees in the communities -
                                                        Serge Rock
10 h 15 – 11 h       Présentation de deux comités des jeunes / Presentation by two Youth Committees     Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                           Odanak - Les débuts / The beginning
                                   Mashteuiatsh – Le chemin parcouru / The road so far

Vendredi 24 août 2012 / Friday, August 24, 2012 (suite/continuation)
                                                   Activité / Activity                                    Lieu / Location
                    Présentation sur le leadership et l’implication / Presentation on leadership and
   11 h – 12 h        Caitlin Tolley « Apprenez aujourd’hui, prenez les devants demain » et/and        Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                            "Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow"
                            Vanessa Moar - Jeunesse Canada Monde/Canada World Youth
 12 h – 13 h 15                Dîner / Lunch – Cafétéria du Mont-Sainte-Anne Cafeteria
                         Les multiples facettes de la communication / The multiple aspects of
 13 h 15 – 15 h                                                                                        Salle Les Chûtes Room
                              communication – Éric Cardinal – Cardinal communication
 15 h – 15 h 15                              Pause santé / Health break
                         Projection du documentaire « L’éveil du pouvoir » / Projection of the
                         documentary "Red power awakening" – Bernard Hervieux - SOCAM                  Salle Les Chûtes Room
15 h 15 – 16 h 40
                                       Panel de discussions / Panel discussions :                      Salle Jean-Larose Room
                                   Bernard Hervieux - Lise Bastien – Ghislain Picard

 16 h 40 – 17 h                   Institut Kiuna Institute - Lise Bastien - CEPN/FNEC                  Salle Les Chûtes Room

 17 h – 18 h 30              Souper / Supper - Cafétéria du Mont-Sainte-Anne Cafeteria
                              *****Élection d’un porte-parole masculin du RJPN*****
 18 h 30 – 20 h                                                                                        Salle Les Chûtes Room
                              *****Election of a male spokesperson of the FNYN*****
                         Activités sportives ou soirée libre / Sports activities or free evening       Château Mont-Sainte-
   20 h – 22 h
                     Volleyball – Piscine/Swimming pool – Vélo/Biking – Randonnée/Hiking – etc.               Anne

                                Samedi 25 août 2012 / Saturday, August 25, 2012
  7 h – 8 h 30                                  Déjeuner / Breakfast                                   Salle Beauregard Room
                     Déroulement de la journée et retour sur le vendredi / Proceedings of the day
 8 h 40 – 8 h 50                                 and recap of Friday                                   Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                      Caitlin Tolley et/and Tommy Awashish
                                 Mythes et réalités sur les peuples autochtones /
8 h 50 – 10 h 00                                                                                       Salle Les Chûtes Room
                               Aboriginal Peoples : Fact and Fiction – Pierre Lepage
10 h 00 – 10 h 15                            Pause santé / Health break
                           Le Web 2.0 et les médias sociaux / Web 2.0 and the social media
 10 h 15 – 12 h                                                                                        Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                                 Micheline Bourque
 12 h – 13 h 15               Dîner / Lunch – Cafétéria du Mont-Sainte-Anne Cafeteria
                                    Atelier de buts / Goal Development Workshop
 13 h 15 – 15 h                                                                                        Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                         Pierre Rioux - CSSSPNQL / FNQLHSSC
 15 h – 15 h 15                               Pause santé / Health break
                      L’entreprenariat chez les jeunes des Premières Nations / Entrepreneurship
 15 h 15 – 17 h                             among the First Nations Youth                              Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                     Jean-François Côté – CDEPNQL / FNQLEDC
17 h 30 – 19 h 30              BBQ au sommet / BBQ at the top – Mont-Sainte-Anne

   20 h – 22 h                           Soirée dansante et DJ/ DJ and dance                           Salle Les Chûtes Room

