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A TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE – In the fast-moving world of business, we are continually faced with new challenges and opportunities. Our aim is to partner you in your personal development, at the same Leaders must develop the vision and time sharing our specific values skills necessary to lead their organisations and convictions. Our learning to success. With this programme, we offer environment is designed to boost executives the opportunity to develop your self-confidence, to help a people-centered approach, based on transform your career and develop a sense of responsibility, community your business. Look to the future and integrity. and share our world! « Pour faire face aux nouveaux défis des entreprises, les managers et les dirigeants doivent développer leurs « La vie des entreprises est en perpétuel compétences managériales ainsi que leur capacité de vision mouvement. Les opportunités et les enjeux sont et de décision. Avec ce programme nous formons des nombreux. Nous vous offrons un partenariat managers équilibrés qui ont intégré la dimension humaine sur votre évolution personnelle, en vous du management de l’entreprise, fondée sur le sens faisant partager nos valeurs et nos convictions. de la responsabilité, du respect et de l’intégrité. » L’environnement d’apprentissage que nous vous réservons est construit au service du progrès économique et d’une confiance en vous. Venez le découvrir et le partager avec nous! » Denis DAUCHY Benoit ARNAUD Executive MBA Associate Dean Academic Director MBAs & Executive Education Professor OF Strategy 1
contents Executive participant programme edhec join mba profilE STRUCTURE faculty us 03 04 14 18 24 2
EXECUTIVE MBA PART-TIME – YOUR PROFESSIONAL TRANSFORMATION TO SENIOR EXECUTIVE AND ENTREPRENEURIAL POSITIONS Our Executive MBA programme is designed for experienced managers, entrepreneurs and senior executives seeking to experience a professional transformation. It enables you to polish your leadership skills and gives you a fresh perspective on global business. CONSOLIDATE YOUR EXECUTIVE-LEVEL SKILLS RENFORCER VOS COMPETENCES Being a senior manager or entrepreneur requires a cross-functional perspective, Être cadre dirigeant ou entrepreneur exige d’avoir une vision transversale et savoir conjuguer reconciling strategic thought and practical experience. Because change is accelerating la réflexion stratégique et le terrain. En outre, in the business world today, you need to consolidate and deepen your la conjoncture sollicite des nouvelles grilles management skills. de décision et d’action qui nécessitent de consolider et d’actualiser ses compétences et les fondamentaux de la gestion. INCREASE YOUR SELF-AWARENESS DEVELOPPER VOTRE LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOP YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS À l’EDHEC, l’éthique, la responsabilité, l’échange At EDHEC, ethics, responsibility and discussions – in short, the human dimension d’expériences – en bref, la dimension humaine of business – take precedence over mere managerial techniques. des affaires – l’emportent sur la technique. It’s for this reason that our Executive MBA combines thorough academic study C’est pourquoi notre Executive MBA associe with intensive individualised coaching. un apprentissage dense et de haut niveau à un accompagnement individualisé intensif. MAITRISER LES ENJEUX DE LA SHARPEN YOUR GLOBAL OUTLOOK MONDIALISATION The Executive MBA puts you in direct contact with the realities of globalisation. L’Executive MBA vous permet d’être confronté During the Global Business Trips, you sharpen your strategic sensitivity directement aux réalités de la mondialisation. and business acumen. You learn how to anticipate the movements Lors des Global Business Trips, nous vous offrons of emerging markets and to identify alternative management models. l’occasion de développer votre sensibilité stratégique en analysant les mouvements émanant de marchés émergents et d’identifier des key facts modèles alternatifs de management. intakes programme FEBRUARY • 1 week INDUCTION PROGRAMME OR SEPTEMBER • 6 core courses • 6 electives • 2 Global Business Trips length • 1 consulting project • 7 COACHING SESSIONS • 18 months (Lille) weekend format sites • 16 months (Paris) weekday format paris and lille 3
