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INFORMATIONS LOGISTIQUES Écouter Poser des questions Revoir et partager Difficultés liées à la Par écrit, via le panneau Enregistrement et qualité des connexions de configuration, à diapositives accessibles n’importe quel moment gratuitement, par tous et Introduction Pour améliorer la qualité, en tout temps Alain Kilajian, fermez toutes les Questions discutées à la IHA applications non utilisées fin des présentations Sara Mercier- IFDD Blais, UQAM Discussion Chaîne IFDD OIF Mot de la fin 22
ORDRE DU JOUR Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Mot de Interventions Questions et Mot de la fin Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM bienvenue des experts- discussion et enquête Discussion invités Mot de la fin 33
MOT DE BIENVENUE Ibrahima DABO Spécialiste de programme IFDD Évaluer la performance Application et utilité des outils environnementale et sociale d’évaluation de la durabilité PLUS DE 30 des projets hydroélectriques des projets hydroélectriques SÉMINAIRES EN LIGNE Jeudi 13 décembre 2018 Jeudi 13 février 2020 SUR L’ÉNERGIE DURABLE À voir ou revoir ! Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA https://formation.ifdd.francophoni https://formation.ifdd.francop Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM electriques/ hydroelectrique/ Discussion Mot de la fin 44
BON SÉMINAIRE EN LIGNE ! Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin 55
LES EXPERTS CONFÉRENCIERS COMPRENDRE ET MESURER LES ÉMISSIONS DE GAZ À EFFET DE SERRE DES RÉSERVOIRS HYDROÉLECTRIQUES AVEC L'OUTIL G-RES Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Alain Kilajian Sara Mercier-Blais Blais, UQAM Discussion Spécialiste principal en Agente de recherche développement durable Chaire UNESCO en Changements Mot de la fin Association internationale de environnementaux à l’échelle du globe, l’hydroélectricité (IHA) Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) 66
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES des réservoirs United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Cultural Organization Global environmental change du Québec à Montréal (Canada) Avril 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Modification du cycle naturel du carbone • Émissions naturelles (flèches noires) • Émissions anthropiques (flèches rouges) croissantes: Agriculture, transport, industrie, énergie GIEC 2013
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES provenant la production d’énergie • Biomasse, charbon, gaz naturel... Introduction – Émissions de GES et énergie provenant de la combustion. Alain Kilajian, IHA • Solaire, éolien, ... Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion – Émissions de GES provenant principalement de la construction. Mot de la fin • Hydroélectricité – Émissions de GES provenant principalement de la transformation naturelle du carbone à la suite de la mise en eau.
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES provenant de la production d’électricité Charbon Gaz naturel Hydroélectricité (GIEC) Hydroélectricité Solaire Éolien Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Modifié à partir de Fig 7.6 GIEC AR5 2014 Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Transformation d’une rivière en réservoir (A) Pre-impoundment Pre-impoundment emissions (B) Post-impoundment New Diffusive emissions CO2 CH4 CH4 bubbling Introduction Organic carbon from river Alain Kilajian, IHA Lateral transport Pelagic production Sara Mercier- Benthic of CO2 and CH4 Degassing and production of Sedimentation downstream Blais, UQAM CO2 and CH4 CH4 oxidation at oxycline emissions Thermocline Discussion CH4 production in anoxic water and sediments Mot de la fin Degradation of /looded organic matter Prairie et al. 2017
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Qu’est-ce que les émissions naturelles de GES (gaz à effet de serre)? • Les GES sont produits naturellement par des organismes vivants. • Principalement par des bactéries. • De la décomposition de la matière organique. Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Pourquoi s’intéresser aux GES? Défis à relever pour la déclaration des émissions de GES : 1. Échantillonnage sur le terrain 2. Application des moyennes régionales 3. Modélisation Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Évaluation des émissions de GES Échantillonnage sur le terrain Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Évaluation des émissions de GES Application de moyennes régionales (ou facteur d’émission) : • Moyenne des émissions mesurées. • Par zone climatique. • Peut masquer certaines caractéristiques spécifiques des réservoirs. Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Évaluation des émissions de GES Modélisation: • Modèles de base avant le projet G-res: Barros et al 2011 Modèle simple uniquement basé sur l’age et la latitude Résultats: Seulement émissions diffusives Introduction Deemer et al 2016 Alain Kilajian, Ajout ébullition IHA Base de données plus grande (267 réservoirs) Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin ** Modèles qui peuvent masquer certaines caractéristiques spécifiques des réservoirs.