Dimanche 26 août 2012 / Sunday, August 26, 2012
                                                    Activité / Activity                                     Lieu / Location
  7 h – 8 h 30                                    Déjeuner / Breakfast                                 Salle Beauregard Room
                    Déroulement de la journée et retour sur le samedi / Proceedings of the day and
 8 h 30 – 8 h 50                                    recap of Saturday                                  Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                        Caitlin Tolley et/and Tommy Awashish
                       Les mesures d'emploi et les carrières d'avenir dans nos communautés /
 8 h 50 – 9 h 40          Employment measures and careers of the future in our communities             Salle Les Chûtes Room
                        Francine Buckell et/and Marjolaine Thernish - CDRHPNQ / FNQHRDC
                    Mobilisation des jeunes des Premières Nations / First Nations Youth mobilization
  9 h 40 – 10 h                                                                                        Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                            Annie Hervieux – Innu Pessamit
 10 h – 10 h 10                               Pause santé / Health break
                                      e                                                         nd
                     Évaluation du 2 Forum jeunesse par les participants / Evaluation of the 2
10 h 10 – 10 h 30                                                                                      Salle Les Chûtes Room
                                            Youth Forum by the participants

10 h 30 – 10 h 45      Réseautage entre les participants / Networking between the participants         Salle Les Chûtes Room

10 h 45 – 11 h 15                           Tirage des prix / Draw of prizes                           Salle Les Chûtes Room

                                           Mots de clôture / Closing words
                                      APNQL / AFNQL – Chef/Chief Ghislain Picard
 11 h 15 – 12 h     Porte-parole du RJPN / FNYN Spokesperson - Caitlin Tolley et/and Tommy Awashish    Salle Les Chûtes Room
                             Coordonnateur du RJPN / FNYN Coordinator – M. Serge Rock
                          Prière de fermeture / Closing prayer – Marcel Godbout - Wendake
 12 h – 13 h 15                Dîner / Lunch – Cafétéria du Mont-Sainte-Anne Cafeteria

                          Bon voyage de retour et merci pour votre participation!
                        Safe journey of return and thank you for your participation!

                    Please get in touch with us by email to get the presentations of the speakers

List of Participants – 2nd First Nation Youth Forum
Nom / First Name              Prénom / Last Name          Communauté / Community

1.    Ransom             Victoria                   Akwesasne
2.    -------            Konwahentawi               Akwesasne
3.    Benedict           Theresa                    Akwesasne
4.    Tolley             Caitlin                    APNQL / Kitigan Zibi
5.    O’Bomsawin         Suzie                      APNQL / Odanak
6.    Awashish           Tommy                      APNQL / Wemotaci
7.    Paradis            Josée                      Cacouna
8.    McGregor           Tori                       Eagle Village
9.    St-Denis           Sarah                      Eagle Village
10.   Constant           Jimmy Jr.                  Eagle Village
11.   Basile             Robert-Charles             Ekuanitshit
12.   Mestokosho         Lison                      Ekuanitshit
13.   Levasseur-Moreau   Jean                       Essipit
14.   Ross               Marie-Pier                 Essipit
15.   Launière           Dave                       Essipit
16.   Larivière          Widia                      FAQ / QNW
17.   Fontaine           Meggie                     FAQ / QNW
18.   Syvret-Caplin      Mitchell                   Gesgapegiag
19.   Martin             Kateri                     Gesgapegiag
20.   Jeanotte-Lavallé   Keven                      Gespeg
21.   Jeanotte           Tania                      Gespeg
22.   Rice               Shotehra                   Kahnawake
23.   Jacobs             Kawennahere Devery         Kahnawake
24.   Whyte              Megan                      Kahnawake
25.   Gabriel-Ferland    Pamela                     Kanehsatake
26.   Nolet              Joshua                     Kanehsatake
27.   Bérubé             Robert                     Kawawachikamach
28.   Shecanapish        Louise                     Kawawachikamach
29.   Einish             Tamara                     Kawawachikamach
30.   Penosway           Beverly                    Kitcisakik
31.   Penosway*          Mary-Ann                   Kitcisakik
32.   McGregor           Sheldon                    Kitigan Zibi
33.   Brennan-Chaussé    Jamie                      Kitigan Zibi
34.   Pien               Randy                      Lac Simon
35.   Cheezo             Sabrina                    Lac Simon
36.   Papatie            Ann-Maybeline              Lac Simon
37.   Mittchell          Felicia                    Listuguj
38.   Isaac              Denny                      Listuguj
39.   Wysote*            Chris                      Listuguj
40.   Dubé               Cassy                      Manawan
41.   Flamand            Adam-Nicolas               Manawan
42.   Moore              Myriam-Kim                 Manawan
43.   Flamand            Sipi                       Manawan
44.   Bossum             Nina                       Mashteuiatsh
45.   Connolly-Raphael   Emma                       Mashteuiatsh
46.   Paul-Ouellet       Myriam                     Mashteuiatsh

