Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation

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Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Candidates for board
Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Annual General MeetingCaisse
April 19, 2023

Every January, Caisse Desjardins de l’Éducation puts out a call for nominations for the vacant seats on its
board of directors, based on the board's group profile. The board is specifically looking for candidates with
the skills and perspectives needed to round out the existing team and to reflect the diversity of the community
the caisse serves.

This year, the board is looking for candidates who meet the following criteria:

   Skills in at least one of the following                      Member representation
                                                                Gender to achieve gender parity on the
   • Member/customer experience
   • Cooperation                                                • Women: (3)
   • Financial management
   • Accounting                                                 • Men: (2)
   • Governance
   • Law/ethics                                                 Age groups
   • HR management
                                                                • Ages 18-34: (2)
   • Communication,
   • Education                                                  • Ages 35-49: (2)
   • Information technology
                                                                • Age 65 and up: (1)
    Other representation needs :
   • Non-binary people
   • Representative of ethnocultural diversity
At this year's annual general meeting (AGM), which will be held on April 19, 2023, there are 5 seat(s)
to be filled. The nomination period is now closed.

                                          Group 1                      Group 2                         Group 3
                                    Administrative regions of     Administrative regions of     Administrative regions of
                                       Montréal, Laval,         Québec, Bas Saint-Laurent,     Mauricie, Centre du Quebec,
                                    Lanaudière, Montérégie,        Gaspésie--Îles-de-la-      Estrie, Abitibi-Témiscamingue,
                                                                  Madeleine, Chaudière-       Nord du Québec, Laurentides,
                                   from the education sector
                                                                Appalaches, Côte-Nord, from   Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and
                                                                   the education sector       Outaouais, from the education
 Number of seats to be
                                               2                            1                               2
 Number of candidates
                                               2                            1                               2

                                         Elected by                   Elected by                     Elected by
                                        acclamation                  acclamation                    acclamation

Please read each candidate's profile to get to known them better. A summary table of candidates is included
at the end of the document. It shows how each candidate meets a target profile for the board of directors.

Note that these profiles only highlight the skills the board is looking for in 2023.
Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Annual General MeetingCaisse
 April 19, 2023

 Candidate for a position on the board of directors1

                                                                                                           GROUP 1

                                       MICHEL SAYUMWE
                                       Occupation: Accounting science teacher
                                       Gender: Man
                                       Age group: 50-64
                                       Skills that match the board's criteria for 2023: financial
                                       management, accounting, governance, law/ethics and education

 Reasons for running

 My candidacy is motivated by several reasons. First, I share the same values of cooperation as the
 Mouvement Desjardins in general and the Caisse de l’Éducation in particular. Indeed, I am a member of
 the Desjardins Group since 2002. When I discovered the existence of the Caisse de l'Éducation in 2017, I
 decided to open a second account in this financial institution dedicated to the world of education to which
 I have the privilege to belong to. Indeed, and this is my second reason that motivates my candidacy, I am
 a professor of accounting sciences at the School of Management of the University of Quebec in Montreal
 (ESG UQAM) since June 1st, 2011 and contribute to the mission of this institution, which is the production,
 transmission and democratization of knowledge. Thirdly, my academic and professional training will allow
 me to contribute to the board of directors of the Caisse de l’Éducation. As shown in my résumé, I graduated
 twice from ESG UQAM, with a bachelor's degree in accounting sciences (2004) and a master's degree in
 accounting sciences (2006). I also hold a doctorate (Ph.D.) in business administration from HEC Montréal,
 with a specialization in accounting sciences (2012). Furthermore, I deeply studied governance issues and
 obtained a university certification from Université Laval (2016). Finally, I hold several professional
 designations: Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Certified Board Director (ASC), Chartered
 Manager (Adm.A) and Forensic Accountant (CFF). I thus have skills in accounting, financial management
 and governance. In terms of experience, I have already sat on the board of directors of a non-profit
 organization dedicated to Quebec youth.

 If my candidacy is successful, I would also like to integrate at least one committee of the board of directors
 such as the audit committee or the governance committee.