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Validate your Results Save Input Parameters Import Saved Parameters Printable Reports Export to .txt file Technical Support Outil G-res For assessing and reporting the greenhouse gas emissions of a reservoir PARTNERS: Reservoir Name Warning: Restart Analysis with Please never refresh the page with the Reload Page button of the browser. This web page will disconnect automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. a New Reservoir The G-res Tool works only with the following supported browsers : Safari 10.x, Chrome 55 or later, Microsoft Edge 38 or later. Introduction Catchment Reservoir Reservoir services Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine Validate your Save Input Import Saved Printable Export to .txt Technical Results Parameters Parameters Reports file Support Online Technical Document Current Totals tCO2e/ yr Input Page 2/ 4 - Reservoir Data for Reservoir For assessing and reporting the greenhouse gas emissions ofPost-Impoundment a reservoir On this sheet, enter the key parameters that describe the reservoir. PARTNERS: Pre-Impoundment Country Longitude of Dam (DD) Reservoir Name Restart Analysis with a New Reservoir UAS User Guidelines Warning: Please never refresh the page with the Reload Page button of the browser. This web page will disconnect automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. Possibilité d’utiliser G-res à n’importe quel étape du projet The G-res Tool works only with the following supported browsers : Safari 10.x, Chrome 55 or later, Microsoft Edge 38 or later. Latitude of Dam (DD) Project specific information should be used. Introduction Catchment Reservoir This may be Reservoir obtained from services current operations Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine Climate Zone (Reservoir Area) or from feasibility studies. For reservoirs that are expected to exhibit Impoundment Year fluctuations in certain parameters depending Online Technical Document Current Totals tCO2e/ yr Reservoir Area (km2) Input Page 1/ 4 - Catchment Data on season or operating regime,forthe user Catchment should determine the 'typical' values and – Étape de faisabilité: Reservoir Volume (km3) then undertake a sensitivity analysis to Post-Impoundment On this sheet, enter data on the land coverdetermine types in the catchment whether area and the those variations reservoir affect the area. Water Level (m above sea level) ** To reset to automatically calculated value, press overall result. Pre-Impoundment the reset button ( ) associated. Maximum Depth (m) Catchment Area (km2) UAS 1) If Reservoir Area and Volume are available, Mean Depth (m) 1 Mean Depth will be calculated. Population in the Catchment (persons) Littoral Area (%) 2 2) If Mean and Maximum Depth are available, Catchment Annual Runoff (mm/yr) User Guidelines Empreinte carbone % Littoral Area will be calculated. Thermocline Depth (m) 3 Community Wastewater Treatment - Please Select The user should select land cover data based 3) If Reservoir Area, Maximum Depth, Mean Water Intake Depth (m) 4 Release of phosphorus from communityDepth, sewageAnnual in the Wind Speed and Monthly on the most appropriate and relevant data for catchment, if known (kg P /yr) Temperature are available, Thermocline the reservoir and catchment area. Water Intake Elevation (m above sea level) User Notices Industrial Depth will be calculated. 2 Impossible to estimate default Wastewater value for Treatment - Please Select Where land cover categories differ with the Soil Carbon Content Under Impounded Area (kgC/m ) thermocline depth. Please fill.of phosphorus from industrial sewage in the Release categories presented in the G-res Tool, the 4) If Mean/Normal Operating 0 Level and Water acceptable Wind value from Earth Engine? catchment, if known (kg P /yr) Intake Elevation are available, Water Intake user should rationalise the data being used Depth will be calculated. into the same categories, and check that the Annual Wind Speed (m/s) emission factors used in the G-res Tool are Land Cover in the Catchment Area % Land 5) If Reservoir Area, Mean Depth andUse Intensity applicable to those land cover types. Water Residence Time (WRT, yrs) 5 Please choose units of inputs: Discharge are available, WRT 0%= will NobeManaged Land Annual Discharge from the Reservoir (m3/s) 6 calculated. 100%= All Heavily managed Land 'Intensity' is used to describe the level of % km2 Past Current human influence on the land use as part of Phosphorus Concentration (ug/L) 7 6) If reservoir Runoff and Catchment Area are – Étape de conception: Croplands 0 0 the UAS module. Broadly this means whether available, Discharge will be calculated. for agriculure and forest it is heavily managed Trophic Level Bare Areas land, and for urban area whether the 7) If Catchment Land Cover, WRT, Discharge, Reservoir Mean Global Horizontal Radiance (kWh/m2/d) population density is high. Sensitivity analysis Population and Climate are available, Wetlands is encouraged. Phosphorus Concentration will be calculated. Mean Temperature per Month (°C) Introduction Forest 0 0 January February Grassland/Shrubland 0 0 March April May June Permanent Snow/Ice Settlements Water Bodies 0 Reset Catchment Land 0 User Notices WARNING - Please be sure to add 0% to all land cover with no value. WARNING - Important contribution of organic soil, please validate data with another source Modification pour limiter les Alain Kilajian, IHA émissions Drained Peatlands WARNING - Please validate if the organic Grassland/Shrubland is July Cover Peatland instead August No Data WARNING - Sum of % of catchment land cover is not equal to September 100% Sara Mercier- Pre-Impoundment