PARTICIPANT PROFILE – LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY: A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING COMMUNITY Our Executive MBA’s strength lies in the diversity of its participants. L’APPRENTISSAGE PAR LA DIFFéRENCE The range of professional backgrounds, industries, positions and La force de l’Executive MBA réside dans la professional experience among our participants makes a highly concrete diversité des personnalités qui s’y rassemblent. Cette diversité de fonctions, de secteurs contribution to their personal and team development. Every class is d’activité et d’expériences professionnelles unique, creating a privileged forum for networking and exchanging with entre les participants contribue de façon très other business leaders. concrète à l’enrichissement personnel et collectif. Chaque promotion est unique : elle constitue Whether engineers, sales executives, CEOs of SMEs or family business un lieu privilégié de rencontres et d’échanges leaders, all the Executive MBA participants share the same mindset and the avec d’autres managers et dirigeants. same motivation. They are ready to take a long, hard look at themselves Qu’ils soient ingénieurs, cadres commerciaux, in order to advance their careers and become key drivers of their own dirigeants de PME ou d’entreprises familiales development. tous les participants à l’Executive MBA partagent un même état d’esprit, une même motivation : ils sont prêts à se remettre en question pour faire évoluer leur projet professionnel et devenir acteur de leur propre changement. key facts 38 Average Age MOYENNE D’âge 23% women de femmes 370 EMBA Alumni ALUMNI EMBA 4
ACADEMIC BACKGROUND EDHEC Executive MBA was a great experience. Beyond the management techniques and business & 26% humanities commerce the ability to learn from others and to succeed as a team, what 8% I retain most from this great experience is an enhanced self- 7% economics ENgineering 29% knowledge. Through coaching 7% management I was able to identify my true, 5% personal objective and this makes 4% Other sciences all my decisions and actions law 2% today easier. accounting biological science 2% Nathalie LAGRENEE — HR Director, LA POSTE - EMBA 2010 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES I chose EDHEC Executive MBA because I wanted a truly interac- tive experience and I wanted to have close ties with my fellow OTHER / 16% Manager classmates. I liked the fact that ENTREPRENEUR 34% students were encouraged to exchange ideas and that there was a free-flow of knowledge. BUSINESS UNIT 42% Cedric TAELMAN — QUARRY DIRECTOR 8% CEO / MANAGING MANAGER, SAGREX (HC Benelux) DIRECTOR - EMBA 2013 5
GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE – BRINGING YOU The CUTTING-EDGE OF BUSINESS EDHEC Executive MBA offers participants a unique and stimulating international learning experience. It provides first-hand insights into some of the world’s most rapidly evolving economies and emerging markets. Discovering new business models à la découverte de nouveaux business modEls The business world is now global. Companies have to deal Pendant une semaine environ, il s’agit de vivre with both local and international competition, from developed as well en immersion totale dans un environnement as emerging economies. The Executive MBA curriculum offers two Global économique et un cadre socio-culturel différents Business Trips to give you hands-on experience of another culture, economy des schémas occidentaux connus et éprouvés. and competitive context. A key outcome is the preparation A l’issue de chaque business trip, vous devez réaliser en équipe un Global Business Report of a Global Business Report. This teamwork exercise aims at enhancing sur une industrie ou une entreprise de votre choix. your ability to ‘think strategically’ by integrating company-wide issues Ce rapport permet de développer votre capacité and critical thinking. à «penser stratégique» en intégrant transversalité et pensée systémique. SHARING EXPERIENCE WITH LOCAL EXECUTIVES L’apprentissage par l’échange d’expérience You attend a series of lectures on the political and economic environment Vous suivez des cours sur l’environnement in the country, together with an overview of the country’s history économique et politique du pays avec une and culture. This theoretical foundation is complemented by company présentation générale du contexte historique visits where you get to see first-hand how businesses are adapting et culturel. Ces apprentissages théoriques sont complétés par des visites terrain qui permettent to the challenges and opportunities created by our globalised economy. de découvrir comment les entreprises ont réussi The programme encourages discussions and exchanges of points of view. à saisir les opportunités créées par la mondialisation. It makes it possible for you to develop strategic insights Le programme privilégie les discussions et les and to acquire new modes of managerial thought. échanges d’expérience. Il permet de prendre du recul, de développer une sensibilité stratégique et d’acquérir de nouveaux réflexes managériaux. ADDRESSING BUSINESS ISSUES ON A GLOBAL SCALE MAITRISER LES