Civil engineering and International Development Génie civil et développement international 28.3 - Canadian Society for Civil ...
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Civil Engineering and International Development Génie civil et développement international Summer / ÉtÉ 2011 28.3
CSCE Excellence in Innovation in Civil Engineering Award 2011 The Atrium, Victoria, B.C. Architect: D’Ambrosio Architecture + Urbanism. (l-r): Raafat El-Hacha - University of Calgary, Gamal Ghoneim and Gerry Carson – DIALOG, Don Zakariasen - Lafarge Congratulations to the winning team: DIALOG; the University of Calgary - Department of Civil Engineering; and Lafarge Precast. Lafarge is the proud supplier of Ductal®, the ultra-high performance concrete that was used to produce 690 precast panels for the Atrium project. Thanks to Canam Canada - sponsors of the award.
features page 10 The Kumbo Water System—Improvement Project an Update to March 2011 page 14 10 The Shiyang River Basin: A Case of Water Scarcity page 18 The Role of Engineers in International Development page 21 A Canadian Society with an International Presence: The Role of the CSCE’s International Affairs Committee (IAC) columns 4 from the editors / mot des rédacteurs 6 presidential perspective / perspective présidentielle 8 Ottawa 2011—student awards / prix étudiants 9 CSCE national honours & awards call for nominations / 14 appel—distinctions honorifiques nationales SCGC 23 young professionals' corner / le coin des jeunes professionels 24 membership matters / question d’appartenance 26 people to people ambassador programs’ delegation to india 26 spotlight on members / membres en vedette 26 coming events / calendrier des activités 18
From the editors / Mot des rédacteurs louise newman Guest Editor: Ron Droste Ph.D., Chair, CSCE International Affairs Committee 28.3 I n my new position as chair of developed world. Development problems The Canadian Civil Engineer (CCE) ISSN 9825-7515 the CSCE International Affairs are exacerbated by burgeoning populations, is published five times per year by the Canadian Committee and guest editor of this which is the underlying issue prompt- Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE). issue I welcome you to its focus on interna- ing many scientists and great thinkers to L’Ingénieur civil canadien (ICC) ISSN 9825-7515 est publié cinq fois par année par la Société tional activities and issues. It is technology advance troubling forecasts. canadienne de génie civil (SCGC). compounded with population growth that The articles in this issue give examples of has not merely changed human lives but projects that span opportunities for fresh CSCE / SCGC 4877 Sherbrooke St. W. changed the world. Thomas Friedman (The graduates to senior engineers. Engineers Westmount, Québec, H3Z 1G9 World is Flat and Hot, Flat and Crowded) Without Borders (EWB) puts the idealism Tel: 514-933-2634 Fax: 514-933-3504 E-mail: notes the world as flat due to advance- of youth to useful purpose. The Kumbo ments in connectivity through technology, article compliments the EWB article with CSCE Office / Office de la SCGC and Jared Diamond (Collapse) has clearly work from experienced personnel to provide President / Président defined the physical interconnectivity of the improvement, at the most basic level, in the Randy Pickle, P.Eng., FCSCE (Oshawa, ON) world. It’s impossible to live in isolation and lives of people in marginal conditions. It’s President Elect / Président désigné not participate on the international scene obvious that North American lifestyles are Jim Kells, Ph.D., P.Eng., FCSCE (Saskatoon, SK) or be affected by actions elsewhere. But yet, unsustainable on a world scale but a more CCE Board / Conseil de l’ICC when travelling, the absence of Canadian dramatic illustration of the sensitivity of the CSCE Publications Committee Chair firms working at the international level is environment to much less extravagant life- Présidente, Comité des publications de la SCGC Caterina Valeo, Ph.D., P.Eng., MCSCE (Calgary, AB) noticeable and often commented on by our styles is illustrated by the Shiyang article. CCE Editor / Rédactrice de l’ICC international contacts. The situation is a perfect illustration of tra- Louise Newman (Montréal, QC) Canadians are at the forefront of tech- dition trumping sustainability. As well, the Editorial Committee Members / Membres du comité éditorial nology in the developed world and obvi- role of the International Affairs Committee George Akhras, Ph.D., P.Eng., FCSCE (Kingston, ON) David Lau, Ph.D., P.Eng., FCSCE (Ottawa, ON) ously have expertise that will greatly benefit of CSCE is explained in another article. Its Dagmar Svecova, Ph.D., MCSCE (Winnipeg, MB) developing countries. And developing fundamental role is to serve the member- countries are developing! Infrastructure is a ship on international matters. Have a read Annual Subscription Rates / Abonnement annuel Canada & U.S.A. $35.00 key to any sustainable development which and provide your feedback. Will technol- other countries / autres pays $45.00 is desperately needed as these countries ogy only advance consumerism resulting single copy / au numéro $7.50 agency discount / rabais aux distributeurs 10% attempt to advance in decades to levels that in calamity or actually lead to sustainable were achieved over two centuries in the solutions? n Design / Production AN Design Communications (Ottawa, ON) 613-744-0444 Advertising / Publicité Dovetail Communications Inc. T: 905-886-6640 F: 905-886-6615 Beth Kukkonen 905-886-6641 ext. 306 E: The opinions expressed in the papers are solely those of the authors and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering is not responsible for the statements made in this publication. Les opinions exprimées dans les articles sont la seule responsabilité de leurs auteurs et la Société canadienne de génie civil n’engage pas sa responsabilité dans les propos exprimés. All commentaries and questions about this publication should be forwarded to the Editor: Pour vos commentaires ou de plus amples informations, contacte la rédactrice : Louise Newman, 514-933-2634 ext. 23 Return Address / Adresse de retour : The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering La Société canadienne de génie civil 4877 Sherbrooke St. W., Westmount, Québec H3Z 1G9