Land Cover in the Reservoir Area WARNING - Sum of % of land cover under impounded area is not October equal to 100% Reservoir Area (km2) November Blais, UQAM – Étape d’opération: Next Input Page% of Organic % Past Land Use Intensity December Soil that is 0%=No Managed Land Mean Annual Air Temperature (°C) % Mineral Soil % Organic Soil Drained 100%= All Heavily managed Land % km2 Croplands ( ) 0 Bare Areas Wetlands ( ( ) ) User Guidelines If River Area before Impoundment is Discussion Déclaration des émissions unknown, please provide the length Forest ( ) 0 between the river inlet and the dam, so that River Area before Impoundment be Grassland/Shrubland ( ) 0 calculated. This calculation does not work in case of the presence of a lake Mot de la fin Permanent Snow/Ice ( ) before the impoudment. ( ) 0 d’un projet Settlements River Area before River Length before ( ) Impoundment Impoundment (m) Drained Peatlands No Data Edit Emission Factors Reset Reservoir Land Cover Next Input Page
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Historique de l’outil G-res Article sur Estimation mondiale des GES des reservoirs dans Global Biogeochemical Cycles Début du projet de Première version de Lancement de recherche UNESCO/IHA l’outil (MODEL-Risk l’outil G-res au G-res Article descriptif sur l’état des GES des Assessment Tool – WHC en Ethiopie - Tool des modèles G-res réservoirs d’eau douce Version bêta dans Excel) Disponible en ligne v2 G-res Tool v3 2006 2007 2010 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2021 CBI Hydropower Introduction Article sur le Cycle Lignes directrices Première Première formation criteria Alain Kilajian, mondial du carbone des UNESCO/IHA pour la version bêta de officielle certifiée G- IHA eaux intérieures dans mesure des GES pour l’outil G-res res tool Sara Mercier- Ecosystems les réservoirs d’eau présentée au Blais, UQAM douce WHC en Chine Article conceptuel Discussion publié en Ecosystems Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Puissance surfacique et Intensité des émissions Puissance surfacique (W/m2) - Rapport entre la capacité installée et la surface totale du réservoir Intensité des émissions (gCO2e/kWh) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA - Rapport entre les émissions nettes de GES et Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM l’électricité produite Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Accès aux obligations vertes Le critère d’éligibilité du Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) exige: 1. Une évaluation HESG officielle sans lacune 2. Une évaluation de GES si le projet a une Introduction puissance surfacique < 5 W/m2 pour des projets Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- existants (ou < 10 W/m2 pour des nouveaux Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin projets)
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Étude de cas: Dibwangui, Gabon Promoteur : FGIS/Eranove Group Puissance installée : 15.4 MW Étape de l’évaluation : Préparation Date de l’évaluation : Septembre 2019 - Octobre 2020 Puissance surfacique : 19.15 W/m2 Intensité des émissions de GES : 30 gCO2e/kWh Introduction Rapport en Alain Kilajian, IHA français: Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM https://www.hydr Discussion Mot de la fin /dibwangui
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES pour la production d’énergie Puissance surfacique (W/m2) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin 395 réservoirs Intensité des émissions allouées (gCO2e/kWh) IHA 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES pour la production d’énergie Puissance surfacique (W/m2) >10 W/m2 Émissions considerées ZÉRO Introduction 4 < W/m2 < 10 Alain Kilajian, IHA Émissions considerées 90 gCO2/kWh Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM < 4 W/m2 Discussion Inéligible Mot de la fin 395 réservoirs Intensité des émissions allouées (gCO2e/kWh) IHA 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES pour la production d’énergie Puissance surfacique (W/m2) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA 5 W/m2 Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin 395 réservoirs Intensité des émissions allouées (gCO2e/kWh) IHA 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES pour la production d’énergie Éolienne Hydro Solaire Gaz naturel Charbon Médiane → 11 23 48 490 820 Puissance surfacique (W/m2) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA 5 W/m2 Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin 395 réservoirs Intensité des émissions allouées (gCO2e/kWh) IHA 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES pour la production d’énergie Puissance surfacique (W/m2) Puissance surfacique Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM G-res Modélisation spécifique Discussion tool requise Mot de la fin 395 réservoirs Intensité des émissions allouées (gCO2e/kWh) IHA 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES pour la production d’énergie Puissance surfacique (W/m2) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin Intensité des émissions allouées (gCO2e/kWh) 395 réservoirs IHA 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions de GES pour la production d’énergie Puissance surfacique (W/m2) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin Intensité des émissions allouées (gCO2e/kWh) 395 réservoirs IHA 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Messages clés L’hydroélectricité a une intensité d’émissions similaire à celle d’autres énergies renouvelables. Les émissions hydroélectriques proviennent principalement de la transformation par les bactéries du carbone du sol inondé lors de la création d’un reservoir. Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Les deux seuils les plus importants pour l’hydroélectricité à retenir: Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM - Puissance surfacique : > 5 W/m2 pour les projets existants et > 10 W/m2 Discussion pour les nouveaux projets Mot de la fin - Intensité des émissions : < 100 gCO2/kWh pour les projets existants et < 50 gCO2/kWh pour les nouveaux projets