ENJEUX DE LA GLOBALISATION You will be immersed in an international environment throughout Tout au long du programme, vous êtes plongés the duration of the programme. You will be working on case studies dans un environnement international. Vous travail- tackling global issues. Core course module such as ‘Economy and Global lez sur des études de cas abordant des probléma- Environment’ and electives like ‘Doing Business in Europe’ will help you tiques globales. Les modules ‘Economy and Global understand the realities of doing business in a global environment. Business’ et ‘Doing Business in Europe’ vous aideront à mieux comprendre les enjeux de la mondialisation. key facts 15 days in total 2 GLOBAL BUSINESS TRIPS: SHANGHAI, DubaI, Istanbul, MumbaI, sao polo... 6
Shanghai LONDON duBAI DOING BUSINESS IN EUROPE – Brussels A 2-day seminar to understand the functioning of European institutions and the impact on business management of the Northern European ecosystem. Un séminaire de 2 jours pour comprendre le fonctionnement des Institutions européennes et l’impact d’un écosystème nord-européen sur la conduite d’entreprise. ISTANBUL 7
Jean DUFOREST - CEO of ID Group Laurent WAUQUIEZ - Former French Minister for Higher Education and Research Axel DAUCHEZ - CEO of Deezer Bruno BICH - CEO of BIC Group • Daniel FRANKLIN - Editor, The World in Executive Editor, The Economist 8
ACTION LEARNING – BRINGING THEORY TO PRACTICE CONSULTING PROJECT: HANDS-ON, EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Le projet de consulting : DE LA REFLEXION A L’ACTION At the end of the programme, you will apply what you have learned to À l’issue de la formation, vous êtes amené a Consulting Project, a real-world project for a major company or an Action à démontrer votre capacité à appliquer Project created in partnership with your current employer. vos connaissances par le biais d’un Consulting Project, un projet concret, utile à l’entreprise. The objective is both to take a long-term view – the strategy of the company – Il s’agit d’être à la fois dans la vision à long terme and to operate in the immediate future, as well as to demonstrate a keen sense – la stratégie de l’entreprise – et dans la proximité of reality and transform this into action. immédiate : faire preuve d’un sens aigu des réalités, conjuguer sens, réaction et action. The Consulting Project is presented to a company manager Le Consulting Project est soutenu à l’oral and an EDHEC professor who assess the clarity and strength of the strategic devant un jury de deux personnes (un dirigeant diagnosis, as well as the relevance of the planned strategy. d’entreprise et un professeur de l’EDHEC) chargées de valider la clarté et la force du diagnostic ainsi que de la pertinence des recommandations envisagées. INTERACTING WITH BUSINESS LEADERS AND CEOs The strength of the Executive MBA lies in its permanent interaction PROXIMITE AVEC DES DECIDEURS with the world of business. Throughout the programme you will meet ET DES GRANDS PATRONS key business leaders who come to talk about their own experiences La richesse du programme réside dans of managing people and organisations.. l’interaction permanente avec le monde des affaires. Tout au long de la formation vous rencontrez des dirigeants de grands groupes qui viennent témoigner de leur expérience dans la gestion des hommes et des organisations. The consulting project gave me the chance to deal with a challenge facing my company. I had to suggest a realignment of the strategy in the business unit I manage. Without the analytical frameworks that we acquired during the EMBA programme, I could not have taken my thinking so far and would not have had the same degree of confidence and autonomy. Michael JAINE — Head of Sales - Sofinco France - EMBA 2013 EXAMPLES OF CONSULTING PROJECTS THEMES AND TOPICS examples of projects • Strategy and Business ModelS • P roposals for the Future of our Chinese Subsidiary • Business Development • From Being a Cost Centre to BECOMING a Business Partner • Operations Management • Business Plan for a Biotech Firm • Industry Analyses • Should we invest in a network of neighbourhood • P lanned Business Creations shops associated with our brand? and Acquisitions 9
PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP – DEEPENING YOUR LEADERSHIP THROUGH INTENSIVE COACHING When you enrol in our Executive MBA, you opt for strategic management “savoir-faire”, based on innovative methods and personalised coaching. Personal and career coaching Un accompagnement personnel et professionnel The Programme offers you 7 individual, one-to-one coaching sessions Le programme intègre 7 entretiens to help you clarify and reach your goals. The aim is not only to enhance your de coaching individuel dont l’objectif est capacity to make decisions, but also to provide you with the opportunity de vous aider à mener à bien votre projet. Il s’agit to reflect on your individual professional development plan. It can also non seulement de développer vos compétences help you start a new venture or achieve promotion within your organisation. managériales, mais aussi de vous donner l’occasion de faire le point sur votre projet de développement professionnel. Leadership and professional development Leadership Besides the pure business-related courses, several workshops et développement professionnel will allow you to review leadership skills such as speaking in public, En plus des modules fondamentaux en management, conducting an efficient oral presentation, leading complex negotiations, vous travaillerez sur votre capacité à diriger des équipes : prise de parole en public, techniques and working in teams. de présentation, négociation, travail en équipe. Our Executive Coaching and Leadership Development Seminars Nos séminaires Executive Coaching and aim to boost teamwork abilities, as well as to cover a range of personal Leadership Development vous permettront development issues essential to becoming an effective leader. d’améliorer votre capacité à travailler en équipe et de développer les compétences nécessaires pour assumer vos responsabilités de futur dirigeant. In addition to management skills and managerial competencies, self-awareness is no doubt the key to change. Both through the specific coaching and discussions with like-minded others, my career plan became clearer. I was then given an internationally-oriented position in strategic project management. The Executive MBA still impacts on my decisions and actions today, has given me a huge energy boost and has provided my work with new meaning. Delphine TOUNZI — Global S&OP supply planning Project Manager-Pentair Valves & Controls - EMBA 2013 key facts 7 INDIVIDUAL COACHING SESSIONS 20% LEADERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROGRAMME DEDICATED TO 10
WORLD-CLASS FACULTY – A BALANCE OF ACTIONABLE KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL INSIGHTS Knowledge at the cutting edge of research La formation de l’Executive MBA de l’EDHEC est dispensée par des professeurs et des chercheurs The teaching faculty of the EDHEC Executive MBA are professors and de l’EDHEC Business School, dont l’expertise researchers from EDHEC Business School whose expertise is frequently académique trouve un écho récurrent dans de published and cited in French and international publications. The nombreuses publications nationales programme is enriched by the contribution of visiting faculty who come et internationales. from leading international business schools and companies across the Ce corps professoral international est renforcé world. Our visiting faculty offers a unique blend of business and academic par des professeurs et des intervenants extérieurs : experience, bringing a real-world dimension to the programme. professeurs de grandes universités ou business schools internationales , riches d’une grande expérience du monde de l’entreprise. Denis Dauchy Geert Demuijnck Sylvie Deffayet Serge Besanger Professor of Strategy Professor of Ethics Professor of Management Affiliate Professor of PhD in Management PhD in Philosophy PhD in HR Management Economy and Global FRANCE Belgium FRANCE Environment PhD in Economics Singapore Philippe Foulquier Marc Jungerman Pamela Lirio Eric Labbe Professor of Finance Professor of Professor of Management Professor of Supply PhD in Economics Entrepreneurship PhD in Management Chain Management FRANCE University of Texas Canada PhD in Management USA FRANCE Joseph Fisher Joëlle Vanhamme Tony Restell Philippe Very Professor of Accounting Professor of Marketing Professor of Digital Professor of Strategic PhD in Accounting and PhD in Management Marketing Management Information Systems Sciences University of Cambridge PhD in Management Ohio State University Belgium UK FRANCE USA 12
programme structure – A CUSTOMISED PROGRAMME TO MEET YOUR NEEDS lille campus paris campus 18 16 months Weekend Format Weekday Format months OR 32 WEEKENDS 4 days per month a BALANCED PROGRAMME compatible with YOUR WORKLOAD Un rythme équilibré, compatible avec votre activité professionnelle sept nov jan mar may jul sept nov jan mar may july sept nov oct dec feB apr june aug oct dec feB apr june aug oct SEPT INTAke INDUCTION PROGRAMME core courses business trip consulting project personal development & coaching feb INTAke feB INDUCTION PROGRAMME core courses business trip consulting project personal development & coaching FACILITATING LEARNING THROUGH INNOVATION Une pédagogie innovante To facilitate the acquisition and integration of skills, EDHEC has developed Pour faciliter l’acquisition et l’intégration des compétences, l’EDHEC a mis en place un dispositif an interactive learning approach. It seamlessly combines themed seminars on pédagogique interactif. Il allie de façon équilibrée management issues, case studies analysed in groups during team seminars and des séminaires thématiques sur les fondamentaux Global Business Trips, and personal work that most notably includes du management, des études de cas travaillées en the Consulting Project. groupe lors des séminaires d’équipe et des Global Business Trips, et du travail personnel, notamment au travers du Consulting Project. *Non-contractual document. Correct at time of printing. 14
A COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM – Our Executive MBA has been designed to provide you with all the concrete knowledge of business and develop your leadership skills. The programme is made up of a variety of courses*: core courses, electives and seminars organised on EDHEC Campuses in Lille and Paris. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: INDUCTION PROGRAMME A combination of presentations, workshops and group teamwork. 6 CORE COURSES These core courses include different modules. They are designed to refresh, consoli- date and develop your management skills. Each Campus offers the same core courses. • Finance : Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Corporate Finance • Global Business : Economy and Global Environment • Strategy : Strategic Analysis, Advanced Strategic Management, Doing Business in Europe (Brussels) • Leadership and Organisation : Leadership and Management • Marketing : Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing (Business Game) • Operations : Operations Management and Supply Chain * 30 hours per module 6 CUTTING-EDGE ELECTIVES The elective courses are designed to develop your expertise in a specific business Lille Campus area or to go more deeply into some of the topics covered in the Core Courses. You can chose 6 electives among a varied portfolio. Examples of electives include: • Philosophy and Business Ethics, Lille • Innovation and Design Thinking, Paris • Entrepreneurship and New Ventures, Lille • Decision Making through Discernment, Lille • Digital Marketing and Big Data, Paris • Luxury Brand Management, Paris • Information Management Systems, Paris • International Business Law and Practice, Lille • Criminal Risks Management, Paris • Droit des Affaires (in French), Lille *15 or 30 hours per module 2 GLOBAL BUSINESS TRIPS 2 weeks in one of the world’s most rapidly developing economies. Examples of destinations : Dubai, Mumbai, Istanbul, Sao Paolo, Shanghai… 7 EXECUTIVE COACHING AND LEADERSHIP Paris Campus DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS 7 sessions are dedicated to your leadership and professional development. 15
edhec alumni – JOIN OUR ALUMNI COMMUNITY EDHEC Alumni contributes to EDHEC’s reputation worldwide and enhances its relationship with the global business community. As an Executive MBA participant, you automatically become a full member of the EDHEC Alumni, an international community of active alumni with exceptional global connections. More than 25,000 alumni around the world Un réseau actif de PLUS to strengthen your network DE 25 000 diplômés L’Association EDHEC Alumni assure le lien EDHEC Alumni coordinates the different generations of alumni entre toutes les générations de diplômés pour in order to develop professional and personal contacts. All of the members faciliter les échanges au niveau professionnel have the same vision to develop the network and contribute to the school’s et aussi personnel. Tous les membres ont reputation at local, regional and international level. à cœur de faire vivre le réseau, dans un esprit de solidarité et de convivialité, participant ainsi au rayonnement de l’école au niveau local, régional et international. 38 international BUSINESS CLUBS Coordinated by EDHEC Ambassadors, these clubs drive local networks 38 clubs internationaux through numerous professional and social events, all around the world. A l’initiative des Ambassadeurs EDHEC, ces clubs contribuent localement à l’animation du réseau en organisant de nombreuses rencontres professionnelles et conviviales. 260 events worldwide every year EDHEC Alumni organises numerous events every year, creating strong ties 260 événements organisés between the different generations and extending the reach of the network dans le monde entier to local decision-makers. De nombreux événements sont organisés chaque année permettant de créer un lien fort entre les différentes générations, mais aussi de faire connaître le réseau à des décideurs locaux. 16
