ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...

La page est créée Alexis Dufour
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
                                                    the Rule
                                                    of Law

                                         Protecting Lawyers
                                     Promoting the Rule of Law
                                 Strengthening Access to Justice
                               Advocating for Human Rights
                              Calling for the End of Death Penalty
                              Supporting Independence
                              of the legal Profession

Are you interested in our actions? Are you willing to support our projects?
       Contact the UIA by email, by phone +33 1 44 88 55 66
               or visit our website > Section “the actions”
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...

Foreword – Avant-propos – Prólogo // 4.5

A Global & Multi-Cultural Organisation
Une organisation mondiale et multiculturelle
Una organización mundial y multicultural // 6.7

Facilitating Professional Development
Favoriser le développement professionnel
Facilitar el crecimiento profesional // 8.9

Training and Expertise at the Heart of UIA Activities
La formation et l’expertise au cœur des activités de l’UIA
Formación y experticia en el corazón de las actividades de la UIA // 10.11

Luxembourg Congress 6-10 November, 2019
Congrès de Luxembourg 6 - 10 novembre 2019
Congreso de Luxemburgo 6-10 de noviembre de 2019 // 12.13

Facilitating International Exchange of Information and Ideas
Favoriser l’échange international d’informations et d’idées
Facilitar el intercambio internacional de información e ideas // 14.15

Promoting the Rule of Law and Defending the Independence and Freedom of Lawyers
Promouvoir l’État de droit et défendre l’indépendance et la liberté des avocats
Promover el Estado de derecho y la independencia y la libertad de los abogados // 16.17

Communications and Publications
Communication et publications
Comunicación y publicaciones // 18.19

UIA Partners in 2019
Partenaires de l’UIA en 2019
Patrocinadores de la UIA en 2019 // 20.21

Strategic Development
Développement stratégique
Desarrollo estratégico // 22.23

Conclusion – Conclusion – Conclusión // 26.27

             UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
“        “Of course, during this term, we have worked on the emergence of a new

                                                                        international law that now takes into account the personal dimension of men
                                                                        and women, deploying an arsenal of protective norms in terms of human
                                                                        rights violations”
Being the first African president from Sub-Saharan Africa in the 97     attend one of the most beautiful and memorable UIA congresses.          La première présidence d’un Africain d’Afrique Sub-Saharienne en
years of our association’s existence pushed my spirit and my steps      To all the UIA Officials who have provided me their support with        97 ans d’existence de notre association a conduit mon esprit et
towards sustained activities for the last one year.                     exemplary dedication, to keep this beautiful association alive          mes pas vers une activité soutenue pendant un an.
                                                                        during my term, to all the UIA members who work every day for
During my term in office, I wished to establish our international       the life and influence of our association, I would like to say how      Au cours de mon mandat, j’ai souhaité inscrire notre organisation
organisation within its relational corpus in order to found perennial   much I thank them for their commitment and what an honour it            internationale dans son corpus relationnel afin d’établir des
institutional relations with other national or international            has been for me to represent them. They have greatly contributed        relations institutionnelles pérennes avec les autres organisations
organisations, organisations of young lawyers, or associations          to the health and vitality of our organisation, whose pride they        nationales ou internationales, organisations de jeunes Juristes,
intervening in the field of law and training.                           are, thanks to their selfless and voluntary commitment.                 ou associations intervenant dans le domaine du droit et de la
As such, we have established structural partnerships with the           To my successors, I will be leaving a UIA full of vitality and bright
aim of strengthening UIA’s influence and broadening its base in a       prospects in a constantly changing world. However, we must              À ce titre, nous avons établi des partenariats structurels ayant
world where visibility becomes a major asset for any organisation       always remain vigilant to the attacks on our profession in several      pour objectif de renforcer le rayonnement de l’UIA et d’élargir
wishing to prosper internationally. Much remains to be done in          countries, which amply justify UIA’s presence.                          son assise dans un monde où la visibilité devient un atout majeur
this area and it will now be up to my successors to continue the                                                                                pour toute organisation voulant prospérer à l’international. Il reste
work that has begun.                                                    The mission of presiding over the UIA could not have been               encore beaucoup à faire sur ce sujet et ce sera désormais à mes
                                                                        achieved without the unfailing support of my family, which is why       successeurs de poursuivre l’œuvre commencée.
I would like to make special mention of the agreement signed            I would like to end my speech by thanking my wife, my children
with the University of Florence in Italy for the creation of a joint    and my grandchildren, in particular, who have helped me to be a         Je tiens à mentionner spécialement la convention signée avec
training course in commercial law. This important project will          balanced president and who, during this year, have suffered from        l’Université de Florence en Italie pour la création d’une formation
propel UIA into the sphere of organisations providing highly            my absence while encouraging me with their affection to fulfil my       conjointe en droit commercial. Ce projet important propulse l’UIA
qualified university training.                                          mission to the best of my ability.                                      dans la sphère des organisations dispensant des formations
                                                                                                                                                universitaires hautement qualifiantes.
Of course, during this term, we have worked on the emergence of         Long live UIA!
a new international law that now takes into account the personal                                                                                Bien évidemment pendant ce mandat, nous avons travaillé à
dimension of men and women, deploying an arsenal of protective                                                Bar President Issouf BAADHIO      l’émergence d’un nouveau droit international prenant désormais
norms in terms of human rights violations wherever we were able,                                                   UIA President, 2018-2019     en compte la dimension personnelle des hommes et femmes,
through our interventions, opinions and contacts, to influence the                                                                              déployant un arsenal de normes protectrices sur le plan des
directions that were likely to be taken.                                                                                                        violations des droits humains partout où nous avons pu, à travers
                                                                                                                                                nos interventions, nos avis et nos contacts, pour infléchir ce qui
During my term as President, I have made a point of accelerating                                                                                était susceptible de l’être.
diversity in our governing bodies, with regard to women and
nationalities that are under-represented. I have taken a number
of trips to support this action. All over the world, from India to
Mexico, from Japan to South Africa, from Italy to Kuwait, from
the USA to Cameroon, from United Kingdom to Haiti, etc., always
with the aim of establishing UIA within the leading group of
International Lawyers’ Organisations.

During these trips, many things have left their mark on me and
I have met exceptional men and women both in the bars and
in judicial institutions, as was the case with the members of
the Supreme Court of Mexico. But I was particularly marked and
touched by the honour bestowed on me in Morocco by the former
Prime Minister of Morocco, Abderhamane Youssoufi, a former Bar
President, a 96 year-old, committed lawyer, who came to the
seminar that I was chairing in Casablanca. This man of principles
and values came to salute the founding values of our organisation,
of our profession, in his own way.

All year long, we held highly professional training seminars, while
preparing the Luxembourg congress, which was a great success
both in terms of its scientific programme and its participation rate.