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Les milieux aquatiques sont extrêmement actifs en Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) terme d’émissions de GES Évasion CO2 2.1 Terrestre 0.9 0.9 Océan 0.9 Océan Terrestre 3.6 Cole, Prairie et al. 2007 0.6 Storage de sediment Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin GIEC 2007 GIEC 2013
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Transformation d’une rivière en réservoir (A) Pre-impoundment Pre-impoundment emissions (B) Post-impoundment New Diffusive emissions CO2 CH4 CH4 bubbling Introduction Organic carbon from river Alain Kilajian, IHA Lateral transport Pelagic production Sara Mercier- Benthic of CO2 and CH4 Degassing and production of Sedimentation downstream Blais, UQAM CO2 and CH4 CH4 oxidation at oxycline emissions Thermocline Discussion CH4 production in anoxic water and sediments Mot de la fin Degradation of /looded organic matter Prairie et al. 2017
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions pré-inondation (A) Pre-impoundment Pre-impoundment emissions Prairie et al. 2018 CO CH4' Introduction (B) Post-impoundment 2' CH4/CO2' Alain Kilajian, IHA New Diffusive emissions Sara Mercier- CO2 CH4 CH4 Blais, UQAM bubbling Discussion Forest' Organic carbon Wetlands' Mot de la fin from river River' Lateral transport Pelagic production Degassi
Pre-impoundment emissions United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Transformation d’une rivière en réservoir (B) Post-impoundment New Diffusive emissions CO2 CH4 CH4 bubbling Organic carbon from river Lateral transport Pelagic production Introduction Benthic of CO2 and CH4 Degassing and production of Sedimentation downstream Alain Kilajian, CO2 and CH4 IHA CH4 oxidation at oxycline emissions Thermocline CH4 production Sara Mercier- in anoxic water Blais, UQAM and sediments Discussion Degradation of /looded organic matter Mot de la fin Prairie et al. 2018
Pre-impoundment emissions United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Mais qu’est-ce qui se passe réellement? • Modification de la forme du système • Modification de la couverture du terrain • Post-impoundment (B) Modification de l’hydrologie New Diffusive emissions CO2 CH4 CH4 bubbling Organic carbon from river Lateral transport Pelagic production Introduction Benthic of CO2 and CH4 Degassing and production of Sedimentation downstream Alain Kilajian, CO2 and CH4 IHA CH4 oxidation at oxycline emissions Thermocline CH4 production Sara Mercier- in anoxic water Blais, UQAM and sediments Discussion Degradation of /looded organic matter Mot de la fin Prairie et al. 2018
Pre-impoundment emissions United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Mais qu’est-ce qui se passe réellement? • Changement dans la stratification thermique (B) Post-impoundment New Diffusive emissions CO2 CH4 CH4 bubbling Organic carbon from river Lateral transport Pelagic production Introduction Benthic of CO2 and CH4 Degassing and production of Sedimentation downstream Alain Kilajian, CO2 and CH4 IHA CH4 oxidation at oxycline emissions Thermocline CH4 production Sara Mercier- in anoxic water Blais, UQAM and sediments Discussion Degradation of /looded organic matter Mot de la fin Prairie et al. 2018
Pre-impoundment emissions United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Mais qu’est-ce qui se passe réellement? • Plus de production de GES dans les sédiments, la colonne d’eau et la zone littorale (B) Post-impoundment New Diffusive emissions CO2 CH4 CH4 bubbling Organic carbon from river Lateral transport Pelagic production Introduction Benthic of CO2 and CH4 Degassing and production of Sedimentation downstream Alain Kilajian, CO2 and CH4 IHA CH4 oxidation at oxycline emissions Thermocline CH4 production Sara Mercier- in anoxic water Blais, UQAM and sediments Discussion Degradation of /looded organic matter Mot de la fin Prairie et al. 2018
Pre-impoundment emissions United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Mais qu’est-ce qui se passe réellement? • Plus d’émissions de GES (B) Post-impoundment New Diffusive emissions CO2 CH4 CH4 bubbling Organic carbon from river Lateral transport Pelagic production Introduction Benthic of CO2 and CH4 Degassing and production of Sedimentation downstream Alain Kilajian, CO2 and CH4 IHA CH4 oxidation at oxycline emissions Thermocline CH4 production Sara Mercier- in anoxic water Blais, UQAM and sediments Discussion Degradation of /looded organic matter Mot de la fin Prairie et al. 2018
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions diffusives de CO2 et de CH4 Diffusion Ébullition (CH4 + CO2) (CH4) Dégazage (CH4) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin Concentration plus élevée dans l’eau = diffusion de l’eau à l’atmosphère.
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions par ébulition de CH4 Diffusion Ébullition (CH4 + CO2) (CH4) Dégazage (CH4) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin Production et accumulation de CH4 dans les sédiments.
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Émissions par dégazage du CH4 Diffusion Ébullition (CH4 + CO2) (CH4) Dégazage (CH4) Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin GES provenant de la partie la plus profonde du réservoir rejetée à la sortie du barrage.