SUCCESSFULL EDHEC GRADUATES : COME AND JOIN THEM Delphine Arnault Michaël Burke Emmanuel Guéroult Éric Legros Deputy CEO CEO Managing Director EMEA Executive Director in charge Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton Morgan Stanley of group merchandise Carrefour Karine Allouche Salanon Brigitte Cantaloube Jacques Guers Director worldwilde partner Managing Director President Albert Mathieu Strategy & compete group Yahoo! France Xerox Europe President food Microsoft Western Europe Francis Cordelette Marc Hämel Mars Christophe Bonduelle CEO Managing Director CEO Boulanger Rexam Healthcare Xavier Mufraggi Bonduelle CEO Thibault Cuny Satish Jha Club Med North America Thierry Boulfroy President & CEO Chairman Managing Director Pernod Ricard Brazil OLPC India Foundation Philippe Leopold-Metzger Total Singapore CEO Wissam Farah Hugo Kunetz Piaget Delphine Bresson Managing Director President North America General Manager for Citigroup L’Oréal Franck Moison International Development COO emerging markets Lancôme - Loréal Luxe Philippe Fortunato Stéphane Lagut & South Pacific President & CEO Partner Colgate Sophie Breton Louis Vuitton China Ltd Ernst & Young Japan General Manager Hager France SAS Gilles Normand Hager Group Laurent Freixe SVP chairman Asia-Pacific Executive Vice-president Europe Renault Nissan Nestlé 17
LILLE CAMPUS – AN EXCEPTIONAL learning ENVIRONMENT, at THE HEART OF the euro-region An active, enterprising AND innovative region Une région active et entreprenante The EDHEC Campus is located in the Lille Metropolitan Area in the heart Le campus de l’EDHEC est implanté sur le territoire de Lille Métropole situé au cœur de l’Euro- of the Cross-Channel Euro-Region, a strategic area lying between three Région, une zone stratégique située à la frontière great European capitals (Paris, London and Brussels). des grandes capitales de l’Europe (Paris, Londres, Bruxelles). Avec 7 pôles de compétitivité, la région With seven ‘competitiveness clusters’, the region is regularly ranked est régulièrement classée dans le palmarès des among the most attractive in France. It boasts an environment favourable régions les plus attractives en France. Elle offre un to the creation, setting-up and growth of businesses. environnement propice à la création, l’implantation Creativity, dynamism and the desire to take initiatives are widely shared et le développement des entreprises values and keys to success. UN NOUVEAU CAMPUS INTERNATIONAL Situé au cœur d’un parc arboré de 8.5 ha et doté d’équipements et d’infrastructures A BRAND-NEW INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS innovantes, le campus de Lille bénéficie des plus Built on an exceptional 21-acre site, the EDHEC Campus in Lille meets the hauts standards internationaux. Les participants highest international and environmental standards, bénéficient d’infrastructures pédagogiques, providing participants with superior pedagogical, sportives et hôtelières exceptionnelles. sporting and hospitality facilities. key facts 1 HOUR FROM PARIS & LONDON HEURE DE PARIS & LONDRES 30 MIN FROM BRUSSELS 1 EXECUTIVE CAMPUS MINUTES DE BRUXELLES CAMPUS EXECUTIVE 18
PARIS CAMPUS – AN EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT IN THE HEART OF CENTRAL PARIS A NEW EXECUTIVE CAMPUS UN NOUVEAU CAMPUS EXECUTIVE Located between the Stock Exchange and the Opéra Garnier, Situé entre la Bourse et l’Opéra dans in the prestigious Centorial building, the Campus le prestigieux immeuble du Centorial, ce Campus Executive, voisin du groupe is dedicated to executive education programmes. «Les échos», est dédié aux programmes Its position in the heart of the Stock Exchange district is symbolic of de formation continue. Son emplacement au cœur du quartier d’affaires de la Bourse EDHEC’s proximity to the business world, and illustrates its determination symbolise l’ ouverture de l’EDHEC sur le to stay in touch with the reality of corporate challenges. monde économique et marque sa volonté d’être en prise directe avec ses réalités et ses enjeux. A PRIVILEGED VENUE FOR EXECUTIVE EVENTS The Paris Campus offers a premier venue for conferences, UN LIEU PRIVILEGIE POUR DES corporate events and business meetings. EVENEMENTS EXECUTIVES Throughout the year, you will be invited to join in events Le Campus de Paris offre un cadre organised on the Campus. d’exception pour les conférences, - EDHEC Rendez-Vous: Edhec Alumni’s flagship annual event les événements d’entreprise et les réunions de travail. - Executive Summer School: An executive event designed for Tout au long de l’année, vous êtes invité professionals who are looking for new ideas on key management issues à participer à différents événements - Executive Conferences: Bi-monthly conferences organised organisés sur le Campus: by EDHEC professors and experts in executive education. EDHEC Rendez-Vous, Université d’Eté, An event dedicated to business leaders and HR managers Conférences Executive, les 1st Fridays - 1st Fridays: A networking event for entrepreneurs to exchange et les Conférences Open-Mind. ideas and best practices. - Open Mind Conferences: Monthly events designed for executive education participants to gain in-depth knowledge of key business issues key facts 1 RESEARCH CENTre IN ECONOMics 125 EVENTS PER YEAR 8,000 PARTICIPANTS IN OUR EVENTS & CONFERENCES 20