The Congress’ organisation was exemplary, thanks to everyone’s
efforts and we owe the highest authorities of this country, the
Luxembourg Bar Association, the Congress President, the
President of the Organising Committee and Luxembourg’s lawyers
a special mention, as all the Congress participants were happy to
                                                                                   UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
Pendant ma Présidence, je me suis fait un point d’honneur à            La primera presidencia de un africano de África Subsahariana           Durante todo el año hemos celebrado seminarios de formación
accélérer la diversité au sein de nos organes dirigeants à l’endroit   en 97 años de existencia de nuestra asociación ha guiado mi            muy profesionales, a la vez que preparábamos el congreso
des femmes et des nationalités peu représentées. De nombreux           espíritu y mis pasos para mantener una actividad permanente            de Luxemburgo, que fue un gran éxito tanto por su programa
voyages ont soutenu cette action. Partout dans le monde, de l’Inde     durante un año.                                                        científico como por su elevada participación.
au Mexique, du Japon à l’Afrique du Sud, de l’Italie au Koweït,
des États-Unis au Cameroun, du Royaume Uni à Haïti, etc. avec          Durante mi mandato, he querido inscribir nuestra organización          La organización de este congreso fue ejemplar gracias a los
toujours comme objectif d’asseoir l’UIA dans le peloton de tête des    internacional en su corpus relacional para establecer unas             esfuerzos de todos y merecen especial mención las más altas
organisations internationales d’avocats.                               relaciones institucionales perennes con las demás organizaciones       autoridades de este país, el Colegio de abogados de Luxemburgo,
                                                                       nacionales o internacionales, organizaciones de jóvenes juristas,      el Presidente del Congreso, el Presidente del Comité Organizador
Durant ces voyages, beaucoup de choses m’ont marqué et j’ai            o asociaciones que intervienen en el ámbito del derecho y de la        y los abogados de Luxemburgo, pues todos los congresistas
rencontré des hommes et des femmes exceptionnels tant dans             formación.                                                             estuvieron encantados de vivir uno de los congresos más bellos
les barreaux que dans les institutions judiciaires, comme ce fut                                                                              y memorables de la UIA.
le cas avec les membres de la Cour Suprême du Mexique. Mais            En este sentido, hemos establecido colaboraciones estructurales
j’ai été particulièrement marqué et touché par l’honneur que m’a       con el objetivo de reforzar la proyección de la UIA y ampliar su       A todos los miembros con cargo de la UIA que me han acompañado
fait, au Maroc, l’ancien Premier Ministre du Maroc Abderhamane         presencia en un mundo donde la visibilidad se convierte en             con una entrega ejemplar para dar vida a esta bella asociación
Youssoufi, ancien Bâtonnier, avocat engagé de 96 ans de venir au       una ventaja importante para cualquier organización que desee           durante mi mandato, a todos los miembros de la UIA que todos los
séminaire que je présidais à Casablanca... Cet homme de principes      prosperar a escala internacional. Todavía queda mucho por hacer        días trabajan para dar sentido y proyección a nuestra asociación,
et de valeurs est venu saluer à sa façon les valeurs fondatrices de    en este sentido y ahora serán mis sucesores quienes continúen          deseo expresarles mi agradecimiento por su compromiso y
notre organisation, de notre profession.                               con el trabajo iniciado.                                               el honor que ha sido para mí representarlos. Han contribuido
                                                                                                                                              enormemente a la salud y la viveza de nuestra organización y son
Nous avons tenu toute l’année des séminaires de formation très         Pero quiero destacar en especial el convenio firmado con               motivo de orgullo por su compromiso desinteresado y voluntario.
professionnels, tout en préparant le congrès du Luxembourg qui         la Universidad de Florencia en Italia para la creación de una          Dejo a mis sucesores una UIA llena de vitalidad y perspectivas
fut une grande réussite tant par son programme scientifique que        formación conjunta en derecho comercial. Este proyecto                 en un mundo en constante cambio. Sin embargo, debemos
par son taux de participation.                                         importante propulsa a la UIA a la esfera de las organizaciones que     permanecer siempre atentos a los ataques que se cometen contra
                                                                       imparten formaciones universitarias de alta calidad.                   nuestra profesión en varios países y que justifican sobradamente
L’organisation de ce congrès a été exemplaire grâce aux efforts                                                                               la presencia de la UIA.
de tous et nous devons aux plus hautes autorités de ce pays, au        Naturalmente, durante este mandato, hemos trabajado sobre
Barreau du Luxembourg, au Président du congrès, au Président du        la aparición de un nuevo derecho internacional que ahora tiene         La misión de presidir la UIA no hubiera podido llevarla a cabo sin
Comité d’organisation et aux avocats du Luxembourg une mention         en cuenta la dimensión personal de los hombres y mujeres,              el apoyo inquebrantable de mi familia, por lo que querría terminar
spéciale tant l’ensemble des congressistes s’est senti heureux de      desplegando un arsenal de normas protectoras en el ámbito de           estas palabras dando especialmente las gracias a mi esposa, mis
vivre l’un des congrès les plus beaux et les plus mémorables de        las violaciones de los derechos humanos allí donde hemos podido,       hijos y mis nietos, que me han ayudado a ser un presidente
l’UIA.                                                                 a través de nuestras intervenciones, nuestros comunicados y            equilibrado y que, durante este año, han sufrido mi ausencia y a
                                                                       nuestros contactos, para modificar aquello que podíamos.               la vez me han animado con su cariño a llevar a cabo mi misión lo
À tous les Officiels de l’UIA qui m’ont accompagné avec un                                                                                    mejor que he podido.
dévouement exemplaire pour faire vivre cette belle association         Durante mi Presidencia, estoy orgulloso de haber acelerado la
durant mon mandat, à tous les membres de l’UIA qui tous les jours      diversidad en nuestros órganos directivos para integrar a mujeres      ¡Larga vida a la UIA!
œuvrent à la vie et au rayonnement de notre association je leur dis    y nacionalidades poco representadas. Son muchos los viajes que
combien je les remercie pour leur engagement et quel honneur           han apoyado esta acción. En todo el mundo, desde la India hasta                                                 Decano Issouf BAADHIO
j’ai eu à les représenter. Ils ont largement concouru à la santé et    México, de Japón a Sudáfrica, de Italia al Kuwait, de Estados Unidos                                           Presidente UIA 2018-2019
à la vivacité de notre organisation dont ils font la fierté par leur   a Camerún, de Reino Unido a Haití, etc. siempre con el objetivo de
engagement désintéressé et bénévole.                                   situar a la UIA a la cabeza de las organizaciones internacionales
                                                                       de abogados.
Je laisse à mes successeurs une UIA pleine de vitalité, de
perspectives dans un monde en constante mutation. Cependant,           Durante estos viajes, ha habido muchas cosas que me han
nous devons rester toujours vigilants aux atteintes portées à notre    marcado y he conocido a hombres y mujeres excepcionales,
profession dans plusieurs pays et qui justifient amplement la          tanto en los colegios de abogados como las instituciones
présence de l’UIA.                                                     judiciales, como sucedió con los miembros del Tribunal Supremo
                                                                       de México. Pero me marcó y conmovió especialmente la forma
La mission de présider l’UIA, je n’aurais pu la réaliser sans le       en que me honró, en Marruecos, el antiguo Primer Ministro de
soutien indéfectible de ma famille, ce pourquoi je voudrais            Marruecos Abderhamane Youssoufi, antiguo Decano, abogado
terminer mon propos en remerciant particulièrement mon                 comprometido de 96 años, viniendo al seminario que presidía
épouse, mes enfants, et mes petits-enfants qui m’ont aidé à être       en Casablanca... Este hombre de principios y valores aplaudió a
un président équilibré et qui, pendant cette année, ont souffert de    su manera los valores fundadores de nuestra organización, de
mon absence tout en m’encourageant de leur affection à remplir         nuestra profesión.
ma mission du mieux que je pouvais.