D ans mes nouvelles fonctions de Les Canadiens sont à la fine pointe de la L’article sur Kumbo complète l’article sur président du comité des affaires technologie dans la partie développée du Ingénieurs sans frontières en signalant internationales de la SCGC et monde. De toute évidence, nous avons le travail de gens expérimentés pour de rédacteur invité de ce numéro, je vous des compétences susceptibles d’aider les améliorer, au niveau le plus élémentaire, présente cette livraison qui traite des activités pays en voie de développement. Les pays la vie de personnes vivant dans des et des dossiers internationaux. La technologie en voie de développement se développent! conditions marginales. Il est évident et la croissance démographique ont boule- Les infrastructures sont le fondement de que le style de vie nord américain est versé la vie des humains et changé le monde. ce développement durable qui est si néces- insoutenable au niveau mondial. Toutefois, Thomas Friedman (auteur de The World is saire pour ces pays qui tentent de franchir l’article sur Shiyang illustre le fait que Flat and Hot, Flat and Crowded) considère en quelques décennies une évolution que l’environnement est aussi sensible à des que le monde est plat suite aux progrès de la le monde développé a vécu pendant des modes de vie beaucoup moins extravagant. connectivité attribuables à la technologie, et siècles. Les problèmes de développement Cette situation illustre parfaitement Jared Diamond (Collapse) a donné une défi- sont exacerbés par la croissance des popu- comment les traditions nuisent à la nition claire de l’interconnectivité physique lations, qui est un problème sous-jacent durabilité. Un autre article traite du rôle du monde. Il est maintenant impossible de qui incite nombre d’hommes de science du comité des affaires internationales de vivre isolé, sans participer sur la scène inter- et de grands penseurs à énoncer des prévi- la SCGC. Son rôle fondamental consiste nationale ou sans être affecté par ce qui se sions troublantes. à servir les membres en matière d’affaires passe ailleurs. Pourtant, lorsque nous voya- Les articles de ce numéro présentent internationales. Lisez le tout et faites vos geons, l’absence d’entreprises canadiennes des exemples de projets qui offrent commentaires. La technologie servira-t- travaillant au niveau international saute aux des occasions aux ingénieurs jeunes et elle à faire augmenter la consommation yeux et est souvent soulignée par nos amis vieux. Ingénieurs sans frontières oriente et les risques de calamités, ou à créer des des autres pays. l’idéalisme des jeunes vers des choses utiles. solutions durables? n TALK TO FIBRWRAP. It’s what we do. When you need full service concrete repair and expert installation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) by trained and certified crews, talk to Olympic Stadium - Greece Condominium Tower - USA Fibrwrap.Wherever the project might be around the globe, we are ready to provide you personal service from budget development to completion. When performance matters, contact the world's leading provider of FRP application. Talk to Fibrwrap today. 604.945.5429 Hospital Chimney - Canada Panyu Bridge - China É t É 2 0 1 1 • l ’ i n g é n i e u r C I V IL c a n a d i e n • 5
Presidential Perspective / perspective présidentielle randy pickle P.Eng. A s the new President of the CSCE, “As Civil Engineers, we are the caretakers of the environment my first daunting task was drafting my inaugural speech to members and managers of the infrastructure that allows for a comfortable, at the Annual General Meeting. The con- tent of that speech expressed my opinions healthy, safe lifestyle for most people on our planet.” on the state of the Society and set the direc- tion that I hope we will successfully travel We are seeing this new mindset in re-profiling itself. We have been preparing during the next twelve months. Once that some of today’s projects. Old buildings a new business plan, Vision 2020, directly was out of the way my next task became are being repurposed. New buildings are focused on taking a leadership role not only writing this, my first article for Canadian being designed and constructed for future within the Civil Engineering community Civil Engineer. repurposing. New highways are being con- but within the cities and towns that we live In a time line a little longer than a single structed to not only meet current needs but and work in. generation, the world has experienced a expandable for future needs with minimal In 1993, CSCE first published paradigm shift in transportation. For a throw-away. Guidelines for Civil Engineering Practice, number of our grandfathers, air travel was As Civil Engineers, we are the caretakers Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future. the fanciful pursuit of a couple of bicycle of the environment and managers of the These guidelines work within our pro- mechanics in North Carolina in the early infrastructure that allows for a comfortable, fession to encourage Civil Engineers to 1900’s. To our fathers, air travel was a mode healthy, safe lifestyle for most people on our develop and promote a sustainability of transportation reserved for a select group planet. In order for society to continue to ethic. Vision 2020 will be used to rein- of society with the means to indulge in experience this, we must expand our role in force within and promote outside of our this emerging form of travel. We now take incorporating sustainability principles into profession, that Civil Engineers are not it for granted; jumping on an airplane has our projects. Within our own individual only seeking sustainable solutions to repair become an everyday opportunity to move time lines, we must undergo a paradigm our aging infrastructure but will advocate around the country and globally. shift in our processes and design methods. the implementation of sustainable alterna- In regards to sustainability, we must We must position our profession as one that tives for infrastructure improvements and move quickly to make a similar paradigm seeks to design and implement sustainable expansion. The stakeholders in our projects shift in the implementation of sustain- infrastructure. must be made aware of the alternatives and ability principles into our work. Where air At the Society’s AGM in Winnipeg, in the benefits. travel has taken a generation to become 2010, a new vision statement for CSCE Vision 2020 will be a living document for everyday, implementing sustainability in was announced: Leader in Sustainable the metamorphosis of the CSCE into the our projects must become everyday with Infrastructure. Going forward from that voice for Civil Engineers and sustainable Civil Engineers now. announcement, CSCE has worked towards infrastructure. n 6 • C a n a d i a n C I V IL E n g i n e e r • s u m m e r 2 0 1 1
À titre de nouveau président de la « À titre d’ ingénieurs civils, nous sommes les gardiens de SCGC, ma première tâche déli- cate consistait à rédiger le discours l’environnement et les gestionnaires des infrastructures qui assurent inaugural présenté aux membres réunis en assemblée générale annuelle. Ce discours le confort et la santé de la plupart des habitants de la planète. » exprimait mes opinions sur l’état de la SCGC et précisait l’orientation que j’espère Certains projets contemporains instant, la SCGC a entrepris de se redé- imprimer à l’organisme au cours des 12 pro- témoignent déjà de cette nouvelle préoc- finir. Nous avons élaboré un nouveau plan chains mois. Une fois cette étape franchie, cupation. D’anciens édifices sont transfor- d’affaires, Vision 2020, directement centré l’autre tâche était de rédiger ce premier més. De nouveaux édifices sont conçus et sur un rôle de leader au sein de la profession article pour L’ICC. construits en fonction de transformations et au sein des cités et villes où nous vivons En un peu plus d’une génération, le à venir. De nouvelles autoroutes sont cons- et travaillons. monde a vécu un changement de paradigme truites