EXECUTIVE EDUCATION & MBAs – BUILDING PEOPLE TO BUILD BUSINESS EDHEC Management Institute, EDHEC’s Executive Education Department, provides relevant and concrete responses to the new challenges facing companies and their managers. LEADING EXPERTISE IN EXECUTIVE EDUCATION Every year 10 000 managers and business leaders receive training at EDHEC via an extensive range of executive education programmes, MBAs, Open and Custom programmes for managers and senior executives for family business members and executives. INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION EDHEC is one of the fifty business schools worldwide to hold the ‘Triple Crown’ of international accreditations - EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA - from the three international bodies that certify the excellence of research, faculty quality, relations with the business community, and commitment to the local and economic environment. As a result, EDHEC’s Executive Education programmes, Executive MBA and Global MBA are among the top-ranked programmes and their academic excellence is guaranteed. OUR OUR METHODS FACULTY A professional and personal transformation A dedicated professors and experts As a result of our innovative and dynamic methods, we can offer a EDHEC’s Executive Education programmes rely on a top-flight unique learning environment that favours the acquisition of technical skills faculty made up of both professors and business professionals, and personal growth. each of whom contributes their knowledge and expertise. OUR PARTNERS Auchan - AB Inbev - AG2R la Mondiale - AXA - Bic - Bonduelle - Bosch - Bouygues - Bureau Veritas - Crédit Agricole - Degremont - Hays - Happy Chic - La Poste - Leroy Merlin - Lyreco - La Mondiale - Mobivia - Oddo&Cie - Rabot Dutilleul – Renault - Siemens - SNCF- Société Générale… 22
#3 MBA in France 10,000 managers in 1/3 of EDHEC’s resources (The Economist 2013) executive education comes from corporate programmes contributions #1 French business school 142 permanent for research in finance faculty members 5 and economics (49 % internationals) (RePec Ranking) campuses lille • Nice • paris london • singapore +25,000 100 alumni 120 countries #2 French grande école MBA graduates a year for custom programmes (2013 FT Executive Education rankings) eXECUTIVE@edhec.edu 23
READY TO JOIN US ? – APPLY NOW! Our programme’s quality is based largely on the standard and diversity of our participants. We lay great emphasis on our discussions with you, to ensure that the programme matches your personal ambitions and career plan. Selection criteria Critères de sélection •8 years of professional experience (recommended) · A voir une expérience professionnelle réussie de 8 ans • A Bachelor degree or equivalent · Etre diplômé de l’enseignement supérieur (niveau bachelor minimum) • Proficiency in English · Avoir un niveau d’anglais courant Application process: Procédure d’admission : 5 étapes faciles pour se lancer 5 EASY steps to get started 1 • Entretien de découverte 1 · Initial discussions with staff 2 • Echanges avec les participants 2 · Meeting with participants and alumni 3 • Constitution du dossier de candidature 3 · Completion of the application form (comprenant deux lettres de recommandation) (including two letters of recommendation) 4 • Entretien individuel avec un Professeur 4 · A face-to-face interview with a Faculty member 5 • Jury 5 · Jury Coût du programme 35,000€ HT (frais Global Business Trips compris) Suivre un programme de formation continue dans Programme fee une grande école représente un investissement A graduate education from a leading business school is not important pour votre carrière et à titre personnel. only an investment in your career, but in your life in general. Des conditions de paiement «sur-mesure» sont applicables pour cette formation. €35,000 exl. V.A.T. (including Global Business Trips). L’EDHEC s’engage à vous assister dans cette A variety of financing aids are available for this programme. démarche et répondre au mieux à vos besoins. EDHEC staff is committed to assisting you with your specific needs. key facts 3 SELECTION CRITERIA 5 EASY STEPS TO GET STARTED € FINANCING OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE 24