Nom / First Name                        Prénom / Last Name                       Communauté / Community
47.   Régis                       Coranne                                 Nutashkuan
48.   Courtois                    Nico                                    Nutashkuan
49.   Tettaut                     Tommy                                   Nutashkuan
50.   O’Bomsawin                  Mathieu                                 Odanak
51.   Thompson                    Mandi                                   Odanak
52.   O’Bomsawin                  Marc-Olivier                            Odanak
53.   Chachai                     Bianca                                  Opitciwan
54.   Awashish                    Sonny                                   Opitciwan
55.   Michel                      Marc-Tyler                              Pakua Shipu
56.   Lalo-Bellefleur             Marie-Stéphanie                         Pakua Shipu
57.   Kanapé                      Isabelle                                Pessamit
58.   Bacon-Hervieux              Suzie                                   Pessamit
59.   Hervieux                    Tommy                                   Pessamit
60.   Kanapé-Fontaine             Natasha                                 Pessamit
61.   Polson-Kistabish            Nebis                                   Pikogan
62.   Kistabish                   Sophie                                  Pikogan
63.   McDougall                   Geneviève                               Pikogan
64.   Fontaine                    Audrey                                  RCAAQ
65.   Bacon                       Mikael                                  RCAAQ
66.   Polson                      Julia                                   Timiskaming
67.   Wabie-Jamieson              Nicky                                   Timiskaming
68.   Fontaine                    Anne                                    Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
69.   Leblanc                     Réal Jr.                                Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
70.   Fontaine                    Enrico                                  Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
71.   Mckenzie                    Pinassiu                                Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
72.   Mestenapeo                  Norbert                                 Unamen shipu
73.   Petiquay-Chilton            Marie-Christine                         Wemotaci
74.   Saganash                    Sammy-Joe                               Wemotaci
75.   Coon-Boivin                 Kristina                                Wemotaci
76.   O’Bomsawin                  Jennifer                                Wendake
77.   Gros-Louis Germain          Andrew                                  Wendake
78.   Gros-Louis Germain          Steven                                  Wendake
79.   Rodgers                     Kateri                                  Winneway
*Participants’ Companions
In total, 79 youngsters of 28 communities from 9 different nations attended this 2 First Nation Youth Forum, that is
to say nine (9) more than the 1 First Nation Youth Forum.

Unfortunately, there were no participants from the following communities or organizations:

      1.   (Abenaki) Wôlinak

      2.   (Algonquin) Barrière Lake – Wolf Lake / Hunter’s point

      3.   (Cree) Cree Nation Youth Council - CNYC

      4.   (Innu) Matimekush - Natuashish - Sheshashit

      5.   (Inuit) Saputiit Youth Association of Nunavik

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
                               2nd First Nation Youth Forum
           August 24 to 26 2012 – Château Mont-Sainte-Anne/ Beaupré (Quebec)
No.                                       Description                                     Amount
    1   Participants’ registration (accommodations and activities)
        Regroupement des Centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec - RCAAQ                        600.00 $