de façon à combler les besoins En 1993, la SCGC a publié pour la en matière de transport. Pour nombre de existants et à être adaptées aux besoins première fois les Principes généraux pour nos grands-parents, le voyage en avion futurs moyennant un minimum de perte. la pratique du génie civil, qui est notre n’était que le rêve de quelques mécaniciens À titre d’ingénieurs civils, nous sommes engagement pour un avenir durable. Pour de vélos de la Caroline du Nord, au début les gardiens de l’environnement et les ges- notre profession, ces principes généraux du 20e siècle. Pour nos pères, le transport tionnaires des infrastructures qui assurent incitent les ingénieurs civils à élaborer et par avion était l’apanage d’un petit groupe le confort et la santé de la plupart des habi- à promouvoir une éthique de la durabilité. de personnes capables de se payer cette tants de la planète. Pour que notre société Vision 2020 servira à étayer, à l’intérieur nouveauté. Depuis, c’est devenu un acquis. continue de vivre ainsi, nous devons déve- comme à l’extérieur de la profession, le Prendre l’avion est devenu un geste quoti- lopper notre rôle en intégrant les principes fait que l’ingénieur civil ne se contentera dien pour aller n’importe où sur terre. de durabilité à nos œuvres. À l’intérieur pas uniquement de chercher des solutions En matière de durabilité, nous devons de notre cadre, nous devons effectuer un durables pour réparer nos infrastructures réaliser rapidement un changement de changement de paradigme dans nos façons vieillissantes, mais plaidera aussi pour la paradigme pour la mise en œuvre des de procéder et dans nos méthodes de con- mise en œuvre d’alternatives durables pour principes de durabilité dans nos œuvres. ception. Nous devons faire en sorte que améliorer et développer nos infrastructures. Un peu comme le transport aérien qui notre profession soit en mesure de concevoir Nos partenaires doivent être conscients des est devenu une réalité quotidienne en une et de réaliser des infrastructures durables. alternatives et des avantages qu’ils offrent. génération, la mise en œuvre de la dura- Lors de l’assemblée générale de Winnipeg, Vision 2020 sera un document vivant bilité dans nos œuvres doit devenir une en 2010, un nouvel énoncé de principe a été pour assurer la métamorphose de la SCGC réalité quotidienne dès maintenant, pour proclamé par la SCGC : « leader en matière et en faire la voix de la profession et des tous les ingénieurs civils. d’ infrastructures durables ». À partir de cet infrastructures durables. n 2012 CSCE Annual General Meeting and Conference 12th International Environmental Specialty Conference 3rd International Structural Specialty Conference 9th International Transportation Specialty Conference 1st International Conference on Sustaining Public Infrastructure Assemblée générale annuelle et congrès SCGC 2012 12ème Conférence internationale spécialisée sur l’environnement 3ème Conférence internationale spécialisée sur les structures 9ème Conférence internationale spécialisée sur les transports 1ère Conférence internationale sur les infrastructures durables É t É 2 0 1 1 • l ’ i n g é n i e u r C I V IL c a n a d i e n • 7
CSCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE / OTTAWA 2011 / CONGRÈS ANNUEL SCGC WINNERS STUDENT AWARDS—GAGNANTS PRIX ÉTUDIANTS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT POSTER COMPETITION / AFFICHES DES ÉTUDIANTS DE PREMIER CYCLE 1st Place / 1ère place Roanne Kelln, Christopher Kathol—University of Saskatchewan Mechanistic Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt Surfacing for C.S.35–14 2nd Place / 2e place David Salem, Athir Nader, Mudasser Noor, Mohammed Zaidi, Alexander Nott, Ramy Hamza—University of Ottawa Ottawa Multi-Sport Olympic City 3rd Place / 3e place Maryam Kolahdoozan, Peter Filev, Fredi Petritaj—Ryerson University Development of Sustainable Unshrinkable Fill Using Alternative Aggregate Sources GRADUATE STUDENT COMPETITION / PRÉSENTATIONS DES ÉTUDIANTS DE 2E OU 3E CYCLE 20th Hydrotechnical Conference Seth Logan—University of Ottawa “Morphological and Numerical Modeling of a Highly Dynamic Tidal Inlet at Shippagan Gully, New Brunswick” 3rd International/9th Construction Specialty Conference Bijan Ahmadi—University of Toronto “Work Zone Throughput Models for Southern Ontario” 2nd International Engineering Mechanics and Materials Specialty Conference Zaid Al-Sadoon—University of Ottawa “Seismic Retrofitting of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame Structures” 2011 General Conference Todd Carroll—University of Texas at Austin “Passenger Rail Applicability: Opportunities and Challenges in Texas” 2011 Hydrotechnical Award The CSCE Hydrotechnical Division is pleased to announce the winner of the 2011 Hydrotechnical Award for the best masters thesis in Canada related to water engineering and water management. The award is sponsored by Golder Associates Ltd. The 2011 winner is Michael Johann Neil Wagner of the University of Alberta, Department of Renewable Resources, for his thesis entitled: “Hydrologic Risk Assessment Framework for Alberta’s Green Zone” under the supervision of Dr. Uldis Silins, Ph.D., RPF CSCE PRESIDENT’S AWARD FOR BEST STUDENT CHAPTER 2010–2011 / LE PRIX DU PRÉSIDENT SCGC POUR LE MEILLEUR CHAPITRE ÉTUDIANT 2010–2011 British Columbia Institute of Technology 8 • C a n a d i a n C I V IL E n g i n e e r • s u m m e r 2 0 1 1
Csce National Honours and Awards Appel—Distinctions Honorifiques Call For Nominations Nationales SCGC Nominations are invited at any time for the awards listed Les membres sont invités à soumettre en tout temps, des candidatures below; those nominations received by November 15, pour les prix ci-dessous; les candidatures soumises d’ici le 15 novem- 2011 will be considered for 2012 awards to be pre- bre 2011 seront considérées pour les prix 2012 qui seront décernés au sented at the CSCE Annual Conference in Edmonton, AB congrès annuel de la SCGC à Edmonton, AB en juin 2012. Veuillez in June 2012. Please submit nominations, clearly stating soumettre les candidatures, en précisant le titre du prix, par courriel à the award for which the nomination is made, by e-mail to, ou en vous adressant à : Mme Louise Newman, La Société, or mail to: Ms. Louise Newman, The Canadian Society canadienne de génie civil, 4877 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montréal, QC H3Z 1G9. for Civil Engineering, 4877 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, QC H3Z 1G9. LE PRIX A.B. SANDERSON A.B. SANDERSON AWARD Est décerné aux ingénieurs civils qui se sont signalés par leur contri- Recognizes outstanding contributions by a civil engineer to the bution exceptionnelle au développement et à la pratique du génie des development and practice of structural engineering in Canada. structures au Canada. ALBERT E. BERRY MEDAL LA MÉDAILLE ALBERT BERRY Recognizes significant contributions by a civil engineer to the Est décernée à un ingénieur civil qui s'est distingué par son importante field of environmental engineering in Canada. contribution au génie de l'environnement au Canada. CAMILLE A. DAGENAIS AWARD LE PRIX CAMIILLE A. DAGENAIS Recognizes outstanding