Longue vie à l’UIA !
                                         Bâtonnier Issouf BAADHIO
                                           Président UIA 2018-2019
                                                                                  UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
UIA is the global and multi-cultural
organization for the legal profession,
established in 1927 and now with
members in 110 countries, which
facilitates professional development,
learning    and     networking,   and
promotes the Rule of law.

Gender representation
Women 31%
                                         A GLOBAL AND
Men 69%
                                         MULTI-CULTURAL ORGANISATION
Young lawyers
representation                           Individual and collective members by continent

Young Lawyers
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
Founded in 1927, the
2019 new members by continent                                                         UIA was the first legal
                                                                                      organisation to
                                                                                      n Establish a code of Conduct
                                                                                      for lawyers in the 21st century
                                                                                      nAdopt a resolution
                                                                                      on multidisciplinary practice

                                              5%                                      n Advocate for the right to health
                                                                                      as a basic human right
                                                                   3%                   Take a firm stand against
           20%                    50%                                                 n
                                                                                      the death penality

                                                                                      n Adopt a resolution on
                                                                                      “Globalisation, Tolerance and the Law”

In 2019, the UIA welcomed
396 new individual members (+43% compared to 2018)

3 new collective members

3 new members of UIAdvance programme
Since 2018, the UIA has invited law firms to join its new membership programme.       UIA in Numbers
UIAdvance provides law firms with a complete range of services so that they can
                                                                                                150 Bar Associations
offer their lawyers all the benefits of being a UIA member. UIAdvance also focuses
on law firms wishing to expand their global presence and build a wider network of
                                                                                                2 million lawyers represented
trusted law firms with which they can collaborate.
                                                                                                Present in 110 countries
For law firms, UIAdvance programme has been extraordinarily successful,
attracting a powerful roster of some of the highest-quality law firms in the world.             43 scientific commissions
UIAdvance meetings were held in June 2019 in Washington (mid-year meeting)
and November 2019 in Luxembourg, with participation by client representatives,                  More than 20 events per year
government officials and judges. The programme provides unparalleled networking
opportunities for UIA member law firms.
                                                                                      Spoken languages
Nigeria                                                                               UIA members usually speak one or
                                                                                      two foreign languages in addition
                                                                                      to their mother tongue with a total
FTMS Avocats                                                                          of 63 different languages being
                                                                                      spoken at UIA.

                                                  UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
In 2019, the UIA
was composed of
43 scientific
commissions headed
by Sebastiaan Moolenaar,
Director of Commissions
and Matthias Stecher
and Ian De Freitas,
both Deputy Directors                       Ian de Freitas, Eduardo Lorenzetti Marques, Sebastiaan Moolenaar, Matthias Stecher

of Commissions.
In 2019, order to better fit               FACILITATING
with the field it covers, the
Administrative Law changed its             PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
name to Administrative
                                           One of UIA’s missions is to facilitate the professional development of its members.
& Regulatory Law.
                                           To this end, the UIA relies on the work of its scientific commissions in various legal
                                           fields and on its national committees to deal with significant national legal matters.
Administrative & regulatory law
Art law
Banking and financial services law         UIA scientific commissions working
Bankruptcy law
Biotechnology law
                                           on the latest developments in their fields
Business and human rights
Competition law                            UIA commissions work in specific areas within the fields of business law and general
Contract law                               practice, as well as human rights law. Each commission is composed of UIA members
Corporate law and mergers & acquisitions   specialized in the field or willing to become so. UIA commissions are headed by volunteer
Criminal law
                                           lawyers, top experts in the field, who wish to share their knowledge and experience.
Environment and sustainable
development law
                                           UIA commissions publish their work and the work of their members in specific
European Union law
Family law                                 newsletters or on the UIA website, where they have a specific dedicated page.
Fashion law
Food law                                   UIA commissions hold meetings and organize seminars and congress sessions on a
Foreign investment                         regular basis.
Health law
Human rights
Immigration and nationality law            2019 commission of the year award
Information technology law                 The foreign investment commission received the 2019 commission of the year award for
Insurance law                              the quality of its work throughout the year, its involvement in the organization of several
Intellectual property
                                           seminars during the year, its dynamism and the quality of its session at the Luxembourg
International arbitration
International criminal defence             Congress.
International estate planning
International sale of goods                “After 4 years in a row as finalist, our Commission was chosen (amongst more than
Labour law
                                           40 others) to receive the 2019 UIA award of the Commission of the Year. The Foreign
Law of robotics
Litigation                                 Investment Commission (FIC) is a traditional and great UIA Commission and has
Management of law firms                    distinguished members including former Presidents, such as Harold Paisner, Pedro Pais
Media law                                  de Almeida and Miguel Torres. It has a very active group of about 200 lawyers who stand
Mediation and conflict prevention          up for their legacy. Amongst those colleagues I would like to underline the work delivered
                                           by the board of directors: Hernán Andrada, Motoyasu Hirose, Arnaud De Corbière,
Privacy and rights of the digital person
Private international law                  Katarina Karlsson and Guilherme Fumwathu. Thanks to the work of these people, in the
Real estate law                            last years the FIC has managed to deliver at least two seminars per year, contribute to
Retirement and pensions                    every issue of Juriste International magazine, to hold joint sessions at UIA Congresses and
Sports law                                 to keep its five-continent members in continuous touch by means of its WhatsApp and
Start-ups & venture capital
Tax law
                                           LinkedIn groups, not to mention its twice a year presential “Internal Meetings”. On behalf
The future of the lawyer                   of our members I would like to thank the UIA for this great honor.”
Tort law                                      Eduardo Lorenzetti Marques, President, Foreign Investment Commission (2016-2021)
Transport law (sea, land, air)
                                                  UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
National Committees
Les comités nationaux de l’UIA et la promotion                                                       l   Algeria
des principes fondamentaux de la profession d’avocat

                                                                                                     l   Belgium
                                                                                                     l   Benin
Les comités nationaux de l’UIA ont pour objectif d’assurer la liaison entre l’UIA et ses             l   Brazil
membres ainsi qu’avec les diverses organisations professionnelles d’un pays donné.                   l   Bulgaria
                                                                                                     l   Burkina Faso
Les comités sont le lien entre l’UIA et les autorités judiciaires et gouvernementales du             l