        Total revenus                                                                          600.00 $

No.                                    Description                                        Amount
 1       Human Resources - Personnel, master of ceremony and volunteers                     3 985.76 $
 2       Office supplies                                                                    1 397.58 $
 3       Accommodation and meals
         Château Mont-Sainte-Anne                                                           30 655.27 $
         Station Mont-Sainte-Anne Inc.                                                       7 651.58 $
                                                                                            38 306.85 $
    4    Speakers
         Éric Cardinal                                                                         500.00 $
         Marcel Godbout                                                                        200.00 $
         Pierre Lepage                                                                         500.00 $
         Micheline Bourque                                                                   1 000.00 $
         Bernard Hervieux                                                                      300.00 $
                                                                                             2 500.00 $
    5    Advertising / Promotional material
         SP communications                                                                   1 866.99 $
         CFPAMC                                                                                115.91 $
                                                                                             1 982.90 $
    6    Translation
         Translation of documents - Aline Chéné                                                899.45 $
         Simultaneous translation – SOCAM                                                    6 779.25 $
                                                                                             7 678.70 $
    7    Transportation
         Location d’auto Sauvageau                                                             902.29 $
         Fuel                                                                                   82.84 $
                                                                                               985.13 $
         Sub-total 1                                                                        56 836.92 $

    8    Reimbursement for community participants (transportation – meals – Accommodations)
         Sub-total 2                                                                        33 243.09 $

         Total expenditures (sub-total 1 + 2)                                               90 080.01 $
-        Total revenues                                                                      -600.00 $

         Total cost of the 2 First Nation Youth Forum                                       89 480.01 $

Roles of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador

                   Youth Network spokespersons and substitutes
Two spokespersons, namely Caitlin Tolley from Kitigan Zibi and Stacy Bossum from Mashteuiatsh, were
selected in 2009 by a committee formed by the AFNQL for a mandate of two years, from July 2009 to
August 2011. Following the 1 First Nations Youth Forum that was held in August 2011, two
spokespersons where elected (Caitlin Tolley – Kitigan Zibi and Langis Fortin – Matimekush / Lac-John) and
two substitutes (Suzie O’Bomsawin – Odanak and Tommy Awashish – Wemotaci). Mister Real Junior
Leblanc (Uashat mak Mani-Utenam) was elected during the 2 First Nations Youth Forum (August 2012)
after the departure of Mister Langis Fortin in June 2012.

Six roles where identified for the spokespersons and substitutes who were elected for a two year
mandate (August 2011 to August 2013):

1.   Act as the spokepersons (ambassador) of the First Nations Youth Network (FNYN);
2.   Sit at the National Youth Council of the Assembly of the First Nations (AFN);
3.   Participate in the Chiefs Assembly of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL);
4.   Participate in the planning committee and the activities of the First Nations Youth Forum (3 edition
     in 2013);
5.   Support the regional youth coordinator of the AFNQL in different initiatives;
6.   Encourage community involvement among the First Nations Youth.

 Photo: From left to right: Caitlin Tolley (Kitigan Zibi), Suzie O’Bomsawin (Odanak), Réal Junior Leblanc
                    (Uashat mak Mani-Utenam) and Tommy Awashish (Wemotaci).

Election Night
     The election took place in the evening of Friday, August 24th, from 6 :30 pm to 8 :30 pm. The purpose of
     this process was to find a replacement for Mr. Langis Fortin, who stepped down from his functions in June
     2012, for personal reasons. It was urgent to fill the vacancy as soon as possible, and the best occasion to
     do so was this 2 Forum.

     Six candidates showed an interest to fill the position of male spokesperson of the First Nations of Quebec
     and Labrador Youth Network.