1The   contents of this document were provided by the candidate. It has not been verified by the caisse.
Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Annual General MeetingCaisse
    April 19, 2023

    Candidate for a position on the board of directors1

                                                                                                                              GROUP 1

                                              Nancy Marrelli
                                              Occupation: Archivist
                                              Gender: Woman
                                              Age group: 65 and up
                                              Skills that match the board's criteria for 2023: Cooperation,
                                              governance, HR management, communication, education and
                                              information technology

    Reasons for running
    I am a very long term and active member of the Caisse de l'Éducation and its predecessor, the Strathcona Credit Union. I have
    used the services of these institutions exclusively throughout my adult life as I have a strong commitment to community-centred
    organizations in general, and in particular to cooperative, user-owned financial institutions.

    I have used, and continue to use, a wide variety of services of the Caisse over many decades: savings, loans, savings bonds,
    mortgage, international transfers, online services, financial advisor services, and most recently financial management. I am fully
    committed to the client-based services of the Caisse. I firmly believe that user-input into the governance of the Caisse is a linchpin
    of its mandate and mission.

    I have a long history of community involvement both personally and professionally and I believe it is important to be active in
    community service. I believe my extensive experience on boards and committees of various kinds have provided me with the skills
    and knowledge to make a positive contribution as a Director on the board of my Caisse. My many years on the Board of St-Mary's
    Hospital (Montréal) and on various committees of the Board (including HR and Governance) have equipped me with the skills
    required to participate in the governance of a large and complex organization that offers important community services.

    As a bilingual senior, retired from a long career in the university sector dealing with many levels of information technology, and
    part of the Italian-Canadian community of Montréal, I believe I meet the needs being sought for new Directors.

    I look forward to making a contribution as a Director on the Board of Directors of the Caisse de l'Éducation!.

The contents of this document were provided by the candidate. It has not been verified by the caisse.
Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Annual General MeetingCaisse
 April 19, 2023

 Candidate for a board position1

                                                                                                           GROUP 2

                                       Simon Bernier
                                       Occupation: Treasurer
                                       Gender: Man
                                       Age group: 35-49
                                       Skills that match the board's criteria for 2023: Client member
                                       experience, financial management, accounting, governance, HR
                                       management, communications and education.

 Reasons for running
 Je suis membre de la Caisse Desjardins de l'éducation depuis mes débuts dans renseignement donc, dès
 que j'ai appris l'existance de celle-ci. Je suis également un administrateur de cette caisse depuis plus de 4
 De part ma fonction de libéré syndical, j'ai à coeur de demeurer à l'écoute et de représenter les membres
 de mon milieu qu'est l'éducation. Ma contribution à l'essor de ma caisse est pour moi l'une des choses les
 plus importantes sur laquelle je souhaite m'investir. Ma fonction de Trésorier au sein de mon organisation
 depuis plus de 20 ans m'a permis d'acquérir et de développer mes habiletés en gestion financière. Gérer
 avec rigueur les cotisations de nos membres est ma plus grande fierté!

 De plus, j'ai également beaucoup d'expérience en gestion des ressources humaines car les conflits sont
 choses courantes dans notre domaine! J'ai également été employeur par le passé avec des employés sous
 ma responsabilité. J'ajouterais à mon expérience de travail le fait que mon parcours de formation est à jour.
 Ces formations m'ont permises de comprendre une multitude de détails en lien direct avec le poste pour
 lequel je postule.

 Les dernières années comme administrateur de la Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation font de moi un
 administrateur beaucoup mieux informé et davantage aux faits des différentes visées et perspectives
 d'avenir de ce mouvement. Je suis plus à l'aise avec les termes utilisés et les différents tableaux qui nous
 sont présentés. Je commence tout juste à avoir l'impression que je peux, aujourd'hui, amener une meilleure
 contribution à cette caisse et ainsi participer plus activement à son développement.

 En conclusion, je crois que mon expertise, et ce dans les différentes sphères ci-haut mentionnées, ne
 pourraient qu' être utiles à la Caisse. Je souhaite poursuivre mon mandat en tant qu'administrateur de la
 Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation afin de continuer à participer à son développement qui se rapproche de
 plus en plus de mes convictions en soutenant et en contribuant au mieux-être économique et social du
 personnel du secteur de l'éducation.