                                                                                                     l   Canada
pays. Ils diffusent par tous les moyens utiles les positions officielles de l’UIA, telles qu’elles
                                                                                                     l   Cote d’Ivoire
ont été adoptées par les organes dirigeants de l’UIA, et assurent la promotion dans leurs            l   Denmark
pays des principes fondamentaux de la profession d’avocat et des principes de l’État de              l   France
droit.                                                                                               l   Germany
                                                                                                     l   India
Par ailleurs, chaque comité participe activement à l’action de formation professionnelle             l

                                                                                                     l   Japan
de l’UIA, notamment par l’organisation de séminaires, de journées d’études et de
                                                                                                     l   Kuwait
conférences sur des questions juridiques aussi locales qu’internationales.                           l   Lebanon
                                                                                                     l   Luxembourg
                                                                                                     l   Mexico
Comité national de l’année 2019                                                                      l   Morocco
                                                                                                     l   Portugal
                                                                                                     l   Spain
                                                                                                     l   Switzerland
                                                                                                     l   Tunisia
                                                                                                     l   Turkey
                                                                                                     l   United Kingdom
                                                                                                     l   United States

                                                                                                     National Representatives
                                                                                                     l   Angola // New
                                                                                                     l   Australia
                                                                                                     l   Austria
 Claudio Coggiatti, Issouf Baadhio                                                                   l   Bahrain
                                                                                                     l   Chad
Le comité national italien a été récompensé du Prix du comité national de l’année 2019               l   Congo (Dem. Rep.) // New
pour les nombreux projets menés dans tout le pays pour faire connaître l’UIA auprès du               l   Costa Rica
plus grand nombre possible d’avocats italiens.                                                       l   Croatia
                                                                                                     l   Czech (Rep.)
                                                                                                     l   Hungary
                                                                                                         Israel // New
UIA Resolutions & Statements                                                                         l

                                                                                                     l   Liechtenstein
                                                                                                     l   Mauritania
Resolution on the Situation in Poland                                                                l   Nigeria // New
In this resolution, the UIA Governing Board expressed its grave concern over                         l   Poland
the alarming attempts to weaken the rule of law in numerous regions of the                           l   Saudi Arabia
world, and especially in Poland.                                                                     l   Senegal
                                                                                                     l   Serbia

Statement on the Pension Reform Efforts
In this statement, the UIA expressed its concern over efforts made by several national
governments to make drastic changes to pension and retirement systems, which will
affect lawyers.

UIA and its Collective Members’ Statement on Professional Privilege

                                                           UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
ANNUAL 2019 - International Association of ...
2019 Programme
FR – EN – AR > 11-12/01/2019
L’avocat, vecteur du développement
et des investissements

EN – ES > 25-26/01/2019
International Arbitration, Current
Perspectives – 3rd Edition
Arbitraje Internacional, Perspectivas
Actuales – 3a Edición                      Vienna, Austria, September 2019

FR > 8-9/02/2019
L’importance de la Cour européenne
                                           LA FORMATION ET L’EXPERTISE
des droits de l’homme dans le droit des
affaires                                   AU CŒUR DES ACTIVITÉS DE L’UIA
l   NEW DELHI – INDIA                      Séminaires et formations
EN > 23-24/02/2019		                       L’UIA organise des séminaires et formations thématiques internationaux reconnus pour
Digital Economy & the Law
                                           leur expertise, leurs moments d’échanges et de convivialité.
l   ZURICH – SWITZERLAND                   Les participants aux séminaires UIA viennent des quatre coins du monde.
EN > 8-9/03/2019		                         En 2019, nos 2920 participants aux séminaires venaient de 63 pays différents répartis sur
26th UIA World Forum
                                           les 5 continents.
of Mediation Centres

EN > 14-15/03/2019		                                                                 20%
Combatting Counterfeiting and other IP
Rights Infringements                                     2%
EN - JP > 28-30/03/2019
Doing Business in and with the Emerging
Markets – How to Hedge the Various Risks                                                 57%                            3%
in Asia and Other Regions                                         11%
EN > 30/03-6/04/2019
14th Winter Seminar - Hot Legal Topics
in the Age of Digitalization: M&A,
Corporate Law, White Collar Crimes and     La plupart de nos séminaires sont unilingues mais en 2019, plus du tiers ont bénéficié
Dispute Resolution
                                           d’une traduction simultanée en une ou deux autres langues.
EN – FR – BG > 30/03-6/04/2019
Foreign Investment & Investment in Real
Investissements étrangers et
investissements dans l’immobilier

EN – FR – AR > 24-25/04/2019
Mediation as Instrument of Modern
La médiation comme instrument d’une
justice moderne

EN – FR > 17-18/05/2019
Répression des crimes transnationaux /
Crackdown on Transnational Crimes

                                           Lomé, Togo, October 2019

                                                  UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
Seminars Participation per Year                                                           154
                                                                                                   l   HAMBURG – GERMANY
             118                                                                          2920
                                                                                                   EN > 24-25/05/2019
    100                                    102                 97      101
                                                     84                            97              Drafting International Contracts –
             1763                 73       1839                                                    Trumps and Traps
                                  1165                                 1209
                                                                                                   l   LONDON – UNITED KINGDOM
                        965                                                                        EN > 30-31/05/2019
                                                                                                   The Death of a Transaction

    2010     2011      2012      2013     2014      2015      2016     2017        2018   2019     l   NEW YORK, NY – USA
                                                                                                   EN > 6-7/06/2019
            Total Participation (pax)                                                              Welcome to the Age of Big Health Data!
            Average Participation per event (pax)                                                  Will it be a Cure or a Curse?

                                                                                                   l   MUNICH – GERMANY
                                                                                                   EN > 28-29/06/2019
“En un mundo jurídico en el que las interacciones entre distintos órdenes nacionales               Development and Cross-Border Sale of
e internacionales así como la expansiva influencia del “derecho blando”, hacen                     Technology
necesaria la continua puesta al día para el ejercicio cotidiano de la abogacía; los
seminarios de la UIA son una magnífica oportunidad de hacerlo, de debatir con los                  l   CASABLANCA – MAROC
                                                                                                   FR - AR > 5-6/07/2019
mejores expertos, intercambiar experiencias y estrechar lazos con colegas de otras                 L’indépendance des acteurs du droit
                                          Urquiola M. DE PALACIO DEL VALLE DE LERSUNDI,            l   MILAN – ITALY
                                             Palacio y Asociados, Abogados, Madrid, España         EN > 12-13/09/2019
                                                                                                   Corporate Compliance and Internal In-
                                                                                                   vestigations. The Role of External and
“Every time I attend UIA seminars, I learn something new and important. Real experts
                                                                                                   In-House Counsel
in various fields from all over the world provide me with cutting-edge information.
Moreover, I recognize the same structural issues from the various presentations and                l   VIENNA – AUSTRIA
discussions. The insight always contributes to my comprehensive understanding of                   EN > 20-21/09/2019
                                                                                                   10th Business Law Forum
the present world.”
                                                                             Yoshi HAYAKAWA,
                                                                     Uryu & Itoga, Tokyo, Japan    l   LOMÉ – TOGO
                                                                                                   FR > 9-11/10/2019
                                                                                                   Formation UIA/CCI : étude d’un cas
                                                                                                   pratique selon le Règlement
                                                                                                   d’arbitrage de la CCI
                    20%                                                      15%