         1.   Andrew Gros-Louis Germain               Wendat             Wendake
         2.   Réal Junior Leblanc                     Innu               Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
         3.   Robert-Charles Basile                   Innu               Ekuanitshit
         4.   Shotehra Rice                           Mohawk             Kahnawake
         5.   Sipi Flamand                            Atikamekw          Manawan
         6.   Tommy Tettaut - withdrawal              Innu               Nutashkuan

     Following are the technical details concerning the procedures for the elections:

     Conduct of the Elections
1.   Introduction of the returning officer and the four scrutineers;
2.   Nominations;
3.   Nomination of the candidates : a 15 minute period will be allowed to the participants to get nominated or nominate a
     youth in attendance;
4.   The list of nominees will be made public to the general assembly;
5.   Each nominee shall, in turn, accept or refuse to be a candidate;
6.   If there is more than one candidate for each position, they will have 15 minutes to prepare a 2 minute introductory
7.   Thereafter, two elections will be conducted simultaneously to elect the male and the female spokespersons. The vote
     shall be taken by ballot; two ballot boxes will be placed on site;
8.   The ballots shall be inserted in the two ballot boxes of different colors, a blue one for the male spokesperson, and one
     pink for the female spokesperson.

     Time devoted to elections : approximately 1 hour 30 minutes
1.   Introduction and proceedings of the evening (10 minutes).
2.   Nominations (20 minutes).
3.   Speeches of the candidates to become spokesperson for the Youth Network (20 minutes in total, depending on the
     number of candidates, 3 minutes per candidate).
4.   Elections (20 minutes).
5.   Counting of the ballots (10 minutes).
6.   Reporting of election results (5 minutes).
7.   Speeches of the newly-elected representatives of the First Nation Youth Network (5 minutes).

     This election night concluded with the election of Mr. Réal Junior Leblanc of the Innu community of
     Uashat mak Mani-Utenam for a one-year term, that is to say, up until the next Youth Forum scheduled for
     the summer of 2013. That is when the four posts of spokespersons for the First Nations of Quebec and
     Labrador will once again be up for vote in order to fill these posts, for a two year term (August 2013 to
     August                                                                                                  2015.

Presence and Impact in the Different Media

Following are some data on the complete webcast of activities linked to the 2 First Nation Youth Forum.

    1. French Webcast              Average number of viewers: 60,2

    2. English Webcast             Average number of viewers: 6,9

Web-based Forum News

        Facebook – First Nation Youth Network :

        Secrétariat à la jeunesse - SAJ :

        Cardinal communication :

        First Nations of Quebec Business Network - FNQBN – August 25 2012: In Mont-Sainte-Anne, the
         coordinator of the First Nation Student Entrepreneurs’ Clubs introduces the concept of the clubs
         to the young participants of the 2 First Nation Youth Network Forum

        Photo: The participants in action in Les Chutes boardroom at the Château Mont-Sainte-Anne

Recommendations in Preparation for the 3rd Youth Forum

      Obtain the flight numbers (Fax from the communities) from the participants to facilitate the
       organization of their transportation at their arrivals and departures.
      Ensure that the youths, prior to leaving their communities, have sufficient amounts of money for
       their meals while travelling and for the taxi to commute to the Forum’s location.
      Obtain the presentations in the two languages if possible (PowerPoint and other formats) in
       advance for the translators.
      Forward the presentations in the speakers’ two languages to all the participants before and/or
       after the Forum.
      Announce the webcast on the posters advertising the 3rd Youth Forum. Moreover, the webcast
       must be more interactive during the event by integrating, for example, a vox populi component
       (ask the youths for their impressions while on site).
      Prepare a list of the documents and articles which we will insert in the participants’ bags.
      Allow more time for the dancing part of the evening in order to favour exchanges between the
      Include more cultural activities during the Forum’s proceedings.
      Insert the complete menu (meals) in the participant’s book.
      Organize a guided tour of the city where the Youth Forum will take place.
      Make sure to have more activities, workshops and interactive presentations (creative animation
       technique) during the Forum.
      Invite young Aboriginals from outside of Canada (Peru – Bolivia – etc.) or even Quebec’s
       aboriginal student organizations.
      Organize ice-breaker activities with the participants as soon as they arrive.
      Open a LinkedIn account to increase our presence in the social media.
      Prepare a master plan with all the information pertaining to the 3rd Forum’s logistics in order to
       facilitate the spokespersons’ work (six copies).