contributions by a civil engineer to Est décerné aux ingénieurs civils qui se sont signalés par leur the development and practice of hydrotechnical engineering in contribution exceptionnelle au développement et à la pratique de Canada. l'hydrotechnique au Canada. E. WHITMAN WRIGHT AWARD LE PRIX E. WHITMAN WRIGHT Recognizes significant contributions by a civil engineer to the Est décerné à un ingénieur civil qui s'est distingué par son importante development of computer applications in civil engineering in contribution au développement des applications de l'informatique au Canada. génie civil au Canada. EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AWARD LE PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN INNOVATION DANS LE DOMAINE DU GÉNIE CIVIL (deadline for nominations is Dec. 15, 2011). (date limite est le 15 déc. 2011.) Recognizes excellence in innovation in civil engineering by an Souligne l’excellence dans le domaine du génie civil dont a fait preuve individual or a group of individuals practicing civil engineering in une personne ou un groupe de personnes pratiquant le génie civil au Canada, or a Canadian engineering firm, or a Canadian research Canada, ou une société canadienne d’ingénierie ou un organisme organization. canadien de recherche. HORST LEIPHOLZ MEDAL LA MÉDAILLE HORST LEIPHOLZ Recognizes outstanding contributions by a civil engineer to engi- Est décernée à un ingénieur civil qui s'est distingué par son impor- neering mechanics research and/or practice in Canada. tante contribution à la recherche et/ou a la pratique de la mécanique appliquée au Canada. JAMES A. VANCE AWARD Recognizes a CSCE member whose dedicated service, other than LE PRIX JAMES A. VANCE as President, has furthered the advancement of the CSCE and Est décerné à un membre de la SCGC dont le dévouement a favorisé who has completed or recently completed service in one or more l'avancement de la Société et qui termine, ou achève, récemment un sequential positions at the National level. mandat au sein de la Société, sauf comme président. SANDFORD FLEMING AWARD LE PRIX SANDFORD FLEMING Recognizes outstanding contributions by a civil engineer to Est décerné à un ingénieur civil qui s'est distingué par son importante transportation engineering research and/or practice in Canada. contribution à la recherche et/ou à la pratique du génie du transport au Canada. WALTER SHANLY AWARD Recognizes outstanding contributions by a civil engineer to the LE PRIX WALTER SHANLY development and practice of construction engineering in Canada. Est décerné à un ingénieur civil qui s'est distingué par son importante contribution au développement et/où à la pratique du génie de la cons- W. GORDON PLEWES AWARD truction au Canada. Recognizes particularly noteworthy contributions by an indi- vidual to the study and understanding of the history of civil LE PRIX W. GORDON PLEWES engineering in Canada, or civil engineering achievements by Est décerné à une personne, pas nécessairement un ingénieur, qui s'est Canadian engineers elsewhere. Normally, the recipient will be distinguée par sa contribution à l'étude de l'histoire du génie civil au an individual, not necessarily an engineer, but in special circum- Canada ou de l'histoire des réalisations canadiennes en matière de stances the award can be given to an organization. génie civil à travers le monde. Dans les circonstances exceptionnelles, le prix peut être décerné à une organisation. É t É 2 0 1 1 • l ’ i n g é n i e u r C I V IL c a n a d i e n • 9
The Kumbo Water System— Richard Denham P.Eng., FCSCE Improvement Project an Update to March 2011 The winter 09–10 issue of Canadian The Canadian Team Civil Engineer featured an article enti- Vincent Suffoletta—Supervisor of Supply, tled “CANADA MAINTAINS LINK TO Waterworks Division, City of Guelph. CAMEROON THROUGH THE CSCE”. Jim Harnum—Director Water Treatment The article outlined a development project and Supply, Toronto Water. being undertaken by CSCE. The project commenced in October, 2009 and will be Jennifer Kirkham—Management completed in October 2011. This update Consultant. describes some of the profound changes Scott Farnham—Director, Records that have resulted from the efforts of seven Management Services, Spacesaver diversely skilled, hugely enthusiastic and Solutions Inc. committed Canadian Volunteers and the Board, Management and workers of the Patricia Moore—Manager/Director, Kumbo Water Authority (KWA) in rural Government of Canada. Northwest Cameroon. 1 0 • C a n a d i a n C I V IL E n g i n e e r • s u m m e r 2 0 1 1
Donna Denham—Community Successful, sustainable changes had three weeks to pay the bill. If payment Development and Gender Specialist. Revenue Generation was not received on the due date, then a Each customer served by the water system warning was sent stipulating that the cus- Richard Denham—Water Systems and (public tapstand, business, household) has tomer had three days to pay the bill and, Development Specialist (Project manager). a water meter. These 3,500 plus meters if it was not paid, service would be discon- These professionals took time off, or were are read and each customer is billed on a nected and a reconnection charge applied. granted leave, from their full-time careers monthly basis. Meter readings and record- As expected, customers initially paid little to volunteer their time and expertise to the ing systems (back of envelopes) were not attention to these conditions; however, after project. Expenses were covered; however, no well organized. Workers had virtually no a number of customers, targeting large users fees or remuneration were paid. Each assign- computer skills. Incorrect readings and first, were disconnected, word spread that ment had clear objectives and included the errors in key-punching were common. As the KWA was serious about bill collec- expectation that all work undertaken rein- a result, if customers received bills, they tion, and over the following year revenues forced and built upon the tools and learning had no confidence that their bills were cor- increased by 125%. generated in previous assignments. There rect; therefore, many never bothered to pay, Refusing to pay for water is a common were no lectures or formal presentations. sometimes for years. problem in all developing countries. People Some workshops were used in the training The meter reading exercise was reor- believe that water is given by God and thus of the women farmers. All work was practical ganized using school exercise books and it is free. So, the culturally sensitive strategy in nature, resulting in definable and visible pens and a system that allowed the meter we used was to agree that water is free but changes and was done using a consistent set readers to follow a systematic route each collecting, distributing, and treating water, of values and code of ethics that reflected month. There is no numbering of houses and fixing leaks costs a lot of money. This the exact kind of work environment the and streets are more like wandering paths. message along with a program of educating project was striving to create. Each new This was not conducive to computerization, the public on how