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Outil G-res Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Revue de littérature 370 mesures pour 223 réservoirs provenant de 73 articles Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Couche globale en libre accès 1 Predictor Variables Units Source Supplemental information Mean monthly and annual °C Global Climate database Average for the period 1950-2000 air temperature (Hijmans et al., 2005) Climate zone (reservoir - Rubel and Kottek, 2010 Köppen- 4 categories compatible with the emission factor of area) Geiger climate classification IPCC (2006): Tropical, Subtropical, Temperate, Boreal -1 Annual precipitation mm yr Global Climate database Average for the period 1950-2000 (Hijmans et al., 2005) Mean annual runoff mm yr-1 Fekete et al., 2000 Mean monthly and annual m s-1 NOAA, GLOBE Task Team et al., wind speed 1999 -1 Population density person km CIESIN, 2005 -2 Soil carbon content of the kgC m SoilGrids - global gridded soil Surface layer of the soil (30 cm) only Introduction inundated catchment area information (Hengl et al., 2017) Alain Kilajian, IHA Land coverage % ESA-CCI 2014-2017 9 categories: Croplands, Forest, Grassland/Shrubland, Wetlands, Settlements, Bare Areas, Water Bodies , Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Permanent Snow/Ice, No Data Discussion Reservoir mean global kWh m-2d-1 SSE (NASA 2008) See Appendix A.3. to convert to Cumulative global -2 -1 horizontal radiance horizontal radiance (kWh m period ). Mot de la fin + Différents calculs utilisant des équations générales de la litérature
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Qu’est-ce qui est important pour les émissions de GES? Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Effet de l’age sur les émissions de GES 25° C a) b) 50 G-res intègre sur une durée 25 CH4diffusive emissions (mg C m-2d-1) 45% de vie de 100 ans 25° C 35% 40 Émissions de GES 20 25% 30 15 15% 20° C 20 Introduction 10 5% Alain Kilajian, 15° C IHA 10 5 Sara Mercier- 10° C Blais, UQAM 5°C Discussion 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 Mot de la 100 fin Age of reservoir Age of reservoir Age du réservoir
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Effet de l’age sur les émissions de GES Boréal Tropical 25° C a) b) 50 25 CH4diffusive emissions (mg C m-2d-1) 45% 25° C 35% 40 Émissions de GES 20 25% 30 15 15% 20° C 20 10 Prairie et al. 2021 Introduction 5% Alain Kilajian, 15° C IHA 10 5 Sara Mercier- 10° C Blais, UQAM 5°C Discussion 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 Mot de la 100 fin Age of reservoir Age of reservoir Age du réservoir
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Qu’est-ce qui est important pour les émissions de GES? Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Modèles CO2 et CH4 diffusif Température CO2 diffusif Température Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA CH4 diffusif Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin Prairie et al. 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Qu’est-ce qui est important pour les émissions de GES? Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Modèles CO2 et CH4 diffusif Température Carbone dans le sol CO2 diffusif Température Aire de littoral Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA CH4 diffusif Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin Prairie et al. 2021
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Empreinte nette de GES Empreinte nette de GES = Émissions Post inondation – Émissions Pré inondation – Allocation Introduction Émissions issues de sources anthropiques non Alain Kilajian, IHA reliées (UAS) Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM + Discussion Mot de la fin Émissions issues de la construction
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Outil G-res Validate your Save Input Import Saved Printable Export to .txt Technical Validate your Save Input Import Saved Printable Export to .txt Technical Results Parameters Parameters Reports file Support Results Parameters Parameters Reports file Support For assessing and reporting the greenhouse For assessing and reporting the greenhouse gas emissions of a reservoir PARTNERS: gas emissions of a reservoir PARTNERS: Reservoir Name Reservoir Name Warning: Warning: Restart Analysis with Please never refresh the page with the Reload Page button of the browser. Restart Analysis with Please never refresh the page with the Reload Page button of the browser. This web page will disconnect automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. a New Reservoir The G-res Tool works only with the following supported browsers : Safari 10.x, Chrome 55 or later, Microsoft Edge 38 or later. This web page will disconnect automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. a New Reservoir The G-res Tool works only with the following supported browsers : Safari 10.x, Chrome 55 or later, Microsoft Edge 38 or later. Introduction Catchment Reservoir Reservoir services Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine Introduction Catchment Reservoir Reservoir services Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine Online Technical Document Current Totals tCO2e/ yr Input Page 2/ 4 - Reservoir Data Online Technical Document Current Totals tCO2e/ yr for Reservoir Input Page 1/ 4 - Catchment Data for Catchment Post-Impoundment On this sheet, enter the key parameters that describe the reservoir. Post-Impoundment Pre-Impoundment On this sheet, enter data on the land cover types in the catchment