                    80%                                                85%

              Attendee Profile                       Average Participation of Young Lawyers*

n UIA members                                       n < 35-year-old participants
n Non-members                                       n > 35-year-old participants

“Great event, perfectly organized, intellectually challenging and fun to meet all of
the new colleagues, and reacquaint with old ones.”
                                                                               Malcolm McNEIL,
                                                            Arent Fox LLP, Los Angeles, CA, USA

« Ma participation aux différents séminaires organisés par l’UIA m’a permis de
renforcer mon expérience aussi bien en théorie qu’en pratique. Les échanges
d’expériences avec des confrères de différents pays, ont été pour moi l’occasion de
comprendre comment promouvoir un État de droit. »
                                                                    Jean Joël TALAHUMBU,
                                   Cabinet Bâtonnier Richard Mwamba et Associés, Kinshasa,
                                                        République Démocratique du Congo

                                                                                                  New Delhi, India, February 2019

                                                             UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
Congress figures


countries represented

sponsors (15 exhibitors)

                                           CONGRÈS DE LUXEMBOURG
                                           6-10 NOVEMBRE 2019
working sessions                           Événement emblématique de l’année, le congrès réunit plus de 1000 participants,
                                           membres fidèles ou primo-participants. Les sujets abordés en séances de travail sont
                                           diversifiés et actuels et les sessions font une grande place à l’interactivité. Le congrès
                                           est aussi l’occasion d’entretenir son réseau et de se retrouver par affinités.
During the three days of the Congress,     Networking Day
the following exhibitors presented their   The UIA Networking Day was an opportunity to meet lawyers with the same regional and
services and products in the exhibition    language affinities in a friendly atmosphere. The participants were able to attend seven
area of the ECCL:                          different forum sessions and talk to lawyers who are facing the same issues.
l Alliott Group Ltd,                       l African Lawyers’ Forum

l Arendt & Medernach SA,                   l Arabic-Speaking Lawyers’ Forum

l Arnold Kontz Group,                      l French-Speaking Lawyers’ Forum

l CG Traduction & Interprétation,          l Latin American Lawyers’ Forum

l Corte Civil y Mercantil de Arbitraje,    l Portuguese-Speaking Lawyers’ Forum

l DLA Piper Luxemburgo,                    l Spanish-Speaking Lawyers’ Forum

l ERA - Académie de Droit Européen,        l Forum of Lawyers from Central and Eastern European Countries

l Editions Lefebvre Sarrut,

l Legitech,                                Luxembourg Leaders at the UIA Congress
l Lexis Nexis,                             HRH the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg honored
l Luminance,                               the Congress opening ceremony at the Philharmonie with
l Oficina de Visitantes y Convenciones     his presence. Xavier Bettel, Luxembourg Prime Minister,
de Guadalajara,                            delivered the welcome speech.
l Pythagoria,

l Secib Belgique,

l Wolters Kluwer France.
                                           Opening Ceremony
                                           In the spirit of UIA tradition, several officials and public figures from Luxembourg
                                           and other countries delivered welcome speeches and keynote addresses focused on
                                           innovation, business and investment. The speakers included Pierre Albouze, the Deputy
                                           Secretary General of the European Investment Bank, Norbert Becker, an investor and
                                           manager, Lydie Polfer, the Mayor of the City of Luxembourg, and François Kremer, the
                                           President of the Luxembourg Bar Association.

                                           The speeches were interspersed with performances by the Estro Armonico Chamber
                                           Orchestra and the Lux Vocalis Choir, conducted by Thomas Raoult.

                                                 UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
Substantive Programme                                                                       “The UIA gives me the possibility to
                                                                                            broaden my knowledge of the world
Main Themes                                                                                 society of lawyers. It brings me new
Innovation and the Law: Where Passion Meets Reason                                          fantastic ideas on how to do business
This theme covered innovation and the law in financial and legal services, as well          in Poland and what to implement here
as in space law. The session was introduced by Pierre Gramegna, Finance Minister of         to provide clients and partners with
Luxembourg.                                                                                 the highest standards of legal work,
Business and Human Rights                                                                   communication and overall service.
An international panel of leading experts accompanied Dante Pesce, a member of the          In fact, UIA membership changed my
United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights, who contributed to the           life, because I met partners here with
elaboration of the UN Guiding Principles.                                                   whom I established an international
                                                                                            law firm, which is currently present in
Special Sessions                                                                            16 countries.”
l   European Law and Institutions                                                                          Malgorzata Krzyzowska
l   Violence against Women                                                                                    (Aliant Krzyzowska)
l   Interactive Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Challenges and the Practice of Law                               Poznan, Poland

                                                                                            “The Congress was a great way to
                                                                                            network with lawyers from all over the

                                                                                                            Geneviève Tania Borgat
                                                                                                        (Cabinet Borgatet Associés)
                                                                                                               Port-au-Prince, Haiti

                                                                                            “The Congress was excellent, I would
                                                                                            like to participate next year.”

                                                                                                                    Yoko Kamiko
Projection du documentaire « Enfants reporters de guerre »
                                                                                                              (Kamiko Law Office)
En présence de la réalisatrice yéménite Khadija Al-Salami - lauréate du Prix AMADE                                  Tokyo, Japan
(Association mondiale des amis de l’enfance) et du Prix CICR (Comité international de la
Croix-Rouge) au dernier festival de Monte-Carlo.                                            “The young lawyer’s session was
La projection a été suivie d’un débat avec plusieurs intervenants.                          perfectly    planned.    A    perfect
                                                                                            combination of young talent and
Jerome Roth succeeds Issouf Baadhio as UIA President                                        seniority. The topics and discussions
Jerome Roth took office at the closing ceremony                                             raised by the speakers allowed the
on November 9 in Luxembourg. He is a litigation                                             audience to interact with each other
lawyer practicing in San Francisco, California,                                             making a successful and useful
United States. He is a member of both the New                                               session.”
York and California bars, and he has been in
private practice since 1991 and at his current law                                                 Isidro Niñerola Torres (Dawson
                                                                                               Cornwell) London, United Kingdom
firm Munger, Tolles & Olson for 24 years since
                                                                                            “We are a growing but awesome
Jerome Roth joined the UIA almost 20 years
                                                                                            organization blessed with dedicated
ago, and he has been active in the association’s
                                                                                            staff who keep things together for us.
leadership for over a decade, being respectively
                                                                                            Overall, the Luxembourg Congress
president of the criminal law commission and co-
                                                                                            was very well put together thanks to
director of the Human Rights and Protection of
                                                                                            the local hosts and the coordination
Lawyers department.
                                                                                            from UIA Secretariat.”
“I believe that lawyers bear a unique responsibility
to advance international information exchange                                                                    Olufemi Sunmonu
and understanding, including learning from other                                                     (Aliant Qais Conrad Laureate)
                                                                                                                    Lagos, Nigeria
countries’ experiences; to serve their clients’ needs consistent with the rule of law and
respect for the world’s legal systems; and to protect the independence and freedom of
lawyers and judges around the globe”, he said during his speech.