the KWA system works, volunteer was prepared by the volunteers but a computer program was in place and including open houses at the plant and the who had been in Kumbo previously. VOIP a few staff had developed basic computer catchment area, helped to ensure that a and email facilitated regular communication literacy skills. further 25% increase in revenues realized between Canada and Kumbo and allowed A filing system based on individual cli- to date this year. all Canadian team members to support and ent accounts was established and an entire coach each other and our partners in the program aimed at changing the “meter Maintenance and Repairs KWA. Building the capacity of the Canadian reading department” to a “Client Service For years, Valentine, the man in charge of Team to constantly follow-up and reinforce Department” was undertaken with a mul- operations kept the system running through changed attitudes and the correct use of the tiplicity of actions designed to increase the the inventive use of various car parts and new systems, tools and skills introduced over likelihood of water bills being correct, being spare tires. Canadian maintenance people the two years has ensured a level of sustain- issued and distributed on time, and of cus- loved working with Valentine, “he could fix able change not often achieved in such short tomers paying their bills each month. anything” (Figure 1). term development projects. To have bills paid regularly, notices were We assumed that many of the required sent to each customer indicating that they parts would have to be shipped into The context The “community” reclaimed the water sys- tem from the State authority in 1991. The takeover did not allow for training of per- sonnel or transfer of skills. For the past twenty years, the management of the KWA has struggled with all aspects of running the Authority. No spare parts, no tools, the death (from AIDS) of the only employee able to input data to produce bills, legal conflict with farmers in the catchment area, lack of sufficient income to pay staff or the monthly utility bills, no manager (the last one was fired for fraud) and 17 completely demoralized employees were just some of the obvious problems. The project had three major thrusts: reclaiming and protecting the catchment area; purchase of tools, parts, and essential equipment; and operations planning and maintenance. Figure 1: Valentine with new Generator set. É t É 2 0 1 1 • l ’ i n g é n i e u r C I V IL c a n a d i e n • 1 1
Catchment Area Improvements tection of the water sources, use of improved In the original construction in 1970, a farming techniques, and changes in crop- catchment area of approximately 2,008 ping. The first meetings between the farmers hectares was established to provide water to and KWA were filled with suspicion and the Town of Kumbo. Three intakes, a small animosity. gravity sand-filtration treatment plant and a We committed to support the women storage reservoir were constructed. farmers in the practice of conservation farm- Over the last forty years, little attention ing and train them in income generating was paid to the catchment area. Farmers activities to improve family livelihoods. A and graziers moved in and began cultivat- demonstration farm, complete with storage ing the soil and breeding cattle and goats. barns and crop drying facilities was the class- Eucalyptus trees were planted as a source of room. Training in improved cropping tech- firewood and construction material. niques, organic farming techniques, food This intrusive activity resulted in the processing, post-harvest loss reduction, and twenty-two original springs that produced seed production took place (Figures 3 & 4). water being reduced to only fourteen. The The result of this work with the women available runoff was reduced significantly, has been quite amazing. We initially focused Figure 2: Repairing watermain. and heavily laden with silt and chemicals on the introduction of organic farming from the fertilizers in common usage. The with sixty women in the watershed. These Cameroon from Europe. By mid-project, KWA neglected the encroachment on the women have experienced such success that however, it was determined that most of water sources for years. Attempts to remove a number of women from the region includ- the equipment required was available in farmers from the land through a costly five ing Kumbo town, have started similar Cameroon, or, in neighbouring Nigeria. year lawsuit brought against the farmers had farms. Increased production, (one lady now Many of the tools were found in the mar- failed. Tensions were very high between the has a yield of four bags of potatoes from her ket at the regional centre, Bamenda, or farmers who were mostly women involved land where she previously produced one), in Douala, the commercial capital of in subsistence farming, and KWA. better tasting food and decreased diarrhoea Cameroon. One of the first actions taken as part of among children were documented results In Canada, when we require materials, this project was to convince the KWA to after the first growing season. The women parts or spares, we go to the internet to drop the appeal lawsuit and undertake a con- report increased economic benefit from hav- find suppliers. This is not yet a workable structive process with the farmers designed ing better quality crops preserved through option in Cameroon, so it became a mat- to restore the catchment area through pro- improved storage techniques. ter of demonstrating how to seek materials through networking with people in the business, or spending hours combing the markets and shops. A cut-off saw was avail- able in Douala; however, the saw and blades were much more expensive than in Europe. Pipes, valves and meters were considerably less expensive when sourced in West Africa. Success in material management lies in the fact that managers in the KWA now know how to plan and budget for materials, and how to find and purchase tools. Once deliv- ered, they now have a system for storing and Figure 3: Lemnyang demonstration plot. Figure 5: Women’s Leadership training. controlling inventory. Proper use of each tool, and health and safety equipment and practices, have been introduced into the daily operations (Figure 2). With tools, materials and training pro- vided by this project, leaks in water supply pipes that have bubbled and dripped for twenty years have been repaired. Meters that have not worked for years were replaced and a ten year plan for further replace- ment of meters was put in the budget. Budgeting being a further innovation that Management is beginning to use. Figure 4: Lemnyang women at storage/meeting building. Figure 6: Kituum women with new push-push carts and tools. 1 2 • C a n a d i a n C I V IL E n g i n e e r • s u m m e r 2 0 1 1