area and the reservoir area. Pre-Impoundment UAS Catchment Area (km2) UAS Population in the Catchment (persons) Country Catchment Annual Runoff (mm/yr) User Guidelines Longitude of Dam (DD) User Guidelines Community Wastewater Treatment - Please Select The user should select land cover data based Latitude of Dam (DD) Project specific information should be used. Release of phosphorus from community sewage in the on the most appropriate and relevant data for This may be obtained from current operations catchment, if known (kg P /yr) the reservoir and catchment area. Climate Zone (Reservoir Area) or from feasibility studies. Industrial Wastewater Treatment - Please Select For reservoirs that are expected to exhibit Where land cover categories differ with the Impoundment Year fluctuations in certain parameters depending Release of phosphorus from industrial sewage in the categories presented in the G-res Tool, the 0 on season or operating regime, the user catchment, if known (kg P /yr) user should rationalise the data being used Reservoir Area (km2) should determine the 'typical' values and into the same categories, and check that the Reservoir Volume (km3) then undertake a sensitivity analysis to Land Cover in the Catchment Area emission factors used in the G-res Tool are % Land Use Intensity applicable to those land cover types. determine whether those variations affect the 0%= No Managed Land Water Level (m above sea level) ** To reset to automatically calculated value, press overall result. Please choose units of inputs: 100%= All Heavily managed Land 'Intensity' is used to describe the level of the reset button ( ) associated. Maximum Depth (m) 1) If Reservoir Area and Volume are available, % km2 Past Current human influence on the land use as part of Mean Depth will be calculated. Croplands 0 0 the UAS module. Broadly this means whether Mean Depth (m) 1 for agriculure and forest it is heavily managed Littoral Area (%) 2 2) If Mean and Maximum Depth are available, Bare Areas land, and for urban area whether the % Littoral Area will be calculated. population density is high. Sensitivity analysis Thermocline Depth (m) 3 Wetlands is encouraged. 3) If Reservoir Area, Maximum Depth, Mean Water Intake Depth (m) 4 Depth, Annual Wind Speed and Monthly Forest 0 0 Temperature are available, Thermocline Water Intake Elevation (m above sea level) User Notices Grassland/Shrubland 0 0 Depth will be calculated. Impossible to estimate default value for Soil Carbon Content Under Impounded Area (kgC/m2) Permanent Snow/Ice User Notices thermocline depth. Please fill. 4) If Mean/Normal Operating Level and Water WARNING - Please be sure to add 0% to all land cover with no Wind value from Earth Engine? Intake Elevation are available, Water Intake value. Settlements 0 0 Depth will be calculated. WARNING - Important contribution of organic soil, please validate Annual Wind Speed (m/s) Water Bodies data with another source 5 5) If Reservoir Area, Mean Depth and Introduction Water Residence Time (WRT, yrs) Reset Catchment Land Discharge are available, WRT will be Drained Peatlands WARNING - Please validate if the organic Grassland/Shrubland is calculated. Cover Peatland instead Annual Discharge from the Reservoir (m3/s) 6 No Data WARNING - Sum of % of catchment land cover is not equal to Phosphorus Concentration (ug/L) 7 6) If reservoir Runoff and Catchment Area are 100% available, Discharge will be calculated. Pre-Impoundment Land Cover in the Reservoir Area Trophic Level WARNING - Sum of % of land cover under impounded area is not Alain Kilajian, equal to 100% 7) If Catchment Land Cover, WRT, Discharge, Reservoir Area (km2) Reservoir Mean Global Horizontal Radiance (kWh/m2/d) Population and Climate are available, % of Organic % Past Land Use Intensity Phosphorus Concentration will be calculated. IHA Mean Temperature per Month (°C) Soil that is 0%=No Managed Land January % Mineral Soil % Organic Soil Drained 100%= All Heavily managed Land % km2 Croplands ( ) 0 February March Bare Areas ( ) User Guidelines Sara Mercier- April Wetlands ( ) If River Area before Impoundment is unknown, please provide the length May Forest ( ) 0 between the river inlet and the dam, so Blais, UQAM June that River Area before Impoundment be Grassland/Shrubland ( ) 0 calculated. This calculation does not July work in case of the presence of a lake Permanent Snow/Ice ( ) before the impoudment. August Settlements ( ) 0 September October November River Area before Impoundment Drained Peatlands ( ) River Length before Impoundment (m) Discussion Next Input Page December No Data Mean Annual Air Temperature (°C) Reset Reservoir Land Edit Emission Factors Mot de la fin Cover Next Input Page
Restart Analysis with This web page will disconnect automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. a New Reservoir The G-res Tool works only withWetlands This webbrowsers the following supported page will: Safari disconnect 10.x,automatically Chrome 55 orafter 30Microsoft later, minutes of inactivity. Edge 38 or later. is encouraged. a New Reservoir The G-res Tool works only with the following supported browsers : Safari 10.x, Chrome 55 or later, Microsoft Edge 38 or later. Forest 0 0 Université ntroduction Catchment Reservoir Reservoir services Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine Educati ona United Nations l , Scienti fica nd Cultural Organization UNESCO Chair in Global environmental change du Québec à Montréal (Canada) Introduction Catchment Reservoir Reservoir services Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine Grassland/Shrubland 0 0 Input Page 1/ 4 - Catchment Data Input Page 1/ 4 - Catchment Data Outil G-res: Bassin versant et zone inondée Online Technical Document Online Technical Document for Catchment for Catchment Permanent Snow/Ice Settlements Current Current Totals Totals tCOtCO 2e/ yr 2e/ yr 0 0 User Notices WARNING - Please be sure to a value. Post-Impoundment WARNING - Important contribu OnOn this sheet, enter data on the land cover types in the catchment area and the reservoir area. Post-Impoundment this sheet, enter data on the land cover types in the catchment area and the reservoir area. Water Bodies data with another source Pre-Impoundment Pre-Impoundment Drained Peatlands Reset Catchment Land WARNING - Please validate if t Catchment Area (km 2 ) 2) UAS UAS Cover Catchment Area (km Peatland instead Population in in the Catchment No Data WARNING - Sum of % of catch Population the Catchment(persons) (persons) 100% Catchment Annual Catchment Runoff Annual Runoff(mm/yr) (mm/yr) Pre-Impoundment User User Land Cover in the Reservoir Area Guidelines Guidelines WARNING - Sum of % of land c Community Wastewater Treatment equal to 100% Community Wastewater Treatment- -Please PleaseSelect Select The Reservoir The Area (km user 2 user) should should select select land land cover cover datadata basedbased Release of of Release phosphorus phosphorusfrom fromcommunity communitysewage sewagein inthe the onon thethe most most appropriate appropriate andand relevant relevant datadata for for % of Organic % Past Land Use Intensity catchment, catchment,if known (kg if known (kgPP/yr) /yr) the the reservoir reservoir and and catchment catchment area. area. Soil that is 0%=No Managed Land Industrial Industrial Wastewater Wastewater Treatment- -Please Treatment PleaseSelect Select Where % Mineral Soil % Organic Soil Drained 100%= All Heavily managed Land % km2 Wherelandlandcover categories cover categories differ withwith differ the the Release Release of of phosphorus phosphorus fromindustrial from industrialsewage sewageininthe the Croplands categories categories presented presented in in thethe G-res Tool, G-res the the ( Tool, ) 00 0 catchment, catchment, if known if known (kg (kg PP /yr) /yr) user usershould shouldrationalise thethe rationalise data databeing usedused being Bare Areas into intothe same the samecategories, categories,andand check thatthat check the the ( ) Land Land Cover Cover inin the the CatchmentArea Catchment Area emission emissionfactors used factors usedin in thethe G-res ToolTool G-res are are % % Land LandUse UseIntensity Intensity ( ) Wetlandsapplicable applicableto to those land those cover land types. cover types. 0%= 0%=No NoManaged ManagedLandLand Please Please choose choose units units ofofinputs: inputs: 100%= All 100%= All Heavily Heavilymanaged managedLand Land ( ) 0 Forest 'Intensity' 'Intensity'is isused to to used describe thethe describe level of of level %% km22 km Past Past Current Current human influence on the land use as part of human influence on the land use as part of Grassland/Shrubland the UAS module. Broadly this means whether ( ) 0 Croplands 0 0 the UAS module. Broadly this means whether Croplands 0 0 for agriculure and forest it is heavily managed for agriculure and forest it is heavily managed Bare Areas Permanent land,Snow/Ice and for urban area whether the ( ) Bare Areas land, and for urban area whether the population density is high. Sensitivity analysis Wetlands Settlements population density is high. Sensitivity analysis ( is encouraged. ) 0 Wetlands is encouraged. Forest 0 0 River Area before ( ) Forest 0 0 Impoundment Grassland/Shrubland 0 0 Drained Peatlands Grassland/Shrubland 0 0 User Notices Permanent Snow/Ice No Data User Notices Permanent Snow/Ice WARNING - Please be sure to add 0% to all land cover with no WARNING - Please be sure to add 0% to all land cover with no value. Settlements 0 0 Settlements 0 0 value. WARNING - Important contribution of organic soil, please validate Water Bodies WARNING data with another Reset Reservoir - Important source Land contribution of organic soil, please validate Water Bodies data with another source Cover Reset Catchment Land WARNING - Please validate if the organic Grassland/Shrubland is Drained Peatlands Cover Reset Catchment Land Peatland WARNINGinstead - Please validate if the organic Grassland/Shrubland is Drained Peatlands No Data Cover Peatland- instead WARNING Sum of % of catchment land cover is not equal to No Data 100% WARNING - Sum of % of catchment land cover is not equal to
the reset butt Maximum Depth (m) oduction Catchment Reservoir Reservoir services Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine Mean Depth (m) 1 United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Littoral Area (%) 2 Input Page 2/ 4 - Reservoir Data Outil G-res: Réservoir et climat Online Technical Document for Reservoir Current Totals tCO2e/ yr Thermocline Depth (m) 3 Post-Impoundment Water Intake Depth (m) 4 On this sheet, enter the key parameters that describe the reservoir. Pre-Impoundment Water Intake Elevation (m above sea level) User Notice 2 Impossible to UAS Soil Carbon Content Under Impounded Area (kgC/m ) thermocline d Wind value from Earth Engine? Annual Wind Speed (m/s) Country Water Residence Time (WRT, yrs) 5 Longitude of Dam (DD) User Guidelines Annual Discharge from the Reservoir (m3/s) 6 Latitude of Dam (DD) Project specific information should be used. This may be obtainedPhosphorus from current operations (ug/L) 7 Concentration Climate Zone (Reservoir