COME AND MEET US – Faculty and staff are always keen to meet candidates to provide further information and address personal issues. • Set up a career coaching meeting • Attend an information session in Paris or Lille • Meet us AT AN MBA fair OR A PROFESSIONAL EVENT near you For information about forthcoming events, visit our website: http://mba.edhec-executive.com Follow us on: Executive MBA Admissions Office executive-mba@edhec.edu YOUR CONTACTS Lille Campus Paris Campus Marion CHARPENTIER Sandra REIGNOUX EDHEC Business School EDHEC Business School 24 avenue Gustave Delory - CS 50411 16-18 rue du 4 septembre 59057 Roubaix Cedex 1 75002 Paris Tel : + 33(0)3 20 15 45 16 / 45 45 Tel : + 33(0)1 53 32 76 30 25
EDHEC for BUSINESS – EDHEC’s constant interaction with the business world sets it apart: our courses of study and our research are meaningful only insofar as they have a positive impact on the economy and on society as a whole. Hence ‘EDHEC for Business’, the watchwords the school operates by. Every year, EDHEC Management Institute, drawing on innovative and unconventional learning methods, works successfully with major corporations the world over, above all by offering seminars on EDHEC’s campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore. A global business An elite teaching and unparalleled education research faculty business relevance EDHEC Business School is recognised EDHEC’s teaching staff is made up of EDHEC’s close ties to business as one of the top institutions in leading experts from around the world translate into exciting education, the world for its international and includes some of the brightest in France and abroad. Top executive programmes, its partnerships with researchers in the fields of finance, partners are involved in programmes leading universities and business economics, financial analysis and and research projects to ensure schools, and the diversity of its faculty accounting, and business law. real-world relevance. and student bodies. #20 MBA in Europe #1 French Business School for research in finance and economics #2 French Grand Ecole for Custom Programmes The Economist, 2013 RePec Ranking, 2013 Financial Times, Executive Education Ranking, 2013 EDHEC holds the ‘Triple Crown’ of international accreditations (AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS) for its outstanding academic programmes, its strong links with the corporate community, its impressive global reach and its commitment to ongoing quality improvement. 26
EDHEC is recognised internationally for the strong values at the heart of its public commitment : to be of service to businesses and the economy in order to improve the world at large. For more than a century, we have shaped future decision- makers through unique academic programmes and provocative research that make EDHEC a true player in today’s society. This is what we mean when we say: OLIVIER OGER EDHEC for Business. Dean of EDHEC Business School Lille LONDON 5 paris CAMPUSES SINGAPORE NICE london paris LILLE NICE SINGAPOre 27
EDHEC PROGRAMME PORTFOLIO – lille paris singapore nice london EXECUTIVE EDUCATION GLOBAL MBA – FULL TIME EXECUTIVE MBA – PART-TIME CYCLE SUPERIEUR DE MANAGEMENT – PART TIME & E-LeARNING PHD IN FINANCE ESPEME EDHEC Grande École (Master in Management) MSc in Entrepreneurship MSc in Global Business MSc in Marketing Management MSc in Strategy & Organisation Consultancy LLM in Law & Tax Management MSc in CORPORATE FINANCE & BANKING MSc in Finance MSc in Financial Markets MSc in Audit & Management Control MSc in Risk & FINANCE EDHEC Risk Institute—Asia registered with Singapore Council for Private Education. Registration No.201025256Z from 22-06-2011 to 21-06-2017 28
Lille & pariS CAMPUSES –
Non-binding document. © EDHEC March 2014 LILLE 24, avenue Gustave Delory - CS 50411 59057 Roubaix Cedex 1 - France Tel: + 33 (0)3 20 15 45 00 Photos © : Hervé Thouroude / EDHEC / DR Fax : + 33 (0)3 20 15 45 01 NICE 393, promenade des Anglais - BP 3116 06202 Nice Cedex 3 - France Tel: + 33 (0)4 93 18 99 66 Fax : + 33 (0)4 93 83 08 10 PARIS 16 -1 8, rue du 4 septembre 75002 Paris - France Tel: + 33 (0)1 53 32 76 30 Fax : + 33 (0)1 53 32 76 31 LondON 10 Fleet Place, Ludgate London EC4M 7RB - United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0)207 871 67 40 Fax : + 44 (0)207 248 22 09 SINGAPOrE 1 George Street #07-02 Singapore 049145 Tel: + 65 (0)6438 0030 Fax : + 65 (0)6438 9891 www.edhec.com www.edhec-executive.com EDHEC is one of the fifty business schools worldwide to hold the ‘Triple Crown’ of international accreditations—EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA—from the three international bodies that certify the excellence of study programmes, faculty quality, relations with the business community and commitment to the local and economic environment.
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