Figure 8: Delphine, first female plumber. Figure 7: Catchment sign. Word of the success of the Women Gender Equity Organic Farmers Group (their chosen The most notable change is the attitude Figure 9: Margaret, first female Vice-Chair. name) has spread like wildfire. The demand change that now is expressed through open for training and inclusion in this initia- and positive discussion of women’s roles tive is endless. To facilitate women help- and value in the KWA. This societal change ing women, the Canadians have mentored is manifest in four women now being 20 natural leaders in problem solving and employed by the Water Authority, includ- facilitation skills, participatory leadership ing the first female plumber (Figure 8). so that they now are repeating the process of Women are now participating in discus- demonstration farms and associated train- sions and have the opportunity to vote on ing with other women (Figure 5). decisions. By changing the statutes, KWA Hoes, cutlasses, watering cans and sprayers, now boasts that twenty of forty elected rep- and small (push-push) carts for moving the resentatives at the KWA General Assembly produce were provided to the women’s group. are women and half of the members of the Members raise money from charging a small Management Board are women. For the fee for renting the tools so that they can assist first time, the Vice-Chair of the Board is a Figure 10: Training new members on General Assembly. in facilitating the start-up of new women’s woman (Figures 9 & 10). groups. There are 150 women involved now and we expect that number to increase signifi- Summary • Training in chlorination led to the devel- cantly in the near future (Figure 6). The whole community knows when “the opment of a unique gravity chlorination In addition to the work with the women, Canadians” are in town. We are stopped system designed by KWA's miracle man, the water sources were fenced to protect often and thanked, or told excitedly how Valentine them from intrusion by animals and the life has changed. There has been a complete • Managers now work as a “team” removal of eucalyptus trees, which are huge change in the attitude and demeanor of the • Planning for operations and dealing with water users, has commenced (Figure 7). KWA staff. major issues Changed farming techniques have • Plumbers have been trained in mainte- • There is a Strategic Plan in place reduced the amount of silt and chemicals nance, and are proud of their work • New computers are working, valued and that reach the water plant. Protection of • The office is well organized due to the used daily. Managers are able to produce the sources has contributed to improved presence of a simple and well understood charts, reports and bills. availability of water from the catchment filing system The project ends October 2011, and will area. The year 2011 is the first year in the • The power bill gets paid on time because coincide with the celebration of the twenti- past decade that water rationing was not of increased revenues eth year since the inception of KWA. It will required during the dry season. • There is peace in the catchment area be a great party and CSCE will be there. n É t É 2 0 1 1 • l ’ i n g é n i e u r C I V IL c a n a d i e n • 1 3
The Shiyang River Basin: A Case Huixi Xie Environmental Engineer, AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited Fredericton, New Brunswick Brian C. Burrell Senior Engineer, R.V. Anderson Associates Limited of Water Scarcity Fredericton, New Brunswick Ron Droste Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Civil Engineering University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Introduction Shiyang basin. In this article, water supply The Shiyang River basin is located in and use in the Shiyang River basin are dis- a region commonly referred to as Hexi cussed. This is followed by a discussion of Corridor in Gansu Province of north-western water scarcity as a major global challenge in China. Nowadays, Gansu has some min- the 21st century. eral resources that provide major economic The total basin area is approximately benefits to the province, but historically 41,600 km2 (Kang et al., 2004). Eight major Gansu achieved fame and political impor- tributary rivers originating in the Qilian tance for being on the silk and tea roads mountains flow generally northward onto (Avery, 2003). In the Ming dynasty (ca. the southern plain region of Wuwei, and 400 years ago) the province and watershed form the Shiyang River that flows north- had thousands of lakes and water-intensive easterly towards the northern plain region rice was cultivated. Historic sustainability of Minqin (see Figure 1). Minqin is sur- has been derailed in a dramatic exhibition rounded by two vast deserts, the Badanjilin of the environmental footprint of human- Desert and the southern part of the Tenggeli ity exceeding the carrying capacity of the Desert. 1 4 • C a n a d i a n C I V IL E n g i n e e r • s u m m e r 2 0 1 1
Figure 1: Lower Shiyang River Basin (Adapted from: Hermans et al., 2008). The Shiyang River basin is characteristic mountainous region provide nearly all meet the growing demand of agricultural of many inland river systems in northwest the available water resources in the basin. activities, groundwater resources were over- China, but differs from most river systems in The average annual runoff is about 15.8 exploited, which led to a diminishing water Canada. Most Canadian river systems even- 3 10 8 m 3 (Kang et al., 2004). Annual table below the root zone of several plants. tually empty into an ocean, but the Shiyang runoff can range from 10 3 10 8 to 20 3 Surface water and groundwater exploitation River terminates in the desert. Runoff in 10 8 m 3. Runoff during July and August changed the ecosystem and led to the spread the Shiyang River basin is generated almost accounts for approximately 50% of total of deserts. entirely in the mountains and is low relative annual runoff (Gansu Department of Today, there are reservoirs on the upper to the water needs of a large population. Water Conservation, 2007). The Shiyang reaches of nearly all natural streams where River basin can be considered semi-arid they come out of the mountains. These Shiyang Water Resources to arid, where aridity is defined as a natu- reservoirs divert essentially all natural flow Climatic conditions commonly pres- ral permanent imbalance in water avail- through networks of paved irrigation canals. ent in regions of water scarcity, such as ability resulting from low average annual Nearly all the natural river channels have the Shiyang River basin, include low and precipitation. completely dried up or have shrunk signifi- irregular rainfall and high evaporation (see Historically, the flow originating from cantly. Groundwater over-exploitation has Pereira et al., 2002). The Shiyang River the Qilian mountain range was carried by caused substantial decline of the ground- Basin is characterized with low precipita- the natural river channels to the lower plain water table; many shallow dug wells have tion, and high evaporation potential. The region of Minqin, or seeped into ground- become dry. The groundwater is also becom- precipitation decreases from approximately water which eventually migrated to the lower ing saline. The large historical terminal lake 300 to 600 mm in the Qilian mountains plain region of Minqin. This surface water and natural oases have all but disappeared. to less than 150 mm in the northern plain and groundwater supported a large