                                                       UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
Échanges internationaux
sur les thématiques de
l’actualité juridique
Colloque FODEA (Forum du Droit
et de l’Économie en Afrique) organisé
par LexisNexis. Le Président Baadhio
a été invité à faire une intervention
à cette occasion.


                                                        FACILITER L’ÉCHANGE
Conférence sur « Arbitrage et médiation
dans la zone OHADA », organisée dans
le cadre du 25e anniversaire de l’OHADA.

l   11-12 JANVIER 2019, ALGER, ALGÉRIE
Séminaire UIA sur « L’avocat vecteur de
développement économique
                                                        D’INFORMATIONS ET D’IDÉES
et d’investissement ».
                                                        La portée des actions de l’UIA dépasse les intérêts de ses membres pour aborder les
Le Président Baadhio a rencontré
le Ministre de la Justice algérien avec                 principes fondamentaux de la profession d’avocat et le développement de la science
qui il a pu évoquer les projets de l’UIA                juridique, dans tous les domaines du droit, au niveau international.
en Algérie pour et avec les avocats
algériens et le devenir de ces projets                  UIA involvement at international level
structurants en terme de formation,
d’implantation et de réseaux.
                                                        As an NGO, the UIA is a partner and has been cooperating for several years with international
l   14-15 JANVIER, HONG KONG, CHINE                     and intergovernmental organizations to which it is accredited at different levels.
Opening of the Legal Year
of the Law Society of Hong Kong.
Le Président Baadhio a rencontré
                                                        UIA’s Official Representation in 2019
                                                        l United Nations System (Offices and agencies): United Nations, New York, United
la Présidente de la Law Society
of Hong Kong ainsi que le Vice-Président                Nations, Geneva, United Nations, Vienna, United Nations Commission on International
de la All China Lawyers’ Association                    Trade Law (UNCITRAL), Vienna and New York, World Intellectual Property Organization
(ACLA) pour discuter de sujets d’intérêt                (WIPO), Geneva, International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva

                                                        l Other organizations: Council of Europe, Strasbourg, International Criminal Court,
Réunion régionale organisée                             The Hague
par le Barreau du Koweït.
Cet événement a réuni les membres UIA                   l   And also Global Forum on Law Justice and Development (GFLJD), Washington D.C
du Koweït et les Barreaux
de la région pour leur présenter l’UIA.
Le Président Baadhio a rencontré                        Meetings held by international and intergovernmental
le Ministre de la justice du Koweït                     organizations attended by UIA
à cette occasion. Georges-Albert Dal,
                                                        l  Participation in the 28th session of the UNODC Commission on Crime Prevention and
Président du sous-comité Principes
de la Profession, a également                           Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) – Vienna – May 20-24, 2019 – Preparation of the 14th United
pu présenter les principes                              Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to be held in Kyoto, Japan,
de la profession qui ont été adoptés                    on April 20-27, 2020
à l’Assemblée générale 2018 à Porto.                    The UIA, represented by Maxime Delhomme, participated in the 27th session of the
                                                        CCPCJ, with the objective of preparing for the 14th Congress on Crime Prevention and
                                                        Criminal Justice to be held in Kyoto, Japan, from April 20-27, 2020.
                                                        As part of UIA’s collaboration with the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Mr.
                                                        Delhomme participated as a speaker in two side-events:
                                                        - “Can the death penalty survive challenges of the sustainable criminal policy in line with
                                                        SDGs?” organised by the Japanese Worker’s Committee for Human Rights on Thursday,
                                                        May 23, 2019.
                                                        - “The role of civil society at the 2020 Congress” organised by JFBA on Friday, May 24, 2019.

Kuwait Minister of Justice and Kuwait Bar Association
meeting with UIA President
                                                                UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
l Signature of Affiliation Agreement with the International Criminal Court Bar Association    l   24-25 MAI, BRUXELLES, BELGIQUE
(ICCBA - ABCPI)                                                                               Remise du Prix Ludovic Trarieux 2019.
                                                                                              Le Président Baadhio a pu assister à la
 On February 18, 2019 President Issouf Baadhio and ICCBA President, Chief Charles Taku,
                                                                                              délibération du jury et faire un discours
signed an affiliation agreement that will allow UIA to establish regular exchanges with
                                                                                              au moment de la remise du prix.
ICCBA, provide UIA’s expertise on several issues related to the practice of the profession    Il a également rencontré le Bâtonnier
and support ICCBA’s work on the defense of lawyers’ rights before the Court.                  Forges, Bâtonnier de Bruxelles,
                                                                                              et Yves Oschinsky, Président
                                                                                              de l’Institut des Droits de l’Homme
                                                                                              du Barreau de Bruxelles et ancien
                                                                                              Bâtonnier de Bruxelles.

                                                                                              l   3 JUIN, BARCELONE, ESPAGNE
                                                                                              Réunion du groupe L5 (Leaders 5)
                                                                                              qui réunit chaque année les Présidents
                                                                                              de l’UIA, l’International Bar Association
                                                                                              (IBA) ; l’American Bar Association (ABA),
                                                                                              le Conseil des Barreaux européens (CCBE)
                                                                                              et l’Association Internationale des Jeunes
                                                                                              Avocats (AIJA).

                                                                                              l 30 SEPTEMBRE – 1er OCTOBRE 2019,
                                                                                              LONDRES, ROYAUME-UNI
                                                                                              Opening of the Legal Year.
l  52 session of UNCITRAL, Vienna, July 8-19, 2019
     nd                                                                                       À cette occasion, le Président Baadhio
                                                                                              a été convié en tant qu’orateur
Comme dans les années précédentes, l’UIA a été très active dans les discussions à
                                                                                              à la discussion réservée aux Présidents
UNCITRAL, apportant une vue pratique en matière de droit de l’insolvabilité. L’UNCITRAL       de Barreaux / organisations d’avocats.
a approuvé dans cette session la Loi type sur l’insolvabilité des groupes d’entreprises.      Son intervention a porté sur la justice
                                                                                              environnementale internationale.
l 56th session of UNCITRAL Working Group V (Insolvency) – Vienna, December 2-5, 2019
                                                                                              l 17-18 OCTOBRE 2019, ABIDJAN
L’UIA a participé et suivi les débats du Groupe de travail V concernant un projet de texte
                                                                                              CÔTE D’IVOIRE
sur le régime d’insolvabilité simplifié des micros, petites et moyennes entreprises (MPME).
                                                                                              Colloque sur les 20 ans d’arbitrage OHADA.