Area) or from feasibility studies. For reservoirs that are expected to exhibit Trophic Level Impoundment Year fluctuations in certain parameters depending Reservoir Mean Global Horizontal Radiance (kWh/m2/d) Reservoir Area (km2) on season or operating regime, the user should determine the Mean'typical' valuesperand Temperature Month (°C) Reservoir Volume (km3) then undertake a sensitivity analysis to January determine whether those variations affect the Water Level (m above sea level) ** To reset to automatically calculated value, press overall result. February the reset button ( ) associated. Maximum Depth (m) March 1) If Reservoir Area and Volume are available, Mean Depth (m) 1 Mean Depth will be calculated. April 2) If Mean and Maximum Depth are Mayavailable, Littoral Area (%) 2 % Littoral Area will be calculated.June Thermocline Depth (m) 3 July Mean 3) If Reservoir Area, Maximum Depth, Water Intake Depth (m) 4 Depth, Annual Wind Speed and Monthly August Temperature are available, Thermocline Water Intake Elevation (m above sea level) User Notices Depth will be calculated. September Impossible to estimate default value for Soil Carbon Content Under Impounded Area (kgC/m2) thermocline depth. Please fill. 4) If Mean/Normal Operating LevelOctober and Water Wind value from Earth Engine? Intake Elevation are available, Water Intake November Depth will be calculated. Annual Wind Speed (m/s) December Water Residence Time (WRT, yrs) 5 5) If Reservoir Area, Mean Depth and Discharge areMean Annual AirWRT available, Temperature will be(°C) Annual Discharge from the Reservoir (m3/s) 6 calculated.
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Variables d’entrée de base Bassin versant Population dans le bassin versant Ruissellement annuel du bassin versant Couverture des terres du bassin versant % (agriculture, sol nu, milieux humides, forêts, prairies/arbustes, neige/glace permanente, milieux urbains, eau, tourbières drainées) Aire du réservoir (Niveau moyen ou maximal d’exploitation) Couverture des terres du réservoir avant mise en eau (Sol minéral et organique; agriculture, sol nu, terres humides, forêts, prairies/arbustes, neige/glace permanente, milieux urbains, eau, tourbières drainées) Introduction Pays Alain Kilajian, Zone climatique (Aire du réservoir) IHA Profondeur maximale (La hauteur du barrage pourrait être utilisée comme indicateur de cette valeur) Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Volume du réservoir Discussion Contenu en carbone duans le sol de la zone inondée, 0-30 cm Mot de la fin Vitesse annuelle du vent Irradiation globale horizontale moyenne du réservoir Température moyenne mensuelle de l’air
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) Earth Engine pour les données manquantes • Contour de bassin versant (en utilisant l’outil de dessin à la main ou avec fichier shapefile) • Coordonnée du barrage • Altitude du barrage Introduction Alain Kilajian, IHA Sara Mercier- Blais, UQAM Discussion Mot de la fin
United Nations UNESCO Chair in Université Educati ona l , Scienti fica nd Global environmental du Québec à Montréal Cultural Organization change (Canada) L’outil G-res est disponible en ligne gratuitement, mais... Validate your Save Input Import Saved Printable Export to .txt Technical Results Parameters Parameters Reports file Support For assessing and reporting the greenhouse gas emissions of a reservoir PARTNERS: Reservoir Name Warning: Restart Analysis with Please never refresh the page with the Reload Page button of the browser. This web page will disconnect automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. a New Reservoir The G-res Tool works only with the following supported browsers : Safari 10.x, Chrome 55 or later, Microsoft Edge 38 or later. Introduction Catchment Reservoir Reservoir services Construction GHG UAS Reservoir GHG Total GHG footprint Emission Factors Earth Engine G-res Tool G-res Tool - Introduction We strongly recommend to download and read the complete guidance here: User guide Technical Document Begin Data Input > The G-res Tool provides an estimation of the level of net GHG footprint (CH4 and CO2) from freshwater existing and future reservoir through the following equation: Net GHG Footprint = [ Post-Flooding Emissions ] - [ Pre-Flooding Emissions ] - [ Emissions from Unrelated Anthropogenic Sources (UAS) ] The tool also includes the emissions from the construction phase. It also allocates the total emissions to the different purpose of the reservoir. To use the tool, click the 'Begin Data Input' button. You will be directed to answer questions about the catchment, the reservoir, the purpose of the reservoir and the construction phase through a series of input tabs. The tool presents a summary results page including all emission sources and detailed calculation sheets which provides more information on some module. If you are missing data about some aspect of your reservoir or its catchment, you may extract it by following the instructions in the “Earth Engine” tab. Earth Engine Introduction Alain Kilajian, Terms and Conditions Your collaboration is always welcomed. Please send your questions, comments and suggestions to IHA For technical support, please contact Sara Mercier- Using this spreadsheet Blais, UQAM Discussion Cell key: Cells where the user MUST input data for the calculations. Cells where the user may input data for the calculations. Mot de la fin Cells that are calculated automatically by the model. Version: Show Version Updates
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