shallow Water scarcity often is evaluated using region, while the evaporation potential lake and areas of natural oases before the a ratio of water availability in a region increases from 700 to 1,200 mm annually river disappeared into the deserts. The upper to the population, and is defined com- in the mountain region, to between 2,000 and lower plain regions, however, were also monly as water availability less than and 2,600 mm annually in the northern fertile agriculture lands. As population and 1,000 m3/person/y (Pereira et al., 2002). plain region (Kang et al., 2004). agricultural activities increased, flows in the If water availability is less than 500 m3/ The basin is surrounded to the south natural streams became diverted for irriga- person/y, water scarcity is considered severe. by the northwest to southeast trending tion of agricultural lands diminishing flow Estimated average water availability in the Qilian mountain range that rises approxi- to the lower plain region. With reducing entire Shiyang River basin is approximately mately 2,000 to 5,000 m above sea level. inflow of water, the large shallow lake and 700 m3/person/y, but can be as low as Precipitation and snowmelt from the natural oases in Minqin began to shrink. To 450 m3/person/y during drier years (Gansu É t É 2 0 1 1 • l ’ i n g é n i e u r C I V IL c a n a d i e n • 1 5
Department of Water Conservation, 2007). prevent further ecological degradation, sub- Water Scarcity in the The situation in the lower basin is more stantial social and economical consequences Developing World severe than in the upper basin. in the region may be unavoidable. Many countries currently experience water Approximately 1.4 million residents Agricultural water consumption in the shortages; almost one-fifth of the world’s (67% of the total basin population) are watershed amounts to over 85% of total population (about 1.2 billion people) live engaged in agriculture; the total agricultural water use. Therefore, managing water sup- in areas where the water is physically scarce area in the basin amounts to approximately ply demand in the Shiyang River Basin is (WHO, 2009). By 2025, the number of 300,000 hectares (Gansu Department of synonymous with managing agricultural countries with severe problems of inad- Water Conservation, 2007). The available water demand. Water management must equate water supply will increase dramati- land for agriculture is typically divided into maximize economic benefit to the popula- cally due to increasing populations and small lots leased to families, which consti- tion with the finite resource and focus on changing climatic conditions. It is esti- tute the basic operational unit for farming. diversifying local economy. mated that 5.3 billion people, two-thirds While this system provides employment A master water resources manage- of the world’s population, will suffer from and income for a large portion of the popu- ment plan for Shiyang River Basin was water shortages by 2025 (UN 1997). Water lation, it also lowers the possibility to imple- developed by Gansu government (Gansu shortage affects the capacity of national ment efficient agricultural operations using Department of Water Conservation, governments and water management orga- more advanced technology. 2007). The plan aims to reduce water nizations to provide economic development The reduction of available water for the demand, improve the efficiency of water in a fight against poverty; therefore, water Minqin County and the lowering of the usage and economical benefit, and reverse issues are high priority items on many groundwater table have had serious impacts the ecological degradation in the water- national and international agendas. on desert vegetation (Kang et al., 2004). shed in general, and the Minqin region in The over reliance of an economy based The vegetation near the deserts, which was particular. The master water management on agriculture significantly aggravates the supported by the shallow groundwater plan introduces a number of far-reaching water scarcity challenges in the developing table, is disappearing. The vegetation kept policy initiatives to create a water-saving world. Agriculture consumes large quanti- the advance of the deserts in check. The society, including establishment of a water ties of water. The irrigation water is typically declining vegetation at the edge of the oasis quota system for irrigation, water trans- lost to evaporation-transpiration and can- has led to the loss of natural sand-fixation fer to Minqin county, implementation of not be recycled. The economic output per barriers and opened several sections of the advanced irrigation technology, reduction unit of water consumption from agriculture oasis to the encroaching deserts. As sand- of the population in the Minqin, and often is relatively low compared to other fixation is loss, the wind erosion is becom- ecological projects to curb the advance- industries. Maximizing economic benefits ing more intense and the frequency of dust ment of the deserts. Even though the to the population with a finite resource is storms is increasing causing severe health Chinese officials have an array of scientific an important consideration where water is and environmental problems. information and an awareness of the prob- scarce, but consideration must also be given The desertification process reflects a feed- lems associated with groundwater over- to the adequacy of food supplies. back mechanism between human activ- utilization, the needs of the people of the Water shortages threaten to reduce global ity and the environment, resulting from region also have to be taken into account. food supply. In the latter half of the 20th inappropriate land use and human-induced Equity and fairness are considerations in century, agricultural scientists and farmers permanent imbalances in water availability water management as are hydrology and have increased food production through that results in damage to soil and vegeta- water conservation. Severe social-cultural advanced technology and the greater use of tion. Agricultural practices not suitable for changes cannot be immediate. fertilizers but there are constraints on the physical conditions of an area increases The 2002 Water Law, China’s key water capacity to increase food supply to meet the desertification risk and eventually reduces legislation, provides a comprehensive frame- needs of an increasing global population. the amount of arable land for agricultural work for integrated water management. Major constraints include a lack of water development (Sun et al., 2006). Within While this and other national laws set for irrigation, the loss of agricultural land Minqin County, in the lower reaches of the principles, local governments usually due to soil erosion and salinization, and the Shiyang River basin, desertification have discretion in their implementation the demands on water and land for non- certainly limits agricultural production by (Liu and Speed, 2009). Water policymakers agricultural purposes. reducing the space available for agricultural are increasingly looking to economic tools, The large and growing populations