   International Colloquium on Civil Asset Tracing & Recovery – Vienna, December 6, 2019
                                                                                              Partnership Agreements
L’UIA a participé, au travers de son représentant Ángel Ballesteros, au colloque
                                                                                              Signed in 2019
international sur la loi applicable dans la procédure d’insolvabilité tenu à Vienne le 6
décembre 2019, dont une conférence sur « Civil Asset Tracing & Recovery ».
                                                                                              l European Law Students

l Annual meeting with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights                               Association (ELSA)
The UIA attended the meeting organized at the UN in Geneva for the representatives of         This partnership aims at sharing
                                                                                              cross-promotion and allow UIA to make
the NGOs’ by Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
                                                                                              a presentation at the International
At this session, representatives of NGOs asked questions about human rights presenting
                                                                                              Council Meeting of ELSA.
the case of countries around the world. The question of the abolition of the death penalty
was raised as well as the one of the women and children refugees with Daesh.                  lInternational Criminal Court
The role of NGOs in the implementation of SDGs 10 and 16 was also stressed as important.      Bar Association (ICCBA)
                                                                                              An agreement was signed between UIA
l  FATF Private Sector Consultative Forum (United Nations, Vienna, 6-7 May 2019)              and ICCBA which gives the opportunity
The UIA, represented by Barbara Bandiera - President of the UIA Compliance and AML            to UIA to give support and advice on the
Sub-committee -; attended the FATF Private Sector Consultative Forum (United Nations,         activities of ICCBA Council.
Vienna, 6-7 May 2019).
The Forum is an opportunity for the FATF and its members to engage directly with              l   Universita di Firenze
                                                                                              The goal of this agreement is to promote
the private sector on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism
                                                                                              knowledge on law and organising courses
(AML/CFT) issues. It provides a regular platform for the FATF to learn more about the         and seminars for the students of Law
private sector’s views and concerns on these issues. Over the two days of the Forum,          University and facilitate the participation
participants held constructive discussions over key topical issues.                           of Law students in these events.

                                                      UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
Death Penalty

                                                                                                   Campagne #FreeNasrin de l’UIA

    26 FE

                                                                                               PROMOUVOIR L’ÉTAT DE DROIT
                                                                                               ET DÉFENDRE L’INDÉPENDANCE
                                                                                               ET LA LIBERTÉ DES AVOCATS
                                                                                               L’UIA-IROL intervient pour garantir la protection d’éléments essentiels de l’État de
                                                                     by   Co-funded by

                                                                                               droit tels que l’accès à la justice, l’indépendance du système judiciaire ainsi que la
                                                                          the European Union

                                         rship wit
                             In partne

                                                                                               liberté et l’indépendance de la profession juridique.
                                                                          Held under
                                                                          the patronage of


                                                                                               UIA-IROL in action
n On February 26, 2019, UIA and                                                                Protection of Lawyers
the Paris Bar organised a side-event
to the World Congress to discuss                                                               l    Iran : Nasrin Sotoudeh
the role of bar associations in the fight                                                      L’UIA a continué de soutenir l’avocate iranienne Nasrin Sotoudeh, qui demeure détenue
for abolition of the death penalty.                                                            dans la prison d’Evin à Téhéran depuis le 13 juin 2019 et qui a été condamnée à une peine
                                                                                               de 38 ans de prison et 148 coups de fouet, pour des motifs liés à l’exercice de son activité
n UIA and the Paris Bar also launched                                                          professionnelle et la défense des droits de l’homme. Parmi les principales actions de l’UIA:
a resolution focused on the conditions
                                                                                                      n Le Conseil de Présidence de l’UIA a adopté une résolution en faveur de Me
of detention and treatment of persons
                                                                                                      Sotoudeh et a exigé sa libération immédiate et inconditionnelle.
sentenced to death – the focus
                                                                                                      n L’UIA lui a consacré la première de couverture du numéro 2019-1 du Juriste
of the 16th World Day against
the Death Penalty – calling for                                                                       International.
                                                                                                      n Me Sotoudeh a été désignée lauréate du Prix International Ludovic Trarieux
the drafting and adoption
of specific standards and guarantees                                                                  2018 pour son engagement pour les droits de l’homme. En tant que membre du
to best protect death row prisoners                                                                   Jury du Prix, l’UIA, représentée par son Président Issouf Baadhio, a participé à la
across the world. Approximately                                                                       cérémonie officielle de remise du Prix en mai 2019 à Bruxelles.
50 bar associations and lawyer’s                                                                      n En juillet 2019, dans une déclaration conjointe, l’UIA, le CCBE and l’AIJA, ont

organisations from more than 30                                                                       réitéré leurs appels à la libération de l’avocat iranienne.
countries–both abolitionist
and retentionist-joined the resolution.
                                                                                               l    Turkey
                                                                                               Through the misapplication of anti-terrorism laws, and, more recently, in the context of
                                                                                               the state of emergency declared by President Erdoğan, following the failed coup of July
                                                                                               2016, Turkish lawyers continuously have been the target of recurrent attacks merely for
                                                                                               exercising their profession. Lawyers are too often associated or aligned with their clients
                                                                                               and/or their clients’ interests or causes and persecuted because of This.
                                                                                                      n On January 24, UIA invited its members to join the 9 Day of the Endangered

                                                                                                      Lawyer which, in 2019, was focused on Turkey. The initiative aims at raising public
                                                                                                      awareness of lawyers around the world who are facing threats and support events
                                                                                                      are organized all around the world. A support statement was also adopted by the
                                                                                                      UIA Executive Committee at its meeting in Bilbao.
                                                                                                      n   On April 5, 2019, celebrated as Lawyers’ Day in Turkey, UIA signed a joint
                                                                                                      statement initiated by the CCBE, which condemned the ongoing crackdown on
                                                                                                      lawyers in Turkey and reaffirmed support for all Turkish lawyers.