1The   contents of this document were provided by the candidate. It has not been verified by the caisse.
Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Annual General MeetingCaisse
    April 19, 2023

    Candidate for a position on the board of directors1

                                                                                                        GROUP 3

                                      Hélène Doucet
                                      Occupation: Retired in administration
                                      Gender: woman
                                      Age group: 50- 64
                                      Skills that match the board's criteria for 2023: financial
                                      management, accounting, HR management, communications and

    Reasons for running

    I held a position as an institutional administrative manager at Académie les Estacades from 1994 to 2019.

    Being retired, I have the time and energy to invest myself with your board of directors.
    I look forward to this opportunity with enthusiasm and seriousness.
    I want a relationship based on trust and sincerity.

    I hope to be able to show you the potential of my expertise and participate in the evolution of the Desjardins

    Thank you and we look forward to meeting you

    Hélène Doucet

The contents of this document were provided by the candidate. It has not been verified by the caisse.
Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Annual General MeetingCaisse
    April 19, 2023

    Candidate for a position on the board of directors1

                                                                                                        GROUP 3

                                      Michèle Grenier
                                      Occupation: Retired in teaching
                                      Gender: woman
                                      Age group: 65 and up
                                      Skills that match the board's criteria for 2023: Client member
                                      experience, financial management, accounting, governance, HR
                                      management, communications and education.

    Reasons for running
    Mon projet de vie a toujours été de devenir enseignante. Mon rêve s'est réalisé en 1976 et celui-ci est
    devenu une passion à mesure que mes années d'enseignement avançaient. Cette passion a duré jusqu'en
    1999 et s'est transformée au service de mes consoeurs et confrères en participant au conseil
    d'administration du Syndicat de l'enseignement de la région des moulins. Étant trésorière, j'ai appronfondi
    mon expérience en finances et en comptabilité. Aussi, en devenant présidente de ce même conseil de 2002
    à 2007, m'a permis d'améliorer mon rôle d'animatrice et mon approche en ressources humaines. Lors de
    ma prise de retraite, étant déjà sur le conseil d'administration de la Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation, j'en
    suis devenue présidente en 2014. Mon expérience, tout au long de ma carrière, me permet de jouer un rôle
    important sur le conseil d'administration. Ma connaissance du milieu de l'éducation est pour moi, un atout
    significatif. Le service aux membres est primordial pour moi.
    Comme vous pouvez le constater, l'Éducation, c'est ma vie et j'en suis fière d'en faire partie. Administratrice
    de la Caisse de l'Éducation,c'est le prolongement de ma carrière d'enseignante. Pour moi, la Caisse de
    l'Éducation est le tremplin pour aider le personnel en éducation dans leur plan financier mais, c'est surtout
    la meilleure alliée de tout ce peronnel.

The contents of this document were provided by the candidate. It has not been verified by the caisse.
Candidates for board positions - Caisse Desjardins de l'Éducation
Summary table of candidates for the board of directors





                                                                                   BoD group profile
                                                                                    Target criteria

                                 Skills                                                                Target number

                                  Customer member experience                                                2                              X                    X
                                  Cooperation                                                               1                                         X
                                  Financial management                                                      4            X        X        X                    X
Required skills

                                  Accounting                                                                5            X        X        X                    X
                                  Governance                                                                3                     X        X          X         X
                                  Law / Ethics                                                              1                     X
                                  HR management                                                             4            X                 X          X         X
                                  Communications                                                            4            X                 X          X         X
                                  Education                                                                 5            X        X        X          X         X
                                  Information technology                                                    1                                         X
                                  Gender                                                               Target number

                                  Men                                                                       2                     X                             X
Member representation criteria

                                  Women                                                                     3            X                 X          X
                                  Other gender identity or prefers not to answer
                                  Age group                                                            Target number
                                  18-34                                                                     2
                                  35-49                                                                     2                                                   X
                                  50-64                                                                     0            X        X
                                  65 and +                                                                  1                              X          X
                                 Ethnic and cultural diversity                                         Target number

                                                                                                            1                     X                   X
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