and development. such as proper pricing and the elimination search for food and economical opportuni- The local and central governments of or modification of subsidies, to help in the ties drive the development of marginal lands China have become alarmed that, without sustainable management of limited water. for agriculture, where access to freshwater protection of the natural vegetation, the In China, where water prices have long resources is difficult and limited. The use of advancing deserts may possibly swallow been heavily subsidized by the government, marginal areas for agriculture often results in up the lower plain region of Minqin. The new efforts are underway to update pricing over-exploitation of land and water resources, various levels of governments have come to structures to encourage both improvements which in turn results in precarious living the realization that unless they can curb the in water use efficiency and wastewater conditions. Therefore, the proportion of poor water supply demand, and reverse or at least treatment. people, especially among rural populations 1 6 • C a n a d i a n C I V IL E n g i n e e r • s u m m e r 2 0 1 1
in developing countries, is generally higher the world, a shift towards less intensive water in areas where water is scarce. The lands in use and population migration will be neces- CSCE and the SHIYANG RIVER PROJECT the lower Shiyang River Basin are semi-arid sary, especially if climate change intensifies and marginal. The population and agricul- the problems of water scarcity. ture activities in that region are far greater A joint 3-year joint project (2007– than what can be sustained by the available References 2010) was carried out by the Chinese land and water resources. Avery, M. 2003. The Tea Road. China Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES), The example of the Shiyang River Basin Intercontinental Press, Beijing. the Gansu Research Institute for highlights many water management chal- Gansu Department of Water Conservation. Water Conservancy (GRIWC) and vol- lenges faced by the developing world. The 2007. Master Water Management unteers from the Canadian Society for freshwater resources in the world easily Plan for Shiyang River Basin (in Civil Engineering (CSCE). The theme accessible in the lakes, rivers, and aquifers Chinese). Gansu Department of Water are not spatially or temporally distributed Conservation, Lanzhou, P.R.China. of the project was “environmental/ to meet the needs of all human populations. Hermans, E., Droogers, P. and Winsemius, ecological assessments and restora- While some regions of the world have abun- H. 2008. Groundwater Management tions of the Shiyang River basin in dant fresh water resources, other regions and Exploration Package: State of the the central part of Gansu Province suffer severe water shortage. Even in the Art Northern China. FutureWater, located in the north-west part of Shiyang River Basin itself, the water avail- Costerweg, Wageningen, The China.” Funding was provided by ability distribution is far from uniform, Netherlands. Available from: http:// the Chinese Ministry of Science and with the upper basin having greater access Technology (MOST) and the Chinese to freshwater than in the lower basin. cover.pdf [accessed September 25, 2010]. Ministry of Water Resources (MWR). The water scarcity challenges in Shiyang Kang, S., Su, X., Tong, L., Shi, P., Yang, River Basin are common to many parts of X., Abe, Y., Shen, O. and Zhang, J. In the second year of the project, a the world, typically in North Africa, the 2004. The impacts of human activities delegation consisting of three CHES Middle East, and Central Asia. on the water–land environment of the members and three GRIWC members Shiyang River basin, an arid region in visited Canada in mid November 2009 Concluding Remarks northwest China. Hydrological Sciences, for project discussions with the CSCE From an historical perspective, the water 49(3): 413–427. project team members and for col- resources situation in the Hexi corridor has Liu, B. and Speed, R. 2009. Water lecting project technical information reached a crisis situation. Over centuries, Resources Management in the People’s from universities in Ottawa, Toronto population growth and creeping agricul- Republic of China. J. Water Resources and Vancouver and the Department tural expansion and practice have put the Development, 25(2): 193–208. DOI: region into dire straits resulting in massive 10.1080/07900620902868596. of Agriculture’s Central Experimental loss of arable land that will not be recov- Pereira, L.S., Cordery, I. and Iacovides, Farm in Ottawa. ered, reduced crop yields, and human suf- I. 2002. Coping with water scarcity. In the third year of the joint project, fering (including frequent sand storms). The International Hydrologic Programme. CSCE volunteers visited the Shiyang incremental changes during any generation Technical Documents in Hydrology, River basin and gained first hand have been accommodated with typical resil- Report No. 58, UNESCO, Paris. knowledge about the problems. The ience of the Chinese. An all-encompassing Sun Danfeng, Richard Dawson and Li approach to reduce the population with Baoguo. 2006. Agricultural causes CSCE volunteers were Dr. Todd Chan, concomitant measures to educate and dem- of desertification risk in Minqin, Dr. Jeanne Huang, Dr. Ron Droste, onstrate to the remaining populace nearly China. Journal of Environmental Dr. Bommanna Krishnappan, Brian all conceivable measures to combat the Management 79 :348–356. doi:10.1016/j. Burrell and Huixi Xie. After the April environmental deterioration is being under- jenvman.2005.08.004 2010 visit to the project site, CSCE taken. Social, capital and cultural costs are UN. 1997. Comprehensive assessment of team members concentrated their high. Without implementation of the mea- the freshwater resources of the world. efforts in completing technical papers sures and coping with necessary changes, Report of the Secretary-General. related to the project. Some of the nature will not relent and will not forgive. Document E/CN.17/1997/9. Economic information in the CSCE papers Much of the world has insufficient fresh- and Social Council, Commission on was incorporated in the final Gansu water resources to support burgeoning pop- Sustainable Development, Fifth Session, Project report. The project ended ulations, to maintain fragile and stressed April 7–25, 1997. October 31, 2010 and the final project ecosystems, and to provide sufficient irriga- WHO. 2009. Water Scarcity Fact File. tion water for local food production. The World Health Organization, Geneva, meeting with the Chinese Ministry of critical situation projected to affect humanity Switzerland. Science and Technology, the funding in the 21st century has been called the “water features/factfiles/water/water_facts/en/ agency, was held successfully on crisis”. In all countries, the resource needs to index.html. [Last accessed February 12, November 25, 2010. be protected. In the water-scarce regions of 2011] n É t É 2 0 1 1 • l ’ i n g é n i e u r C I V IL c a n a d i e n • 1 7
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