                                                                                                         UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
n In July 2019, upon the invitation of the Law Society of England and Wales,

       UIA actively participated in an international coalition of legal organisations who
                                                                                               l PARTICIPATION IN A SIDE-EVENT
       submitted a joint Stakeholder Submission to the UN Human Rights Council’s
       Universal Periodic Review for Turkey.                                                   TO THE 28th SESSION
                                       n    On October 13-15, 2019, UIA, represented by        OF THE CCPCJ, VIENNA
                                       Sibylle Gioe, participated in a joint fact-finding
                                       mission in Turkey aiming at clarifying the legal
                                       circumstances that led to the conviction of the
                                       18 Turkish lawyers who were sentenced to 3 to 18
                                       years of imprisonment.
       n On December 24-25, 2019, UIA was among the organisations that participated

       in a trial monitoring mission in Istanbul at a new hearing of a trial against lawyers
       working for Halkın Hukuk Bürosu (Peoples’ Law Office) and members of the
       Progressive Lawyers Association.

l   The Philippines
Deeply concerned about the rising number of killings of lawyers in the Philippines, UIA        n As part of UIA’s collaboration
                                                                                               with the Japan Federation
has been following the situation of lawyers in the Philippines and has undertaken several
                                                                                               of Bar Associations,
support actions.
                                                                                               Maxime Delhomme participated
      n UIA actively supported an international delegation of lawyers who travelled
                                                                                               as a speaker in the side event
      to the Philippines on March 14-18, 2019. The mission included a Colloquium on            to the 28th session of the UNODC
      the UN Basic Principles and Role of Lawyers, focused on the Philippines. This            Commission on Crime Prevention
      international delegation of lawyers also met in several cities with government           and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) – Vienna
      officials, NGOs, the Commission on Human Rights, legal professionals, victims,           – May 20-24, 2019, entitled
      and families of victims in order to gather data on the reported attacks targeting        “Can the death penalty survive
      lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and paralegals in the exercise of their professions.       challenges of the sustainable
      n In April 2019, UIA joined a statement supporting lawyers from the National             criminal policy in line with SDGs?”.
      Union of People’s Lawyers (NUPL) who were publicly accused of being part of a
      purported conspiracy to destabilize and oust President Duterte.                          lJOINT LETTER – RESUMPTION
      n In September 2019, UIA strongly supported a joint statement initiated by the
                                                                                               OF DEATH PENALTY IN SRI LANKA
      Dutch organization, Lawyers for Lawyers, to express concern about the situation
                                                                                               n At the invitation of the World
      of Philippine lawyers and UIA invited all members to join this initiative. More
                                                                                               Coalition Against the Death Penalty,
      than 150 bar associations, international and national lawyer’s organizations, and
                                                                                               UIA joined an open letter
      legal professionals from 49 countries, including more than 70 UIA collective and         to the President of Sri Lanka,
      individual members joined.                                                               Maithripala Sirisena, expressing
                                                                                               concern about the resumption
                                                                                               of the death penalty
                                                                                               in the country after four

                                                                                               l   JOINT SUBMISSION

                                                                                               n At the invitation of Harm Reduction
                                                                                               International, UIA joined a submission
                                                                                               to the Working Group for
                                                                                               the Universal Periodic Review
                                                                                               on Kuwait, focused on drug laws
                                                                                               and policies in Kuwait and
                                                                                               their impact on the enjoyment
                                                                                               of human rights.

                                                       UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
7 years n
Criminal Defense
                                                                    in priso

n UIA actively participated in
the consultations launched by the ICC
Registry on the new draft Legal Aid Policy,
proposing adjustments to
the legal aid remuneration policy.
                                                                                                                          Mohamed al-Roken Campaign

THE ICC OFFICE OF                              l   Salah Dabouz - Algérie
THE PROSECUTOR DRAFT                           L’UIA a exprimé une nouvelle fois sa préoccupation pour la situation de Me Dabouz qui
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019-2021                                         Mohammed al-roken
                                               subit, depuis plusieurs années, diverses mesures de harcèlement prenant, notamment, la
                                               forme de procédures judiciaires engagées à son encontre depuis juin 2016.
n On May 31, 2019, UIA submitted                                 Lawyer imprisoned
its comments on the draft Strategic
Plan of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor
                                               l                   Since
                                                   Botagoz Jardemalie - Belgique07/17/2012
                                                                                 / Kazakhstan
(“OTP”) - Fatou Bensouda -,                    L’UIA a exprimé sa préoccupation aux autorités belges #       concernant
                                                                                                                FreeAlRokenles atteintes au secret
for the period: 2019-2021, as a first step     professionnel commises dans le cadre de la perquisition pratiquée à la demande du
in the external consultation process
with States Parties and other
                                                           THE UIA DEMANDS HIS RELEASE
                                               Kazakhstan au cabinet de l’avocate kazakhe Botagoz Jardemalie en octobre 2019. Me
                                               Jardemalie, reconnue
                                                                  The réfugiée   enUIA-IROL,
                                                                      UIA, through   Belgique,   a représenté
                                                                                              protects             des and
                                                                                                       lawyers, judges, opposants
                                                                                                                           defenderspolitiques au
stakeholders. UIA noted, among                 régime kazakh ainsiacross
                                                                   que des
                                                                         the victimes
                                                                              globe whodearerépression.
                                                                                             persecuted, threatened, imprisoned, or
other things, the necessity of keeping                              tortured for exercising their profession.
close cooperation with lawyers
representing victims in
                                               l   Wang Quanzhang
                                                             Write to-the
                                                                          Emirati authorities. Download a model letter at:
the ICC proceeding.                                                         
                                                                                         UIA deplored the conviction of human rights
                                                                                                lawyer Wang Quanzhang to four and a half
n   In 2019, UIA sent a written contribution                                                    years in prison and to five years of deprivation
to the opinion prepared by Franco                                                               of political rights for “subversion of state
Iacop, CoR Rapporteur on the European
                                                                                                power”. Mr. Wang was held incommunicado
Commission’s Communication on Further
                                                                                                for over 1,000 days without access to his
Strengthening the Rule of Law, in order
to highlight the role of independent                                                            family or a lawyer prior to his closed-door trial
lawyers and bar associations in                                                                 in last January. On UIA’s initiative, a joint letter
the promotion of the Rule of Law.                                                               was sent to Chinese authorities expressing
                                                                                                concern about the conviction and sentencing
Transversal Projects                                                                            of Mr. Wang.

l SUPPORT AU BARREAU                           l   Mohamed al-Roken - United Arab Emirates
DU KASAÏ CENTRAL (RDC)                         On July 17, UIA relaunched its poster campaign in support of Mohamed al-Roken marking
                                               the 7th anniversary of his arrest. Mohamed al-Roken is a human rights lawyer and a
n Le 20 décembre 2019, le Barreau
                                               member of UIA who is currently serving a ten-year sentence in UAE in connection with
de Kasaï central a reçu une contribution
de plus de 200 livres, magazines
                                               his human rights activities.
et autres publications juridiques
qui ont été mis à disposition                  l   Mahienour El-Massry - Egypt
gratuitement de tous les avocats               UIA supported the award-winning human rights lawyer Mahienour El-Massry following
du barreau. Cette contribution                 her arrest on September 22, 2019 outside the State Security Prosecutor’s headquarters
a été le fruit d’un effort conjoint            in Cairo.
de plusieurs acteurs de la profession,
y compris l’UIA, le cabinet d’avocats
Clifford Chance, LexisNexis France,
                                               l   Hassane Barry - Mali
et l’organisation International Law Book       L’UIA a exprimé sa préoccupation pour la situation de l’avocat Hassane Barry, arrêté en
Facility (ILBF). Pour l’UIA, cette             novembre 2019 en violation des dispositions applicables aux arrestations ou détentions
contribution fait partie des initiatives       des avocats.
entreprises pour soutenir le barreau
du Kasaï depuis 2018.

                                                       UIA ANNUAL REPORT ● 2019
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