Recommendations for the communities

    It is of the utmost importance that the band council or the youth committee (if there is one)
     proceed with a briefing to prepare all the participants before leaving for the Youth Forum.
    Implement a structure for a provincial First Nations youth forum to better serve the Nations that
     do not have regional youth forums. (The Crees and Inuits have their own regional youth forums,
     which is not the case for the other nine nations in the Quebec region).
    Find a way to create a youth center in each of the communities, if at all possible.
    Obtain funding to hire a sports and recreation coordinator in each of the communities.
    Obtain funding to hire a youth coordinator (The equivalent of a citizens’ participation officer in
     Quebec’s regional youth forums).

To close off, it is clear that the First Nations’ youths need to gather and discuss the issues which concern
them. The Youth Forum is an ideal venue to exchange and network. Once again, we realized it this year.
This event is gaining in popularity if we consider the statistics. We greeted no less than 79 youths from 28
communities and 9 different nations.

As coordinator, I was again able to rely on a competent and experienced planning committee this year. I
wish to thank the following people and organizations for their involvement: Diane McGregor (AFNQL),
Mélanie Vincent (AFNQL), Eve Bastien (FNEC), Suzie O’Bomsawin (FNYN), Caitlin Tolley (FNYN), Tommy
Awashish (FNYN) and Langis Fortin (FNYN). The network was able to rely, again, on exceptional partners
to bring this event to a successful outcome for the youth, that being the Assembly of the First Nations of
Quebec and Labrador(AFNQL), the First Nations Education Council (FNEC) and the First Nations of Quebec
and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC). It must also be mentioned that this
event was made possible thanks to the financial contribution of the Secrétariat à la jeunesse (SAJ) and the
Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones (SAA), by way of the « stratégie d’action jeunesse 2009-2014 ».

During this forum, we had the opportunity to attend conferences, presentations and to take part in
workshops, which were all interesting. We involved the youths from Odanak (the beginnings) and from
Mashteuiatsh (the road travelled) when time came to underline the importance of having a youth
committee in the communities. I wish to thank all the speakers for having been able to communicate and
share their vast experience, in various domains, with the participants. Again this year, we invited a few
organizations, mainly First Nation regional organizations to come and present their programs and services
to the young participants. Thank you to the following organizations: Kiuna Institution in collaboration with
the First Nations Education Council (FNEC), the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic
Development Commission (FNQLEDC), the First Nations of Quebec Human Resources Development
Commission (FNQHRDC), the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services
Commisssion (FNQLHSSC), Quebec Native Women (QNW) and finally the Regroupement des centres
d’amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ). One of the forum’s most beautiful moments was the election
night and the appointment of Mr. Réal Junior Leblanc. He thus completes the spokespersons’ team to the
benefit of the Youth Network and the youth.

In summary, this second edition allowed us to gain even more experience in the field of event planning.
However, no event is perfect, the youth being unanimous on the poor quality of the meals. We can
already say that we will pay close attention to the meals during the 3rd forum. Moreover, many youths
informed us that the presentations were interesting, but not sufficiently interactive. We will try to include
activities that are more dynamic at the next event. Above all, it is important to mention that the
satisfaction rate, following the youths’ evaluation, has surpassed all our expectations. We are satisfied
and ready to renew the experience for the next edition (First Nations’ 3rd Youth Forum). Thank you to
each and everyone of you for your participation and your direct or indirect involvement!

Serge Rock
AFNQL Regional Youth Coordinator
First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Youth Network (FNYN)

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